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  Energy Cloud Incoming | Solar System Pushing into Super Heated Gas Cloud (Video)
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-18-2016, 04:30 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (3)

Oh dear!     This doesn't sound good.   tinyshocked

[Image: 080702-voyager-02.jpg]

Quote:(Space) Our solar system is passing through a cloud of interstellar material that shouldn't be there, astronomers say. And now the decades-old Voyager spacecraft have helped solved the mystery.

 Voyager 1 entered the heliosheath in December 2004. Voyager 2 followed in August 2007. These crossings provided key data for the new study.

Other interstellar clouds might also be magnetized, Opher and colleagues figure. And we could eventually run into some of them.

"Their strong magnetic fields could compress the heliosphere even more than it is compressed now," according to NASA. "Additional compression could allow more cosmic rays to reach the inner solar system, possibly affecting terrestrial climate and the ability of astronauts to travel safely through space."


Watch the video for an update of where things stand now. 

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  Eastern Airlines Flight 980
Posted by: guohua - 12-18-2016, 03:52 AM - Forum: Aviation Developments - Replies (4)

I doubt anyone here well remember this Unfortunate Flight and it's Passengers and Crew, except maybe 727Sky.
According to the article, I believe they are trying to say a Failure of Technology and Weather, it also took a special kind of training for the Pilot's, Now the Plane was Mile Off Course when this all happened because the Tower at the airport had No Radar!

You need to read the attached article, I believe the Bolivian Government is extremely embarrassed because of their failure to launch a successful recovery mission, they didn't even find the black boxes or return with any bodies, I don't think they even made it there to the crash site.

No these two young Americans worked out and trained and made it.
[Image: HT-eastern-air-search-05-jef-161214_4x3_992.jpg]
 Dan and Isaac scaled Mt. Illimani after reading about the missing black boxes on Wikipedia.   

[Image: HT-eastern-air-search-07-jef-161214_4x3_992.jpg]
[Image: HT-eastern-air-search-08-jef-161214_4x3_992.jpg]
[Image: HT-eastern-air-outside-mag-02-jef-161214_4x3_992.jpg]

Quote:On New Year’s Day 1985, Eastern Airlines Flight 980 was on its way from Asuncion, Paraguay, to Miami. The flight was scheduled to stop first in La Paz, the legislative capital of Bolivia, then Guayaquil, Ecuador, before a final leg to the United States.

The airport serving La Paz, known as El Alto, is the highest international airport in the world. The runway is perched at just over 13,000 feet above sea level.

Skyscraping mountains surround the airport, and pilots need a special certification to land there.
“It’s basically a slam dunk,” ABC News consultant and former National Transportation Safety Board official Tom Haueter said. “You have to come in from high altitude, quickly descend down to the airport. This is not your typical airport approach at all.”

El Alto did not have radar, and regular cloud cover made the approach all the more challenging.
In 1985, if pilots were unable to spot the visual cues to the airport, they were effectively flying blind.
On the night of the ill-fated flight, the pilots of Eastern Airlines Flight 980 faced a cloudy night with thunderstorms in the area.
Bolivian air traffic controllers cleared the Boeing 727 to descend to 18,000 feet on its approach to La Paz.

That was the last communication with the doomed flight.

What Bolivian controllers did not know was that the flight was several miles off course.
The plane crashed into the south side of the 21,000-foot Mount Illimani at an elevation of 19,600 feet, killing all 29 people on board, including eight Americans, one of whom was the wife of the ambassador to Paraguay. The accident was, at the time, the highest-elevation plane crash in the world.
It was so high that rescue helicopters could not reach the site. It had to be accessed by foot.

An international effort to recover the plane, its passengers and the flight recorders began immediately.

The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board assisted the Bolivians in the investigation, but no one could make it to the crash site for days.
When some climbers did get to the site, they were unable to remain long at the extreme altitude, and their search for clues was fruitless.

An expedition was sent later that year in another attempt to locate the flight recorders, according to Federal Aviation Administration documents. Investigators reached the accident site, but poor conditions and altitude sickness forced the team to turn back without recovering the recorders.
The investigation then came to a halt, with no definitive cause for the crash determined. At least three private searches were mounted but came up empty-handed as well.

They got in contact with family members of the victims and those who had spent much of their lives looking for answers.

Stacey Greer was among them.

Her father, Mark Bird, was the engineer and second officer aboard Eastern Airlines Flight 980. He wasn’t even supposed to be on the plane that day; another crew member had fallen ill, and Bird replaced him, Greer said.

Greer, who was only 2 at the time of the crash, connected with Futrell and Stoner in April this year after author and former Eastern Airlines pilot George Jehn spotted Futrell and Stoner's blog.

Jehn’s book, “Final Destination: Disaster: What Really Happened to Eastern Airlines,” is packed with research, theories and questions about the circumstances of the flight.
From questioning why the route existed in the first place to why the recovery effort was fruitless, the book examines the mystery of Eastern Airlines Flight 980.

The first sign of the crash they found on their two-week trip was a life jacket at an abandoned mine. Someone had apparently carried it from the debris field down to the mine. “That’s the first time where it was kind of real,” Futrell said.

The next day, they were off to the debris field, heading straight toward the summit.

Futrell and Stoner knew their mission was a difficult if not impossible one. So they prepared themselves for the reality of their operation.

“So we kind of outlined minor wins along the way,” Stoner said. “The first was just getting to the debris field, seeing that there were plane parts there.”

As soon as they reached the crest of a moraine on their path to the debris field, they spotted a landing-gear wheel.

The first win, at 16,000 feet.

They were in the right place, but the debris field was larger than they anticipated.
They had a plan to carefully cover the field in a grid, but now the plan was off. There were plane parts everywhere, scattered over about a square mile, they estimated.

Along with plane parts, human remains were constant finds during their days on Mount Illimani.

The weight of the discovery is evident on the faces of the two former roommates when they speak of it, even months after their return. Their decision about what to do with the remains is evidently not one they took lightly.

Futrell and Stoner decided to bury the remains and mark each one with GPS coordinates in case family members wanted to locate them.
They spent four days searching the area, finding various plane parts and human remains but no sure sign of the flight recorders.

Soon Futrell found a damaged spool of tape. It appeared to be the same kind of tape that would have been in a black box used in the 1980s. He knew it could be important. Another win but not confirmation.

On their last day, just below 17,000 feet, Stoner flipped over a piece of metal with a bundle of wires. On that bundle was a strap reading “CKPT VO RCDR.”

Read the rest of this amazing article and the parts I left out and watch the video here: Source

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  Avoid Buying Gas at These Stations to Stop Funding Radical Islam
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-18-2016, 03:35 AM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

I figured this was worth sharing.  Some of you don't live in the U.S., but for those who do, now you know!

Quote:One man decided to discover the truth about the gas companies selling to Americans like you and me. Hi name was Tom O’Halloran and once he completed his research he posted a lengthy blog post about the topic.
In short, you should know where your gas is coming from. When you read Tom’s post first featured on TomOhalloran.com, you’ll know which companies NOT to buy gas from if you want to boycott Middle Eastern refineries.

Check this out now!
Sourced from TomOhalloran.com:

Gas rationing in the 70’s worked even though we grumbled about it.
It might even have been good for us!

Are you aware that the Saudis are boycotting American products?
In addition, they are gouging us on oil prices. Shouldn’t we return the favor?

Can’t we take control of our own destiny and let these giant oil importers know who REALLY generates their profits, their livings? How about leaving American Dollars in America and reduce the import/export deficit?
An appealing remedy might be to boycott their GAS.

Every time you fill up your car you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia. Just purchase gas from companies that don’t import their oil from the Saudis. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling that every time I fill up my tank,
I’m sending my money to people who I get the impression want me, my family and my friends dead.


Every time you fill up the car, you can avoid putting more money into the coffers of Saudi Arabia Just buy from gas companies that don’t import their oil from the Saudis.
These companies import Middle Eastern oil:
Shell………………………205,742,000 barrels
Chevron/Texaco………144,332,000 barrels
Exxon /Mobil……………130,082,000 barrels
Marathon/Speedway…117,740,000 barrels
Amoco……………………..62,231,000 barrels

Citgo Gas comes from South America, from a Dictator who hates Americans.
Do the math at $30/barrel, these imports amount to over $18 BILLION! (Oil is now $100-$110 a barrel)

Here are some large companies that DO NOT import Middle Eastern oil:
* Murphy…………….0 barrels
Sunoco…………….0 barrels
Conoco…………….0 barrels
Sinclair……………..0 barrels
BP/Phillips………..0 barrels
Hess………………..0 barrels
ARCO……………….0 barrels
Also: Pilot, Flying J, Love’s, RaceTrac, Valero.

All of this information is available from the Department of Energy and each is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.

*Sold at Wal-Mart Gas is from South Arkansas and fully USA owned and produced. Not only that but they give scholarships to all children in their town who finish high school and are legal US citizens.

All of this information is available from the U.S. Department of Energy and each company is required to state where they get their oil and how much they are importing.

But to have a real impact, we need to reach literally millions of gas buyers. With the help of the Internet, it’s really simple to do. Now, don’t wimp out at this point.

Keep reading and I’ll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!


Or, just post it on RN and will spread the news.   tinybiggrin 

We need to boycott the companies mentioned!

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  14 Coalition officers captured in east aleppo USA too
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-18-2016, 12:55 AM - Forum: Middle Eastern Regions - Replies (4)

If the story of the capture of the bunker people becomes widely know (it won't happen unless it is done by alternate media) you do have to wonder how MOP (ministry of propaganda) will spin this ? Probably, "So what.....What difference does it make?"

It would appear the USA will crawl in bed with anyone with a common goal..

Quote:Fares Shehabi MP, a prominent Syrian Parliamentarian and head of Aleppo’s Chamber of Commerce published the names of the Coalition officers on his Facebook page on the 15th December (emphasis added):
Mutaz Kanoğlu – Turkey
David Scott Winer – USA
David Shlomo Aram – Israel
Muhamad Tamimi – Qatar
Muhamad Ahmad Assabian – Saudi
Abd-el-Menham Fahd al Harij – Saudi
Islam Salam Ezzahran Al Hajlan – Saudi
Ahmed Ben Naoufel Al Darij – Saudi
Muhamad Hassan Al Sabihi – Saudi
Hamad Fahad Al Dousri – Saudi
Amjad Qassem Al Tiraoui – Jordan
Qassem Saad Al Shamry – Saudi
Ayman Qassem Al Thahalbi – Saudi
Mohamed Ech-Chafihi El Idrissi – Moroccan

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  Societal Brain Entrainment
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-17-2016, 11:17 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (4)

"What do Fluoride, Hitler, and HAARP have in common?  They are all co-factors in what has become societal brain entrainment."

That's what Regina Meredith from the show, Open Minds, on GAIA t.v. had to say, and her guest, Adam Trombly , went on to add details about how these things factored into the discord of the 2016 election because our minds have been subdued in mass.
Trombly went on to say there was a lot of "brain entrainment" that went on when Obama was elected using societal manipulation.

How does brain entrainment work?

One way we are "entrained" is through commercials on t.v. which have an additional layer of frequency that manipulates our brain. When we are exposed to repeated frequencies and sounds, our brains sync with the frequency, be it good or bad.  When the Elite saw how these waves affected people to buy the product being advertised, they started using, or should I say "abusing" this technology for their own agenda.

[Image: Fotolia_16268438_XS.jpg]

During a study Adam did with John Lilly, John discovered these waves coming from the electrical grid on his house, and it was named the "Lilly Wave", after John Lilly.  This is another way the public is being manipulated by brain entrainment.

Learn About John Lilly Here

Fluoride was tested in the Nazi concentration camps and proved to calm the prisoners down. So guess what? They decided they needed to put it in all the water supply to keep the populace calm (dumbed down).  Then, later they added it to toothpaste and we were told it prevented cavities.  According to Trombly, no study shows that fluoride prevents cavities!    This, again, is brain entrainment.

[Image: flouride-toothpaste.jpg]

Read About the Flouride Coverup Here: LINK

Also, it has been proven that fluoride makes men sterile. So, this helps with the depopulation agenda.

Now we move on to HAARP, where the entrainment extends through the ionosphere and can trigger human mutations or gene disease, and it can be targeted to a specific group of people.

[Image: haarp.jpg]
HAARP emits a very large radio frequency which sends an electromagnetic beam into the upper atmosphere or ionosphere. "This radio-frequency energy is broadcast through a field of 48 antennas which are 72 feet tall and they have a cross diapoled across the top. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto Earth and penetrate everything--living and dead. "

Read more on HAARP here: LINK

Trombly also discussed how Chemtrails are sprayed into the skies on a global scale to combine with the other technologies being used. Chemtrails contain Lithium, and Iridium, which are used to calm people down, but also causes neurological problems in humans.  

[Image: readers-vapour-tra_2335733k-1.jpg]

I have done an extensive thread on chemtrails. If you wish to learn more about them, click HERE.
(The hard evidence starts being posted on, or about, page 3.)

The Powers That Be have been using all the above technology on the public to control elections, create false flag events, and cause a divide in the masses, creating chaos as a means to an end for their agenda, whatever it may be. Whatever it is, you can bet it is just "plain evil". 

There is so much more that Trombly went into detail concerning how entrainment works. His father's friend was a co-worker with Tesla, and he has heard some awesome stories from his dad on this subject, which he shares.  He also discusses the ETs involvement in the deep state government.  This is coming from people who are very respected in their field, so I suggest people don't discard it immediately.

For those who subscribe to GAIA t.v., here is the link to the show: Mass Media Brain Entrainment with Adam Trombly

So, now that we know what TPTB are doing to us, how can we defend ourselves and counteract the entrainment?

Aluminum Saturation can be defended against by taking Magnesium Malate.  The purest brand needs to be consumed.
Find a high quality provider online or at your local health store.

Shilagit  is also important for deflecting the radio isotopes. But not all brands work equally.  The "Pure Black" brand is the only one Trombly recommends.  It can be found at Amazon.com. 

Meditation is also an essential foundation, and learning the basic breaths; most people are not breathing correctly, and lack sufficient amounts of oxygen.  Breathing correctly and meditation harmonizes both sides of the brain to come into sync with one another. Trombly goes into detail about how this affects our body and counteracts all we are being bombarded with from the Powers That Be.

[Image: meditation-courses1.jpg]

Also, we need to drink GOOD water! Your health food store should have some on hand; it's not found on your local food mart's shelf.

Another thing Trombly reccomends is listening to "brain wave" programs, which can be used for lucid dreaming, deep sleep, better concentration, memory improvement, and many other things. You can find these on You Tube, or google "Brain Waves". 
He also suggests doing Hard Math. This exercises the brain and keeps it coherent.

Trombly says, to fight anxity, remember, "The worst thing that ever happened is presuming that it is the worst thing that ever happened."
We have ways to fight back! 

I hope you have found this information informative, and begin to take the necessary steps to cleanse your system and gain back control of your mind.

(Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with GAIA t.v., or the Pure Black company in any way.)

I found a good interview with Trombly, but it is very long... but well worth hearing what he discusses. Take some time out and listen.

1/2 Adam Trombly - Thrive Movie - Starchild Program - Zero Point Energy - Spectrum


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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-17-2016, 07:31 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (28)

I watched this last night and wanted to share with you.  I hope people will take the time to watch it; it's an eye opener for those who still have their head buried in the sand. 

Quote:Published on Dec 16, 2016
Visit http://www.DarkJournalist.com

Desperate Mainstream Media Attacks Independent Journalists

In this Media Attacks Special Report, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back dynamic author and the publisher of the ForbiddenKnowledgeTV website Alexandra Bruce. In the wake of the desperate attempts by the Corporate Media to portray the Alternative Media as dangerous to try and stave off their own massive plunge into irrelevance, the media establishment is now trying to hide their failed attempts to manipulate the Presidential Election and put Neocon Democrat Hillary Clinton into the White House with the help of fake polls, biased reporting, behind the scenes collusion and false memes.

Their solution, coordinated at a high level with Social Media figures like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and funded by shady covert actors, like billionaire activist George Soros, was to create a new meme called ‘Fake News’ to label independent sites and citizen journalists who expose their unethical behavior and report news in an unfiltered way to the public as a threat to democracy.

Smear Campaign
Their slanderous smear campaign has reached a new low with the publication of a McCarthyite list of Alternative Media websites in the Washington Post that were supposedly in league with Russia according to a discredited website called PropOrNot (Washington Post eventually added an addendum to the article featuring the list saying they couldn’t vouch for the source). The pathetic attempt to create a conspiracy theory that paints the brave independent voices who give the real truth to their readers with minimal resources as somehow traitorous, harkens back to the red scare tactics of the 1950’s and shows that the Mainstream Media is caught in a death spiral.The shocking disinformation tactics show they are unsure of how to redeem their falling numbers, bailing advertisers, and destroyed reputation that is in tatters especially since they unabashedly lied to the American people during the election in order to curry favor with the corporate power brokers that are attempting to install a Global Government.

Alexandra sees a coordinated campaign targeting Independent Media financially, and trying to shut as many of them down as possible by blocking them on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media outlets. Whether you’re a Liberal Democrat shocked by the media character assassination of Bernie Sanders, a Libertarian repulsed by the intrusion of the CIA into the limelight with false propaganda about Russia, an Independent disturbed by the use of the Green Party and Jill Stein as puppets with behind the scenes Clinton-funded recounts to delegitimize the election, or a Republican shocked by the threatening pressure on electors and 24/7 negative coverage of President-Elect Trump, now is the time to unmask the cowardly trolls in charge of the Corporate Mainstream Media and reveal them as the true purveyors of 'Fake News.'

Shocking, eye-opening, and overflowing with powerful implications, don’t miss this exciting part 1 Dark Journalist episode!


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  Many know this is going on but Crickets
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-17-2016, 09:16 AM - Forum: Middle Eastern Regions - Replies (1)


The National Center for Missing & Exploited children reports:
"Child pornographers (and pimps), like other sex offenders, look for  victims in places where youth gather: shopping malls, fast food establishments, non-alcoholic clubs, video game arcades, bus stations and through unethical 'modeling' agencies. The fact that juveniles are being recruited from the community both for pornography and prostitution is most disturbing ... runaways were spotted by pimps loitering in bus stations who approached the teenagers almost as they exited the buses... A primary method of procuring a juvenile for prostitution is through the use of feigned friendship and love. ... They (procurers) evaluate what the young woman needed, created the dependency, and then took advantage of that dependency.... if a teenager was a runaway the pimp would find shelter for her... Through practice, many child molesters have developed a real knack for spotting vulnerable victims."

The above is a favoured recruitment method commonly used by procurers to obtain children of both sexes for sale. As the most prominent high end purchasers within the international child sex industry are Saudi princes, their demands are met in many ways. 

Saudi princes are also reported to place "special order for children" through a picture of the child in a media or give a description of a desired child.  In these cases the child is "snatched" from their parents or escorts in front of their houses; coming from school or at a store. It is believed that the child reaches Saudi Arabia before the local police develop a search procedure. 

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  The Electoral College
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-16-2016, 09:48 AM - Forum: America and its Territories - No Replies

Quote:The Electoral College:
Our Founders in their infinite wisdom created the
Electoral College to ensure the STATES were fairly
represented. Why should any one or two densely
populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?
The following list of statistics has been making the
rounds on the Internet and it should finally put an
end to the argument as to why the Electoral College
makes sense!!
There are 3,141 counties in the United States .
Trump won 3,084 of them.
Clinton won 57.
There are 62 counties in New York State .
Trump won 46 of them.
Clinton won 16.
Clinton won the popular vote there by approximately
1.5 million votes. In the 5 counties that encompass NYC,
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Richmond & Queens)
Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than
Trump. ( Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump
won Richmond ); Therefore these 5 counties alone,
more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular
vote of the entire country.
These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.
The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square
miles. When you have a country that encompasses
almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be
ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who
inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the
outcome of a national election.
To sum it up; Large, densely populated Democratic cities
(NYC, Chicago , LA , etc.) don’t and shouldn’t speak for the
rest of our country.

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  Difference between Democracy and Racism
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-15-2016, 12:46 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (1)

Quote:Difference between Democracy and Racism
A Muslim asks his mother, "Mama, what's the difference between Democracy and Racism?
Mother dressed in her Burkha says "Well, son, Democracy is when the Australian tax payers work hard every day so that we can get all our benefits,  you know like:
free housing, free health care, free education and grants to build our mosques and community centres, and so on, and so forth, you know that's a Democracy".

"But Mama, don't the Australian tax payers get angry about that?"
"Sure they do and that's what we call Racism!

Never more simply explained.

"I had resolved to be less offended by human nature, but I think I blew it already."

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  Story of child dying in Santa's arms can't be verified
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 12-15-2016, 01:26 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

No doubt you have seen the story of the boy who died in Santa's arms - well about that ...

This is just another example of how the news is made up and manipulated for whatever ends.

Factual reporting has gone out the window, and now fictional stories, what celebs are wearing  and general gossip make up sheeple's daily diet of "news".

Quote:The Tennessee newspaper that first reported the story of a Santa who said a terminally ill child had died in his arms is now reporting that it cannot verify the story is true.

 The account from Santa Claus actor Eric Schmitt-Matzen was first reported in the Knoxville (Tenn.) News Sentinel, and picked up by USA Today. Many other news organizations, including PennLive, published versions of the story based on the Knoxville newspaper's account.

 That account was based on an interview with Schmitt-Matzen, who said he was called to the hospital bed of a 5-year-old boy who wanted to see Santa, and that the boy died in his arms. However, he insisted that he had to protect the privacy of other people who were involved, so would not give the newspaper their names or identify the hospital.

 The newspaper says has been unable to confirm the account, and therefore can no longer stand by the story:

"The News Sentinel cannot establish that Schmitt-Matzen's account is inaccurate, but more importantly, ongoing reporting cannot establish that it is accurate."


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