(V-P Design)

Registration Date: 05-12-2016
Date of Birth: Not Specified
Local Time: 12-21-2024 at 11:56 AM
Status: Offline

BIAD's Forum Info
Joined: 05-12-2016
Last Visit: 10-29-2024, 11:31 AM
Total Posts: 12,044 (3.83 posts per day | 13.77 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: 749 (0.24 threads per day | 9.23 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: 7 Months, 1 Week, 2 Days
Members Referred: 0
Reputation: 38,462 [Details]
Additional Info About BIAD
Location: My Head
Bio: Boy In A Dress is a rare breed of sentient being,
a timeless idiot who has no idea of his true potential.
But he's achieved something many of us struggle to
find in our lifetimes, he's happy.

His quest will be over if he ever decides to cede to underwear.
Sex: Male

BIAD's Signature
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe.