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Posted by: gordi - 11-20-2022, 05:46 PM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (7)


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  This Old House
Posted by: GeauxHomeLittleD - 11-18-2022, 07:50 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

Moving can be such a pivotal time. Emotions stir in all sorts of directions, happy one minute and sad the next. Leaving the old house behind can be a melancholy experience, bittersweet even.

RN3 has been such a safe haven for so many of us. A rare find, it has been a place where we could all learn to be our true selves without an abundance of strict rules and expectations- something that just doesn't occur on the web anymore. A place where we could talk about anything and everything that stirred our souls in whatever language we chose to do so in, a place where we didn't have to agree but could still be respectful without being forced to do so by rules and over eager mods. RN3 might not have been a big house but it was a warm and friendly house full of love and light.

@"guohua" gave us this gift of love and light when she built this house for us. She welcomed us all into her family with open arms- no judgements, no questions asked.... only love and acceptance. She was -and is- the mother of us all. 

Now the old house has reached the end of its cycle. The walls are crumbling, the pipes are leaking and the foundation stones are sinking. But a house is just a building yet the family lives on! Our new house is nearly finished and we busily pack our boxes for the big move. Some of us have already picked out our bedrooms and started hanging pictures on the walls as the builders add the finishing touches. 

Hopefully RN3 will remain (as "read only") as planned so we can pop back by for a visit every so often just as we drive by an old house or property where we lived growing up to reminisce. It will remain part of our family history regardless and we each take a piece of it with us to our new home, just as we each carry a piece of Guohua in our hearts everywhere we go.

Though we look forward to our new, fancy digs I know we will all miss this place and what it represents to each of us. 
"Hello "to a new beginning! 
"Parting is such sweet sorrow" to this old house. 

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  The G666 Summit has published its Closing Statements!
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-17-2022, 10:35 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (1)

The 17th G20 BALI LEADERS’ DECLARATION Bali, Indonesia, 15-16 November 2022

Motto: "Recover Together, Recover Stronger." In-it-together crossed mixed with Hillary's 2008 campaign slogan, "Stronger Together".

Some summary highlights of the 52 Schwabstikas statements:

Quote:#6: We will also implement the One Health approach, intensify research on food science and technology, and improve stakeholders' capacity along the food supply chains, particularly women, youth, smallholder, and marginal farmers as well as fishers.

Quote:#11: We reiterate our commitment to achieve global net zero greenhouse gas emissions/carbon neutrality by or around mid-century, while taking into account the latest scientific developments and different national circumstances.

Quote:#19: While the COVID-19 pandemic is not over, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared monkeypox as another Public Health Emergency International Concern (PHEIC), reinforcing that international health threats are ever present and that the G20 and broader global community must come together to improve our collective prevention, preparedness and response capabilities.

We reaffirm our commitment to strengthen global health governance, with the leading and coordination role of WHO and support from other international organizations. We support the work of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that will draft and negotiate a legally binding instrument that should contain both legally binding and non-legally binding elements to strengthen pandemic PPR and the working group on the International Health Regulations that will consider amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) mindful that the decision will be made by World Health Assembly.

They still haven't declared this over. Sounds like a global power grab. Even if well intended, the result of pushing money and resources towards more modelling and genomic sequencing will be perpetual non-pandemics and diversion of resources from those with real needs.

Quote:#23: We support the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub as well as all as the spokes in all regions of the world with the objective of sharing technology and technical know-how on voluntary and mutually agreed terms.

We welcome joint research and joint production of vaccines, including enhanced cooperation among developing countries. We acknowledge the importance of shared technical standards and verification methods, under the framework of the IHR (2005), to facilitate seamless international travel, interoperability, and recognizing digital solutions and non-digital solutions, including proof of vaccinations.

We support continued international dialogue and collaboration on the establishment of trusted global digital health networks as part of the efforts to strengthen prevention and response to future pandemics, that should capitalize and build on the success of the existing standards and digital COVID-19 certificates.

Quote:#24: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transformation of the digital ecosystem and digital economy. We recognize the importance of digital transformation in reaching the SDGs.

We acknowledge the importance to counter disinformation campaigns, cyber threats, online abuse, and ensuring security in connectivity infrastructure.

Quote:#26: We found digital technology becomes the key for recovery and empowerment across various sectors, including in building a resilient & sustainable food system and agriculture...It is essential to ensure that no one is left behind in our effort to digitally transform our society.

Yea, how many times have we heard "no one left behind" and digitally transform everybody has double meanings.

Quote:#27: We support continued implementation of the G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-Border Payments, including the future delivery of the initial estimates for key performance indicators and 2022 Progress Report that sets out priorities for the next stage of work. We encourage central banks, other public authorities and the payments industry to continue to work collaboratively on these important initiatives to enhance cross-border payments. We welcome the report by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures (CPMI) on interlinking payment systems and the role of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)....We also welcome the joint report by the BIS CPMI, BISIH, IMF, and World Bank on options for access to and interoperability of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) for cross-border payments.

The BIS beast in the Swiss Alps. Once they get the Int'l cartel transactions in place using CBDCs, the global enslavement will commence for total control.

Quote:#35: We welcome the FSB’s proposed approach for establishing a comprehensive international framework for the regulation of crypto-asset activities based on the principle of ‘same activity, same risk, same regulation’.

Our bodies will become part of the blockchain, as in energy, like batteries, regulated, like in the Matrix. They already have patents for such embedded technology.

Quote:#36: We agree that reforming the WTO is key in strengthening trust in the MTS. We will continue to ensure a level playing field and fair competition to foster a favourable trade and investment environment for all. We note the importance of the contribution of the MTS to promote the UN 2030 Agenda and its SDGs.

Which includes a digital ID albatross for everyone, including your pets.

Quote:#41: We remain committed to a human-centred, inclusive, fair, sustainable approach that leads to greater social justice, decent work, and social protection for all. We will continue our work to integrate persons with disabilities, women, and youth across sectors and levels in pursuit of an inclusive labour market.

We will maximize our approach to skills development to respond effectively to the needs of the labour market, with the involvement of social partners. We will accelerate progress towards the Antalya Youth Goal, as well as universal social protection for all by 2030.

"Antalya Youth Goal"??

Quote:#42: We are deeply concerned that multidimensional crises, including the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as lack of fiscal space and unequal access to finance and technology, are posing significant challenges towards realizing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda in a timely manner. We will demonstrate leadership and take collective actions to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and accelerate the achievement of the SDGs by 2030 and address developmental challenges by reinvigorating a more inclusive multilateralism and reform aimed at implementing the 2030 Agenda.

Quote:#43: We underscore the need to address the financing gap towards implementation of the 2030 Agenda, through enhancing innovative financing mechanisms, including blended finance, while noting the importance of transparency and mutual accountability.


They're gonna put us all in crypto blender. They repeatedly claim Covid disproportionately affected women without ever mentioning the fact it killed more men. The word "women" is thrown around carelessly as if it adds moral value to what they're saying. Example in #6 above. If you skim through their 17 goals & 169 targets for Agenda 2030 there is no mention of males/men.

It all sounds straight outta Oberwelt führer Bloschwab's playbook. Sarcastic outlook of course...Forget about the nefarious content for a moment and imagine the layers of approvals required for this formal manifesto to be signed off by 20 national governments and as many business "leaders". The actual event was just a round-table formality. Incompetent, delusional, Malthusian, disingenuous and hypocrites.

WEF Glory Hole badges:

[Image: NONDXUQ.jpg]

I tried going to this link

[Image: rHO1nVg.jpg]

And received this:

[Image: GuR2EIO.jpg]

Archived copy:

Quote:2. We met in Bali on 15-16 November 2022, at a time of unparalleled multidimensional crises. We have experienced the devastation brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, and other challenges including climate change, which has caused economic downturn, increased poverty, slowed global recovery, and hindered the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

4. It is essential to uphold international law and the multilateral system that safeguards peace and stability. This includes defending all the Purposes and Principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and adhering to international humanitarian law, including the protection of civilians and infrastructure in armed conflicts.

Blah, blah, TL;DR. Sigh, the "unparalleled multidimensional" disaster created by these very parasites. LOL, they broke every Int'l law in the books and then some. Rule of law my ass.

Wiki page was just updated that has portrait list of the parasites who attended. Even Russia's Sergei Lavrov attended.

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  LOG IN ISSUES with code mismatches.
Posted by: yuppa - 11-17-2022, 10:05 PM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (5)

OK....constantly getting code mismatch  is a huge pain. I put in the correct password,sorry code mismatch. then i enter it a second time AFTER unclicking remember me AGAIN an dit logs me in. with the same password AND user name.

I have tried PMing the MODS,or management but have yet to get a response. I know yall are busy so ya might not have seen them yet So I am going to post it publicly so someone can help if possible.

Anyway,thanks for  the time,and keep up the good work.

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  Chiang Kai-shek's great-grandson
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-17-2022, 08:04 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

Reminder: Chiang Kai-shek's great-grandson Chiang Wan-an is still the front runner to be the next Mayor of Taipei, according to polls. Local elections in Taiwan take place on November 26th.

[Image: zYSqnfv.jpg]

Quote:KMT names great-grandson of Chiang Kai-shek to run for Taipei mayor

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — The Kuomintang (KMT) on Wednesday (May 18) named Legislator Chiang Wan-an (蔣萬安), a great-grandson of the late dictator Chiang Kai-shek, to run for mayor of Taipei City in the Nov. 26 election.

Chiang, 43, is a son of former Foreign Minister John Chiang (蔣孝嚴), who was born in China out of wedlock to Chiang Kai-shek’s son, Chiang Ching-kuo (蔣經國), and a woman surnamed Chang (章). He originally took his mother’s surname, but he and his family later changed their names to Chiang.

Chiang Wan-an, also known as Wayne Chiang, studied and practiced law in the United States before returning to Taiwan and winning a seat in the Legislative Yuan in 2016.

Wayne Kai-Shek sounds better.

Yahoo article on the situation.

Quote:Lawmaker Chiang Wan-an of the Kuomintang was seen as the likely winner by 37.8% of respondents in a survey published on Monday by the Liberty Times, a newspaper that generally backs the ruling Democratic Progressive Party.

The KMT’s Chiang graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, worked as a corporate lawyer in the US, and about a decade ago returned to Taiwan.

His main challenger is Chen, who was health minister from 2017 until earlier this year. Chen led Taiwan’s response to the coronavirus outbreak, hosting daily briefings.

Morgenthau bonds were these bonds that were exchanged directly from the federal reserve to Chiang Kai-Shek's nationalist government in China in return for Chiang kai-shek moving all nationalist China's gold into the federal reserve system.

There are still holders of these Chinese nationalist war bonds from the Chiang Kai-shek era which had hopes the communist gov't would redeem them but no such luck. Some of these people approached the Trump Administration to see what they could do about getting them redeemed. Trump basically said we'll look into it and AFAIK, nothing became of it.

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  Bizarre murder mystery in Moscow
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-17-2022, 06:57 PM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

The other Moscow.

[Image: 4a7KCzl.jpg]

Quote:Idaho police walk back claim of no threat to community after 4 students were found stabbed to death

Parents of the four victims found in an off-campus home say they are frustrated by a lack of answers from law enforcement and question why officials believe it was an "isolated" event.

MOSCOW, Idaho —Police on Wednesday walked back previous comments that there is no threat to a small, close-knit community where four University of Idaho students were found slain Sunday afternoon.
"We know you have questions, and so do we," Moscow Police Chief James Fry told reporters.

"We do not have a suspect at this time, and that individual is still out there," he added. "We cannot say there is no threat to the community."

Investigators shared new but few details of what they have pieced together since the bodies of Ethan Chapin, 20; Madison Mogen, 21; Xana Kernodle, 20; and Kaylee Goncalves, 21, were found Sunday afternoon in a house not far from campus.

The four friends had been out Saturday night at different events near the university, with Chapin and Kernodle at a party on campus and Mogen and Goncalves at a bar, police said. They returned home sometime after 1:45 a.m. Sunday, and police got a call about a unconscious person at the residence at around noon.

Police found the four students dead from stab wounds and no signs of forced entry. They believe two other roommates were home at the time of the killings; they did not elaborate on whether the roommates are suspects.

The other roommates were not injured.

"We are looking at everyone," Idaho State Police Col. Kedrick Willis said. "Every tip we get, every we lead we get — there is no one we’re not going to talk to. There is no one we’re not going to interview."

Police have not identified a suspect and have not found a weapon, Fry said.

"Currently we have 25-plus investigators working this case," he said, including the FBI and state police. "We are reviewing video that has been collected, and we are asking that citizens contact us with any information you may that will help in this investigation."

The lack of information has frustrated families, who say the silence has only added to the “agony” after three days with an assailant still at large.

"There is a lack of information from the University of Idaho and the local police, which only fuels false rumors and innuendo in the press and social media," said Jim Chapin, the father of victim Ethan Chapin.

"The silence further compounds our family's agony after our son's murder," Chapin said in a statement. "For Ethan and his three dear friends slain in Moscow, Idaho, and all of our families, I urge officials to speak the truth, share what they know, find the assailant, and protect the greater community."

Goncalves’ sister, Alivea Goncalves, told NBC affiliate KHQ of Spokane, Washington, that she doesn't agree with the police assessment that the slayings are "isolated."

"Anything can be isolated until it's not," she said. "And until we have someone in custody, there's no way with any amount of confidence to say this is isolated.

"Someone did this with a purpose — not once, not twice, not three times, but four," Goncalves added. "I don't know of anything scarier than that."

[Image: 1SxT5f2.jpg]

In a statement Tuesday, police said they "have shared every piece of information that we can without compromising the ongoing investigation."

"First and foremost, we continue to be steadfastly committed to ensuring the safety of our community," the statement said.

"This incident highlighted that violence is possible in our own community and in every community. Until this case is completely resolved, we ask the community to continue to be vigilant, alert, report suspicious activity and help us to be the eyes and ears in our community."

Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt said medical examiners in Spokane were conducting autopsies and could finish their work by Wednesday.

A preliminary investigation shows that the students were stabbed to death, she said, and that there was nothing to indicate that substance use was involved.

"Gruesome," Mabbutt told KHQ. "I've never seen anything like this in the 16 years I've been in this position."

Homicides are rare in Moscow, a rural city of roughly 25,000 people just east of the Washington line. There hasn't been a homicide reported in the city in the past several years, according to police.

A neighbor told NBC News that Goncalves lived in the home with Mogen and Kernodle, who were also found dead. They said Kernodle had been dating Chapin since the spring.

In an Oct. 29 Instagram post, Kernodle wished Chapin a happy birthday and said life was "so much better with you in it."

The friends were active in their sororities and fraternity. Kernodle and Mogen worked together at a Greek restaurant in town, and Mogen and Goncalves were seniors looking forward to graduating.

"One lucky girl to be surrounded by these people every day," Goncalves wrote on Instagram with photos of the friends posted hours before their deaths.

Moscow police said they were alerted to the residence in a neighborhood about a half-block from campus through a report about an unconscious person.

"Obviously, there's no way police can say that there's no risk, but what they're seeing indicates that there's not a risk that this person will randomly attack people," Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson told The Associated Press.

The university canceled classes Monday and was making additional security and counseling available this week. But many students have already left for the holiday break, and a planned vigil was moved to after Thanksgiving break.

Those who have stayed say they are taking extra precautions.

"I'm locking my bedroom door on top of my apartment door," said sophomore Ainslee Hipsak, 20. "I'm not sure I believe them when they say that it’s safe."

From Moscow local news:

Quote:Police believe the murders occurred in the early morning hours Sunday, but they did not receive the 911 call about an unconscious person at the residence until noon. Chapin and Kernodle spent part of the previous night at a party on campus, while Mogen and Goncalves were at a downtown Moscow bar. They were all at the King Road residence sometime after 1:45 a.m.

There were two other people at the residence who were unharmed. Fry said they were at the scene when the police arrived Sunday. Evidence indicates they were likely there during the time of the attack, which leaves questions about why it took so long for someone to call 911.

“We don’t know why that call came in at noon and not in the middle of the night,” he said.

Fry declined to say who called 911.

He said there was no sign of forced entry into the residence, nor were there signs of a robbery. It does not appear there was a party at the residence that night, he said.

Fry said police are working to put together a complete timeline of events and figure out the whereabouts of the victims that weekend as they continue to search for the perpetrator. The autopsies of the four victims began Wednesday.

Fry did not specify why police believe it was a targeted attack but said investigators make their judgment based on the totality of information they collect.

“We try to take that information,” he said. “We try to make the best educated decision we can, we review that as a team with our detectives along with our prosecutors, along with the university and we try to make the best decision on that.”

Fry said police are looking at all evidence, including social media and anyone who might have a connection to the case.
The Idaho State Police and FBI are also investigating this case.

[Image: Nfc2xNv.jpg]

Dayton Leroy Rogers born in Moscow, Idaho, (1953), Serial killer known as the “Mollala Forest Killer” currently on Oregon's death row at the Oregon State Penitentiary for six murders. He was sentenced to death 4 times, over turning all appeals. Wiki

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  Your last flight as a Captain, what could go wrong ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-16-2022, 05:53 AM - Forum: Aviation Developments - Replies (1)

When this happened I was flying a Boeing 727 out of Guam while being based in Houston. The crew did a good job with this situation IMO.

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  WaPo does J. Edgar Hoover
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-15-2022, 07:40 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

Lmaooo. This review in the Washington Post by "Kai Bird" of a book on J. Edgar Hoover is over the top.

Quote:A biography that may change your mind about J. Edgar Hoover

After reading Gage, I have changed my mind about Hoover. He is not the caricature villain I thought I knew when I came of age in the turbulent 1960s. Hoover was a man of profound contradictions. While he had enough empathy to send flowers to Jenkins, he also orchestrated the FBI’s notorious COINTELPRO intelligence operations against civil rights leaders and antiwar activists, wiretapped Martin Luther King Jr. and many other private citizens, and enabled the rise of a deeply racist conservative movement that is still poisoning the American body politic. Gage provides proof that Hoover was no rogue elephant, acting entirely on his own. Instead, we learn that Hoover invariably did what he did with the full knowledge of the men he served in the White House and Congress. It was President Franklin Roosevelt who first authorized Hoover to use wiretaps to collect domestic political intelligence. And Hoover regularly briefed the White House and Congress on COINTELPRO.

Kai Bird is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and director of the Leon Levy Center for Biography. He is working on a biography of Roy Cohn.

I can hardly wait.

[Image: KCveuZP.jpg]

[Image: xpqLhys.jpg]

Pepe Roy
[Image: JqoH7W3.jpg]

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  Ari Shaffir Jew
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-15-2022, 07:21 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (2)

interestingly funny

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  Biggest Alpha-Male Crypto Bloodsport Ponzi scheme of the Century
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-13-2022, 09:36 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (9)

Apparently the Democrats are planning to steal the whole shebang while the GOP leaders and mainstream media act like the three wise monkeys?  Midterm2022, @FoxNews, @PeteHegseth, @johnrich, @TheLeoTerrell, @charliekirk11, @DennisPrager, @media, @NEWSMAX, etc.

[Image: WiuQgRj.jpg]

No wonder the only candidates they can find are brain-damaged.

FTX - the 10,000lb gorilla that should lead to the impeachment Biden and the indictment of everyone involved in this international criminal Ponzi scheme. There’s literally no way the media will be able to cover up 5 million dollars for the “BigGuy”. Oh wait, nvm.

[Image: l0uDIB3.jpg]

SBF, Ukraine and 10% for the Big guy.

[Image: ty13jSd.jpg]

1. Destination Dubai?

FTX former CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, co-founder Gary Wang & Director of Engineering Nishad Singh & Alameda Research CEO Caroline Ellison are in Bahamas looking for ways to flee to Dubai, which "doesn't have any extradition treaties."

Sam Bankman-Fried is ‘under supervision’ in Bahamas

2. Some basic background

[Image: pHt1iJ3.jpg]
Bankman-Fried’s Cabal of Roommates in the Bahamas Ran His Crypto Empire – and Dated. Other Employees Have Lots of Questions - “The whole operation was run by a gang of kids in the Bahamas,” a person familiar with the matter told CoinDesk on condition of anonymity.

3. Hindsight...

Quote:‘People Think He’s Just a Straight-Up Sociopath’: The 5 Biggest Warning Signs We Missed About SBF.

Another day, another fallen crypto titan. But this one has shocked the system more than most. This week, all of Silicon Valley watched with mouths agape as blockchain golden boy Sam Bankman-Fried tumbled from his very high pedestal. Many are now asking the same question: What signs did we miss?

"Effective Altruism" - Puppeteers
[Image: Ks3I2pi.jpg]

As compared to its revenue in 2019 and 2020 i.e. $7M and $85M, the revenue of FTX crossed $1B in 2021 (1000% more than previous year). The trading volume, net income, userbase, etc. Everything was through the roof to the Moon...House of Cards. SBF even started getting referred as modern day JP Morgan.

[Image: 4Qmfd6O.jpg]

Who did this neo-Madoff crypto scam benefit?

1. SBF & sleazy pals (if they get away with the loot)
2. Ukraine
3. Democrats
4. Proposed government regulation if the crypto industry

[Image: 5KQzSs1.jpg]

[1] People donated crypto coins to Ukraine which was paid out in cash via the National Bank of Ukraine.

[2] No one will ever know where the funds came from, how much was embezzled & how much made it to the Ukrainian bank.

[Image: YNoeUyc.jpg]

The Ukraine Angle in Detail::

50 - 100 Million donated via “Aid for Ukraine,” backed by FTX (SBF), Everstake, Ukraine’s Kuna exchange, National Bank of Ukraine and Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation.
Ukraine Has Received Close to $100M in Crypto Donations (Mar 9, 2022) And...

Ukraine Partners With FTX, Everstake to Launch New Crypto Donation Website (Mar 14, 2022) - "FTX is converting crypto contributions to Ukraine’s war effort into fiat for deposit at the National Bank of Ukraine."

Laughing all the way to the trenches.
[Image: dBYSiRV.jpg]

The FTX thief stole $1 billion from his customers and donated $100 million to Democrats. 10% for the big guy?

Plus another $100 million for Ukraine...

[Image: VQEZuDR.jpg]

Big Pie in the Sky Plans help attract Big friends. (That's the principle of long term fraud taught to me by La Albondiga (The Meatball) many years ago)

SBF pledged one billion $ to make sure Dems win in 2024.

Crypto billionaire Sam Bankman-Fried says he could spend a record-breaking $1 billion in 2024 election

Hence, The Laundromat Allegations.

[Image: QrH2kDS.jpg]

Lets make a movie "The Downfall of FTX", and let Jonah Hill play Sam Bankman-Fried.

[Image: Y8sQSm2.jpg]

Found the brother of Sam Bankman Fried:

[Image: vZUe5jX.jpg]

Sam's Yallie father, Joseph Bankman, is a lawyer and Professor of Law and Business at Stanford Law School, and a Tax 'expert'. Stanford law professor creates new way to help students deal with the stress of it all... Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Sam's mother, Barbara Fried, is also a lawyer and William W. and Gertrude H. Saunders Professor of Law at Stanford Law School.

She also started one of the largest super PACs that funnel money from Silicon Valley to Democrats. FTX launched 13 days after Biden announced campaign.

Quote:Stanford-connected fundraising group wants to raise $140 million for Democrats in 2020

In 2018, the secretive Stanford-connected Democratic fundraising group Mind the Gap (MTG) funneled over $20 million toward competitive U.S. House of Representative elections and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) organizations. In 2020, MTG wants to increase that number to $140 million.

MTG is led by Barbara Fried, the William W. and Gertrude H. Saunders Professor of Law; Paul Brest, an emeritus professor of law and director of the Law and Policy Lab; and Graham Gottlieb, a Stanford research affiliate. Of the three, Gottlieb has the most direct policy experience, having formerly served in junior roles in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection campaign and in Obama’s White House.

Gottlieb?? Where have I heard that surname before, 'mind' you? LOL.

Here's some more info on Mind the Gap (MTG) super PAC.

Interestingly or not, Sam SBF_FTX was the 6th largest donor to Democrats. Now where did he get all that money?

[Image: ioe8EQp.jpg]
Open Secrets

If that's not interesting enough Caroline Ellison's father, Glenn Ellison, used to work with none other than U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's fearless leader, @GaryGensler.

Did you know: Alameda CEO @carolinecapital's Dad, Glenn Ellison is the Department Head of Economics at @MIT?

[Image: BVeA8AZ.jpg]
Glenn Ellison

And...Prior to getting appointed to the SEC, Gary Gensler was a Professor for the Practice of Global Economics & Management at MIT...

[Image: Ypv2AQA.jpg]
Gary Gensler

Does MIT Media Lab ring any bells? Cybernetic economists, transhumanists, and Jeffrey Epstein.

Targeted Dream Incubation (TDI) (MIT Media Lab) Nicholas Negroponte founded and Epstein funded MIT Media Lab attempting to usurp spirituality through transhumanism. “That's why they call it the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it.” ― George Carlin

Bankman went to MIT
MIT is developing CBDC's
SEC chair Gensler is an alumni & advisor.
The WEF is partnered with all of the largest banks in the world.

Understatements and more details here:

SBF’s disgrace could make things awkward for Gary Gensler and the Democrats (Fortune Crypto)

The White House sanctions and arrests kids for the "crime" of building privacy tools to protect you, while "regulators" were quietly palling around with the robber barons who just pillaged 5 million people.

The difference? The thieves were big political donors.

Will Americans ever wake up and smell the festering pile of shit that "floats" to the top?

[Image: nI2rDVj.jpg]

Looks like Goldman Sachs had their hand in the cookie jar as well.

[Image: 7aRqMY6.jpg]
The Future: FTX And Goldman Sachs

CEO of Goldman Sachs, David Solomon, met with SBF_FTX to help @FTX_Official get regulatory approval. And here’s a photo of Alameda CEO @carolinecapital’s Dad, Glenn Ellison with Gregory Palm, former top Goldman Sachs lawyer, one of the wealthiest corporate lawyers in the US.

[Image: bZf8ixj.jpg]
MIT news

Next we have Linda Fried, @SBF_FTX’s Aunt. Auntie Linda has been Dean of @Columbia Mailman School of Public Health since 2008. She created the first ever US college program focused on “Climate & Health” AND she also happens to be a member of the WEF cabal’s Global Agenda Council on Aging. Can't make this shit up!

[Image: 1aS0CSf.jpg]

A quick break for some stimulants...

Just like Caroline and Sam in the Bahamas:

[Image: K4O8jB2.jpg]
SBF crypto empire ‘was run by a gang of kids in the Bahamas

[Image: vzH6oM4.jpg]

[Image: ohE8dIG.jpg]

"Guarding against Pandemics" - supports candidates who commit to supporting Biden's pandemic preparedness plan, increased funding for Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority (BARDA) & strengthening regulations to minimize biosecurity risks.

[Image: Hzx2ABL.jpg]
A crypto-funded super PAC Scam

FTX NYC dinner while Dan the Man takes a picture of Trev for reasons no one understands.

[Image: YNAH3aK.jpg]

[Image: MovWMAm.jpg]

To wrap up the discombobulated connections part of this thread, here's Gary Gensler on cryptocurrency landscape and growth in digital trading platforms:

The Bank Man got Fried & Uncle Sam gets the Bag.

Was this a way to discredit crypto by building one to pump and dump and then say "see, crypto bad!"? I hear lord Jacob Rothschild laughing in the distance.

Reddit analysis:

[Image: lHk0AKQ.jpg]

Sequoia Capital and FTX - See Forbes article "At Least 20 Billionaires Got Burnt By Sam Bankman-Fried And FTX Cofounder Gary Wang."

Sequoia Capital, China, TikTok & Biden...

Sequoia Capital China arm which owns around 10% of ByteDance has donated $8million to the Democrats since 2020 (Daily Mail, Oct 4, 2022)

Sequoia Capital & Michael Ortiz, senior policy director was a member of the Biden transition team. In 2020 & 2021 he served as a member of the National Security Council Agency Review Team and led the confirmation teams of the Director of the CIA.

I know none of this is brand new information, but I wanted to collect some slimy imagery crumbs for myself and share it for future reference. Just the tip of the iceberg.

[Image: TRAzqYk.jpg]

Think this is all just a conspiracy theory?

Nah...it's just a conspiracy. One that goes back a long time...


"The German philosopher Kant predicted that Peace would be achieved at some point in history either by human insight or by catastrophes of a magnitude that will permit no other choice"..."The responsibility of our leaders is to try to fulfill it."

However, we live in the age of no accountability, therefore no consequences for all these parasites. SBF was a major Dem donor, so no investigation.

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