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  The Coming war on China
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-14-2016, 03:15 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (4)

This video is with the film maker who made "The coming war on China". IMO the interview is worth a listen to.

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  Moscow says allegation that Russia intervened in US election is just security agency
Posted by: BIAD - 12-14-2016, 02:49 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (11)

'Russia has dismissed U.S. accusations that Moscow intervened in the presidential
election as "infighting" between security agencies.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=900]

U.S. intelligence agencies had concluded with "high confidence" that Moscow interfered
in the Presidential election to aid Donald Trump's campaign and harm the chances of a
potential Hilary Clinton administration.

Russian officials have consistently and fervently denied allegations of interference in the
U.S. election.
"It looks like banal infighting between U.S. security services," Maria Zakharova, Russia's
foreign ministry spokeswoman, wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday...'

'According to a “secret CIA assessment,” Russia intervened in the U.S. election to
undermine confidence in the electoral system and boost support for Donald Trump.

The president-elect has already rejected this notion, though the implications of claims
regarding Russian involvement are still unclear.

Once again, this kind of pro-Clinton/anti-Russian-based narrative has already been
completely debunked. For example, in his recent article, “Anonymous Leaks to the
WashPost About the CIA’s Russia Beliefs Are No Substitute for Evidence,”
Glenn Greenwald brilliantly explains why this story does not merit our attention.

He astutely notes:
“There is still no such evidence for any of these claims.
What we have instead are assertions, disseminated by anonymous people, completely
unaccompanied by any evidence, let alone proof.

As a result, none of the purported evidence — still — can be publicly seen, reviewed,
or discussed. Anonymous claims leaked to newspapers about what the CIA believes
do not constitute proof, and certainly do not constitute reliable evidence that substitutes
for actual evidence that can be reviewed.”...'

A Hillary Hissy fit or confusion from the media...?

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  Make them rich to love you ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-14-2016, 08:29 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

Another fine mess that has not turned out like the think tanks proposed.

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  Charity warns of FGM 'parties' taking place in England.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-13-2016, 04:16 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (5)

Charity warns of FGM 'parties' taking place in England.

'Girls are being taken to female genital mutilation (FGM) "parties" in cities across England,
a charity has warned.

The Black Health Initiative in Leeds says midwives from Africa are being flown into the country
to carry out the illegal practice.
West Yorkshire Police said they were aware girls were being subjected to FGM locally.

Latest NHS figures show more than 8,000 women across England have recently been identified
as being victims of FGM.

FGM is an illegal practice in the UK and carries a sentence of up to 14 years in jail. It is defined by
the World Health Organization (WHO) as the partial or total removal of the female external genitalia,
for non medical reasons.

Heather Nelson, Chief Executive of the Black Health Initiative, said: "We know of parties happening
here in England, and in West Yorkshire we recently had to break one up, and we've stopped another
from taking place.

"What we're finding now is that where once girls were taken abroad to be cut, specialist midwives
are now flown over and several girls are cut at the same time, which then leads to a celebration."...'

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Posted by: gordi - 12-13-2016, 10:04 AM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - Replies (5)

Yup, you heard it here first!
There are spectacles which can create little reindeer using nothing more than the little Christmas lights on your festive tree!

No, BigG has not been on the festive sauce (yet!).

This technology exists people!!!! and we have to get the word out BEFORE we get over run by tiny reindeer!
Please see the evidence presented below in an in depth evaluation of the new technology..... well, ok a short video clip!

You have been warned!!!!
Stay Safe!

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  Regulation Nation: Where Independence Is Illegal Without A Permit
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-13-2016, 09:32 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Many things do not come to mind until we try and break from the norm of working, schooling, and paying taxes.

Quote:People are weary of the countless laws, so numerous that we all break them every time we set foot outside our doors. The most innocuous things have come under fire as people struggle to survive and dare to do so independently:
  • Artesanal soap makers who use luscious ingredients like goat’s milk, cocoa butter, and essential oils are being regulated out of business by Congress. (source)
  • The FDA has declared hand-sewn menstrual cloths to be “medical devices” and subject to $4000 per year in fees, putting another cottage industry out of business. (source)
  • People are charged as criminals and fined for growing food in their own yards because *gasp* people can see vegetables instead of grass. (source)
  • During the terrible flooding in Louisiana earlier this year, when the government rescue operation was slow to respond, a bunch of local outdoorsmen began to save their neighbors from the rising waters. The government demanded they get permits to save their neighbors and blockaded the area with police barriers. That’s right – they used their resources to stop the rescues instead of using their resources to perform rescues. (source)
  • A lady in the Philadelphia area faced a fine of $600 per day for feeding hungry kids (that usually depend on low-cost or free lunches at school) lunch during the summer. If she didn’t want to pay a fine, she had to pay a fee of $1000 and be subject to government inspections and regulations. (source)
  • A woman in California faces jail time for making homemade ceviche and selling it through a Facebook group. They actually used law enforcement resources to go to her house undercover and buy her soup and arrest her. (source)

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  Cops Share Their On Duty Ghost Stories
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-12-2016, 06:44 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - No Replies

Most cops take a second job as a security officer to bring in extra income.  It's a shame this profession, which puts their lives at risk everyday, doesn't even pay enough for them to make ends meet! 

But, that's a different topic.

Here are some ghost stories that cops experienced while on duty.

Quote:The Shadow Woman

“I related this before, but I as part of my Reserve training, I had to pull a 12-hour shift in Corrections. Our county facility is old, old, old… Anyway, it was med-call, so the nurse had opened the little clinic, and we went to each cellblock and had inmates line up to get their meds.

After that was finished, the nurse left, the clinic was closed, and all of the inmates were back in their blocks. I secured the last block, and as I turned back towards the clinic, I saw the shadow on the floor of someone crossing back to the clinic. I dashed around the corner, thinking an inmate had managed to avoid being secured and was sneaking into the clinic. There was no one there. The shadow had been absolutely distinct.

One of the other COs laughed and said, “Oh, that’s just Miss Rose. She’s been hanging around here for years!”
*Shudder* It creeped me out pretty good…”

The Door at the End of the Hall

[Image: hall-1.jpg]

“Myself and a buddy on my squad responded to an alarm. The incident location was an old office type building that had been converted to doctor’s offices. There was a pharmacy attached to it. Our dispatch received a motion signal from an upstairs office. Key holder arrives on scene and we go in to secure the building. The stairs were locked behind a door that, of course, the key holder didn’t have keys to, so we took the elevator up to the second floor (not the most tactically sound option, I know).

Elevator opens to a pitch black hallway… except for one overhead light at the end of the hall. We start checking doors, and so far all are secured. We get to the last office, and sure enough, the door is unlocked. We make entry and observe it to be an unused office. The door opened to a sizable waiting room and reception area. There were about 10 or 12 exam rooms, all cleared with no hiccups.

We exit the office and immediately, something seems off. That is when I realize the overhead light at our end of the hallway that had been on was now off, replaced by another light over by the elevators. I look at my squad mate and he is completely white. I ask him what is wrong and he says, “Weren’t all those doors we just checked closed and locked?” I tell him “Yeah, so?” Buddy says, “Well now they’re all standing open.” Sure enough, all the offices down the hallway we had just checked were now standing open. Pucker factor sinks in at this point.

So we start clearing offices and securing offices. We finish the last office, and on our way out, just before we turn the corner to get into the waiting area, the main door just slams shut. Then, our radios start going nuts with some kind of static feedback. Now I just want to get the hell out of there.

We get back in the elevator and head down to the first floor to make contact with the key holder again. However, key holder is nowhere to be found. I contact dispatch and request a call back number for the key holder so I can advise him of what we found. Dispatch states that the key holder was still en route to us and was advising an ETA of 5 minutes. I advise dispatch that we had already been out with the key holder. Dispatch requests I give them a call.

I call dispatch and she tells me that there is no way we were out with a key holder. She states that the alarm company had only just made contact with one. Eventually, the “real” key holder arrives on scene and I ask her about the man that had let us in the building (the first key holder). She asked me to describe him, so I did. She states that that sounds like one of the doctors that used to lease the office on the second floor AT THE END OF THE HALL. She then states that he had committed suicide at his summer home several days ago.
I still won’t go back there.”

Grandma’s Back

“When I was a municipal cop, I was sent to a missing person/runaway juvenile call. The town I worked in was inner city and poor, but it was one of the better streets in town and the family was squared away (the husband and wife were both educators).

While I was taking the report of their runaway teenage daughter in the family’s living room, an older daughter who was in the room pointed toward a hallway and yelled, “Grandma!” The husband ran into the hallway yelling, “Ma, Ma!”

The husband returned to the living room, and asked, ‘Officer, did you see her? Did you see my mother?’ I told him I had not, and asked him why it was remarkable that his mother had walked down the hallway. The husband replied, ‘She died last year. We see her walking around the house all the time.’

I took the rest of the report while standing on the front porch.”

The Abandoned Hospital

[Image: hospital-1.jpg]

“A few years back, prior to sworn LEO, I worked as a security guard at a hospital. Sounds cool, and it was, except for the fact it was 9pm to 7am, I worked alone, and the hospital I guarded was abandoned.

I was always a 3rd shift kind of person. I don’t get night ‘jitters’ or scare easily. But this place could do it to the best of ‘em. Every night I would walk (or ride a wheelchair) through the halls that were supposed to be empty/unused. Every night I would end up having to close doors and re-lock them. I would walk one floor, move up to the next, and continue on.

I got a little shaky when an hour after already walking a hallway, I would have to turn off the same hall lights and close the same doors AGAIN in the building. Or when I would be walking a hall and then I would hear footsteps on the floor above me, doors opening and closing, elevators moving from floor to floor, phones ringing, nurse call lights going on, etc.

There were only three times I got the “I hate this s#&%” feeling. First time I was checking offices on the 4th floor. There was a light on in a locked hallway (no surprise). This hallway hadn’t been renovated since the place was built, short of electricity, so everything was from the 1920’s. Unlock the door, flip the lights, walk out, re-lock the door, and turn to leave. Behind me I hear the “flip” of a light switch. Through the frosted glass I see the lights went back on. I left the hallway alone that night.

Second time was riding an elevator between floors. I was taking the elevator to the top floor, when at about #4 of #5 floors, I hear laughing and muffled talking. It kept getting louder as I got higher. Elevator makes it to #5, doors swing open, and absolute silence. Of course, every light on the floor was on, even in the patient rooms. I checked high and low, not a single living and breathing person in that place except for me.

Third, and worst of all, was just an average night. I’m on the lower level locking a door in a corridor. The door had a glass middle but on the backside it was covered by white tape. The room it led to it was dark and the hallway a few feet behind me was partially lit, so the glass acted like a perfect mirror. Everything normal, key in, lock clicks, turning the key… When behind me I see the full outline of a person walk past me in the hallway. Clear as day, just a full shadow of a person walk past. I froze only for about a second, and then ran into the hall after the supposed ‘person’. No one, just silence.”

The Shadow Walker

“I was sitting in the flat of a hill, monitoring traffic. It was about 2-3 am. Where I was sitting; its a well known spot where an unsolved murder victim was found about 26 years ago. No other officers would sit here, even though citizens are constantly doing 15-20mph over the limit in this area.
As I was sitting there I saw a shadow cross the back of my unit, coming from the passenger side. Almost immediately afterwards the shadow came up the driver side of my unit then across the front. Mind you it’s completely dark in this area, and the only lighting around me is from the moon.
Thinking the worse, I turn on all my lights to light up the area to see if I can see who, or what is around me. —– Nothing.
I figured it was time to leave that area. Once I got to a lighted area I stopped and realized that my camera was recording from where I hit my emergency lights. I reviewed the footage and you can see where a figure starts from the driver front of my unit, then for a half a second the entire camera goes black, as if someone put their finger over the lens, then it goes back to normal.
Needless to say, I haven’t sat back in that spot.”


My friend works second shift at a buisness that's haunted. She is by herself in her area after first shift leaves. I've shared some stories of hers here before. 
According to people who work there, a man died there. Since that day there has been unusual ghostly activity:  Things falling off shelves for no reason, chairs being moved, doors opening/closing by themselves, the feeling of being watched, whispers in the ear, being touched by unseen hands, shadows in the hallway, noises in the bathroom when no one else is there... all sorts of things.

I've been in the building at night when I went to visit my friend, and I must say, that place always did creep me out; and this was before I even knew about the death there.  The lobby lights are turned down low after first shift leaves, and the area is empty, but I had to walk through there to get to my friend.  I always felt like I was being watched and just wanted to hurry and get out of there!

Most of us that have been with RN awhile have shared our creepy stories before, but what about you "newbies"? 
Do you have anything "strange" to share?

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  Ghostbusters chase 300 ogres out of town!
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-12-2016, 03:15 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (4)

Quote:Villages back to normal as Ghostbusters chase 300 ogres out of town!
[Image: p5.jpg]
Picture: Sanook
BANGKOK: -- Five Isaan villages are now happy again after some 300 ogres were run out of town in a large ceremony on Sunday.
The mass exorcism of what the locals call "phee pop" was carried out by a specialist at the Kalasin town hall and then by villagers from the five affected areas.
The ceremonies were carried out after five unexplained deaths. Worried villagers had held a crisis meeting and agreed to spend 50 baht per each household to bring in experts and buy the necessary ghost busting equipment, reports Sanook.
Phee Pop are a particularly virulent and unpleasant kind of spirit - they have been known to enter people's bodies and eat them from the inside out.
Firstly on Sunday at the central town hall professional ghost buster Bunsong Prathumchai, 56, and 14 of his disciples from Mahasarakhram got the ball rolling with a ceremony that included flowers, incense, a sacred sword and various woods including that from the tamarind tree.
Following this the action moved to the five affected villages in the Nong Yai sub district where villagers took part in the "siang khong" part of the exorcism where the phee pop are hunted down and chased into an earthenware jar covered in a sacred cloth.
When this was successfully completed - and 300 errant ogres were trapped in the jar - it was incinerated to get rid of the trouble they had caused once and for all.
Representative of the five stricken "moo baans" Sawan Phaengnoi, a phoo yai baan himself, said that five people had died without apparent cause recently and obviously evil forces were at work.
Two men aged 55 had died for no reason in their hammocks and a 67 year old man just pegged out from threshing rice.
Sanook.com reported that following the successful exorcisms everyone in the villages was satisfied and were now "sabai jai" (happy) and could get on with the rest of their lives in peace.
Source: Sanook

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  Roswell and Rendlesham alien mysteries LINKED
Posted by: Daitengu - 12-12-2016, 01:46 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (13)

Heres a interesting little something to start your day off boys and girls .....
Seems theres a link between the u.f.o crash at roswell and the u.f.o sighting at rendlesham u.k ..... it appears that both had egyptian heiroglyphics ...... 

Guess better brush up on my heiroglyphics so can fly one when finally manage to capture it .....

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  CNN Being Sued For Racism...?!
Posted by: BIAD - 12-12-2016, 12:10 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

Black Employees Suing CNN for Racial Discrimination.

'A group of current and former black employees of CNN cable news network,
Turner Broadcasting, and parent company Time Warner have filed a lawsuit
alleging racial discrimination, a report says.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=896]

The class-action suit was filed after an earlier case involving CNN employee
DeWayne Walker was filed, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“As a result of the current discrimination lawsuit filed on behalf of DeWayne
Walker vs. CNN, Time Warner & Turner, we have uncovered stories involving
abuse of power, nepotism, revenge, retaliation and discrimination,” attorney
Daniel Meachum said in a press release announcing the lawsuit.

Walker, who has worked for 13 years at CNN as an integrated marketing
manager, had filed a previous lawsuit alleging that the network repeatedly
passed him over for promotion because he is black.

He also claimed that CNN retaliated against him for filing a discrimination
complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
The employee is demanding $50 million in damages.

Only two employees are named as plaintiffs in the class-action case:
Celeslie Henley, a former executive administrative assistant at CNN, and
Ernest Colbert Jr., a senior manager at Turner Broadcasting Systems.

But Meachum alleges that up to 30 other insiders helped them gather information
on the “company-wide pattern and practice” of discrimination that he claims
has gone on for at least 20 years...'

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