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  Thousands of places worse than Flint, Mi.
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-20-2016, 02:32 PM - Forum: America and its Territories - No Replies

The thousands of U.S. locales where lead poisoning is worse than in Flint
There is a map of the USA showing where the lead is in the drinking water..

Quote:A Reuters examination of lead testing results across the country found almost 3,000 areas with poisoning rates far higher than in the tainted Michigan city. Yet many of these lead hotspots are receiving little attention or funding.

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  ‘The Problem of Whiteness’
Posted by: guohua - 12-20-2016, 05:30 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (3)

Yes you are reading that correctly, Being White is a Problem that needs to be addressed and corrected, Yes you need to be Ashamed of your Whiteness!

Quote:University offers class on ‘The Problem of Whiteness’
Yes and you're paying your kids tuition to be taught they're White and They're The Problem.
Quote:A class to be taught next semester at the University of Wisconsin Madison called “The Problem of Whiteness” aims to “understand how whiteness is socially constructed and experienced in order to help dismantle white supremacy,” the course description states.

“Whites rarely or never questioned what it is to be white,” Assistant Professor Damon Sajnani, who will teach the course, told The College Fix in a telephone interview last week. “So you go through life taking it for granted without ever questioning or critically interrogating it.”

For Sajnani, one way to solve this is to offer “The Problem of Whiteness,” an analysis of what it means to be white and how to deal with it as a “problem.”

“The idea of talking about the problem of whiteness is to turn the question back to where it belongs,” he said.
One of the main goals in the class will be to understand race and identity and how it impacts lives on a daily basis, he said. One of the talking points is juxtaposing white privilege and white power, and how the two can be intertwined and similar to each other, the scholar said.

“The problem of racism is the problem of whites being racist towards blacks,” he said.
WTF!  I've only known Blacks to be Racist to Whites and Others.

Quote:The class will also theorize what white students can do with their “whiteness” and how to mobilize their identities as a mode for social justice as opposed to racial injustices, he added
What? What?
Quote:“Since white supremacy was created by white people, is it not white folks who have the greatest responsibility to eradicate it?” he asks in the course description.

Sajnani told The Fix the premise of the course is to understand that race is neither biological nor cultural, but rather a social and political construct. He purports that blacks, throughout their life, constantly question what it is to be black, however “blacks did not invent racism or racial oppression.”
That is Total Bull Shit! Who Sold Who into Slavery, it wasn't the White guys running around hunting blacks to capture, they didn't need to, Blacks were selling their own kind into Slavery and Not Only That, in the South, Blacks Owned The Largest Plantations and owned the most Slave, were the White own would acutally have their Slaves eating and living with them and sharing in the profits as the Harvest was sold.

I'm sorry, I can't take this Crap, here's the Link to the Source. Source

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  REAL Parents Of Obama Kids Found!!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-20-2016, 02:36 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (1)

I don't know if this is real, but the "Obama Rental Children" DO look more like the people this man is saying is the real parents. 

Ignore the religious rants in the video and focus on the message he is sharing about the Obummer children.

What do you think?


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  Spleen Qi Deficiency Medication - by Guohua
Posted by: Sol - 12-20-2016, 02:31 AM - Forum: Rogue Herbal Revolution - Replies (14)

Hey everyone,

As some of you know, I've had health issues for a while. Been seeing an osteopath for a while now, had acupuncture treatments and a few weeks ago, I've shared my symptoms with Guohua and after answering diagnosis questions - and sending her a picture of my tongue, she was able to pinpoint the problem.

In my case, it's called Spleen Qi Deficiency.

So Guohua - who is a Herbal Therapist - sent me Chinese Medicinal Herbs to try and correct those health issues.

I got the herbs earlier on this week.

I opened the bag and...


That would sum up my first reaction upon seeing the herbs.

Put them in a pot to boil. Here's an idea:

[Image: QIAcR1U.jpg]

Let those soak and then brought them to a boil as per Guohua's instructions.

[Image: kIXIh7r.jpg]


Still wasn't too excited but after filtering it, a fine tea came to life.

This is my fifth day taking this tea, three cups a day.


I am starting to SEE a difference. I had spoken with Mr G last Saturday and remember telling him that so far, I didn't see much of a difference.

What a couple of more days make ! For the first time today, in a very, very long time, my legs and lower back were cooperating way more as I was bringing equipment to the second floor. I am also starting to find that I have a bit more energy in the evening, - that happened last evening - something I hadn't seen in a long time as well.

So I'll keep you all updated as time goes by. Guohua had told me it would take 5 to 7 days to start seeing a difference. She was right on the dot.

Anyone of you having health issues that linger? No matter what you've tried? Hell, I know that feeling well, too well.

Here's a Rogue Promo: I would not hesitate for a second and contact Guohua via PM. It isn't expensive and it WORKS.

Yeah, I know. Taking a selfie of one's tongue isn't the funniest thing to do. Or very honestly answer direct questions either.

But if you've tried all sorts of stuff - as I did - and still feel like you've been shortchanged somewhere, what have you got to lose?

I had nothing to lose and now, for the first time in a very long time, it looks like I might have everything to gain !

No, Guohua did not ask me to promote. She would never ask something like that. I do it because it works. As simple as that.

And as I said, I will be keeping this thread updated, as time goes.

Big Big Thumbs Up !


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  Are David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild Dead?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-20-2016, 12:36 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (4)

This makes the third article or video I've seen in a week making statements that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild have been killed.
There is no confirmation on this, but it seems odd that this is coming out from several different sources. 

Is it just a ploy to make the masses think they are dead so they'll stop coming after them, while they secretly go into hiding underground?

Quote:The collective story by which humanity has been herded into the future is undergoing a pole shift, and the old reality is fading rapidly. The story by which the world, especially the Western world, has been living in was one of a never ending war on terror and an engineered clash between Islam and Christianity. The mass murdering criminals whose “social engineering” has perpetuated this story are being hunted down and killed or else are under house arrest or in hiding.
One of the most senior members of the cabal behind the atrocities in Syria and elsewhere, Bishop Javier Echevaria, the head of the fascist Opus Dei Vatican organization was killed last week after he tried to overturn the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Pentagon sources say. The Vatican says he died of natural causes.

Three independent sources, one CIA, one Pentagon and one bloodline are also saying that David Rockefeller and Nathaniel Rothschild, the respective bloodline leaders of the US and the EU were also killed last week. No confirmation of this has been obtained, as of the time of this writing from either the Rockefeller or Rothschild families.

The sources also say the Clintons, the Bushes, Senator John McCain and many other cabal leaders are under house arrest and are only allowed out under carefully chaperoned circumstances pending their war crimes trials.

Hillary under house arrest?   tinyhuh  Is this why she seems to have disappeared off the radar lately? 

Quote:We certainly hope these trials will materialize but in any case it is very clear that the people who have been running the planet (especially the West) until now are in a state of deep panic.

Part of the reason for the panic is that an updated membership list of the committee of 300, the secret government of the West, has been made public.


The fact is that even if these people are now backing away from the never ending war on terror scenario and are instead pushing for a global carbon tax, they have been so incompetent at ruling this planet that they have provoked a mass popular uprising against their rule. This tweet, on an account allegedly put up by AnadeRothschild, captures the sentiment:
“Pat Taylor ‏@PT_Fino 11月29日 @AnaDeRothschild I’d like your entire bloodline to be executed on live TV. Call me old fashioned.”

Yeah, I could grab a bowl of popcorn and watch that too!   minusculebeercheers 

Quote:This is why they are now in a state of deep funk.

A visible manifestation of their desperation is the hysterical claims by the corporate media and compromised intelligence agency sources like Saudi loving CIA director John Brennan that “Russian hacking” was responsible for the election of Donald Trump. Just like the Washington Post was forced to back off from a list of “fake news” sites it published recently, the Russians are now demanding that US Presidential spokesperson Barack Obama prove the allegations or apologize. This failing Russia story is a clear indication their ability to control the world story is over.

Another sign of the panic among the leaders of the collapsing old regime is the fact that Hillary Clinton and Obama both contacted the White Dragon Society last week to say that they were not responsible for the March 11, 2011 tsunami and nuclear terror attack on Japan. They claim, as do the Gnostic Illuminati, that Russia’s Vladimir Putin was the person behind that operation. Multiple sources have confirmed that the nuclear weapon used for that attack came from the Russian submarine Kursk that sank in 2000. At the time the Rothschild agent Dr. Michael Meiring told the WDS the Rothschilds were responsible for that attack. Since both the NSA and the gnostic Illuminati claim Putin takes orders from Jacob and Evelyn de Rothschild, claims of his involvement in 311 may well be true.

Related Kent Dunn: Satan 4th Reich Nephilium Giants Last Fight Against God, D Rockefeller & N Rothcild Dead -- Antarctic ET and Nazi Bases, Secret Space Program

The Rothschilds, for their part, say they take their orders from the P2 Freemason lodge. It is a fact that self-described P2 heir apparent Leo Zagami sent threatening and bragging e-mails immediately after 311 (Fukushima) and made threats to destroy Tokyo as well. Japanese government sources confirm the threats to Tokyo from the P2.

Stay tuned for an update on Thursday from the Source Page

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  The COUP Against Trump Just Got EXPOSED by US Courts
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-19-2016, 11:29 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

Anonymous, YOU ROCK!!!   minusculeclap 


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  Cloning Facility Is Now Ready To Replicate Humans
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-19-2016, 10:35 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (9)

[Image: 700_26f0498f798fab8c574b0bf8784dbd15.jpg?v=1482180510]

Quote:The Boyalife corporation is ready to venture away from cloning animal species like cows, racehorses, and pet/police dogs.

Really?  I think this is part of the Disclosure coming out, because from what I've heard, cloning humans has been going on for many years now. 

Oh, that's right!  It was kept a secret from the public!   Shhhhhhhh...........

Quote:The scientist, Xu Xiaochun, is ready to take on his next big overture: cloning humans.

The only problem is that ethical reasons could cause a public uproar and disgust. As a consumer, it is easy to think that cloning is not an everyday part of our lives but take a walk through the grocery store, and you will see cloned strawberries and bananas.
Boyalife would take the process for cloning animals and use it as a template to clone humans of highly extraordinary quality and design.

Sooam Biotech Research Foundation and Chinese Academy of Sciences will work together with Boyalife for the human cloning project. These two companies have been involved with cloning primates, providing quality research to put toward the human cloning research. With solid companies involved, Xu is hoping this will allow human perception to change and allow the human cloning experiment.

Xu is also hoping that with this experiment perhaps there will be three genetic choices: from mom and dad, all from mom or all from dad.

With cloning, it brings several ethical questions to mind. If before someone dies, can you clone them so that with future technology, you can bring that person back to life?
It may mean that in the future death as we know it with a take on a different definition.
Humans will be more likely to accept the research from these companies if there are tangible results for them.

Cloning would also allow same-sex couples to perhaps create a cloned child using their DNA. This would prevent them from having to adopt, undergo surrogate pregnancy, or in-vitro fertilization. As humans, there is a deep-seeded need to biologically reproduce and pass on our biological DNA. This would allow all couples to undergo this.

Imagine using cloning as a way to see if diseases like Alzheimer's, HIV, cancer, or Parkinson's could be eradicated. My dad has Alzheimer's. We have a family history of Alzheimer's. I would love if research for cloning were funded to give me a chance to not get Alzheimer's. This shows that there are not just vane, superficial reasons for cloning but humane, loving, and emotional reasons to fund this project.


Okay, some things about this may be okay, but...  how do they put a person's soul in there?
Is this where the technology to upload a person's mind comes into play?  
Thing is, the mind, and the soul are two separate things! 

I see a world of emotionless AI robots in our future!

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  Nine die in lorry 'attack' on Berlin Christmas market
Posted by: BIAD - 12-19-2016, 10:20 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (4)

'A witness tells of the truck "going through people" and "pulling everything down" a
 it crashed into a crowded German market.

At least nine people have been killed after a lorry crashed into a crowded Christmas 
market in Berlin in a suspected attack.

Around 50 others are thought to have been injured and the suspected driver has been arrested.
There were earlier reports that he had fled the scene.

The co-driver reportedly died in the crash which happened in the popular market outside the
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church.

Witnesses said the crash was not an accident and the lorry had shown no signs of slowing down.
They spoke of the vehicle "going through people" and "pulling everything down".

Images from the scene showed the dark-coloured truck on the pavement with its windscreen
smashed after being cordoned off by officers.

A number of ambulances are treating the injured and police are telling Berliners to "stay at home"...'

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  The Best Interview with Willam Tompkins to Date!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-19-2016, 09:13 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (4)

Hey Guys/Gals, do I have a treat for you!  tinybiggrin

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE watch these two videos!  I have seen other interviews with William Tompkins, but this one with Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot is the best one so far!  
Keep in mind that Tompkins is 93 years old so it takes him awhile to say things, but just be patient and you will be amazed with all he reveals!
It is hard to say this man isn't telling the truth... just take a look at where he worked and the people he knew!   tinysurprised

If you will watch, I promise you will be "awakened" to a truth that has been hidden all these years. 
Yes, of course it sounds outrageous and unbelievable, but just listen.... PLEASE!

AFTER you watch the videos, please come share your thoughts.

HUMANITY NEEDS TO WAKE UP!   minusculebonker 

Quote:Published on Dec 15, 2016
PART ONE : William Mills Tompkins is one of the most important witnesses to come forward revealing details about the Secret Space Program and human interactions with ETs. He details the German alliances with Reptilians and Dracos, the infiltration of NASA by these beings as well as the positive contribution by the Nordics to our secret space program over decades since at least the 1920s and perhaps earlier.

This interview connects the dots on many topics discussed by Tompkins in other interviews including the collaboration of our Navy with Nordics (and reptilians) involving top aerospace companies such as Northrop, TRW, Boeing, Hughes, and many others.

He discusses what really happened during the Battle of LA, the beginnings of MJ12, how nearly all U.S. presidents have been ruled by Dracos and much much more....


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  Christmas !! Yes, that's right. Christmas.
Posted by: Sol - 12-19-2016, 06:40 PM - Forum: A Rogue's Opinion Piece... - Replies (12)

Yes, that's right.

Christmas !

Not Happy Hannukah or Happy Mulhulla or Happy Holidays. Fuck those. Merry Christmas !

The twenty first century has become a free for all Holidays melting pot. And although we are asked to respect others and their religions, we are being told that our own ways need to subtly take a back stance to make way for such respect.

Fine, or so I thought when this shenanigan all started, many, many years ago.

What is NO longer fine is when others that ask for respect take that as a one way street.

When they now tell us that we shouldn't put up Christmas trees.

When they now tell us to minimize Christmas decorations in public places.

When they now tell us that such a Christmas song is somehow offensive, because of a few words. Say what? Fucking pussies.

Let's not forget how they now look at us like we're fucking extraterrestrials for wearing Christmas clothes. Or drinking eggnog.


Do I need to remind everyone that this is OUR way, OUR traditions? On OUR turf?


There's a fine line between minimization and annihilation.

If you can't respect our ways, while asking that we respect yours...well...here's my answer to all of it;


That's right. Two little words that eventually will mean as little as the two words that are ' Merry Christmas ' nowadays, by the way it's going.

Merry Christmas.

Did that hurt? Are your feelings okay?

I'm just asking but really, I couldn't care less.

In North America and many other places around this planet, Merry Christmas means something.

Something you'll never understand. And no, it's nothing like the 'commercial Christmas spend all that's in your wallet' gimmick that I'm talking about.

It's the time of the year where we get together, with the ones we love, where we remember those who've left us, where we celebrate our young ones.

Where a Christmas tree represents joy and happiness. Where Christmas decorations reminds us all of a time that has passed, the one that is present and of the one that is to come.

So spare me your indulgence and fake smiles. I'm done respecting your shit until you respect mine.

Until then,

Merry Christmas !!

[Image: Funny-merry-christmas-quotes.jpeg]


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