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  Temple Of Baal Arch Is Going Up In New York’s City Hall Park Today
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-19-2016, 08:10 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

Quote:If you tried to put up a large cross in a public park in New York City there would be lawsuits flying all over the place, but apparently an ancient pagan arch that served as a gateway to the Temple of Baal is no problem at all.

On Monday, September 19th, a reconstructed version of Palmyra’s Arch Of Triumph (also known as the Monumental Arch) will be erected in New York City. Specifically, it will be located in City Hall Park in Manhattan.

The organization behind this project is known as the Institute for Digital Archaeology, and they have confirmed the location and the date on their official website

[Image: New-York-City-September-19-2016-460x460.png]

So, why is this so alarming to people? If you aren't familiar with the ancient gods, you may not be; you might be perfectly fine with this.  And even if you don't believe in any "gods", it's the rituals connected with this particular deity that makes it so disturbing.  mediumnotlooking

Quote:Well, the truth is that “Baal” is mentioned in the Bible more than 100 times. A very high percentage of current world religions can be traced directly back to this ancient deity and to ancient Babylon, and the practices involved in ancient Baal worship are “eerily similar” to things that go on in society today. The following comes from an excellent article by Matt Barber
Quote: Ritualistic Baal worship, in sum, looked a little like this:
Adults would gather around the altar of Baal. Infants would then be burned alive as a sacrificial offering to the deity. Amid horrific screams and the stench of charred human flesh, congregants – men and women alike – would engage in bisexual orgies. The ritual of convenience was intended to produce economic prosperity by prompting Baal to bring rain for the fertility of “mother earth.”

The natural consequences of such behavior – pregnancy and childbirth – and the associated financial burdens of “unplanned parenthood” were easily offset. One could either choose to engage in homosexual conduct or – with child sacrifice available on demand – could simply take part in another fertility ceremony to “terminate” the unwanted child.

Modern liberalism deviates little from its ancient predecessor. While its macabre rituals have been sanitized with flowery and euphemistic terms of art, its core tenets and practices remain eerily similar.

Source Link

Haven't all those things mentioned above been going on in the higher levels of the ILLUMINATI for decades and decades now?  So, is it really an "ancient practice"?
Well, if it's going to go up in the U.S., I can't think of a more appropriate place to put it than New York City, and that's all I have to say about that.

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  The President Finds Me Insulting, His Words Not Mine
Posted by: Jude - 09-19-2016, 07:49 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (1)

I can't really say much more than this guy hasn't said in his vid... I will say that he nailed it tho.


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  Assad’s Death Warrant
Posted by: 727Sky - 09-19-2016, 02:23 PM - Forum: Middle Eastern Regions - Replies (1)

Quote:“Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link. In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria.”
— Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Why the Arabs don’t want us in Syria, Politico
The conflict in Syria is not a war in the conventional sense of the word. It is a regime change operation, just like Libya and Iraq were regime change operations.
The main driver of the conflict is the country that’s toppled more than 50 sovereign governments since the end of World War 2. (See: Bill Blum here.) We’re talking about the United States of course.
Washington is the hands-down regime change champion, no one else even comes close. That being the case, one might assume that the American people would notice the pattern of intervention, see through the propaganda and assign blame accordingly. But that never seems to happen and it probably won’t happen here either. No matter how compelling the evidence may be, the brainwashed American people always believe their government is doing the right thing.
But the United States is not doing the right thing in Syria. Arming, training and funding Islamic extremists — that have killed half a million people, displaced 7 million more and turned the country into an uninhabitable wastelands –is not the right thing. It is the wrong thing, the immoral thing. And the US is involved in this conflict for all the wrong reasons, the foremost of which is gas. The US wants to install a puppet regime in Damascus so it can secure pipeline corridors in the East, oversee the transport of vital energy reserves from Qatar to the EU, and make sure that those reserves continue to be denominated in US Dollars that are recycled into US Treasuries and US financial assets. This is the basic recipe for maintaining US dominance in the Middle East and for extending America’s imperial grip on global power into the future.
The war in Syria did not begin when the government of Bashar al Assad cracked down on protestors in the spring of 2011. That version of events is obfuscating hogwash. The war began in 2000, when Assad rejected a Qatari plan to transport gas from Qatar to the EU via Syria. As Robert F Kennedy Jr. explains in his excellent article “Syria: Another pipeline War”:
Quote:“The $10 billion, 1,500km pipeline through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey….would have linked Qatar directly to European energy markets via distribution terminals in Turkey… The Qatar/Turkey pipeline would have given the Sunni Kingdoms of the Persian Gulf decisive domination of world natural gas markets and strengthen Qatar, America’s closest ally in the Arab world. ….
In 2009, Assad announced that he would refuse to sign the agreement to allow the pipeline to run through Syria “to protect the interests of our Russian ally….
Assad further enraged the Gulf’s Sunni monarchs by endorsing a Russian approved “Islamic pipeline” running from Iran’s side of the gas field through Syria and to the ports of Lebanon. The Islamic pipeline would make Shia Iran instead of Sunni Qatar, the principal supplier to the European energy market and dramatically increase Tehran’s influence in the Mid-East and the world…”
Naturally, the Saudis, Qataris, Turks and Americans were furious at Assad, but what could they do? How could they prevent him from choosing his own business partners and using his own sovereign territory to transport gas to market?
What they could do is what any good Mafia Don would do; break a few legs and steal whatever he wanted. In this particular situation, Washington and its scheming allies decided to launch a clandestine proxy-war against Damascus, kill or depose Assad, and make damn sure the western oil giants nabbed the future pipeline contracts and controlled the flow of energy to Europe. That was the plan at least. Here’s more from Kennedy:
Quote:“Secret cables and reports by the U.S., Saudi and Israeli intelligence agencies indicate that the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline, military and intelligence planners quickly arrived at the consensus that fomenting a Sunni uprising in Syria to overthrow the uncooperative Bashar Assad was a feasible path to achieving the shared objective of completing the Qatar/Turkey gas link. In 2009, according to WikiLeaks, soon after Bashar Assad rejected the Qatar pipeline, the CIA began funding opposition groups in Syria.
Repeat: “the moment Assad rejected the Qatari pipeline”, he signed his own death warrant. That single act was the catalyst for the US aggression that transformed a bustling, five thousand-year old civilization into a desolate Falluja-like moonscape overflowing with homicidal fanatics that were recruited, groomed and deployed by the various allied intelligence agencies.
[Image: 512UWt7QvcL.jpg]
But what’s particularly interesting about this story is that the US attempted a nearly-identical plan 60 years earlier during the Eisenhower administration. Here’s another clip from the Kennedy piece:
Quote:“During the 1950′s, President Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers … mounted a clandestine war against Arab Nationalism — which CIA Director Allan Dulles equated with communism — particularly when Arab self-rule threatened oil concessions. They pumped secret American military aid to tyrants in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon favoring puppets with conservative Jihadist ideologies which they regarded as a reliable antidote to Soviet Marxism….
The CIA began its active meddling in Syria in 1949 — barely a year after the agency’s creation…. Syria’s democratically elected president, Shukri-al-Kuwaiti, hesitated to approve the Trans Arabian Pipeline, an American project intended to connect the oil fields of Saudi Arabia to the ports of Lebanon via Syria. (so)… the CIA engineered a coup, replacing al-Kuwaiti with the CIA’s handpicked dictator, a convicted swindler named Husni al-Za’im. Al-Za’im barely had time to dissolve parliament and approve the American pipeline before his countrymen deposed him, 14 weeks into his regime…..
(CIA agent Rocky) Stone arrived in Damascus in April 1956 with $3 million in Syrian pounds to arm and incite Islamic militants and to bribe Syrian military officers and politicians to overthrow al-Kuwaiti’s democratically elected secularist regime….
But all that CIA money failed to corrupt the Syrian military officers. The soldiers reported the CIA’s bribery attempts to the Ba’athist regime. In response, the Syrian army invaded the American Embassy taking Stone prisoner. Following harsh interrogation, Stone made a televised confession to his roles in the Iranian coup and the CIA’s aborted attempt to overthrow Syria’s legitimate government….(Then) Syria purged all politicians sympathetic to the U.S. and executed them for treason.” (Politico)
See how history is repeating itself? It’s like the CIA was too lazy to even write a new script, they just dusted off the old one and hired new actors.
Fortunately, Assad –with the help of Iran, Hezbollah and the Russian Airforce– has fended off the effort to oust him and install a US-stooge. This should not be taken as a ringing endorsement of Assad as a leader, but of the principal that global security depends on basic protections of national sovereignty, and that the cornerstone of international law has to be a rejection of unprovoked aggression whether the hostilities are executed by one’s own military or by armed proxies that are used to achieve the same strategic objectives while invoking plausible deniability. The fact is, there is no difference between Bush’s invasion of Iraq and Obama’s invasion of Syria. The moral, ethical and legal issues are the same, the only difference is that Obama has been more successful in confusing the American people about what is really going on.
And what’s going on is regime change: “Assad must go”. That’s been the administration’s mantra from the get go. Obama and Co are trying to overthrow a democratically-elected secular regime that refuses to bow to Washington’s demands to provide access to pipeline corridors that will further strengthen US dominance in the region. That’s what’s really going on behind the ISIS distraction and the “Assad is a brutal dictator” distraction and the “war-weary civilians in Aleppo” distraction. Washington doesn’t care about any of those things. What Washington cares about is oil, power and money. How can anyone be confused about that by now? Kennedy summed it up like this:
Quote:“We must recognize the Syrian conflict is a war over control of resources indistinguishable from the myriad clandestine and undeclared oil wars we have been fighting in the Mid-East for 65 years. And only when we see this conflict as a proxy war over a pipeline do events become comprehensible.”
That says it all, don’t you think?
MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at fergiewhitney@msn.com.
(Reprinted from Counterpunch by permission of author or representative)
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  'What happened when an ISIS jihadi tried for 6 months to recruit a Reporter'
Posted by: BIAD - 09-19-2016, 09:34 AM - Forum: Europe - Replies (2)

Brainwashing for sale... come and get it!

'Abu has a reply for everything, for every attack on the West - there was a bigger one in Syri
- for every child slaughtered in Nice and Paris, there were ten more in the Middle East
- he is trying to radicalise me.

His ideologies are not impressive, his assertions are wild and the 'facts' are little more than
sweeping statements based on insane fatwas and speeches from militant preachers. 

As an adult it is easy to see he is brainwashed. As a child? I would not stand a chance.  

The Islamic State (ISIS) wants to convert British Muslims into jihadis and they are ramping
up their efforts. 

Converts are waging a war online - and a huge part of their success is recruitment. It does
not take long to find a jihadi wannabe willing to help me along my sham ‘path to becoming
a believer’. 

Their operations are slick, they want to befriend you, learn about you, and talk about how
your Government is to blame for the killing of thousands of innocent young people. 

They play the victim, they claim they are being attacked - why would they not fight back,
they will ask...'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=511]

'...His dismissing of human suffering disgusts me. Abu refuses to reveal where he lives
- but it is the West. And he is on benefits.

The jihadi proudly reveals how he "takes from the Government" and will not contribute to
society, paying taxes only on food items and bills which he says are totally unavoidable.

He claims ISIS encourages jihadis in Europe to take benefits from the state - as they see
it as a way of robbing from the oppressors.

Abu lives in the West for now - but he is desperate to reach Syria...'

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  Organisms Might Be Quantum Machines.
Posted by: BIAD - 09-19-2016, 09:15 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (4)

The article below explores the idea of efficiency, a course that nature knows well.
If any of this is true, then in my view, it should change our concepts of what we are and possibly
answer a lot of questions involving religion and the paranormal.

'If there’s any subject that perfectly encapsulates the idea that science is hard to understand,
it’s quantum physics.

Scientists tell us that the miniature denizens of the quantum realm behave in seemingly impossible
ways: they can exist in two places at once, or disappear and reappear somewhere else instantly.

The one saving grace is that these truly bizarre quantum behaviours don’t seem to have much
of an impact on the macroscopic world as we know it, where “classical” physics rules the roost.
Or, at least, that’s what scientists thought until a few years ago.

Now that reassuring wisdom is starting to fall apart. Quantum processes may occur not quite
so far from our ordinary world as we once thought.

Quite the opposite: they might be at work behind some very familiar processes, from the
photosynthesis that powers plants – and ultimately feeds us all – to the familiar sight of birds
on their seasonal migrations.

Quantum physics might even play a role in our sense of smell.

In fact, quantum effects could be something that nature has recruited into its battery of tools
to make life work better, and to make our bodies  into smoother machines.

It’s even possible that we can do more with help from the strange quantum world than we
could without it.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=510]

At one level, photosynthesis looks very simple.
Plants, green algae and some bacteria take in sunlight and carbon dioxide, and turn them
into energy.

What niggles in the back of biologists minds, though, is that photosynthetic organisms
make the process look just a little bit too easy.

It’s one part of photosynthesis in particular that puzzles scientists
 A photon – a particle of light – after a journey of billions of kilometres hurtling through
space, collides with an electron in a leaf outside your window.

The electron, given a serious kick by this energy boost, starts to bounce around, a little
like a pinball. It makes its way through a tiny part of the leaf’s cell, and passes on its extra
energy to a molecule that can act as an energy currency to fuel the plant.

The trouble is, this tiny pinball machine works suspiciously well.
Classical physics suggests the excited electron should take a certain amount of time to
career around inside the photosynthetic machinery in the cell before emerging on the other
side. In reality, the electron makes the journey far more quickly.

What’s more, the excited electron barely loses any energy at all in the process.
Classical physics would predict some wastage of energy in the noisy business of being batted
around the molecular pinball machine.

The process is too fast, too smooth and too efficient. It just seems too good to be

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  Smoking Helps Protect Against Lung Cancer!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-18-2016, 07:38 PM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (8)

I came across this article on LA (Lucid Awaeneings), and found the information too important to not share here.  I ask that you go to that site thread to read all the information.  I just wanted to make sure people here didn't miss out.
Here is a link to the thread over there:  http://www.lucidawakenings.net/t/scienti...ancer/1394

Once again, our gooberment has lied to us.  They had to find something to blame the high rate of lung cancer on, so they blamed tobacco instead of taking responsibility that it was them and the release of plutonium into the air with nuclear testing.

Quote:Twelve years after the cataclysmic Trinity test, it became obvious to western governments that things were getting completely out of control, with a 1957 British Medical Research Council report stating that global “deaths from lung cancer have more than doubled during the period 1945 to 1955”, though no explanation was offered. During the same ten-year period, cancer deaths in the immediate proximity of Hiroshima and Nagasaki went up threefold. By the end of official atmospheric testing in 1963, the incidence of lung cancer in the Pacific Islands had increased fivefold since 1945. Having screwed your environment completely for 50,000 years, it was time for “big government” to start taking heavy diversionary action.

Quote:There are more than a million lethal doses per kilogram, meaning that your governments have contaminated your atmosphere with more than 715,000,000,000 [715 Billion] such doses, enough to cause lung or skin cancer 117 times in every man, woman and child on earth.

[Image: lung-cancer-mortality-country-gender.png]

I urge everyone to go to the thread on LA and read all the information.  It's quite astonishing to realize they are trying to kill us by making cigarettes look deadly, when in fact they can help save us!  LINK

No, wait!  On second thought, I'm not the least bit astonished!   smallnotamused

Quote:Many people ask exactly how it is that those smoking mice were protected from deadly radioactive particles, and even more are asking why real figures nowadays are showing far more non-smokers dying from lung cancer than smokers. Professor Sterling of the Simon Fraser University in Canada is perhaps closest to the truth, where he uses research papers to reason that smoking promotes the formation of a thin mucous layer in the lungs, "which forms a protective layer stopping any cancer-carrying particles from entering the lung tissue."

This is probably as close as we can get to the truth at present, and it does make perfect scientific sense. Deadly radioactive particles inhaled by a smoker would initially be trapped by the mucous layer, and then be ejected from the body before they could enter the tissue.

All of this may be a bit depressing for non-smokers, but there are probably one or two things you can do to minimize the risks as far as possible. Rather than shy away from smokers in your local pub or club, get as close as you can and breathe in their expensive second-hand smoke. Go on, don't be shy, suck in a few giant breaths. Or perhaps you could smoke one cigarette or small cigar after each meal, just three a day to build up a thin boundary mucous layer. If you cannot or will not do either of the above, consider phoning Michael Jackson to ask for a spare surgical mask!

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  'Pakistanis in Germany receiving threatening calls from Pakistan Embassy number'
Posted by: BIAD - 09-18-2016, 05:59 PM - Forum: Europe - No Replies

'The Pakistani community in Germany is receiving threatening calls from
a local telephone number of the Pakistani Embassy.

A Pakistani diplomat working at the embassy told Geo News that several
members of the Pakistani community had lodged complaints mentioning 
that the caller had spoken in Urdu but had a mixed Urdu-Hindi accent. 

The Pakistani diplomat further added, "We are in touch with the relevant
German authorities on the issue".   

One Pakistani victim, Ahmed told local media that he had received a call
from the Pakistan Embassy Berlin telephone number: +49 30 212440
and the caller introduced himself as Pakistan Embassy's staff member.

Ahmed is living in Hannover since 1986. He had recently applied
for passport renewal.

The unknown caller threatened Ahmed for deportation from Germany
and asked him to pay amount between 2000 to 3000 Euros
(more than 300,000 PKR).

The caller said that if payment was not made then Ahmed’s information
will be sent to German deportation authorities.
Hence, he will face legal problems.

The caller wanted to be paid via codes of iTunes cards instead  of bank transfer...'

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  Geologist claims found Christ tomb...
Posted by: guohua - 09-18-2016, 02:54 PM - Forum: Religion and Matters of Faith - Replies (16)

Yes, that is what he's claiming.
So was Christ just and Man with followers?
I don't believe in God or a Virgin Having a Baby, so Just A Man In My Thoughts!


Is where Jesus is buried? Geologist claims to have found Christ’s tomb
But not everyone believes he has found the Tomb!
Quote:ONE thing’s for sure – Dr Aryeh Shimron’s claims are going to be pretty controversial.

He’s a geologist and he apparently has proof that Jesus Christ is buried at a site in East Jerusalem.

[Image: nintchdbpict0002674953181.jpg?w=960]
This is the tomb in question
Quote:The area is called Talpiot Tomb and it was first found in 1980. But now Aryeh has done some tests, which he says prove Jesus of Nazareth, his wife Mary Magdalene and SON Judah were laid to rest there.
There are nine burial boxes in the tomb, and they all have names with links to the New Testament of the Bible on them.
It all caused people to suggest it was where Jesus’s body was buried, and was proof he’d married and had a child. This was highly controversial, given Christians believe Jesus was resurrected.

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  New York explosion: 'intentional bomb blast' injures 29 in Chelsea District
Posted by: BIAD - 09-18-2016, 09:47 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (4)

'New York is on high alert after an explosion rocked the Chelsea district of
Manhattan injuring 29 people, one seriously.
Thousands of people were milling about one of Manhattan’s most fashionable
areas when the blast ripped through the area shortly after 8.30pm local time.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=505]

It is understood to have originated from a device placed in a skip outside the
Associated Blind Housing facility at 135 W. 23rd Street.

A second device was found four blocks away on West 27th Street.
According to several local news sources it was a pressure cooker attached
to a mobile phone by tape with protruding wires.

People living on West 27th Street were instructed to stay away from their
windows while the device was investigated.
Police combed, aided by sniffer dogs, combed rubbish bins to ensure
there were no other devices...'

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  Deputies Use Robot to Snatch Gun, End Standoff
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 09-17-2016, 12:11 PM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - Replies (1)

Being a cop is hard, and I think that they should use all the tools they can, but what if the gun had gone off?

Quote:Officials were able to peacefully end an hours-long standoff in a dark desert when they used a robot to seize a suspect’s gun without him noticing, authorities said.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies said 51-year-old attempted murder suspect Brock Ray Bunge was disarmed by the robot on Sept. 8.

“The robot was a game changer here,” said Capt. Jack Ewell. “We didn’t have to risk a deputy’s life to disarm a very violent man.” Bunge had allegedly robbed two people and tried to kill another. He reportedly fled to a dark field in Antelope Valley, and a helicopter spotted him behind wire fencing and shrubs.

About six hours into the standoff, officials sent in the robot, which showed him on his stomach with his rifle at his feet. While deputies yelled at him, the camouflaged robot grabbed his gun and retreated.

“He never knew it happened,” said Ewell. “He only realized the gun was gone when the robot returned to pull down the wire.”

Bunge immediately surrendered.


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