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  Nazi time capsule from 1934 found buried in Third Reich training school
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 09-17-2016, 11:27 AM - Forum: World History - Replies (1)

Very interesting thing to find - wonder what other things are in it that they are not saying.

Quote:A group of archeologists have found what has been described as a "time capsule" buried by the Nazis in Poland.

The capsule dates back to 1934 and reportedly contains money, photographs and film of the town's 600th anniversary, held in 1933.

[Image: nazi_time_capsule.jpg?itok=osxiYZB-][/url]

The discovery was made in the city of Zlocieniec, formerly Falkenburg, which was part of Germany until 1945.

The archeologists made the discovery while examining the cement of a local tower in the Ordensburg Krossinsee, a school used to train future Nazi leaders.

The school's construction team broke ground in April 1934, which was probably when the capsule was buried. The school is still in use today by the Polish army.

Archeologists had long known the artefact was buried there, but had been unable to get to it until now. To finally reach it, the reseach team had to wade through ground water, pick their way through thick concrete and evade German mines.


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  Russia Riles Up Internet by Blocking Porn Sites
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 09-17-2016, 11:13 AM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - Replies (1)

And so the censorship continues. Love the first line they have of the story - that really will stop people looking at porn!!

Well, it sems the Net is set for some radical changes in the next few years it will be interesting to see if the dark Web becomes more frequented as a result.

Quote:Government says complainers can 'meet someone in real life' instead

Anyone upset about Russia's recent blocking of 11 internet pornography sites should try to "meet someone in real life," according to the agency behind the ban. Roskomnadzor has the power to block websites the Russian government doesn't want its people to see, and the agency used that power Tuesday to block access to YouPorn and Pornhub—the world's most popular porn sites—among others, the Independent reports. The sites were accused of "spreading information that is detrimental to the development of children," according to Newsweek.

The ban presumably meant some Russian internet users found themselves with extra free time, which they used to complain about the ban online, the BBCreports. The lead singer of Pussy Riot called the blocking of Pornhub a "blow below the belt," while Pornhub itself tried to tempt Roskomnadzor into removing the ban by offering the agency a Pornhub Premium account.

Some Russians even took to asking the US for "pornographic asylum." But Roskomnadzor was less than sympathetic, suggesting on Twitter that anyone feeling put out after losing access to their favorite porn sites "could try and meet someone in real life" instead. A Russian court will rule on whether the ban on Pornhub and YouPorn remains in place at some point in the future, the Moscow Times reports.

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  The Beer Pipeline!
Posted by: Jude - 09-17-2016, 05:12 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto - Replies (1)

Of course we know it would never be able to happen on this side of the pond because we have our overlord babysitters watching out for our safety. A lemonade stand is illegal in many areas because it might support terrorists as a money laundering operation run by 10 yr olds.

But ain't this sweet?

Quote:The idea to create an underground beer hub was born by the owners of the brewery that stretches back to the 16th century. Wanting to save costs in the long run and ensure the longevity of their business, De Halve Maan brewery decided to take their trucks that used to run up to five trips per day off the streets of the UNESCO protected city center go Bruges.

“We faced some problems with heavy tanker trucks that have to bring our beer from here to our bottling plant that is 3 kilometers out of the town,” De Halve Maan managing director Xavier Vanneste told Ruptly. “That's why we were looking for other opportunities.”

“It was so important to find that solution for our mobility problem, because if we want to work in a modern way, from time to time we need to let trucks enter the historical city, and that is what we don’t like, because it is always a risk for the historical buildings and streets,” the mayor added.

Make way Belgium...Jude is coming over! :)


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  Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Admits 2008 Birther Link
Posted by: guohua - 09-16-2016, 10:20 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Yes, Hillary Blames Trump For the Birther Movement, of-course she is no different than Obama, blaming someone, But she actually had a part in the whole Birther Movement.
I wish Trump would call her out on this, But maybe Senona can get this out n Our Social Pages.
We know that Rogue-Nation will have to do the Job Of The Media, They're To Bias!

Quote:Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.

Doyle made the admission on Twitter, as she responded to former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer. Fleischer said that Clinton’s staff had spread the rumor. Doyle said that was a “lie” — but admitted, in the same tweet, that she had fired the “rogue” staffer who had used email to spread the Birther conspiracy theory.

Doyle appeared about an hour later on CNN with Wolf Blitzer to address the issue once again. She denied that Hillary Clinton had started the Birther theory — then admitted that someone in the Clinton campaign had, in fact, been involved. Here is part their exchange:

Quote:Blitzer: Someone supporting Hillary Clinton was trying to promote this so-called Birther issue? What happened?
Doyle: So we — absolutely, the campaign nor Hillary did not start the Birther movement, period, end of story there. There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe, in late 2007, I believe, in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa — I don’t recall whether they were an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an email that promoted the conspiracy.
Blitzer: The Birther conspiracy?
Doyle: Yeah, Hillary made the decision immediately to let that person go. We let that person go. And it was so, beyond the pale, Wolf, and so not worthy of the kind of campaign that certainly Hillary wanted to run.
Doyle went on to relate how she personally called Obama campaign manager David Plouffe to apologize, and he accepted. Blitzer then asked her about the Mark Penn memorandum, in which the campaign’s strategist proposed exploiting Obama’s “lack of American roots.” Doyle asserted, and Blitzer agreed, that the memo had nothing to do with Birtherism.
Yes, Hillary is having another "I don't Remember, I don't Recall" episode,,, YES She's Lying!

 Hillary Clinton on Thursday again lied by blaming Trump for the Obama birthers.

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  Bin Laden: Alive vs. Dead
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-16-2016, 08:24 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (10)

I am posting two different articles: One states "Proof" Bin Laden died in 2001, and another stating there exists documents showing he is still alive.

So, let's debate this and see if we can figure out who is misleading us.

First article:

Proof Bin Laden Died in 2001

[Image: Osama-bin-Laden-Embassy-attacks.jpg]

Quote:All sources are from the mainstream news, many of which have since been “scrubbed” from the internet.
2000 to September 2001: Reports Emerge of bin Laden Dying From Kidney Disease

In March 2000 the Chicago Tribune reports that an Afghan witness and “Western intelligence official” say bin Laden is suffering from severe kidney and liver failure.
Link: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/…
This story was also picked up by CBS News in 2000, who outright lead with the title that “Bin Laden Reported to be Dying” from “kidney disease.”
Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20010212010328/..
In July 2001, the South Asia Analysis Group reports: “Bin Laden, who suffers from renal deficiency, has been periodically undergoing dialysis in a Peshawar military hospital with the knowledge and approval of the Inter-Services Intelligence, (ISI) if not of Gen.Pervez Musharraf himself.”
Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20011007021426/…

September to November 2001: bin Laden is Trapped in Afghanistan, Unable to Receive Kidney Treatments
In September 2001, PBS’ Frontline interviews the former general counsel for the CIA, mentioning reports from 1998 that the DEA found out Osama bin Laden was undergoing kidney dialysis with a doctor in Peshwar. They mention further that the DEA wanted to poison bin Laden through his dialysis machine, but the CIA allegedly rejected this due to the ban on assassinations.
Link: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/…

In November 2001, The Guardian is reporting that French intelligence officials say bin Laden was flown to Dubai for kidney treatment in July of 2001, where he also met with several CIA agents and the head of Saudi intelligence. This story is also picked up by several French newspapers.
Link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/…

In his first interview since 9/11, in November 2001 bin Laden talks to a Pakistani newspaper and claims that his “kidneys are all right” and denies visiting a hospital in Dubai the previous year (note that he may have visited one in Pakistan). In the same interview he also asserts, clearly lying, that he has “nuclear weapons.”
Link: http://dawn.com/news/5647/…

December 2001: bin Laden is Dead, Buried in Afghanistan In December of 2001, the New York Times reports on “high-level murmurings that bin Laden is dead.”
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2001/…

That same day,citing a Taliban source, Fox News reports that bin Laden has died due to an “untreated lung complication” from kidney disease. About 30 “close associates” reportedly attended bin Laden’s funeral in the Tora Bora region of Afghanistan. A source concludes that the U.S. government and other forces are in a “mad search operation” but will never be able to locate the now-dead bin Laden, buried in an unmarked location.
Link: http://www.foxnews.com/story/2001/…

Late December 2001 to March 2002: bin Laden’s “Death Video” is Released In late December of 2001, after reports of bin Laden’s funeral, a new video appears of a gaunt, sickly Osama bin Laden. The London Telegraph reports, verbatim: “The recording was dismissed by the Bush administration yesterday as sick propaganda possibly designed to mask the fact the al-Qa’eda leader was already dead.” One aid further concludes that the video was created earlier in the event bin Laden is dead, who by December of 2001 was so heavily surrounded he would have been unable to escape to obtain kidney dialysis.
Link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/…

At this time CBS news also runs a story on bin Laden receiving kidney disease treatments in Pakistan the week before 9/11. Link:Osama bin Laden Near Death in 2002 (from Dan Rather CBS); US Government bin Laden LIE In January of 2002, The Guardian reports that the president of Pakistan speculates that bin Laden is now dead of untreated kidney disease based on video and photographs of a gaunt-looking bin Laden.
Link: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/jan/19/…

In January of 2002, based on his analysis of video and photographs of bin Laden from December 2001, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta says that bin Laden seems to be having renal failure. He notes kidney dialysis is expensive, and suggests bin Laden would need help in obtaining medical treatment.
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/HEALTH/…

In March 2002, the BBC reports on an interview with bin Laden’s wife, who speaks of bin Laden in the past tense, notes his failing kidney and frequent use of pills and other medicines. She says she has not seen her husband since September 2001, but holds out hope that he is still alive: “I feel deep inside me that he is still alive.” She also notes that bin Laden’s wish was to die in Afghanistan and nowhere else: “He never spoke to me about his intention to leave Afghanistan and always wished to die there. He told me once that if he ever left Afghanistan, it would be to meet his Creator.” She also says that bin Laden “always suffered from kidney and stomach pains and that he “told me once that he was going to Pakistan for treatment.”
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/world/monitoring/…

In March and April of 2002, U.S. officials downplay the threat of bin Laden, with Rumsfeld even saying the bin Laden threat has been “neutralized.” Even Bush, called out for rarely mentioning bin Laden in 2002, admits: “We haven’t heard from him [bin Laden] in a long time… I don’t know where he is. I really just don’t spend that much time on him, to be honest with you.” Link: Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) In May 2002, ABC News reports on a new spliced-together tape from unknown time periods in which bin Laden appears “about the same” (that is, sickly-looking) as in the tape from December 2011. ABC News also says they have “learned intelligence reports indicate bin Laden had received a kidney transplant in Pakistan,” but do not know when.
Link: http://abcnews.go.com/International/…

July 2002: FBI Chief Says bin Laden is Most Likely Dead; Nothing from bin Laden Since December 2001 In July 2002, the BBC reveals a bombshell: the FBI’s counter-terrorism chief Dale Watson says bin Laden is ‘”probably dead.” Conveniently, bin Laden’s followers’ claim that bin Laden will “not make more video statements until his group launches another attack on the United States.”
Link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/…

In July 2002, CNN reports that bin Laden’s close bodyguards were captured in February of 2002, but not bin Laden. The article also quotes mentions some high-level officials: “Some high-level U.S. officials are already convinced by such evidence that bin Laden, who has not been seen or heard from in months, is dead.”
Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021204040117/…

In July 2002, Time Magazine reports that “intelligence officials are not certain whether Osama bin Laden is alive or dead” but that “they have found a tantalizing document that suggests he was living at least as recently as the last days of December [of 2001].”
Link: http://content.time.com/time/magazine/…

In July 2002, The New York Times runs another article on how Osama bin Laden is likely dead. The author notes how unusual it would be for bin Laden, known for his constant desire for media attention, would be silent for over half a year.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/…

October 2002: Intelligence Officials Confirm bin Laden is Dead; bin Laden’s Will is Released Also in October 2002 the D.C.-based news service The World Tribune, citing Israeli intelligence sources, reports that the United States and Israel have concluded that bin Laden died in Afghanistan in December 2001. They note that additional bin Laden messages are “probably fabrications,” and that bin Laden’s heir has been chosen.
Link: http://web.archive.org/web/20021205223313/…

The president of Afghanistan also concludes that bin Laden is probably dead: “The more we don’t hear of him, and the more time passes, there is the likelihood that he probably is either dead or seriously wounded somewhere.”
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

In October 2002 CNN reports that U.S. intelligence officials have obtained Osama bin Laden’s will, which is dated December 14, 2001 (approximately the same date as has been reported bin Laden’s funeral in Tora Bora by Fox News and other outlets). CNN also reports that there has been no evidence of bin Laden since December of 2001.
Link: http://edition.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/…

2002 Onwards: Efforts to Target bin Laden are Closed Down; bin Laden = “Elvis” In 2004, the LA Times quotes Donald Rumsfeld (who mixes up Hussein with bin Laden) as admitting: “We’ve not seen him [bin Laden] on a video since 2001.”
Link: http://newsmine.org/content.php?ol=9-11/binladen/…

In 2006 the New York Times reports the CIA had officially closed down the unit focused on capturing bin Laden the previous year.
Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/washington/…

In 2006, U.S. and Pakistani officials say they have not received any information about bin Laden in years: “no tips from informants, no snippets from electronic intercepts, no points on any satellite image.” The article rehashes the December 2001 video of bin Laden as the most recent evidence (other than a second-hand claim from 2003) of bin Laden’s existence. Some commandos are now giving Osama bin Laden the codename “Elvis.”
Link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/…

The available reports overwhelmingly supports the view that bin Laden died of kidney failure in December of 2001. We have mainstream news reports from a variety of sources, and zero credible evidence since then, as admitted by top level officials. Even if you believe the official story, the evidence very strongly suggests some entity (either the CIA, Saudi Royal Family, the Pakistani government, or all the above) helped bin Laden survive long enough via medical treatments to be killed at a later point in time. This very well could be the “one big lie” Seymour Hersh has mentioned in The Guardian recently.


And now for the second article:


Quote:Snowden, who lives as a fugitive in Russia after leaking documents about the NSA’s surveillance programs has made some previously unreported allegations about the famous terrorist, Osama Bin Laden, during an interview with the Moscow Tribune.

According to him, not only is Bin Laden still alive, but he is living a lavish lifestyle in the Bahamas, thanks to regular payments from the CIA.
“I have documents showing that Bin Laden is still on the CIA’s payroll,” claims Edward Snowden. “He is still receiving more than $100,000 a month, which are being transferred through some front businesses and organizations, directly to his Nassau bank account. I am not certain where he is now, but in 2013, he was living quietly in his villa with five of his wives and many children.”
[Image: snowden3.jpg]The terrorist leader Osama Bin Laden was supposedly killed by United States Navy SEALs on May 2 2011, is still alive in a luxurious Nassau suburb.

Mr. Snowden says the CIA orchestrated the fake death of the former leader of Al Qaeda, while he was actually transported with his family in an undisclosed location in the Bahamas.

“Osama Bin Laden was one of the CIA’s most efficient operatives for a long time,” claims the famous whistleblower. “What kind of message would it send their other operatives if they were to let the SEALs kill him? They organized his fake death with the collaboration of the Pakistani Secret services, and he simply abandoned his cover. Since everyone believes he is dead, nobody’s looking for him, so it was pretty easy to disappear. Without the beard and the military jacket, nobody recognizes him.”
Mr. Snowden says that the documents proving that Bin Laden is still alive will be integrally reproduced in his new book, expected to be released in September.
[Image: snowden2.jpg]A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, a whistleblower, a dissident, a patriot, and a traitor, for his revelations of thousands of classified documents.

Edward Snowden was hired by an NSA contractor in 2013 after previous employment with Dell and the CIA. In the month of June of the same year, he revealed thousands of classified NSA documents to journalists.
The US government filed espionage charges against him shortly after his revelations were made public. He has been living under asylum in Moscow, after fleeing the US for Hong Kong in the wake of the leaks.
On July 28 2015, the White House has rejected a “We the People” petition of nearly 168,000 signatories, to pardon him.

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I posted this thread so people can see how the media reports totally different views on one subject.  This causes confusion in the public, and takes away credibility from the truth... whichever one it happens to be.

So, in this case, who do you believe is telling the truth, and who is lying?

(In either case, it would show that the Navy Seals did not kill Bin Laden in May, 2011, as reported... if true.)

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  White Ohio policeman kills black teen armed with BB gun.
Posted by: BIAD - 09-16-2016, 07:44 PM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (3)

'A white Ohio policeman responding to reports of an armed robbery 
fatally shot a black 13-year-old boy after he pulled out what appeared
to be a weapon that was later determined to be a BB gun, police said
on Thursday.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=501]
A replica of the BB gun. Columbus Police/Handout via REUTERS.

The teen was shot multiple times when he drew what appeared to
be a handgun from his waistband during a confrontation with officers 
in an alley on Wednesday in Columbus, the state capital, police said.

"We consider it a tragedy when something like this happens,"
Columbus Police Chief Kim Jacobs told a news conference.
"This is the last thing any police officer wants."

Jacobs identified the officer who shot King as Bryan Mason, a nine-year 
veteran. Mason was placed on temporary administrative duty, pending
an internal investigation.

Police identified the victim as Tyree King, although a family lawyer said 
the boy's first name was Tyre...'

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  False Flag Terror: An Overview in History.
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-16-2016, 06:19 PM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (1)

Here is a list of false flags dating all the way back to the 1930s and up to more recent times in our history.

If people will read this, they surely will open their eyes to see how our government has been deceitfully manipulating the public around the world for their own agenda for many decades. 

This is one to save in your files!  

[Image: sociopol_falseflag34.gif]

"Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flag Terror

In the following instances, officials in the government which carried out the attack (or seriously proposed an attack) admit to it, either orally, in writing, or through photographs or videos":

Here are just a few from earlier years:

Quote:(5) Nazi general Franz Halder also testified at the Nuremberg trials that Nazi leader Hermann Goering admitted to setting fire to the German parliament building in 1933, and then falsely blaming the communists for the arson.

(6) Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev admitted in writing that the Soviet Union’s Red Army shelled the Russian village of Mainila in 1939 – while blaming the attack on Finland – as a basis for launching the “Winter War” against Finland. Russian president Boris Yeltsin agreed that Russia had been the aggressor in the Winter War.

(7) The Russian Parliament, current Russian president Putin and former Soviet leader Gorbachev all admit that Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ordered his secret police to execute 22,000 Polish army officers and civilians in 1940, and then falsely blamed it on the Nazis.

And more recent:

Quote:(34) The U.S. falsely blamed Iraq for playing a role in the 9/11 attacks – as shown by a memo from the defense secretary – as one of the main justifications for launching the Iraq war.
[Image: false-flag-terrorism-450x274.jpg]
Even after the 9/11 Commission admitted that there was no connection, Dick Cheney said that the evidence is “overwhelming” that al Qaeda had a relationship with Saddam Hussein’s regime, that Cheney “probably” had information unavailable to the Commission, and that the media was not ‘doing their homework’ in reporting such ties. Top U.S. government officials now admit that the Iraq war was really launched for oil … not 9/11 or weapons of mass destruction.
Despite previous “lone wolf” claims, many U.S. government officials now say that 9/11 was state-sponsored terror; but Iraq was not the state which backed the hijackers. (Many U.S. officials have allegedthat 9/11 was a false flag operation by rogue elements of the U.S. government; but such a claim is beyond the scope of this discussion. The key point is that the U.S. falsely blamed it on Iraq, when it knew Iraq had nothing to do with it.).
(Additionally, the same judge who has shielded the Saudis for any liability for funding 9/11 has awarded a default judgment against Iran for $10.5 billion for carrying out 9/11 … even though no one seriously believes that Iran had any part in 9/11.)

(35) Although the FBI now admits that the 2001 anthrax attacks were carried out by one or more U.S. government scientists, a senior FBI official says that the FBI was actually told to blame the Anthrax attacks on Al Qaeda by White House officials (remember what the anthrax letters looked like). Government officials also confirm that the white House tried to link the anthrax to Iraq as a justification for regime change in that country. And see this.

(36) According to the Washington Post, Indonesian police admit that the Indonesian military killed American teachers in Papua in 2002 and blamed the murders on a Papuan separatist group in order to get that group listed as a terrorist organization.

ARE YOU WAKING UP YET?!   tinyshouting

Stop believing the MSM!  They are owned by these evil Cabal and only report the lies they are told to report in order for the evil shadow goobers to lead us astray!

There are more, all the way through 2015.  Too many to list here, so PLEASE read them all from the Source Page.

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  A man, the Buddy, and the daughter
Posted by: 727Sky - 09-16-2016, 04:31 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (1)

Quote:A man was  telling his buddy "You won't believe what happened last night.
My daughter walked into the living room and  said, "Dad, cancel my allowance immediately, forget my college tuition loan,  rent my room out, throw all my clothes out the window, take my TV and my laptop.  

Please take any of my jewelry to the Salvation Army. Then, sell my car, take my front door key away from me and throw me out of  the house.  Then, disown me and never talk to me again.  AND...Don't forget  to write me out of your will and leave my share to any charity you  choose."

"Holy Smokes,"  replied the friend, "she actually said  that?"
 "Well, she didn't put it quite like that. She actually said,
'Dad, meet my new boyfriend-- Mohammed.  We're going to work together on Hillary's election  campaign!'"

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  Theres my little pony porn hiding in ios10
Posted by: Daitengu - 09-16-2016, 09:19 AM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - Replies (2)

*dons flak vest an brainbucket to avoid stampede for latest i(diot) device * seems that if it doesnt brick your device the latest ios update has my little pony porn on it .... looks like apple aiming for the perv market for its idiot devices .... 
apple pony porn

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  Just In Case Anyone Thought The 'Islam'-Thing is A Racial Problem...
Posted by: BIAD - 09-16-2016, 08:59 AM - Forum: Europe - Replies (14)

‘White Widow’ Brit masterminds female ISIS bomb and knife terror attack'

'A British woman jihadi dubbed the "White Widow" was behind a
bomb and knife attack on a police station, officers claim.

Three women in burkas stormed a police HQ in Mombasa, Kenya,
on Sunday, hurling a petrol bomb and stabbing a cop.

Samantha Lewthwaite, originally from Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire.,
brainwashed the women into the attack, police now believe.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=500]

The 32-year-old is already listed as one of world’s most wanted terror
suspects over links to bomb plots across Africa – and the deaths of
more 400 people.

It is alleged Lewthwaite communicated with female group and three
others in the lead up to the attack.

A police source said: “Primary findings indicate Lewthwaite could
have a hand in this. "A cyber crime unit will be finalising the contents

During the attack two cops were reportedly injured after one woman
threw a petrol bomb and another stabbed an officer.
The female-trio were all shot at the scene – while the other three were
arrested at a nearby safe house...'

What ever happened to the good old days of just blaming the CIA for  brain-washing

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