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  Uh, Gordi
Posted by: guohua - 09-24-2016, 09:42 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (16)

This Make Sense To You?

Quote:Groundskeeper Willie Was The Scotsman We All Love
When he had this odd request.
[Image: grid-cell-32077-1474518196-5.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-32077-1474518198-10.jpg]
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When he had very strong opinions of Scottish people.
[Image: sub-buzz-10136-1474518346-10.jpg?no-auto] 
When he gave this convincing speech.
[Image: sub-buzz-4369-1474518623-1.jpg?resize=625:469&no-auto]
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When Super Nintendo Chalmers didn’t make way for Willie.
[Image: anigif_sub-buzz-8017-1474526537-2.gif?no-auto]
When he taught Scottish history at Scotchtoberfest.
[Image: grid-cell-17605-1474525526-4.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-17605-1474525530-9.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-3255-1474525586-4.jpg]
[Image: anigif_original-grid-image-3255-1474525586-6.gif] [Image: sub-buzz-11183-1474525599-1.jpg?resize=625:469&no-auto]
When he came clean about his secret hobby.
[Image: grid-cell-24681-1474523950-4.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-24681-1474523952-9.jpg] 
[Image: sub-buzz-14609-1474523966-1.jpg?resize=625:469&no-auto]
When he tried to pass on his wisdom.
[Image: sub-buzz-13439-1474523323-2.jpg?resize=625:469&no-auto]
[Image: grid-cell-22731-1474523383-4.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-22731-1474523384-9.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-22731-1474523385-14.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-28364-1474523444-4.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-28364-1474523445-9.jpg] 
[Image: grid-cell-28364-1474523446-14.jpg]
When he briefly taught French class.
[Image: sub-buzz-7627-1474523666-1.jpg?resize=625:469&no-auto]
When he explained why he wouldn’t be able to fire a gun.
[Image: grid-cell-26184-1474524397-4.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-26184-1474524398-9.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-23304-1474524441-9.jpg] 
[Image: grid-cell-23304-1474524443-14.jpg]
When he was so done.
[Image: grid-cell-14427-1474527825-5.jpg] [Image: grid-cell-14427-1474527826-10.jpg]

So,,, I thought they were funny,,, in my own way!

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  They Figured Out How To Slow Climate Change
Posted by: guohua - 09-24-2016, 08:06 AM - Forum: The Great Climate Change Debate - Replies (5)

Yes, They have finally declared Humans To be The Root Of All things Wrong With Mother Earth! tinybiggrin
It's all of You Breeders Out there! tinylaughing Yes you're Killing Our Climate and Making The Earth Hotter For Us and All Of Earths Little Creatures!
Stop Having Babies minusculebiggrin
Stop Believing That God Will Punish You For Using Any Form Of Birth Control!   minusculenonono
One Child and No More and then Get Yourself Neutered, Fixed or What Ever It Takes, WHY? Because You're the Problem! minusculespooked  
The Facts are in, a moral philosophy professor and bioethicist have Said as much. You can't argue with The Educated, Any Progressive well tell you that!  smallveryupset

Quote:Carbon dioxide doesn't kill climates; people do. And the world would be better off with fewer of them.

That's a glib summary of a serious and seriously provocative book by Travis Rieder, a moral philosophy professor and bioethicist at Johns Hopkins University.
When economists write about climate change, they'll often bring up something called the Kaya identity—basically a multiplication problem (not an espionage novel) that helps economists estimate how much carbon dioxide may be heading into the atmosphere. The Kaya identity says the pace of climate pollution is more or less the product four things:
  • How carbon-heavy fuels are
  • How much energy the economy needs to produce GDP
  • GDP per capita
  • Population
After years of policymakers' yammering about carbon-light or carbon-free this-or-that, Rieder basically zeroes in on the fact nobody wants to acknowledge: The number of people in the world—particularly in affluent countries—is literally a part of the equation.
Think of Rieder's as the argument waiting in the wings should the 195-nation Paris Agreement, which came within a shade of enactment this week, fail to address the problem.
Yes, Yes We Have A Grafted, All Good Climate Change Pusher's have a Chart!  minusculethinking 
[Image: -1x-1.png]
Yes Really!  smallkillingpc  Read Some More!
Quote:Q: So. What seems to be the problem?

A: There are 19 million adoptable orphans, and there's catastrophic climate change on the horizon. Contributing a child to the world both makes climate change worse and, if we don't get our act together, it might actually not be all that great for the child either.
You have two tracks. You could say climate change is a big structural problem, so it requires a structural solution; that's a policy question. Or you could say a problem like climate change requires that we change our culture of individual obligation, and everybody needs to think about having small families.

Q: That seems like a pretty heavy ask. People don't even want to think about having small bags of movie popcorn.
A: Well, the argument goes like this: Okay, humans have shown me that they're just not willing to give up their toys. And so we need another option on the table. You want to continue to live in your 10,000-square-foot house? You know, fly private jets around, and that kind of thing? Well, that would mean a lot fewer people on the Earth.

Q: At least in the carbon-heavy countries? Do you think that would actually ever happen? 
A: Mostly I want to put it on the table. Population is a central part of the equation for total emissions, but that gets kind of looked over because people don't like to talk about it. 
Total emissions is per-capita emissions times population, minus technological advances. We've been trying to get you to give up your toys—to change per-capita emissions. So if you're really going to continue to show reluctance, well, here's the other option: We'll start putting pressure on families. If that pressure's really, really, really undesirable, then, well, maybe people decide to start doing the other thing. 
If we could fix everything through decarbonizing our economy, then it's likely that the population variable wouldn't be a real concern. 

Q: It does have the distinct unpleasant feel of a moral gun to the head.
A: Here's my actual suspicion, though: Most people don't find it that undesirable. Demographic trends the world over show when you give women choice, you educate them, you give them power in the household, and you start to fight back against patriarchal society, then fertility rates go down. 

Q: People are helpful to have around, though, if you want to have an economy. China may learn that the hard way. 
A: This is the most infamous example, but it turns out there's been a lot of countries with pretty influential fertility-reducing policies and strategies. What we found is that some of them are really, really good. That's one of the reasons people balk at this sort of argument. They say, 'Look what happened in China.' None of those are arguments against any kind of strategies; those are arguments against the ways the Chinese government employed them.
We put policies on a kind of spectrum of invasiveness, what we call a coercion spectrum. There are things we obviously should never do. You should never violate basic human rights by forced sterilization or forced abortion. That's off the table. We're not going to talk about that. Nobody's going to talk about that.
But this is actually really good fertility policy: Provide family planning. Provide your people with health care. Educate women, and empower women within the home. 
Yes Look at China, More Men Than Women and More Women Opting For A Career Before Family, The average Chinese male has to look outside of China far a wife.
Now I'm going to skip to the Religion Part of the Article,,,, You Still With Me?  smallnotamused
Quote:Q: Pope Francis wants to fight climate change, but I'm not sure he'd be down with your full argument here. 
A: Religion—not only Catholicism but Mormonism, ultra-orthodox Judaism, that sort of thing—probably is a really good reason to think about using population as a way to raise the stakes. If you're Catholic, and you're really going to stare climate change in the face, refuse contraception, and continue to have sex anyway, there's the foreseeable outcome that you will have more children than average. Well, then you really better be doing your darnedest in all sorts of other ways. When you make that choice, there's a cost. You have to pay for it in some way.
OK now for the Proof when I stated this was a Progressive Push To make YOU Feel Guilty and The Core Of The Climate Change Problem As The See It!
Quote:Q: How's the reception to this work been?

A: The far-right hate machine is in full swing, and I'm getting hate mail. All that good stuff.

Just another step in their plan for Population Control, it's easier to maintain control of a smaller population!

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  Stupid question great response
Posted by: 727Sky - 09-24-2016, 05:07 AM - Forum: Firearms and Related Topics - Replies (1)

Quote:General Cosgrove was interviewed on the radio recently.
Here's his reply to the lady who interviewed him concerning guns and children.
Regardless of how you feel about gun laws you have to love this! This is one of the best comeback lines of all time.
This is a portion of an ABC radio interview between a female broadcaster and General Cosgrove who was about to sponsor a Boy Scout Troop visiting his military Headquarters.
So, General Cosgrove, what things are you going to teach these young boys when they visit your base?

We're going to teach them climbing, canoeing, archery and shooting.



Shooting! That's a bit irresponsible, isn't it?

I don't see why, they'll be properly supervised on the rifle range.

Don't you admit that this is a terribly dangerous activity to be teaching children?

I don't see how. We will be teaching them proper rifle discipline before they even touch a firearm.



But you're equipping them to become violent killers.

Well, Ma'am, you're equipped to be a prostitute, but you're not one, are you?

The radio cast went silent for 46 seconds and when it returned, the interview was over.

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  Needing Members Opinions : ) Please reply..
Posted by: Sol - 09-23-2016, 02:21 PM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (31)

Hi everyone,

After a much needed summer hiatus, this opinionated Canuck has returned and would enjoy having a pro / con discussion with you all...

We will be contacting the Server hosts to transfer things from RN3 to RN once and for all but before we do, we'd like your opinions on a few things:

- Is anyone using the white theme?

If so, we'll keep it and update it but if not, we'll get rid of it and save space by doing so..

- Is there a need for a new upcoming writers contest?

If enough members wish it, it'd be a go. I, for one, would enjoy that..

- Is there anything you wish we could add on?

- Is there anything you wish we'd get rid of?

- Is there any activity you wish we'd implement?

We do have a list of chores to be done but you guys are the ones driving the site...so it'd be highly appreciated to know your preferences.

Ideas, suggestions, feedback...are all welcome !!


Marc / for the Admins & Mods.

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  When is the sissification of our future citizens gonna stop???
Posted by: Sol - 09-22-2016, 09:21 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (16)

Hi everyone,

Yesterday, here in Canuckistan (that would be Canada), all schools were closed in P.E.I and parts of N.S. Bomb threats.

Whether they be a bad joke by some disturbed kid or not (no one knows yet), the rumors are already flying about Radicalized A-Holes being behind this.

Then again, we are no where hit like some of you are in the States or abroad, yet. But it'll come. Even if Prime Minister Trudeau is all lovey lovey with the refugees, coming through our doors by the boatloads.

They are not people that want lovey lovey. They want control. And while they try all that they have to accomplish their stature of 'they have rights' we slowly start losing ours.

And it's turning our kids into a bunch of sissies. Sad truth.

A few days ago, I read a story from a school in Utah that almost forbid their cheerleading team of wearing their costumes because...wait for it...some Religious nutty kid complained to his parents that they created 'impure thoughts' in him. His parents then complained to the directorship who then complained to the coaches.

No one can make shit like that up. The school had thought of forbidding the costumes - but after it hit the media (not in their favor) they changed their mind.

WTF !!!

Impure thoughts? Seriously ?


Man...I can't even imagine what we would've done to that kid back when I was a teenager.

But the scariest part, to me, is that his parents followed through. Impure thoughts huh? Well, how about you keep your Mormon shit where it belongs, in your church and in your home but NOT in OUR school. Okay? Thank you !

But nooo....we have to be fair and correct and grant everyone every frickin right they think they deserve...at the expense of our very own.


Sick and tired of that religious bullcrap. A Mormon, to me, having to complain about their son having impure thoughts is as Radicalized as those who think that they'll have a playful heaven of virgins once they meet their Creator - after clicking that little red button that activates the bomb vest.


By changing every frickin' law that exists to accommodate him or her, his or her point of view, his or her religious belief, we give an example of Nations taking our pants down.

And we are slowly brainwashing our kids to that idea through our very actions. Good thing I'll most probably be dead in twenty years or so. Won't have to see the day where we are laughed at (that would be the Americas) as a Nation of pussies.



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  Protests erupt after fatal officer-involved shooting in Charlotte, N.C.
Posted by: senona - 09-21-2016, 08:00 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (16)

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A man was pronounced dead after an officer-involved shooting in northeast Charlotte Tuesday afternoon, according to police. Hours later a large crowd had gathered near the scene in protest, sparking clashes with police and tear gas being deployed.

There were reports that at least 15 officers suffered injuries during the protests. All are expected to be OK.

The shooting happened around 4 p.m. at The Village at College Downs apartment complex on the 9600 block of Old Concord Road. Officers said they were searching for a person with an outstanding warrant when they saw a man get out of a vehicle with a firearm.

When the man, later identified as 43-year-old Keith Lamont Scott, got back into the vehicle, the officers approached. The report states Scott then got back out of the vehicle "armed with a firearm and posed an imminent deadly threat to the officers who subsequently fired their weapon striking the subject."

The officers said they immediately requested MEDIC and began performing CPR. Scott was then taken to Carolinas Medical Center where he was pronounced deceased a short time later.

Police said a firearm "the subject was holding at the time of the shooting" was recovered at the scene, and that detectives were interviewing witnesses to the incident.

"I don’t believe [the man shot] was the one with the warrants, but we don’t know if there was a connection," CMPD Chief Kerr Putney told reporters. "At this point all we know they’re in the apartment complex parking lot and this subject gets out with a weapon, they engage him and one of the officers felt a lethal threat and fired his weapon because of that."

News Source

And of course, the family denies the allegations.

Quote:A woman claiming to be Scott's daughter live streamed the scene on Facebook for more than an hour after the shooting.

In the video, she said her father was unarmed when he was shot.

She said Scott was sitting in his vehicle reading a book and waiting for the school bus to drop off his son. In the video, she is heard saying police came up to him, yelled for him to get his hands up and broke open the car window.

She claims he was Tasered and then shot four times. In the video, she said her father was disabled, didn't have a gun and was even scared of them.

Conflicting stories for sure.

Hate to say this, but too many times friends/families try to turn the person (victim) into a saint, when they are just the opposite, fighting with the cops, pulling a gun on them or grabbing a cops gun.
Both are no-no's and a sure fire way of getting shot. (((duh)))

Sad to see another person killed by LEO tho.
Not sure why they can't aim for their legs/knees instead of a kill shot.

Just goes to show --- that as blacks fear the cops. The cops fear the blacks.
It's a no-win situation for either.

No cop wants his life destroyed, and that is what will happen. Has happened to others.
No cop wakes up and says, "hey I'm gonna kill a black person today" despite what many people think and try to spin.

If blacks do not want to be put in that precarious situation involving cops, then do not put yourself in one.

I was taught that as a kid....'don't get yourself into a situation that you cannot get out of'.
Of course, it wasn't pertaining to the law, but still, the same principle applies.

I hope they can get this incident investigated without too much rioting and burning down of the town.
Protests are good.
The violence that usually follows, destroying businesses is not.

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  New report finds 'Erin Brockovich' chemical in US drinking water
Posted by: senona - 09-21-2016, 06:37 AM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (1)

[Image: 67a0027d2ed041fabe2760664b5dc457.png]

Important information regarding water supply health issues.

Quote:Dangerous levels of chromium-6 are contaminating tap water consumed by hundreds of millions of Americans, according to a national report released Tuesday.

Chromium-6 is the carcinogenic chemical that was featured in the popular 2000 movie "Erin Brockovich," starring Julia Roberts as the titular activist. The US Environmental Protection Agency has never set a specific limit for chromium-6 in drinking water.

There is scientific uncertainty regarding safe levels of this chemical in drinking water and possible long-term consequences of ingestion.

But this new analysis from the Environmental Working Group, an independent advocacy group, examines evidence from water systems throughout the nation and concludes that the tap water of 218 million Americans contains levels of chromium-6 that the group considers dangerous.

"Whether it is chromium-6, PFOA or lead, the public is looking down the barrel of a serious water crisis across the country that has been building for decades," Brockovich said in a written statement Tuesday, blaming it on "corruption, complacency and utter incompetence."


"Americans are exposed to dozens if not hundreds of other cancer-causing chemicals every day in their drinking water, their consumer products and their foods," Walker said. "And what the best science of the last decade tells us is that these chemicals acting in combination with each other can be more dangerous than exposure to a single chemical."

In 2008, a two-year study by the National Toxicology Program found that drinking water with chromium-6 caused cancer in laboratory rats and mice. 

Unregulated contaminants

Quote:"The EPA periodically does this: goes down and looks for what it calls unregulated contaminants," or chemicals in drinking water that are not regulated, Walker said. The EPA gathers its information through local utilities and then takes the results "under advisement," according to Walker.

According to the group, the report indicated that only one public water system had total chromium exceeding EPA standards, but 2% of the water systems -- 1,370 counties -- had chromium-6 levels exceeding California's standard of 10 ppb.

Oklahoma, Arizona and California had the highest average statewide levels and the greatest shares of detections above California's public health goal of 0.02 ppb, the report found.

Of major cities, Phoenix had the highest average level at almost 400 times this health goal. St. Louis County, Houston, Los Angeles and Suffolk County, New York, also had relatively high levels.

[Image: 430a7d6bff04479cb85fc3583d435487.png]

[Image: 5cf3e60b14e443ceb647c6f722e4266a.png]

"The inability to complete health assessments is hindering health protective regulations," Andrews said.

"When you find widespread evidence of contamination, do something about it. Don't just study it to death," Walker said, adding that the new report is not about "trying to raise the alarm about a single chemical. We're kind of using chromium-6 as a poster child for systemic failures of drinking water regulation."

Think it is time for our government to step up to the plate, and fix our infrastructure, namely our water supply.
They can find the millions of dollars to send over seas to other countries, time for them to take care our their own country and the welfare of it's citizens.

Interactive Map-- Erin Brockovich' Chemical Taints Tap Water of 218 Million Americans

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  The Glasses conspiracy
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 09-20-2016, 12:20 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

Saw this video recently which is very interesting and humorous, now in case people think it is just a made up video, there is also a video below by 60 minutes on the same topic, obviously where the first one came from.

Like this guy I never really thought about why a few bits of plastic are so expensive, now this makes a lot of sense.

60 minutes video of the same content

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  Sinkhole releases over 200 million gallons of toxic waste into FL drinking water
Posted by: senona - 09-20-2016, 12:44 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (3)

[Image: cfeb6b81c41b4d7aa761602e6c573d53.png]

Quote:A massive sinkhole at a fertilizer plant in Mulberry, Florida, has caused about 215 million gallons of radioactive water to drain down into the Floridian aquifer system, according to ABC affiliate WFTS.

The aquifer system supplies drinking water to millions of Florida residents, according to the St. Johns Water Management District's website. Additionally, water that escapes from the aquifers create springs used for recreational activities like snorkeling and swimming.

The fertilizer company Mosaic wrote on its website that it discovered a sinkhole 45 feet in diameter at its New Wales facility after noticing water levels had dropped in a stack of radioactive waste product known as phosphogypsum in late August.

Phosphogypsum is a waste product resulting from the processing of phosphate to make fertilizers, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The byproduct is often stored by industrial plants in mountainous piles known as phosphogysum stacks.

"Based on the nature of the water loss and what we've learned so far," the sinkhole damaged the liner system at the base of a phosophogypsum stack, Mosaic said on Thursday. "The pond on top of the cell drained as a result" and "some seepage continues."

The fertilizer company added that it believes the sinkhole reached the Floridian aquifer, and WFTS reported that the company told the station about 215 million gallons of contaminated water used to process fertilizer drained had into the hole.

Florida Fertilizer Plant Sinkhole Reportedly Leaks 215 Million Gallons of Radioactive Water Into Aquifer

Oh boy, this is not good.
I feel for the people in the community there, the 'not knowing' if it is safe to consume or not.
Not to mention the wildlife there.

Of course, the company Mosaic claims there is no danger to the public. (cough-cough)

Quote:Mosaic said they reported the water level decline to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Polk County, where the plant is located.

They said the leak will likely not cause harm to the public, as groundwater moves slowly.


FDEP spokesperson Dee Ann Miller said monitoring shows “process water is being successfully contained,” but that monitoring will persist. Mosaic posted a phone number on their website for concerned community members to call with questions or to obtain “free drinking water well testing.”

[Image: 9214fdb439c747d692b606a99d6b0e85.png]

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  Chemtrail Busting, Aliens, and the Disruption of Wilhelm Reich
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 09-19-2016, 11:15 PM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (18)

Hey Guys/Gals.  I just wanted to update you on my girl, Sharon Daphna.

Remember?  She's the one bringing awareness about the chemtrails and how we can fight them.

I'm on her email list, and had a link to a video today, which then led me to another video where she was interviewed by Shawn Stone from Enter The Buzzsaw, Shawn's You Tube Channel. 

The video is awesome! Sharon goes into even more detail explaining who is actually behind the spraying, and what their agenda is.  She has been researching this for over two years and offers lots of scientific evidence, so give it a watch, then go to Sharon's own You Tube Site called, The Human Frequency and check out all the fantastic guests she has had on her shows.  I can't wait to dive in to some I haven't seen yet.

I'm so happy she is making such a big dent in this problem by becoming more and more exposed to the public, and I'm happy Sol and others got to meet her for a radio show of our own.  Unfortunately, that show never aired.  Maybe someday.   :smallundecided:

Sharon's website is www.thechembow.com

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