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  Political Correctness gone mad
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 10-18-2016, 06:12 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (35)

Ok, this PC BS is just getting out of hand - everyone is offended by everything that is ever said!

Soon we will all be speaking in sign language for fear of upsetting someone, oh wait that might offend the visually impaired!!

PC is getting out of control - next we will have clowns wanting to get in the White House, oh wait....

Oopsie, I just upset the clown community. Deal with it, you clowns!!

Quote:The circus is officially insulted by your election comparisons

The circus would like you to stop calling the 2016 election a circus.

On Monday, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey launched a new campaign titled “The Circus Wants The Circus Back.” The goal: to get rid of the negative association the presidential election has brought to the words “circus” and ‘clowns.”

“Everyone from the media to the public to politicians to even President Barack Obama himself have repeatedly called the 2016 Presidential Election a circus or referred to the candidates as clowns,” Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Presents Out Of This World Ringmaster Johnathan Lee Iverson said in a press release. “These comparisons need to stop! We want to #TakeBackTheCircus to where it belongs, to the real circus, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus.”

It isn't the only brand that has suddenly found itself entangled in the election.

Earlier this month, Tics Tacs issued a statement of condemnation after Trump mentioned the candy in a 2005 Access Hollywood video where he discussed being able to grope women because he was a star.


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  Former Agent: Clinton “Blatantly Disregarded” Security And Diplomatic Protocols
Posted by: senona - 10-18-2016, 03:57 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

[Image: 95ee3de4b88241138682a77938393350.png]

Hillary clearly has proven that she has no respect for rules or protocols what so ever, as has been shown thru her actions time and again.
Whether it is putting up a private email server in her basement, destroying phones, erasing emails, or disobeying her security,  Hillary clearly does as SHE wants to. Period.

So can you imagine her god-like attitude if elected as President? minusculespooked
Egomania look out, her she comes!!

Quote:A member of Hillary Clinton’s security detail accused her of “blatantly” disregarding security and diplomatic protocols during trips abroad as secretary of state, according to newly released FBI documents.

The former State Department agent cited incidents in Indonesia and Palestine in which Clinton allegedly ignored security protocols and put the safety of those around her in danger.

The belief among State Department agents was “that Clinton disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press,” according to an FBI interview transcript released Monday.

The FBI interviewed the former State Department agent on Sept. 2, 2015, as part of the investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email account while secretary of state.
The agent, who had since moved to the Department of Homeland Security, told FBI agents that she served in Clinton’s security detail in 2009.

Now they point out  differences between Condoleeza Rice and Hillary.

One of whom showed respect and manners towards protocol. (Rice)
While the other did as she pleased, disregarding the fact that she put others lives at stake due to her agenda. (Hillary)

Quote:According to an interview transcript released by the FBI on Monday, the agent “described a ‘stark difference’ between” former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and her successor, Clinton, “with regard to obedience to security and diplomatic protocols.”

“RICE observed strict adherence to State Department security and diplomatic protocols while CLINTON frequently and ‘blatantly’ disregarded them,” the transcript says.

The observation was based on the agent’s “own experience, and information obtained through [REDACTED] and other agents.”

The redacted name may refer to a “spouse” mentioned in the interview who appears to have also served in Clinton’s protective detail, as well as in Rice’s.

Then they go a little into detail on one of  the incidences.

Quote:The agent “explained that Clinton’s protocol breaches were well known throughout Diplomatic Security and were ‘abundant.’”

During a 2009 trip to Jakarta, Indonesia, the agent told the FBI that Clinton asked to visit an area with “security and safety challenges” for a photo opportunity involving a clean stoves initiative.

The security team advised against it “because the route could not be secured and was lined with dangerous circumstances and individuals,” the interview transcript states. However, the advance team that made the recommendation was told by security management that the trip “was going to happen because ‘she wanted it’,” apparently referring to Clinton.

“DS agents felt this excursion into potentially hostile areas placed CLINTON, her staff, the media, and her security detail in unnecessary danger in order to conduct a photo opportunity for ‘her election campaign’,” the transcript states.

Not good having someone with an attitude like that, that puts herself first above all others no matter at the cost.
Can only imagine what she would do once elected to the White House.

Then there is the matter of cozying up to some in the media, making nice with them for good coverage.

Quote:“DS agents felt CLINTON traveled with hand-picked media who would present her in favorable light in order to garner political support,” the transcript adds.

“It was also believed that Clinton disregarded security and diplomatic protocols, occasionally without regard for the safety of her staff and protection detail, in order to gain favorable press.”

The State Department agent also described another incident in which, while traveling in an armored vehicle in Palestine, Clinton “ordered the limousine driver, believed to be [REDACTED] to open the window while in ‘occupied territory,’ referring to a dangerous area of the West Bank.”

Quote:At first, the driver declined Clinton’s request, the agent said, but “repeated demands by CLINTON forced him to open his window despite the danger to himself and the occupants.”

The agent also accused Clinton of breaching protocol by riding in the armored limousine and arriving at events abroad with her chief of staff, Huma Abedin, instead of the local ambassador.

“This frequently resulted in complaints by ambassadors who were insulted and embarrassed by this breach of protocol,” the transcript states.

The agent also said she believed “Abedin herself was often responsible for overriding security and diplomatic protocols” on Clinton’s behalf.

The agent told FBI interviewers that Clinton’s alleged breaches were “often communicated” back to the State Department through official cables.

Then there is the treatment of the State Dept Agents by Hillary.
Sounds pretty much in line with past security that worked around her years ago.

Quote:The agent said that Clinton’s treatment of State Department agents “was so contemptuous that many of them sought reassignment or employment elsewhere,” and that it became “difficult to find senior agents willing to work for her.”

Another former State Department agent also told the FBI in 2015 that Clinton’s tenure “brought about significant changes to established security and diplomatic protocols owing to dissimilar management styles and attitudes” between her and Rice, although he had no information regarding security violations or handling of classified information.


Oh yeah, we have a lot to look forward to if she wins. /sarcasm

The way she does in private is a clue to how she will treat us.
She will say and do as she pleases regardless.

Especially to get elected.

Hillary is a power hungry narcissist that will do as she pleases no matter who likes it and who doesn't.
She has only one person in mind that she cares about......HERSELF.
Even if it means putting others at risk.

Hillary craves power, that is what drives her.

She will never stop dealing with her crony friends either.
They will be who she caters to --the Lobbyists, Special Interest groups & Wall Street-- not the American people.


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  For Halloween, remember to costume appropriately...
Posted by: Sol - 10-18-2016, 02:09 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (5)

If any of you must go to a Halloween party in the near future, remember to dress appropriately...

...not to offend anybody.

And try to remember, inappropriate is a matter of opinion.

Good Luck.

You'll need it.


But anyway, here's a video that resumes what I mean.



Thank you.


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  Greenland to Denmark: Clean up toxic waste buried in melting ice sheet
Posted by: senona - 10-18-2016, 01:06 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (1)

[Image: 353e44c371b440f5b4a1835a7df3451c.png]

Of course, this impending disaster is courtesy of the grand old U.S. of A. back during World War II and the Cold War.
Back then, Denmark had full control over the territory and gave U.S. permission to set up 30 military installations on Greenland.
And where did they bury the nuclear waste?
You guessed it, they entombed it inside the ice.

Unfortunately,  they did not take into consideration of the motto "Things Change".......which thru history, planet Earth has shown multiple climatic changes over the course of it's 4.5 billion years.

Yet that old adage  "Out of Site, Out of Mind" always seems popular with our Military.

And now, Greenland is demanding someone to clean up the mess, in case the ice were to melt.

Quote:A vast pit of toxic waste buried in the Greenland ice sheet is threatening indigenous peoples' rights to a clean and safe environment, Greenlandic officials claim.

The decades-old waste is part of a long-simmering dispute between Denmark, Greenland and the United States over Cold War-era military bases established around the country (some of which are still operating). The waste buried at Camp Century is becoming more of a threat now that the Greenland ice sheet is melting due to global warming.

Greenland, which is home to about 56,500 people, is a semi-autonomous territory within Denmark.

[Image: 7c4a44bc4a364eaa8e1bc4a1a4682484.png]

Quote:Officials cited a recent study that found global warming could eventually unearth millions of liters of sewage, chemicals and nuclear waste stored deep below the Greenland Ice Sheet at Camp Century.

"So far, nobody has been held responsible for their activities in Greenland," Vittus Qujaukitsoq, Greenland's foreign affairs minister, wrote in an Oct. 13 op-ed in the Danish newspaper Berlingske.

Denmark, which had full authority over Greenland until 1979, allowed the U.S. to build at least 30 military installations on Greenland during World War II and the Cold War. Camp Century was one of these facilities, and it was used to test the feasibility of basing nuclear missiles within the ice sheet to help deter the then-Soviet Union.

When the U.S. decommissioned Camp Century in 1967, both Denmark and the U.S. assumed the hazardous waste would remain permanently entombed in the ice.

[Image: 437026ed278844b3b0f3ba64c0e43cc4.png]

And now that global warming is at the forefront of everything now, many are concerned of the toxic waste possibly getting out in about 75 years or so. If the projection of warming temperatures are accurate.

Quote:More monitoring needed:

The Danish government said it takes the issue of potential climate effects in Greenland very seriously, including the possible problems with Camp Century.

However, Denmark's Minister for Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen told Mashable that the potential effects of climate change "do not pose an urgent environmental problem" for Greenland and its residents.

"Rather, it is a long-term challenge that we have time to examine in cooperation with the relevant Danish authorities and in close dialogue with Greenland," Jensen said in an emailed statement.

Greenland's Minister Qujaukitsoq said in his op-ed that Denmark is directly responsible for cleaning up the Cold War-era waste at Camp Century, an underground dump that spans 136 acres.

The site includes abandoned infrastructure, radioactive coolant water from a portable nuclear reactor, and significant volumes of polychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, which can built up in plants and animals and potentially cause cancer in humans.

Quote:"The people of Greenland have the right to conservation and protection of the environment of our lands, territories and resources," the foreign affairs minister wrote in Berlingske.

"This right may be put to the test unless the question about the responsibility for clearing up after the American military camps and bases is resolved very soon," he said, adding: "The polluter, or in this case those who have accepted and approved the pollution, must and will have to clean up the pollution."

Denmark's Jensen said his government "will look into the possibility of expanding existing climate monitoring to the area surrounding Camp Century." Denmark will also "examine the possibilities for a subsequent environmental examination of possible contamination. This will happen in close collaboration with Greenland," he said.

The Pentagon says it has not evaluated the study showing the danger of global warming unearthing Camp Century's waste, but that it plans to work with Denmark and Greenland to address the issue if needed.

Now with all the fear mongering that has been going on about GW, and the Pentagon has not "evaluated the study showing the danger of global warming unearthing the waste"..... really????  smallnotamused

Quote:Liam and Jeff Colgan told Mashable that while they respect Greenland's political decisions and push for urgent action, they agreed the pollution doesn't pose an immediate environmental risk to Greenland's residents.

"Likely the pollution will stay buried in the ice for several decades, at least," said Jeff Colgan, a co-author of the study and a political science professor at Brown University's Watson Institute.
"Right now, what's needed is monitoring and research to assess if and when clean-up actions are necessary," he said.

Liam Colgan, the study's lead author and Jeff's cousin, said there is a possibility the pollution will stay trapped in the Greenland Ice Sheet — so long as countries swiftly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and limit global temperature rise.

Hmmm, now this is a slight twist on the matter of leaking toxic waste...

Quote:But he acknowledged that the threat of Camp Century's leaking pollution shows how climate change could eventually undermine diplomatic agreements around the world, including Denmark's 1951 military treaty with the U.S. 

"The climate has eroded some of the climate-related assumptions that were implicit in the treaty, like that you can dispose of things in the ice sheet, leaving them to get snowed on forever," Colgan said. "There's now a lot of ambiguity in that original treaty."


Leave it to our government to mess up the environment with toxic waste.
And this isn't the first case either of toxic waste leaking and being a danger to the environment.

The U.S. needs to join in and do some monitoring, as well as figure out what to do in case of having to remove it in the future.
Should not all be on Denmark.

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  OS: After Effects of moriarty city
Posted by: Armonica_Templar - 10-18-2016, 12:25 AM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (7)

I hope you do not mind I am field testing something for my book..

I was thinking of something I needed to fix

"Sandra," long blonde hair blew in the wind.. 

"Do not Sandra me Austin," Another cheerleader stood in the gym post game. "You crawled into littlemans bed on your own.. I am being cordial but what you did to him was wrong.. Now the whole DoHS is after him.. He is probably hiding in some rat hole hotel.."

"Oh my god," A teenage girl held the side of the bleachers.. Tears fell down her face as she touched the screen,"Andros.. Please quit being stupid.."

Bonnie Tyler's I need a hero fills the air as several kids gather around the Teenage girl..

"Diana," Austin moves to her sister concerned..

Diana looks around and brings up a small hologram, "That is his cousin.. James.. He.. He is leading an assault team.. Two snipers are arguing over who is going to kill the most.. They are counting off one shot one kills.. Others are removing women and children.. It looks like twelve soldiers are assaulting 534.. " After two loud sniper bangs, "531.."

"Well Ash I got two for one," avoice fills the air..

"F#$% you Archangel.. The USMC will not fll behind.." Another sniper shot fills the air..

"Hello my nerdie band chica," Andros's voice fills the air as he is seen with James firing and slitting throats.. Still in bonnie Tylers voice, " ..Larger than life.. LARGER then Life.." andros's voice comes over the air, "Keep the outside count running.."

"Yes.." Sniffling, " 527.. 525.."'

"They're F#$%ing everywhere.." A pissed off voice growls, "Hit the god D@#$ loud...."

A loud sniper bang fills the air, "Now the corps is.."

A loud sniper bang fills the air, "Keep up you old F#$%!!!"


"So you wish to test the power of the dark side, " A male voice comes from a short man in weird armor.. Electricity flies from his hands, "You will
kneel before the Brad..." Laughter comes from the midget looking man in advanced armor.. "Nerdie band Beach.. Tell Mason Daddy is at work.. I will be home later..She is so getting son footlong pipe in four installments!!"

"519," Diana laughs through her tears.

"Nerdie," A strong voice comes across with a thick German Accent.. "This is Major Schultz formerly of the feared Waffen SS.. Templar One Assigned me as operations center command.. Count Confirmation of 519.."

As the sound of bullets fill the air Diana Swallows hard.. "This is.." 

"Count Confirmation is now 517.. this is Con Re," A red headed kid spokke.. "I take it you are from the group that fought in the retreat from moscow.."

"ConRe.." the Major was confused, "Templar One confirm.."

"Major Schultz.. Bossman asked you a question," Andros's figure parkoured off the side of a building..

"ConRe.. Yes.. I fought the bloody Russian all the way back to berlin," the major responds.. "Sir.. Please stay off the line.. Let the soldiers do the fighting.."

"508," Diana calls out.. A loud explosion fills the air, "I now have 487.. ConRe Acknowledge Major.."

"Thats a good girl.. Please keep giving me verbal counts as they fall," Major Schultz politely spoke.. "Both counts must match Tech boy.. Doctor Reese.. Agent Shemar.. Gunslinger.. "

A shaky voice speaks, "I have 323 Women and children..Shemar.."

"Reese.. I got 123 more," Shemar calls out.. "Only problem is I have.."

The sound of four shots fill the air, "You just keep movin with the Innocent.."

A childs voice speaks, "I never saw you draw mister.."

"Marshall Holiday," The mans voice smiles.. "I come from a line of dentist.. You will be safe little Lady.. As the Chaplin O'Malley said.."

A hologram appears on the screen.. An old man in bishop robes speaks in a thick irish accent,"I am Chaplin O'Malley little ones.. the good lord in his infinite wisdom sent a pack of wolves to protect his littlest among us. Follow me little ones.."

Bonnis tylers I need a hero keep filling the area as Diana spoke, "473.."


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  SILENCED? WikiLeaks says Assange’s Internet access mysteriously cut
Posted by: guohua - 10-17-2016, 01:31 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (6)

You had to of known this was going to happen.
With Hillary and Bill Clinton's friends in Power and his Leaks Threatening That Power.
Yes they paid to have him Shut Down.
[Image: rfg_20161017_070410.jpg]

Quote:WikiLeaks said Monday that its founder Julian Assange’s Internet link was severed by a “state party” and that “appropriate contingency plans” had been activated.

The website’s announcement came hours after it published three cryptic tweets. The messages referenced Ecuador, Secretary of State John Kerry and the United Kingdom’s Foreign Commonwealth Office. Each tweet was matched with a string of numbers.

Gizmodo noted that the 64-character codes sparked a whirlwind of rumors that the 45-year-old Assange had died. Rumors on Reddit and Twitter said the numbers triggered a so-called “dead man’s switch,” which could be enacted in case Assange did die. Gizmodo reported that such switches do exist.

WikiLeaks hasn’t tweeted anything else about Assange’s Internet access or how it may have been “severed.”

Various U.S. officials and pundits have made threatening statements directed at Assange in the past. WikiLeaks tweeted in early October an alleged 2010 quote from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking if Assange could be killed in a drone strike, and, that same year, former Democrat strategist Bob Beckel said on Fox News Channel that "a dead man can't leak stuff."
This month, "specific information" prompted Assange to scrap a dramatic London balcony address to celebrate WikiLeaks' 10th anniversary.
Assange also has hinted that deceased DNC staffer Seth Rich may have been a secret source for WikiLeaks. Rich, 27, was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds to the back at a Washington, D.C., intersection in July. He died soon thereafter. Authorities believe Rich was the target of a botched robbery; however, odd circumstances surrounding his death have invited conspiracy theories.

The controversial anti-secrecy website has been busy in October, methodically releasing a trove of emails allegedly stolen from the gmail account of Clinton presidential campaign chair John Podesta. WikiLeaks had released just more than 12,000 emails of a purported 50,000 they have access to as of Monday morning. The Podesta emails have raised questions about a too-cozy working relationship between the Clinton campaign and some members of the media and has also shed light on how Clinton's team handled various scandals.

It wasn't immediately clear if the Podesta revelations were the "October surprise" Assange hinted his group would release in advance of the U.S. election.
Many experts believe WikiLeaks is not an independent organization, but in fact a front for the Russian government. Podesta suggested recently on "Fox News Sunday" that his emails had been hacked by the Russians, and officials also have determined a recent hacking of the Democrat Party's computer files was likely the work of Russian actors.

Vice President Joe Biden told NBC News on Friday that the U.S. would be "sending a message" to Russian President Vladimir Putin "at the time of our choosing, and under the circumstances that will have the greatest impact."

Assange has lived in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for five years as officials in Sweden have sought him on criminal charges.
One of the last reported interactions with Assange came Saturday when former "Baywatch" star Pamela Anderson brought the WikiLeaks boss a vegan meal.

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  Some serious dirt on Clinton
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-17-2016, 11:04 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (11)

Some of this I have heard before from individuals... truth or fiction you decide:

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  Who has the Balls in Obamas Family?
Posted by: guohua - 10-17-2016, 08:54 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (2)

[Image: AAEAAQAAAAAAAATLAAAAJDBhZDUyZGRmLWQ4ZmIt...Nzc1MA.jpg] [Image: 9ua5j14ouo9amazm3u4v16w00w157tb6.gif] [Image: michelles-weenie.jpg] [Image: obama-kissing-man.jpg]
[Image: gay-obama.jpg?w=588]

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  Russian border patrol opens fire as North Korean fishing vessel crew resists search
Posted by: senona - 10-17-2016, 08:16 AM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (4)

[Image: 96d1a362e5ec4589b71c4e2905cdeab8.png]

Unlike the United States, under the Obama Admin, Russia is not one you want to play with if you don't want to get shot.

Quote:Russian border patrol was forced to open fire during inspection of a fishing vessel with North Korean crew onboard. The crew resisted search, behaved aggressively, and tried to flee with the members of the Russian security forces on board, according to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB).

One Russian border patrol officer and nine North Korean fishermen were injured in the stand-off. One of the injured fishermen later died in the hospital.

The incident happened on Friday evening at 22:20 Moscow time (19:20 GMT) in Russia’s exclusive economic zone in the country’s Far East, according to the FSB statement, released online on Saturday. The term "exclusive economic zone" describes an area of coastal water in a certain distance from the country’s shore, where the respective state has exclusive rights for fishing and other economic activities.

[Image: aca7b2a1b23246fc964f485d6beafe9c.png]

The vessel had 48 North Korean crew members on board.

The Russian border guard vessel fired several “warning shots to stop” the North Korean ship, yet the vessel still continued its maneuver.
The crew of the North Korean vessel also tried to attack the FSB members already on board their vessel. As a result “one of the members of the search team sustained a head injury.”

In the immediate aftermath Russian FSB agents fired shots at the North Korean crew to prevent them from “obtaining weapons” from the border guards and further “harming them.

Nine crew members of the intruder-ship were injured, one of them later died,” the FSB stated.


One would think that Kimmy would know better than to test Russia in that manner.
 Glad that the Russians didn't back down nor hold back on firing upon them when they would not comply.

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  'Your boy's in trouble - if anything happens to me, investigate'
Posted by: guohua - 10-17-2016, 06:05 AM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (13)

Quote:UFO expert found dead days after texting mum: 'Your boy's in trouble - if anything happens to me, investigate'
Yup, that's the head line and I have to ask, anyone know of this person?
I found two videos of his.
But I'd never listen before I don't think.
But the question is this, How Did He Die? REALLY?
[Image: 13342912_10208179886753313_568446688872218562_n.jpg]
Quote:conspiracy theorist texted his mum to say 'If anything happens to me, investigate' just days before his mysterious death.
Max Spiers, 39, a father to two boys, was found dead on a sofa in Poland, where he had gone to give a talk about conspiracy theories and UFOs.
He was ruled to have died from natural causes despite no post-mortem examination being carried out on his body.
But his dark investigations into UFOs and government cover-ups may have made him enemies who wanted him dead, says mother Vanessa Bates, 63.

In a chilling text message to his mum just days before his death, Max wrote: "Your boy's in trouble. If anything happens to me, investigate."

Originally from Canterbury, Max lived in America for a few years, but had returned to the city to stay with his mother, before jetting off to Poland.
Vanessa said: "He was making a name for himself in the world of conspiracy theorists and had been invited to speak at a conference in Poland in July.
"He was staying with a woman who he had not known for long and she told me how she found him dead on the sofa.
"But I think Max had been digging in some dark places and I fear that somebody wanted him dead."
Max made a career out of investigating UFO sightings and alleged cover-ups.
More recently, he was said to be probing into the lives of well-known figures in politics, business and entertainment.

His unexplained death, and its subsequent treatment by the authorities, has left many online followers convinced he was killed by government agents.
Here for the rest of the story. Source
His last interview:

Published on Jul 22, 2016

Max Spiers gives a highly detailed insight into the Committee of 300 and the ruling elite, with the Seen and Unseen controlling families and ETs that run Earth. Max Spiers had the courage to speak the truth when the truth is not what you want to hear!

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