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  Dragon Caught on Tape in China?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-21-2016, 05:14 PM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (8)

This video has acquired over 611,587 views on YouTube in just a few days.  Is this evidence that dragons or pterodactyls are still living on Earth?

Could this be a parallel universe from an earlier time bleeding through into our present day caused by CERN?

What do you think?

Quote:Published on Oct 16, 2016

A man in China took footage of this giant mysterious flying creature that was spotted near the border of Laos. Many theories have emerged with some claiming the creature is a real dragon that was caught on tape and others saying it provides evidence that pterodactyls still exist. Is this a dragon or a pterodactyl caught on tape? What do you think?


You can learn about dragons and other mythical beasts on a show on Coast to Coast a.m. that aired on February 24, 2004 with guests, Jonathan Downes and Richard Freeman of The Centre for Fortean Zoology

Quote:Richard Freeman believes that the mythology of the dragon is, in fact, based on a real creature. He noted that every culture has a legend about such a creature, going as far back as 25,000 years ago. He theorized that dragons may have been able to fly or float in the air, because of the large amount of gas they contained.

Coast to Coast a.m. Show

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  Bad Hombres , Nasty Women
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-21-2016, 02:55 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

Bit more entertainment on the sham of an election an the debates from wierd al .....
Bad Hombres , Nasty Women

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  A letter to a dirt bag
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-21-2016, 04:33 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

 September 2, 2016
Mr. James Comey
Director Federal Bureau of Investigation,
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W
Washington, D.C.  20535-0001
I am writing regarding your public statement in July, 2016 informing the American people that the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton was being closed without referring it to a Federal Grand Jury or the Attorney General of the U. S. for a decision whether or not to indict her. Strangely, you eloquently laid out enough of the evidence deduced from the investigation to strongly indicate there was abundant evidence uncovered during the investigation and interview of her to not only indict but to convict her in  Federal Court. However, you personally  re-worded and soft-pedaled the actions she took as Secretary of State describing her actions as "extremely careless” in using a personal email and un-secured server for her communications while Secretary of State. You rewrote the statute, which is not your job.
As a retired Special Agent of the FBI, I have standing to write this letter. My thirty years in law enforcement, including 22 years as a Special Agent with the FBI have given me the knowledge, expertise and experience to question and confront you for your perplexing actions, which (as you well know) were outside the normal standard operating procedure of the FBI and Federal judicial procedures. Some of the finest people in the world proudly carry the credentials of FBI Agent and you have soiled them and not allowed them to speak. But I will not be silent.
Sorry, but NO SIR, MS Clinton was not merely careless or extremely careless. She was not even negligent or grossly negligent (as the statute requires). Hillary Clinton was knowingly purposeful in her decisions and actions to set up a server under her exclusive control and possession in order to control what information was available to the American public and Congress regarding her actions as Secretary of State. Furthermore, she took those government owned communications into her personal possession after leaving her position and knowingly and willingly attempted to destroy them so her nefarious actions could never be known or used as evidence of her corrupt moral character against her. Sir, what possessed you? Did you cave in to political pressure to unilaterally come to this decision? I fear that is the case, and Rule of Law be damned. I am embarrassed for and ashamed of you. You have set a precedent that can never be rectified….and certainly not justified. Shame on you, Sir. You ought to resign right now in disgrace for what you have done to tarnish the reputation of the finest Law Enforcement Agency in the world…. for entirely political reasons.
Normally, an investigation will be assigned to an agent, or team of agents with one being the Case agent, or the lead investigator. When the investigation is complete, an investigative report will be presented to the U.S. Attorney for the Federal District involved.  It would be the U.S. Attorney who decides whether to decline prosecution for that investigation….NOT the FBI agent. But in the Clinton investigation, YOU
(unilaterally) decided not to forward the investigation to the U.S. Attorney or the Attorney General of the U.S.  but, instead, personally made the decision not to prosecute her or even provide the information to a Federal Grand Jury.  You were wrong  to take this upon yourself. Sir, in order to indict a subject, only a preponderance of evidence , or 51% is needed for probable cause to exist. You did not think even that level of probability existed? Who do you think you are fooling? What judicial proceeding did you think you were following?
Throughout my years with the FBI, I (along with my fellow agents) took great pride in conducting each investigation in an unbiased manner regardless of the subject’s position or standing in the community. All were treated equally under the law. But you, Sir, decided to allow this corrupt, evil and nasty human being to go free and unchallenged for her treasonous actions (yes, treasonous, in my opinion)  which threatened the security  of this nation. Furthermore, you stopped short of investigating the Clinton Foundation as a RICO case (Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organization.  This is a RICO case if there ever was one. Even an untrained person can tell from the communications which were recovered that Hillary Clinton spent more time working for the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State than on State Business.  It may be argued that Hillary did not do any State business UNLESS the Clinton Foundation benefitted.  You decided to just let this uncomfortable truth alone without addressing it.
I will conclude with this:  Following my retirement from the FBI, I volunteered for a 12 month tour of duty in Afghanistan as a Law Enforcement Professional, embedded with U.S. forces as a subject matter expert in counter-terrorism investigations.  For most of that year I operated “outside the wire” patrolling with the troops, interviewing witnesses to IED incidents and gathering evidence on the bad guys.  The results of my work would then be reported through secure channels to the Commanding Officer. All reports and communications were required to be transmitted via secure and encrypted devices.  Occasionally my remote location in the mountains of Afghanistan made transmission impossible and I would have to fly back to Bagram Air Base in order to securely report to the Commander of the battle space.   It would have been convenient if I could have just called the Commander on my personal cell phone or written him an email on my personal laptop.  But, had I done so I would have been reporting classified information via an unsecured device and it could have been compromised. These were, relative to Secretary of State communications, low level classifications of Secret.  Had I ever sent even one in such a manner I would have been prosecuted and sent to Federal Prison for 20 years or so.  That is how serious this violation is considered.
Now, because of you, Hillary Clinton is allowed to continue her RICO activities and is running for President of the United States, the most powerful position in the world.  You have trampled on the Rule of Law and destroyed the trust of the American people in the FBI and in unbiased enforcement of the law.  How do you sleep at night? It is time for you to go and work for the Clinton Foundation.
Hugh W. Galyean
(FBI Agent, Retired)

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  Trump Revises His Statement on Honoring the Election Outcome in November
Posted by: Jude - 10-20-2016, 10:00 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

Remember the last question in the debate?

"Will you accept and respect the election results if you lose?" And of course Trump was seen struggling with the answer he truly wanted to give, which would be a resounding NO due to the corrupt and rigged race by Hillary.

It seems he's changed his stance. Woke up to this today...

He's meeting the question half way at least. tinylaughing


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  ALERT! Wikileaks Exposes Clinton Plot Against Trump. Globalist SATANIC Plans For US
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-20-2016, 05:40 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

Quote:Published on Oct 17, 2016

THIS Channel will NEVER be Politically Correct. We will tell the REAL TRUTH Regardless if you like it or not.


I watched this video last night.  It really goes into deep detail about how the Clintons and Obama have invaded our country with Shiara Law, and how Hillary's wish is to continue with this plan, if elected President of the U.S. 

I know she talks a good talk people, but what she is REALLY doing is hidden behind the scenes. 

WE CAN'T ALLOW HER TO WIN! minusculeredtantrum


Here is another great video by an ex CIA agent who seems to know what he's talking about!

Kevin Shipp - the Subversion of America

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  Is It Me Or Are We Becoming 'Fuzzy'?
Posted by: BIAD - 10-20-2016, 01:08 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (6)

I found this article on the BBC website that either shows how the mainstream media
wish to continue the downward spiral of a 'touchy-feely' perception of how we perceive
the world around us or it's simply a poor offering of a romantic encounter with a criminal
from a journalist who wishes to be a romance novelist!

'I went to Nigeria to meet the man who scammed me'

'An internet romance scam took an unexpected turn, writes Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani.
When Maria Grette first discovered that the 58-year-old Danish man with whom she had
fallen in love was actually a 24-year-old Nigerian "419" internet scammer, the 62-year-old
Swede was distraught.
But, soon, her feelings changed.

"The most terrible thing was not that he had cheated me, but that he had lost his innocence,"
she said.

She became consumed with what she describes as "a profound need to make a difference to
the people of Nigeria". Ms Grette's relationship with Johnny (not his real name) began after an
evening of fun and games with her girlfriends, during which they playfully created a profile for
her on an online dating website.

A few years before, she had gone through a traumatic divorce, and her friends teased her about
finally starting a new relationship...'

'...But when the fun of creating her profile was over, Ms Grette, who works as an arts teacher,
painter and arts therapist, didn't give much further thought to the website.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=631]

"I received messages telling me that people had contacted me, but I never looked
at them," she said. Then, one day, she did.
"I still don't know why," she said. "It was like a sudden impulse happening before
I could stop it."

That particular message was from a man who described himself as a Dane raised
in South Carolina, USA; a civil engineer working on a contract in England;
a widower with a son in a Manchester university.
"I was caught up by the atmosphere and by something in his words," she said.

The pre-amble:

Johnny: "I wish I could see through your eyes and see what you like to see"
Maria: "I like to see the truth, and often the truth is more beautiful and greater
than people dare to realize"
Johnny: "You talk in parable´s. I can´t wait to see you"
Maria: "I cant understand how you can think so dedicated of me, when you
have never met me.
That scares me."

"We spent some time writing, then he called from a UK number."
Ms Grette, who had lived in different countries across Europe, was surprised that 
she could not place the man's accent. She mentioned this to him but didn't give 
it too much thought.

He told her that he was planning for his retirement; had Sweden in mind for a
place to settle; owned a house in Denmark inherited from his parents; wanted to 
leave that to his son, Nick, who was very attached to it, while he looked for a new
home for himself in Sweden.

"I wanted to meet him because I liked him," she said. "He had a way and a
sweetness I had never known in a man before. And he was innocent in a way 
that puzzled me."

Ms Grette put all these qualities down to "an old fashioned upbringing and an
isolated life - living in hotels and spending his free time on golf courses owing 
to much travelling".
After three months of communicating, the man agreed to come over and visit her
in Sweden.

But before that, he and his son needed to make a quick trip to Nigeria for a job
interview, he said. Johnny called to let her know that he was at Heathrow Airport.
And to say that he had landed in Nigeria.
He also got her to speak with Nick. The next phone call was to tell her that he was
in a Lagos hospital.

They had been mugged, his son shot in the head, and they were without money
and papers. Unfortunately, his bank did not have a branch in Africa, he added,
so it would take time to transfer money from his UK account. Meanwhile, the hospital
management was requesting €1000 to proceed with treatment.

The request:

"Honey, I am in the hospital right now using the doctor´s laptop to send you this
message so you can know my situation.
Honey, if Nick dies I will also die with him, I have been crying, I wish I could call you,
I wish I never came here, I will never forgive myself for bringing Nick along with me.
I will call you with the doctor´s phone and send you an email later if I have the chanse.

"Honey, I am happy to hear from you and I am still at the hospital.
The doctor said we where lucky we where not kidnapped.
The bank does not have a location in Africa, so it will take time to get money and the
management are requesting 1000 euros to proceed with treatment.
Nick is all I have got and I will not forgive myself if anything happens to him. I am confused,
and I do not know where to turn at the moment......"

"I will never forget how I rushed to the Western Union office, trembling while I did the
transfer," Ms Grette said. "All I could think of was to get the two persons in Nigeria out
of danger."

The plot developed after that initial transfer. Medical complications called for more money.
The doctors demanded more advance fees.
Several thousands of euro later, in what she describes as "coming to her senses", Maria
realised that something was amiss. She stopped responding to his messages.

Three weeks after her silence, he called her and confessed.
He told her that he was not who she thought he was.
"I said I already knew that. I asked him to tell me his true identity and he did."
He was a 24-year-old Nigerian "419" scammer. He had finished university two years earlier
but had no job.

These kind of advance fee frauds are known as 419 scams in Nigeria after the section of the
Criminal Code which covers fraud.

He further described himself as a "devil" who had wronged "a lovely woman".
"He said he had never met anyone like me before, that he had been fighting his feelings
for me for a long time. He said his scamming mates had warned him about falling in
love with a 'client', that he had ignored them because he trusted me and did not want to
lose contact with me."

The reveal:

From this point on, their communication took a new turn.
There were no further requests for cash.
"The attraction I started feeling was to the person who was revealing himself to me...
It was still him, but with a new name and different age and circumstances," she said.

Johnny sent her a photograph of himself, but Maria was not satisfied with that.
"I wanted to meet him," she said. "I could not live with this relationship unless it was
adjusted to reality in all senses."
Unable to get him a visa to travel to Sweden, she made up her mind to go to Nigeria.

In October 2009, Ms Grette travelled to Africa for the first time in her life.
"When I saw him at the airport in Abuja, tears fell over his face, and I knew I had
known him all my life."
Ms Grette described her two weeks in Nigeria as blissful, a period during which she and
Johnny succeeded in transforming their romantic feelings for each other into a good

She met his friends, many of whom were also scammers. It was while enjoying their
company one night in a local bar that she began to wonder how she could make a
"I asked myself what I could do to prevent a situation where healthy, good young
men fall into this trap," she said.

An idea came to her two years later, in 2011, after she saw an article on a Nigerian
news website about an arts exhibition. Over the past six years, Ms Grette has arranged
for a number of African artists to visit Europe for arts exhibitions, workshops, conferences
and competitions.

She has assisted them to source international grants and other funding to advance
their work.
She has also visited Uganda to give talks on art, and is looking forward to another
visit to Nigeria scheduled for later this year.

Ms Grette, now 69 and living in Norway, is elated at the opportunity to improve the
lives of these young artists.

"Johnny has given me more than he took," she said, "Without him, I would not
have met Africa."
When she'd visited him in Abuja, Johnny promised Ms Grette that he would give
up scamming. With her assistance, he left Nigeria shortly afterwards, to study in

Although they have not met each other again since, she continued to provide
him with financial assistance until he completed his degree a few years ago and
got a job in the American oil sector.

They still communicate frequently, updating themselves on each other's lives;
and last year, he bought one of her paintings which she shipped over to him
in America.

"He is very dear to me," she said.
"He has asked me so many times to forgive him and I told him that the most
important thing is to forgive himself."...'

I must be becoming an old duffer who mistrusts everything or something, but doesn't
this article strike you as odd?

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Posted by: gordi - 10-20-2016, 10:54 AM - Forum: Survival and Sustainability - Replies (6)


There are a few basic requirements that we will all need for Survival, if (and when) the SHTF.
Water, Food and Shelter are the obvious ones, but have you thought about how you're going to make fire?

The ability to create Fire was one of the greatest advances in human history, and it can quite literally save your life if you have the know-how to create your own.

Matches and Lighters are all very well in the short term... but I imagine that they would run out fairly quickly in a long-term survival situation.

So, I always use a Fire-Steel and striker to create the spark for my camp-fires.
They are very cheap to buy, extremely portable and last a very long time even in tough conditions.

The trouble is... they only produce the spark, and that spark needs to be brought to life via a very dry/combustible material called "tinder" which will allow the spark to survive and grow into a glowing ember, which in turn can be used to ignite your fire.
Natural tinders aren't always guaranteed to be available, especially in damp or wet conditions.
So, it would be very beneficial to have a reliable method of producing our own tinder, to complement the fire-steel fire starting method.

The short video below explains one simple way to make your own "CharCloth" tinder out of nothing more than old scraps of cotton material, (such as a cleaning rag or old cotton T-Shirt) and a Travel Sweet Tin!

(My apologies for the poor sound quality on this one)

Kindest regards,

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  More FBI agents speak out, say Comey purposely derailed Hillary email scandal
Posted by: senona - 10-20-2016, 08:51 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (11)

Many of us already suspected some funny shenanigans with Comey, but with more FBI agents speaking out it only confirms our suspicions of a Comey/Clinton connection, hence why he could not "find" any evidence to convict her on.

Quote:A shocking new report reveals several FBI agents say FBI Director James Comey personally stood in the way of prosecuting Hillary Clinton for her clear violations of our national security laws.

A series of interviews conducted with two federal agents shows a deep frustration with Comey’s decision not to recommend to the Department of Justice to indict Hillary over her email scandal, according to an exclusive by the Daily Caller’s Kerry Pickett.

“This is a textbook case where a grand jury should have been convened, but was not. That is appalling,” an FBI special agent who has worked public corruption and criminal cases said. “We talk about it in the office and don’t know how Comey can keep going.”

One surprising detail emerged that shows how little interest Comey had in actually investigating Hillary: the FBI didn’t even bother searching Hillary’s house for evidence.

“We didn’t search their house. We always search the house. The search should not just have been for private electronics, which contained classified material, but even for printouts of such material,” the agent said.

Another agent told the interviewer, “The idea that [the Clinton email case] didn’t go to a grand jury is ridiculous.”

Did not even search her house?

I thought that was normal protocol.
Oh my bad, this is Hillary we are talking about, the QueenB who thinks so is above the law and rules do not apply to her.
Silly me to think she would be handled like a normal person.

Quote:This is far from the first time someone with intimate knowledge of how the FBI and the Dept. of Justice usually works has slammed Comey for his obviously naked political act. Former DOJ lawyer J. Christian Adams, for instance, slammed both Comey and the DOJ for the outcome saying it was clear the political fix was in before the investigation even started.

For his part, Director Comey offered the weak excuse that social media is really at fault because it created a “monster of a bias” against him and the FBI.


You purposely screwed up the so-called investigation (cough-cough) and yet you want to blame social media?
Oh that is rich.

Just what did Bill Clinton say to Loretta Lynch that day on the tarmac?
 Inquiring minds want to know.

It sure as hell did not have shit to do with golf or grand-kids.
That is a crock of shit and anyone is a fool to believe that!!

What is it with you Dems, that you cannot nor will not accept responsibility for your own actions?
But rather you want to deflect it, by passing the blame off in another direction when you know better.


Isn't the "blame" card getting kinda tiring?
Guess you are giving the "race" card a rest for now.

But this just proves even more, how crooked the system is and how far they will go to protect Hillary.

I believe the other agents that are coming forward, about how horrible the investigation was to begin with.
No longer do I trust Comey to do a thorough and competent job.

[Image: 96b655417c4241f4a10b1c8c981005e6.png]



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  'check your panties' : Anchor has hilarious slip of tongue
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-20-2016, 06:38 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (1)

Heres one that will have the pc police up in arms an sjws running to hide in their safe spaces ...... 
check your panties

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  now you can pay to crush trump or clinton with a tank
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-20-2016, 06:27 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

If you looking for something constructive to do this election season an bored of same shit different day ..... you can now drive a tank an run over dummies of candidates for criminal in chief .... pity it not the actual candidates .....
candidate crush

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