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  NC Republican Office Firebombed, 'Nazi' GOPers Threatened in Graffiti
Posted by: senona - 10-17-2016, 03:27 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (4)

[Image: d8e54e26d26b482bb0605794c8a38dd3.png]

A Republican party office in North Carolina was firebombed overnight and a nearby building was scrawled with graffiti warning "Nazi Republicans" to "leave town or else," authorities said Sunday.

Quote:In a statement, authorities in Hillsborough, northwest of Durham, said that no one was injured in the apparent attack on the Orange County Republican Party headquarters.

A bottle containing a flammable substance was thrown through a front window, where it ignited and damaged furniture and the office's interior, the statement said, adding that the fire went out on its own.

[Image: 3cca9ae2b8ba40aba326a08ab9d0e6f8.png]

The graffiti, which included a swastika, was painted on an adjacent building, the statement said.
A nearby business owner discovered the damage at 9 a.m. Sunday.

"This highly disturbing act goes far beyond vandalizing property," said Hillsborough Mayor Tom Stevens, according to the statement. "It willfully threatens our [community's] safety via fire, and its hateful message undermines decency, respect and integrity in civic participation. I believe I speak for the overwhelming majority of people who make Hillsborough their home: Acts like this have no place in our community."

Both the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and the Federal Bureau of Investigation were assisting local and state authorities in their investigation of the bombing, Stevens said in a joint statement with Hillsborough Police Chief Duane Hampton.

North Carolina Republican Party spokeswoman Emily Weeks told NBC News that the office is totally unusable and that materials inside, possibly including completed absentee ballots, may have been destroyed.

She said the office had received no threats prior to the bombing.


The only hater I see here, is the asshole who decided to torch the place and use the Nazi symbol.
Then the Dems will say --"see, I told you Republicans were racist". sigh.

No, the only racist hater here is the one on the run from LEO for vandalizing the building.

Hopefully with the ATF & FBI involved, they will catch the guy(s) that did it.
Sure politics get heated, but there is no excuse in burning shit down over it. Even if it happens to be your opposing side.

Damn, and they think it destroyed some absentee ballots that had already been filled out.

Great way to cheat the election Dems. smallnotamused
Numerous voter fraud incidences being reported.
And now this destructive arson act.

Desperation at it's finest.

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  Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift Tonight
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-17-2016, 12:17 AM - Forum: Metaphysics and Related Topics - Replies (3)

A rare super full moon will rise tonight bringing a cosmic shift in energy which will affect everyone on the planet.  smallgreenhurray 

If you have any crystals to charge, tonight would be a great time to do it.   :smallwink:


Quote:Astrologically speaking, the October super moon will occur when the moon is in Aries. This brings about a very active, enthusiastic, and outgoing type of energy. As such, all of the fiery and adventurous vibrations associated with Aries will be brought to the forefront and this creates a lively burst of energy. If you harness the super moon shift and embrace it in a positive light, then good changes will come your way.

Aries is known for a number of strong qualities and characteristics, by tapping into them and harnessing their power, you can get the most of out of the super moon shift!

Below is an overview of all the basic and best things this full moon in Aries has to offer:

Quote:It’s a time to heal – Whether your wounds are physical, mental, conscious, or unconscious, now is the time to focus on healing them. When you concentrate and do everything in your power to get better and stronger, you can free yourself from all the pain and suffering that’s draining you.

It’s an opportunity to move onward and up in our lives. Many of us will come across exciting new opportunities which weren’t even possible, let alone available to us, before the shift. Now that Mercury has been out of retrograde for just under a month, everything should have fallen back into its normal place by now. If there’s anything that’s still out of whack, fix it asap so you can continue moving forward with nothing holding you back.

It’s the perfect time to act. With the moon being in Aries, the sign’s physical and aggressive traits will be highly valuable for getting things done. Need to get moving on a project or finish something that you’ve been putting off or procrastinated over for seemingly ever? Get moving and get it done, you’ll have the energy and drive to do it all now!

Break free of toxic people in your life. The relationships that are hurting you or holding you back need to be re-assessed. If you find that someone is not worth the time, effort, and stress, cut the cord and distance yourself from them. Stop letting people walk all over you and instead of following bad examples, be a leader and set good ones!

Be conscious and aware of your ego. Don’t let your own sense of self-importance or entitlement get the best of you. Aries can be very cocky and it’s crucial that you don’t get caught up in your ego. Instead, stay grounded and everything will go smoothly.

Overall, the shift in energy accompanying the October super moon will be overwhelmingly positive. If you relax and go with the flow you can better connect with this energy and it will lead to great things happening in your life, so get ready to welcome it!

Hey, I think we are ALL ready for some positive influences in our lives, right? 

Bring it on!!   tinybiggrin

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  HALLOWEEN Music Video
Posted by: gordi - 10-16-2016, 09:43 PM - Forum: Rogues Promo Spot - Replies (10)

I thought that I'd share this here for those of you who do not visit "TOS"...

As some of you will know, there is a nice wee thread there called "The Shed" - it's like a safe haven from all of the Political nonsense, insult-slinging and imbeciles who frequent those parts generally.

And, in honour of the thinning of the veil as All Hallows Eve approaches... I have collaborated with Errollorre (Tom) to make a wee Shed themed Halloween Music Video!

It was conceived, discussed, written, recorded, (sent back and forth over the interwebs,) mixed, videoed, edited and published online within just over 24 hours!!!!

I hope that you'll have as much fun with it as we did making it.... (The names which crop up in the lyrics are usernames from the Shed!)

kindest regards,

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  Trump on Baldwin...
Posted by: Sol - 10-16-2016, 05:26 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (4)

As I came across an article, this morning, that said that the Trump man wasn't amused by Saturday Night Live's versions of the Debates, I went to youtube to have a lookie at what they had done.

But first, here are Mr. Trump's words about the whole thing:

Quote:“Watched Saturday Night Live hit job on me,” the Republican presidential candidate wrote. “Time to retire the boring and unfunny show. Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks. Media rigging election!”

Donald Trump: Alec Baldwin’s ‘SNL’ Portrayal of Me ‘Stinks,’ Show Is ‘Unfunny’

Well...I must admit that I strongly disagree. Maaaaaaaaan.....Baldwin almost had me peeing in my pants !!!

For those of you who haven't seen them, as there are three of them (two Presidential Debates so far and a Vice-Presidential Debate, in between, that turns out not to be one), here are the SNL skits of probably (on that I agree) the most rigged elections in American history.

Hilarious. But JMHO... : )

WARNING....Some viewers may find the language offensive...

The First Debate:

The Vice-Presidential Debate (which turns out not to be one):

The Second Debate:

Enjoy !

Or not.

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  The Pink Swastika
Posted by: guohua - 10-16-2016, 01:43 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (1)

Yes you read that title correctly.
Are you Shocked? Just maybe you well be.
I don't know the Validity of this story about Hitler and the Nazi Party, But I have read the Hitler had a male lover and he also kept his Niece as a lover,
But I'll let you listen to the video and state you Opinion.

Quote:Adolf Hitler was gay - or so says a sensational new biography on the Nazi dictator due to be published tomorrow.
Eyewitness accounts from Hitler's former lovers, and historical documents that for the first time illuminate rumours that have circulated for over half a century, are disclosed in Hitler's Secret: The Double Life of a Dictator .

The respected German historian Lothar Machtan even claims in his book that Hitler ordered the deaths of several high-ranking Nazis to prevent the secret of his homosexuality from surfacing.

Ernst Röhm, the leader of Hitler's Sturm Abteilung or Storm Troopers, tried to blackmail Hitler by threatening to reveal his sexuality. Röhm, who was also gay, was murdered as a result, according to Machtan, a history teacher at Bremen University.

He refers to scores of historical documents to support his thesis. In 1915, the young Hitler was a dispatch rider at the front in France. Years later, yet before Hitler became infamous, one of his fellow soldiers, Hans Mend, wrote in his memoirs: 'At night, Hitler lay with Schmidl, his male whore.' Schmidl, otherwise known as Ernst Schmidt, and Hitler were 'inseparable lovers' for five years, according to Machtan.

Hitler's service notes read that as a result of the love affair there was reluctance among senior officers to promote him. According to Erich Ebermeier, a lawyer and writer who viewed Hitler's military files years later: 'Despite his bravery towards the enemy, because of his homosexual activity he lost out on a promotion to non-commissioned officer.'

Police reports from Munich after the First World War also suggest that Hitler was pursued by police because of his sexual orientation. 'As a "brown" [fascist] activist, Hitler managed to lure many young men to his side, but not only for political reasons,' says Machtan.

According to a Munich police protocol from the early part of the 20th century, a 22-year-old man called Joseph told the police: 'I spent the whole night with him.' Another, Michael, who was 18, told them: 'I had been unemployed for months, and my mother and my brother were always hungry, so, at his request, I accompanied the man to his home.' Another, a boy called Franz, said: 'He asked me if I'd like to stay with him and he told me his name was Adolf Hitler.'

Quote:Yet inevitably it is their sex life that has filled tomes, because in sex, we believe, a person’s deepest essence is revealed. Rumours of homosexuality had dogged Hitler since the early Twenties, repeated in Munich newspapers and bolstered by his close relationship with Ernst Röhm, the homosexual head of the Sturmabteilung, the Nazi Party militia.

There is good reason to believe that he did have repressed homosexual tendencies, yet the dictator’s interest in women is also well-attested. He would invite actresses back to his apartment for “private performances”. One actress, Renata Müller, spread rumours about Hitler’s alleged proclivity for self-abasement, with suggestions that he knelt at her feet and asked her to kick him. When she fell to her death from a window in 1937, many questioned the verdict of suicide.

Even more eye-catching was the secret 1943 report from America’s Office of Strategic Services (forerunner of the CIA) which labelled Hitler an “impotent coprophile”. Based on claims from Otto Strasser, one of Hitler’s opponents in the Party, it alleged that the dictator forced his niece Geli to urinate and defecate on him. While it is hard to separate reality from politically inspired propaganda, Hitler’s obsession with the unfortunate Geli was probably the deepest of his life, and her suicide in his apartment brought him close to breakdown.

Geli, like Eva, did not threaten him intellectually. “There is surely nothing finer than to educate a young thing for oneself,” he opined. “A lass of 18 or 20 years old is as pliable as wax.”

OK, you have some source's to look at which will also lead to more articles.
What do you think?

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  Election official caught on video blasting de Blasio’s ID program
Posted by: senona - 10-16-2016, 10:30 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

[Image: 1bbd988c34154c658d9c940daa981a81.png]

Alan Schulkin, Manhattan Board of Elections Commissioner, got himself in some hot water after making comments about voter fraud and the need for voter ID.

Quote:The Manhattan Democratic representative on the city’s Board of Elections was caught on a secret video slamming Mayor Bill de Blasio’s municipal ID program as contributing to “all kinds of fraud” — including at the polls.

“He gave out ID cards, de Blasio. That’s in lieu of a driver’s license, but you can use it for anything,” Commissioner Alan Schulkin said in the undercover video recorded by a muckraker for conservative nonprofit Project Veritas.

“But they didn’t vet people to see who they really are. Anybody can go in there and say, ‘I am Joe Smith, I want an ID card,’ ” he said in the bombshell tape.

“It’s absurd. There is a lot of fraud. Not just voter fraud, all kinds of fraud . . . This is why I get more conservative as I get older.”
Schulkin didn’t hold back to the undercover journalist, who identified herself as a political consultant at a United Federation of Teachers holiday party on Dec. 16.

Not realizing he was being recorded, he broke with his own party’s position that voter ID requirements hurt the poor and minorities.
Schulkin said he backed the IDs to prevent rampant fraud.

“The law says you can’t ask for anything. Which they really should be able to do,” Schulkin said, according to a copy of the video and transcript provided to The Post.

“I believe they should be able to do it,” he added.

The videographer asked point-blank, “You think they should have voter ID in New York?”

Schulkin responded, “Voters? Yeah, they should ask for your ID. I think there is a lot of voter fraud.”
Conservatives claim ID checks help curb voter fraud.

Liberal and civil rights groups argue such rules discourage voting and discriminate against minorities and the poor.

“You know, I don’t think it’s too much to ask somebody to show some kind of an ID . . . You go into a building, you have to show them your ID,” Schulkin said.

While discussing the potential for fraud, Schulkin volunteered that in some parts of the city, “they bus people around to vote . . . They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.”

Asked which neighborhoods, Schulkin said, “I don’t want to say.”

When the undercover mentions black and Hispanic neighborhoods, Schulkin responded, “Yeah . . . and Chinese, too.”

At another point in the conversation, he discussed potential absentee ballot fraud.

“Oh, there’s thousands of absentee ballots . . . I don’t know where they came from,” he said.

The undercover offered that “people can cover their faces” to shield their identity when voting, which triggered a conversation about burqas.

“The Muslims can do that, too. You don’t know who they are,” Schulkin said.

“I mean, I know everything is done with good intentions, but a lot of bad results.”

Of course, once the video came out and he was questioned about it, he tried to down play it by saying he meant ‘potential fraud’ instead of ‘fraud'. And that the woman reporter was a nuisance and he was just trying to pacify her by answering her questions.

Here is the video of it.
He sounded very serious in his remarks and truth be told, he should not back down from them.
But he will. They all cave to the pressure.

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  Strange sculpture unearthed in Yibin China - help needed for more info
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 10-16-2016, 08:26 AM - Forum: Lost and Ancient - Replies (8)

Ok, this is just a few pictures I found on a Chinese news website - maybe @guohua can have a look for more info.

These pictures are from a story about a guy in Yibin China who unearthed this beside his house.

Sorry I did not manage to grab the text, and I looked for a report on this in English but could not find one.

A man was excavating his land and unearthed this unusual discovery.

Apparently it is a “toad” but I see it as a crab, and they were a symbol of good luck - especially money. No idea when it dates from.


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  Glasses banned from u.s passport photos
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-16-2016, 02:02 AM - Forum: Where Right goes Wrong - Replies (1)

Looks like ol scammy clamping down more .... starting next month glasses are banned from u.s passport photos .....  scammy gotta make sure has clear pic of ya smiling mug for the facial recognition software to better track ya ..... 
Pfffffth ... will stick to travel with my japan passport far less embarressing and safer than u.s passport ......

scammy clamps down more

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Posted by: Jackie - 10-16-2016, 01:08 AM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (8)



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  Possible KILL shot misses
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-15-2016, 11:34 PM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (8)

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