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  Shocking billboard targets Austin's 'immigrant population'
Posted by: guohua - 10-23-2016, 05:10 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

OK, Would a Sugar Daddy Keep You From being Deported? I mean, a sugar daddy is paying for your good looks and sex right? What does he care if you get deported? There's plenty of young women out there for these men to waste their money on.
[Image: 8be4efe5-e0e1-4ca8-9104-e3ac416d5abc-lar...7074289867]

Quote:The advertisement hints undocumented immigrants should join the Arrangementfinders.com dating site to avoid deportation.

The sign reads, "Undocumented Immigrant? Before You Get Deported, Get a Sugar Daddy,” and it is just off highway I-35 near Frontage Road.

Jacob Webster, the online's site CMO says he decided to run the ad “in response to Donald Trump's promise to deport all 11 million of the nation’s undocumented immigrants.”
“ArrangementFinders.com skews heavily towards Hispanic women, with that demo making up over 31% of all the females on our site nationally and over 53% in Austin,” said Webster. 
So it appears to me they are just trying to make money off of the illegal!
Quote:The company launched back in 2009, and now has about 3.9 million members in the US, Canada, UK, and Australia.

Even though ArrangementFinders.com did not mean the billboard to seem racist, many are questioning the provocative message.

A Scare Tactic to make money from women registering with their site, I think.

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  FACT CHECK: Trump Rallies vs Clinton Rallies
Posted by: Sol - 10-22-2016, 06:19 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (10)

With less than 20 days to go for your next election, the Media is still diverting all its attention on the big bad words Mr Trump uses...

So I was curious.

How is it that any article I look at, shaming Trump, and then read the comments section show that Trump's got more supporters than Hillary?

I thought...like 2 to 1.

I was wrong. It's more like 3 to 1.

Google is still your friend when you search for numbers. Numbers that the Medias sure as hell don't want any of you to see.

Those numbers are from August 2016.

[Image: Trump-vs-Hillary-Attendance-8-26-546x1024.png]

Quote:Through August 25th, Trump has held 29 campaign events in August with an estimated 168,000 participants. Clinton on the other hand has held only 11 campaign events attended by an estimated paltry 10,000.

Trump averages 5,800 people per event in August while Clinton averages less than 1,000.

Overall, month to date, Trump held nearly 3 times the number of events than that of Hillary Clinton and 16 times the number of participants. Clinton held 5 of her 11 events in high school gyms which in many cases were half empty while Trump held his events in arenas and other large facilities with at least 7 of his events (Columbus, Harrisburg, Ashburn, Wilmington, Abingdon, West Bend, and Akron) having reported overflow crowds.

Numbers supplied by Gateway Pundit and they actually say a little more on their website.

But we're in October, has any of that changed? Couldn't find much but did find the contrasted rallies that happened in Tampa, Florida in September...


[Image: hillary-tampa-3.jpg?w=640&h=480]

About 500. Total. Including staff, union members and supporters.

Tampa, Florida; Donald Trump...

[Image: trump-rally-tampa-10.jpg]

[Image: trump-rally-tampa-18.png]

Today’s Hillary Clinton Tampa Rally -vs- Donald Trump Tampa Rally…

Stuff that you'll NEVER see on CNN.


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  Offended again, are we?
Posted by: Sol - 10-22-2016, 03:38 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (8)

Just yesterday I was mentioning in a post somewhere that soon we wouldn't be able to talk anymore because we'd offend someone by doing so.

For those of you who are on Facebook, you know the drill...you post it, no one cares if it's personal, it can ruin your career, your life.

There is a School Principal here in Canada who now is under investigation because she posted anti Radical Islamist posts on her Facebook.

[Image: ghadaprofile.jpg.size.custom.crop.1086x611.jpg]

Quote:The York Region District School Board is investigating allegations that an elementary school principal put anti-Muslim posts on her Facebook page.

A spokesman for the board said it was aware of concerns raised by a community member about public postings on a Facebook page under the name Ghada Sadaka. Sadaka is identified as a principal in the York board on the page.

Alright. Let's see what posts she's put up that have now put her into target mode:

[Image: image11.jpg]

So she's asking Muslims that are not extremists where they stand. Seems like a legitimate question to me...

[Image: image10.jpg]

OK. I guess some Muslims would not like that one. EVEN if it's saying the TRUTH. But we're getting used to a two tiered system where common sense is out so...

But what really got her in trouble is this one:

[Image: truth.jpg]

She is asking for vigilance and refers to an article, with the appropriate link that I followed.

Now, here in Canada, the plan was to get 25,000 new refugees by Christmas. I think your numbers in the U.S. and abroad are probably tenfold those.

But has anyone seriously looked at the stats?

That is what that article is all about. The article speaks of the Trudeau government, the screening process, principally. Examples:

Quote:How is he going to do security checks on 25,000 people, coming from a terrorist no-man’s-land, in seven weeks?

Quote:Trudeau has no clue how to screen for terrorists. But what about Syrian migrants who haven’t committed violence — but who support terrorism, and sharia law, and extremism? What about them?

It’s a serious problem: an opinion poll of 900 Syrian migrants shows that nearly a third of Syrian “refugees” support terrorist groups.

The poll, taken last year by the Arab Centre for Research and Public Policy Studies, shows that 31% of Syrian migrants in refugee camps in the region do not want the Islamic State to be defeated.

They’re cheering for the terrorists.

So, out of 25,000 Syrian refugees Trudeau wants to bring in, 7,500 could be ISIS supporters.

Damn. But that's not all:

Quote:Only 1 in 5 "Syrian" refugees is really Syrian
The EU's official statistics office, EuroStat, has just revealed that only 21 percent of the so-called "Syrian refugees" flooding into Europe are actually Syrian.

This means the other 79 percent are -- as The Rebel has reported since the beginning -- economic migrants, not true refugees

It gets better:

Quote:When we think of "refugees," we often think of desperate families of all ages. But the "refugee crisis" is being driven by fit young Muslim men who can afford to pay smugglers.

Men make up 72% of these current migrants, according to the UN. Only 15% are children.

In Canada as well as Europe, the political and media elites are cheering. They're outbidding each other to look the most caring.

The Media is playing us again.

But if ONE little dude or dudette complains, then it's fire and brimstone....

And THIS here is exactly what happened to Principal Sadaka. ONE Muslim mother concerned for her little darling, who expressed fear over Sadaka's Facebook posts complained to higher authorities as it OFFENDED them.


Quote:CBC News has spoken to a Muslim mother and her pre-teen daughter, who didn't want to be named, because the girl is still a senior student at Sir Wilfrid Laurier Public School in Markham where Ghada Sadaka is the principal.

"I was mortified. I was scared," the girl said. "I was surprised that someone would say these things and still be a principal of a multicultural school."

So Sadaka's posts were taken down but noooooo.....that ain't enough:

Quote:The posts may have been pulled down, but the mother and daughter say they feel their concerns have been ignored.

"No one is taking accountability on this. I just feel like the board is sweeping it under the rug and hoping it goes away," the mother said.

"I feel like I've been stonewalled."

Stonewalled. Nothing less.

Stories like this one makes me want to move to another planet.


Out the window like the rest of our values that we hold dear, to ACCOMMODATE those we open our doors to.

Links to this utter mess:

Principal under investigation for anti-Muslim posts

The Truth About Refugees

Muslim parents demand answers from York board about principal's Facebook posts


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  Mr. G. Here with music
Posted by: guohua - 10-22-2016, 09:33 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - No Replies


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  Medical study !
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-22-2016, 08:50 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (2)

Quote:A World Health Organisation (based in Geneva, Switzerland) study shows that eating ham and salami while drinking a glass of good wine at each meal reduces the risk of becoming an Islamic Terrorist by exactly 100%.

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  UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit
Posted by: guohua - 10-22-2016, 04:15 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (5)

That's right, here is the entire title.

Quote:CAUGHT ON TAPE: UN bans skeptical journalists from climate summit for holding views not ‘particularly helpful’

Tell me again how this isn't Rigged like Our Next Election. It all about the Money!
Quote:UN official Nick Nuttall on why conservative media outlet is being banned: 'I don't see what they are actually reporting as being particularly helpful." 

Even establishment & warmist CBC was having none of the UN's excuses. 
CBC to UN: 'Do people have to prove that they're helpful in order to be accredited journalists?' - 'So it does seem that what Mr. Levant is saying is true — that you didn't like his point of view.'
Quote:CBC’s As it Happens host Carol Off spoke with the UN’s Nick Nuttall. Nuttall was involved in the decision to deny Rebel Media accreditation for next month’s meeting. Here’s an excerpt of their conversation:
CAROL OFF: Mr. Nuttall, Ezra Levant says that you have rejected his application because you don’t like Rebel Media’s point of view. How do you respond?
NICK NUTTALL: We looked at Rebel Media and we just really weren’t sure what it was. I mean, we weren’t sure if it was a platform for this chap Ezra — I can’t remember his last name now …
CO: Levant. Ezra Levant.
NN: Ok fine, yeah. I don’t live in Canada, so I don’t know. We get a lot of people who purport to be journalists and sometimes they’re NGOs or civil societies or others with all kinds of different axes to grind and all kind of issues. We try and just make sure that we accredit what we consider to be journalists.
Quote:“I looked at Rebel Media’s website and it seemed to me that this was a kind of website that was very much pushing a very particular point of view and therefore made me wonder how it was funded, who backs it, and what kind of purpose they were there to serve.”– UN’s Nick Nuttall
CO: On what grounds did you reject Mr. Levant and Rebel Media’s application?
NN: I looked at Rebel Media’s website and it seemed to me that this was a kind of website that was very much pushing a very particular point of view and therefore made me wonder how it was funded, who backs it, and what kind of purpose they were there to serve. Looking at some of the headlines on their website … there didn’t seem to be much balance in the reporting. It seemed to be more kind of anti-refugee, anti-climate, anti-this, anti-that. And I just didn’t feel that it was maybe appropriate in terms of better understanding climate change issues and giving balanced reporting to a general public

Ezra Levant, shown March 2, tried to get accreditation for three journalists from his The Rebel online site for a UN climate conference in Morocco this November. He was turned down and now says the UN is ‘banning the one journalistic group they find offensive.’ (Canadian Press)

CO: So it does seem that what Mr. Levant is saying is true — that you didn’t like his point of view.
NN: No, not really. The point is he seems to be advocating a particular point of view which is so personal that it didn’t seem to be a genuine media outlet to me… I don’t see what he is actually reporting you know as being particularly helpful.

Do people have to prove that they’re helpful in order to be accredited journalists?
NN: Well, what do you think journalism is about?

NN: Reporting. Factually, accurately, honestly, trying to get the truth out of what actually is going on in this very complex world. And, from the little I saw, which were inflammatory headlines on issues that weren’t even related to climate change … It was a croc of something, or other.
CO: He called it “climate change croc”.
NN: Yeah, well what does that add to public understanding? What is journalism?

Is it not possible, though, by rejecting his application that you have given his position even more publicity?
NN: That is one reason why I was slightly reluctant to do this interview with you … Many people have written to me that he’s very adept at using this kind of thing to generate more money through crowd-funding to keep his website going. I hope that people who maybe listen to this interview will think twice.

 Can he do anything to convince you otherwise to give him the accreditation?
NN: Well I have to say that two Canadian journalism associations have in fact written to me saying that we should rethink the situation. Now, when serious Canadian journalist associations actually write to me on that basis and are willing to stand by this individual and his website and what he covers, then now, I’m chewing that over. [These associations] have credibility, it would seem, and so I’m really thinking about it.
A Serious Journalist, You won't Know One If He / She Was Standing In Front Of YOU!
Now Tell Me, How truthful is The UN and Climate Change or Global Warming?
It's All Bull Shit, they are pushing their own agenda to control your every day lives.

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  Your Average Hillary Voter
Posted by: guohua - 10-22-2016, 03:58 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

[Image: j37.jpg]

Quote:Woman mistakes meeting for Trump gathering, smears peanut butter on cars
I suppose she's worried her Welfare would be Cut-Off!
Quote:An Amherst woman is expected to be charged with disorderly conduct after she smeared peanut butter on 30 vehicles she believed were parked outside a Trump gathering.
Investigators said the gathering was actually a conservation group and had nothing to do with politics.
The incident was reported Monday evening when the group's meeting was interrupted by a woman that appeared intoxicated. According to the incident report, the woman identified by deputies as Christina Ferguson, 32, entered the meeting and began yelling she hated Donald Trump. The woman was asked to leave, and did.
However, when one of the group's members went outside he saw the woman smearing peanut butter on the vehicles.
According to the incident report the woman used peanut butter to make phallic symbols and wrote profanity across the windshield of another vehicle.
Ferguson had a preliminary breath alcohol concentration of .218.
Ferguson is free on bond.
[Image: S16-09732+(2).JPG] [Image: S16-09732+(8).JPG] [Image: S16-09732+(23).JPG] [Image: S16-09732+(24).JPG]

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  Emory looking to establish regular POC-only social events
Posted by: guohua - 10-22-2016, 03:51 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (6)

P O C stand for People Of Color and this Event Well Not Allow White People To Participate.
I thought we had Laws Against Segregation and Blatant Racism. 

Quote:Emory University’s Campus Life Department will soon host an event that it hopes will develop into a regular social hour, but invitations will only be extended to students and staff “of color.”

DeLa Sweeney, Emory's interim director for Multicultural Programs, defended the concept of a POC-only gathering, saying it will offer participants the chance to explore their "shared interests and common goals."

Quote:“This event is intended to serve as an opportunity for people of color at Emory to connect with one another and strengthen relationships within and across various communities, identities, and positions in the university,” the email explains, noting that the event is the first of “what will hopefully manifest into a series of annual gatherings that create and add to the tradition of acknowledging, honoring, and celebrating the experiences, contributions, and lives of people of color at Emory.”

Later in the email, a copy of which was obtained by Campus Reform, Sweeney reiterates that the social event will be open exclusively to people of color, saying “ECL staff of color are invited to attend this event,” but neglecting to extend the same invitation to others in the department.

Sweeney defended that nature of the event in an exchange with Campus Reform, arguing that the participants will benefit from the opportunity to explore their “shared interests” in the absence of white peers.

“Hosting programs for specific communities and affinity groups—in this case community members of color—is a practice that has been shown to be beneficial for employees and institutions in many fields including higher education,” he explained, adding that the upcoming event reserved for people of color will help in “creating mechanisms for individuals with shared interests and common goals.”
I want to start a People Of Caucasian and Yellow and Green Event!
Well, All cultures except WHITE PEOPLES culture. That is Multi-Culti Libidiotism in a nutshell. Uncle Karl and Daddy Moa Would give these dimwitted Useful Idiots a big thumbs up.

Liberal hypocrisy on full display. Segregation is bad unless liberals do it. 
If it was advertised ALL WHITE it would be called a HATE GROUP!

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  Hillary cares About Women and Their Pay
Posted by: guohua - 10-22-2016, 01:46 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (2)

Pure and Simple Bull Shit, She Doesn't Give A Shit About Women and Never Has and Never Well!

Quote:WikiLeaks: Clinton Foundation Paid Women Less Than Men

Leaked email exposes Hillary's gender gap hypocrisy, pay disparity at family charity
That's Right, men still make more than women, even in Hillary's Controllable World.
Quote:The Clinton Foundation in 2011 employed more women than men but paid them less, on average, according to a salary schedule included in an email released Friday by WikiLeaks.

A foundation employee emailed the payroll schedule to board Chairman Bruce Lindsey and John Podesta, who currently chairs Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. It included then-Chief Operating Office and Chief of Staff Laura Graham’s salary recommendations for 2012 for rank-and-file employees.

Overall, the average salary for women and men was close. But men out-earned women. Men earned $68,164 compared to $64,118 for women, on average. The median salary also was higher for men, $55,200 compared with $50,000.

The spreadsheet included 62 employees, 37 women and 25 men. It did not include people who received money from the foundation as contractors. The top-paid employee on the list was senior adviser Justin Cooper, who was pulling in $127,000. The lowest-paid employee was a female assistant making $18,000.

Hey, liberal,,,,, Still Think She Gives A Shit About YOU?

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  Trump Roasts Hillary With Truth....All She Can do is Laugh.
Posted by: Jude - 10-21-2016, 10:01 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (8)

The Vid says it all folks. Trump outs her in an arena where she can only laugh or be unveiled as the evil we all know.

But why laugh? Is it because she's a good sport? I think that train was derailed a long time ago. I believe her laughing is genuine tho...Remember that old adage..."It's only funny because it's true".



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