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  Jason Quitt - Time Travel & Forbidden Knowledge
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-31-2016, 04:39 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (11)

What a fantastic video!  If you are a seeker of truth, you absolutely must watch this!   smallgreennumberone 

Jason is a time traveler; now wait... just open your mind and hear him out!   minusculebonker  I think you will love listening to his story! 

The Late Bob Mitchell, who was co-authoring a book with Jason, died mysteriously after what many think was murder because he was getting too close to revealing the truth.  The book was released anyway, titled, Forbidden Knowledge, this past August, three months earlier than they had advertised it's release because they thought someone might try to stop them.  It appears they were right.  tinycrying
I will be ordering my copy as soon as I finish this thread! :smallwink:

Jason's story is awesome, and I encourage everyone to listen. 

Quote:Streamed live on Oct 14, 2016

We will be discussing Jason's contact and time travel experiences as well as the death of his co-writer, ufo researcher, Bob Mitchell and their book: FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE



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  The future
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-31-2016, 12:19 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (4)

Quote:The Future
In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85% of all photo paper worldwide.   Within just a few years, their business model disappeared and they went bankrupt. What happened to Kodak will happen in a lot of industries in the next 10 years - and most people won't see it coming. Did you think in 1998 that 3 years later you would never take pictures on film again?
Yet digital cameras were invented in 1975. The first ones only had 10,000 pixels, but followed Moore's law. So as with all exponential technologies, it was a disappointment for a long time, before it became way superior and got mainstream in only a few short years. It will now happen with Artificial Intelligence, health, autonomous and electric cars, education, 3D printing, agriculture and jobs. Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution. Welcome to the Exponential Age.
Software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years.
Uber is just a software tool, they don't own any cars, and are now the biggest taxi company in the world. 
Airbnb is now the biggest hotel company in the world, although they don’t own any properties.
Artificial Intelligence: Computers become exponentially better in understanding the world. This year, a computer beat the best Go player in the world, 10 years earlier than expected. 
In the US, young lawyers already don't get jobs. Because of IBM Watson, you can get legal advice (so far for more or less basic stuff) within seconds, with 90% accuracy compared with 70% accuracy when done by humans. 
So if you study law, stop immediately. There will be 90% fewer lawyers in the future, only specialists will remain. 
Watson already helps nurses diagnosing cancer, 4 times more accurate than human nurses. Facebook now has pattern recognition software that can recognize faces better than humans. In 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans.
Autonomous cars: In 2018 the first self-driving cars will appear for the public. Around 2020, the complete industry will start to be disrupted. You don't want to own a car anymore. You will call a car with your phone; it will show up at your location and drive you to your destination. You will not need to park it, you only pay for the driven distance and can be productive while driving. Our kids will never get a driver's license and will never own a car.  
It will change the cities, because we will need 90-95% less cars for that. We can transform former parking spaces into parks. 1.2 million people die each year in car accidents worldwide. We now have one accident every 60,000 mi (100,000 km), with autonomous driving that will drop to one accident in 6 million mi (10 million km). That will save a million lives each year.
Most car companies will probably become bankrupt. Traditional car companies try the evolutionary approach and just build a better car, while tech companies (Tesla, Apple, and Google) will do the revolutionary approach and build a computer on wheels. 
Many engineers from Volkswagen and Audi are completely terrified of Tesla.
Insurance companies will have massive trouble because without accidents, the insurance will become 100 times cheaper. Their car insurance business model will disappear. 
Real estate will change. Because, if you can work while you commute, people will move further away to live in a more beautiful neighborhood.
Electric cars will become mainstream about 2020. Cities will be less noisy because all new cars will run on electricity. Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean: Solar production has been on an exponential curve for 30 years, but you can now see the burgeoning impact.
Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil. Energy companies are desperately trying to limit access to the grid to prevent competition from home solar installations, but that can't last. Technology will take care of that strategy. 
With cheap electricity comes cheap and abundant water. Desalination of salt water now only needs 2kWh per cubic meter (@ 0.25 cents). We don’t have scarce water in most places; we only have scarce drinking water. Imagine what will be possible if anyone can have as much clean water as he wants, for nearly no cost.
Health: The Tricorder X price will be announced this year. There are companies who will build a medical device (called the "Tricorder" from Star Trek) that works with your phone, which takes your retina scan, your blood sample and you breath into it. 
It then analyses 54 biomarkers that will identify nearly any disease.  It will be cheap, so in a few years everyone on this planet will have access to world class medical analysis, nearly for free.  Goodbye, medical establishment. 
3D printing: The price of the cheapest 3D printer came down from $18,000 to $400 within 10 years. In the same time, it became 100 times faster. All major shoe companies have already started 3D printing shoes. 
Some spare airplane parts are already 3D printed in remote airports. The space station now has a printer that eliminates the need for the large amount of spare parts they used to have in the past.
At the end of this year, new smart phones will have 3D scanning possibilities. You can then 3D scans your feet and prints your perfect shoe at home. 
In China, they already 3D printed and built a complete 6-storey office building. By 2027, 10% of everything that's being produced will be 3D printed.
Business opportunities: If you think of a niche you want to go in, ask yourself: "in the future, do you think we will have that?" and if the answer is yes, how can you make that happen sooner?  
If it doesn't work with your phone, forget the idea. And any idea designed for success in the 20th century is doomed to failure in the 21st century.

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  Dr. Mary Helen Hensley NDE (Video)
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-31-2016, 04:44 AM - Forum: Metaphysics and Related Topics - Replies (8)

This is a story about what Dr. Mary Helen Hensley experienced during a near death experience. 
Her father, who was a Kentucky Baptist Minister, had been visited by "celestial beings" before her birth and told him she would have special abilities.
She did have special abilities and could see and talk to the dead as if they were in physical form in front of her, but it wasn't until she was involved in a car accident at the age of 21 that she met with the Counsel of Nine in the astral plane, and there she learned the truth of what life is all about, and why we are all here. She also learned what God is.  
Being raised with a Baptist belief system, everything she was told and experienced in the astral plane went against what she was told in the church, but she had an "awakening". She remembered many past lives and even living back in the time of Atlantis.

After she came back into the physical body, she had a gift of healing, and began her life mission as an alternative healer, which was the "special abilities" the celestial being told her father about.

If you have ever wondered what our purpose in life is, or have had questions about God and what He is, you must watch this video.  I know I covered a lot of what the video is about, but there is so much more in her story that you need to hear.

@"Sol", you had a thread asking questions about spirituality not long ago. I think this video will provide the answers you seek. :smallwink:

Quote:Published on Oct 10, 2016

Bases Witness statements continue, from Ireland with Dr Mary Helen Hensley. A no nonsense brilliant women with New Death Experience, and guided to come to Ireland where she recognized the holographic nature of the ancient Antediluvian symbols at New Grange. This and her actual death in a car crash in United States, and coming back to tell us more, and the origins of our civilization, echoed in Andrew Powers's book Ireland, Land of The Pharaohs.


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  Top 20 Best UFO Videos 2016
Posted by: guohua - 10-31-2016, 03:35 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (6)

I'll post this video and I want to say. Some look very interesting, but most have been classified as Hoaxes I think.
Taking a break from the Election Scandals.

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  A Few Motivational Vids For My American Family
Posted by: Jude - 10-30-2016, 11:57 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

Many of you know me from that other site whose name shall not be mentioned. Many know that I am outspoken and even an asshole when it comes to my views on people and politics. Oh well.

I love this site because I have posted some view points and used language that I got spanked for over there. The only one allowed to spank me is my wife! tinycool

After watching an election process more closely than I have any others (Even Canada), I feel the need to post a few of what I believe to be extremely motivational vids to all family members South of my border.

The World is watching and as always we stand with the people.


Stay Strong! smallgreennumberone

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  Mr. Trump Gets Down To The Beat.
Posted by: BIAD - 10-30-2016, 09:14 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - No Replies

Just something to take the edge off the election worries!!

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  Woolpit Children (Donald Trump)
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 10-30-2016, 04:46 PM - Forum: Lost and Ancient - Replies (2)

Now that you've clicked, this isn't about Donald Trump. I just figured (looking at the recent history section) that this would get the most views if I named it that tinysure tinycool Let's try this again...


Desperate for a story that didn't involve "crooks and buffoons" I stumbled across something I had never heard of. A story of the mysterious appearance of a boy and girl in the village of Woolpit (depending on the version you may have read - will explain later) in the 12th century. 

[Image: dviias.jpg]

Quote:In the kingdom of Suffolk under the reign of king Stephen in England, two children were discovered in the village of Woolpit by farmers reaping their summer harvests who were unlike the ordinary children they’d met before and didn’t seem of their world or kind with green hue to their skins and clothes of an unknown material speaking an undecipherable language. They only ate pitch of the bean pod and the boy(younger of the two twins) died later of sickness. The girl survived to tell the story of how they were underground inhabitants of earth where everyone was green and the sun never came up. They were lost in a tunnel grazing their fathers cattle when they heard the bells of woolpit church ring which they followed. Their story bears its testimony in the books that were written thereafter and in artifice’s stored in the London museum.

Unsolved Mysteries

On the surface it seems like a fantastic tale straight out of the middle ages, something truly unique to the time and an exciting chapter in the "hollow earth" theory. As the story continues it seems there is no lack of imagination when it comes to explaining this bizarre tale. 

Quote:Modern researchers offer up numerous theories about the Green Children of Woolpit. The first, of course, is that it was an English folk tale about “otherworld” inhabitants, such as fairies or spirits. It certainly would not be the only ancient story from the English Isles that described strange beings entering the human realm through a woodland portal.

Another theory suggests the fanciful tale is an exaggerated version of a true event of lost or kidnapped children. An even more obscure explanation involves extra terrestrials.

Scottish astronomer Duncan Lunan theorized that the green children arrived from a faraway planet during a “matter transmitter” malfunction. As for their signature green tint? It came from the edible plants of their home planet, which represented their entire diet. Lunan even claimed he could trace the descendants of the Green Children of Woolpit to the present.

yes...matter transmitter
Matter transmitter malfunction?! I like that one tinylaughing tinycool

But a more scientific explanation began to ... materialize (see what I did there?)

Quote:A number of ideas have been put forward to explain the strange colour of the children. The people of Woolpit believed that the children's guardian, a Norfolk Earl, tried to poison the children with arsenic. He then left them to die in Thetford Forest on the Norfolk-Suffolk border. He would then be able to take control of their lands and money. Arsenic poisoning can make the skin a green colour. However the children were later found, still alive but very confused and ill. 

Or this one:

Quote:Another explanation, suggested by Paul Harris in 1998, is that they could have been children whose parents had been killed in a period of local fighting. In Eastern England there had been a lot of Flemish people coming in (immigration) during the 12th Century, but after Henry II became king, these immigrants were persecuted. In 1173, many were killed near Bury St Edmunds. He suggests the children may have been from the nearby village of Fornham St. Martin, which was separated from Woolpit by the River Lark. 

If the children had fled into Thetford Forest, it would be so shady, that it would have seemed like twilight to the young, scared children. At last, as they followed the sound of the church bells of nearby Bury St. Edmunds, they may have wandered into one of the many underground mine passages around Thetford, that finally led them to Woolpit. Confused, frightened and dressed in strange Flemish clothes, they would have seemed a very odd sight to the Woolpit villagers. 

The colour of the Green Children could be explained by "green sickness", the name once given to anaemia, caused by a poor diet. Once they had been given proper food, their colour returned to normal. 


And as to the origins of the story itself, the above article seems to even cast doubt on where it happened in the first place.

Quote:Chroniclers (news writers of the time) have stated that the events took place within the reign of King Stephen (1135-54) or King Henry II (1154-1189); it depends on which version of the story you read. There are two versions, one in Suffolk and one in Norfolk, only a few miles apart.

But all of the explanations aside, it's still a neat story. I think the scientific explanations are just as fascinating and scary as the otherworldly ones. This story has everything that I like and I personally believe the girl who survived went on to continue her alien directive of introducing her alien DNA into mankind’s pool.

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  101 Year Old David Rockefeller Receives 7th Heart Transplant
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-30-2016, 04:26 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (1)

Didn't I just make a thread about this a year or so ago, or am I experiencing the Mandela Affect? tinybighuh 

Seems the hearts he's getting aren't strong enough to keep the old body going anymore.   tinysure 
When does one say enough is enough?  Time to give up the ghost! But then, his ghost would probably do more harm to us than he can do now. That's a scary thought!   tinysurprised  Keep those hearts coming! :smalleyeroll:

Quote:The 101 heir to the Rockefeller fortune, David Rockefeller, successfully completed his 7th open heart transplant after the last one failed (earlier, month before). This would mark more heart transplants than any other human being that’s ever existed.

[Image: ghf67rfujhgj.jpg]

Quote:David’s net worth is estimated at only $3 billion, a small number compared to the many new tech startup billionaires that make the exclusive forbes list. However he is the most wealthy billionaire of old money in the Forbes Billionaires club. David stared as an American banker who served as chairman and chief executive of Chase Manhattan Corporation. He is the oldest living member of the Rockefeller family and family patriarch since July 2004. Rockefeller is also the only surviving child of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, and the only surviving grandchild of John D. Rockefeller and Laura Spelman Rockefeller.

If you wish to lean more about David Rockefeller, you can read about him and how he gained his fortune here:  Source Link

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  This one's for Ninurta !!
Posted by: Sol - 10-30-2016, 01:13 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

This thread refers to a thread I had made about commentators on MSM Democrat bias articles where it showed Trump voters commenting like...10 to 1...

The first reason I am putting this new thread up is that Nin could not see the comments for some reason. So this is just a copy/paste job.

The second reason is that, for the first time this morning, we see Democrat voters SWITCHING TO DONALD TRUMP and it NEEDS to be known !

More and more people are seeing through Hillary's facade like she's become an open book of wrong doings for everyone to finally acknowledge.

If she still wins this election (of course that's if the Don doesn't royally screw up in the week to come) then I will truly believe that it's been stolen.

Here is the reality of what is happening out there, and for which the Medias try so hard for you NOT to see...

By the way, up to about a week ago, Yahoo (the one that this is taken from) had thumbs up thumbs down icons for comments. The number of thumbs down that were shown on just about any Clinton supporter comment was telling something. But now they've changed it to a little heart if you like the comment. No more thumbs down. Hey...if it's going to be bought and paid for by the corrupted ones, might as well take away anything that doesn't help the cause, right?

Read and learn a thing or two:

Quote:I can't help wondering what HRC's motivation for running in the first place. I would guess it is money as it's hard to believe she is really interested in the middle class and their struggles.

Quote:We grew up not accepting liars, theives, law breakers, and the 10 commandments, at least that's what my beloved parents taught me. We might not see that in government and politicians, and we've seen NOTHING GOOD COMES OF IT. MY VOTES FOR TRUMP.

Quote:It is hard to believe that any American is going to vote for a cr0ok who should be in jail.
Hillary says Trump is angry, hateful and violent and then she unleases HER hate by allowing her underlings to send criminal thugs to Trump rallies to disrupt and attack. Hillary and her paid, trained criminal thugs attack Trump's supporters, CONSISTENTLY. The hate, anger and violence are a product of the demoNrats and they are trying to take freedom from Americans.
Don't let it happen. Get out on 8 Nov and vote for Donald Trump.

Quote:Will those who are voting for Hillary identify yourselves so I can slap a "STUPID" sticker on your foreheads.

Quote:What would our FOUNDERS think of us putting a potential Felon into the Presidency?

Quote:Please, her poll numbers were collapsing before the news hit she may be going to jail. The criminal investigation is just the nail in an already completed coffin.

Quote:At Yahoo, we are no longer commenters, we are reactionaries. I don't play the Presidential stock market. I vote. And this year my vote is for Donald Trump.

Here's one...

Quote:Horrible, terrible, criminal, Hilary not qualified for President, I am democrat but a change my vote for Trump, I am very upset about that.

Quote:How could anyone say this is a witch hunt or she did nothing wrong. Everything about her is corrupt. She has never told the truth. It went from 1 illegal server to 13. If there is nothing illegal about it then why delete 30k emails? Why smash Blackberrys with hammers? Why give 5 people immunity? Why did her husband have a private meeting in an airport hangar with Loretta Lynch? Why did Comey state that "This is not to say any one else doing the SAME thing wouldnt be prosecuted." Wake up.....this isn't about Trump. This is about a very bad person who is up to her eyeballs in lies, deception, money and corruption.

And another...

Quote:I'm a democrat but vote for Trump. Hitlary needs to be locked up with picture of that bloody boy tattooed on her forehead.

Quote:When the voters are finished Trump will win by a landslide, and then Clinton will be on her way to Prison

Quote:How can a candidate, currently under federal criminal investigation, be running for POTUS?

Quote:Hillary is unelectable. Not because of what others say about her, but because of the truths and facts that she has tries to cover up. She has done the damage all by herself. Nobody can say or do more damage to Hillary than Hillary herself.

Quote:As an Army vet, I have always maintained that all presidents have to have fully honorable military experience to be a Commander in Chief. Look what happens when some pusswipe like 0-Bam gets in there...Anyway, Trump has in a sense a military background, as he went to a military academy at a tender age (and thrived). He has the innate discipline, regardless of his rollicking monkeyshines, to successfully run this country.
He does not need the job and he did not sell pay-to-play tickets as Swillary & Co. have in their corrupt power for profit schemes.

Quote:hillary blew it just like Monica

Quote:You can't trust any of these polls. Like so many others, I don't answer the phone - just let it go to the answering machine unless I know who is calling and it's worth answering. I voted Trump.

Quote:I am looking for a great 8 years of a Trump presidency.

No more embassy burners-----murderers------drunks------plagiarists----traitors.

I will be proud again for the first time in 8 years to be an American.

Quote:Get ready to say "President Trump" !

Quote:Clinton helped put Generals in jail for far less concerning E-M's. When are they going to arrest her??? Is this who we want to represent our country??? HELL NO !!!!!

Quote:Absolutely the FBI reopening the investigation of Hillary emails is a game changer. 30% of the Americans are bone headed in supporting Hillary, The independents and the undecided who can make the real difference can now decide that they will not vote for Hillary no matter what and this will tip the election away from Hillary. America will be a safer and a better place without the Clinton dynasty. .

Quote:Clinton rakes in over a hundred million, how much of that money is from foreign interests to get her elected? , huh. Did you get a birthday present from Qatar like Billy did? on your birthday, I like how you pretend to fight for women's rights but take money from places like Qatar and the Saudis, your whole family dynasty is disgusting beyond words.

Quote:Singapore's Prime Minister has just announced " How can anyone trust the United States any more. " Just look and see what Obama two terms with the possibility of Hillary as POTUS has negatively effected our Global partners. Everybody on the planet is shocked at the clinton and Democrat corruption.

Vote Trump to stop the corruption.

Quote:Most criminals would be twisting and squirming like crazy if the FBI
Was getting ready to pounce on them. Only the truly dangerous and
Life time violent criminals counter attack and go on the offensive.
Hillary is not the innocent little house wife of bill Clinton but a radical
Career kleptomaniac, compulsive liar, immoral. Without a shred of
Decency aka an irredeemable deplorable nasty evil tyrant seeking
Control over the American people. Cut from the same cloth as Castro
And Adolph hitler. Pure evil in human form.

And another...


Quote:For once I feel like Dems, may lose this race. The skillfully picked a troubled candidate after using shenanigans to deny Bernie Sanders a victory. Why can't we have honest politicians, is money and power really everything for these people?

Quote:According to Wikileaks, Hillary transferred huge amounts of weapons to ISIS while "serving" as SOS.. The Clintons are going down faster than a 2 dollar Hore on a Saturday night.

Quote:Anyone that would vote for "DESPICABLE LYING CRIMINALLY DECIETFUL Clinton " , is seriously depraved , devoid of common sense and definnitly anti American....Do these Clinton supporters not care about their own families or

THIS ELECTION IS NO DOUBT THE LAST OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY !!!! Vote Trump , make your vote count and help rid America from
Corruption !!!!!

Quote:I'm not voting for Hillary because I'm not voting for corruption. God Bless America.

Quote:The tide has turned!!! Vote Trump-Pence 2016!!!

Quote:Anybody that would vote for her is somehow between worlds on a space ship heading towards an asteroid that's out of control.

Quote:As an Hispanic American male I cannot see voting for Hillary Clinton if you look at her comments 8 years ago they are a complete 180 of what they are today. She is untrustworthy and does not care for the American people. She cares for her own enrichment. Being in Los Angeles and seen her Latin American supporters comma there blatant disregard and disrespect for anything America stands for or has once stood for makes me sick. They care about only making America into a third world country I just cannot stand for that please do yourself a favor Hillary will be going to jail really soon... vote for Donald Trump

Here's a doozy...off of a thread here by Jude...

Quote:Drudge is showing a pack of liberal dogs beating up on an old homeless woman with a Trump sign
It really is amazing just how far down into the gutter modern liberals have devolved.
I am having a hard time rationalizing how I ever voted democrat and even that was many years back
I can promise you one thing though, I'll never vote democrat again

Quote:Not sure if I can vote for someone under FBI investigation.

I'm going to stop here. I think everyone gets an idea...

Comments are made by people like you and me...read and learn...


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  man stops for food in middle of police chase
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-30-2016, 07:59 AM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

Guess he wanted one last meal before getting locked up ..... guy stopped for food in middle of police chase ...... he shoulda stopped at donut shop then coulda used donuts to distract em .....  
guy stops for food in middle of police chase

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