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  Thus the Republic Falls to applause: Rigged Election
Posted by: Armonica_Templar - 10-29-2016, 11:27 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (8)

Greetings and Salutations..

The first reports from the ground have reached my ear.. (Please keep in mind this is third hand)

Today during early voting in Texas an interesting situation showed up.

An named individual went to vote and care to guess the next part?

He hit ALL republican button..

Then before he verified he read the vote and discovered something..

He was about to vote for HRC..

Well.. Of course he fixed it but this leaves us with a very interesting problem..

According to the source here, he checked because this was the SAME thing that happened to a friend of his elsewhere in the state

The program put the vote for hillary

From what was said this has happened in at least Tyler, DFW, and now Navarro county

Well the person said they where not the ONLY ones this happened to in the election booth

We now can add something else interesting from verbal source, third hand
They talked with friends in different states..

Same thing for Florida, Arizona and California..

Now.. I have no evidence of this but, just wow..

So just remember to check your ballot completely before you hit the final confirmation.. If it happens to you.. File complaints..

more to come  as I listen to reports from friends on the ground

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  Ammon Bundy's lawyer tackled, Tasered by U.S. Marshals in a surreal ending to the Ore
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 10-29-2016, 04:25 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (9)

And in news other than Trump v Clinton, this sort of stuff happens.

I have another story related to the Bundy case, and will post it soon, for those interested.  Either here or elsewhere.

ETA - video at the source

Quote:Moments after the Oregon standoff defendants' acquittals were announced in court Thursday, Ammon Bundy's lawyer Marcus Mumford stood before the judge, and argued that his client should be released from custody immediately and allowed to walk out of the courtroom a free man.

Ammon Bundy, who chose to wear blue jails scrubs throughout the trial, was dressed in a gray suit Thursday.

U.S. District Judge Anna J. Brown told him that there was a U.S. Marshal's hold on him from a pending federal indictment in Nevada.
"No, he's released on these charges. He's acquitted. Nevada doesn't have jurisdiction,'' Mumford yelled, standing before the judge. "If there's a detainer, show me.''

"Mr. Mumford, you really need to never yell at me now or never again,'' the judge responded.

Brown told Mumford that she's releasing Bundy on all federal holds in the Oregon case, but he'll have to take up any questions about the federal holds from the Nevada case with the U.S. Marshals Service.

"If they want him, they know where to find him,'' Mumford told the judge. "I don't see any paper proving their authority to hold him.''
Suddenly, a group of about six to seven U.S. Marshals, who had been either standing or seated around the perimeter of the courtroom, slowly moved in and surrounded Mumford at his defense table. The judge directed them to move back but moments later, the marshals grabbed onto him.
"What are you doing?'' Mumford yelled, as he struggled and was taken down to the floor.
As deputy marshals yelled, "Stop resisting,'' the judge demanded, "Everybody out of the courtroom now!''

Mumford was taken into custody by the Federal Protective Services.

He was cited for failure to comply with a federal lawful order and disturbance and released with a Jan. 6 date to return to federal court, said Eric Wahlstrom, supervising deputy of the U.S. Marshals Service.

According to Wahlstrom, Mumford was shocked with a stun gun in what's called a dry-stun mode, meaning no probes were fired into his body but a Taser was placed up against his body.

Wahlstrom, who was not in the courtroom, said the actions were taken because Mumford was resisting and preventing marshals from taking Ammon Bundy out of the courtroom and back into custody.

Wahlstrom said the stun gun was used because deputy U.S. marshals "attempted to handcuff him and he continued to resist.''

But observers who were close to the arrest decried the use of force against a lawyer in court.

"What happened at the end is symbolic of the improper use of force by the federal government,'' Mumford's co-counsel J. Morgan Philpot said. Philpot explained that Mumford was attempting to point out that since the judge previously had said in court that she had no authority over detention orders made by the court in Nevada, she couldn't now maintain the right to order his client held.

"I grew up on a dairy farm, so am I used to some rough treatment, sure?'' Mumford told reporters, after his release. But he said the actions of the U.S. marshals were uncalled for.

"All I was asking for was papers. Just show me you have the authority to take Mr. Bundy into custody,'' Mumford said.


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  Awesome mugshot - Man sentenced to 10 years for attack on Irvine woman and her dog
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 10-29-2016, 03:28 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (2)

Ok, this is a real news story but I felt I had to post it in here just because of this awesome mugshot :)

Maybe I should have put it in the alien section, as that head is unreal, anyone remember Coneheads!!

[Image: ofs78h-b88828453z.120161028164138000g7vjoeh2.10.jpg]

Quote:A 52-year-old man was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Friday for attacking his neighbor and her small dog as they walked in Irvine last year.

Craig Andrew Ledbetter of Irvine pleaded guilty to two felony counts of attempted murder and elder abuse, and two misdemeanor counts of animal cruelty and resisting an officer, according to the Orange County Dsistrict Attorney’s Office.

On Sept. 29, 2015, the woman, who was 75 at the time, was walking her family’s mini poodle on Rockwood in the Woodbridge community at about 2:45 p.m., when a screaming and naked Ledbetter ran up to her and knocked her to the groud, authorities said.

Prosecutors said Ledbetter got on top of the victim and punched her in the face and chest. He then stood up and repeatedly kicked her in the head. He took the dog by the leash and swung the dog over his shoulder.

Witnesses called 911 and police responded to the scene. Officers had to use a Taser to subde Ledbetter and arrest him, authorities said.

The victim suffered serious injuries, including bleeding in the brain, a dislocated left arm and eye injuries, prosecutors said. Her dog was not injured.


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  Finally even MSM sees the dirt
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-29-2016, 11:02 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

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  The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick.
Posted by: Jude - 10-29-2016, 07:46 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (16)

Who are the REAL deplorables? Who are the REAL Uneducated? Who are the REAL threats to freedom?

These vids made me sick, angry, disgusted.

Watch them in order to get the REAL message. Notice the News Van in the background?

It's at the point when even our fellow victims stop each other from exercising freedom of speech. WTF!!!!!

I wonder how many of these back-water-inbred-toothless idiots got paid by Hillary?

The woman had been guarding Trump’s star since millionaire activist James Otis hammered it beyond recognition on Wednesday night. Otis was arrested for felony vandalism, but then released on $20,000 bail until a court hearing on November 18.


More: https://www.rt.com/usa/364631-crowd-atta...ess-trump/


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  Biggest F*ck You Ever Recorded in Human History-Unofficial Trump Ad
Posted by: Jude - 10-28-2016, 09:03 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (16)

Almost makes me want to be American...Almost. tinylaughing 

Great Vid nonetheless.


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  Thousands of Wild Buffalo Appear Out of Nowhere at Standing Rock (VIDEO)
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-28-2016, 08:33 PM - Forum: Lawsuits and Legalities - Replies (6)

During the midst of mass arrests, mace attacks, and beatings from batons, a stampede of bison suddenly appeared near the Standing Rock protest camp. The Sioux erupted with a cry of joy, as they had been praying for assistance from the Tatanka Oyate during their standoff with riot police and national guardsmen.

Quote:Native Americans attempting to stop a pipeline from being built on their land and water just got assistance from a large herd of wild buffalo.
Indigenous culture honors American bison (known as Tatanka Oyate, or Buffalo Nation) as a symbol of sacrifice, as the bison give their lives to provide food, shelter, and clothing through the use of their meat and their hides. Native Americans maintain a spiritual tradition with bison, believing that as long as buffalo — a gift from the Great Spirit — roam free and as long as the herds are bountiful, the sovereignty of indigenous people would remain strong.
And in the midst of mass arrests, mace attacks, and beatings from batons, a stampede of bison suddenly appeared near the Standing Rock protest camp. A cry of joy reportedly erupted from the Standing Rock Sioux, as they had been praying for assistance from the Tatanka Oyate during their standoff with riot police and national guardsmen.


How awesome is that?!!!   smallgreenbananadancer

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  Rigging the Election (Video)
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-28-2016, 07:56 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (2)

Project Veritas released a video October 26th that outlined a foreign campaign donation transferred to a third party in direct benefit to the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  This video shows the undercover reporter investigation that lasted over a year regarding a foreign campaign donation transferred to a third party in direct benefit to the Hillary Clinton Campaign.

If you listen to nothing else, listen beginning at the 10:27 mark.  Bob Creamer tells how they "rig" the campaign elections.

Quote:Published on Oct 26, 2016

In the effort to prove the credibility of the undercover donor featured in the videos and to keep the investigation going, Project Veritas Action made the decision to donate twenty thousand dollars to Robert Creamer’s effort. Project Veritas Action had determined that the benefit of this investigation outweighed the cost. And it did. In an unexpected twist, AUFC president Brad Woodhouse, the recipient of the $20,000, heard that Project Veritas Action was releasing undercover videos exposing AUFC’s activities. He told a journalist that AUFC was going to return the twenty thousand dollars. He said it was because they were concerned that it might have been an illegal foreign donation. Project Veritas Action was pleased but wondered why that hadn’t been a problem for the month that they had the money.



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  And Now...For Some Good News!
Posted by: Jude - 10-28-2016, 07:53 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Best boss ever? Diamond tycoon hands out HOMES and cars worth £6m to loyal staff...

Quote:The Indian diamond magnate is dishing out 1,260 cars, 400 flats and pieces of jewellery to staff just before the Hindu festival of Diwali, which will be celebrated on Sunday.
Savjibhai Dholakia, who is the boss of the Surat-based diamond export business, has revealed he will spend a total of £6million rewarding loyal staff members who have bolstered the company's profits over the past five years.
Mr Dholakia said every employee "must have his own home and car in the next five years. So we have decided to gift cars, homes and jewellery to employees."


So why can't more Mega Rich people act like this? Does it really hurt his bottom end? Doubtful. Will it raise his PR profile? Absolutely.

The people he employs helped him to get to where he is and you can be sure that they will stay loyal to the company. They will be happier, have less stress...etc.

At least this guy gets it.


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  FBI Reopens Clinton e-mail Ivestigation
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-28-2016, 07:10 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (10)

Ha! Hallelujah. YES!!!   tinybiggrin

I suppose the public pressure must have gotten to them. Did they see the masses had quickly lost all faith in them, or what happened?
(Nah, they don't really care what WE think!)

[Image: 694940094001_5188980703001_FBI-reopens-i...?ve=1&tl=1]

Quote:The FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server while secretary of state after discovering new emails, in a stunning turn of events just days before the presidential election. 

FBI Director James Comey wrote in a letter to top members of Congress Friday that the bureau has “learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation.”

Read the letter here

Comey did not detail those emails, saying only that they surfaced “in connection with an unrelated case.”
He told lawmakers the investigative team briefed him on the information a day earlier, “and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.”

He said the FBI could not yet assess whether the new material is significant and he could not predict how long it will take to complete “this additional work.” 

The move comes after Comey and the Justice Department decided in July not to pursue charges over Clinton's email practices, saying at the time that the investigation was finished. 

Comey has since come under criticism from lawmakers and others who claim the investigation downplayed the mishandling of classified information during Clinton's tenure. 

“The FBI’s decision to reopen its investigation into Secretary Clinton reinforces what the House Judiciary Committee has been saying for months: the more we learn about Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security," House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., said in a statement. 
“Now that the FBI has reopened the matter, it must conduct the investigation with impartiality and thoroughness. The American people deserve no less and no one should be above the law.” 

The development comes 11 days before the general election, and is the latest shockwave to hit the race. Clinton had been gaining in the polls over Republican Donald Trump in the wake of the release of footage showing Trump talking about groping women and subsequent allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him. 

However, daily revelations from hacked Clinton campaign emails obtained by WikiLeaks have become a headache for the Democrat's campaign. The resumption of the FBI probe poses a potentially bigger problem. 

House Speaker Paul Ryan called the decision "long overdue." 

Yes, "long overdue" is an understatement!  Let's see what happens this time.  Will she get the prison term she deserves, or will she walk... again?


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