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  Asteriod 2016 VA Makes Close Call Nov. 2
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-01-2016, 10:21 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (2)


There is an asteroid heading our way, and will come within a lunar distance of 0.2 sometime tomorrow, 11-2-16. The object's name is 2016 VA.

(2016 VA)
9.6 m - 21 m

This is VERY close!

Keep your eyes to the sky, and maybe get some good camera shots as it flies by. 

Hopefully, this thing won't hit us!  But, I have to wonder since no one is talking about this in the news or social media, could they be expecting some problems?  Is this why we have so much coverage about Hillary and Trump, hoping to distract our attention?   tinysurprised


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  Try Not To Choke Up...I Dare Ya!
Posted by: Jude - 11-01-2016, 06:00 PM - Forum: Pets Place - Replies (4)

Poor Little Guy!

Quote:Video filmed in the town of Norcia shows one of the dog’s legs sticking out of the rubble of a collapsed building. Rescuers carefully remove the debris to reveal the dog’s head and other legs while providing it with water.


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  Zhuhai air show: China J-20 fighter jet in public debut
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 11-01-2016, 12:48 PM - Forum: Aviation Developments - No Replies

This is very close to where I am - but I had no interest in going. 

This is only the stuff they are showing, what about the stuff that is still under wraps - that is what I want to see.

Quote:China has showcased its long-awaited J-20 stealth fighter in public for the first time.

Two of the radar-evading jets did a 60-second flypast at the Zhuhai air show in Guangdong province - the country's biggest meeting of plane makers and buyers.

(video on the link source)

Previously the jets had only been seen by bloggers.

The fighters are being seen as symbol of Beijing's desire to modernise and upgrade its military capabilities.

President Xi Jinping wants to toughen China's armed forces as it takes a more assertive stance in the region, especially in the South China and East China seas.

The J-20 has been developed and made by the Chengdu Aircraft Industries Group, a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China.

Some have likened the new fighter to Lockheed Martin's F-22 Raptor jet, with industry analyst Bradley Perret of Aviation Week saying the jet was "clearly a big step forward in Chinese combat capability,"

China's J-20 stealth fighter
Little is known about China's new stealth fighter jet. Here's a timeline:
  • 1990s China reveals plans to develop its own stealth jets

  • 2011 first secret test flights of the J-20

  • 2016 two J-20 jets are showcased at the Zhuhai air show

  • 2018 the J-20 is expected to be operational

Hotly anticipated

China's International Aviation and Aerospace Exhibition - also called Airshow China - has become one of the world's biggest events of its kind.

And with China set to become the world's biggest aviation market in the next decade, the show is an opportunity for Beijing to demonstrate its ambitions in civil aviation as well as defence.

Zhuhai air show: China J-20 fighter jet in public debut - BBC News

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  Trying to get home from the Mid-East
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-01-2016, 11:54 AM - Forum: America and its Territories - Replies (1)

Message body
In 1991, at the end of Desert Storm, a 19 yr. old US Army Cavalry Scout Private, who had just spent 8 months at war, sat out on a street at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.  He sat there on his duffle bag with his Battalion around him for 4 days waiting for the buses to come and take him to the King Fahad Airport so he could go home. 
Unfortunately, the politicians of the day never planned for how to bring so many soldiers home after the war ended, so there was a shortage of planes.  Politicians are great at talking, but terrible at doing. Finally, the buses came, and took the young man to the airport.  The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only.  Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991, and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him.
That Private was me.  The Airline owner - Donald J Trump.  That is why I will vote Trump. Loyalty for loyalty, respect for respect.  Any questions?
Written by Ron Knouse

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  #Hillaryforprision trends on twitter amid accusations of censorship
Posted by: Daitengu - 11-01-2016, 02:29 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

Looks like the peasants revolting .... well more revolting than usual . ....  though doubt killary goes to prison ..... 

killary for prison

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  Faster Navigation Idea
Posted by: Jude - 11-01-2016, 12:54 AM - Forum: The Suggestion Box - Replies (2)

Just a thought...but it would be helpful if the forum names in the recent threads below the shout box were linked to the forum in question. Quicker to navigate. 


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  Biggest Election Fraud In US History Uncovered...BREAKING NOW
Posted by: Jude - 11-01-2016, 12:51 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (9)

Yes, It's Alex. But He's not the source. Have a look, pick it apart. I for one have no reason to not believe.

Quote:[10/31/16]  INFOWARSBev Harris, the country’s leading vote fraud expert, joined the Alex Jones Show Monday to reveal the results of a bombshell investigation into “vote shaving” software.
Used in precincts all across the country, the software – deemed “the most devastating election theft mechanism yet found” – allows votes to be fractured and rounded up or down to sway the results for any candidate.
According to Harris, a member of the non-partisan Black Box Voting investigative team, this latest discovery constitutes the “missing piece” that blows the lid off of wide-scale voter fraud.

“It was put in the system in 2001 but it came into wide use in 2006,” Harris said. “It took someone with a special set of skills to know what to look for.”

So now what else is there to say?

I do find it odd that it's been in place since 2001, don't you?

Fractional Results? I won't even begin to claim to understand how that works but I don't need to understand the How, just the results.

What a nightmare,


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  Alabama gas line explosion leaves several injured, others missing
Posted by: Jude - 11-01-2016, 12:04 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (1)

Damn! That looks like a big one!


[Image: CwIRwVJWIAAeXQD.jpg]

Quote:A gas line explosion in Shelby County has left at least seven people severely burned and 10 acres of land are on fire. Nearby residents have been evacuated without incident, but two pipeline contractors are still missing.

An explosion on a Colonial gas pipeline occurred as “eight or nine” subcontractors were trying to flush one of the lines on Monday, the Birmingham News reported. So far, seven have been reported to be injured and two workers are possibly missing. The fire’s intense heat has hindered the search.

Hope all is well for those missing.


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  DC Explosion Leaves Key Witness Against Hillary Dead
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-31-2016, 09:08 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (5)

Who has the score paper on all the deaths associated with the Clintons?  Was that you @"senona" ?  Or was it @"BIAD" ?

Well, anyway, here is another one to add to the list!   smallfit 

[Image: 9b84da82-eee9-4cca-ab68-4fb144f511ce-lar...40x360.jpg]

Quote:At least two people were found dead and several more heavily injured in a DC explosion that happened early this morning – officials said.
Assistant Chief Russ Hamill of the Montgomery County Police told reporters Friday that two bodies were found in the ashes of an old building and several more were heavily injured, after an explosion leveled an apartment building early this morning. The scene will be handled as a death investigation said Russ.

The identity of one of the victims is yet to be published but the speculators are saying that it belongs to a key witness against the Clintons.
Hamill said that more than 20 people were taken to the hospital. Many of them are suffering from injuries they sustained while they were jumping out of the windows in a hope they will survive.

The neighbours are saying that dozens more are missing, and it is believed that a long time insider and key witness is among those.
The identities of the victims are yet to be confirmed. First we have to contact the families of the deceased and afterwards we will come up with the full list of victims – said Hamill.

All eyes are on the mysterious deaths that are surrounding the Clintons lately, especially those who were labeled as ,,suicides,,.


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  Halloween in Castle BigG
Posted by: gordi - 10-31-2016, 09:07 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (5)


It's THAT time of year...
so... first of all... I buried a corpse in my front garden...
Then I hung a zombie near my front door...
Then I carved my Pumpkin! An Owl this year...
Which I then placed on top of my wee vintage car, to complement the skeleton driver and church candles therein...

There may, or may not be any truth to the rumour that I then placed a very large amplified speaker under the drivers seat and scared the crap out of anyone who came close enough to look at the above mentioned halloweenie stuff...

I may be offline for a day or two whiile I sort out the Bail conditions......



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