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  Just Scammed a Nigerian Scammer for $100!
Posted by: Jude - 11-06-2016, 07:53 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (3)

Ok, so here is what I do on my off time. I make money on ebay buying and selling silver, gold and whatever else I can make a profit from.

3 days ago I listed an item of gold for $995 open to offers. I AM STOKED TO SEE A FULL PURCHASE OFFER WITHIN 20 MINUTES!

I then get a message from ebay stating that the account is closed because of fraud suspicion. Ok, got it and thanks ebay.

I then get an email from the asshole:

"Hello, I have just bought your item from ebay, the payment from ebay invoice portal which i received is not going through im trying to make the payment right now but its bringing out error from the page, its saying your paypal email is not valid. please you can send paypal invoice or your paypal email directly to my paypal email...(kristen.sierra785@sfletter.com) so that i can make the payment directly into your paypal account right away, thank you."

Email reference id: [#f806c6d9c8dd4331b805866775cc62f5#]

eBay sent this message to Lance ........
eBay is committed to your privacy. Learn more about our privacy notice and user agreement.

© 2016 eBay Inc., eBay International AG Helvetiastrasse 15/17 - P.O. Box 133, 3000 Bern 6, Switzerland


Olalekan Christopher
12011 Westbrae Parkway #B
US 77031

Once again while you are sending EBAY (INVOICE) for payment to me please include your paypal email inside the EBAY INVOICE. or you can send your paypal email directly to my paypal email at...(kristen.sierra785@sfletter.com) so that i can make the payment into your paypal account Thank you
Email reference id: [#2a3db53e213b45cfbee33bf24733b81f#]

eBay sent this message to Lance...
eBay is committed to your privacy. Learn more about our privacy notice and user agreement.

© 2016 eBay Inc., eBay International AG Helvetiastrasse 15/17 - P.O. Box 133, 3000 Bern 6, Switzerland

Anyways...thru all this crap I called BS. Especially after I receive another email stating that only when I provide a tracking # will my funds show in my paypal account. Big mistake!

After checking the name and isp etc I come up with a Nigerian scammer with pics and all.

So here is how I respond to this:

Thank you,

Please send $100 US to our paypal account: %%group@hotmail.com in
order to cover insurance liability, tracking, international taxation
and shipping.

When full deposit funds are confirmed you will then receive full
payment within 24 hours and your order will be scheduled for shipment.
At this time you will be provided with tracking information in order
to track your purchase with ease and security.

Thank you for your business and we hope to have a very profitable
partnership moving forward.

Jude William
CEO Metals Purchasing Dept.

What happened? I received $100 from these assholes!


Thank you and Good Night! *Drops Mic and walks off stage.*


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  Researchers claim that humans have souls which can live on after death
Posted by: guohua - 11-06-2016, 05:40 AM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (3)

We all expected or know this already, didn't we.

Quote:SCIENTISTS have claimed that death may not be as final as we once feared – and that humans have souls that can leave the body after their hosts kick the bucket.

It may sound like a supernatural myth, but the idea that human consciousness lives on after death has been put forward by a number of well-respected scientists.

And the British scientist at the forefront of the eerie theory claims that humans have souls which don't die along with the body.

We many not know exactly what consciousness is, but physicist Sir Roger Penrose believes that it's just a packet of information stored at a quantum - or sub-atomic - level.
Sensationally, he claims to have found evidence that this information, which is stored in microtubules within human cells, leaves the body after a person dies.
[Image: nintchdbpict000280233847.jpg?w=960&strip=all]
The researchers argue that humans have souls which leave the body upon death, and can live on without it forever.
Yes, Yes, yes! I've said this before.
Quote:Sir Roger has argued that when a person dies temporarily, this quantum information is released into the universe, only to return to the body's cells if the host is brought back to life.
He argues that this explains why people can have near-death experiences, and believes that this quantum information amounts to a soul leaving the body.
The physics expert said: "If the patient dies, it's possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul."

And Sir Roger is not alone in believing this, since his theory is backed by researchers at the renowned Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich.
Experts there argue that our physical universe is just a perception, and that once our bodies die there is an infinite life beyond.

Dr Hans-Peter Dürr, former head of the institute, has said: "What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible.
"The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger.
“The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal.”
[Image: nintchdbpict000280233394.jpg?w=720&strip=all]
The eerie theory has been reinforced by other physicists, and by those who have lived through near-death experiences.

Quote:Earlier this year, another remarkable claim about the afterlife was made by a terminally-ill violinist who survived 17 near-death experiences, and claims to have been to the other side.
Paul Robertson died of heart disease on July 27, but believed he had seen death plenty of times already before he passed away.
During one near-death experience, he claimed he was blocked from entering heaven by a group of laughing angels who smelled of aftershave.
Another vision saw him bathed in the aura of an “Asiatic goddess”, whilst he claims a further supernatural encounter made him believe he was a husky dog bounding through the Arctic.

I've said before to many of you, I talk to two of my ancestors.
There is a video in the article on the interview.
I'm attaching other videos for your viewing pleasure,,,, or not,,, depending on your beliefs. 

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  Clinton amnesty tax: $15,000 per household, $1.2 trillion
Posted by: guohua - 11-06-2016, 05:25 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (7)

That's right, you'll pay more in taxes for Hillarys Amnesty plan for illegals.
They get MORE Benefits and You Pay the Tax!

Quote:Amnesty for illegal immigrants like a program proposed by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton would require an immediate tax hike of $1.2 trillion, a $15,000 hit on every household in America, according to a new analysis of immigration reform.

The authoritative National Academy of Sciences said the cost to give some 11 million illegals citizenship rights would be staggering, though it suggested long-term benefits.
 Bull-Shit the only Benefit will be for Future Votes For Democrats, The Same Scam they Ran On The Black Americans.
Quote:A Heritage Foundation analysis of the NAS study looked at just the impact amnesty would have and said that an immediate tax increase of $1.29 trillion would be needed to finance the infrastructure, school, welfare and other costs of illegals.

"The findings in the report indicate that if amnesty for illegal immigrants were enacted, the government would have to raise taxes immediately by $1.29 trillion and put that sum into a high-yield bank account to cover future fiscal losses generated by the amnesty recipients and their children," said Robert Rector, Heritage's senior domestic research fellow.

"To cover the future cost, each U.S. household currently paying federal income tax would have to pay, on average, an immediate lump sum of over $15,000," he added.

Rector explained that the costs are high because illegals are poorly educated and have children who get U.S. citizenship if born in the U.S.

From his analysis published on the Daily Signal:
Illegal immigrants currently receive routine government services such as roads, sewers, and police and fire protection. The children of illegal immigrants currently receive heavily subsidized public education at an average cost of $12,000 per child per year.
Children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. are eligible for the same welfare benefits (such as food stamps, Medicaid, Obamacare, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) as children born to U.S citizens.

Because illegal immigrant families already receive many government benefits and services, they currently impose a fiscal cost on taxpayers.

The benefits they receive exceed taxes paid.

Amnesty or "earned citizenship" would provide current illegal immigrants access to an additional level of expensive government entitlements and benefits.
Under a Democrat ran Government. You're SCREWED, Citizen!

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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-06-2016, 01:52 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

This video with Dark Journalist interviewing Alexandra Bruce in the first half of the show breaks down the implications of the many leaks brought out by Wikileaks, Anonymous, KimDotCom, DC Leaks, and many others during the 2016 Presidential Election.

The second half of the show Health Freedom Innovator Dr. Robin Falkov of Event Horizons Radio joins Daniel to discuss why the Trump presidency may be the last chance for America.

This one needs to be seen before you vote!

Hang on folks; it's almost over, and all this political ( fill in your choice of words ) will be over and we can move on to other topics.

Quote:Dark Journalist Election 2016 Special Report
In this fascinating deep analysis of trends and wildcardsin the 2016 election, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes two powerful voices in Alternative Media, Influential Author and Publisher of the popular website Forbidden Knowledge TV Alexandra Bruce and Health Freedom Innovator Dr. Robin Falkov of Event Horizons Radio.

Hacked Election
In the first segment Alexandra Bruce breaks down the implications of revealing and damaging leaks that are having a huge impact on the 2016 Presidential Race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Wikileaks, Anonymous, KimDotCom, DC Leaks and other computer hacking groups have brought a tremendous level of transparency to the public in response to a Corporate Media Firewall of disinformation and brainwashing propaganda. The leaks have demonstrated a level of political corruption that has never been seen before!

Among all of the powerful leaks that have been released a mysterious and controversial document called the Benenson FIRESIGN Salvage Report shows a major Clinton Strategist running through scenarios to save the election for Clinton from the major turnout of Trump Supporters set to dominate this election The options include a staged Mass UFO wave sighting to distract and confuse the public on election day and throw the results into chaos. The advanced Low Frequency Brainwave Entrainment Laser Technology that would be utilized and deployed is Top Secret Hologram technology that has been tested in the theater of Middle East military operations where religious images were projected on the battlefield to cause large scale defections and surrender of enemy soldiers.

Trump Ascendancy
In the second part Dr. Robin Falkov reveals that the Trump presidency may be the last chance for America to wrestle control back from a variety of special interests that have a Transhumanist agenda that includes Common Core, Open Borders, Mandated Vaccines, The TransPacific Partnership, and the Centralization of Power via a powerful Artificial Intelligence Global Control Grid.

Powerful, informative, eye opening and unnerving. Don't miss this fascinating Dark Journalist Special Report on Election 2016.


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  The Ultimate Survival Bike
Posted by: Jude - 11-05-2016, 11:31 PM - Forum: Survival and Sustainability - Replies (2)

Coming soon to North America! YAY!

I know what I want for Christmas...But damn sure the military gets them first.

Here's the site as well: http://www.moto2x2.com/en/

Sneaky Russians... tinycool

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  Introducing ... Poo~Pourri!
Posted by: Jude - 11-05-2016, 08:52 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (1)

I don't know if this belongs in jokes because it's an actual product. Maybe a new forum on the decline of civilization? tinycool

Apparantly...YES Poo~Pourri is a real product, and YES it really works—guaranteed! You can buy it at http://www.PooPourri.com


Actual Commercial:

Even funnier...

And just in case you were wondering...YES Even Santa poops!

Ok, I've had my daily giggle.


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  Hillary Clinton Now Attached With 'Satanism'
Posted by: BIAD - 11-05-2016, 10:32 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

I'm wondering how much this is 'Crazy Town'!!

'Marina Abramović mention in Podesta emails sparks accusations of satanism.'

'An email from the artist forwarded by Clinton’s campaign chief has been seized
on by the right as proof that the Democratic candidate has links with the occult...'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=713]

Performance artist Marina Abramović has become an unlikely source of fear
for right-wing groups after her name was mentioned in the Podesta emails.

'...‘I face so much jealousy’: Marina Abramović talks friends, enemies and fear
 Read more
In a leaked email between Clinton’s campaign chairman, John Podesta, and his
brother Tony Podesta, an invitation from Abramović is forwarded.

It reads: “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place.
Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?”

The act of spirit cooking involves Abramović using pig’s blood as a way of connecting
with the spiritual world, to cook up thoughts rather than food.

A video of the practice shows her writing various statements with the blood, such as
“with a sharp knife cut deeply into your middle finger eat the pain”.

Abramović is known, and lauded, for work that focuses on pain, blood and the relationship
between the performer and the audience. Her work has won many awards, including the
Golden Lion at Venice.

The email has caused shock within some Republican circles, with Alex Jones’s news site
Infowars calling it “one of the most disturbing WikiLeaks revelations to date”, as well as
stating “reports that FBI agents see Hillary Clinton as ‘the anti-Christ personified’
now make a lot more sense”.

On Twitter, #SpiritCooking was the top trend on Friday morning.
Republican author Mark Dice tweeted: “I am now accepting apologies from everyone who
said I was crazy for writing books about how the Establishment are Satanists”.
While another tweet, shared over 1,000 times compared her to the serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

Abramović spoke about the reaction today to Artnews
 “I’m outraged, because this is taken completely out of my context,” she said. 
It was just a normal dinner. It was actually just a normal menu, which I call spirit cooking.
There was no blood, no anything else. We just call things funny names, that’s all.”

She also claimed that those referring to her body of work as satanic are mistaken.
“My work is really more about spirituality and not anything else,” she said.
“I’ve been doing my work for so long, and this is a misunderstanding.

It’s absolutely outrageous and ridiculous … I mean, this world is really turning to hell. I am
completely amazed, something is taken out of context for the purpose of winning. 
We are living in such a strange world.”...'

The internet is alive with this stuff!

FBI Agents: Hillary Is The "Antichrist Personified"

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Former Illuminati member of 47 years claims goverments deliberately create diseases
Posted by: Daitengu - 11-05-2016, 03:43 AM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (1)

Heres you laugh for today boys an girls ..... a former illuminutty member of 47 years spilling the beans ...... even claims putin runs the world ( pfffffth if putin ran world killary wouldve had very tragic accident by now ........ )
Illuminutty member raving ramble

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  Canada investigates mysterious 'pinging' sound at bottom of sea in Arctic
Posted by: guohua - 11-04-2016, 08:57 PM - Forum: The Poles and more - Replies (3)

I decided to put this story here because it affects the Arctic.
It could be anything, Of-Course I'm Hoping it's a UFO Base Being Turn On and Going Active.
Or maybe some Alien at the Bottom of the sea pressed a button and forgot to unpress it.

Or maybe it's a Russian Submarine Saying Look At Us we're where You never Expected us! 

Or is it just a Lonely Whale?
[Image: 3978580-canada-NEWS-large_trans++M37qcIW..._51_nE.jpg]

Quote:Canada's military is investigating a mysterious "pinging" that is emanating from the sea floor in the Arctic.
The sound, which has also been described as a "hum" or a "beep", has apparently spooked the local wildlife in the Fury and Hecla Strait.
Paul Quassa, a member of the legislative assembly, said the noise was "emanating from the sea floor".
"That's one of the major hunting areas in the summer and winter ... And this time around, this summer, there were hardly any. And this became a suspicious thing."

The military said it was investigating what was causing the sound. 
"The Department of National Defence has been informed of the strange noises emanating in the Fury and Hecla Strait area, and the Canadian Armed Forces are taking the appropriate steps to actively investigate the situation," an armed forces spokesperson told CBC News.

Department of National Defence internal correspondence suggested submarines were not considered a likely source of the noise but had not the been ruled out, the broadcaster said.

Internal correspondence between sources in the Department of National Defence, obtained by CBC News, suggest submarines were not immediately ruled out, but were also not considered a likely cause. 

George Qulaut, another member of the legislative assembly, said he also noticed the lack of wildlife.
"That passage is a migratory route for bowhead whales, and also bearded seals and ringed seals. There would be so many in that particular area," he told CBC News, recalling his own days of hunting there. 
"This summer there was none."

The pinging has prompted much speculation. Some have blamed Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation, which has previously conducted sonar surveys of nearby. However, the company said  it was not conducting any surveys in the area, and had no equipment in the water, CBC News reported.

Others have suggested Greenpeace might have caused the sound to scare wildlife away from the rich hunting ground, an allegation the environmental group denied.  
Here's another article about this noise.
Quote:Kraken-watchers, take note: The Canadian military is investigating a strange pinging noise emanating from the sea floor near a remote outpost in the Arctic.
According to CBC News, the members of the isolated community in Igloolik, Nunavut have been hearing a noise over the summer that has no identifiable cause. Consequently, the Canadian Armed Forces are “taking the appropriate steps to actively investigate the situation.”

The noise – which has been confusingly described as a “ping”, “hum”, and “beep” – has been heard in the Fury and Hecla Strait, roughly 120 kilometers (75 miles) northwest of Igloolik, for several months now.

The sparsely populated region is known to be populated by plenty of sea mammals in warmer times, and they are often hunted by local Inuit. These hunters have been picking up the ominous sounds for a while now, and they have pointed out that they appear to be scaring the wildlife away from the area.
People visiting the area on private yachts have also reportedly heard the mysterious pinging. Apparently, it can be heard not just by those close to the surface of the water, but through the hull of boats as well.
CBC News note that their reporters have yet to hear the noise themselves, and have not received any additional information from those that have claimed to have hear it. Nevertheless, it will come as no surprise that multiple theories relating to the origin of the noise have sprung up in the wake of the initial reports.

One is that the Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation is to blame. Although it has conducted plenty of sonar surveys in the region as of late – which ecological activists say may be confusing local whale and narwhal populations – the company said that they haven’t been doing so this summer.

In fact, the local government has said that they haven’t issued any territorial permits to any company or group for any construction or hydrographic work to be conducted in the region.
Some have suggested that Greenpeace might be deploying underwater sonar emitters in order to scare aquatic life away, primarily so that the Inuit cannot harm them during their hunts. A spokesperson for the group denied this accusation to CBC News, noting that they respect the right of the Inuit to engage in such hunting.

The Department of National Defence notes that although submarines passing through the area haven’t been ruled out, it’s very unlikely that they are to blame. Igloolik, however, is just 70 kilometers (43 miles) away from an active military base, so if secret military experiments are your favorite type of conspiracy theory, then there’s certainly something to latch on to.

For now, the noise remains unexplained. It's probably not Cthulhu, though.
Alternet Source

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  CBS Announces Possible Terrorist Attack Day Before Election
Posted by: Jude - 11-04-2016, 06:53 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (5)

Here we go just as we thought.

The election will be cancelled, Dictator stays on his throne and martial law gets rolled out.

I called it!

Sources: U.S. intel warning of possible al Qaeda attacks in U.S. Monday


Quote:U.S. authorities are taking the threat seriously, though the sources stress the intelligence is still being assessed and its credibility hasn’t been confirmed. Counterterrorism officials were alerted to the threat out of abundance of caution.
“While we do not comment on intelligence matters, we will say the counterterrorism and homeland security communities remain vigilant and well-postured to defend against attacks here in the United States,” a U.S. intelligence official told CBS News.

“The FBI and DHS, working with our federal, state and local counterparts, share and assess intelligence on a daily basis and will continue to work closely with law enforcement and intelligence community partners to identify and disrupt any potential threat to public safety.

“As we have long said, in this environment, homegrown violent extremists could strike with little or no notice. Our concern that violent extremists could be inspired to conduct attacks inside the U.S. have not diminished.

“The public should expect to continue to observe an increased law enforcement and security presence across communities in public places. Our law enforcement community also continues to take action against those who attempt to engage in activities that could put Americans at risk. There are more than 100 Joint Terrorism Task Forces at work across the country in partnership with state and local law enforcement to prevent attacks in the homeland.”

The New York Police Department said it was working with intelligence agencies and the Joint Terrorism Task Force, according to the Reuters news agency.

Intelligence about potential threats always increases during holiday seasons and when big events are approaching.
As Election Day nears, federal law enforcement is planning for several worst-case scenarios.

And just after this:

Fighter jet accidentally drops 'training' bombs on northern Michigan legitgov


Quote:LUZERNE, Mich. - Officials say a mechanical failure is believed to have caused the release of six training bombs and a training missile from a military plane over Michigan's northern Lower Peninsula.

No one was injured due to the release, which WWTV and WPBN report happened Oct. 25 over Oscoda County.
More News Headlines

The training weapons were on a plane heading to Camp Grayling from Selfridge Air National Guard Base in suburban Detroit when they fell off. The Michigan National Guard says the bombs and missile were found in a remote wooded area near Luzerne.

Hang in there folks. It's only going to get rougher.

My thoughts? False Flag coming. Buy your gold and silver now because if those bank machines go down...?


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