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  Robert Wood and William Tompkins Interview
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-09-2016, 02:09 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (8)

Quote:In this multi-part interview series, we meet with William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood – the author and editor of Bill’s autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials, My Life in the Top Secret World of UFOs, Think-tanks, and Nordic Secretaries.

Sounds interesting!  I know what I'll be doing tonight.   :smallwink:

For those who like this stuff, ENJOY!  I think each video gets just keeps getting a little bit more interesting.   tinybiggrin

Let us know your thoughts when you have finished watching.


Quote:William Tompkins discloses his first-hand witness testimony of what he saw during the reconnaissance missions to the moon and during NASA's and Neil Armstrong's first manned mission to the moon - Apollo 11. If you were alive back then and watched it all unfold on TV, as I had, according to Bill, we weren't shown everything. Later, Dr. Robert Wood prompts Bill to discuss his first job with US NAVY Intelligence - what was it like working with Admiral Rico Botta during WWII; and, we get to hear from Bill how he had finally received confirmation that his secretaries were indeed Nordic Extraterrestrials.


Quote:In this third and final part of this interview series with William Tompkins and Dr. Robert Wood, we discuss life extension studies; research at TRW and the telepathic extraterrestrial help they were receiving from the Blues – not to be confused with Corey Goode’s Blue Avians; Bill's life and work at Naval Air Station North Island during WWII and what it was like working with Admiral Rico Botta, interfacing with the Naval Operatives, receiving technological data from them, and disseminating packages to the defense industry, colleges, and naval research facilities.


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  Dark matter 'smoother' than we thought:
Posted by: Just Looking - 12-08-2016, 09:57 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (1)

Dark matter, the mysterious substance believed to comprise a quarter of our Universe, is spread out more smoothly than
previously thought, said a study Wednesday that may challenge some tenets of physics.

The finding may throw into question what little we know about the birth and growth of the cosmos, astronomers reported.
"All we can say for now is that something appears to be not quite right," study co-author Konrad Kuijken of the Leiden
Observatory in the Netherlands told AFP.Studying the light of some 15 million distant galaxies with Europe's Very Large
Telescope (VLT) in Chile, Kuijken and a team found dark matter to be significantly "less clumpy" than previously shown by
the European Space Agency's Planck satellite.

More in below link:-


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  Study Shows All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-08-2016, 08:18 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (10)

Field McConnell talked about this during his interview with Sean Stone on Buzzsaw that aired on Gaia t.v. last week.  He said he talked with a man who knows for a fact that explosive devices were hidden inside the walls, so that makes this whole thing a premeditated mass murder.  He also named who was behind it; probably not who you have thought. 

Please go watch that episode on Gaia t.v.  It's only .99 for the first month, then if you don't want to continue, you can cancel.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with GAIA t.v.

Renowned Physics Journal Concludes in New Study: All 3 WTC Towers Collapsed Due to Controlled Demolition

[Image: journal.png]

Quote:New York, NY – Over the past 15 years many highly respected academics and experts have come forward to challenge the official narrative on the collapse of the WTC towers forwarded by the U.S. government. The official government position holds that the collapse of all three towers was due to intense heat inside of the buildings.
But a new forensic investigation into the collapse of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11, published in Europhysics News – a highly respected European physics magazine – claims that “the evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion that all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.”
While many in the mainstream have attempted to label anyone questioning the official narrative as “tin foil hat” conspiracy theorist, many highly respected experts have come forward to lampoon the idea that the buildings collapsed due to the intense heat and fires following two terrorist-directed plane crashes.

Read more about the study here: Source Link

I will post this video of McConnell on a podcast with the Richie Allen Show where he discusses 9-11, but if you can go watch Buzzsaw, please do!


What is your view on 9-11 after hearing this news?

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  National Security Memorandum Number One
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-08-2016, 12:53 PM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (1)

Quote:To Donald Trump: National Security Memorandum Number One
Dec4 by Jon Rappoport
To Donald Trump: National Security Memorandum Number One
by Jon Rappoport
December 4, 2016
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.)
The title of this Memorandum is: Medically Caused Death in America.
As President-elect, you’ve stated you’re going to reorganize the FDA so the agency makes faster approvals of new drugs.
This is exactly the wrong approach, and I’ll show you why. In fact, for decades the FDA has been destroying and endangering huge numbers of American lives. Their approach is simple: they approve drugs that maim and kill people, and they claim those drugs are safe.
In this enterprise, the FDA is in the pocket of large pharmaceutical companies.
This is a national security matter, on its face. And it must be dealt with in that fashion.
Here is the evidence…
ONE: On July 26, 2000, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a review by Dr. Barbara Starfield, a revered public-health expert at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Titled “Is US Health Really the Best in the World?”, Starfield concluded that the US medical system kills 225,000 Americans a year. 106,000 deaths result from FDA-approved drugs. The other 119,000 deaths result from mistreatment and errors in hospitals.
Focusing on the medical-drug deaths, you can extrapolate the numbers for a decade: a million deaths.
That is a staggering figure.
I can also assure you the federal government has undertaken no comprehensive program to eradicate this ongoing tragedy.
TWO: Dr. Starfield stated that mistreatment and errors in hospitals kill 119,000 Americans a year. A more recent study pegs that figure much higher.
The Washington Post (“Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States,” May 3, 2016) reports on a Johns Hopkins study.
“…a new study by patient safety researchers provides some context…Their analysis, published in the BMJ on Tuesday [‘Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US,’ 03 May 2016], shows that ‘medical errors’ in hospitals and other health care facilities are incredibly common and may now be the third leading cause of death in the United States — claiming 251,000 lives every year, more than respiratory disease, accidents, stroke and Alzheimer’s.”
“Martin Makary, a professor of surgery at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led the research, said in an interview that the category includes everything from bad doctors to more systemic issues such as communication breakdowns when patients are handed off from one department to another.”
“’It boils down to people dying from the care that they receive rather than the disease for which they are seeking care,’ Makary said.”
“His [Makary’s] calculation of 251,000 deaths [per year] equates to nearly 700 deaths a day — about 9.5 percent of all deaths annually in the United States.”
“Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn’t require reporting of [medical] errors in the data it collects about deaths through billing codes, making it hard to see what’s going on at the national level.”
Again, extrapolating the yearly death figures as a result of mistreatment in hospitals, we obtain a truly staggering figure: 2.5 million deaths per decade. If you add in Starfield’s figures for medical-drug-caused deaths, you come up with a total of 3.5 million America deaths per decade, at the hands of the US medical system.

[Image: matrixrevealed3.jpg?w=640]

THREE: The citation here is: BMJ June 7, 2012, “Anticoagulants cause the most serious adverse events, finds US analysis,” (BMJ 2012;344:e3989). Author, Jeanne Lenzer.
Lenzer refers to a report by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices: “It calculated that in 2011 prescription drugs were associated with two to four million people in the US experiencing ‘serious, disabling, or fatal injuries, including 128,000 deaths.’”
The report called this “one of the most significant perils to humans resulting from human activity.”
And here is the dagger. The report was compiled by outside researchers who went into the FDA’s own database of “serious adverse [medical-drug] events.”
Therefore, to say the FDA isn’t aware of this finding would be absurd. The FDA knows. The FDA knows and it isn’t saying anything about it, because THE FDA CERTIFIES, AS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, ALL THE DRUGS THAT ARE ROUTINELY MAIMING AND KILLING AMERICANS.
So, President-elect Trump, the idea of overhauling Obamacare and speeding up FDA drug approvals is exactly the wrong approach. The situation I’m spelling out and documenting here requires your immediate attention. Nothing can be improved until this dire ongoing tragedy is stopped in its tracks.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at NoMoreFakeNews.com or OutsideTheRealityMachine.


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  Flying Dolphins
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-08-2016, 12:08 PM - Forum: The Complete 9/11 - No Replies

Quote:In the late 1990’s UAE Sheik Zayed was back to his old tricks, founding an air freight company known as Flying Dolphin.
Sheik Zayed was UAE Ambassador to the US from 1989-1992, just after the BCCI failure.  A decade later the UAE was becoming an al Qaeda haven.  In the emirate of Sharjah, al Qaeda operatives linked up with Russian arms dealer Victor Bout, a former Soviet fighter pilot.  Bout owned a Sharjah company appropriately named Air Cess.  Both Air Cess and Flying Dolphin were cited in a UN report on gun-running in Africa as consistent violators of UN arms embargoes in places like Sierre Leone, Angola and Liberia.  Bout and Zayed were described as “business partners”.  Both companies began ferrying Eastern European weapons to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan following a 1996 meeting with Taliban officials at a Sharjah hotel.  The UAE was one of only three countries to recognize the Taliban government, along with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
Air Cess and Flying Dolphin also supplied al Qaeda operatives with cyanide and other dangerous chemicals from Germany, the Czech Republic and Ukraine. [250]  The US State Department says Bout has a fleet of 60 cargo planes based at Sharjah’s duty-free airport.  The UN demanded an end to Flying Dolphin’s Afghan shuttles on January 21, 2001, stating that the flights were carrying contraband.  When a UN team tried to inspect Air Cess planes on the runway at Sharjah, they were told by UAE officials to leave the country.  Those who persisted had their movements severely restricted by the UAE government, according to Belgian team member Johan Peleman.  In 2004 NPR reported that Victor Bout was supplying US contractors in Iraq.  His clients included Halliburton’s Kellogg Brown & Root subsidiary. [251]
The US finally applied pressure to the UAE after the 1998 African embassy bombings carried out by al Qaeda.  Both President Clinton and Defense Secretary William Cohen wrote their UAE counterparts urging them to clamp down on al Qaeda funding networks.  A senior UAE sheik responded that it was difficult to separate criminal money from that which was going to fight US proxy wars in Bosnia and Chechnya.
While Sharjah’s free-trade airport handled contraband, the neighboring UAE emirate of Dubai handled the money laundering.  Dubai is a duty-free port and gold bullion landing strip where US Naval vessels often berth.  Suitcases full of cash often show up at branches of British and US mega-banks that preside over this unregulated offshore banking haven.  The Financial Action Task Force, a conglomeration of Treasury officials from 29 nations which was formed after the 911 tragedy, concluded that money laundering was rife in Dubai.
The Taliban had accounts at the Dubai Islamic Bank, whose chairman is Mohammed Khalfan bin Karbash. bin Karbash is Minister for Financial & Industrial Affairs in the UAE government. Al Qaeda operatives often used the howala banking house known as al Barakaat, whose global headquarters is in the UAE.  Al Barakaat was founded by Somali warlord Ahmed Nur Ali Jim’ale and serves as a quasi-central bank in Somalia.  In November 2001 the US cut off al Barakaat’s channels to international money center banks, effectively wiping out the savings of middle class Somalis who kept their money at al Barakaat. [252]
Just before the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on America, a wave of gold couriers began showing up in Dubai with massive amounts of bullion taken from Afghanistan.  The gold belonged to al Qaeda and the Taliban and was most likely derived from opium smuggling.  In Dubai the couriers exchanged their gold for the US dollars they needed to pull off the coming attacks on the US.  Alleged hijacker ringleader Mohammed Atta received $120,000 to plan and carry out the terror attacks from accounts in Dubai controlled by operation paymaster Mustafa Ahmed al-Hawsawi on orders from Pakistan’s ISI Chief Mahmud Ahmad.  Another alleged hijacker and al-Hawsawi himself used accounts at the Dubai branch of the British Cecil Rhodes-founded Standard Chartered Bank to finance the 911 operation. According to the June 19, 2007 Financial Times, the government of Dubai now owns a 2.7% stake in Standard Chartered via its Istithmar Corporation, which recently paid $100 million to Cunards for the QE2 luxury liner.

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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-08-2016, 04:07 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (1)

Bravo!!   I couldn't have said it better myself!  smallawesome

I hope this guy's message will be heard by the rest of the black community. I'm sure the color of his skin will carry a heavier message than if a white person spewed the exact same words. tinysure

Quote:After seeing Michelle Obama’s graduation speech at the predominantly black Tuskegee University, TV show host Alfonso Rachel knew that he could stay
silent no longer. He took to his internet talk show to slam the first lady in a video that has gotten over 25,000 views in just 3 days.
Here’s an excerpt of what he said:

“If knowledge is power and you are graduating with the power of knowledge then how are you going to tolerate this agitator coming in to convince you, that you’re a victim, despite the power you’re graduating with.
You are the first freaking lady of the United States and you’re still a spoiled butt-hurt victim, whining about unfairness.
You’re not interested in representing the United States, you’re not interested in representing ALL the people, your interest is in representing the black community and as the first lady you have represented us as bitter and spoiled.

The only hope that people like you have, Michelle Obama is that people will be as miserable as you.”
Do you agree with Rachel?


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  Banging on the Hull...
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 12-08-2016, 04:01 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (2)

Quote:Men trapped inside started banging on the bulkhead trying to get the attention of passing small boats. On the 8th and 9th of December after cutting holes in the exposed bottom of the Oklahoma, 32 men were pulled out alive. Banging continued through the 10th of December but nothing could be done. The sound was coming from below the water line and the sailors standing watch over the Oklahoma could only wait and listen until the banging stopped and the trapped sailors suffocated.

Remember remember the 7th of December. 

Quote:The three Barber brothers, Leroy, Randolph and Malcom, who joined the Navy together in 1940, were all assigned to the Oklahoma and died, never to be returned home for burial. Four hundred bodies were recovered but only 35 could actually be positively identified.


We buried an old Naval veteran today.
His passing was quiet, far from that terrible affray.
He had survived and done well in his final years.
Unlike his shipmates, who perished in unfathomable fears.

They were not supposed to be in port, they should have been out on patrol.
Coming to "Pearl" for an Admiral's inspection would bring a deadly toll.
Sailors were sleeping-in, not worried about the inspection order.
"Now hear this, this is not a drill, sound general quarters."

Chaplain Schmitt was headed for church-call when the attack started.
Within eleven minutes, to his heavenly father he had departed.
He was below decks helping injured sailors make it safely out.
A place was waiting in heaven for the Padre, there is no doubt.

Father Al would be the first Chaplain to die in that world war.
Pushing injured sailors thru a hatch, "move topside" he did implore.
He could have made it out alive, if not for Navy protocol.
Senior man stays until the end, directing escape for all.

Private Joseph Lawter was on the fantail with his bugle ready to blow.
After first call, he saw something flying in, straight and low.
"Corporal of the guard, those are Jap planes flying just above the drink."
"Lawter you get paid to blow that bugle, not think."

It was too late, the first torpedo slammed into the port side.
Within minutes more would strike the Okie's tough old hide.
Too many hatches were left open in anticipation of the Admiral's inspection.
It is easy in hindsight to see the error of this fatal leadership misdirection.

The Oklahoma was senior and she should have been moored inboard.
Putting her to the outside left the Okie open to the Japanese horde.
This may have saved the Maryland from destruction on that December day.
But it left one grand old dreadnought, lying on the bottom of the bay.

The USS Oklahoma was an older battleship, from an earlier generation.
With her 14 inch guns she stood ready to defend the nation.
She had never fired a shot in anger, not even in the First World War.
Now she is on the bottom of the ocean, her big guns never again to roar.

Off Spain the Oklahoma was there to protect Americans in harm's way
In this new war she was lost to the Navy and the Nation in the opening day.
She rolled over in minutes with her keel raised to the Hawaiian sky.
429 men were trapped below, and were destined to die.

The Japanese sank the Oklahoma, a long list of crewmen they did cull.
As small boats were passing, banging was heard on her turned up hull.
Seaman Garlen Eslick and 31 others were trapped in an artificial night.
It would be 28 hours before they again saw the glow of daylight.

With hammers and chisels rescuers worked to pierce that dying ship.
No cutting torches because life from seamen's lungs it would strip.
The crewmen were dying as the water continued to rise on the Okie's inside.
Work harder, work faster they must peel away, the old girl's armored hide.

Airman "Spider" Webb had been on board the Oklahoma for just a day.
He did not know where to go, as he sprang from his rack were he lay.
He would push himself through a port hole, that's all he could do.
But the Jap's would see "Spider" again over Pacific skies of blue.

"Spider" Webb would go on to win his pilot wings of gold.
Taking on the enemy in the air, he proved to be a man of bold.
Dogfighting, he surrounded 40 Jap planes creating a moment's thrill.
But that day he upped the score for the Oklahoma, with eight aircraft kills.

The Barber brothers all joined the Navy to serve their Nation with pride.
The three shipped out on the Oklahoma standing side by side.
In the end they all would be lost, with no remains to be returned.
Leroy, Malcolm and Randolph, respect from a grateful nation you earned.

There were other brothers to serve and die on the Oklahoma that day
They all had a sad history in this new war to play.
Lost forever were the brothers; Woods, Trapp, Palmer, Blitz, and Casto.
Into heaven they ascended, as the crew of a small boat they did row.

"This is a real air raid, this is no sh__"
Not a standard shipboard broadcast, but it got the message out there quick.
Ensign Herbert Rommel returned to his guns as Zeros skimmed the bay.
But Captain Rommel would survive, to fight and win another day.

Over 1300 crewmen were assigned to the Oklahoma on that sunny morn.
Eventually taps would be sounded for 429 on a bugler's sorrowful horn.
The wounded would be pulled from the water and tended as heroes all.
The rest of the crew would be reassigned, to meet a suffering nation's call.

The Oklahoma never returned to challenge her enemy to a fair fight.
It took years at "Pearl" to right her and bring her deck into the light.
She was sold off as scrap after they pulled from her, those big guns.
The USS Oklahoma was finally lost, sunken under tow in the Pacific sun.

We must remember the Oklahoma, for the crew their time is running out.
It must be marked in stone, to be preserved in a military redoubt.
Ford Island will be the home to a memorial that will stand the test of time.
For the Naval veteran he can visit and say "I was there, she was mine."

We buried an old Naval veteran today.
This one, a shipmate who had seen that tragic December day.
But he survived to meet his nation's demand, to seek justice for all.
He fought hard for his nation, and now takes his final military call.


God Bless, Thor Bless, Allah Bless, whatever you believe: Bless. Bless those that sacrificed everything. Bless those that lay their lives down for every color, creed, idea, and belief this country holds dear. 

The day the USS Oklahoma died

Quote:It didn’t take long for the crew and Marines based at the harbour to realise that there was nothing they could do. They could not get to these trapped sailors in time. Months later rescue and salvage men who raised the USS West Virginia found the bodies of three men who had found an airlock in a storeroom but had eventually run out of air.

They were Ronald Endicott, 18, Clifford Olds, 20, and Louis Costin, 21. Within the storeroom was a calendar and they had crossed off every day that they had been alive – 16 days had been crossed off using a red pencil. The men would have been below deck when the attack happened, so it is unlikely that they knew what was happening.

Quote:Survivors say that no one wanted to go on guard duty anywhere near the USS West Virginia since they would hear the banging of trapped survivors all night long, but with nothing that could be done.

Pearl Harbor

I will probably never follow in my grandpa's footsteps. I will probably never see the sights that he saw, live the winter that he lived, fight the fight that he fought. If I do, I hope I am as honorable as he was. I hope I am half the man that he was.

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  Former Big Pharma Executive Of 35 Years Blows Whistle On Corruption
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-08-2016, 03:13 AM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (1)

Quote:Dr. John Rengen Virapen, former Eli Lilly & Co executive who after 35 years of service decided to quit and speak out about Big Pharma’s method for profit and the benefit of symptomatic diseases that people live with for the duration of their lives.

Just how bad is Eli Lilly? Well, consider the fact that this company bought the highly controversial bovine growth hormone (rbST or rbGH), which was a product of Monsanto, for $300 million dollars.

In the video below, Dr. Virapen, explains some startling actions of not just Eli Lilly, but Big Pharma as a whole. Hopefully more people like him start to speak out.


Yes, we need more whistle-blowers like this to come forward.  Big Pharma getting rich on making people sick, or worst... dying, is unacceptable!
We need to rise up against them!  POWER TO THE PEOPLE!   smallupset

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  Has anyone ever been Suspicious
Posted by: guohua - 12-08-2016, 02:08 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Has anyone ever been Suspicious of the Deaths that appear to be associated with the Clintons?
YES, You have!
Then you need to watch this video.

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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-07-2016, 05:29 AM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (34)

Alright!!!  Scientists say Big Foot is real.  I never thought I'd see this.   minusculegoodjob 

Quote:Published on Sep 4, 2016
(NEW 2016) Have Scientist finally proved the existence of the elusive creature known as "BIGFOOT" or "YETI"? "The Sasquatch Genome Project", which includes several members with North Texas ties, still say that Big Foot is alive and well. In fact, Sasquatch has been spotted throughout Texas. The group not only has proof via grainy video -- it has DNA evidence. The Genome Project held a press conference in North Texas on Tuesday to discuss what it knows.

WFAA-TV interviewed Dr. Melba Ketchum, director of the Sasquatch project. She said she didn’t believe that Big Foot existed. But she’s no longer a skeptic. “Not only does the DNA prove it, but I’ve actually seen them at this point,” Ketchum said.

“They’re a type of human people, a type of human hybrid,” Ketchum told the station. “They can elude us. If you get it at all, it’s going to be very fleeting. It has been a long and tedious battle to prove that Sasquatch exists. We have had the proof for 8 years now, but building enough data to convince mainstream science has taken a lot of time. Trying to publish took almost two years. It seems mainstream science just can’t seem to tolerate something controversial, especially from a group of primarily forensic scientists and not “famous academians” aligned with large universities, even though most of our sequencing and analysis was performed at just such facilities.

We encountered the worst scientific bias in the peer review process in recent history. I am calling it the “Galileo Effect”. Several journals wouldn’t even read our manuscript when we sent them a pre-submission inquiry. Another one leaked our peer reviews. We were even mocked by one reviewer in his peer review. We finally found a new journal that accepted our paper and had it peer reviewed using blind peer reviews which we passed. However, we had to acquire this journal when they backed out of publishing our manuscript five minutes before it was to go live in order to keep our passing peer reviews obtained by this journal. We chose to do this rather than spend another five years just trying to find another journal to publish and hoping that decent, open minded reviewers would be chosen. We renamed the journal as per our agreement, DeNovo. The new journal is aimed at offering not only more choices and better service to scientists wanting to submit a manuscript, but also reviewers and editors that will be fair, unlike the treatment we received. Lastly, we have adhered to all of the standards set in the link below for author owned journals:


So.... what do you think?

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