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  Christmas Donations
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-02-2016, 11:40 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (6)

Important Holiday Donations



American Red Cross

President and CEO Marsha J.
salary for the year was $651,957
[b]plus expenses

It is called the March of
Dimes because
only a dime for
[b]every 1 dollar is given to the

United Way

President Brian
receives a $375,000 base salary
[b]along with numerous expense benefits.
CEO Caryl M. Stern
$1,200,000 per year (100k
per month) plus all expenses including a ROLLS
Less than 5
[i]cents of your donated dollar goes to the

CEO and owner Mark Curran
profits $2.3 million a year.
Goodwill is a
very catchy name for his business.
You donate to his business
and then he sells the items for
He pays nothing
for his products and pays his workers minimum wage!
Nice Guy.

[b]$0.00 goes to

help anyone!
[b]Stop giving to this

Instead, give to any of the following 

Salvation Army

Commissioner, Todd Bassett
receives a small salary of only
$13,000 per year(plus housing) for
[b]managing this $2 billion dollar

96 percent of donated dollars go
[b]to the cause.
American Legion

National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
[b]Your donations go to help

Veterans and their families and youth!
[b]Veterans of Foreign Wars
National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
Your donations go
[b]to help

Veterans and their families and youth!
Disabled American Veterans

National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero

[b]Your donations go

to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
Military Order of Purple Hearts

[b]National Commander receives a

$0.00 zero salary
[b]Your donations go

to help
Veterans and their families and youth!
The Vietnam Veterans Association
National Commander receives
 $0.00 zero
Your donations go
[b]to help

Veterans and their families and youth!
Make a Wish: 
For children's last
100% goes to funding trips or
[b]special wishes for a dying child.
St. Jude
Research Hospital
100% goes towards funding and
[b]helping Children with Cancer who have no insurance and

cannot afford to pay.
McDonald Houses
All monies go to running
[b]the houses for parents who have critically ill

Children in the hospital.
100% goes to housing, and feeding
[b]the families.
Club International

[b](ONLY $1.00 PER SHOT).
Please share this with everyone you can.

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  It’s HORRIBLE! Trump is the president-elect and America is doomed!
Posted by: Jude - 12-02-2016, 04:44 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (24)

Geez... tinylaughing

What else can I add?


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  The Cosmic False Flag with Steven Greer
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-01-2016, 07:34 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (2)

Whether you like Steven Greer or not, he has a message that is important for the world to hear.  Listen up, so if this should occur, you will know what's really going on. It's a long video, but well worth it for what he shares.  

Don't allow the PTB to pull the wool over your eyes, as they did with the Vietnam War, 9-11, and other major events that only served to further their agenda.

Quote:Dr. Steven Greer discloses the final card, the hoax alien invasion. We must call out this as a hoax and share the information!

This is done by technology that is similar to holographic technology, but works with trans-dimensional manifestation. Other independent sources that will confirm this information: Steward Swerdlow, Peter Paget, Harald Kautz Vella, Cara St Clare.

Protect your hearts! Cease the deception, war. Keep your mind full of love and feel that way, force the world you want to create to be predominant in your consciousness. Will love and feel it consistently to manifest the reality that you have the inner power to create. Go into your heart.

Here is another one...


Or you can click below and watch from the source link for a little shorter video.


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  Texas A&M says Obama is the 5th best president of all time
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-01-2016, 01:15 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

Quote:I know you will find this hard to believe....
Quote:Texas A&M Study Calls Obama 5th Best President in America.
Quote:Good research work by a fine institution.
Quote:From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama is rated as the 5th best.
Quote:The A&M's Public Relations Office released this statement "After 8 years in office, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best President ever."
Quote:These are the details according to Texas A&M:
Quote:1. Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,
Quote:2. Twenty three presidents tied for second,
Quote:3. Seventeen other presidents tied for third,
Quote:4. Jimmy Carter came in fourth, and
Quote:5. Obama came in fifth.
Quote:This is reasonable.

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  Man wakes up in morgue after night out
Posted by: Daitengu - 12-01-2016, 03:31 AM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

Guy in poland had good night out on town ....... woke up in morgue ...... then proceeded to go back an drink more ..... 
Had to have been hell of a party he went to ..... have woke up in foriegn countries after drinking binges ..... but never in morgue after drinking ...... ( though have woke up in morgue twice in past there wasnt alcohol involved ) ..... 

Guy wakes up in morgue after night out

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  Strange Plasma Anomaly
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-01-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: Strange Weather Phenomena - Replies (1)

Although this could be lightening, the article states that this type of lightening has never been documented.  This video is going viral on social media, and no one seems to know what it is.

Could it be a Project Blue Beam hologram?

[Image: 700_0f581d8589661541f2a377deb13143ef.jpg?v=1480544712]

Quote:A video has been spreading like wildfire on Facebook that was taken in Arizona, in the United States. The video depicts a flash of bright blue light that seems to be connected to at least one capsule. The bright blue is about the same color of plasma and it is possible that the light comes from rockets from the bottom of the capsule. The people in the comments are clearly terrified. The strange thing about this sighting is that it ca not be explained by conventional means.

This flash of light is pretty clearly not lightning, and if it is it is a type of lightning bolt that has never been documented before. If it is lighting, the “cloud formations” above it also have never been documented before. There has been no media coverage of the incident, likely because they have no feasible explanation and do not want to scare the general public.

One of the most popular modern conspiracy theories revolves around the infamous Blue Beam Project and the global changes it would entail. A pet project of the New World Order, Blue Beam will seek to simulate an apocalypse scenario and introduce the world to its new overlords. Most conspiracy theorists agree that Blue Beam will consist of four consequential steps.

Click on image below.   Source Link

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  Where is Assange?
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 11-29-2016, 10:19 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (2)

I was looking at a video for a piece of machinery on YT, when it finished up youtube decided to play this one as recommended:

There's a bit more information at the link, but here's a quick rundown:

Quote:The CIA have taken over Wikileaks main sites and twitter accounts. We have pictures of the take down by the CIA. It has been confirmed by activists who witnessed this. Black ops team stormed the embassy last month took away a man with a black hood over his head. 

We know Julian was taken by black ops team that was witnessed.
We know people in Wikileaks had their phones and computers seized and were threatened.
We know Wikileaks twitter and its accounts Free Assange Wikileaks Task-force are compromised, taken over by the CIA.
We know Julian is not in the embassy anymore, and we know Embassy cat is still there, and there is no way Julian would leave is beloved cat behind if he left on his own free will. 
We know Julian could have easily done a video to proof he is safe and not taken, that never happened. 
We know that the last video last month was not proof of life, it was not even Julian. 
We know that Obama had now classed Julian Assange and Wikileaks organization as a terrorist organization, wanted dead or alive. That announcement was made approx 3 weeks ago by Obama. We have the video. That would give the CIA the power to take Julian from embassy. Our source is special OP's expert in bitcoin and encryption. Was also tortured by the CIA for 6 days. 

Where in the world is Julia Assange?

This apparently all went down in mid-October?

Here's the Time-Line:


Does anybody have any information on any of this? Any other sites I can check out? I see Alex Jones did a bit about this a few days ago (as much as I dislike the man sometimes I'll be a good chap and link the video...)

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  Gatlinburg TN is Burning!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-29-2016, 06:06 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (25)

This is a very sad situation.  This tourist/resort town is one of the main attractions for East Tennessee, and offers employment to many people in the area, and now  it's burning to the ground!
A total evacuation has been ordered for the town.  It is now moving closer to Piegon Forge, another neighboring tourist town.  This is where the Dollywood Theme Park is located.

Fires spread to the area last night from surrounding areas due to high winds in excess of 60 mph.  
I was watching a live feed last night and the reporter was in a hotel and showed fires just outside the window of the lobby!  I got up this morning to learn it had burned down, along with hundreds of other buildings and homes. tinycrying

Firefighters are coming in from many surrounding counties to help.

This is my home, a place where I have gone many times during my lifetime to see the Christmas lights that adorn the streets and buildings.  It's called one of the biggest attractions of the area in the winter... Winter Fest.  Now it is lit up by fire, not Christmas lights. minusculecrybaby 

My heart is heavy for the loss of the beautiful mountains that surround the area with her blanket of beautiful colors... now gone. 

Please say a prayer, send positive thoughts, or whatever it is you do, to this area.  People who lived in the area have lost their homes and thousands are displaced. 

And the fire still burns.   tinycrying 

You can see some photos here, and click on the image to see a report and video:  WBIR t.v.

[Image: g6-2n-p7I.jpg]

This t.v. station has been giving a live stream all night and morning:  http://wate.com/

ETA:  I just came across this video that shows the devastation last night. You can hear the heavy winds:

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  Criminal Migrant — EPIC VID
Posted by: Jude - 11-29-2016, 07:22 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (3)

Gotta give it to him, he ain't afraid to speak out. :)



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  Music! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 11-29-2016, 06:18 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (5)

[Image: music-is-good-for-your-science-whitacre-...icle-0.jpg]

Explanation: Music! The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!

[Image: MusicBrain-m-0401.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg]

The Good!...

Music Can Heal ...

[Image: the-music-online3.jpg]

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything!"

Quote:It's almost impossible to find someone who doesn't feel a strong connection to music. Even if you can't carry a tune or play an instrument, you can probably reel off a list of songs that evoke happy memories and raise your spirits. Surgeons have long played their favorite music to relieve stress in the operating room, and extending music to patients has been linked to improved surgical outcomes. In the past few decades, music therapy has played an increasing role in all facets of healing.
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How music can help you heal [health.harvard.edu]

Quote:The beep of ventilators and infusion pumps, the hiss of oxygen, the whir of carts and the murmur of voices as physicians and nurses make rounds — these are the typical noises a premature infant hears spending the first days of life in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). While the sounds of such life-saving equipment are tough to mute, a new study suggests that some sounds, such as lullabies, may soothe pre-term babies and their parents, and even improve the infants' sleeping and eating patterns, while decreasing parents' stress (Pediatrics, 2013).

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American Psychological Association: Music as medicine [apa.org]

Quote:Music therapists are found in nearly every area of the helping professions. Some commonly found practices include developmental work (communication, motor skills, etc.) with individuals with special needs, songwriting and listening in reminiscence/orientation work with the elderly, processing and relaxation work, and rhythmic entrainment for physical rehabilitation in stroke victims. Music therapy is also used in some medical hospitals, cancer centers, schools, alcohol and drug recovery programs, psychiatric hospitals, and correctional facilities.

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Music Therapy [wiki]

Quote:Many of the aforementioned reports are based on the use of auditory stimuli that combines binaural beats with other sounds, including music and verbal guidance. This consequently precludes the attribution of any influence on or positive outcome for the listener specifically to the perception of the binaural beats.[103] Very few studies have sought to isolate the effect of binaural beats on listeners. However, initial findings in one experiment suggest that listening to binaural beats may exert an influence on both low frequency and high frequency components of heart rate variability, and may increase subjective feelings of relaxation.

Notwithstanding this problem, a review of research findings suggest that listening to music and sound can modulate autonomic arousal through entrainment of neural oscillations. Furthermore, music generally, and rhythmic patterns, such as those produced by percussive performance including drumming specifically, have been shown to influence arousal ergotropically and trophotropically, increasing and decreasing arousal respectively. Such auditory stimulation has been demonstrated to improve immune function, facilitate relaxation, improve mood, and contribute to the alleviation of stress.

And ...

Quote:Historically, music generally, and percussive performance specifically was and remains integral to ritual ceremony and spiritual practice among early and indigenous peoples and their descendants, where it is often used to induce the non ordinary state of consciousness (NOSC) believed by participants to be a requisite for communication with spiritual energies and entities.

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Binaural Beats [wiki]

Quote:All musicians know that performing and listening to music has all kinds of positive effects.

But for the first time a study has proved that going to a concert actually has a beneficial effect on your body.

A study carried out by the scientists from the Centre for Performance Science at the Royal College of Music has found that attending a live classical music performance reduces levels of the stress hormones cortisol and cortisone.

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Science says music is good for you – and Eric Whitacre has proved it [classicfm.com]

Quote:Turns out Mom and Dad were right. Those piano lessons you despised and those endless hours in school band practice truly were good for you. From making you smarter, to diminishing the effects of brain aging, to improving emotional stability, it seems that playing an instrument has a hand in reconfiguring your brain and enhancing it. Permanently. And let's be clear: Just listening to music doesn't cut it. It's the active work of bringing sounds to life that delivers the biggest benefit.

Researchers are still discovering all the ways that making music enriches your brain, but the impact is undeniable. So dust off that old guitar from college. Unpack your grade-school clarinet. Join a neighborhood jam or kick back at home, just you and your favorite instrument. And by all means encourage your kids to play, too. The younger they start, the better. Here are 10 reasons why you'll be glad you did.

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10 reasons why making music is good for your brain [mnn.com]

The Bad!...

When Music Attacks ...

[Image: mormonad-some-music-can-hurt-you-1118374-gallery.jpg]

“Some music is spiritually very destructive. … It is far more dangerous than you may suppose, for it can smother your spiritual senses.”

Quote:This question was different. Mr. New Neighbor asked why it was so hard for him to listen to the songs he used to love now that his wife had passed away. It had been six months. When would he be able to enjoy music again? Especially the music that used to bring him joy. Listening to this music now just made him sad, and it made him sadder still to know that he could not take comfort and joy in a pasttime he used to love.

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Why Music Can Hurt [psychologytoday.com]

Quote:An earworm, sometimes known as a brainworm, sticky music, or stuck song syndrome, is a catchy piece of music that continually repeats through a person's mind after it is no longer playing. Phrases used to describe an earworm include "musical imagery repetition", "involuntary musical imagery", and "stuck song syndrome".

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Earworm [wiki]

Quote:You probably know that companies are constantly trying to trick you into buying shit.

But did you know that they’re using music to influence not just what, but how you buy?

People have been studying this since the 1960s, but lots of people are completely oblivious that sound is used as a hypnotic form of trickery.

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How Marketers Use Music for Mind Control [thehustle.co]

Music Is A Drug! ...

Quote:You know that feeling you get when you listen to a favorite part of a favorite song?  Some scientists have a refreshingly unscientific word for it: They call it the "chills." In the lab they can measure the chills, which correspond with a specific pattern of brain arousal and often are accompanied by increases in heart and breathing rates and other physical responses.  

Now neurologists report that this human response to music -- which has existed for thousands of years, across cultures around the world -- involves dopamine, the same chemical in the brain that is associated with the intense pleasure people get from more tangible rewards such as food or addictive drugs. The research will be published Sunday in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

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Music really is like a drug, researchers say [articles.latimes.com]

Quote:SOME drugs go in and out of style while others seem to always be in demand.

Actually, make that inside our ears.

Yes, I am talking about music. Whether it’s rock, pop, rap, metal, classical, folk, country — or any other style you can think of — the music you love gets inside your head to such an extent that it acts like a drug. And, like with other addictive substances or experiences, it can mean that we’ll spend a whole lot of money to get more of it.

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Why your favourite song is also a powerful drug [news.com.au]

Quote:Now that I’ve got your attention with the idea of free drugs, what if I were to tell you that you’ve been downloading drugs off the internet for some time now? Well, according to some research, if you’ve been downloading music off the internet then you have. Research on this exact topic was actually being carried out here on campus by a Dr. Large, but he and his lab have moved to a different university. Music is very similar to drugs in many different ways and pretty much is one.

Drugs are known for their ability to invoke intense emotional states, change a person’s behavior and change the way they perceive their surroundings. Music does the same thing. Ever hear your favorite song and get really excited? Well it may not seem like a drug, and you may think that the song is just making you happy, but happiness is a drug too. Technically, it’s not happiness, it’s called dopamine. Dopamine is a chemical that is commonly released in the brain as a reward for something you do, making you feel good so that you do that thing again. It’s an evolutionary process that makes you keep doing necessary things like eating to stay alive and having sex to keep the human race alive. This chemical being released in your brain is the same effect of some drugs, the most common one being ecstasy. The effect isn’t the release of dopamine though. Ecstasy actually keeps the brain from letting the dopamine go away, but music affects the brain in a very similar, but less intense, way. It may not be as intense so as to cause hallucinations, but it can cause very intense feelings.

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How music can affect the brain like a drug [upressonline.com]

Quote:Having too much dopamine in the wrong place can make you psychotic. Illicit drugs that dump loads of dopamine (or strongly inhibit its reuptake, which is similar to dumping loads of dopamine) include cocaine and methamphetamines. Therefore high amounts of dopamine can cause euphoria, aggression and intense sexual feelings.

SPECIAL: Read more ...

Dopamine Primer [psychologytoday.com]

Music Can KILL! ...

Quote:Tom Reid, 19, was taken ill in a crowded London club after standing close to the speakers and telling a friend: ‘The bass is affecting me.’

There was no trace of alcohol or drugs in his body and his heart was in good condition.

A coroner recorded a verdict of natural causes, saying the straight-As student was killed by sudden arrhythmic death syndrome (SADS), a heart disorder which kills 12 young people a week.

Cardiac experts said the bass could have triggered SADS if Mr Reid had underlying, yet unknown, genetic problems.

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Loud Bass Music Killed Student [metro.co.uk]

The Ugly! ...

[Image: new-miley-pic.png]

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

Quote:Scott Rickard set out to engineer the ugliest possible piece of music, devoid of repetition, using a mathematical concept known as the Costas Array. In this surprisingly entertaining talk, he shares the math behind musical beauty ... and its opposite.

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The Beautiful Math BehindThe Ugliest Music [ted.com]

Quote:With alter egos being thrown around so casually throughout the entertainment world, is it any coincidence that the creation of an alternate persona is the primary goal of Monarch Mind Control -an extension of the well recognized and CIA developed MK Ultra? In full, Monarch Mind Control (MMC) is noted as a mind control technique that combines occult rituals, psychology and neuroscience to create an alter ego within a desired subject. Within MMC the subject is often referenced to as ‘the slave,’ while those responsible for both applying the technique and activating it are known as ‘the handlers.’ It is believed by many that once fully programmed, monarch slaves are then used on demand by an elite group to carry out rituals, performances, deliver messages, etc. that are in-line with a desired outcome.

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Another Side of The Music Industry: Monarch Mind Control [collective-evolution.com]

Music That Was BANNED! ...

Turn That Down! 40 Banned and Censored Songs [ncac.org]

List of songs banned by the BBC [wiki]

Songs that were Banned [songfacts.com]

Personal Disclosure: So in summing up ... Music is a tool ... and it can be used for good , bad or ugly reasons.

What do you use music for?

Do you compose and or play music?

How does music affect you?

Have you ever had negative experience with music?

Have you ever had a magical experience with music?

Thanks for reading! minusculebeercheers

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