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  BREAKING: Dakota Protesters WIN
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-04-2016, 11:21 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (9)

I am so very happy!   See what can happen when people unite together for a GOOD cause, and do it PEACEFULLY? 

[Image: 3B0A7F5C00000578-3999630-image-a-100_1480888394284.jpg]

Quote:BREAKING: Dakota protesters WIN their bid to stop pipeline being built through Standing Rock
  • Protesters at the Dakota Access Pipeline cheered as the news emerged
  • The US Army Corps engineers informed tribal elders Sunday afternoon
  • Came after thousand of servicemen and women arrived to protest 
  • Demonstrators had filed onto the site in huge numbers in last few days   
The Dakota Access Pipeline will not go ahead at the Standing Rock Indian reservation, it was announced Sunday.
Cheyenne river Sioux Tribal Council chairman Harold Frazier told DailyMail.com that he was 'shocked' by the news, which he'd received from Jo-Ellen Darcy, US Army Corps of engineers.
The camp erupted into cheers as the news spread that the corps would not enforce an easement that would have allowed a pipeline to run through tribal lands, including a burial site. 
Faith Spotted Eagle, an elder of the Ihanktonwan tribe, said: 'The easement has been denied. We have all come to this gathering being hosted by Mother Earth. I love you all.'
Shailene Woodley, star of the Divergent movies and 'The Fault in Our Stars', who had previously been arrested while protesting told a huge crowd: 'We feel so honored to have been a small part of this movement.'
Cries of Mni Waconi - 'Water is life' - went up from the crowd. 

[Image: 3B0A7BD800000578-3999630-image-a-104_1480888422360.jpg]

Watch the video on the source page; I can't get it to embed here.

Read the full story here:  Source

I feel like dancing... but I can't.   tinylaughing

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  A well done video with pics of MARS
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-04-2016, 06:56 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (7)

As in all things it is what lies in the eye of the beholder

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  Welcome Surya !!!
Posted by: Sol - 12-04-2016, 01:19 AM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (12)

Today is a Grand Day !

Everyone, please Welcome Surya, who happens to be my real life little sister : )

Well...she's actually my older sister but you know how that goes with us guys lol ...

I like to call her the Mystic Wanderer Canadian Version as she sees stuff out of the box waaaaay further than I ever will...like MW does so well actually !! : )

I know that she's been looking into fake deaths for quite a while and hope that she'll share with us at some point.

I remember her helping me tremendously on a Jim Morrison epic of a thread I had once made on ATS. Yes, Morrison could have faked his death, with a LOT of evidence leading to such a conclusion.

So a Warm Welcome to you little sis'

Through the doors of Rogue-Nation and into the Welcome Hall...

Make yourself at home : )


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  Jesus Christ's tomb opened
Posted by: Just Looking - 12-03-2016, 09:51 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (6)


The tomb has been sealed in marble since at least 1555 – and possibly centuries longer – to protect it from pilgrims who kept stealing pieces as holy relics.
Negotiations to open the tomb for vital repairs began in 1959 but all decisions must be agreed by a “status quo committee” of the three religious leaders.
The committee often struggles to agree, making any changes or repairs notoriously slow and difficult.
The key to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre is kept by a Muslim family who have unlocked the building every morning for the last 500 years.
Fredrik says: “Everything has to be approved by the committee, so even changing a candle takes a long time.
"There is a ladder by the main entrance to the church that hasn’t moved in 240 years and they still haven’t reached a decision. It’s called the immovable
ladder. So the fact we were finally allowed to carry out this work is a triumph of negotiation.”

What really amazes me about this sort of news is that otherwise sensible normal people still follow religion and believe all that they are told by the above

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  Obama’s REAL Legacy Summed Up
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-03-2016, 06:28 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (10)

How in the world can some people say Obummer has been one of the greatest POTUS?   These charts don't lie!

[Image: ObamaCharts.jpg]

Quote:Derrick Wilburn asks: what will be the legacy of Barack Obama’s presidency? Obama is leaving behind a mess. A train wreck.  An utter disaster. But fifty years from now, what will his presidency be remembered for?
The numbers and ways this president has failed are numerous. Feckless foreign policy leading to a complete and total meltdown in the middle-east; more debt added than the previous 43 presidents combined; civil unrest resulting in ten riots, more than one per year, during his tenure; citizens hunting (and killing) police in the streets; lies told in order to pass a piece of legislation bearing his name that collapsed and cost the American taxpayer two trillion dollars.

On and on it goes.
But the true legacy Barack Hussein Obama will be remembered for is his decimation of the Democrat Party. Obama has destroyed Democrats from coast-to-coast in a manner that is astonishing.

Obama’s first midterm election (2010) was disastrous for Democrats. With the birth of the Tea Party movement Republicans gained 63 seats in the House, the largest midterm seat change since 1938, and six Senate seats. That year Republicans gained a record pickup of 680 seats in state legislative races, giving R’s control of 26 state legislatures and dropping D’s to just 15 of 50. Republicans also took 11 governorships from the Democrats for a total of 29. 54 incumbents lost re-election bids that year, 52 were Democrats.

Next, 2014 midterms. Up for grabs, all 435 House seats, 36 Senate seats, 38 governorships, 46 state legislatures. Though it didn’t seem possible, Democrat defeats in 2010 were dwarfed. Republicans gained control of the U.S. Senate for the first time since 2006, increased an already commanding majority in the House and gained two more governorships.

Things got much worse for Democrats. 2014 saw a sweeping in of the largest Republican majority in nearly a century, 54 seats in the Senate, 247 in the House, 31 governorships, and 68 state legislative chambers. Republicans gained their largest majority in Congress and largest majority of state legislatures since 1928.

State legislative elections were worse. After the 2014 election the number of Republican-controlled state senates and assemblies rose to 68, the highest number in Republican hands since 1928. The smallest number in Democrat control since 1860.

And then came Tuesday night, November 8, 2016 – when Obama finally finished off his party. Not only did Republicans win the Presidency and the Vice Presidency, not only did Republicans retain control of the Senate and of the House, Republicans actually flipped three more governor’s seats. Republicans now have the most number of Republican governors since 1922!

Thanks to his extreme narcissism, dislike for members of his party, the radicalness of his hope and change agenda, and somewhat lax work ethic – in just eight years Obama has done to the Democrat Party what Republicans couldn’t do in a century. He has obliterated it. But not just in elections and not just the prime time players like Hillary Clinton, he’s wiped out the bench too.

Think fast: had it not been Trump, name seven or eight others who could have been the Republican nominee. No problem, right? Now, name seven or eight Democrats who could have been their nominee. Heck, name two or three. Most can name but one — Bernie Sanders. A 75-year old second fiddle who was robbed by his own party’s crooked establishment.

The depth of current and future leaders who are under 55 years of age on the Republican side is impressive – Rand Paul is 53; Marco Rubio, 45; Bobby Jindal, 53; Chris Christie, 54; Nikki Haley, 44; Ted Cruz, 45; Scott Walker, 49.  Who is there on the Democrat side? Chuck Schumer? John Conyers?

So focused has Obama been on remaking America into his uber-Leftist-socialist utopia that he neglected something very important; the people of the USA do not want his vision and its the people who vote candidates and parties into and out of power. He focused on “change” at the expense of focusing on what’s best for Democrats.

What will be the true legacy of Barack Obama? It very well could be a statue placed in his honor right in the center lobby of the RNC building in Washington D.C. Because what this man has done is lay devastation upon the Republicans’ opposition.


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  Great speech and great talking points. TRUMP
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-03-2016, 01:20 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (5)

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  Long list of dead Clinton contacts
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-03-2016, 10:11 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (1)

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Posted by: guohua - 12-03-2016, 08:28 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (7)

For those of you who like a Strong Instrumental.

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  Preparing For The Pole-Shift 2017!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-02-2016, 08:51 PM - Forum: The Great Climate Change Debate - Replies (4)

Quote:Published on Oct 26, 2016
What the government knows for sure about the pole shift and loss of life
Why the CIA is being moved to Denver?

Preparing for pole-shift 2017- Retired Military Man John Moore

Sigh... Well, it doesn't sound good. Planet Xena is heading our way!   tinyhuh


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  DOUGLAS DIETRICH on Project Camelot
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-02-2016, 07:50 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (1)

This guy will blow your mind!   Honestly, I have never seen ANYONE who could hold on to this much information and spew it out so fast without looking at a source page.

If you think you know the real history of things... get ready to have your mind blown!  He talks about Hillary and Trump in there somewhere too.
It's so very interesting! 

Here is the one I watched last night.  I'll post another one under it.  I haven't watched all of it yet, but I"m sure it will be just as great as this one.



Let me know what you think of this... person, better described as a walking history book of the real truth that was hidden from us.

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