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  Wanna See Somethin' Really Scary...?
Posted by: BIAD - 07-24-2016, 04:25 PM - Forum: The Great Climate Change Debate - Replies (5)

I would love to tell you this video was some kind of spoof about dead-pan advertising
mixed in with the need for the world to embrace carbon emissions, I would love to tell
you that.
But it's not and it really disturbs me.
(Please watch all of it)

It was made in 2010, but -as Wikipedia says...
The film was withdrawn from public circulation by 10:10, on the same day it was
released, due to negative publicity. Charities that had backed the film stated they
were "absolutely appalled" upon seeing it, and several of 10:10's corporate and
strategic partners withdrew from partnership.

Fox News called the film "a blood-splattering display that has drawn anger
from critics and sheepish embarrassment from its supporters."


Here's a link to another source for the video.

I mean, is it me...? Who gives you money to make this rubbish?!
What the hell is going on?!!!!

10:10 Climate Campaign.

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  Great video on the Kurds and ISIS
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-24-2016, 08:59 AM - Forum: Middle Eastern Regions - Replies (3)

In my younger days I would have seriously thought about trying to help the Kurds.. If I could have gotten the blessing from Uncle Sugar... Glad I am older and wiser now...but their fight IMO is the good fight..

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  14,500 year old knife in sink hole Florida
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-24-2016, 06:02 AM - Forum: Lost and Ancient - Replies (3)

Some interesting finds out of a sink hole in Florida. It would appear even back when the snow bird life style was alive and well !



Quote:Stone tools and mastodon bones occur in an undisturbed geological context at the Page-Ladson site, Florida. Seventy-one radiocarbon ages show that ~14,550 calendar years ago (cal yr B.P.), people butchered or scavenged a mastodon next to a pond in a bedrock sinkhole within the Aucilla River. This occupation surface was buried by ~4 m of sediment during the late Pleistocene marine transgression, which also left the site submerged. Sporormiella and other proxy evidence from the sediments indicate that hunter-gatherers along the Gulf Coastal Plain coexisted with and utilized megafauna for ~2000 years before these animals became extinct at ~12,600 cal yr B.P. Page-Ladson expands our understanding of the earliest colonizers of the Americas and human-megafauna interaction before extinction.

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  Clinton Cash the movie
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-24-2016, 03:09 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (5)

I have not watched the thing as of yet but will later. I do not know if it is a hit piece or a rah rah video. I just hope it is the truth !

Hummm the video was working when I posted it...it has now gone private... For those interested I suppose you will have to go to youtube and find it.... sorry!

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  So, Debbie Schultz, Shouldn't you resign?
Posted by: guohua - 07-23-2016, 11:57 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (4)

Quote:Wikileaks has released nearly 20,000 emails it says are from the accounts of Democratic National Committee officials.
Honestly Debbie, Tell Me, Does the DNC only Hire Idiot Criminals? How Corrupt Is The DNC? Well, you've Rigged The Nomination in Hillarys Favore, so that there says you belong in Federal Prison!

Quote:The DNC, which is chaired by Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, has acknowledged that their systems were infiltrated. The party has not commented on specific information released through the hack.
According to Wikileaks, which is operated by Julian Assange, the release is “part one” of a new series it is calling “Hillary Leaks.”
The emails come from the accounts of seven DNC officials: communications director Luis Miranda, national finance director Jordon Kaplan, finance chief of staff Scott Comer, finance director of data and strategic initiatives Daniel Parrish, finance director Allen Zachary, senior advisor Andrew Wright and Northern California Finance Director and the finance director for northern California, Robert Stowe.
I understand that CNN is Changing it network name to HCNN, Hillary Channel News Network.

Oh,,, Looky,,,,
Here is the same Clinton News Network reporter at home in his Mommy and Daddy's house......
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]
The Dems are up to their old tricks again!
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]
The Truth,,,,,,,
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h] True!
[Image: original.jpg?w=800&h]

Now, of-course Twitter has Hid The Truth and Didn't they Shut Down the #DNCLeaks and came back with #DNCLeak, yes minus the "s" so people wouldn't think there was a big deal and ignore it.
Much Like Facebook being in-bed with Obama and Hillary, Disgusting!

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  Happy Birthday Ninurta
Posted by: guohua - 07-23-2016, 01:29 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto - Replies (8)

Happy Birthday Ninurta, Enjoy Yourself, Senona Open The Bar To you!
[Image: happybirthdaycaberet.gif~c200] [Image: 88a2f255994f192f6498648159536482.jpg][Image: black-white-retro-girls-dancing-happy-bi...rd-gif.gif] Bars OPEN!!!!![Image: Champagne-in-a-shoe.gif]
[Image: zc1hLeN.gif]

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  Nine Killed In Munich 'Shooting Rampage'
Posted by: BIAD - 07-23-2016, 08:46 AM - Forum: Europe - Replies (1)

Another one.

Nine people have been killed and many more injured in a shooting at a shopping centre
in the German city of Munich.
A number of "youths" were among the dead and children have also been shot, police said. 
At least three of the 16 injured in the attack are in a "life-threatening" condition.   

Police initially feared three gunmen might have been involved but now believe there was
only one attacker, using a pistol. It is understood the attacker, wearing a red backpack,
shot himself in the head, taking his own life. 
His body was found on a side street near the mall, about two-and-a-half hours after the

SKY News.

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  I used to do what?!
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 07-23-2016, 02:56 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (10)

I used to:

Sing Sunday School songs while gutting fish

Shave symbols into my chest hair...

discriminate against people who wore pants down to their ankles

secretly dream about pants and ankles (what?)

play power chords on the guitar and pretend I was good.

dream about walking the grand canyon

dream about crossing the Rio Grande as a migrant

eat hot pockets

listen to music on CD

listen to comedy on any media Louis CK was available.

enjoy music (all around)

dream of a day when robots ruled the earth

wonder why I was so damn messed up and used to think about all of the above :)

Just a little fun tinylaughing

Your top ten "i used to" starting NOW:


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  'Apocalypse now?' What Europe's media thought of the Trump speech
Posted by: guohua - 07-22-2016, 11:44 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (5)

Excuse Me,,, But Why Do I Care What Europe Thinks Of Trump? Please explain to me the reason that I should Care That The Europeans Are Afraid of Trump, Huh,,, WHY?
I want The Muslim Countries and Russia To Be Biting Their Nails and Worried About Trump,,,,,, YES!

Quote:Donald Trump might have whipped the crowds into a frenzy with his first speech as the Republican candidate for the U.S. presidency, but Europe looked on with a mixture of criticism, fear and bemusement.

Giving his keynote speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night, Trump attacked his rival Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton and reiterated his pledges to make America both "safe" and "great" again.

Trump's speech focused on the "threat" to the U.S. posed by terrorism, immigration and what he called "unfair" trade deals. In addition, he said that he was the only man who could challenge the elite and "fix" the country. His was a campaign for "Americanism" not "globalism," he added.

The image of Trump in front of a line of American flags at the convention dominated European newspapers' front pages on Friday with a mixture of reactions to the Republican candidate's manifesto and musings on what the world might look like if he became president of the world's most powerful nation.

Business daily Handelsblatt's headline focused on Trump's call that "we cannot be so politically correct."

Trump was no less controversial when he promised to clamp down on immigration, strengthen borders and champion hard-working Americans. "I am your voice," he said.

The convention audience cheered wildly as Trump stood in front of a row of American flags to deliver his speech. Chanting "U-S-A, U-S-A," "Lock her up" (referring to Hillary Clinton's recent use of a private email account when she was secretary of state) and "Build the wall!" – a reference to the wall that Trump has promised to build on the U.S.- Mexico border.
Trump has the ability to make even Europe's right-wing political establishment look liberal. The U.K. Independence Party's former leader Nigel Farage, also not known for political correctness, once told CNBC that Trump was "wrong" to call for a complete ban on Muslims entering the U.S.

So it was on Friday, with even Europe's conservative press critical of Trump's key messages. Germany's center-right, conservative Die Weltnewspaper noted that Trump's message was "apocalyptic" and "bleak": "The speech was populist through and through and offered no solutions," the newspaper said, adding that it lacked "elegance, humor, self-irony."

France's Les Echos, a right-leaning financial newspaper, said Trump had posed as the "savior of a country at the edge of the Apocalypse" in his "endless" speech on "endangered America."
The left-wing Le Mondenewspaper also drew attention to Trump's attempt to paint the "most distressing picture possible of the U.S." although it feared that Trump now "has just over three months to arrive at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington."

Spain's centrist El Pais newspaper said that Trump's speech, although more "orderly" than his more impromptu utterances, was full of "half-truths and manipulated data," whereas Italy's Corriere della Seraattacked Trump's "absolutely groundless accusation that illegal immigrants would destroy America's middle class."

Not every country in Europe cared about Trump's speech — Russian dailies Vedomosti, Kommersant and the English-language Moscow Times, among others, had no reports on Trump's address.
 [Image: 103808911-GettyImages-578546944.530x298....1469154591]
The Image If Trump In Front Of Our Flag Says It All! They're Afraid Of A American That'll Tell Them Where To Shove Their Ideas, Thoughts and Order's to America!
After 8 years of The Coward Obama Running Away and Not Keeping His Promises and Degrading America Every Chance He Got, To Bless them!!! Not Going To Happen Again! The Elites here and in Europe Don't Want Us or Anyone To Have A Voice!
I agree with the comment.

Quote:Brexit is the first shot across the bow of the People's movement against the new One World Globalist State. Of course, the countries in Nato that have been getting a free ride for decades need to pay their "fair share" for their OWN security and fear Trump. Of course, they want the status quo and puppets of the Socialist Elite like Benedict Arnold Hussein and H Rotten Lying Crooked Clinton. She hasn't just broken a law or two, her and her serial rapist/philandering spouse are a full fledged Crime Syndicate with their pay for play Foundation - taking money not just big Multinationals to do their bidding but from foreign Govts including many of those Sharia Govts supporting Islamic terrorism. Merkel and Clinton - the wicked witches of the West!

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  Obama unloads on Trump, promises to protect Mexico relationship Read more: http://ww
Posted by: guohua - 07-22-2016, 11:08 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (1)

I have wondered how much the Super Rich and the Elites Have Paid Obama to Flood our Country with illegals and Import Crime and Destroy Our Culture and Economy, Lower our living Standards and Trash Our Schools, Parks and Our Community in General.
[Image: ?url=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic.politico.com%2F...y-1160.jpg]

Quote:President Barack Obama wasted no time Friday delivering another implicit rebuke of Donald Trump on Mexico and immigration, hours after the Republican nominee officially claimed the party mantle to take on presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in November.
"Let me start by saying something that is too often overlooked, but bears repeating — especially given some of the heated rhetoric that we sometimes hear. The United States values tremendously our enduring partnership with Mexico and our extraordinary ties of family and friendship with the Mexican people," Obama said at the start of a joint press conference with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto.
Story Continued Below

Noting that Mexico is the United States' third-largest trading partner, Obama remarked upon the "millions of tourists, businesspeople, and friends, family" who "cross the border legally" every year.

"On a whole host of issues, from our shared security, to climate change, Mexico is a critical partner, and is critically important to our own well-being," Obama said.
"We are not just strategic and economic partners. We are also neighbors, and we're friends, and we're family — including millions of Americans that are tied to Mexico by culture and by language. And that's why as president, I worked to deepen the partnership between our nations."
Obama, Yes YOU, You're A FOOL!
Mexico Cares Nothing About America, They have sent us their Thugs and Criminals and Pregnant Uneducated Mothers and Kids!

I honestly Hope Trump is Elected and he throws out your illegal friends and their Kids, Born here or Not, they need to go!
Make English Our Official Language and Teach in Spanish in our schools.
Hell,,, These illegals don't know enough to throw their Nasty Toilet Paper in The Toilet!

Obama If Only You Had A Pair,,,,,,,[Image: tumblr_o3it2mASyi1v6w3juo1_500.gif]

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