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  ancient city of Heracleion found
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-22-2016, 05:57 AM - Forum: World History - Replies (4)

See article for some really neat pictures

Quote:Off the coast of Egypt divers have discovered something that was thought to be lost a long time ago. It was said that the ancient city of Heracleion was lost under the sea for good. Well 1200 years later, off the bay of Aboukir, this ancient city has finally been discovered. The city dates back to the 6th century B.C. and holds some of the most beautiful artifacts you could imagine. Things like grand statues of gods and goddesses standing well over 15 feet tall and carved out of red granite, treasures of gold and rare stones, elaborate temples and enormous tablets. This find is enormous in the historical preservation community and has been commissioned by museums around the world. Take a look at this incredible city found underwater.

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Posted by: guohua - 07-21-2016, 10:50 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (2)

You know why don't you?
Hillary Owes Her Soul To The Bankers and Not Just American Bankers Or American Interest Groups,,, NO,,, Foreign Bankers,,,, Even Mexico and Muslim Countries!

Quote:PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The host committee for the Democratic National Convention wants to keep its donor list under wraps until after the convention even though a state open records agency has ordered its release.
A Philadelphia 2016 Host Committee lawyer told a judge Thursday the release of fundraising records could harm the organization's last-minute efforts to seek donations and negotiate vendor contracts.
Lawyer David Pittinsky said those efforts were still ongoing even though the four-day convention starts Monday.
The host committee set out to raise about $60 million from private sources, but secured a $15 million line of credit from the city as a safety net. The committee must therefore file financial updates with the city.
Now here is the biggest reason for Not Wanting The People To Know The Truth Of Who Owes Here!
Quote:Top Clinton Lobbyist Bundlers Tied to Foreign Banks, Governments

Firms represent Saudi Arabian, Russian, Turkish, Mexican, and Japanese interests.

A number of Hillary Clinton’s top lobbyist bundlers, who have raised millions for her presidential campaign, either directly represent foreign entities or work at firms that represent foreign entities, according to documents from the Justice Department’s Foreign Agents Registration Unit.

Hillary for America, Clinton’s campaign committee, has hauled in more than $7 million in bundled lobbyist contributions since its inception. The committee finished2015 with $4.1 million in bundled lobbyist contributions. It has since added more than $2.9 million to its coffers from lobbyists, with $1.2 million of that amount pouring in during the second quarter of 2016, from April 1 to June 30.
Tony Podesta, owner of the Podesta Group and brother of John Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, is a top bundler for Hillary for America. Podesta has bundled $267,835 in contributions to date. Podesta was hired to work on behalf of Saudi interests. Washington Post reported in April. It has also supplied the Clinton Foundation with millions.

In addition to Saudi Arabia, Podesta is registered to lobby on behalf of Sberbank CIB USA Inc., a subsidiary of Russia’s largest bank, which is majority owned by the government.

Bundlers to Clinton’s campaign also lobby on behalf of Turkish interests.

The Alliance for Shared Values, a New York-based nonprofit that is part of the Islamic Gülen movement—a religious and social movement led by Fethullah Gülen, who now resides in the United States—has also hired the Podesta Group, the Daily Caller reported. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has launched a crackdown on supporters of the movement.

Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, a Denver-based lobbying shop, represents the Embassy of Mexico and was paid $52,000 for its services last year. Alfred Mottur, who works in D.C. for the firm, has bundled $32,355 for Clinton’s campaign.

Anyone Money But Her own,,,,,,  She Owes Them All Favors, What would she Owe Americans,,,,, NOTHING! tinyangry

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  Were they to close to the Truth?
Posted by: guohua - 07-21-2016, 10:13 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (1)

I don't remember any one posting the first death and now there's another, so I'll Post the information and let you all decide!
The first recent case, I say recent because it's been a few years since an investigator of UFOs and Whistleblowers have died in what some would call Mysteriously.
May they and their families find Peace. Sorry for their Family Tragedy.

Quote:EXTRAORDINARY claims have been made that UFO investigators are being killed by so-called men in black have been made after the mysterious death of a 32-year-old newly married alien researcher.
Newly Married and 32 years old? There is a small part in the article that mentions, a Black Ring Around His Neck?????
[Image: Gaurav-Tiwari-691414.jpg]
Quote:Gaurav Tiwari was found at his Dwarka flat in northwestern India under what has been reported as "mysterious circumstances". 
It has led to new claims that as many as "dozens" of other UFO investigators have died in suspicious circumstances over the years.
The Times of India reported that Mr Tiwari's death was treated as suicide.
A Suicide,,,, REALLY! He was just Married! What did he find out that would be serious enough to commit Suicide?

Quote:But relatives say as a newly wed he had no reason to end his life and that he seemed normal in the run up to his death.
According to father, Uday Tiwari, he was drinking coffee with his wife when there was a loud thud from the bathroom. 
They found him unresponsive on the floor and he could not be revived.

Police said a black line was found around his neck, leading to a conclusion of asphyxia. 

Another theory was he fell hitting his head and inflicting a fatal wound.
An autopsy is due, with an inquest, also being awaited.

Mr Tiwari senior, did however, reveal that his son told his wife weeks before his death “a negative force was pulling him towards it.”

The grieving dad said: "We don’t believe in ghosts etc, but his death has left us shocked and puzzled.” 
His son had founded the Indian Paranormal Society, and took part in regular TV shows.
A Weekly TV show, Not a Poor Family in India.
The most recent Death is next, May his Family find Peace.
Quote:A SECOND UFO researcher has been found dead this month, fuelling a conspiracy theory that they are being killed off by government secret agents to prevent the truth from getting out there.

Max Spiers, a paranormal investigator, who had claimed he was once part of a secret government "supersoldier" project was found dead in Poland this month.

YouTube speculators are convinced he was murdered, despite no official cause of death being given yet.
Yesterday Express.co.uk reported on the death of fellow UFO researcher Gaurav Tiwari, who was found dead in India under apparently "mysterious" circumstances.
However, it is being treated as a suicide by the authorities.
Conspiracy theorists have long been convinced that UFO chasers who get too close to the truth are bumped off by the secret services or so-called men in black.

Some videos of Mr. Spiera.
 He looks Troubled here I think.

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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-21-2016, 03:17 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto - Replies (14)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, @"solarius"!  

You may not see this today, but it will be here when you get back,
We wish you a great day, 'cause you're the best, and that's a fact!
Put on your party hat when you crawl out of the sack,
'Cause there's a party going on in BIAD's shack!

[Image: b4c91ae8aa0970e0944a342b3f1eb0e4.gif]

[Image: animated-birthday-image-0264.gif]

And my kitty says Happy Birthday too! 

[Image: funny-cute-cat-happy-birthday-gif.gif]

We can't forget your cake...  I was up all night baking this for you.  Hope you enjoy!   minusculecheers

[Image: image24-922jgy5mlh.jpg]

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  Understanding Engineers
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-21-2016, 07:37 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Quote:Understanding Engineers #1 
Two engineering students were biking across the MIT campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" 
The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday, minding my own business, when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike, threw it to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want.”  So I took the bike.
The first engineer nodded approvingly and said, "Good choice: The clothes probably wouldn't have fit you anyway."
Understanding Engineers #2 
To the optimist, the glass is half-full.  To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty.  To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be. 
Understanding Engineers #3 
A priest, a doctor, and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.  The engineer fumed, "What's with those guys? We've been waiting for fifteen minutes!" 
The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such inept golf!" 
The priest said, "Here comes the greens-keeper. Let's have a word with him."  He said, "Hello George, What's wrong with that group ahead of us?  They're rather slow, aren't they?"
The greens-keeper replied, "Oh, yes Father.  That's a group of blind firemen.  They lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime!"
The group fell silent for a moment. 
The priest said, "That's so sad. I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight." 
The doctor said, "Good idea. I'm going to contact my ophthalmologist colleague and see if there's anything she can do for them." 
The engineer said, "Why don't they just play at night?"          
Understanding Engineers #4 
What's the difference between mechanical engineers and civil engineers?  Mechanical engineers build weapons.  Civil engineers build targets.
Understanding Engineers #5 
The graduate with a science degree asks, "Why does it work?" 
The graduate with an engineering degree asks, "How does it work?" 
The graduate with an accounting degree asks, "How much will it cost?" 
The graduate with an arts degree asks, "Do you want fries with that?” 
Understanding Engineers #6 
Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.
Understanding Engineers #7  
An engineer was crossing a road one day, when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess."  He bent over, picked up the frog, and put it in his pocket. 
The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn back into a beautiful princess and stay with you for one week."
The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket. 
The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want." 
Again, the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. 
Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess and that I'll stay with you for one week and do anything you want.  Why won't you kiss me?" 
The engineer said, "Look, I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog -- now that's real cool."
And finally... 
Understanding Engineers #8 
Two engineers were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up. A woman walked by and asked what they were doing. 
"We're supposed to find the height of this flagpole," said Sven, "but we don't have a ladder." 
The woman took a wrench from her purse, loosened a couple of bolts, and laid the pole down on the ground.  
Then she pulled out a tape measure, took a measurement, and announced, "Twenty one feet, six inches," and walked away. 
One engineer shook his head and laughed, "A lot of good that does us.  We need the height and she gives us length!" 
(Both engineers have since quit their engineering careers and are currently serving in the US Congress)

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  Eye witness of the Paris shooting
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-21-2016, 07:12 AM - Forum: Europe - No Replies

How about a more complete story of what went down in the Bataclan attack in Paris that killed 89 people.


Quote:Eagles of Death Metal recently finished a Canadian tour and I got to sit down with vocalist Jesse Hughes and discuss the Bataclan attack in Paris that killed 89 of his fans. You’d think he’d want to avoid the topic, but he was actually eager to get into it. He sees it as a catharsis.

Hughes is not happy with the way the media has treated the story. Details are randomly pulled from his interviews and entire angles are edited in later that are diametrically opposed to his beliefs. Jesse Hughes has been ordained as a minister by the Universal Life Church. He’s pro-gun, pro-Trump, and pro-life. He recognizes that Islam is the problem and political correctness is literally killing us.
Takimag: It’s hard to talk about the attack without sounding like you’re blaming the victims, but it’s impossible to deny fear of Islamophobia and fear of guns led to a lot of deaths that night.
Jesse Hughes: I saw fear fall like a blanket on the whole crowd and they fell like wheat in the wind—the way you would before a god. I was totally alert from the very beginning. The first thing I needed to do was find my girl. Fear took a backseat and “where’s my girl?” took over. I could smell gunpowder in the backstage area and I knew someone fired a round back there. I saw a guy with an FAL and when he turned to face me his eyes looked like marbles. He was stoned out of his mind, and we now know they were on Xanax and cocaine. I recognized him. I’d seen him earlier in the day and noticed him staring at us.
They were in the venue early. That implies some staff were in on it.
I got in a lot of trouble for saying that. I know for sure that they were in there early. I remember them staring at my buddy. I just chalked it up to Arab envy. You know what I mean? When a Muslim sees a cocky American dude with tattoos, he stares at him. I realized later it was Abdeslam and he was staring at my buddy because they thought he was a threat. There’s no denying the terrorists were already inside, and they had to get in somehow. During the shooting I went outside and the backstage door was propped open. How did that happen?
Do you think political correctness is killing our natural instincts and making us vulnerable?
Definitely. There were two girls who were involved. They were at the venue and vanished before the shooting, and these women were in traditional Muslim garb. They knew people wouldn’t check them because of the way they were dressed. They got caught a few days later.
The fear of offending Muslims is a terrorist’s greatest weapon.
“When the cops went in after the attack, they shut down, what, 450 mosques? They found recruitment material in every single one of them.”
Look at the guys who bombed Brussels. They were wearing black gloves on one hand. Their luggage was too heavy to lift, but they didn’t want anyone helping them with it. Nobody brought any of this up until after the bombs went off.
We’d rather die than be called a bigot.
How is a faith being associated with racism? Just take out the word “Islam” and replace it with “communism.” It’s an ideology. The same way the Rosenbergs could sell nuclear secrets from within America is the same way Muslim terrorists can attack us from within. It’s okay to be discerning when it comes to Muslims in this day and age.
Where is this push coming from? Is it all our fault?
Of course not. When you’re at a soccer game in Europe and you see the words “United Arab Emirates,” you know there is a lot of Arab money floating around and influencing the dialogue. The conversation is constantly being steered away from scrutiny. They think we’re fools.
Arab money is a pollutant. So many movies are made with Arab money. George Clooney doesn’t kiss the ass of the Arabs for no reason. American movies are the best way to influence the hearts and minds of the world.
You never see bad guys in movies who are Arab terrorists. It’s always Germans or French…
Or conservative Christian rednecks. They’re apparently what’s wrong with everything in the world now, including global warming. What about the other ice age we went through? There were no Christian Republicans back then. What caused that meltdown?
The other problem with that is, when you get rid of these Christian rednecks, you create a vacuum and it gets filled with people way worse. It gets filled with Islam. You end up replacing evangelism with sharia law.
Politicians behave better when they know people are watching. We behave better when we believe Jesus is watching us.
These atheists tell us we don’t need religion, yet everyone seems to be creating flimsy substitutes to replace it. Rehab is just Lent. Meditation is just Latin Mass. Seeing a therapist is just talking to your priest.
And the thing about the Bible is it’s written down. A therapist can change his diagnosis just like that and there’s no way of calling him out on it.
Let’s get back to the attack. Why didn’t the cops come in earlier? It seemed like the killing went on forever.
The press heard some kids were locked away in rooms so they reported it as a hostage situation. Those kids were hiding. This misinformation meant the cops set up outside for a negotiation while inside dozens of people were dying.

The terrorists would go up to bodies and stick them with the gun. If they budged, they’d shoot them again. One girl got up and said she was scared. The guy said, “Don’t be scared, you’ll be dead in two minutes,” and then he shot her, BOOM.
The French are so concerned with racism, they’re letting Muslims get away with murder.
A day after, at the stadium, Muslims booed the moment of silence and we barely heard about it in the press. I saw Muslims celebrating in the street during the attack. I saw it with my own eyes. In real time! How did they know what was going on? There must have been coordination.
I’ve heard you say you credit your childhood with your survival. You had a real dad who stuck around and taught you about guns.
I knew what gunfire was. I was able to think through it. I was also able to remember practical lessons of my life because I had to be in fights as a kid. My mom didn’t go sue anyone. I didn’t have playdates. I had some practical upbringing growing up in the desert where you got to get yourself out of your problems.
Also, the reason I’ve done well with this healing process is everything I was raised to believe was affirmed that night. In a way, that’s a blessing of God. When the first bullets started being fired, people looked at me. I remember that. It pissed me off because I knew right then and there it was going to be bad. I knew these kids had no idea what was coming. None. They’d never heard a gunshot in real life and it hit them so hard.
Political correctness kills.
Davey [bassist Dave Catching] was in the middle of the stage and when the lights went on, he saw shit he’d never seen before in his life, awful stuff. It has no parallel. It’s not just death. It’s the most unsuspecting, innocent victims you can imagine—people who are gripped in terror and can’t move as a result of it.
It’s like a metaphor for all of Western civilization.
I watched about seven people die. A couple of them were three feet from the barrier. They could have fallen backwards and been alive but they were too scared to even turn around. I remember a woman just standing with her hands up in a surrender pose. The terrorist finally saw her and all she did was go, “No no no.” She surrendered to death in front of my very eyes. I was yelling at her, “HEY!” and I don’t think she could hear me. She was so terrified, I think she’d already given up.

Is it fair to say the liberal mentality created this need to surrender?
I will lay the blame right in its lap. When you tell people they can’t help themselves and that they’re children, you weaken them to a point where three feet away is life and they can’t see it because they’re too scared.
In a way we’re unarmed twofold. We’re literally unarmed and we’re also mentally unarmed.
It’s like the bleating sheep from Animal Farm. You suggest anything that strays from the narrative and this chorus of bleats comes to drown you out. This attack didn’t happen by accident.
I went to Paris after the attacks and was disgusted by the lack of rage. They didn’t blame Islam. In fact, many blamed the Jews. They seemed more concerned with us promoting xenophobia than laying blame on the terrorists.
I hung out with plenty of Parisians who were fucking pissed off, but it was mostly cops and military. During the attack, one cop finally realized it wasn’t a hostage situation and yelled out, “It’s a turkey shoot” as he charged in, holding his gun. He got shot right through the hand and into the neck and kept going. He took a terrorist out, chased another one into the hallway, who then blew himself up, and did it to another guy, who blew himself up on stage. Our amplifiers were a gory mess.

Did that cop live?
Yes, I met him in triage. I hung out with him. Great guy.
You went to the hospital?
I had pieces of teeth and human bone pulled out of my face. A girl got shot right next to me by the shooter at the top of the stairs who I had met earlier. She stepped one step in front of me and her head just exploded. It blew pieces of her teeth and skull into my face.
Why don’t we hear about this?
The media wants to summarize it, and important details get lost. The most important detail being when they started shooting, they were already inside. If they were hanging out enough to let three people go, then they knew security dudes. They knew bouncers. They knew doormen.
Do you think a percentage of the security staff was Muslim?
I know they were. Look, security guards backstage are notorious for being dicks. They check your ID every few minutes and nobody goes back and forth without being checked, even if you’re in the band. This guy didn’t care what we did. He didn’t even look at me.
The only time he seemed remotely interested in us was when he said to my girlfriend, “Do you speak French?” and “Where are you from?” She said she was from Texas and he was getting frustrated because that’s not what he meant. Then she said, “I’m American” and he lost interest. I honestly think he was trying to determine if she was Arab or not. She’s Mexican and she could easily pass for Lebanese and I think he was going to warn her if she was Muslim.
I kept opening up the back door to smoke and that’s usually a big no-no because of the sound ordinances. I’ve played there before and opening up that door to smoke got you in big trouble. This time, the security guy walks right past me and anxiously looks down the alleyway in either direction.
Maybe one of the reasons the cops are so much more pragmatic about this threat is that they are the ones who have to go into Les Banlieues and confront these people. Naïveté is a luxury they can’t afford.
When the cops went in after the attack, they shut down, what, 450 mosques? They found recruitment material in every single one of them. What the fuck is wrong with us that we don’t know about that?
Parisians think everyone is innocent, but the cops don’t. They even investigated you.
I was a person of interest, yes. They interrogated me for four days. I ended up helping them a lot by getting cell-phone footage. It was the cops and the FBI who asked me about the promoter and the security. This isn’t something I brought up to them.
We had eight police officers in our audience that night. They all had the same conversation with their wives, which was “Should I bring my gun or not?” All of them said no. When we went back and played Paris again they stood in the same places they stood at the original show and they opened their jackets and showed me their guns as if to say, “Not tonight, motherfucker.” It was beautiful.
Islam is crying wolf about Islamophobia in order to anesthetize us and make us easier prey.
They know there’s a whole group of white kids out there who are stupid and blind. You have these affluent white kids who have grown up in a liberal curriculum from the time they were in kindergarten, inundated with these lofty notions that are just hot air. Look at where it’s getting them.

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  Some of my Favorite songs,,,,,,Rick
Posted by: guohua - 07-21-2016, 07:09 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (10)


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  Unequivocal Evidence of Alien Structures on Mars
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-21-2016, 03:45 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (6)

I don't think this is a hoax.  If these are genuine photos from NASA, then we have proof before our eyes that someone has been, or still is, on Mars!

Quote:According to a new set of images beamed back by NASA’s rovers exploring the red planet, there are giant structures half buried near Mt. Sharp on the red planet. According to UFO hunters and Ufologists, there are several structures that are clearly visible half-buried in the harsh Martian soil.

[Image: 93714_orig.jpg]

This image is the final result after the guy in the video "cleans up" the images sent back by the Mars Rover.  Watch it and see for yourself how he pulls out the images from the pictures.   Amazing!

Quote:Looking at the images present in the article, we can clearly see what appear to be several perfectly shaped lines in the background. According to UFO hunters, these lines are the ultimate evidence of half-buried structures on Mars. Not only are these present in the vicinity of Mount Sharp, they can be seen in many images from the Red Planet. These images are, according to Ufologists the ultimate evidence that proves the red planet was inhabited by intelligent beings in the distant past.

The possibility that intelligent beings inhabited Mars is stronger than ever, and if you think about it… they might have existed millions of years ago. This is why there is a very big chance that most structures on the planet have either been destroyed due to the climate or are buried under tons of Martian Soil. This is why it’s nearly impossible to accurately state whether we are looking at a real artificial structure or not. However, from what users have been able to see in the images in this article, their comments seem to indicate that whatever this is, it’s very unlikely that it is a natural formation.

For all of you who want to check out the RAW images, head on over to NASA’s website by clicking here, and check out the original images for yourself. Martian structures or not… the images are certainly interesting and will get a lot of people interested in the red planet and the mysteries around it.
Here is the video of the UFO hunter who found the anomalous zone on Mars:

The truth is coming out... drip...drip...drip.   mediumalien

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  A bizarre plan to save humanity....'Mammoths'
Posted by: senona - 07-21-2016, 02:56 AM - Forum: The Great Climate Change Debate - Replies (11)

Zombie Mammoths To The Rescue

[Image: 66491dd2ce0046d7b4165e04977e06cc.png]

Quote:Scientists have a fix for one of the greatest threats facing our climate. It’s big, it’s hairy, and it’s been dead 10,000 years.

In a madcap scheme to slow the melt of arctic permafrost, researchers are trying to resurrect the woolly mammoth.

One really cannot make this stuff up.
Now researchers think cloning mammoths will save mankind.

Quote:Because the mammoth is one of the better-preserved bygone species, it’s a prime candidate for the first successful de-extinction. Scientists sequenced the mammoth genome in 2008, and researchers have since catalogued the slim set of genetic variants separating mammoths from elephants — cold-weather upgrades like more hair, more fat and a higher tolerance for sub-zero temperatures.

Last year, Harvard geneticist George Church and his colleagues successfully spliced mammoth genes into the cell of an Asian elephant. Church says de-extinction could be just a couple of years away.

In the meantime, scientists are left to speculate on the climate-saving potential of this prehistoric beast.

Of course, they had to make a point that it is all man's fault of warmer temperatures, not one mention of other natural causes such as volcanoes or anything else.

Quote:The Permafrost Problem

Climate change has several soft deadlines — tipping points at which human-caused warming could set off natural feedback loops that would make the planet dramatically hotter. Drought could decimate forests, causing trees to bleed their stores of carbon. Rising temperatures could also melt Arctic permafrost.

This is among the more sobering consequences of planetary warming. Once permafrost has thawed, microbes will devour the organic matter in the soil underneath — the leftovers of prehistoric plants. Metabolizing microbes would exhale gobs of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas.

Methane has less staying power than carbon dioxide — it lingers in the atmosphere for decades as opposed to centuries — but it traps 80 times as much heat over a 20-year period. Methane from permafrost could produce up to 0.5º C of additional warming by 2100. Earth has already seen 1º C of warming over the last century. And just 1.5º of warming could trigger the melt of Arctic permafrost.

And according to the scientists, this is where the mammoths come in to save the day.

Quote:A Mammoth-Sized Solution

Herds of mammoths once ruled the Arctic. They nurtured grasslands and suppressed the growth of forests. After mammoths departed, grasslands turned into forests and tundra, where we now find all that permafrost.

Paradoxically, permafrost has an insulating effect, keeping the soil underneath warm relative to winter temperatures. Mammoths could dig through snow to find grass hiding beneath. After chomping down, they would leave manure behind, nurturing the growth of more grass.

Russian scientists have set up a reserve in Siberia for wild horses, ox and bison in an effort to recreate an Ice Age ecosystem. They found that during the winter, when it was -40º C outside, the ground that was covered in snow remained a balmy -5º C. Where animals had trampled down the snow, the ground was -30º C. Mammoths could be the heavy arsenal needed to avert the release of methane.

Um, dumb question here and pardon my ignorance please.
Why don't they just use existing animals as Russia has done, instead of recreating one from 10,000 years ago?
Or are they just wanting to play god again and 'see' if it is even possible to clone a mammoth?

Do we really want to go there? Cloning a 10,000 yr old extinct animal???
We all know once that is done, there will be no stopping future cloning of god knows what.

Also, if cow manure is being blamed as part of CO2 output (hence why Denmark wants to tax meat eaters), where would mammoth dung fit into the equation of putting out CO2?
Just saying....doesn't hurt to ask.

Quote:“In conservation biology it’s called a reintroduction — as wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone, beavers to Sweden, etc. They’re disruptive, but they’re supposed to be,” said Stewart Brand, author and co-founder of Revive and Restore, a project to bring back the woolly mammoth. “As keystone species and ecological engineers, they move the whole ecosystem toward greater bio-abundance and biodiversity.”

Brand said the subarctic was once the Serengeti of the north, home to a rich diversity of animals — musk ox, bison, Yakutian horses, woolly rhinocerous, cave lions and cave bears. He believes mammoths would improve the landscape and that they could endure global warming.

[Image: 37da9af417bf41878e5fa52803dd8979.png]

Quote:“Woolly mammoths survived many warming periods between the glacial ice ages,” said Brand. “There are also non-woolly mammoths such as the Columbian mammoth that inhabited much of North America. They also could return. The ecology of our continent misses the various elephants and would welcome them back.”

De-extinction offers mammoths a chance for redemption. It was climate change that drove the species to the brink of extinction. The end of the last ice age shrunk their habitat, and humans dealt the final blow by hunting them until none remained.

If fulfilled, these dreams of species revival could see mammoths come back from the dead to cool the planet, returning from extinction to save us from ourselves.

Okay class....any thoughts? Ideas?

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  Rise of the Robots! Will You Rule Them, Be Ruled By Them Or Just Run Away?
Posted by: OmegaLogos - 07-20-2016, 04:14 PM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - Replies (2)

Disclaimer: I'm a theist but not of the Abrahamic faiths. I have minor biblical scholar and scriptural skills. Also I am not a scientific/legal or medical expert in any field. Beware of my Contagious Memes! & watch out that you don't get cut on my Occams razor.All of this is my personal conjecture and should not be considered the absolute or most definitive state of things as they really are. Use this information at your own risk! I accept no liability if your ideology comes crashing down around you with accompanying consequences! 

Explanation: And so it begins ...

Daft Punk - Robot Rock [youtube]

South Park -They Took Our Jobs  [youtube]

Top line jobs like accountants/lawyers/pilots/doctors are going to soon go away, replaced by robots ...








OK so you might think to yourself  "Fine then!  tinytongue I will just go pick fruit or cut hair ... robots can't do that yet! Or can they?  tinybighuh " AND well tough titty and didums they already can [but not very well just yet ...but they will get better and just you watch out] ...




So we are all going to need to discuss the issue of ... Guaranteed minimum income [wiki]

Quote:Guaranteed minimum income (GMI) (also called minimum income) is a system[1] of social welfare provision that guarantees that all citizens or families have an income sufficient to live on, provided they meet certain conditions. Eligibility is typically determined by citizenship, a means test, and either availability for the labour market or a willingness to perform community services. The primary goal of a guaranteed minimum income is to reduce poverty. If citizenship is the only requirement, the system turns into a universal basic income.

Because the push for robot rights is already on and we need to ensure our own right to survival ...



What will replace Humans? [youtube]

Personal Disclosure: Now that I have thoroughly upset all you conservatives AND liberals as everybody's meal tickets are going to evaporate quickly, maybe we can ALL get down to ruling these robots ok ...

3d printed robots ...

https://www.poppy-project.org/en/ Small human shaped robot.

http://inmoov.fr/ InMoov is the first Open Source 3D printed life-size robot. Replicable on any home 3D printer with a 12x12x12cm area.

And they can now be printed in metal on a standard plastic 3d printer ...

http://3dprintingindustry.com/news/now-c...ter-85255/ Copper or bronze.

AND Or in a whole range of materials and colors ...



KNOW THY ENEMY! tinysure

Will you Rule Robots, Be Ruled BY Robots or just Run Away From Robots?

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