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  History of TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Posted by: guohua - 11-09-2016, 12:33 AM - Forum: Rogue Herbal Revolution - Replies (27)

—"Medicine“( Chinese herbs) refers to and listed in the Chinese herbal medicine books for health, to treat disease and help with the prevention of illnesses.
"Chinese medicine" in the past was also known as “govern medicine".  
—Han dynasty, Traditional Chinese medicine from the end of the Eastern Han dynasty. Listed 365 Herbs.
—Ming dynasty, The doctors of Ming dynasty, increased to 1892Herbs.
—Qing dynasty, Lasted Qianlong 30 years, Medical Scientist ZhaoXue Min increased the number of usable Herbs to 2608.
—Currently the total amounts included 5767 herbs.

By the Second century A.D.  There was Listed 365 herbs that included: 
Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae) to relive asthma, Dang Gui (Radicis Angelica Sinensis) to regulate menstruation (yes as early as the 2nd Century) and Huang Lian (Rhizoma Coptidis) to treat diarrhea. 
From the Years of 618 to 907 A.D.  there was Listed 850 mediccal Herbs including: Zi He Che (Placenta Hominis) to improve the immune system.
—Now during the 7th Century, there was advances in Diet Therapy with Herbs. With the use of 277 herbs as therapeutic agents.



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  Generation Of Snowflakes
Posted by: guohua - 11-08-2016, 05:23 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (25)

Quote:Universities help students cope with Election Day stress
That's the Title and I have to ask, How, How well these so called young Adults Face Life's Hardships? Do they Truly Believe Everything They Want Or Believe Will be Handed To Them Just Because It's What THEY Want Or Expect?
[Image: VCU-165x400.jpg] [Image: Snowflake.Shutterstock-370x242.jpg]
Quote:Universities across the nation are striving to help students cope with the stress of Election Day, such as offering tips on managing anxieties and events to help absorb election results.

Take Virginia Commonwealth University, which posted a six-point guide on how to “cope with election stress.”

The advice includes suggesting students: “unplug,” to stay informed but not constantly scroll their newsfeed; “be present … give yourself permission to feel the way you do”; “find a healthy escape,” such as exercise, journaling or meditating; “connect,” to hang with allies and friends, but “limit conversation that has potential to get heated”; “refuel” by drinking lots of water and getting plenty of rest; and finally “do something” through volunteering and advocacy.

“Election season is here and it’s important to practice self care,” the VCU Office of Multicultural Student Affairs noted on its Nov. 2 Facebook post.
University of Rochester’s Counseling Center posted a guided, two-minute meditation to help students handle their “election stress.”

And a note posted on Facebook by the University of Iowa’s Counseling Service lets students know the center “is here for you should you need to process through your experience of the presidential election.” The center also linked to an article that offers “Six Ways To Manage Election Stress With Mindfulness.”

Similarly, the University of Washington Counseling Center posted an article on “how to cope if your candidate loses on Election Day,” linking to a USA Today article headlined: “A 12-step plan for what to do if your candidate loses on Election Day.”
Wake Forest University counseling posted an article titled “Election stress is a real thing,” noting the write up also “contains tips to help people manage their stress related to the election.”

The University of Illinois’ Counseling Center noted in a Nov. 2 post “we’re a little less than a week out from Election Day. This campaign season has been especially stressful for many. How to stay strong and manage stress,” linking to a Psychology Today article titled “5 Ways to Stay Mentally Strong During Campaign Season.”

The advice therein? “Save your breath. Set healthy boundaries. Think realistically about the future. Limit your media consumption. View election season as an opportunity.”
A viewing party at East Carolina University hosted by the Political Science department and Center for Student Leadership and Engagement is billed by one student as a “safe space” for students to watch the results.

“It is important to have it on campus, so they know they are in a safe space and can say how they feel about the process and let it be kind of an open forum,” Erick Jenkins, a student vote everywhere ambassador at the CSLE, told the East Carolinian campus newspaper.

Allegheny College is hosting two post-Election Day decompression events for faculty and students “who wish to process the election in an open and welcoming space.”
“On Election Day, we are mindful that for many of us this election season has been particularly troublesome and discomfiting. Its aftermath may be just as, if not more, difficult to navigate,” the college states on its website.
They just as well issue each of these Little Snow Flakes a Poison Capsule To Swallow, They'll Never Survive Life After They leave The University!

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  Could an 'Ark in a Freezer' Bring Back Lost Animals?
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 11-08-2016, 07:16 AM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (2)

Ok, so this scares me a lot. 

I worry about the advances in cloning since Dolly the Sheep.  And this repository could be seen as a positive and sensible idea to preserve lost animals, or it could be seen as tampering with nature.

The world has managed for millions of years without human interference, evolution has taken place, and yes some animals have died out, but hey the world marches on.

Maybe there is a reason certain species die out, in the great scheme of things that is how it goes. 

Is it right to bring back extinct animals?

Quote:Inside the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research a few miles outside the city, in an unassuming building that smells like cleaning supplies, is the Frozen Zoo. It's an ark, really—"an ark in a freezer!" as Zach Baron writes in a feature article for GQ—comprising 10,000 samples that represent roughly 1,000 species and sub-species. It's something to hold onto as our planet loses everything from "vital little soldiers like bees" to the "big charismatic mega-fauna like elephants." And what a sweet irony, if a man-made creation like a freezer of vials turns out to restore some of the man-made catastrophes of modern time, from over-hunting to pollution to climate change.

Some of the animals in the Frozen Zoo still roam the Earth, while others, like the Hawaiian bird po'ouli, are already extinct, and still more are inching ever closer toward extinction. Baron reports that the "ark" is part museum, to catalog the diversity of life on our planet, and part resource for those who need samples for research. But a third reason quietly lives on, too: reanimation, or the possibility therein. The technology already exists, for example, to clone. Technological advances suggest that there is at least the possibility to someday renew lost ecosystems. Some notable scientists call it "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic," as Paul Ehrlich told the Washington Post last year. Saving cells isn't, after all, saving species. Yet. (A quarter of all mammals are now at risk of extinction.)

Could a frozen zoo one day bring back extinct animals?

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  Please Remain Calm!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-08-2016, 04:19 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (30)

As much as I will be disheartened if Hillary wins the election tomorrow, I will try to remain calm... well, as calm as a redhead can,  and still be civil to my neighbors who may have voted for her. 

Why, you ask?

Have you ever seen such a heated, crazy election in all your years of voting?  I think the puppeteers have done everything in their power to try and divide the country!  They have tried to divide us with BLM, the gun laws, and too many others for me to remember now, but this election seems to be working.  tinyshocked

Our country is divided at such a high level with those who support Trump vs. those who support Hillary. I see families turning against one another because of who they support; it's terrible!  tinycrying

Just now I saw a post on Face Book where a person's truck was set on fire because it had a Trump sticker! Read the story and watch the video on the link:

News Story

I think they will have "people" in place to continue this type of behavior to try to cause all the civil unrest they can stir up, in hopes that it leads to civil war. This is what "they" want! 

Divide and Conquer! 

And about John Kerry's trip to the Antarctica, it's not to study climate change as has been reported...

Quote:Sources in the CIA say the real reason Kerry is flying to the South Pole is to attend a secret meeting of top bloodline power brokers to plot civil war. Here is a direct quote about the matter from a senior CIA source in Washington DC:

“These assholes WANT civil war. Why else would JK be out of the country. Climate change my ass – He is meeting the elite boys in Antarctica for instructions.”


We must remain calm after this election and try to accept the outcome.  It won't be for long, if Hillary wins...

This is what Pentagon sources had to say about the US Presidential election:

Quote:“The election will be allowed to proceed to not spook the public so vote fraud and other crimes will be exposed. Immediately thereafter the Republic will be announced, Hillary and cabal arrested, and corrupt agencies like FRB, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS and CIA abolished or reformed.”


So, hopefully, after the election these bastards and bastaretts will get what they deserve!

I just wanted to make you aware of what's going on behind the scenes.  Don't play into their games!  Don't let them win! minusculenonono

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  The Cabal Will be Defeated no Matter who wins the POTUS
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-08-2016, 03:22 AM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - No Replies

This report by Benjamin Fulford promises the Cabal will be taken down, no matter who wins the presidential election.   YAY!!!   smallgreenbananadancer I hope he is right!

Quote:The intense struggle at the top of the world’s power structure will not end on November 8th no matter who wins the so-called US Presidential election, US agency sources say. However, there is strong likelihood the issue will be settled by January 20th, 2017 when the new President is supposed to formally assume the reins of power, they say.
At the highest level, the battle is between the 13 bloodline families who have ruled the West for centuries, if not millennia and their age old opponents, the gnostic illuminati who are opposed to bloodline rule.

Quote:READ: Introduction: The 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World
READ: The Rothschild Bloodline: One of the 13 Satanic Bloodlines that Rule the World

The people behind Hillary Clinton are the bloodlines, who report ultimately to Baron Evelyn de Rothschild as well as to the old Italian aristocracy behind the P2 Freemason lodge. This can be confirmed by endorsements from bloodline controlled media such as the Economist Magazine owned by the Rothschilds and the P2 Agnelli brothers. It can also be confirmed by wikileaks e-mails showing Hillary Clinton is intimately subservient to Lynn Forest de Rothschild, who is the wife of Baron Rothschild.

Quote:READ: Hillary Clinton Begs Forgiveness From Rothschilds In Leaked Email
READ: PROOF: Hillary is Rothschild’s Puppet
The main source of the bloodlines’ power is their control of the process for creating and distributing money, ie their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at the top levels of power in order to ensure their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool in their hands to create the appearance that Hillary Clinton will win a close race against Donald Trump. You can also confirm this by holding your nose and watching election coverage on CNN also known as the Clinton News Network.

The people behind Donald Trump include the gnostic illuminati, who recruit geniuses of each age who are not part of the ruling bloodlines, sources in the illuminati say. The illuminati favour meritocracy and, since the world’s government agencies and military are meritocratic, it means they control most of the people with guns with the exception of a few mercenaries on the bloodline payrolls.

Direct reporting from a White Dragon Society member in the US also reveals overwhelming support for Donald Trump at the street level. Here is his report:
“I went to a Hillary ‘rally’ two weeks ago…there might have been 1500 people tops. On Friday night I went to a Trump rally in Hershey PA. It filled up a hockey arena, at least 15,000, plus 7000 outside…Trump is turning rednecks into peaceniks. Hillary is turning dovish liberals into warmongering self-loathing retards.”

This is what Pentagon sources had to say about the US Presidential election:
“The election will be allowed to proceed to not spook the public so vote fraud and other crimes will be exposed. Immediately thereafter the Republic will be announced, Hillary and cabal arrested, and corrupt agencies like FRB, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS and CIA abolished or reformed.”
The agencies have being doing their bit by using the internet to pump out a flood of information about pedophilia, corruption, human sacrifice and other outrages perpetrated by the bloodlines. Click on the links below to see examples of this.


The bloodline families are now in a state of absolute terror, literally fighting for their lives, fleeing to Antarctic bases and trying to pull off something horrific. This writer was accused by many trolls of “smoking something,” when he started writing recently that many members of the elite were fleeing to Antarctic Bases. Well now you can confirm on the official US State Department website that US Secretary of State John “Skull & Bones,” Kerry will be flying to Antarctica on November 8th election day.


Quote:READ: The Illuminazi faction of the Cabal is trying to flee to Antarctica to avoid arrests
READ: Rescue Mission to Antarctica Sent to Help Wounded Cabal-run Secret Space Program Alliances?

The corporate media whores at the press briefing were told Kerry was going there to study “climate change,” however sources in the CIA say the real reason Kerry is flying to the South Pole is to attend a secret meeting of top bloodline power brokers to plot civil war. Here is a direct quote about the matter from a senior CIA source in Washington DC:
“These assholes WANT civil war. Why else would JK be out of the country. Climate change my ass – He is meeting the elite boys in Antarctica for instructions.”

Here is what a CIA source in Asia had to say about this:
“I was called last night on a secure line. My contact in…wanted to let me know that his team was leaving to Antarctica for a very important meeting with several heads of State and senior diplomats from various countries and would be out of touch for about week. He is going as an observer on behalf of… This is all kept on a need to know basis. No media on this one. He told me that they were going to ‘The Special Off the Grid Base.’ Several countries have their permanently stationed representatives at this Above Top Secret Installation.”

The main topic of discussion is likely to be the imminent ratification of the Paris accords which would mean a transition of the world’s financial system away from bloodline control. The negotiations that begin on November 7th (as this newsletter goes online) in Morocco are supposed to ratify these agreements.

Quote:READ: ‘Signed, Sealed and Delivered’: Paris Accord Reaches Major Milestone
READ: BREAKING: EU to Ratify Paris Accords

Pentagon sources, for their part, are saying “The counter-coup against Hillary has gone kinetic with spacecraft flying cabal members seeking to escape justice shot down, underground bases in Italy destroyed by quakes, while a skirmish in Antarctica caused Kerry to visit.”

Quote:READ: Five Small Earthquakes Near Bern, Switzerland and CERN, and Two in Central Italy
The illuminati are saying the bloodlines have a submarine in Guam that is going to be used to fire a nuclear missile at Tokyo in an attempt to blame the attack on the illuminati. The bloodlines may also try to stage a fake alien invasion or else use an EMP attack on the US power grid to stave off a change in government, CIA sources say…
The full report will be posted on Thursday…


The text above in red was changed by me. I didn't want you to miss that paragraph. Don't you find it strange that John Kerry would be leaving the country during the election and going to Antarctica of all places?   Seems to give some validation to this report.   :smallwink:

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  Let's Hope For The Best
Posted by: guohua - 11-08-2016, 02:47 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (10)

[Image: a486b2b187cafce0537729646d4df3afa8a90f39...=800&h=343] then [Image: 429508786088b6b94e9b129f939ffee0b99ce19c...25f1cd.jpg]
The Clinton Crime Family and That Meeting In the Jets In Phoenix, AZ.
[Image: ae07d9b169d007f5c8d399e6e5e1e470563287dd...3dd71d.jpg] 
Women with Intelligence say,,,,

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  Coronal Mass Ejection Is Set to Hit on Election Day
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-08-2016, 02:23 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (3)

Well, what else is going to happen?!  We've had some intel shared that a fake UFO invasion was going to appear in the skies, and also the threat of a terrorist attack for today.  All this is propaganda to keep voters at home, in my opinion, but I don't know about this one!  I don't doubt that Hillary has prayed to the Reptilian Gods to cause a catastrophic event of some kind to keep Trump voters at home to give her the win. smallnotamused

by Melissa Dykes, November 7th 2016

Quote:This has already been the craziest election in the history of the country, with the most overt corruption and fraud the American people have likely ever seen.

Now, on top of everything else that’s scheduled to go down tomorrow, it is being projected that a powerful coronal mass ejection (CME) is set to hit Earth tomorrow, and not just hit earth but a direct hit is in our forecast.

Related The White House Just Issued An -Executive Order- officially Preparing For The “Event?" | Geomagnetic "Collapse" and Storms 1 Day Later -- Commentary by Justin

According to Space Weather Live“A coronal mass ejection (or CME) is a giant cloud of solar plasma drenched with magnetic field lines that are blown away from the Sun during strong, long-duration solar flares and filament eruptions.”

What this means is the very real potential for strong geomagnetic storms here on Earth. Potential storms from CMEs like this have been known to cause everything from lost satellite control to radio and television interference to power grid disruption and failure.

For example, in March 1989, a powerful CME caused strong variations in the Earth’s magnetic field which tripped circuit breakers in Québec’s power grid, causing a massive blackout.

What makes this timing even more unsettling is the fact that just weeks ago, Obama signed a brand new executive order on October 13, 2016 specifically regarding Department of Energy, Department of Defense, and Homeland Security coordination in handling “space weather events” as reported by Mac Slavo over at SHTFplan.com:
Quote:Via WhiteHouse.Gov
Executive Order — Coordinating Efforts to Prepare the Nation for Space Weather Events
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to prepare the Nation for space weather events, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. Space weather events, in the form of solar flares, solar energetic particles, and geomagnetic disturbances, occur regularly, some with measurable effects on critical infrastructure systems and technologies, such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), satellite operations and communication, aviation, and the electrical power grid. Extreme space weather events — those that could significantly degrade critical infrastructure — could disable large portions of the electrical power grid, resulting in cascading failures that would affect key services such as water supply, healthcare, and transportation. Space weather has the potential to simultaneously affect and disrupt health and safety across entire continents. Successfully preparing for space weather events is an all-of-nation endeavor that requires partnerships across governments, emergency managers, academia, the media, the insurance industry, non-profits, and the private sector.
What are the odds???
It’s not like CMEs and solar flares are anything new… so why all of a sudden are they saying we need to, “speed the creation of a space-weather-ready Nation” right before it comes out that just a geomagnetic disturbance might happen on election day?

Add to that the fact that recently Homeland Security was also talking about taking over the elections as a matter of national security…
Do they know something we don’t here? Either way, considering that most of our data on these things comes from government agencies, the timing definitely makes you wonder what shenanigans are going to get pulled tomorrow with our easily hacked electronic voting machines
Can’t you just see the “confusion” that could be caused by intermittent power outages on election day, all blamed on the sun?

Always be prepared... just in case.

[Image: U.S.%2BElection%2BPrep.%2BStock%2BUp%2Bo...pplies.jpg]


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  China Has Admitted To The Existence of Aliens And UFOs
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-07-2016, 08:05 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (4)

Okay, I've got to get my attention away from the political BS and get back to my comfort zone... ETs and UFOs.   tinybiggrin 

So China has OFFICIALLY admitted they believe in the existence of aliens and UFOs and they want to break the ice and expose it all. 
Awesome!   smallgreensmoker
I wonder if this is part of the disclosure movement that Corey Goode was telling us about?   minusculethinking  There are some countries that want FULL disclousure now, not the drip, drip exposure the Cabal have agreed to.

Quote:Because of the constant pressure posed by the people willing to know the truth of what's really happening on this planet, they had no choice other than declassify decades of thorough investigations of unidentified flying objects.

The CIA, the FBI, the Navy, NASA, military officials, retired astronauts, ex-personnel of area 51, plus many other governments from Brazil, Russia, and recently China, are all admitting at least in part or in full that some really messed up things are happening around us, with the cause probably being otherworldly.

Although this data has been known for quite some time by those actively investigating the UFO phenomenon, there are others who are just waking up to this reality and who deserve to know the truth.

In a recent gathering of the non-profit organization known as Citizen Hearing, Shi-Li Sun, an esteemed researcher and president of the Chinese UFO Federation has stepped forward denouncing this concealed reality of UFOs.

According to him, the UFO phenomenon not only is authentic, but it stretches back tens of thousands of years, to a time when ancient China was barely shaping its culture and traits.

In his acceptance, otherworldly visitors might had impacted our entire society, and for an unknown period of time contributed to the foundation of humanity before vanishing into outer space, probably to return at a later date to check on Earth's well-being.

In Chinese culture, all these otherworldly beings personified as deities were converted into a single great cosmic beast – the Dragon.

Chinese people consider ourselves as the descendent of Dragon, and Dragon is from outer space in the Chinese culture, so in the Chinese culture we are from outer space as descendent of Dragon," Shi-Li affirmed.

To break this short, here is what he had to say on behalf of himself, and all the prominent figures involved in the Chinese UFO Organization:
Certainly, after years of research, a large number of Chinese UFO scholars, including myself, are convinced of the authenticity of UFO, the existence of UFOs and aliens…So, we believe in the existence of UFOs, we believe in the existence of aliens and extraterrestrials."

If you want to find all the spicy details unraveled by the Chinese, make sure to watch the official statement in the video below.
Oh, and don't forget to spread the word about these groundbreaking news, everyone deserves to know about this. [Skip to 6:50 mark for the statement]
(Text color changed by me)

This article was originally published on UFOHOLIC.COM

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  BREAKING: NYPD Has Just Come Forward To CONVICT Hillary
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-06-2016, 08:12 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (14)

Quote:The NYPD recently publicly announced that if the FBI doesn’t indict Hillary Clinton by Election Day, they will release the information on Hillary Clinton that is in their possession, which is the same information that is currently in each FBI agents’ hands.

Okay, we only have today and tomorrow to wait and see if Hillary is indicted.  The NYPD says "they guarantee things won’t end the same this time around."   I hope it doesn't!!

[Image: IMG_7303.png]

Quote:NYPD make a damning public statement to the public regarding Hillary Clinton.
Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener are now seeking immunity to testify against Hillary Clinton.
However, is immunity the best option to give a pedophile and his terrorist wife?

Cheryl Mills received immunity during the initial FBI investigation, yet somehow, Hillary Clinton was sitting right next to her during her testimony. This strikes beyond ‘suspicious’.

Huma Abedin has immediate ties with Saudi Arabia, her own mother is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, which encourages all rules enlisted by Sharia Law, including the grotesque and inhumane dismemberment and discard of female genitalia.

Abedin is thought to have specific terrorist ties to the tragic 9/11 attacks, bringing down the twin towers in NY. It is also thought that information regarding the Clinton scandals were stored in the buildings that suffered destruction, resulting in over 3,000 American deaths.

The infamous group of hackers, known as Anonymous, have released a video connecting the dots in the most simplistic form, explaining who Huma Abedin really is and why she may hold so many national security secrets.

This video is a must-watch. Please dedicate just eight minutes of your life and watch it in its entirety.

Quote:Huma Abedin is also speculated to be one of the few people that actually know where the Clintons’ “bodies are buried”.

The Clintons are thought to have murdered over 46 people, there are more people “missing” that are most likely buried in a desert somewhere.
Offering Huma Abedin immunity might seem unfair, but it might also be the only choice in cracking down on multitudes of heinous crimes committed by members of the DNC, Hillary Clinton, President Obama and Bill Clinton amongst many other people. This is turning into a worldwide investigation.

The FBI, as a whole, continues to voice their concerns regarding James Comey not properly handling the initial investigation. They guarantee things won’t end the same this time around.

However, the honorable men and women dressed in blue of the NYPD are going to really make sure it doesn’t.

The NYPD recently publicly announced that if the FBI doesn’t indict Hillary Clinton by Election Day, they will release the information on Hillary Clinton that is in their possession, which is the same information that is currently in each FBI agents’ hands.
This appalling information includes:
  • Sex crimes with minors and children
  • Perjury
  • Child Exploitation
  • Pay to play- via the Clinton Foundation
  • Money laundering
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Other crimes

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said that James Comey was forced to reopen a criminal probe when he saw the disturbing contents of the emails.
“People are going to prison,” he said.

New York Police Department say they will expose Hillary Clinton if the FBI doesn’t indict her.

True Pundit reports: “The new emails contain travel documents and itineraries indicating Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Weiner and multiple members of Congress and other government officials accompanied convicted pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein on his Boeing 727 on multiple occasions to his private island in the U.S Virgin Islands, sources said.”

“Epstein’s island has also been dubbed Orgy Island or Sex Slave Island where Epstein allegedly pimps out underage girls and boys to international dignitaries.”

“Both NYPD and FBI sources confirm based on the new emails they now believe Hillary Clinton traveled as Epstein’s guest on at least six occasions, probably more when all the evidence is combed, sources said.”

“Bill Clinton, it has been confirmed in media reports spanning recent years, that he too traveled with Epstein over 20 times to the island.”
So, now this–astounding information bringing down the leaders of our country for sex crimes with minors and children?!
This is an outrageously horrific crime. It is the worst of the worst. Do you see how they are infecting our children and young adults of our country?

For a full list of Huma Abedin and Anthony Wiener’s allegations, please click here.

Huma Abedin claimed that Hillary Clinton was too stupid to use the state’s fax machine, so she had to email her classified documents to her yahoo and gmail accounts in order to print them out so “Hillary could read them.”

Hillary Clinton, is a sociopath always asking for forgiveness.

[Image: IMG_7298-e1478290983587.jpg]

Quote:The FBI is uncovering mafia-like code in some of these emails, exposing them of satanic ritual witchcraft, murder, possible human sacrifices, sex with children, fraud, tax evasion, animal sacrifice- the list just keeps getting darker and stranger. We have never seen a list so vast yet so filthy.
Hillary Clinton is a devout follower of Saul Alinsky, who wrote President Obama’s and Hillary’s favorite book, Rules for Radicals and devoted it to ‘Lucifer’.

Some of these emails expose that Hillary said she will “not be vowing her allegiance to God”. Hillary Clinton is a satanist.
She dropped Christianity back when she left her father’s ideologies.

See–stress is all relative. Hillary Clinton is a sociopath. To turn to this life-path of hailing Satan at the level she has climbed to, Hillary Clinton has to be- there is no other explanation for her behavior.

Sociopaths are usually discovered as children and will never change. Sociopaths pretend to feel what we, human beings, feel. They lie and they prey off of human emotion and human logic. They are often time associated with serial killers.

This is our freedom, the Constitution that you know by heart, they want to turn it into Sharia Law, in fact, they are paid to. This is metaphorically and could be literally Satan taking over the world- the beginning of the rapture.

That’s a conversation for another day, but these FBI probes are just getting weirder and weirder.

[Image: IMG_7304-e1478291588916.jpg]

Quote:Donald Trump will be America’a next president.

Donald Trump has remained calm and strong the past week, he could be out drinking in Florida at a bar, like Hillary was, but he has been busy trying to show people his true character, not the pig the mainstream media has been portraying him to be. He’s taking this chance to get to know people on his terms.

She deserves to be behind bars, not given access to the Oval Office. Lets DRAIN THE SWAMP! Vote Donald Trump! End the corruption!


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  In her own lying words
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-06-2016, 10:47 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

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