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  I am starting to feel embarrassed for America...
Posted by: Jude - 11-12-2016, 03:22 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (10)

As Americans comes to terms with the election results, students seem to need extra time and care to cope with Donald Trump’s victory. Colleges across the US have canceled classes and exams, offered disaster counseling and dog and coloring book therapies.


Quote:Cornell University students took a different approach and held a “cry-in,” which the school’s staff supplied with tissues and hot chocolate.

One student at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond took matters into his hands and spent eight hours offering free hugs to everyone on Election Night.

Alejandro Andrade held a hand-written banner that read: “In light of the hate and/or mistrust… FREE HUGS,” according to the Good News Network.

Tufts University offered to heal the shock with arts and crafts, while University of Michigan students were welcome to distract themselves from bad news by playing with Play-Doh and coloring in coloring books.



This is becoming an epidemic of sorts. I am starting to feel embarrassed for America...

Can I have a coloring book, a tissue and a hug please?

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  A New Sound For Metallica!
Posted by: Jude - 11-11-2016, 10:13 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (2)

Kinda Catchy!


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  What To Do With $130 Worth Of Pennies?
Posted by: Jude - 11-11-2016, 08:19 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (4)

Quote:Shiny! About $130 in pennies, 10 bottles of elmer's glue, some grout I found in my basement and some damn expensive epoxy (~$150), a tub of wood filler because plywood is holey and pennies are small, and a few pieces of wood. Also, one of my dogs kept making its way across any barricade I constructed and pooping on the pennies. Had to pry up those areas every time because even if I when I could clean it up properly, like a stiff turd that didn't seep into the cracks between pennies, it would tarnish the dark pennies and lighten the tarnished pennies overnight. The dog's name is Trouble so that one might be on us.

To make a floor this beautiful would have cost more to buy materials. He makes a beautiful floor using actual money...Go figure. tinycool

[Image: FhEImay.jpg]

Here are pics of the process:



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  Soros is Busing In 'PAID PROTESTERS' for Nationwide Anti Trump Protests
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-11-2016, 06:21 PM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (11)

Yep, he was behind all the protests in Ferguson, and many others where they tried to cause a civil war with their BLM movement, false flags all kinds, and he's still at it.

Some people just don't know when to quit!   tinyok

You might want to check the list the narrator puts up in a link and see if they are coming to a city near you.  If so, PLEASE be safe and don't take part in this lunacy!   tinycrying 

[Image: george-soros-draco-1078x515-800x416.jpg]

All Soros is doing now is exposing to the masses just how evil and corrupt the left wing is at the top, and how they are leading the BLIND to the slaughter to do his dirty work for him!  He (and the Cabal) want to usher in the NWO, and these people are too blind to realize that! 


BOOM! Soros Behind Busing In 'PAID PROTESTERS' for Nationwide Anti Trump Protests


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  A toast to old friends long gone but not forgotten ......
Posted by: Daitengu - 11-11-2016, 11:41 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (8)

On this the 11th day of the 11th month ..... drinks lined up on table an box cigars set out for old friends an brothers in arms ..... lost in jungles of s.e asia .... they once again appear looking as they did all those years ago ..... hard to believe was once that young ...... and how worlds changed since ..... your gone brothers ..... but far from forgotten ......

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  Was All This The REAL Plan?
Posted by: Jude - 11-11-2016, 08:04 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (8)

Think about it...

Trump wins, the snowflakes revolt (for what, they do not know...it's just fun and feels good), Hillary calls foul on the vote (as she is), Obama calls out the National Guard (Martial Law), Election is called null & void, NOW Trump supporters take to the streets as well...*BOOM!*

Civil War, people fighting each other in the streets (Master plan), The elite giggle. America destroys itself from within. Why?

It needs money to rebuild and where does that come from? More debt and Servitude.

Seem far fetched? We've been right so far folks.

If I'm right, Trump HAD to win in order to kick it into high gear. When it gets hot enough, Trump is removed by a coup (Revolution) and Hillary is seated on the throne with Obama as her guide.

Hope I'm wrong but somehow I think I'm dead on.


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  Voice of God Technology and the Riots
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-11-2016, 04:32 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (4)

I don't really know where to place this thread, but it's science-related, so...

I just had a thought that maybe the voice of God technology is being used on some of these people that are rioting over the election.
I mean, sure, we have all been upset in the past when someone we voted for didn't win, but my god... never like this!!  tinysurprised 

It's those BLM thugs stirring things up, paid by Soros, but what about all the others joining in?

Soros-Funded Group Organizing Massive Anti-Trump Protests Nationwide

[Image: Soros-Trump-2-800x350.jpg]

The Voice of God is a Weaponized Mind Control Frequency Technology.  Maybe the Elite are trying out their toy on the masses. 

Quote:A quick search for this technology does appear online in a few sources and is even mentioned on some mainstream media websites.  Further research points to different names for this suppressed military technology.  Here is a quick list of names for researchers to dig further into this disruptive tech.
  • The Voice of God
  • V2K – Voice-To-Skull Devices
  • Remote Behavioral Influence Technology
  • LRAD (Long Range Acoustic Device)
  • DARPA’s Sonic Projectors

Apparently the military has used this weapon during the Iraq war in order to create chaos within the ranks of the enemy combatants.  Here is an excerpt from the Strategy Page report on the use of LRAD aka “The Voice of God”

Quote:It appears that some of the troops in Iraq are using “spoken” (as opposed to “screeching”) LRAD to mess with enemy fighters. Islamic terrorists tend to be superstitious and, of course, very religious. LRAD can put the “word of God” into their heads. If God, in the form of a voice that only you can hear, tells you to surrender, or run away, what are you gonna do? ~strategypage.com

Here's how it works:

[Image: hypno2s.gif]

Here is Corey Goode’s response about the “Voice of God” technology.

Quote:this technology uses “Bio-Neural Interface” methods that have evolved over the decades since it was developed. The older LF/ELF frequency VOG devices could focus on an individual in a crowd but after a certain range the “blooming affect” caused a loss in its desired effect. The more recent technology can now focus on an individual from a drone aircraft or even Low Earth Orbit.

Depending on the model and settings it can be used to maintain point to point communications with operatives in the field, cause an unsuspecting person to hear voices through vibrations in their skull and brain matter or even download audio, olfactory and visual data directly to their neurological systems. As SOP operatives are exposed to this technology to be able to recognize when they are being targeted.

The people that create the data or reality constructs that are “downloaded” are called “Programmers”. This VOG technology is heavily used on people who channel as well as “Targeted Individuals”. It can produce hallucinations that are incredibly realistic. Heavy use of this technology over a long period of time will induce Paranoid Schizophrenia in people who would otherwise never have developed this disorder.

It is a very nasty and dangerous technology that is widely used against the public. It has been a major tool to spread misinformation through the “truther movement” and to discredit legitimate contacts and communications with non-terrestrials. It has been used with a large amount of success in creating competing narratives to cause schisms between followers of various esoteric groups.  VOG technology is currently in use as of the date of this response. ~http://spherebeingalliance.com/faqs/791-...quot-where

There are several links on the Source Page for those who want to check this out further.

I'm just astonished at how people are acting!  Something more could be going on that we aren't "seeing".  I'm just looking for answers because this type of behavior just isn't human!  Who the hell beats up an old man just because he voted for someone you didn't?! minusculeredtantrum

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Wink Leonard Cohen dies aged 82
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 11-11-2016, 04:05 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (3)

And another music great passes away.

Quote:Canadian singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen has died at the age of 82, according to a post on his official Facebook page.

"We have lost one of music's most revered and prolific visionaries," the post said.

A highly-respected artist known for his poetic and lyrical music, Cohen wrote a number of popular songs including the often-covered "Hallelujah."

Sony Music Canada tweeted, "The Sony Music Canada family joins the world in mourning Leonard Cohen's passing."

    The Sony Music Canada family joins the world in mourning Leonard Cohen's passing.
    — Sony Music Canada (@Sony_Music) November 11, 2016

His 14th studio album, "You Want It Darker," had just been released on October 21.

Apart from his successful musical career, Cohen also wrote novels and numerous collections of poetry.

A memorial will be held in Los Angeles at a later date, the Facebook post said.

Tributes to Cohen

Hamilton composer Lin-Manuel Miranda joined the chorus of celebrities farewelling the artist on social media, quoting from Cohen's "Suzanne."

    & when he knew for certain
    Only drowning men could see him
    He said all men will be sailors then
    Until the sea shall free them
    -Leonard Cohen
    — Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) November 11, 2016

Many posted a line from his 1992 single, Anthem: "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

    "There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in."

    ~Leonard Cohen pic.twitter.com/4uhbnSaCAJ
    — Tina (@tina_baines) October 30, 2016

    Dear Leonard Cohen, thanks for the quiet nights, the reflection, the perspective, the wry smiles and the truth #towerofsong
    — Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) November 11, 2016
Leonard Cohen dead: Canadian singer-songwriter passes away at 82 - CNN.com

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  Immigrating to Canada ?
Posted by: Sol - 11-10-2016, 03:35 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (12)

Cape Breton, NS is welcoming you.

Cape Breton if Donald Trump wins...

This website was meant as a joke that isn't one, in reality, now that Mr Trump has been elected.

There is a lot of rumors going around about celebrities moving to Canada and as many of you have heard, our own Canadian Immigration Server crashed from heavy traffic, Tuesday evening, as the trend started to go towards a Trump win.

As a Canadian, here are my thoughts on all of this.

Moving out is simply evading a problem that each and every one of US will have to eventually face down the road; fixing a corrupted establishment.

We are no different here, my friends. The stink that goes on behind our parliament closed doors is as bad as yours.

And by the way, why would we accept Barbara Streisand, Cher or Ariana Grande when it took us so long to get rid of Justin Bieber? LOL

But let's be real here. These celebrities have no intentions of moving out, it's just good publicity for them at the moment.

For everyone else wanting to move out, and here lies a profound problem, my question to you is why?

Your country has been through divisions before, is till being divided and will most probably always be. That is the nature of democracy; everyone is allowed his or her own opinion, be it good or bad - which is in the way you perceive it, btw...

Don't think Canada is divided? Think again. On my last trip to Mexico, last year(just before our federal elections), I met a guy who lived in Winnipeg. We had a few drinks, had great discussions, up to the point when he asked me who I'd be voting for. I am not one to hide behind my opinions or beliefs; it hasn't always helped me but hey...nobody's perfect : ) So I told him I'd be voting for Trudeau as I had enough of the Harper regime. My newly Winnipeg friend turned into a political stalker...pissed off, angry and disrespectful (every time we saw him after that revelation) where to the point where Louise (my girlfriend) thought that I was about to punch his lights out, I guess she saw in my face that this dude was now really getting under my skin.

But I decided to just walk away and to respect his opinion. I saw him one last time before we left - and he said "Have Fun with Trudeau..." with this smirk on his face that I would have loved to knock out of the park but I just replied "Yeah...you have a nice life too..." and turned my back to him.

Elections - no matter where they are - have this way of splitting us apart. Here in Canada, we have the red and blue, just like you do. In my teens, I was trained to think that the Sky is blue and Hell is red. That's an early programming for things to come, just like you guys have been 'trained' towards a political party or another.

For some of you, Trump being elected is as much of a nightmare as Trudeau being elected for that Winnipeg guy was. No difference. The only difference is in between your own two ears.

I read an article this morning that Hillary couldn't stop crying when she found out she was losing and that she started to blame Comey and Obama for not stopping him before, as Bill had said he'd do.

That is the type of stuff behind closed doors that I'm talking about...

Don't get me wrong. No one has any idea if Trump is as legit as he says. If any of you think that he became a billionaire without having a few political skeletons in his closet, I have news for you; you are as blind as a Clinton supporter that thinks that Hillary was the next Virgin Mary...

People have voted for Trump because they think that he can change the establishment. People here voted for Trudeau in much the same way.

Just remember that when ANY of those I mentioned above have their champagne and caviar, you are the one working your ass off to make ends meet.

THAT is the hard cold reality, election after election, no matter who got elected.

So please, spare me the "I'm moving to Canada" bullshit line. I'm not buying it.

The only thing we can do - aside from a Revolution like bumf**k countries do - is elect who we think will change things. We hold on to HOPE with both hands.

Which sums up into one last and tough question.

Do any of you really think that any ONE individual can change the establishment?

I'm just asking. Enlighten me : )


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  ‘CERN LHC AWAKE Experiments Caused Recent Massive Earthquakes In Italy
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 11-10-2016, 06:39 AM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (15)

Thought this might be of interest to some people here - the theory is being poo-pooed as a whacky conspiracy theory.

Well they are hardly going to turn round and admit it, are they?

Quote:LHC Opened Stargate Portal To Another Dimension, Conspiracy Theorists Claim

Conspiracy theorists have raised an alarm that ongoing AWAKE experiments at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) facility near Geneva in Switzerland triggered the recent series of earthquakes that hit central Italy and killed more than 250 people.

According to the bizarre claim presented in a video titled “Stargate Awakens at CERN,” uploaded to YouTube on November 5, 2016, by conspiracy theorist BPEarthWatch, recent high-energy AWAKE experiments at the CERN LHC facility located near the French-Swiss border harnessed and unleashed unknown forces that triggered the series of tremors and quakes.

The quakes, the first of which occurred in August, destroyed buildings and historical monuments, which caused loss of human lives in central Italian towns, such as Amatrice and the mountain village, Castelluccio di Norcia, according to the Globe and Mail.

But CERN authorities in Geneva have reportedly denied the conspiracy theory claims that AWAKE experiments at the LHC facility caused the earthquakes.

The 16-mile ring-shaped LHC is the world’s most powerful particle accelerator and collider machine. It accelerates charged particles, such as protons, to very high energy levels close to the speed of the light before causing them to collide.

The purpose of accelerating and colliding fundamental particles is to simulate high-energy conditions that occurred in the universe soon after the Big Bang. The goal of scientists is to unravel the small scale interactive forces underlying the structure of the universe as we know it.

According to CERN, the Proton Driven Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiment (AWAKE) is an investigation of the use of “plasma wakefields driven by a proton bunch” to accelerate charged fundamental particles to high energies before bringing them into collision as a way of probing even deeper into the secrets of the origin of our universe.

Scientists hope that a breakthrough in the use of “plasma wakefields” to accelerate fundamental charged particles — instead of the current method that relies on the use of superconducting magnets — could mean that engineers do not have to build bigger and bigger particle accelerators to achieve higher and higher energies because the “plasma wakefields” would be able to accelerate particles to higher energy levels over shorter distances.

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