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  Hillary Clintion Loses as Massive Fraud is Uncovered!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-07-2016, 04:06 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (6)


n the Wisconsin Day 3 Recount Update 18,422 votes for Hillary Clinton were erased resulting in a 15,133 vote net increase for Donald Trump.
Trump won Wisconsin by over 22,000 votes in Wisconsin but thanks to Jill Stein a recount is currently underway.

So far the recount has made little news because, as Heavy reported at the end of day 2 of the recount, the net vote in Wisconsin had only changed by 3 votes.
However, the Wisconsin Board of Elections just posted updated recount results for Day 3 on their recount update page and today’s net changes are much more dramatic.
In the Day 3 recount update, Hillary Clinton has a net total loss of 18,422 votes in from the original count in areas that have been recounted so far.

In contrast, Donald Trump has a net total loss of 3,289 votes from the original count in areas that have been recounted so far.
The resulting total difference is a net change of 15,133 votes in favor of Donald Trump after the completion of the 3rd day of the recount.
These are not final results and the recount is still underway. These counts reflect the difference between the votes counted in the recount verse the votes counted in the original election.
This screen shot below shows the sum of the net total changes for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton after the 3rd day of the recount.[Image: Wisconsin-Recount-Day-3-Totals.png]
In the City of Milwaukee Hillary lost 17,990 votes and Trump lost 1783 votes:
[Image: Milwaukee-County-Hillary-Lost-17990.png]
In the entire county of Milwaukee County Hillary lost 18820 votes and Trump Lost 3534 votes.
[Image: Milwaukee-County-Hillary-Lost-18820.png]
These changes are of course altered but net losses and additions in other precincts.
Unless the official data is in some manner inaccurate or incomplete, this would suggest that 10,000s of thousands of votes are being during the recount process
Coincidentally, Jill Stein has just withdrew her Pennsylvania recount petition claiming she couldn’t afford to posted the 1 million bond required.
Of course that is absolutely false given she has raised nearly $7 million from donors to fund her recount and the withdrawal comes as Trump’s lead in PA has shrunk from 71,000 to 49,000 after officials included overseas and absentee ballots that were originally not included.
The recount in concession effectively ends any chance of the election being overturned in Hillary’s favor unless recount petitions are filed in additional states.


You can read more on this here:  LINK

Woo Hoo!   smallgreenbananadancer   I'm starting to breath easier already.   minusculeclap

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Sad King Arthur and Pharaoe ?
Posted by: Surya - 12-07-2016, 04:04 AM - Forum: World History - Replies (24)

Hello All,
Recently, I read a part of an old book written in Old French. This one was saying that King Arthur really existed except that he was not in search of the Grail but simply a warrior in the pay of England, named by some "terrible bear". Behind a legend, there is always a bit of truth for those who seek ...

Now, this same book mentioned that there was a certain Gatelus and Scota (daughter of a Pharaoh) who came to Portugal and then, they went to Ireland. When we look at an old map, Ireland was called "Hibernia" and it was considered as a "Sacred Land".

So why did England deport as many Irish as slaves or others? Just as the Acadians of Canada?

Finally, to return to the story of "Gatelus and Scota," I would think that perhaps Pharaoh Akhenaton did not die of poisoning as history taught us and that he simply refugee in Portugal with all his family ... just like the "Three Marie" in France ".
I’m just giving you a part of the hsitory that I read in french and I would like to know what you think about that ?
Surya ☼

P.S. Sorry for the traduction ;-(

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  Elector Refuses to Vote the Will Of The People
Posted by: Grace - 12-07-2016, 01:54 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (11)

The article, in its entirety is written by Texas Elector Christopher Suprun, and I checked, he is a real elector in the state of Texas. The title of the article is Why I WILL NOT Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump.

Quote:.....now I am asked to cast a vote on Dec. 19 for someone who shows daily he is not qualified for the office....

The election of the next president is not yet a done deal. Electors of conscience can still do the right thing for the good of the country. Presidential electors have the legal right and a constitutional duty to vote their conscience. I believe electors should unify behind a Republican alternative, an honorable and qualified man or woman such as Gov. John Kasich of Ohio. I pray my fellow electors will do their job and join with me in discovering who that person should be.

Fifteen years ago, I swore an oath to defend my country and Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. On Dec. 19, I will do it again.


I have looked into this man, Politico reported some time back that he was someone who said he would have a difficult time voting for Trump should he win the state of Texas, but then he later recanted, and claimed he never said that.


So, I cannot but think he likely did write this article stating that he was not going to vote for Trump on December the 19th.

Texas, is one of 21 states without faithless elector laws, so he will face no state penalty for abstaining to vote, or for voting for someone other than Trump.


There is a concerted effort among democrats to convince republican electors to go against the vote of their states and vote for someone else.

Quote:At least a half-dozen Democratic electors have signed onto an attempt to block Donald Trump from winning an Electoral College majority, an effort designed not only to deny Trump the presidency but also to undermine the legitimacy of the institution.

The presidential electors, mostly former Bernie Sanders supporters who hail from Washington state and Colorado, are now lobbying their Republican counterparts in other states to reject their oaths — and in some cases, state law — to vote against Trump when the Electoral College meets on Dec. 19.


Now, with Donald Trump having 309 electoral votes, you would think his hold on winning the electoral college is solid, even if he looses a few of the electors votes in the 19th.

But this might not be completely true. Michigan was ordered by a federal judge to go forward with the recount on Monday, even though according to Michigan state law any recount has to be done by hand (not machines), and the recount has to be certified by December 13th. That gave them 8 days to do a recount of the entire state, by hand.

Michigan as a result, if it cannot get the recount done in time, stands to loose all of its electoral votes in the college. Basically, if the recount is not certified, the people of Michigan have no voice in this election.


In the end, while this is a long shot, and a last ditch effort if the votes in a state Like Michigan can be disenfranchised of their electoral college votes, perhaps another state as well as recounts are ongoing in four states I believe, coupled with a few faithless electors, this ditch effort might put the election results on rocky ground.

Ultimately, however, it will fail, as in all such instances like this it would be placed before the House if these republican faithless electors vote for someone other than Clinton, and the House would then vote on the matter. With the Republicans in the control of the House, and Trump giving establishment republicans in cabinet positions, it should go to Trump in the end.

Ultimately, this last ditch effort, seems more an effort to make people loose confidence in the electoral college, and the real issue now rears its ugly head - for if people loose confidence in the electoral college and remove the college from our election system, the democrats will never loose another election again in the future history of our nation, and the large coastal cities will run this entire country, and the many and disparate people's in states throughout this nation, will be disenfranchised once and for all of their voice.

We cannot allow this to happen, we cannot allow them to undermine our electoral college. The founders gave us this system for our benefit, and it behooves us not to forget it.

To wrap up with the heartwarming - John Kasich made a wonderful statement today, denouncing the faithless electors who are talking about voting for him, and told them not to bother casting their vote for him.  Source

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Posted by: 727Sky - 12-07-2016, 12:55 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (1)

Quote:My wife and I went to the Youngstown Agricultural Fair and one of the first exhibits we stopped at was the breeding bulls. We went up to the first pen and there was a sign attached that said.....
Quote:My wife playfully nudged me in the ribs ....Smiled and said, 'He mated 50 times last year, that's almost once a week.'

We walked to the second pen which had a sign attached that said,
''THIS BULL MATED 150 TIMES LAST YEAR' My wife gave me a healthy jab and said, 'WOW~~That's almost 3 times a week ! .........You could learn a lot from him.'
We walked to the third pen and it had a sign attached that said in capital letters,


My wife was so excited that her elbow nearly broke my ribs, and said, 'That's once a day ..You could REALLY learn something from this one.'

I looked at her and said, 'Go over and ask him if it was with the same cow...'

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  The Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ...
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-07-2016, 12:43 AM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (29)

This article states it has proven that the capital of Atlantis was the Antarctic. 

Is this why Hitler was so insistent about going there? 
Wonder what all types of technology they have hidden from us there in the underground caves?

Well, all I can say is, too many "elite" are interested in the area for there not to be something of great importance there. tinywondering 

Quote:The secret is discovered!

Following a discovery made on Monday, November 28, 2016, We have the pleasure to announce you officially, as we suspected, that The Meridian of Greenwich commemorates and secretly indicates the exact position of the Capital of Atlantis! Known today as the Antarctic ... It's extraordinary !!

"The secret was well hidden because it was exposed in full light ..." the dazzling sunlight of Greenwich, which rhythm all clocks of the world! As one friend said so well: "The mockers will one day know that their life and the passing time was punctuated by Atlantis..."

At last, the big day arrives ! The irrefutable and mathematical proofs will be broadcast in the form of a video conference whose date and place will be transmitted to you shortly.

Know that we are today, happy and proud that our theory proved to be correct and therefore, to have been able to give you the message of the builders.

As a prelude to this announcement, here is our exclusive video, which proves and irrefutably that the Pyramid of Cheops is the perfect representation of our planet! And that the Builders knew the Universal Laws of Gravitation!


Well, I'll be keeping an eye out for the "next announcement".  To say you have evidence of Atlantis is an extraordinary claim!

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  Field McConnell On How The Deep State Uses Plane Crashes
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-06-2016, 07:51 PM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (4)

Have you heard of Field McConnell? 

All I can say is WOW!  This man has some deep knowledge on the truth concerning 9-11, the Missing Malaysia 370 plane, and Malaysia 17 that came down. 
He discusses Trump, Hillary, the Rothschild family, and so much more. 

I was first introduced to him when Sean Stone had him on his show, Buzzsaw, last night that airs on GAIA t.v. 
Sean's show is only 30 minutes long, but the amount of information they piled into that episode was astonishing!  
So... I had to go look for other videos on McConnell that I could share with you here because you have to subscribe to GAIA in order to see that particular episode of Buzzsaw. 

I still can't recommend the GAIA t.v. network strongly enough for all the great shows they offer for only $9.95/mo. It's an alternative to the MSM where people can learn the real truth about what is going on in the world. (I am not affiliated with GAIA t.v. in any way.)

Anyway... back to my post, I tried to find a good video to share where he discussed the same topics he covered last night.  I wanted something where it showed the people talking because I find those much easier to get through than the podcasts.  However, a podcast is all I could find that offers the topics I wanted to share.  I'm sure if you want, you can go find others on You Tube where he discusses more topics of interest.

Here is the video/podcast I chose. I hope you will take time to listen because this guy blew my mind with what he is sharing.  I'm surprised he is still breathing, honestly.  It's amazing!

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  yjinij Nice to met you
Posted by: guohua - 12-06-2016, 01:47 PM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (3)

@"yjinij"  Hello!  minusculehello

Nice of you to join our Family here.
Hope you find our threads and posts interesting.
Please feel free to contribute and make suggestions.

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  Loz's Magnificent 7-tone Fart Symphony
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-06-2016, 01:58 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (3)

And Now For Your Listening Pleasure...

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  University’s ‘Whiteness Forum’ takes ‘critical look at whiteness’
Posted by: guohua - 12-06-2016, 01:20 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (17)

Yes, what they're saying is, you're White so you've had everything given to you and had special privileges and an easy life.
You should be ashamed of your Whiteness. 

Quote:Students at Cal State San Marcos on Thursday hosted a “Whiteness Forum” as part of a communications class they are enrolled in, setting up more than a dozen displays that highlighted what they contend is how white privilege has oppressed people of color in a variety of ways.

A “white beauty standard” display stated “we are studying the white hegemonic ideals of the beauty industry.” Another asked “who does whiteness say that you are,” noting “whiteness studies” is defined as “the study of the system of white dominion in our society with a focus on ideologies of white supremacy as collective, rather than white individuals.”

A “Make America White Again” display included an image of Donald Trump’s baseball hat and argued his campaign has led to a wave of hate crimes.

A “Whiteness in the Court” project explained “the law is a tool used by dominant groups, those that have the social, political and economic power, to represent their interests and reflect their values to maintain their privileged position over subordinate groups.” It cited stats that “blacks are five times more likely to go to prison over whites of similar conviction” and “Latinos are three times more likely to go to prison over whites of similar conviction.”

Other displays: “Gentrification is the new Colonialism,” “Stand up for Standing Rock” and a “Wheel of Whiteness.”
During the two-hour event, students who created the displays talked to guests about their projects, explaining their studies and quizzing passersby on facts and figures relating to race. One group had guests spin the “Wheel of Whiteness.” Another passed out “gentrification is the new colonialism” stickers.
Quote:“Students learn best when they actually do something as opposed to just hear something,” said Professor Dreama Moon, who teaches the communications class called “Communicating Whiteness.” Every year for the last 13 years, students have created projects to pull together the forum as part of the class, she said.

Moon, in an interview with The College Fix, said “we need to learn how to have a conversation with people, to engage.
Yes, that's her name!  tinylaughing
Quote:At the start of the forum, Moon told the crowd that “one thing you can do today is to begin to educate yourself about white supremacy and learn how to not support it and how to help eradicate it.” She also pointed out a “boycott/support” table, which Moon said “tells you how to support businesses that support your values.”

A flier titled “Boycott in Solidarity” stated that “in the aftermath of Donald Trump being the new President-elect, several companies have come out and shown their support to his rhetoric. Many people might not know which companies, so we want to bring some awareness to it and let you know what companies you might want to avoid and possibly boycott.” NASCAR, the UFC, Jenny Craig, Macy’s, Hobby Lobby, Amazon and others were on the list.
How is this Educational? What is Moon Teaching, Self-Hate?

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  Cloaked Spaceship Caught by NASA Camera
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-05-2016, 06:35 PM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (11)

Quote:NASA's All-Sky Cameras caught a cloaked starship illuminates the night sky in New Mexico on December 2, 2016.

The object's luminous/shimmering appearance seemed to resemble a cloaked starship.

It seems to fly very smoothly gliding effortlessly through the air.


According to several whistle-blowers, there are cloaked ships all around the Earth watching us that have come in from all over the solar system and other dimensions too.  They say we are at the end of an experiment that has been going on for thousands and thousands of years, and they are here to witness the end result.   tinyhuh

Does this look like a cloaked ship to you, or what do you think? 

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