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  Woman can’t leave her house
Posted by: guohua - 12-22-2016, 12:55 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

Yes, that is what she's saying and the reason is Technology.

Quote:Woman can’t leave her house because of an allergy to Wifi and mobile phones
WTF, you might ask, but I understand this is Very Real.
Quote:A woman says she is permanently housebound because she’s allergic to Wifi and phone signals.

Kim De’Atta can rarely see friends and family because electromagnetic waves from modern technology give her migraines, fatigue and even infections.

The former nurse has to wear a shielded bed net on the rare occasions she leaves her home and can only visit places with poor mobile phone reception.

The debilitating condition has forced her to move home twice due to phone masts being built nearby and she now sleeps under a special net.

She hopes that speaking out about electrosensitivity will help people understand her unusual condition and be more sympathetic.

Kim said: ‘Most of the time people think I am mad. It is so difficult because people are not feeling it themselves.
‘I have not seen friends and family for so long. I have had two visitors for half a day each this year. It’s heart-breaking really.

‘The only place I can go is Crewkerne or Lyme Regis as if I go anywhere else I get some serious symptoms.

‘I had not seen my closest aunt for ten years and she didn’t really understand why. We were so close before.

‘I could not bear it anymore and she was 91 at the time. I had to wear my shielded bed net over my head and you can imagine I got some funny looks on the bus.

‘It was so tough for me but I’m pleased I did it because she died the next year and if I hadn’t seen her I would never have forgiven myself.’

Kim said her problems started when she was 16 and living in south London and she started to become ill when she was near TVs.

She discovered more about electrosensitivity and realised her problems were being caused by waves emitted from mobile phones, televisions, Wi-Fi and electronic devices.
Kim moved to Glastonbury to escape the waves and felt better until a few years later when a mobile phone mast was installed in the town centre.
‘I now realise my health started to deteriorate from that point and I started to experience migraines, fatigue and infections,’ she said.
Read the rest of the article here: Source

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  After 50 Years, A Dead Satellite Sends Out Messages
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-21-2016, 11:59 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (4)

Woo-woo ahead!   tinybighuh 

I listened to the sound in the video, and it made me wonder if this is a type of frequency that is being used to control the humans in some manner?

There has definitely been a shift; some say it's a good shift, while others say they feel uneasy.  I suppose it has to do with where you are in your spiritual understanding.

Or, could it be an advanced technology being directed at Mother Earth to cause the increase in the volcanic activity we are seeing now?

Anyway, listen and see what you think...

[Image: 700_277c7ee812e48dad8ddb5c0c47cf00c5.jpg?v=1482353406]

Quote:Some spectators have spoken about a Satellite that has been silent and floating silently in the massive void of space for roughly 50 years, and it has started sending out messages that are quite eerie in nature! They say that in space no one can hear you scream or any noticeable sounds that the human ear can distinguish. You can’t make noise in space that we can all hear with our basic ears. For us to know that sound can travel, there have to be something molecules reacting and on the Planet Earth, sound travels to your ears by air molecules vibrating violently against each other, and of course in deep space, there are no molecules in the empty void to vibrate in the first place which stops the sound! Therefore, the only way to communicate across space currently is to use satellites which transmit radio signals. Radio signals are a type of electromagnetic radiation found along the electromagnetic spectrum, and they have frequencies as high as 300 GHz and as low as 3 kHz which reminds me of my microwave oven back home! It can be quite phenomenal to consider just how many little satellites we have circling the Planet Earth, floating in the vacuum, sending messages into the abyss or to our good place cell phone towers. Makes you wonder if anything has ever tried to send a message back to us? So who could be sending these messages? Aliens! But now after over half a century of silence, a satellite has started transmitting eerie signals spontaneously which has scientists stunned and surprised. Despite the governments of the world looking to deny any existence of UFOs. There has been a significant amount UFO activity over the last year, and while this doesn’t explicitly confirm or deny the existence of intelligent alien life, it just goes to show that they could well be out there!


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  Naples astride a rumbling mega-volcano
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-21-2016, 08:57 AM - Forum: Forces of Nature - Replies (1)

A slumbering Campi Flegrei volcano under the Italian city of Naples shows signs of "reawakening" and may be nearing a critical pressure point, according to a study published Tuesday.

Italian and French scientists have for the first time identified a threshold beyond which rising magma under the Earth's surface could trigger the release of fluids and gases at a 10-fold increased rate.
This would cause the injection of high-temperature steam into surrounding rocks, said lead author Giovanni Chiodini, a researcher at Italy's National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology in Bologna.
"Hydrothermal rocks, if heated, can ultimately lose their mechanical resistance, causing an acceleration towards critical conditions," he told AFP by email.
It is not possible at this time to say when—or if—the volcano will erupt anew, he said.
If it did, however, "it would be very dangerous" for the half-million people living inside and near the caldera, he added, using the scientific name for the bowl-like depression created after a volcano blows its top.
Since 2005, Campi Flegrei has been undergoing what scientists call "uplift", causing Italian authorities to raise the alert level in 2012 from green to yellow, signalling the need for active scientific monitoring.
The pace of ground deformation and low-level seismic activity has recently increased.
Two other active volcanoes—Rabaul in Papua New Guinea, and Sierra Negra in the Galapagos—"both showed acceleration in ground deformation before eruption with a pattern similar to that observed at Campi Flegrei," Chiodini said.
The Campi Flegrei caldera was formed 39,000 years ago in a blast that threw hundreds of cubic kilometres of lava, rock and debris into the air.
It was the largest eruption in Europe in the past 200,000 years, according to scientists.
Campi Flegrei last erupted in 1538, though on a much smaller scale.
Nearby Mount Vesuvius, whose massive eruption just over 2,000 years buried several Roman settlements in the area, including Pompeii, is also classified as an active volcano.
The dense urban population at risk "highlights the urgency of obtaining a better understanding of Campi Flegrei's behaviour," Chiodini said.
The study was published in the scientific journal Nature Communications.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2016-12-naples-astr...o.html#jCp


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  'Calexit' group opens Russian embassy,
Posted by: guohua - 12-21-2016, 05:18 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (9)

"Calexit" is what this group wants to rename California after this group gets the approval for an Independent California, Yes no longer part of the United States of America.
OK, GREAT, No Loss There, let them leave and take their crime and illegals with them!

Quote:California secession organizers say they've opened an embassy -- in Moscow
They Wish,,, they're all Socialist (Progressives)  anyway.
These cry babies are doing this because Trump Won and their State (California) votes did not give the Election to Hillary.
So, they feel all Butt Hurt!

Quote:California gained an embassy in Russia last weekend, at least in the eyes of those who have promised to seek a statewide vote on secession, nicknamed "Calexit," in 2018.
Louis Marinelli, a San Diego resident who is the leader of the group promoting an effort to turn the state into an independent country , organized the Moscow event that was publicized on social media.
"We want to start laying the groundwork for a dialogue about an independent California joining the United Nations now," he said in an email Monday.
 [Image: Cz9VjcXXUAAwCU_.jpg]
Quote:Marinelli is currently working as an English teacher in Russia, and said he is there working on immigration issues related to his wife, who is a Russian national.
The effort faces the longest of odds, requiring not only initial approval by California voters in 2018 but a subsequent special election in 2019. Even if successful then, the proposal would have to pass difficult if not insurmountable legal obstacles.
Marinelli said he's not discouraged by the high hurdles.
"All major social and political movements in this country take time and inevitably have to overcome failures and setbacks before they are ultimately successful," he said.

Please, Please, Please, Let Them Have Their Own Little Slice Of Progressive Socialism and Be Done With Them, Oh,,,, No californias can move to other States with out the proper Passport and Visa and Immigration paper work approved.

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  Now I Have To Build a Frikkin' Spice Rack For My Wife!!
Posted by: Jude - 12-21-2016, 12:43 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (5)

I really hate this guy... tinybiggrin 


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  Civilians making social media pleas from Aleppo actually activists with MSM primetime
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 12-20-2016, 10:35 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (4)

News and reporting is going through major changes at the minute, and needs to be addressed.

Quote:Social media coming out of Aleppo has gone into overdrive. Well-articulated video pleas alleging near-death snake their way into the mainstream. There’s just one issue: these aren’t just any civilians, but activists and filmmakers – with spots on primetime TV. 

A viral video by ‘In the Now’ host Anissa Naouai notes that it barely takes an internet search to quickly verify their identities.

The narrative is the same each time: that an all-out genocide is taking place; that the Assad forces are going from city to city killing their own people and taking no prisoners; and that Aleppo’s rebels valiantly look death in the face as they endure alleged Russian bombardment.

‘In the Now’ found there's little to indicate that the people appearing in the mobile videos were actual civilians experiencing the hyped 'Russian and Syrian shelling'.

@Mr_Alhamdo Your @YouTube message is being aired on @BBCBreaking and other places. The world can never deny the truth of Eastern #Aleppo ?

— Joann (@Mominleftfield) December 12, 2016
Rather, these were everything from activists to independent filmmakers who’ve made public commitments to the rebel cause to their thousands of followers on Twitter and elsewhere.


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  ‘He’ and ‘she’ are now ‘ze’ at Oxford
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 12-20-2016, 10:26 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (3)

Oh, FFS!!

And by the way, Cambridge is following suit - oh wait, I can't say suit as that is a word with male connotations.

I truly despair.  Plus this is from The Times in UK - quite a reputable paper.

Quote:Students at Oxford have been told to use gender neutral pronouns such as “ze” rather than “he” or “she”.

The move, outlined in a students’ union leaflet, is intended to stop transgender students being offended. Deliberately using the wrong pronoun for a transgender person is an offence under Oxford’s behaviour code.

Students hope the use of gender neutral pronouns will be extended to lectures and seminars. The gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell welcomed the step: “This issue isn’t about being PC. It’s about respecting people’s right to define themselves as neither male nor female.”


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  Russian Photographer Uses Facial Recognition To Find People He Snaps On Subway...
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 12-20-2016, 10:10 PM - Forum: Computers, Internet and the Digital World - No Replies

Not much to say about this except it scares the hell out of me.

A stalker's delight.

Quote:"Your Face is Big Data," is a smart but also slightly scary project by Russian photographer Egor Tsvetkov. In order to show how easy it is for complete strangers to gather information about you, Egor spent six weeks taking around 100 pictures of subway commuters in St Petersburg before using a facial recognition app called FindFace to track down their internet profiles.

He used open source software to scan the 55 million plus users of VKontakte, Russia's biggest social network, and despite some of his photographs bearing little resemblance to their online pictures, Egor was (rather alarmingly) able to find around 70% of the people he snapped. “My project is a clear illustration of the future that awaits us if we continue to disclose as much about ourselves on the internet as we do now,” he said. In an age where people are using social media more than ever, perhaps it's time we started to think about how much information we really want to share with the world.

[Image: face-recognition-photography-your-face-i...0__880.jpg] 

[Image: face-recognition-photography-your-face-i...1__880.jpg] 

[Image: face-recognition-photography-your-face-i...1__880.jpg] 


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  Red paint not blood: Photographer nabbed shooting fake images of ‘Aleppo suffering’
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 12-20-2016, 09:32 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (5)

Don't believe all you see - question it and ask.

Quote:It was destined to be an iconic image: a small girl holding a teddy bear in a white dress marked by blood splotches with the ruins of Aleppo behind her. But according to Egyptian authorities, it was also a set-up, shot hundreds of miles away in a different country.

[Image: 585946e3c4618897118b4636.jpg] 

Egypt’s Interior Ministry has revealed on its Facebook page that it arrested a group of five people caught in the act of producing images purportedly depicting scenes of suffering in Aleppo that they had planned to pass off as real pictures from Syria.

The ministry said that the residents of Port Said, a city on the Suez Canal, were caught in the middle of their shoot as the 12-year-old star, Ragd, was posing for 21-year-old Mustafa, who told the authorities that he “normally photographed weddings and ceremonies, but had an idea for something else.”

“In a conversation with them, the suspects revealed that they had shot a series of scenes to be spread on social media, as actual pictures from Aleppo,” said the ministry, which posted a video of the arrest, and interviews with the suspects online.

The stand-in for Aleppo was “the ruins of a house that had been slated for demolition by the authorities some time earlier.” The blood was obtained from a “tin of red paint” that was liberally smeared on the girl, her fake bandages, and her stuffed animal.

The girl herself was known to the photographer beforehand, and came to the session with her mother, the photographer, and three other local men.

Mustafa is being detained in jail for an initial four days, while the others have been set free, and Ragd has been returned to her guardian.

While it is unknown whether Mustafa’s staged photo would have gained social media traction, vivid photographs – some of them fake – have been powerful tools in shaping public opinion since Aleppo was re-captured by Syrian government forces earlier this month.

The "girl running to survive " and the original screenshot from a music video
"الطفلة الحلبية تفر " والصوره الأصل من فيديو موسيقي #Aleppopic.twitter.com/J0ifWW4RF8
— Aziz Alkhater (@AlkhaterAziz) 15 December 2016

The most notorious hoax picture, which has been shared thousands of times on Twitter and Facebook, features a girl running through a debris-filled street. The caption reads “Girl running to survive, all her family have been killed. It’s not in Hollywood. This real in Syria.” In fact, the image was cut from a 2014 Lebanese pop video.


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  Obama Putts His Priorities In Order...!
Posted by: BIAD - 12-20-2016, 08:54 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (10)

'Obama plays it cool on the golf course as a wave of terror
spread across Europe from Berlin to Turkey'

'While a terror attack was occurring in Berlin and an Ambassador
was assassinated in Turkey on Monday, President President
Barack Obama could be found teeing off on the golf course
as part of his Christmas vacation in Hawaii.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=931]

The Obamas are staying in a Kailua beachfront rental home,
on the east side of the island of Oahu

The First Family arrived in Hawaii on Friday night for their
annual family vacation.

The White House released a statement confirming the President
was being kept up-to-date with everything that was going on in
Berlin while he was on the island, and has been briefed by his
national security team on the assassination of the Russian
ambassador to Turkey...'

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