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  Are My Critters Trying To Tell Me Something?
Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-24-2020, 06:46 PM - Forum: Pets Place - Replies (4)


It is a constant battle with my critters and my cellphone and laptop.

Right now I have Enoch determined to take the phone out of my hands.  If I move it to the left, Tamar is trying to take it, and if I move it to the right, Bellah is trying to take it.

No peace moving to the laptop, because Tamar, Max, and Sylvester are trying to lie on it.

Maybe they are just trying to save me from myself.   

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  Be Not Afraid
Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-24-2020, 01:36 PM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (9)

I hate posting hearsay, with nothing to support it but a he said she said. If I didn't trust the individual, and if the world was not in the condition that it's condition is in, I would let this pass. 

It is Christmas Eve, and all I want to do is wish you glad tidings, joy, peace, love, and a Merry Christmas. RN has become a place were I kill time, learn, reflect, share, laugh, and sometimes squabble. It is my other family. So I have to share this. Make of it what you will.

I received a request from a family member in the mid West last night, requesting prayers. He said he was being deployed and he could not say anything more about that, because he did not know anymore than that.

He said he was afraid, and he just wanted us to stay safe and to please keep his team and our country in prayer.

This could be nothing, but in case it is something, I want my other family to be safe, be prepared, be aware, and be united.

I have enough faith in God and in each other to cover you that are without faith, but I am asking those of you with faith to pray with me.

Merry Christmas my RN family. We will make it through the end of this year and the coming ones together. Have no doubt.

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  Merry Christmas RN
Posted by: Moonmagic - 12-24-2020, 10:17 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (18)

Merry Christmas Rogue Nation!!!

This year is definitely one I can't wait to see the back of, for so many reasons and some obvious ones that I think we all share. There are some things that I am as always thankful for though, this place and the members being one of them.

So I thought I'd wish you all a Merry Christmas, and say thank you! wherever you are in the World, whatever your beliefs, I wish you all and your loved ones, those who we can be with and those of us unfortunately not able to be with, well! May next year be better for us all, especially those of you that were hit particularly bad this year, you guys are Warriors!!!


I can't leave without a song, so this one is for my Mam! Who I miss dearly!

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  1984 - A Classic
Posted by: Ninurta - 12-24-2020, 12:28 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (4)

In keeping with the levity of the holiday season, I thought I would post something here a little more light-hearted than the lockdowns we are currently experiencing in order to promote well-being and goodwill among people, Therefore, I present to you, in it's entirety and uninterrupted (except for those times when you choose to pause it in order to demonstrate to the Monitoring Authority that you are really just watching cat videos) the full and now colorized 1954 version of George Orwell's "1984".

Yes, I said more light-hearted than our current lockdowns. At least in Orwell's vision, the Proles were allowed to travel back and forth to work! And they HAD work to travel to!

However, as the film unfolds, we will see just what sort of dangerous shenanigans that freedom to travel can lead to... Take it as a tale of morality, a warning, and behave yourselves! Aren't you glad, deep down in your heart of hearts, that decision has been taken away from us by those who know much better how we should live, and who are therefore much smarter than we? After all, they are only looking out for our best interests!

Without further adieu:


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  So ,this is still OK right? (graphic)
Posted by: baddmove - 12-24-2020, 12:11 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (8)

I posted this in the Mud Pit on ATS and it was trashed faster than you can say "Ho Ho Ho"

All I asked was if this was still funny, right?

just click the pic.

[Image: 132461187-10216044517740022-86978705134414639-o.jpg]

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  Country Music Thread
Posted by: DaphneApollo - 12-23-2020, 11:35 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (156)

I will post here if no one else wants to.  A list for myself if you will.

Ain't Nothin' That A Beer Can't Fix minusculebeercheers

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Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-23-2020, 07:52 PM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (1)

I have a class coming up that I am really looking forward to.

I am sharing with you as much information as I can, and I am sorry, it won't be much. 

The class will be instructing on gaslighting. Synopsis from the class.

Quote:Victims of domestic violence are often impacted by gaslighting - a situation in which they are manipulated, made to feel crazy at overreacting, and experience blame-switching.  As medical professionals, your instincts, observations, examinations, and documentation can be key to helping a victim seek protection and justice.

I am excited about this class because I had a case about six years ago, where my patient was the victim of a case of gaslighting that was so intricately complex,  you would have sworn it came straight out of a novel or a horror movie.

I will admit that no one believed her, including me. Until about fifteen minutes into her interview, when it hit me like a brick, right between the eyes. It was tooooooo perfect. Way too perfect. No trauma victim would be able to make up a story or set of events that were that intricate.

When it hit me, I asked the team to take a look at the information the patient had provided. I asked them to step back and stop looking at the information in relationship to the event. 

It didn't take long before it became clear to the rest of the team, what we were dealing with.

I share this in hopes that you never are faced with a friend, neighbor, loved one, or even a stranger, for that matter, that is ever a victim of trauma. But if you ever do, don't fall into the trap of skepticism. The wilder and more bizarre the telling, the more likely that it is true. 

Always, always, start by believing. I learned that lesson the hard way, and I hope the class will enhance my skills, so I will do a much better job than I did the last time.

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  Down The Rabbit Hole?
Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-23-2020, 04:14 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (4)

I just got home to find a big ass "white" rabbit sitting at the top of my drive way. 

It hopped to the backyard when I drove up, so I followed it. It hopped down close to the pond. I kept following it.

It seemed to get angry because it could not escape my headlights. It did a backflip, and just sat there.

I got tired of waiting, and my spidey senses told me not to walk up to it. It looked like It wanted to do battle.

I will keep a look out for it, and will give it something to eat, if I see it again.

If I go missing. Look for the rabbit hole.

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Wink Joe Biden Holiday Message on Coronavirus: Our Darkest Days … Are Ahead of Us
Posted by: xuenchen - 12-23-2020, 01:17 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (9)

Pal Joey has a message for everybody !!

He says our darkest days are ahead of us !!

He's really playing up the COVID hype and panic.

Get ready for some real BS coming from the incoming Administration.

They will be getting even with everybody and then some.

Democrats are working on populating a new dependency class of Humans !!

Watch for sabotage of the vaccines too.

Pal Joey has messages !!!

Democrats are using the "ass backwards" and confusion tactic to fool the Public and it's working !!

Some gaffes on the video too.. (("one-horse pony")) roflmao  tinylaughing

[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote:President-elect Joe Biden offered a bleak, pessimistic holiday message during a press briefing on Tuesday, telling Americans that the worst is yet to come in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

Reading from prepared remarks, at a briefing that was billed as a message to the American people for the holidays, Biden said:

One thing I promise you, about my leadership during this crisis: I’m going tell it to you straight. I’m going tell you the truth, and here is the simple truth. Our darkest days in the battle against COVID are ahead of us, not behind us. So we need to prepare ourselves, to steel our spines, as frustrating as it is to hear. It’s going to take patience, persistence,  and determination to beat this virus.

LINK-->  Joe Biden’s Holiday Message on Coronavirus: ‘Our Darkest Days … Are Ahead of Us’

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  Legacy of the Cold War
Posted by: F2d5thCav - 12-22-2020, 05:07 PM - Forum: Animal House - Replies (5)

I found this bit from the Telegraph of interest.

Quote:The Czechoslovakian wolf dog, which is more slender than a wolf but shares many of its physical characteristics, is a legally permitted breed that has become popular in Italy in recent years.

The breed was created in Czechoslovakia in the 1950s, when an Alsatian was crossed with a Carpathian wolf in an attempt to produce an aggressive breed that could be used as guard dogs along the Iron Curtain.

It was recognized as a distinct breed in 1982. Wolf dogs are highly intelligent, hard to train and need a lot of exercise.

Odd how human conflict can generate side effects with animals.  Another Cold War effect in Europe was that the Iron Curtain prompted the development of species variation because it cut through their natural range.

After the Iron Curtain came down, wolves moved from central Europe into western Europe.  The area where the Iron Curtain stood has in many areas become a "green zone" sheltering a considerable variety of wildlife.

I also ran into animals along the Franco-German border that used the ruins of German bunkers from the war for their lairs.


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