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Big Grin Kamala Harris gets blasted for 'most epic pandering' over Kwanzaa celebration video
Posted by: xuenchen - 12-28-2020, 01:26 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (6)

Kamala (80% chance she will be President) did her fake pandering routine again.

This time it's about Kwanzaa and how her family celebrated it (hmmm)

The video she staged on her own youtube channel is priceless !!

Phony as a $3 bill with Obama's picture on it too.

Keep in mind she gets the Nuke Missile launch (not lunch!) codes too  tinylaughing
[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote:Vice President-elect Kamala Harris was accused of political pandering over the weekend after posting a video celebrating Kwanzaa.

In her video, Harris claimed that she grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. In fact, Harris, said that "multiple generations" of her family celebrated Kwanzaa, an African holiday that was first celebrated in 1966.

Harris said:

You know, my sister and I, we grew up celebrating Kwanzaa. Every year our family would – and our extended family, we would gather around, across multiple generations, and we'd tell stories. The kids would sit on the carpet and the elders would sit on chairs, and we would light the candles, and of course afterwards have a beautiful meal. And, of course, there was always the discussion of the seven principles. And my favorite, I have to tell you, was always the one about self-determination, kujichagulia.

And, you know, essentially it's about be and do. Be the person you want to be and do the things you want to do and do the things that need to be done. It's about not letting anyone write our future for us, but instead going out and writing it for ourselves. And that principle motivates me today, as we seek to confront the challenges facing our country and to build a brighter future for all Americans. So, to everyone who is celebrating, Happy Kwanzaa from our family to yours.

LINK-->  Kamala Harris gets blasted for 'most epic pandering' over Kwanzaa celebration video

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  Myths of North America
Posted by: Ninurta - 12-28-2020, 12:54 AM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (24)

I originally posted this in BIAD's "Myths of Great Britain" thread, but upon further reflection decided to make it's own thread for it, since it is not in Great Britain, but North American instead. And turned into a mega-post.


Some of the North American Indian tribes have tales of similar creatures to the Irish and Scottish "water monsters" said to be found in local lochs and loughs, depending on which country you are in. 

The Cherokee have their stories of the Uktena, a giant horned mystical snake with a crystal set into it's forehead, and only vulnerable to an arrow shot into the 7th belly scale down from it's head, where it's heart is said to reside. The head-crystal is reported to have magical powers, and there is still one of these Uktena Crystals present among the Cherokee in the possession of an ancient Medicine Man who guards it jealously because of it's dangerous nature, so no one but he has ever seen the crystal alleged to be in his possession.

The Shawnee believe in Giant Horned Snakes that they may have gotten word of from the Cherokee as well as Giant Horse-Headed Snakes said to live in the Great Lakes, tales of which they may have adapted from the Great Lakes tribes. The Cherokee tell that the first Uktena Crystal was gained by a Shawnee man the Cherokee had captured, and who lived among them the rest of his days. He, it is said, was the first to kill an Uktena by the method described above, and although he gained the crystal and thereby gained great magic, he was a slave to the magical Uktena crystal for the rest of his life. For, you see, the Uktena Crystal requires a blood sacrifice once a year, every year, with fresh blood. It is told that blood is dripped onto the crystal, and is then immediately absorbed into the crystal, which then begins to glow with a throbbing glow, like a heart beat. This tale may be the origin of the Cherokee belief that the Shawnee were powerful magicians, or it may just be a tale to emphasize and underscore that belief.

The Shawnee, once upon a time, had 4 separate medicine bundles in the possession of 4 of the 5 septs of the tribe. One of those bundles is said to have had a strip of flesh and a bone from a Giant Horned Snake contained within it, in the company of a few other magical items.

Both of these types of serpents, the Giant Horned Snakes and the Horse-Headed Serpents, are said to live near water. Even a stump in the woods with a standing puddle in it is enough to draw them. The Cherokee Uktena is said to have lived in a bend of a river not all that far from @Mystic Wanderer. At the top of a cliff in that river bend is a cave with white streaks "dripping" from it that was claimed to be the habitation of the Thunder Bird. The Uktena and the Thunder Bird were at perpetual war with one another, the Uktena trying to eat the Thunder Bird eggs from it's nest, the Thunder Bird constantly trying to kill the Uketna in the river below.

Such are the Indian tales.

I would think that these tales may have been borrowed from the Irish and Scottish immigrants who settled this area, except that there are pre-European records of such things. Shell engravings of a Giant Horned Rattlesnake (some times with wings, some times with buffalo horns, some times with deer antlers, and in one case I know of, with a single horn on it's snout like a rhinoceros), Thunder Birds, and Bird Man Dancers have been unearthed from Mound Builder sites, confirming the ancient and North American origin of these particular tales.

The summer my Dear Old Dad turned 12 years old, he told me that he saw with his own eyes the trail of a giant snake in the dust of a road in rural West Virginia. He swore that it looked like it had been left there by a 12 inch stove pipe winding it's way up the road. He said he saw the trail several times over that summer, but never before and never since. He maintained the veracity of that tale until the day he died.

When I was in my early 20's, I used to frequent caves a lot. The area I lived in at the time, Russell County VA, was shot full of them. The terrain is what they call "karst", a sort of honeycomb of limestone caves worn out over the aeons by underground running water. Sinkholes abound there, where the roofs of caves have caved in and left dimples on the landscape. There are streams called "sinking creeks" that run along the ground and then suddenly disappear into a sinkhole in the ground. These streams feed the underground water supply in the caves. There is a cave called  "Gray's Cave" which is part of just such an underground network of caverns that runs for at least 8 miles underground, and how much farther than that I can't say. It connects in the northeast with Daugherty's Cave on Cedar Creek, and in the southwest with another cave in Glade Hollow that can be seen from Route 71, which we called "Fincastle Road".

Daugherty's Cave is interesting from an archaeological standpoint, and a historical one. Excavations have found evidence of occupation in it going back 11,000 years, and more recently during the revolutionary War era, a tale is told of two Long Hunters who entered it to escape pursuing Indians, and who emerged from the ground 5 miles away in Gray's Cave.

In my early 20's, a friend of mine who is now deceased and I went caving in Gray's Cave. There was a passageway in it that was perhaps two feet wide and a foot and a half tall that ran for around 20 feet that I crawled through. Dave was too big to fit in it, but I managed even though it was tight. I never even considered the possibility of getting stuck in it and spending all eternity stuck there. Such is the exuberance of youth!

After crawling and squeezing for about 20 feet through that channel, I emerged into a huge cavernous room. Gravel floors and rock walls, the ceiling of it was so high that my flashlight barely reached it. To my right as I emerged into the cavernous room, the gravel gave way to sand, and on the other side of the sand, at the edge of it, was a body of water that I later discovered to be an underground river. It was probably 50 or 60 feet wide. I went to the water and threw a gum wrapper out of my pocket into it, to see if it had flow, and it did - it flowed from left to right, roughly northeast to southwest, a little faster than the surface calmness suggested. About half way across it, 25 or 30 feet away from me, there was a large, oval and rounded, smooth rock. The top of the rock glistened in my flashlight beam like it was wet, but that wasn't unusual. Those underground rivers can rise and fall in a heartbeat with surface rains. Flooding is an ever present danger down there. The rock was oval, about 5 feet long and 2 or 2 1/2 feet wide, and stuck up from the water maybe 10 or 12 inches. It was bluish-gray, like any other limestone dolorite outcropping in the area. As I was watching the gum wrapper, I noticed movement, and focusing on that rock, I watched it slowly submerge into the water, with minimal rippling.

Was it a rock that finally had the sand Supporting it washed away at that precise instant, or was it some"thing" else? I don't know to this day, and never will. it's just another of those things that happens in life that we never find the answer to...

... but there are the old Indian tales to contend with.


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Star Michigan AG Pursues Legal Sanctions Against Lawyers Questioning Election
Posted by: xuenchen - 12-27-2020, 08:45 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Massive onslaught underway since Nov 3rd.

Democrats, emboldened by the Nov 3rd "Victory" and possible rigged Senate elections in GA coming in January, have entered themselves into a major campaign.

The Campaign this time is to address every proven lie they've ever told and make it a truth !!

Every forum like the MSM, Blogs, Chat Rooms, Message Boards, Conspiracy Sites, etc. are being targeted and mostly unchallenged !!

Now we have the Attorney General of Michigan (another nazi wannabee) threatening any lawyer who challenges the election with "sanctions" and other humiliations !!

They are powered up and hungry for revenge for all the exposures !!

The coming Harris/Biden pseudo-monarchy is erecting the biggest wrecking ball crane of all time !!

The damage is intended worldwide so prepare for all possible scenarios !!

Meet Obergruppenführer Sheri of the S.S. Antarctic Special Yeti Brigade 
[Image: Sheri-Moon-Zombie1.jpg]

Nothing like threatening people without a court order.. tinylaughing

Quote:Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel (D) is pursuing legal sanctions against lawyers who questioned the outcome of the November election.

Nessel, who has defended Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D), said this week she is going to go after the attorneys who filed lawsuits alleging vote fraud and that votes were manipulated by Dominion Voting Systems.

“You know if you will have your name attached to it, and you have made intentional misrepresentations of facts to the court, I absolutely believe that you ought to be held accountable,” Nessel said, Michigan Radio reported.

Nessel said she will file complaints with the Attorney Grievance Commission “because the lawsuits contained deliberate misinformation.”

LINK-->  Michigan AG Dana Nessel Pursues Legal Sanctions Against Lawyers Questioning Election

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  A few things to think about
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-27-2020, 01:04 PM - Forum: Off Topic - No Replies

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  The girl who took the shot and fainted died 10 hours later ??
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-26-2020, 10:14 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (8)

I used to know a girl who could faint at the sight of a needle. No kidding!! So, the mainstream news has all been saying
that the 30 year old nurse's fainting spree had nothing to do with the COVID-19 SHOT SHE RECEIVED and then fainted 17 minutes later on live T.V. According to the linked video she died 10 hours later in bed..?? !!

Quote:NURSE TIFFANY PONTES DOVER gets Pfizer mRNA Vaccine live on TV on Dec. 17, 2020.
She becomes dizzy and faints within 17 minutes of the injection, then "likely" dies during the night while sleeping.

She was a mother of two, in great health, and only 30 years old. Anyone with Common Sense knows that she would
have been paraded onto a local news channel to debunk the rumors of death. She did one small interview the same
day she passed out, but people are looking high and low for PROOF OF LIFE on Dec. 18th or later.

If she is dead, this can't happen. She was being found on the Death Records Search, but no longer.
They can shut down the Death Records Search Engine which is what the government, Medical Mafia, and Big Pharma
have done.

They can also sick the fake "fact checkers" that are paid by Soros and Gates, and have Big Tech block and delete Truther
information off all the biggest social media sites which is also what is being done. Like any other False Flag Event, the
government will now search for a lookalike, push older photos or videos, do a video manipulation, or even create a clone
to play her part as a role player if the story will not die down.

They will also pay crisis actors to say that she is fine by making internet posts. Truthers will see all the signs of a Government
Conspiracy Theory, the Sheeple will say the MSM said she is fine so they will line up to get their own mRNA dosage, and the
DEMONrat Globalists will cover-up, deflect, and move on.

The script being read by MSM is obviously a SCRIPT, just like the entire PLANdemic/SCAMdemic is a SCRIPT being followed and
played out by most World Governments. Any UNBIASED Doctors, Nurses, and other Medical Personnel that are coming out and
telling the TRUTH will keep being discredited, ridiculed, publicly shamed, blocked, deleted, gaslighted, fined, fired, and even

I really don't know what it is going to take to Wake Up a majority of The Walking Dead, we are all surrounded by them. The BURDEN
OF PROOF BEYOND A SHADOW OF DOUBT that she is alive and well is all on the Medical Mafia, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Pfizer,
Mainstream Media News, and the Government.

They would have done so the very next day IF THEY COULD, you know it, and I know it. METHODS OF DECEIT take time, but a
Truthful debunking could have and would have occurred the very next day.

Note: It is now a week later, the woman that got the shot on live TV, has still not made a live public appearance on any later dates.
Use your brains and NEVER FORGET that Some Truth Can Be Found In Hollywood Movies, but "NO TRUTH Can Be Found In Mainstream
Media News".

Repeat this statement over and over while being "brainwashed" by MSM, or better yet, STOP WATCHING Mainstream Media News and
try to become CONSCIOUS by doing your own research. Also, if you aren't yet awake to the False Flag Events, the Fake War on Terror,
and Crisis Actors, then I am confident you will not research this topic either.

Is this anti Vax propaganda or is the girl dead ?

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  Covid for Christmas? Have an Onion!
Posted by: Chiefsmom - 12-26-2020, 03:16 AM - Forum: Physical Health - Replies (16)

I've got Covid!  Lucky me.

So, it started about 2 weeks ago, that is when I was exposed to it, from a co-worker.  I felt fine all last week, nothing but the head cold I had already had for over a week, along with everyone else at work.

Then Sunday hit.  My joints ached, to the point that walking hurt.  I took a  nap.
Same thing on Monday.
I really did not want to get tested, I didn't want to add to "the numbers".  But I broke down Tuesday and did it anyway, after a guilt trip from my son and husband.
Because of my symptoms, apparently they tested me for both influenza A & B, and the covid.  At least that is what the girl from the Dr. office said when she called me back, less than 2 hours later.  
So, Wed., my joints stopped aching so much, and I'm just tired, and taking naps every day.
Then, Christmas eve.  I lost my taste and smell.  That is just so weird!  And how can you still get cravings?  I did.  For dark chocolate.  Then you are so disappointed, because you can't taste it!!!!  It sucks!
Then the scary thing happened.  My biggest fear has always been, if I get it, I have COPD.  I don't want to end up in the hospital with this crap.  I'm afraid I won't make it out.
So, then last night, I get shortness of breath, and I feel like I can't get a deep enough breath.  
I got a little nervous.
Then, I remembered something I had read, in a book called "Plant medicine"
It was a story about his little daughter having breathing problems.
He cut up an onion, and put it on cloth diaper, on her chest, and she started breathing better.  So I searched " onion for lungs" and read lots of stuff about it working.
So, I cut up an onion, put it in my mortar, threw in a little coconut oil and beat the heck out of it.
Thankfully, since I can't smell, it doesn't bother me, and I rubbed the mix on my chest, and laid back in my chair.
It started working almost IMMEDIATELY!!!!

I could catch my breath!  I could get a deeper breath!

I wiped it off, after about an hour, and reapplied just the coconut oil, minus the onion chunks, before going to bed, and woke up feeling better, having slept the night through!

I was told today, to put slices of onion on the bottoms of my feet, and to wear socks to bed, that it will draw toxins out of your body.

I will never, not have onions in the house again!

Because I'm sure I will be going through all this again in a week or so, with the hubby and the son! tinyok

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  The Ark of The Covenant
Posted by: guohua - 12-25-2020, 11:29 PM - Forum: Religion and Matters of Faith - Replies (7)

Was the Ark of the Covenant Found?
Does anyone know of Ron Wyatt and do you believe that in 1982 if found the place Jesus was Crucified and the Ark of The Covenant.

Watch this short video and tell me your thoughts.

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  Nashville Christmas Explosion
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-25-2020, 07:25 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (90)

I hate to post such negative news on Christmas, but people need to be aware that "the games have begun".
I won't go into too much detail with my personal thoughts until we get more information, but as of now, it looks like a terrorist attack.

Click on this Twitter post to watch a video of the explosion. Weird thing is, people were given a loud speaker warning for 20 minutes to get out of the area. The target was the AT&T Data Center.


Here are some comments from people in the area:

[Image: EqGX_H_WMAMe8SL?format=jpg&name=large]

Quote:Suz @susieg16
From my friend in Nashville... Merry Christmas! Awakened by an explosion in downtown Nashville this morning...appears to be intentional bombing. Rattled our whole house 6+miles away. FBI/ATF has the whole city shut down.
Quote:Troy Wurth @troywurth
I live 2.5 blocks away, Dave. Shook my high rise like crazy! Sad day for our city here.

Stay tuned for more craziness before it's over. Hang in there Patriots!

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Posted by: PLOTUS - 12-25-2020, 07:15 AM - Forum: The Rogue's Music and Media Room - Replies (1)

   RIP Leslie West

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  Donald Trump
Posted by: PLOTUS - 12-24-2020, 10:25 PM - Forum: America's President D. Trump - Replies (9)

I have no way to describe the venom I feel for our politicians and their lack of concern and care for America's citizens. The utter hatred and fierce disdain I feel. The english language scarcely contains the verbage to describe it in words. I do believe in the LORD, and it has occured to me that I won't be bothered by these lops in the next life which runs counter to my feelings of "Love one another as I have loved you" that Christ instructed us to practice. Every generation has their own vexing dificulty and then  one comes along even more devistating in their childrens lifetimes.  We have some truely Devilish damnable politicians representing us. But their first and foremost cares are for themselves. It is the human condition of a Great many, and just another day for many more.

Literally...... words just escape me. 

Bless President Donald Trump and keep Him and His Family. And may the coming administration recieve what they deserve....... in spades. This is supposed to be a time of Rejoicing the Birth and Life of our LORD.

Dante's inferno awaits a great many lost souls, and many are politicians in Washington DC. 

Ok I have subsided in my anger. I will not let it ruin my life, but I will also not ignore it.
These are not the proper words of a moderater, and my appology fellow members,  And despite the state of things, I wish the best for all, may 2021 turn the corner and health return to us all worldwide.

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