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  Could This Mark The Start Of The Great Apostasy?
Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-22-2020, 02:36 AM - Forum: Religion and Matters of Faith - Replies (5)

Prophecy speaks of the great apostasy of the Catholic Church. I can see a lot of people falling away from the church, if this is true.

Quote:VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican on Monday declared that it is “morally acceptable” for Roman Catholics to receive COVID-19 vaccines based on research that used cells derived from aborted fetuses, guidance that came after some churchmen in the United States argued that such products were immoral.


Add to this news the talk about mandating a vaccine that will be needed to travel, work, or shop, and it makes one think that maybe we need to look closer at what is really going on.

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  All The Places That Need Stimulus
Posted by: ABNARTY - 12-22-2020, 12:26 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (11)

I know PLOTUS had a similar thread on the subject here. However, I wanted to discuss something a little different on the matter and did not want to derail that one. My apologies. 


That something different? What is actually in the bill. Here are a few samples for our friends overseas.
- $3.3 Billion in grants for Israel
- $1.4 Billion for the "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act" (Whatever that is)
- $1.3 Billion for Egypt
- $700 Million for Sudan
- $453 Million for Ukraine
- $130 Million for Nepal (Really? Nepal?)
- $135 Million for Burma
- $85 Million for Cambodia

Don't forget the MIC outside of the DoD budget!
- $4 Billion for Navy weapons
- $2 Billion for Air Force missiles
- $2 Billion for Space Force (light sabers?)

And then some of the run of the mill agency stuff.
- $208 Million  for new computers at the census bureau
- $40 Million for the Kennedy Center (no stimulus bill forgets them)

And what do you get?
- $600 big ones you high roller


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  The First Christmas.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-21-2020, 09:21 PM - Forum: Long Stories - Replies (16)

'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; that's how
Clement Clark Moore's poem begins. But have any of you ever pondered on what really happened on that unique evening
before the advent of the Christ?

Throughout the ages, theologians and scholars have attempted to piece together the logistics of how the scene we call
'The Nativity' came about and what forces were available to create such a singular circumstance.

Here on Rogue Nation, we not only have the answers, we actually have the characters who witnessed the delivery and those
attended a small incident that changed the world forever.

But I think you'll need a little background information to explain how these people ended-up spectating the birth and may I add,
creatures did stir and it was a dilapidated barn, not a house.

Boy In A Dress told me most of it and any gaps were kindly filled-in by Ninurta. This was convenient considering both are the main
characters in this story. Someone called 'Tibbs' is also referenced and from what I could understand, he was the brains-of-the-outfit.
Not such a lofty position in view of the company considering Ninurta's fondness for violence and Boy In A Dress' weakness to wander
from 'on-the-ground' reality.

Tibbs is a small humanoid who -dressed in a hooded robe and sporting thick-lens spectacles, travelled the many universes with an
agenda based on jurisdiction and an agreed historical timeline. Apparently, certain civilisations were supposed to do this and other
worlds were supposed to do that, I'd suppose one would wager all this would be written down somewhere.

Multiple variables are taken into consideration and I was given the impression that particular futures were mapped out by...
well someone, to make sure a plan for a cosmos arrived at a specific point in time that was universally beneficial to all involved.
Whatever that means!

Tibbs' tasks were to keep order and drive development for the betterment of these complex and ever-changing macrocosms.
Which may explain why -when Ninurta and the Man-Girl first met the almost-three-foot tall, always-serious control-freak, the
little male had just finished constructing a weapon to shoot God!

But I'm getting off track and I've just remembered something else that may be important. Tibbs is also known as a 'Vithian' and
after many hours on the internet, I'm still at a loss to relate more on what that means.
Maybe he comes from the planet Vith...? I dunno.

But what I do know -after some research, is that the three of them were in a craft traversing space and this was where Tibbs' scrutiny
of some device caused the trio to slip back in time. Oh... there was a ship cat too, but that green-furred animal remained on the vessel
called 'The Spint'.

I think that's it for now... so let's get on with the tale. This story means no offence to anyone with a religious bent and should be taken
in a entertaining aspect with its only goal to lighten one's day.
Thank you to Ninurta who helped in creating the account and I suppose, thank you to the lunatic we call 'BIAD'.

The First Christmas.

"Oops" said Tibbs and attempted to quickly crank the amulet's outer edging clock-wise. But it was too late. Ninurta had time to turn
his head and BIAD looked up from picking at his dress hem as the device sounded it's singular click. The ship's cat managed to get
under the pilot's seat just as the white-blue flash occurred.
They were gone.

The Sprint continued it's programmed course, but now without any human occupants. Sasquatch's green fur rippled from under the
seat with a confused fear at the sudden disappearance and as the craft's mechanisms ticked and flashed their coloured bulbs,
the eyes of the feline named after a legendary Earth-ape, gave nothing away of what it was thinking.

"It's snowing" chirped Boy In A Dress and looked around in the cold darkness, Ninurta panned the barrel of his pistol around and
during the scanning of the surrounding gloom, his hand grabbed Tibbs's shoulder and jerked him close.

"Okay little man, what did you do?" the grizzled Gunslinger hissed and lifted the Vithian up onto his tip-toes, the gunman's eyes
flitting from right to left. The bare-legged hermaphrodite who announced the state of the weather moved to cover his compadre's
rear and the unusual group stood in a survey postition of a North-South-East posture, they were ready for whatever was going
to happen.

Tibbs struggled with the robe's collar digging into his throat, so it was only a choking rasp that answered Ninurta.
"Amulet... damaged tracer... time-slip" Tibbs coughed out and theorising that the little man's cheeks above the snow-flecked beard
were turning bright scarlet due to his stanglehold, Ninurta unceremoniously dumped Tibbs into the foot-deep whiteness.
The Gunman's attention went back to the blackness of the situation and what crazy shit they were involved with this time.

BIAD shook his head dog-like to cause a sprinkle of snow to add to the half-hearted flurry that loomed from the night sky.
Accepting his fate in his usual manner, the Man-Girl also stuck his tongue out to catch an icy flake. If he was wondering
what to do next -just like the verdant cat back on The Sprint, there was no indication.

The prone Tibbs swept snow from his robes and tried to do it with some dignity, Ninurta's appetite for rough discourse was
something he'd been warned about long ago and something he'd learned to endure. The irony of having the power to assist
civilisation and fail miserably when it came to the six-foot-tall man of the woods wasn't lost on him as he wiped his spectacles

Peerng up towards the subject of his musings, the Vithian realised something had caught Ninurta's attention and so, followed
the pistol-pointing Gunman's gaze to a faint glow that winked from far off.

"It was an anomaly with the Tracer Ring..." Tibbs snipped and moaned softly as he got to his feet. "... the bauble must have
taken some damage during one of your destructive treks". Tibbs fished about in his pocket and brought the shiny object out
into the frosty air.

Ignoring the small man's sarcastic comments and the revealed-instrument of their current dilemma, the creature with the flimsy
red attire and matching footwear leaned slightly forward as he also noticed the faint light. As Tibbs explained how the band of
three odd people had probably had passed through something he named a 'time-mesh', BIAD whispered to Ninurta
"You think it's a torch?"

The hunter-eyes of the tall man slitted against the wind-driven flurry of snow and his lips became thin lines as he responded
with "a lantern... maybe".

The small bearded man -realising his elucidation was being wasted to the blizzard and his less-academic partners, sighed and
squinted down at the amulet. Producing a small object from his other pocket, Tibbs shone a tight beam of light onto the face
of the broach and pondered where he and his friends were in time.
It took only a minute.

"You can put the gun away -Mr. Ninurta... you have nothing to fear tonight" Tibbs offered with confidence.
Putting the jewellery away, he suddenly turned to shuffle off towards the blinking light. BIAD looked up at his taller friend and
tilted his head to show his confusion.
Ninurta offered a toothy grin and shrugged his shoulders. "Come on Boy, let's see what craziness lies ahead" he whispered with
the nearest the Gunslinger could muster as enthusiasm.

Three sets of tracks showed their passage, a small shoe with a dragging coat, a large footprint with a long stride and odd-looking
high-heel mark that occasionally indicated that the owner was hopping and possibly being silly in the snow.
(To Be Continued)

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  Stimulus checks
Posted by: PLOTUS - 12-21-2020, 06:13 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (31)

It seems there's two ways of looking at this, or ? maybe three ways. Hell, correct me, and choose the 'ways'.  As a citizen, I have a right, more an obligation to recognize the Real issues we face here at the end of the year 2020, a rather infamous year. This really should be dedicated to Murphy as in murphy's law. And we have had a powerful dose of it. Politicians have been their usual negligent selves, taking care of themselves and putting the rest/us citizens out to dry. 
Of course the politicians have lives of considerable ease and also of luxury. It ought to outrage the average citizen, and my guess.... it pretty much does. Even those who know the honest to god truth.... we can NOT afford it. As it stands with say 250 million people eligible for the stimulus it works out with those numbers at *$600* it's a cost of only one hundred and fifty Billion dollars..........$150,000,000,000  ...Billion and at the *$1200.00* stimulus check rate it is a Three Hundred Billion dollars $300,000,000,000  ...Billion.  Pretty Simple Math.

Considering the national debt, we owe Twenty seven Trillion dollars. The count as of October 30 2020. The couple months up to date negligible but additional if stimulus is enacted, which is in todays news as having passed. The truth is, we can not afford our National Debt, nor can future generations who have done little or nothing in the way of making this tab... As far as Stimulus, were just tossing another unfathomable amount on the national debt. So.... just who's  going to pay this. Oil's not important, so wars in the middle east are out. No revenue there... oooooops... we may of spent more than we can pay back....imagine that ?
The National occupation, spending money. Especially other peoples money.
 I think we all know that we as a people can ill afford these ways of spending with an inexhaustible supply of Greenbacks.

And the politicians are hanging on to the stimulus as though it was their own private federal reserve bank. Stingy, pocket padding parasites.  Would you like the $600 stimulus ? I know it sounds tempting to go for, same as the last one. But pointing out the magnitude of our debt, we are on a collision course with Fate and poverty. The politicians mindset is what gripes me the most.... like they are doing us such a great thing doling out Half.....

I fear we are heading for a Reckoning, one the likes of, the world has never seen, ever. It will be worldwide and at the present going full steam Covid19.
Any thoughts ?

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Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 12-21-2020, 04:09 AM - Forum: Movies and TV Shows - Replies (20)

I tripped up on this movie.

It is not a great movie, but it sure is interesting. Predictive programing or mental preparation. 


4.3/10 IMDb  11%  Rotten Tomatoes27%  Metacritic

64% liked this movie
Google users

Immune to the COVID-23 virus, a courier races against time to save the woman he loves from a quarantine camp.

Initial release: December 10, 2020 (Russia)
Director: Adam Mason
Production company: Platinum Dunes
Producers: Michael BayAndrew SugermanAdam GoodmanJeanette BrillMarcei A. Brown

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  Welcome to R-N 3 ElusiveLady
Posted by: guohua - 12-21-2020, 12:17 AM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (5)

Come on in and  mediumcouchpotato

Need help just ask.  minusculebeercheers

By the way you can ask @"BIAD"  about a custome AVATAR and if you need help with our site with PICTURES,,,,,, Senona's has you covered: Learn our site.

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  “Christmas Star” of 2020
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-20-2020, 08:52 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (25)

December 21, 2020, will bring us a cosmic event that hasn't happened since 1623, but it couldn't be easily observed because they were facing the sun. The last time this happened where it could be seen was almost 800 years ago, during the great conjunction of 1226! 

Wow! I know what I'll be doing tomorrow just before sunset. Seeing this is a "once-in-several-lifetime's" event!

If you can see it, please take pictures in case it's too cloudy for the rest of us to capture the event.

Quote:The year 2020 will end with a special astronomical event: the closest great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 397 years. On December 21, the two planets will almost touch in the sky.

Night Sky Map: find Saturn and Jupiter in the sky

What Is a Conjunction?

Generally speaking, a conjunction is when two objects appear close to each other in the sky. A conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn—which only happens about once every 20 years—is called a great conjunction.

In the technical language of astronomers, there are a number of ways to define a conjunction. One way is to say it is the moment of minimum separation between two objects as viewed from the Earth. By this definition, the 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will occur at about 18:20 UTC on December 21Convert to your time zone

What Can We See, and When Can We See It?

Since September 2020, Jupiter has been moving closer and closer to Saturn in the early evening sky. Wherever you are in the world—even in light-polluted urban environments—the two planets are an impressive sight, and easy to find after sunset. If you're in the Northern Hemisphere, look toward the southwest. If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, look toward the west. Jupiter is the brighter of the pair.

As November begins, Jupiter and Saturn are five degrees apart, which is the width of your three middle fingers held at arm's length. (Another way to think about angular distances in the sky is to remember that the Moon's size is about half a degree.) At the start of December, the planets will be two degrees apart, and still moving closer together.

A handy guide to measuring the sky

A few days before December 21, a thin Crescent Moon will pass close to Jupiter and Saturn in the sky. In the Western Hemisphere, the Moon will be closest to the two planets on December 16. In the Eastern Hemisphere, it will be closest on December 17.
[Image: 2020-12-16-new-york.jpg?1]

On December 16 and 17, Jupiter and Saturn will be joined by a thin Crescent Moon. This is our Night Sky Map for New York City on December 16, about 45 minutes after sunset.

Just 0.1 Degrees Apart on December 21
On December 21, the day of the conjunction, Jupiter and Saturn will be separated by a mere 0.1 degrees, and may appear as a single bright “star.” The two planets are completely merged together on our Night Sky Map for this date, although a careful observer should be able to separate them in the sky with the naked eye.
The pair of planets will become visible at twilight, close to the southwestern horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, or the western horizon in the Southern Hemisphere. They will set within a couple of hours or so, so it is important to have a clear view toward the horizon.

Jupiter and Saturn will continue to be an impressive sight in the early evenings following December 21. During January 2021, however, the two planets will become lost in the glare of the Sun.
“Christmas Star” of 2020
As Jupiter and Saturn will rendezvous just a few days before Christmas, forming what will look like a single bright object in the sky, the 2020 great conjunction is sometimes also called the “Christmas star” or “Bethlehem star.”
In fact, some scholars have theorized that the original Christmas star, known as the Star of Bethlehem, might also have been a great conjunction. According to Christian lore, a bright light in the sky led the Three Wise Men to the location of Jesus's birth. Other theories aiming to explain this biblical phenomenon include a supernova explosion and a comet.
Some media outlets have also referred to the phenomenon as “kissing stars” or “double planets.”

Closest Great Conjunction since 1623

The December 21, 2020 conjunction will be the closest great conjunction since July 16, 1623. At the great conjunction of 1623, Jupiter and Saturn were slightly less than 0.1 degrees apart. However, this event would have been difficult—although not impossible—to observe since the two planets were near the Sun.
The last time that the two planets were easily observable when separated by less than 0.1 degrees was almost 800 years ago, during the great conjunction of 1226.
Read More: Source

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  Germany & Finland Bring 'Em Home.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-20-2020, 08:38 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (4)

Not quite the gift many in Europe would be wishing for at this Christmas period!

Quote:Germany and Finland bring home women from Islamic State camps

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8828]

'Germany and Finland have repatriated five women and 18 children from Syrian camps housing suspected
family members of Islamic State (IS) militants. The foreign ministries of both nations said the women and
children were brought back this weekend for humanitarian reasons.

Three of the women were under investigation for allegedly belonging to IS, German media said.
Hundreds of Europeans who joined IS are in Kurdish-run camps in northern Syria.

They were moved there along with thousands of others who were displaced after IS was declared territorially
defeated in Syria and Iraq in March 2019. Many of them are suspected wives and children of IS fighters or
sympathisers of the jihadist group.

Concerned about the security risk they pose, some European governments have been reluctant to repatriate
their citizens from the camps. The case of Shamima Begum, the British schoolgirl who joined IS in 2015 and
was later stripped of her UK citizenship on security grounds, is one prominent example.

But human rights groups have urged governments to take their citizens back, arguing that leaving women and
children in the camps puts them at risk of illness and radicalisation. On Sunday Germany's Foreign Minister
Heiko Maas said he was "very relieved that we were able to repatriate another 12 children and three mothers
from camps in north-eastern Syria yesterday".

Mr Maas said the repatriations were "humanitarian cases, primarily orphans and children who were ill" and
their need was "deemed particularly necessary and urgent".
He said it was not legally possible to repatriate children without their mothers.

German broadcaster SVR said one of the female returnees had been arrested at Frankfurt Airport on suspicion
of being an IS member, among other alleged crimes. Prosecutors said the woman, from the central German state
of Saxony-Anhalt, was believed to have travelled to Syria at the age of 15 and joined IS.

A report by German magazine Der Spiegel said the two other female returnees were also being investigated on
suspicion of IS membership.

The three women were "wives of jihadists" of IS and "in very poor health," a spokesman for the Kurdish administration's
foreign relations office, Kamal Akif, told AFP news agency.

In Finland, the foreign ministry said it had brought home six children and two mothers.
"Under the constitution, Finnish public authorities are obligated to safeguard the basic rights of the Finnish children
interned in the camps insofar as this is possible," it said.

The Finnish government estimates that more than 9,000 foreign women and children, two-thirds of them children, are
still being held in the al-Hol and Roj camps in north-eastern Syria. Of those, about 600 children and 300 women are
EU citizens.

"The camps in north-east Syria constitute a long-term security risk," the Finnish foreign ministry added.
"The longer the children remain in the camps, without protection and education, the harder it will be to counter radical

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  New California
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-20-2020, 07:44 PM - Forum: America and its Territories - Replies (7)

RedPill78 had a guest on his show last night (for the second time) who is working hard to break part of California off from the current state in order to form a new one. Things seem to be looking good. Let's hope he succeeds, and then the far Left can have what remains to wallow in the travesty of Socialism they want so much.

‘New California’ Could Become the Next West Virginia
Quote:Secession was banned for all time when the Northern states defeated the Southern Confederacy in the Civil War, right? Well, no, it wasn’t.

In fact, University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds sees the following scenario as a possibility not out of the question in the near future:
“In the summer of 2021, following the California financial crisis and CalPers pension collapse, public employee-supporting Democrats from the California General Assembly absented themselves from the state, preventing a quorum so that legislation slashing pension payouts could not be passed.
“That absence stretched from days into weeks, as the state government largely shut down for lack of funding. Seizing on this moment, 34 counties from the eastern and rural parts of what was then California organized themselves and sent representatives to Fresno, where those representatives declared themselves the new, official California General Assembly and designated individuals of their choice as the new, official governor and attorney general.
“The new legislature and officials were quickly recognized by President Donald Trump, who, citing his authority under the Insurrection Act and Article IV section 4 of the United States Constitution, deemed them the official government of the state, and sent federal troops from the 101st Airborne Division to Fresno to ensure that what he called ‘leftovers’ of the ‘old, failed state government’ were unable to ’cause trouble.’ President Trump’s recognition was echoed in a joint resolution of the Republican-controlled Congress, which perhaps anticipated the addition of two new Republican senators.”

Far-fetched? Fanciful? Not at all, Reynolds argues in “Splitsylvania: State Secession and What To do About It,” available in abstract form and downloadable at SSRN.

In addition to being a law professor, Reynolds is the founder and long-time proprietor of Instapundit.com, one of the first political blogs to achieve and maintain national influence from the early days of blogging.
“Intrastate secession isn’t exactly new in the United States: West Virginia was once part of Virginia, for example, and Tennessee was once part of North Carolina, though that evolution was less fraught,” Reynolds writes.

“But in recent years, we’ve seen a number of states facing calls to split, from inhabitants of regions who feel effectively unrepresented. In New York State, for example, there have been repeated calls to split upstate New York from the New York City region. One such proposal involves letting the NYC area keep the name “New York,” while the new upstate state would be named “New Amsterdam.”
Tim Draper had a plan to split CA into six states, allowing Silicon Valley it's own preserve.
Reynolds points to a second, more moderate effort to split California into two states by sundering the coastal areas into one jurisdiction and the rest of the state into the other, with the latter to be known as [i]"New California."[/i]

As of now, there are 35 counties who wish to take part in becoming the 51st state of the Union.

Quote:Ventura County has become the 35th county to join the New California State movement to become the 51st state of the Union. Following the Orange county Town Hall for New California in Tustin, CA on February 24, 2018 representatives from Ventura county came forward and agreed to take a county chairmanship.  Ventura will be recommended for certification at the next New California State meeting.  Following certification Ventura will become the 35th county to join the New California State movement.

Read the full report here: Source

Here is a map of how things look presently:

[Image: rs=w:400,cg:true,m]

Listen to RedPill's interview from last night:
Quote: https://redpill78news.com/paul-preston-t...redpill78/

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  Facebook Ain't Flagging This Story? My Goodness!
Posted by: ABNARTY - 12-20-2020, 12:34 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (9)

When I think solid, nuts and bolts journalism, only one name comes to mind: Raw Story. Those who soak up their sanctified words are simply better human beings too. Just ask them. 

And when I consider my intellectual and emotional safety, I sleep well at night knowing Facebook has my back. For weeks now they have been flagging anything and everything that even hints the election may have had some problems. 

But there is a disturbance in the Force. 

I'm not sure why FB seems to have missed this forced post on my feed. That must mean.... it's true! So I went to the source.  

BUSTED? Why the numbers behind Mitch McConnell's re-election don't add up

The entire election for all offices nationwide was pure as the driven snow. Only nut-job conspiracy theorists would think differently. But not with "The Turtle". 

OBVIOUSLY there has to be fraud here. Why? Statistical anomalies! Raw Story has broken the case wide open with charts and stuff. They even have a map and some guy saying things. 

//sarc off//

Absolute, in your face, hypocrisy. Not that it's surprising. Swamp Critters take care of other Swamp Critters. Why do you think ol' Mitch told the Senate to ignore everything and accept Biden? The R or D is meaningless. Swamp Critter Inc. has a winner with Dominion.

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