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  UFO Disclosure Soon?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-30-2020, 03:58 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (11)

Well, this was unexpected!   tinyhuh 

Quote:President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180 day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs.

So, what's this all about?  Are they trying to find something to take the attention off all the government corruption? They always said using UFOs would be their "last card".  Have they finally run out of ammo?
Only thing is, it's coming from the wrong side to be used as a cover up. So, is it the real thing?

Quote:The provision received very little attention in part because it wasn’t included in the text of the 5,593 page legislation, but as a “committee comment” attached to the annual intelligence authorization act, which was rolled into the massive bill.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), said in the comment it “directs the [director of national intelligence], in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies… to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.”

The report must address “observed airborne objects that have not been identified” and should include a “detailed analysis of unidentified phenomena data collected by: a. geospatial intelligence; b. signals intelligence; c. human intelligence; and d. measurement and signals intelligence,” the committee said.

The report must also contain “[a] detailed analysis of data of the FBI, which was derived from investigations of intrusions of unidentified aerial phenomena data over restricted United States airspace … and an assessment of whether this unidentified aerial phenomena activity may be attributed to one or more foreign adversaries.”

WHOA! Is this really happening after all these years of waiting?  tinywhat 

Read more and watch a video here:  Source

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  Have a little Laugh.
Posted by: guohua - 12-30-2020, 03:46 AM - Forum: Pets Place - Replies (2)


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  That's just funny.
Posted by: guohua - 12-30-2020, 01:52 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (3)

Like a Bottle of Ketchup!!!!  tinylaughing

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  Farts are Funny,,,,,,
Posted by: guohua - 12-30-2020, 12:16 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (2)


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  The "Black Eye" Group
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-29-2020, 11:55 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (8)

Have you all paid any attention over the years to all the politicians and celebrities who get black eyes?  There have been so many that it is beyond question that something is going on.

Quote:Although not officially an organization, the “Black Eye” club refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of State who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with black eyes. Although a few of them have sustained injuries to their right eye, the majority occur on the left. Among those who have succumbed to this affliction are George Bush, Kanye West, and the Pope.

But why this current and periodic rash of Black Eyes? And why has this phenomenon disproportionately afflicted people of considerable power and influence?  Even allowing for our modern 24-hour news cycle and tabloid cellphone camera culture, up until the year 2000 I can’t recall any publically recognizable figures having black eyes.

It would appear that there are two main categories within the “Black Eye” Club.  Those seated firmly into positions of government/politics and those in the entertainment/Hollywood. Are there others in the fields of science, and military? I’m sure there are.

Let's have a look at some who have "joined" this club.

Jimmy Carter October 6, 2019

Quote:Jimmy Carter joined the Black Eye Club at 95 years of age when he appeared on stage at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville TN for a Habitat for Humanity project. President Carter claims a fall at his house earlier in the day (Oct 6th) is the cause for the injury which required 14 stitches.

[Image: bandicam-2019-10-23-08-59-31-417-768x532.jpg]

Bernie Sanders

March 2019

Quote:Claims to have sustained a black eye and stitches from cutting his head on the edge of a glass shower door.
[Image: 190315170757-bernie-sanders-wound-exlarge-169-2.jpg]
George Bush 

January 2002

Quote:Official Explanation – Choked on a pretzel, fainted and fell off the couch and hit the floor.  According to Dr. Abdul Giwa, an emergency room doctor at St. Lutes=Roosevelt Hospital, the President likely fell victim to “vasovagal syndrome, “a rare occurrence in which the vagus nerve, which regulates heart rate, is stimulated and the signal slows the heart. Victims can pass out, and they often look pale afterward.
“It can be brought on by a number of causes, usually stress, but also swallowing something,” Giwa said. “As food goes down through the esophagus, it passes by the vagus nerve.”
The event happened at 5:35 p.m. Note. that 5:35 reduces to the number 13.
[Image: George-Bush.jpg]

Harry Reid


Quote:Official Explanation- Slipped and fell while running in the rain. Also suffered a dislocated shoulder.
[Image: Harry-Reid.jpg]

John Kerry

January 2012

Quote:Official Explanation – Black eyes received from sustaining a broken nose while playing Ice hockey.
[Image: John-Kerry-768x624.jpg]

Prince Andrew

June 2017

Quote:Official Explanation – Palace refused to comment.
[Image: Prince-Andrew.jpg]

John McCain

July 2017

Quote:Official Explanation – Mayo Clinic surgeons took out the 5-centimeter blood clot during “a minimally invasive craniotomy with an eyebrow incision,” according to a Mayo Clinic Hospital statement released by McCain’s office.

[Image: John-McCain.jpg]

This is just the beginning of the list from the article. Many, many more you can see in the article.

The latest one I have to question is Kelly Clarkston, as bad as I hate to; I really liked her. She was shown on The Voice during one episode with a patch covering her right eye. This, too, is a "sign" that you belong to "the club".  She said she had an eye infection, but I don't believe it.

We even have the last two Popes photographed with black eyes. Pope Francis claims he hit his eye on the "pope mobile".

September 2017
[Image: Pope-Francis-768x505.jpg]

So, what are these people taking part in?

Quote:The idea that these people are all taking part in a ritual is not at all far-fetched. Cults and societies exist and have existed since the dawn of time and are still very much alive. If you not aware that this is happening, simply go to Catholic mass and watch it unfold. In our modern culture, we’ve been desensitized to them in since childhood when we were first put in front of a Television. We’ve seen them portrayed in cartoons and movies, and every once in a while it makes the news. Recently the leaked video footage or the “Cremation of Care” ceremony at the Bohemian Grove. Before this, there was the Skull and Bones ritual which took place in the courtyard filmed from the vantage point of the wall surrounding the compound.

You can watch those videos and read much more here:  Source

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Exclamation 30 people shot - 8 fatally over holiday weekend in Chicago
Posted by: xuenchen - 12-28-2020, 06:54 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)

Welcome to a Chicago Christmas !!

This Holiday brought misery and horror to many City neighborhoods !!

30 people shot and 8 shot & killed.

Kinda typical as it all depends who gets hit by the flying bullets.

Shots "fired" is probably in the hundreds but the aims are sometimes off target thank God eh  minusculebiggrin

Happy frick'n New Year too while you're at it !! tinycool

Democrats have been running Chicago since 1933 !! roflmao

? Hey what's Biden and Harris have to say about all this bullshit in the big Democrat cities ?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Quote:In the last weekend of what has been an extremely violent year for the city of Chicago, there were 30 people shot, including 8 fatally, the Chicago Sun-Times reports.

According to FOX 32, the latest fatality occurred on Monday morning when a man, 57, was shot on the city’s West Side in a drive-by shooting. The incident happened at about 4 a.m. when the victim was shot multiple times in the back. He was later taken to Stroger Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

On Friday, Christmas Day, three people were shot and killed in separate incidents. One of the victim’s of the holiday shootings was a 20-year-old man who was found by police at the 3300 block of West 52nd Street with multiple gunshot wounds to the chest and stomach. Police say he was unresponsive when he was discovered and was later pronounced dead at the scene, according to reports.

Last weekend, 41 people were shot, 8 of them fatally in the Windy City, as reported. There have been 753 people killed in Chicago this year, according to the Chicago Tribune. The latest homicide numbers account for the start of 2020 to December 20, 2020. In 2019, 509 people were killed in Chicago.

LINK-->  30 people shot, 8 fatally over holiday weekend in Chicago

Here's a website that tracks Chicago shootings minute by minute .....

Quote:Year to Date
Shot & Killed: 713
Shot & Wounded: 3439
Total Shot: 4152
Total Homicides: 786

LINK-->  HeyJackass! -- Illustrating Chicago Values

[Image: giphy.gif]

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  The history of civilization... Not pretty but necessary ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-28-2020, 09:47 AM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (2)

Age of Empires - Part 1: The Roman Republic, Maurya India & Qin China | History of the World vol. II

When I look at the history of mankind my crystal ball, when asked about the future, spits out stories of terror and horror on a scale not seen even in WW2

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  Winston's taste good like a,,,, Remember?
Posted by: guohua - 12-28-2020, 07:25 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (23)


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  Yes, the game Fallout?
Posted by: guohua - 12-28-2020, 06:48 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (8)

The Fallout informational/educational short films.

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  When Toys were for boys
Posted by: guohua - 12-28-2020, 05:54 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (11)


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