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Star Democrat Feigned Outrage-Controlled Opposition Tricks
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-12-2021, 01:10 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Democrats (and some EU leaders) are playing the old trick of pretending to be outraged about something when they really are in favor of it.

They like the Controlled Opposition game too.

Hundreds of examples all through 2020 and a few good ones the past 2 or 3 days.

The NWO/Democrat Alliance is alive and well and chugging along with MSM backing 100%.

In public they say one thing, behind the drapes they say something else.
[Image: Red-Herring-sm.gif]

Nancy in total ass backwards fashion pretending to get mad at a CBS reporter _ _ _
In the meantime watch the midnight legislation coming !!

Quote:On Sunday night, 60 Minutes aired an interview with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). During the interview with CBS correspondent Lesley Stahl, Pelosi admitted that she and the Democrats held up the COVID relief package for eight months from the American people.

Pelosi responded by blaming Republicans for her own lack of being willing to compromise. "No, I compromise. We want to get the job done. I don't know. I'm mis-characterized by the Republicans that way, but that's a tactic that they use."

LINK-->  WATCH: Pelosi admits holding up COVID relief for eight months in 60 Minutes interview

Cuomo in ass backwards liar mode and oh-so innocent isn't he _ _ _
And after all he did for seniors in nursing homes !!

Quote:Gov. Andrew Cuomo called for the economy to reopen following strict lockdowns in New York that crippled businesses.

“We simply cannot stay closed until the vaccine hits critical mass. The cost is too high. We will have nothing left to open. We must reopen the economy, but we must do it smartly and safely,” he tweeted Monday morning.

LINK-->  Cuomo calls for economy to reopen after strict lockdowns throttled New York for months

2 EU flunkies are sooo outraged !! roflmao _ _ _
They're scared somebody will out their agendas

Quote:Following the riots at the U.S. Capitol last week, activists put extreme pressure on social media companies to ban President Donald Trump — and some of his supporters — from their platforms.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday through chief spokesman Steffen Seibert that Twitter's Trump ban is a problem and that corporations should not be messing with free speech, Fortune reported.

"The chancellor sees the complete closing down of the account of an elected president as problematic," Seibert said, according to Fortune, adding that the freedom of speech "can be interfered with, but by law and within the framework defined by the legislature — not according to a corporate decision."

France Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire echoed Merkel's criticism of Big Tech's anti-speech moves. Le Maire told France Inter, the Financial Times said, that he was "shocked" by Twitter's move.

LINK-->  Leaders in Germany and France attack Twitter's move to ban President Trump, blast Big Tech for curbing free speech

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  Armed protest in all 50 state capitols ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-11-2021, 11:16 PM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (21)

Fox is reporting the FBI is warning of Armed protest in all 50 state capitols during the Biden inauguration.

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  President Trumps Words...
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-11-2021, 05:20 PM - Forum: America's President D. Trump - Replies (5)

Ok, why don't we look for ourselves and see how we interpret his words. 
Here is the transcript of that day.

You can do your own interpretation of his meaning and it should be clear. Was it poetic and cavalier hyperbole ? Was it incitement ?
Do you see or think He crossed the line ?
As I listened and recall he was worded carefully Not to enflame and cause riotous actions to be taken ?
Correct me if I'm wrong..

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  Political survival..... You & Family
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-10-2021, 04:42 PM - Forum: Survival and Sustainability - Replies (24)

I will start ..... It might be prudent to have an electric generator, and a form of communication. ie. a CB radio, A 2 Meter Ham handheld radio as Apple might collapse for a time and land lines be non-operational. Also a full tank of fuel for your vehicle. Blankets and food of course, that can be eaten out of the can cold, candy bars for sugar energy, and sturdy shoes and clothing. A weapon would not go amiss. Also, for what it might be worth, some cash, several hundred if possible, and maybe stored fuel
My forum friends, your suggestions please.....

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Shocked Muriel Bowser wants to be Governor of Washington DC
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-07-2021, 07:46 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

[Image: Bowser1.jpg]
The Mayor of Washington DC, Muriel Bowser, is pushing hard for Congress to vote on Washington DC Statehood !!

She has been referring to herself as hypothetically the Governor !!

Could easily happen now with Democrats totally emboldened and big headed !!

She's been trolling the press conferences about the recent Capitol Building occupation (she's a star now).

She also suggests (i.e. demands) that She be given full authority over the DC National Guard (did she do that on Jan 20 2017 when DC was riot strickened ?) !!

Democrats will be launching bombshell legislation that will smack the whole world.

? Anybody noticing some weird ass backwardsness ? roflmao
Democrats are busy trying to turn all their proven lies and crimes into truths

Quote:D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) renewed the call for a vote on D.C. statehood under President-elect Joe Biden on Wednesday as Democrats approach achieving Senate majority. 

Bowser tweeted out a statement requesting that legislation establishing D.C. statehood be on Biden’s desk within the first 100 days of the 117th Congress. 

“Washingtonians have waited over 200 years for the representation we deserve as American citizens,” the mayor said in her statement. 

“With our seats at the table, we can help build back better than ever before,” she wrote. “Just like the millions of Americans who voted nationwide and the thousands who organized and voted in Georgia, we are ready to build a more perfect union – one in which all voices are heard, one in which we work together to uplift families in cities, and suburbs, and small towns, and one in which the 712,000 residents of Washington, DC have full access to our nation’s democracy.”

LINK-->  Bowser renews call for vote on DC statehood under Biden

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  A Horrible Story
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-07-2021, 10:24 AM - Forum: Physical Health - Replies (7)

I just got this in an email from a friend who copied it from face Book. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_f...1342464174

Quote:The love of my life, my husband Gregory Michael MD

an Obstetrician that had his office in Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach Died the day before yesterday due to a strong reaction to the COVID vaccine.
He was a very healthy 56 year old, loved by everyone in the community delivered hundreds of healthy babies and worked tireless through the pandemic.
He was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at MSMC on December 18, 3 days later he saw a strong set of petechiae on his feet and hands which made him seek attention at the emergency room at MSMC. The CBC that was done at his arrival showed his platelet count to be 0 (A normal platelet count ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.) he was admitted in the ICU with a diagnosis of acute ITP caused by a reaction to the COVID vaccine. A team of expert doctors tried for 2 weeks to raise his platelet count to no avail. Experts from all over the country were involved in his care. No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up. He was conscious and energetic through the whole process but 2 days before a last resort surgery,  he got a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the lack of platelets that took his life in a matter of minutes.
He was a pro vaccine advocate that is why he got it himself. 
I believe that people should be aware that side effects can happened, that it is not good for everyone and in this case destroyed a beautiful life, a perfect family, and has affected so many people in the community
Do not let his death be in vain please save more lives by making this information news.

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  How the vote was flipped confession from Italy
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-07-2021, 06:54 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (5)

Under a sworn statement which has been submitted to Congress the 6th day of January. Will it matter ?

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  White House
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-06-2021, 11:01 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (108)

White House under Siege

and it begins..........................

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  [Scotland] Gaelic-Speaking Only Will Get A House.
Posted by: BIAD - 01-06-2021, 11:59 AM - Forum: Europe - Replies (3)

The fracturing continues... 

Quote:SNP minister condemned for plan to BAN English-only speakers from Scottish housing estates

'The SNP has come under fire for after a member of Nicola Sturgeon's Cabinet backed plans to create
housing developments in Scotland where only those who speak Gaelic can live.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8907]
Kate Forbes doesn't like anyone who speaks foreign to Scotland.

Ms Sturgeon’s Finance Secretary Kate Forbes backed a proposal for housing developments where residents
must speak Gaelic, or commit to learning it. The concept by language campaigners would see English-only
speaking people banned from living in the developments, which could be widely prominent across the Scottish

Currently, only around one percent of the population can speak any Gaelic, meaning most Scots would be barred
from applying to live there unless they committed to learning it.
Ms Forbes said: “This is probably the most controversial thing I’ll say to you – I would be very supportive of that.

“There are big issues in terms of conflict with equalities legislation, because of perceived discrimination.
“But I think we need to take increasingly positive action and intervene in trying to support Gaelic-speaking communities.

“The one caveat I’d make to that is that you cannot artificially create communities. “So right now I would far rather focus
on saving what we have.” MSP Alexander Stewart, the Scottish Tories Housing spokesman, labeled Ms Forbes's comments
as  “unhelpful”. He added: “Housing should be available on a needs basis for Scots, not on if you speak English or Gaelic
over the breakfast table.

“With the SNP Government on track to miss their affordable housing target, the focus should be on delivering roofs over
people’s heads rather than unhelpful ideas.” Ms Forbes, the MSP for Skye and Lochaber, speaks Gaelic fluently and has
bemoaned the decline of the language, adding: “Gaelic is extremely fragile right now.”

According to the 2011 Scottish census, 57,375 people (1.1 percent of those aged three or over) reported as able to speak
Gaelic. Academics from the University of the Highlands and Islands said Gaelic is "in crisis, and that within remaining vernacular
communities of Scotland, the social use and transmission of Gaelic is at the point of collapse".

They claim the language could be dead by 2030 unless the Scottish government takes radical action to save it.
Professor Conchur O Giollagain, a professor of Gaelic research at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Inverness, added:
"Our statistical evidence indicates that the Gaelic vernacular community is comprised of around 11,000 people, of which a majority
are in the 50 years and over age category.

"The decline of the Gaelic community, as especially shown in the marginal practice of Gaelic in families and among teenagers,
indicates that without a community-wide revival of Gaelic, the trend towards the loss of vernacular Gaelic will continue.”...'
The Express:

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  First they killed my father
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-06-2021, 09:30 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (2)

Not sure if I ever posted this ? I am so glad this film was made even if few actually saw the finished product. It is a story of how a whole culture can almost totally be destroyed by strong armed mad men..

This is a subject close to my heart and history. I was flying in and out of Cambodia until the capital fell to Pol Pot's thugs. The real story is one of ultimate survival and how children killed their own parents because they were teachers or wore glasses.. NO SH*T !

Depending on who you listen to any where from one to four million were either out right killed or starved to death.. As America and the world stood by and did nothing.. It took the Vietnamese to finally stop Pol Pot's regime..

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing....a truer saying has never been uttered IMO ...

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