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  Green Mosquitoes. I am going mad.
Posted by: Bally002 - 01-15-2021, 10:47 AM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (14)

G'day guys,

Big storm passing over presently and tried to post this a while ago.  Was quite warm here.  39C. which is about 102F.  Humid,  Me and 'True Love' got into the splash pool this last afternoon.  Watching the storm approaching.

Caveat :- I have a reaction to insect bites.  Not a bad reaction but I can feel the buggers bite.  I lump up and itch but basically ignore it.  I have "Barmah Forrest Virus" in my system from Mosquitoes.  Hate them, fleas, midgy's, sandflies.

So anyway, the weirdest thing.  We (true love and I) had spent some time in the heat working.  Sweating later in the afternoon we hit our little splash pool to rinse and cool off.  So I had my Cougar Bourbon, some tobacco and commenced to roll a smoke.  I felt a bite on my right upper arm.  I'm rolling a smoke and looked at the blighter, more than once.  It was a mozzie but light green with parts that were transparent.   Instinctively I went 'whack' letting got of the rolly smoke with my left hand.  'Bugger' I thought.  'That was a strange mosquito' went through my mind.  'Nek Minnut' a bite on my upper left arm, same thing, green, nearly translucent mozzie.  I could see this one had picked up a bit of blood.  Smoke in the mouth I slapped it.  The thing crushed up against the skin and turned to a brown - green color.  Bit of a blot.  

I said to 'truey' "look at that."  She said, 'that looks like green tobacco.'   I says, 'Nah, Bullshit, it was a mozzie that bit me.'  And sure enough within a minute the bites lumped up and I was scratching both bite marks.  So we had a conversation about 'green see through mozzies."  And again, on cue,  I got bit again on my chest.  This time I grabbed the bugger and showed the missus between 2 fingers.  It was a mozzie.  A very light green and 'see through' in parts.  Tough bugger too.  Like it had an exoskeleton.  The legs were brittle.  I said to 'truey' , "Get yer camera (Phone).  Sadly by the time she had started exiting the splash pool the thing broke it's legs off and 'be blowed'  flew away.  This was one of those WTF moments. 

So, I thought I'd post this here first on RN3.  I'll be out tomorrow evening.  I have never, ever, seen a mozzie like this and I've been to the four corners of Australia.  To me, it's a new breed and I'm still lumped up and scratching.


Kind regards,


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  We are not 20 anymore?
Posted by: MisterSpock - 01-15-2021, 08:33 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (21)

So this is the forum I landed on. 

What's the point, the message, youth gone by and our preferred idealism aside. 

I could post endlessly with so many wonderful words, but I'll cut to the gist. 

I, like so many, 10 years ago would want a woman that is pure and wanting/waiting to start a family. 

So many though were lied to and left out to dry, the amount of single mothers with 2 or 3 kids I see on the scene is disgusting, not because of their own decisions, but my god, where are these men. 

5 years ago, I had no interest in woman with kids, now all of them have kids and I view that as something worth more than themselves, it's disgusting the amount of single woman that are dating that have kids, because they are so much more than just themselves(their children), why the hell have so many men run away and left them in that situation, I just don't get it. So many men that couldn't handle their responsibility, it's pretty sad, but than again there are plenty of real men out there. 

This is a rant, please don't send me pictures of your children....

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  President Trump Releases Declassified Spygate Files
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 01-15-2021, 01:07 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (16)

Whoa Boy!  Here it is... FINALLY! 
I wonder if all the National Guard and Armed Forces in DC is to protect the swamp once the public learns of the corruption the Left has done?

Without further hesitation...

[Image: GettyImages-1230547965.jpg?h=7d781131&itok=-SVz9nBd]

Quote:A bombshell revelation in the remaining FBI documents on Russia collusion shows that the entire narrative was created and leaked to the news media to neutralize Hillary Clinton’s concern that her email scandal hadn’t gone away.

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  The Hospital Watcher!
Posted by: BIAD - 01-14-2021, 10:22 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (5)

In the peace of the wards and as nurses busy themselves elsewhere...

Quote:Sinister find in hospital room vents divides

'A woman has shared the unsettling find her mother-in-law made during a hospital stay – and it will make you think
twice about staring at the ceiling. The Brisbane woman shared how her mother-in-law had spotted an unusual shape
in the vents above her bed and even sensed that it might be moving.

“It would blink move and look around the room. Some times it was there, other times it wasn’t,” she wrote, according
to 7news.com.au. “She could feel something looking at her, keeping an eye on her.

“She would think the nurses were coming around to check her as she could feel people touching her, waking her up,
but there was no one there.” The woman’s mother-in-law was convinced that “something was looking at her”, however,
not everyone was convinced.

“As someone who has spent a lot of time in hospital, most of the vents that I have seen anyways have that sliver
ventilation tubing,” one person wrote. But others said they could see why the woman thought it was a figure, as the
shape “looks like fingers” or a “blonde-haired man”

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8943]
I always feel like, somebody's watching me!

However several others agreed that it was most likely a possum, with one person saying they had “one peer at me
from aircon vents” before. Whatever it is we won’t be peering into any air vents any time soon...'

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Add your discoveries
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-14-2021, 06:36 PM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (3)

Two or three Very Astute members here, observing ALL the shenannigans. Patriots regardless of home Country, on the side of freedom.  Please add your discoveries. This is lengthy but WELL worth your time. ADD you informative Videos PLEASE.
there is some small bit of profanity, the 'f' word is used occasionally

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Thumbs Up Another Strange Coincidence about a Capitol Police Officer
Posted by: xuenchen - 01-14-2021, 02:39 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)

What are the odds that one in the same police officer would be directly involved in 2 high profile and controversial incidents ?

Well we have an article that seems to confirm the same Officer being on the scene of 2 major incidents in recent years.

Officer David Bailey of the Capitol Police 

Apparently he is the officer that shot a protester on Jan 6 2021 at the Capitol riots.

AND, it looks like he was also involved in the incident from 2017 when a psycho shot up some Congressmen in that ball field that almost killed Congressman Steve Scalise !!

Article is prejudice and probably speculative, but may contain interesting conspiracy theories minusculebiggrin

[Image: Girl-Amazed.gif]

Quote:On January 6th, unarmed 14-year high-ranking Air Force veteran and patriotic Trump supporter Ashli Babbitt was savagely gunned down by the US Capitol Police while peacefully protesting the illegitimate executive seizure of power by the Democrats through Manchurian candidate Joe Biden.

The ‘thin blue line’ violently shot the innocent veteran to death in cold blood at point blank range without any warning in the halls of the Capitol building. Make no mistake, this was a political assassination. Establishment Republicans like Matt Schlapp gleefully mocked her death after complicit commentators like Erick Erickson endorsed and ordered the public execution of Trump supporters.


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  What do you make of Nancy Pelosi ?
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-13-2021, 03:41 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (23)

I can't help think she resembles a 'woman scorned'. She seems hell-bent on causing every ounce of grief she can for our president.  I might even say she appears Seditious . Definition:
*"Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.*"        By the vagary she defined President Trumps alleged actions, she should be judged.
And she seems to be systematically trying to destroy the leader of the free world President Donald Trump. It has become Personal for her, there is no doubt about that, frankly it is FAR TOO obvious to try to draw any other conclusion. And all the while she lives lavishly on the government dime, laughing at us lesser plebeians. If there is one person at the top of the abuse pyramid it is this woman. I say that it appears to have a lot of outside agreement. She is out of control, but that seems to be a Democrat thing, but not solely that party as it happens in the GOP as well. But she has weaponized it. She is out to Crucify, and if they were still doing that...... well she would initiate it.

Lets have your assessment and opinion of 'The Speaker of the House' 

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  FB just blocked Law Enforcement Today
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-13-2021, 07:55 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (11)


Quote:FB has just blocked Law Enforcement Today - with it's nearly 900,000 members - from posting. All admins blocked from posting to any page and group they are associated with. This is out of control.

I do wonder if plans are being placed for something big that is coming this way or as many know already Facebook bows to the planned socialist/communist take over ?

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  Stratigic Forum Hopping in 2021
Posted by: Michigan Swamp Buck - 01-13-2021, 04:37 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (36)

With the endless censoring and shut down efforts now being launched against online public discourse (I need not elaborate) I have been on the look out for chat boards and forums that have remained out of view of the cancel culture crowd.

I began with Tapatalk boards, where I have a forum of my own, and have found some pretty good forums there and the app is actually really good compared to some of the other boards I found.

Of course RN3 is pretty active with some quality members, but Hernando's Hideaway on ProBoards was hopping with Above Top Secret Ex-pats for a long time and has since has become a ghost town. I look at RN3 as being like that, a boom town at the moment, but for how long?

So, I've been searching for any forums I might have an interest in. When I searched ProBoards, every forum I had an interest in was inactive for two or more years. Some have never had activity or were spammed with advertising posts.

Now, it seems a shame to let those abandoned boards go to waste, esp. when you could engage in unsanctioned communications on forbidden topics. This would put the consequences of such subversion on the absent administrator as long as those who commandeered it were careful about being traced.

These boards will either clamp down or get the "hammer", but you could go from one abandoned forum to another forever it seems. I have no doubt that real terrorist groups (not the "Trumped" up ones) use this technique all the time. It's just another method to network under the radar, at least while you still can. It might be all we have until there is nothing left, which seems pretty soon.

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  Welcome TheZafa To RN!
Posted by: BIAD - 01-12-2021, 06:20 PM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (5)

Welcome TheZafa to Rogue Nation.

Please enjoy the threads and see how we're a friendly community.
If you require an avatar, private message Boy In A Dress and we'll see what we can do!

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