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  Why is NoOne In This Administration Allowed To Say Muslim Radicals
Posted by: guohua - 06-18-2016, 02:40 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

How many times have you asked yourself this question, Why doesn't anyone use the Proper Term For These Murderers?
I have an answer for you and it's another reason why we Need A REAL CHANGE in our Current Government!

Quote:This section of Discover The Networks profiles these and other Islamists who have influenced, or have been appointed to positions within, the Obama administration. Also included in this section are a number of Islamists who have not officially been connected to the Obama administration, but who have had a significant influence on Obama's thinking over the course of his life.

Moreover, this section contains a link to a profile of the Barack H. Obama Foundation (BHOF), which was established in 2008 by Abon'go Malik Obama, President Obama's half-brother, a Kenyan-born Muslim with twelvewives. Abon'go Malik Obama is:
  • the overseer of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments;
  • the executive secretary of the Sudan-based Islamic Da’wa Organization (IDO), an organization primarily focused on expanding Wahhabist Islam on the African subcontinent; and
  • closely associated with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, a jihadist tyrant responsible for the deaths of more than three million people, all in the name of Jihad and war against Christians.
Abedin, Huma: Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Abunimah, Ali: Vice president of the Arab American Action Network
Al-Hibri, Azizah: U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Al-Mansour, Khalid Abdullah Tariq: Patron of Obama during 1980s
Al-Marayati, Salam: Representative of the U.S. government at the annual Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe conference
Alikhan, Areef: Department of Homeland Security
Arab American Action Network: Received money from Woods Fund when Obama was board member of Woods Fund
Barack H. Obama Foundation: Headed by President Obama's half-brother, who oversees the Muslim Brotherhood's international investments
Asbahi, Mazen: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
Elibiary, Mohamed: Homeland Security Advisory Council
Husaini, Minha: National Coordinator for Muslim American Affairs (during 2008 presidential campaign)
Hussain, Rashad: Special Envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference
Khalidi, Rashid: Professor of Middle East Studies at Columbia University
Magid, Mohamed: Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Countering Violent Extremism Working Group 
Mattson, Ingrid: Invited by Obama advisor to work on the White House Council on Women and Girls
Mogahed, Dalia: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Obama, Abon'go Malik: the older half-brother of Barack Obama 
Patel, Eboo: Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships 
Said, Edward: Professor and Arab activist who was keynote speaker at 1998 fundraiser attended by Obama
Shora, Kareem: Homeland Security Advisory Council 
Shora, Nawar: Senior Advisor to the Civil Rights and Liberties Office of the Transportation Security Administration

OH, that's not the only problem, you see, Muslims in America to include Obamas Advisers believe we all should be reading the Quran and Bowing to That Pedophile.
And if you take the time to read their Quotes, that is Their One and Only Goal!
Quote:51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.
These aren’t fringe players. These are the top officials representing the Muslim establishment in America today.

Hopefully none of them ever runs for president, because here’s what he’d have to say about the U.S. system of government:
• Muzammil Siddiqi, chairman of both the Fiqh Council of North America, which dispenses Islamic rulings, and the North American Islamic Trust, which owns most of the mosques in the U.S.: “As Muslims, we should participate in the system to safeguard our interests and try to bring gradual change, (but) we must not forget that Allah’s rules have to be established in all lands, and all our efforts should lead to that direction.”
• Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the top Muslim lobby group in Washington: “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Quran should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”
• CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper: “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future.”
• Imam Siraj Wahhaj, director of the Muslim Alliance in North America: “In time, this so-called democracy will crumble, and there will be nothing. And the only thing that will remain will be Islam.”
• Imam Zaid Shakir, co-founder of Zaytuna College in Berkeley, Calif.: “If we put a nationwide infrastructure in place and marshaled our resources, we’d take over this country in a very short time. . . . What a great victory it will be for Islam to have this country in the fold and ranks of the Muslims.”…

Why does anyone wonder about all the Murders Committed By Muslims? They have been given a Green Light By their Religious Leaders. They Know Obama won't criticizes them.

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  Help please
Posted by: LadyJae2 - 06-17-2016, 05:31 PM - Forum: Rogue's Lobby - Replies (20)

I'm trying so hard to log in but my password isn't being accepted. Help?

Much love,

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  The Hollow Moon
Posted by: guohua - 06-17-2016, 07:53 AM - Forum: Alien Interference - Replies (31)

Yes I believe our Moon is Not Natural, But mostly hollow and built by aliens to help life get started on Earth for Them and Us.
I mean, Think about it,,, the moon is in the perfect location and the perfect size and does it's intended job so well for so long and it Rings like a Bell When Impacted!

Quote:A few years after Dr. Gordon Macdonald’s theory came to be, in 1969, the team of Apollo 12 landed on the moon. During their decent, they landed in a rough manner onto the moon’s surface, around 40 miles from their intended destination.
The crash resulted in an artificial moonquake, which had startling characteristics. Upon impact, the moon started to reverberate just like a bell would, which we all know is hollow.
The reverberations lasted for more than an hour. The same phenomenon was again witnessed when Apollo 13 landed on the moon and its impact caused an even greater seismic activity, which lasted for more than three hours.
This led to the conclusion that the moon is unnaturally light for its size and possibly doesn’t even have a core, which would otherwise significantly increase its weight.
If the Moon was created from an impact with the Earth Why Is The Moon Older Than The Earth, How Could That Be?
Quote:It was initially believed that the moon was formed when an external body crash-landed on Earth. A part of the debris from the crash accumulated into what we now know as the moon.
There is yet another theory stating that when Earth was formed, the remaining dust came together to form a heavenly body that revolves around the Earth.
However, when surface materials from the moon were brought back to Earth by the astronomers, the results led to startling discoveries, as the moon rocks and dust predated our planet, which is around 4.53 billion years old.
The material comprising the moon turned out to be around 5.3 billion years old and the dust even older, dating to about 6.3 billion years.
Hence, the moon must have originated somewhere else.
It's said the our Earths Gravity is not strong enough to have Captured the Moon and to have kept it in an Orbit Around Us!!!!
Quote:We all know that the moon orbits around our planet in an almost perfect circular orbit, but still technically elliptical.
This unnatural orbit couldn’t have been captured by Earth’s gravitational force, as we can clearly see in the substantially elliptical orbits of the other satellites in our solar system.
This further fuels the speculations that the moon was placed in its current position and orbit by an intelligent mind.

Another weird thing about our moon is that its orbit around the Earth is completely stationary. Meaning that it doesn’t spin on its own axis as all of the other moons in our solar system do.

This is why every time we look up at the moon, we see the same side of it — the side that faces Earth.
So, since they have discovered all these discrepancies, I think it's more like to have been built for us.
 listen to the video, it may make sense.

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  Howard Stern on Gun control
Posted by: senona - 06-17-2016, 04:46 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (3)

Howard Stern: “Sheep” need to be heavily armed to protect themselves against terrorist “wolves”

A simple yet interesting take on why gun control laws will do no good

Quote:On “The Howard Stern Show” Wednesday, the veteran radio host addressed the issue of gun control in the wake of the Orlando massacre.

“I’m so upset about Orlando and what went down,” he said. “But I can’t believe these people who come out afterwards and their answer to Orlando is to take away guns from the public. It’s fucking mind-blowing to me.”
Stern continued, using a scene from the film “American Sniper” as a touchstone:

“The military — and they don’t mean it in a derogatory way — but they look at the public as sheep,” he said. “And we are sheep. Most of us sit around all day and we don’t know how to defend ourselves. We basically think everything’s OK.”

But denying the existence of evil wolves doesn’t protect a sheep from them, he continued, because “the wolves are always planning. They’ll use boxcutters. They’ll use an airplane fly it right into a building. They don’t need AR-15s.”

He noted that “the most gun-free zone on the planet is a plane. On 9/11, what did the wolves do? They said, ‘This is great. We’ll just kill the sheep with boxcutters.’ So they went on the plane with boxcutters and all the sheep went, ‘Baaaa.’”

Stern was adamant that he doesn’t “like violence” or “any of this stuff,” but that “I consider myself a sheep. Most of your politicians have private security, so they’re OK.

Those are sheep that are very well protected. You, on the other hand, are a sitting duck.”

Because of that, he said, “I’m not for taking away people’s rights.”

Here is a clip from 'American Sniper'  (2014)

So which are you?
A Sheep, Wolf or a Sheepdog?

Kudos to Howard Stern and his rather logical explanation!!    minusculethumbsup

Sadly, there are people out there that live in a bubble and think all will be okay if we just "do away" with guns....those are the sheeples.

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  Scientists Seek Ban On Monsanto’s RoundUp
Posted by: senona - 06-17-2016, 02:36 AM - Forum: Genetically Modified Organisms - Replies (1)

[Image: 2016-06-16-1466095280-1569978-GlyphosateSpraying.jpg]

Yay, finally somebody is standing up against Monsanto and their controversial health risk product Round Up.
A group of Scientists to be more exact.

Quote:On Tuesday, a delegation of independent scientists urged the EPA to ban RoundUp, Monsanto’s flagship herbicide at the O’Neill House Office Building in Washington D.C.

Providing testimony that it poses an unreasonable risk to humans, animals, and the environment, scientists spoke at a closed meeting with EPA scientists and host Ted Lieu, (CA-33).

The scientists explained the physiological reasons why exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp, is linked to autism, Alzheimer’s, cancer, birth defects, obesity, gluten intolerance, among other health issues.*


Not only does it create health issues, but it messes with the environment as well

Quote:Dr. Stephen Frantz, Pathobiologist Research Scientist led the team. “When a cell is trying to form proteins, it may grab glyphosate instead of glycine to form a damaged, mis-folded protein. After that it’s medical chaos. Where glyphosate replaces glycine, the cell can no longer conduct business as usual causing unpredicted consequences with many diseases and disorders as a result.”

RoundUp also harms crops’ ability to capture carbon from the air, an important factor in fighting climate change. “Glyphosate negatively affects the soil microbiome,” said Frantz.

It is destroying the ability of soil to be a nutritive medium for producing crops. Organic or biological regenerative agriculture is the solution for the sustainable agricultural sector and will conserve soil, air and water quality, and sequester carbon that helps to mitigate the climate crisis. We call for a ban on glyphosate.”

Glyphosate is a patented antimicrobial. Frantz says, “by eating glyphosate-laden foods, we are exposed to a chronic, low dose antibiotic. This is likely causing antibiotic resistance and superbugs.”

Unbelievable...yet not one word about Monsanto being part of the climate crisis due to Round Up.

But the health problems that are on the rise due to GMO's and Round Up is alarming for sure

Quote:Moms Across America founder Zen Honeycutt was a participant at the meeting. Her son had been a casualty of processed foods, diagnosed with autism until his mother switched to an all-organic diet.

“Mothers and caretakers are seeing their loved ones get sick on GMOs and glyphosate/herbicide sprayed foods and get better when they avoid them. Because glyphosate is contaminating our urine, water, breast milk and nearly all our foods, we are systematically causing sickness throughout America. For the sake of our country, this must stop. We simply cannot afford glyphosate.”

Sterling Hill, DNA Research Scientist added, “Glyphosate is impacting DNA and causing disease. These diseases are skyrocketing and we will only see more of this if we do not put a stop to the use of glyphosate.”

[Image: 0702a8daa3404e1a9d90975cce98d280.png]

Quote:The Deputy Director of EPA’s Pesticide Programs said the EPA could take well into 2017 before a final decision is made whether or not they will re-register the chemical for continued use.

Frantz wants to see immediate action because he sees the use of glyphosate as outright poisoning of our food and soil. “By the end of 2016, the EPA will have something done and then comment periods, and then there’s another step, and there’s more comment periods, and this is like business as usual. The evidence we presented about this chemical being a glycine analog, that really should excite people. And I didn’t see any excitement. It should upset people.”

Let's just hope Monsanto's lobbyist do not get to the EPA and they do not re-register Round-UP next year

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  Remember when B. Clinton was president ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 06-16-2016, 09:45 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (12)



We need to remind others of this woman. For those with short memories and those too young to remember.

If you're over 35, you lived through it, so read it and recollect. Amazing
to me how much I had forgotten! For those under 35, read this, verify and
don't forget.
When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over
an attempt to health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she
couldn't get a vote in a Democrat controlled US Congress. This fiasco cost
the American taxpayers about $13 million for studies, promotion, and other

Then, President Clinton gave Hillary authority over selecting a female
attorney general. Her first two selections were Zoe Baird and Kimba Wood -
both were forced to withdraw their names from consideration.

Next, she chose Janet Reno - husband Bill described her selection as "my
worst mistake."

Some may not remember that Reno made the decision to gas David Koresh and
the Branch Davidian religious sect in Waco, Texas resulting in dozens of
deaths of women and children.

Husband Bill allowed Hillary to make recommendations for the head of the
Civil Rights Commission. Lani Guanier was her selection.  When a little
probing led to the discovery of Ms. Guanier's radical views, her name had to
be withdrawn from consideration.

Apparently a slow learner, husband Bill allowed Hillary to make some more
recommendations. She chose former law partners Web Hubbel for the Justice
Department, Vince Foster for the White House staff, and William Kennedy for
the Treasury Department.

Her selections went well: Hubbel went to prison, Foster (presumably)
committed suicide, and Kennedy was forced to resign.

Many younger votes will have no knowledge of "Travelgate." Hillary wanted to
award unfettered travel contracts to Clinton friend Harry Thompson - and the
White House Travel Office refused to comply. She managed to have them
reported to the FBI and fired. This ruined their reputations, cost them
their jobs, and caused a thirty-six month
investigation. Only one employee, Billy Dale was charged with a crime, and
that of the enormous crime of mixing personal and White House funds. A jury
acquitted him of any crime in less than two hours.

Still not convinced of her ineptness, Hillary was allowed to recommend a
close Clinton friend, Craig Livingstone, for the position of Director of
White House security.  When Livingstone was investigated for the improper
access of about 900 FBI files of Clinton enemies (Filegate) and the
widespread use of drugs by White House staff, suddenly Hillary and the
president denied even knowing Livingstone, and of course, denied knowledge
of drug use in the White House.

Following this debacle, the FBI closed its White House Liaison Office after
more than thirty years of service to seven presidents.

Next, when women started coming forward with allegations of sexual
harassment and rape by Bill Clinton, Hillary was put in charge of the "bimbo
eruption" and scandal defense. Some of her more notable decisions in the
debacle were:

She urged her husband not to settle the Paula Jones lawsuit.  After the
Starr investigation they settled with Ms. Jones.

She refused to release the Whitewater documents, which led to the
appointment of Ken Starr as Special Prosecutor.

After $80 million dollars of taxpayer money was spent, Starr's
investigation led to Monica Lewinsky, which led to Bill lying about and
later admitting his affairs.   Hillary's devious game plan resulted in Bill
losing his license to practice law for 'lying under oath' to a grand jury
and then his subsequent impeachment by the House of Representatives.

Hillary avoided indictment for perjury and obstruction of justice during the
Starr investigation by repeating, "I do not recall," "I have no
recollection," and "I don't know" a total of 56 times while under oath.

After leaving the White House, Hillary was forced to return an estimated
$200,000 in White House furniture, china, and artwork that she had stolen.

What a swell person - ready for another four or eight years of this low-life

Now we are exposed to the unsecure keeping and attempted destruction of
beyond Top Secret emails while Hillary was US Secretary of State and the
"pay to play" schemes of the Clinton Foundation. What "shoe will fall" next.

But to her loyal fans:  "What difference does it make?"

Electing Hillary Clinton president would be like granting Satan absolution
and giving him the keys to heaven!

Please pass this on. Your way of life depends upon it.

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  Listen up! What You Need to Know Regarding The CABAL Takedown
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 06-16-2016, 04:43 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (45)

Okay, first of all let me get this out of the way first thing.  I know some of you don't like David Wilcock...

Okay, whatever; forget that, this isn't about him.  It is about the man he is interviewing who goes by the name, Drake.

I have been hearing things for months about how the Illuminati/Cabal/TPTB/whatever you want to call them, were going to be taken down, arrested, and our world would become a better place almost overnight.  So, when I saw this video, I thought, 'Yeah, okay, right.' 


You have to listen to what Drake is saying! 

PLEASE!  tinyhuh

There is a plan in place, and arrests have already been made that haven't even made it to the media because these people own the media, and they won't allow it to be told.  There are many, many more arrests that are going to take place, and Drake goes over the plan of action in the video... well, most of it, but nothing that will give away the "ace in the hole", so to speak. 

This isn't some guy off the street who just has high hopes.  He is a military man who had high-level clearance, and he seems to know what he's talking about.

One thing I want to get across to you is that when this plan goes into action, it might seem like Martial Law has been ordered, but it hasn't.  If you see military persons at every corner, it will be because they are there for your protection in case things get ugly when the arrests of the elite are taking place. 

This makes me wonder if maybe all the recent articles coming out lately about Martial Law were done in an effort by the Cabal to cause the people to panic when they see these armed forces on the ground and automatically fight back against them.  The Cabal know their day in power is almost over. How better to cause people to panic than to spread the word that Martial Law is about to be declared and have the public cause chaos in the streets, fighting the military as they try to escape?!

I posted a thread just a couple of days ago about Obama declaring Martial Law in July, or sometime this summer.  I am now trying to counteract that information by getting this thread out to as many people as possible before these arrests take place, which could be any day now.

Please listen to the video, it gets into some really good detail about halfway through, but you need to hear the beginning to understand how and why this plan will work.  Drake may come across as a know it all, but that's beside the point.; I chalk it up to him being a military man.
Put that in the background and listen to what he has to say.

Don't put this off and forget about it; it's too important.

Also, Drake has a website you can go read all his stuff, but I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know if what he shared in the video will be there. Here is his address:  FreedomReigns.US

Let me know what you think about the information, and if you agree, please share this far and wide.

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  Avocado Jungle of Death
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 06-16-2016, 01:05 AM - Forum: Oceania - No Replies

So I notice Oceania sitting here all alone and I have the perfect coming out party for her.

First, the story.

Quote:Someone is stealing avocados in New Zealand. Not just picking a handful to make guacamole for a picnic, but driving up to orchards in the dark of night, using rakes to sweep hundreds from trees, collecting them in blankets and driving off to sell them illegally at road stands, grocery stores and small restaurants in Aukland, the country's largest city, according to police.

The problem appears to be one of surging demand and short supply, avocado industry officials say. Traditionally, the soft green pears have been grown largely for export, but local consumers have been rapidly acquiring a taste for them -- just as heavy rainfall in neighboring Australia badly damaged last year's harvest. As a result, the price has more than tripled, reaching as high as $4 per avocado ($6 in New Zealand dollars) and fueling a spate of stealth robberies by enterprising thieves.

Where did all the avocado's go?

Supply and demand they say, just a bunch of thieves in the night they say. But I've seen the actual documentary of what this is really all about.

It was a 2am "can't sleep" local antenna type movie. I watched it from start to finish. By far Bill Maher's best work tinylaughing

But the reality is this: There is no Avocado shortage. The cannibal women are just getting lonely tinycool

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  Remains of missing toddler at Disney are found
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 06-15-2016, 11:18 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (4)

I read this story this morning and was just immediately heart broken. I didn't even want to open it when I saw the headline.

Alligator Attack At Disney

Quote:A toddler playing outside his waterfront hotel at Walt Disney World was attacked by an alligator Tuesday evening and dragged into a lagoon as his horrified parents looked on, officials said.
The 2-year-old’s father desperately ran into the water and tried to save the boy by wrestling the roughly 6-foot-long gator — and the boy’s mother also tried in vain to free the child, cops said.
But the ferocious reptile was able to pull the boy into the dark lagoon at about 9:30 p.m.
“The father was near the child who was playing in the water when the alligator came up and attacked him,” Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said at a news conference early Wednesday.
“The father entered the water and tried to grab the child but was not successful.”
Demings said the child and two siblings had been vacationing with their parents since Sunday.
The family, from Nebraska, were enjoying an evening of fireworks and a “movie night” near the Seven Seas Lagoon when tragedy struck.

And after searching all day for the body (the sheriff flat out said earlier that there's no way a 2 year old would survive this long), they have now found the remains of the little boy.

Remains found

Quote:Searchers found the remains of a missing 2-year-old boy, who was dragged away from his family by an alligator near a Disney hotel Tuesday night.

Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings ID'd the child as Lane Graves, son to Matt and Melissa Graves.

What a heartbreaking story. It hit's me pretty close because I just spent some time at a Disney resort and a I can tell you that it was the time of our lives. I've never taken a vacation with the kids (and I didn't grow up with the means to go on a vacation outside of the county zoo or the Milwaukee Public Museum), so I know for a fact that this family was feeling probably exactly the same as I was on our first few days there.

Part of me wants to immediately jump into the "where the hell were the parents?!", especially considering the signs were apparently VERY visible all along the waterfront warning not to enter, but I just can't. I'm jumping to conclusions here, but we stayed at a different resort. We stayed a the Caribbean Beach resort which also has a giant "lake" at the center. There are beaches for swimming, boats that will take you fishing, it's a scenic getaway all around.

Being from Wisconsin, the LAST thing on my mind at any lake is a freakin alligator. I know we're in Florida and all, but I not only let my daughter wade in the shallows while playing but I went with her. Our are didn't have any signs (and swimming wasn't off limits) but it seems from reading the article that the Grand Floridian lake is connected by streams and rivers that lead outside of Disney.

With that said, I saw a video recently of a huge gator walking across a golf course in Florida, so even the beach that I was at isn't safe. If they are walking under the cover of darkness and nobody sees them, they can waltz into a "private" lake any time they want.

So no, I'm not going to blame a family from Nebraska (who also probably never had "gator" in their mind, let alone at a Disney Resort) for what happened to their child, I'm not an insurance adjuster that will assign blame no matter what. It's a heart-wrenching tragedy all around and I just don't have any words that describe how they must feel.

The Golf Course gator by the way (video in the link)


Rest in Peace little man. Way to damn young... tinycrying

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  ‘The Zone of Silence’
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 06-15-2016, 11:04 PM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (8)

This strange region, called The Zone of Slience, lies on the 27th parallel north connecting the Bermuda Triangle, the Pyramids of Giza and the Himalayas. Inside this area, watches don't work, radios don't transmit properly, and the rocks on near-by houses are magnetized, even though they don't contain any metal. 

[Image: zona.silencio.jpg]

Even though this area has lots of paranormal activity, people still live there.
In ancient times, this area was submerged under water. Also, it's interesting to note that a large number of meteorites have crashed there.
Today, the zone of silence is considered to be one of the most mysterious places on the planet.

[Image: Zona-del-Silencio.jpg]

Quote:The phenomenon was investigated by experts from the city of Torreon. According to researchers, these anomalies are caused by the existence of a magnetic cone that causes ionization in the atmosphere blocking the transmission of radio waves.

Since the 19th century, there have been numerous reports of meteorites crashing into the area. Mysterious lights have been reported both by tourists and locals who believe that these lights are actually vehicles from otherworldly beings who have underground bases in the area. Even skeptics admit having seen lights, stating they are a common phenomenon.

Is it just a coincidence that the Zone of Silence is located on the exact same ‘line’ as the Pyramids of Egypt and the Bermuda Triangle? And is it possible that this proves the existence of ‘Alien’ vortexes on Earth? Strange areas on our planet where unexplained phenomenon occurs on a daily basis.


Strange place indeed.  Sounds more like a portal for ETs to travel through to me, especially since people see strange lights in the area.   minusculethinking

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