Now I think I know why Obama said he would be the last POTUS; he has known about this event for many previous years.
The conspiracy theorists call this planet, Planet X. The Bible calls it Wormwood.
The ET community have been getting "messages" that the time is almost here, and we will be see a bright flash, then suddenly find ourselves on a New Earth where we are spared the horrific things going on during the event on this planet. That is... if we are spiritually evolved enough to be saved.
Whether you believe in the Hebrew Bible about a Rapture taking place, or you believe an ET spacecraft will come and beam you up, I do believe some people will be "taken" before this event occurs.
The Bible says God's children will be raised up in a rapture event before this occurs. Same thing, different characters.
So, I'm not going to worry about it. I believe in my heart I'm ready to go.
Whatever your beliefs, NOW is the time to get ready to get out of here... or stay and face the "hell" that is about to hit this planet.
If you have no spiritual beliefs, then may I suggest you get prepared and move to a safe zone in an area where you can have a garden. Stock up on seeds, buy some chickens, and learn how to sustain yourself, because it will be up to you to survive without help from the government. Buy some first aid books and supplies, water purifiers, food that will last on the shelf for years, and many guns and bullets to protect yourself from the starving people who will try to take your belongings.
Maybe the Walking Dead t.v. series is trying to show us the future of how things will be in the not so distant future?