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  And the latest celebrity to die is....
Posted by: Jude - 12-29-2016, 05:08 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

Debbie Reynolds, a singer and actress who starred in Singin' in the Rain and The Unsinkable Molly Brown, and who was mother to the recently deceased actress Carrie Fisher, has died at the age of 84, reportedly from a stroke.

“She wanted to be with Carrie,” her son Todd Fisher told Variety.

[Image: 58646d69c361882e768b4569.jpg]

And the list goes on...

Carrie Fisher

Age: 60

George Michael

Age: 53

Status Quo’s Rick Parfitt

Age: 68

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Age: 99

Andrew Sachs from Fawlty Towers

Age: 86

Leonard Cohen

Age: 82

Florence Henderson

Age: 82

Pete Burns

Age: 57

Alexis Arquette

Age: 47

Gene Wilder

Age: 83

Star Wars actor Kenny Baker

Age: 81

Arnold Palmer

Age: 87

Muhammad Ali

Age: 73


Age: 57

Garry Shandling

Age: 66

Harper Lee

Age: 89

Alan Rickman

Age: 69

David Bowie

Age: 69

Fidel Castro

Age: 90

And that's just the ones that most know of...Let's not forget the other side of the World and their losses from stars to political figures.

Bad year to be famous.


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  Debbie Reynolds Dies at Age 84
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-29-2016, 04:56 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

How strange that Carrie Fisher's mother would die so soon after her daughter. 

Have you ever heard that we come here with certain members of our soul group?  If you have paid any attention to my threads, I'm sure you have.
It would seem these two finished their work here and both were free to go home at the same time.

Rest in Peace Debbie Reynolds.   tinycrying 

[Image: a3d3b248c0f797f7fe9ea63c61a54f5b]

Quote:Debbie Reynolds, the indefatigable star of Singin’ in the Rain, who bounced back time and again on the strength of a career that spanned the golden age of the Hollywood musical to the new golden age of TV, died on Dec. 28 at the age of 84 in Los Angeles. Her death came just one day after she endured the cruelest blow possible, when her daughter, Star Wars actress and writer Carrie Fisher, died on Dec. 27 at age 60, following a heart attack.

“She’s now with Carrie and we’re all heartbroken,” her son, Todd Fisher, told the AP on Wednesday.

A onetime Oscar nominee, Reynolds appeared in more than 50 movies. She is best remembered for playing alongside Gene Kelly and Donald O’Conner in 1952’s Singin’ in the Rain. The joyful film is typically cited as the greatest movie musical of all-time. Other big-screen credits included The Unsinkable Molly Brown and How the West Was Won. She played the title role in the Albert Brooks comedy Mother and was unrecognizable as Liberace’s mother in the acclaimed HBO biopic Behind the Candelabra. She once knocked Elvis Presley from the top of the charts, earned Tony and Emmy nods, won a lifetime achievement award from the Screen Actors Guild, as well as an honorary Academy Award.

Reynolds’ best role might have been that of survivor. “I’ll keep singing and dancing until I’m too old to stand up,” she said.

Read more here: Source

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  Cosmic Top Secret Propulsion Documents Leaked!
Posted by: guohua - 12-29-2016, 03:59 AM - Forum: UFOs, Aliens and Universal Questions - Replies (4)

You're going to want to watch this video.
Some of the pictures are just Fantastic!

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  Satellite spots MASSIVE object
Posted by: guohua - 12-29-2016, 02:51 AM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (2)

These is going to be GOOD!
I have to ask, could it be a Crashed Mothership, a Pyramid how about a old city!


Satellite spots MASSIVE object hidden under the frozen wastes of Antarctica
Cool!  smallgreennumberone
Quote:SCIENTISTS believe a massive object which could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Antarctic ice.

The huge and mysterious “anomaly” is thought to be lurking beneath the frozen wastes of an area called Wilkes Land.
[Image: aa-2.jpg?strip=all&w=960]
A view of Antarctica, the frozen landmass at the south pole of our planet
Quote:It stretches for a distance of 151 miles across and has a maximum depth of about 848 metres.
Some researchers believe it is the remains of a truly massive asteroid which was more than twice the size of the Chicxulub space rock which wiped out the dinosaurs.

If this explanation is true, it could mean this killer asteroid caused the Permian–Triassic extinction event which killed 96 percent of Earth’s sea creatures and up to 70 percent of the vertebrate organisms living on land.

However, the wilder minds of the internet have come up with their own theories, with some conspiracy theorists claiming it could be a massive UFO base or a portal to a mysterious underworld called the Hollow Earth.

This “Wilkes Land gravity anomaly” was first uncovered in 2006, when NASA satellites spotted gravitational changes which indicated the presence of a huge object sitting in the middle of a 300 mile wide impact crater.
Damn Big isn't it?
What if it's the Alien Mothership that Seded Earth?
[Image: aa-1.jpg?strip=all&w=960] 
The area known as Wilkes Land is circled in red
[Image: mystery-as-satellite-detects-massive-obj...=all&w=960]
This representation of satellite data shows the bizarre anomaly beneath Wilkes Land

Quote:Now the internet has lit up with discussion of the mysterious observations after the UFO hunting crew Secure Team 10 posted a YouTube video about the anomaly.

“To this day, scientists have no idea or way to discover exactly what is buried deep under this thick ice shelf,” the video narrator said.
“This continent has been shrouded in a mystery of its own for years now.”

Secure Team 10 suggested the Nazis built secret bases in Antarctica during World War II, which were designed to be used by flying saucers.

The UFO hunters added: “There is some evidence of this coming to light in recent years, which images purporting to show various entrances built into the side of mountains, with a saucer shape and at a very high altitude.

“This begs the question: how would you enter these entrances without something that could fly and was the same shape as hole itself?”
Secure Team also suggested the US Navy led a mission to investigate the mysterious continent.

This expedition was called Operation High Jump, which conspiracy theorists believe was an attempt to find the entrance to a secret world hidden underneath Earth.

However, the scientist who first spotted the anomaly believes it is actually evidence of a massive impact crater.

"This Wilkes Land impact is much bigger than the impact that killed the dinosaurs, and probably would have caused catastrophic damage at the time," said Ralph von Frese, who was a professor of geological sciences at Ohio State University when he discovered the "killer crater" on 2006.

"All the environmental changes that would have resulted from the impact would have created a highly caustic environment that was really hard to endure. So it makes sense that a lot of life went extinct at that time."

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  9 arrested in D.C. Friends helping ISIS ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-28-2016, 09:59 AM - Forum: America and its Territories - Replies (6)


Every time I see one of these articles I have to wonder what will it take to make our western countries and borders safe ? Unfortunately I figure we ain't seen nothing yet.

Quote:By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Monday, December 26, 2016
Law enforcement agencies have arrested nine Northern Virginia residents on charges of aiding the Islamic State since the terrorist group rose to power in Syria and Iraq in 2014 and launched social media propaganda to attract followers, a government message to police states.
The Northern Virginia Regional Intelligence Center issued profiles of the nine in a Dec. 21 report labeled “law enforcement sensitive.”

Quote:Of the nine Northern Virginians who were arrested, all but one were in their teens and early 20s. They included a police officer, a Starbucks barista, Army soldiers, bankers and a cabdriver. Four of the nine graduated from Northern Virginia high schools, one with honors. Two attended Northern Virginia Community College.

In other words, all of them appeared to have opportunities via public education to become successful Americans but instead were charged with what amounted to a devotion to violent jihad.
Not your usual bottom feeders, no?

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  Women vs Men & Men vs Women...NO! It's Just Nature.
Posted by: Jude - 12-28-2016, 09:56 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - Replies (3)

Make sure to watch in its entirety before commenting.



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  Remember When It Was All Bush's Fault?
Posted by: guohua - 12-28-2016, 03:37 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (4)

Well now it's all Russia's Fault!!!  smalltappinghead
Obama doesn't understand that the Vast Majority of Americans were sick of his policies.
So, Obama has announced he going to Punish The Russians for interfering with our Elections, I don't believe they did.

Quote:Obama administration is close to announcing measures to punish Russia for election interference
Yes you read that correctly!  smallroflmao
Quote:The Obama administration is close to announcing a series of measures to punish Russia for its interference in the 2016 presidential election, including economic sanctions and diplomatic censure, according to U.S. officials.
The administration is finalizing the details, which also are expected to include covert action that will probably involve cyber-operations, the officials said. An announcement on the public elements of the response could come as early as this week.

The sanctions portion of the package culminates weeks of debate in the White House on how to revise a 2015 executive order that was meant to give the president authority to respond to cyberattacks from overseas but that did not cover efforts to influence the electoral system.

The Obama administration rolled the executive order out to great fanfare as a way to punish and deter foreign hackers who harm U.S. economic or national security.
The threat to use it last year helped wring a pledge out of China’s president that his country would cease hacking U.S. companies’ secrets to benefit Chinese firms.
OK, Food For Thought  minusculethinking  So NSA CIA FBI finds Russia hacking in 24 hours but still cannot find Hillary's missing 33,000 emails or Lois learners emails 
It's a mystery!

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  Cosmic News - What Is Going On?!
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-27-2016, 07:56 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (3)

I've been following and watching updated information about those reported energy waves that hit the news a couple of weeks ago.
Here is the first video I saw, but I'm only posting it so you'll have background information on what I'm talking about.

After watching that one, I did some research and found out it was a hoax.  It seems these people are only after getting subscribers to their YT channel to up their ratings using fear porn.  

Here is what's really going on, and it is being hidden from the public to avoid panic.  It's not the planet Nibiru, it's a death star that is coming into our solar system, and it could do a lot of damage if it passes Earth at the wrong time, depending on our location with the sun. 

Terral has been studying this for years and he is very knowledgeable about the cosmic sciences and how one thing affects another.  He also said the energy waves are not what's causing what we see in the sky, and the earthquakes, etc.

I advise everyone to listen to this ASAP.  It could save you!  It is not my intention to spread doom porn, but if this is really happening, and it appears it is, then everyone needs to know and get prepared.

There was one video that showed a strange sky, fire-red, and the man said he had never seen anything like it in his lifetime.  I don't remember if it's on the above video, but I found another one that talks about the same thing.  This seems to be going on in several places around the Earth.  I had a friend post a picture on Face Book last week with a similar sky very close to my hometown. 

Is it the forces from the death star?  HAARP?  Just what exactly is going on?! 

From everything Terral said, this could reach us around May 20th, 2017, if his calculations are correct.  The good news is, there is only a 10% chance that it could hit us.  However, this thing is bringing a lot of debris with it, and once it gets caught in our gravity field... well, it could be a very dangerous time for people on Earth's surface.

Towards the end of the video, he also goes into how this will cause large earthquakes, and explains the science behind the U.S. breaking up and being a very different-looking country.  We have all seen this map before, right?

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I feel this is important to share.  The MSM will not cover this because they don't want the public to panic. Or, maybe they're afraid we'll destroy their underground bunkers and make them suffer through it with us!


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  Syria, Arms, Pipeline and Clinton and F-35
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-27-2016, 01:59 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (1)


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  Somalian asylum seeker put in coma after 'raping and robbing women' in Austria.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-27-2016, 12:13 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (3)

'A SOMALIAN asylum seeker has been detained in hospital after the alleged
rape of a woman and an attempted robbery of another in Austria.'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=969]

The 19-year-old man is under police supervision after being taken for medical care
in the city of Klagenfurt following the attack on Christmas eve.
It has been reported locally the man attempted to rape a 23-year-old woman in a bar
but she was able to fight off the attacker.

However, he is alleged to have attempted to steal another 22-year-old woman's wallet
after going into a female toilet in the bar following the first attack.
According to reports the man grabbed the second victim by the throat after she caught
him trying to steal her wallet.

He is said to have fled the bar and was later arrested in the Schillerpark of Klagenfurt,
sixth-largest city in the country.

He had collapsed after the arrest and was put into an induced coma.
Police were unable to interrogate the individual accused of the attack until this morning
and have yet to press charges, it has been claimed.

Local reports suggest the man told police that he could not remember the incident. 
Both of the victims have again been questioned by the police this afternoon. 
However, police do not expect make a decision on charges until Tuesday morning.

The attack comes after two incidents earlier this year.
In March a migrant was being hunted after he lured the four-year-old child into a swimming
pool changing area before sexually assaulting the child's mother when she caught him.

According to data compiled by the Austrian Interior Ministry, nearly one out of three asylum
seekers in Vienna was accused of committing crimes in 2015.

North African gangs fighting for control over drug trafficking were responsible for roughly
half of the 15,828 violent crimes — rapes, robberies, stabbings and assaults — reported
in the city during 2015.

Austria received 90,000 asylum requests in 2015, the second-highest number in the EU
on a per capita basis...'

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