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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-10-2018, 07:31 PM - Forum: America's President D. Trump - Replies (7)

Wouldn't you love to have been able to work this closely with President Trump, to get to see who he is off camera? 
Watch the video and learn who the REAL President Trump is.

Quote:Gene Ho was the official campaign photographer for Donald J. Trump during Trump's two year run for the Presidency. Gene had total access and got a unique insiders look at the REAL Donald J. Trump. This is his story.

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  No Smocking Gun, Claims President Trump
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-10-2018, 06:10 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

[Image: donald-trump-michael-cohen-karen-mcdouga...40x480.jpg]

Quote:President Donald Trump defended hush money payments from private lawyer Michael Cohen to women on Monday, despite prosecutors claiming they were illegal campaign contributions.

“Now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution which it was not,” he wrote.
Cohen pled guilty to arranging deals for Playboy model Karen McDougal and porn star Stormy Daniels to silence their claims that they had an affair with Trump before he was president. Cohen claimed that he did so at Trump’s direction.

Trump suggested Cohen was lying in order to get his prison sentence reduced, and that it was Cohen’s fault if there was a mistake.
“Lawyer’s liability if he made a mistake, not me,” Trump wrote. “Cohen just trying to get his sentence reduced. WITCH HUNT!”
Trump suggested that prosecutors were focusing on the payments because they found no evidence of collusion with Russia to win the presidential election.

“Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony.,” he wrote, quoting a commentator on Fox News, but misspelling the word “smoking” twice.
“No Smocking Gun…No Collusion,” he added.

Quote:“Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony. No Smocking Gun…No Collusion.” @FoxNews That’s because there was NO COLLUSION. So now the Dems go to a simple private transaction, wrongly call it a campaign contribution,…
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2018
Quote:….which it was not (but even if it was, it is only a CIVIL CASE, like Obama’s – but it was done correctly by a lawyer and there would not even be a fine. Lawyer’s liability if he made a mistake, not me). Cohen just trying to get his sentence reduced. WITCH HUNT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 10, 2018

Now, for those who think the President of the United States can't spell, let me enlighten you. He does this... often.  It's a way he sends code messages to researchers, or someone in his cabinet, to look at a certain thing. The Anons and the people who follow Q have learned quickly how to read the President's misspellings. He does it deliberately.
Of course, you have the left who are having a hay day mocking him for his misspellings on social media, but they are ignorant to what's really going on. Keep them pacified with stupid things like this while he does his job in the background.

Some who understand are suggesting he is referring to Smock Paintings, which would point us to the Podesta Brothers; they have been in the news a lot lately.
Are they about to go down?

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4906]

Others are wondering if it is pointing to something else:

Quote:Lisa Mei Crowley‏ @LisaMei62
2h2 hours ago

Lisa Mei Crowley Retweeted Donald J. Trump

Is @realDonaldTrump drawing our attention with the "Smocking" "typo" (2x) to the fact that Operation MOCKINGbird is in full swing w/4am talking points including words like "impeachment", "unindicted co-conspirator", "campaign finance conspiracy", & "felony"? It's ALL FAKE NEWS!
Time will tell. Q will verify its meaning, but if no one gets it right, he/they will give more hints until we do get it.

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  Comey calls on Americans to oust Trump in 2020
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-10-2018, 05:14 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (2)

Comey appeared to have lost his memory during his testimony last Friday. He said he didn't know, didn't recall, or couldn't remember things on 245 occasions during the closed-door hearing.
President Trump tweeted his thoughts, which Comey responds to in the article below.

Quote:Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Dec 9

Leakin’ James Comey must have set a record for who lied the most to Congress in one day. His Friday testimony was so untruthful! This whole deal is a Rigged Fraud headed up by dishonest people who would do anything so that I could not become President. They are now exposed!

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Dec 9

On 245 occasions, former FBI Director James Comey told House investigators he didn’t know, didn’t recall, or couldn’t remember things when asked. Opened investigations on 4 Americans (not 2) - didn’t know who signed off and didn’t know Christopher Steele. All lies!

Now Comey is calling on Americans to "use every breath we have" to oust President Trump in 2020.

Yes, I bet he is. tinysure
Does he still think he'll be free to enjoy a government without Trump at the helm in 2020?  I don't think so, but time will tell.
Let's wait until the unredacted FISA and IG reports come out and then see who gets the last laugh.

We already know; the White Hats have everything they need to take the Globalists out. They just have to do things at the right time to "make it stick".  This is our last chance to save our country from Globalism; we have to get it right!

[Image: 5c0e484202aad.image.jpg?resize=750%2C422]

Keep in mind this article comes from CNN, one of President Trump's worst "fake news" enemies.  They are going to "spin" it in the most negative way to make our President look bad to the public, and the "bad actors" look good.

Quote:(CNN) -- Former FBI Director James Comey asked American voters Sunday night to end Donald Trump's presidency with a "landslide" victory for his opponent in 2020.

"All of us should use every breath we have to make sure the lies stop on January 20, 2021," Comey told an audience at the 92nd Street Y on New York City's Upper East Side. He all but begged Democrats to set aside their ideological differences and nominate the person best suited to defeating Trump in an election.

"I understand the Democrats have important debates now over who their candidate should be," Comey told MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace, "but they have to win. They have to win."

Over the course of more than an hour, Comey repeatedly derided Trump's character, again likening the atmosphere around the President to what he saw in prosecuting mafia figures and suggested that Trump's tweets could eventually amount to witness tampering. Asked if Trump might be an unindicted co-conspirator in some of the crimes recently described by special counsel Robert Mueller, Comey said he didn't know, "but if he's not there, he's certainly close."

Still, Comey said he hoped that Trump would be swept out of office without being impeached. Framing the rise of Trumpism as a political ill the country needed to exorcise at the ballot, he expressed a hope that Americans would "in a landslide rid ourselves of this attack on our values."
"Removal by impeachment would muddy that," he said, and potentially leave a third of the country feeling like their chosen leader had been removed in a "coup."

Trump's decision to fire Comey in May 2017 was a key factor in the appointment of Mueller, who was handed the job by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in the aftermath of Comey's dismissal and the subsequent leak of a memo in which he recounted Trump asking that he end an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn. In a book and in public statements, Comey has become a leading critic of Trump -- and Trump has berated him in turn, relentlessly and usually on Twitter.

Hours earlier, Trump attacked Comey in a pair of testy morning tweets, claiming without evidence that the former FBI chief had lied on Friday in his testimony to the House Judiciary and Oversight committees.

"Leakin' James Comey must have set a record for who lied the most to Congress in one day. His Friday testimony was so untruthful!," Trump wrote, adding in a second post: "On 245 occasions, former FBI Director James Comey told House investigators he didn't know, didn't recall, or couldn't remember things when asked."

Comey laughed at the idea Trump had even looked over the actual testimony, joking to Wallace before she could read the tweets, "He's finished reading the 253 pages?"

After hearing the words out loud, he turned serious.
"My reaction to it is actually disturbing to me, which is kind of, 'Eh, there he goes again.' I thought I was 'Lyin' James Comey' now I'm 'Leakin' James Comey'. But I kind of shrug and sometimes smile and laugh about it and then I have a secondary reaction, which is to be horrified at my own numb reaction," Comey said. "We have to remind ourselves the President of the United States of America is publicly announcing that people are committing crimes, that they should be in jail."

Asked if Trump's tweets could be viewed as witness tampering, Comey answered carefully -- insisting he had no insight into Mueller's thinking.
"I'm not prepared to judge it," Comey said, "but again, if I were prosecuting a case in the Southern District of New York and a prominent person started attacking my witnesses, I'd want to know so what's going on there and does that cross the line from free speech, which we have to keep protected, into something else?"

Speaking about the period before the 2016 election, Comey was unsparing of Republican congressional leaders who he said opposed making public intelligence community concerns over Russian interference.

"To their everlasting shame, the leaders -- (Senate Majority Leader Mitch) McConnell, (House Speaker Paul) Ryan -- refused," Comey said. "I think they're going to have a hard time explaining that to history."

He had kinder words for former President Barack Obama, describing the Democrat as a foil to Trump in almost every way.
"I was struck that Barack Obama is the best listener as a leader I had ever seen and Donald Trump is the worst I've ever seen," Comey said. "Obama had the confidence to be quiet and try and get that. Donald Trump is a deeply, deeply insecure person, so I don't see any prospect that he would be able to be quiet for long enough to hear the truth."


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  France Looking At Possible Russian Influence on Yellow Vest Riots
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 12-10-2018, 03:32 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (2)

Well, well. If the Globalists can't get a war between the U.S. and Russia, it appears they're going to try it with France.

Quote:(Bloomberg) -- France opened a probe into possible Russian interference behind the country’s Yellow Vest protests, after reports that social-media accounts linked to Moscow have increasingly targeted the movement.

According to the Alliance for Securing Democracy, about 600 Twitter accounts known to promote Kremlin views have begun focusing on France, boosting their use of the hashtag #giletsjaunes, the French name for the Yellow Vest movement. French security services are looking at the situation, Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said Sunday in a radio interview with RTL.

Russia has been criticized for using social media to influence elections in the U.S. and elsewhere. Attempts to use fake news reports and cyberattacks to undercut the 2017 campaign of French President Emmanuel Macron failed, but Russian-linked sites have pushed questionable reports of a mutiny among police, and of officers’ support for the protests.

“An investigation is now underway,” Le Drian said. “I will not make comments before the investigation has brought conclusions.”

The Twitter accounts monitored by the alliance usually feature U.S. or British news. But the French protests “have been at or near the top” of their activity for at least a week, according to Bret Schafer, the alliance’s Washington-based social media analyst.
“That’s a pretty strong indication that there is interest in amplifying the conflict” for audiences outside France.

The Alliance for Securing Democracy is a unit of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S., which monitors pro-Kremlin activity.
The assertion of police dissatisfaction -- which doesn’t appear to be supported by facts -- resembles other Kremlin-backed disinformation campaigns that have tried to engender mistrust in Western governments and show that liberal democracies are in decline, Schafer says.

"They" just can't seem to accept the fact that people are tired of their style of leadership. It HAS to be someone else causing the problems, right?

Quote:Much of the tweeted material comes from Russian state media outlets including the Sputnik news website, the RT television network, and Ruptly, a German-based video news agency that belongs to RT. These outlets are covering the French crisis closely; RT has said that 12 of its journalists have been injured in the protests, far more than any other news organization.

Get ready to hear Russia, Russia, Russia over there in France. They'll try to brainwash people that they (Russia) are behind the uprising. I just hope the people are awake enough to see through it and not let it lead to war.

Read the full article here:  Source

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  Teacher Who Channels Sweeney Todd.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-09-2018, 04:27 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

Before you read this, remember... it's California. They breed them there.

Quote:Visalia teacher charged after star-spangled outburst, released from jail.

'Margaret Gieszinger sat in the back of a pretrial courtroom on Friday. Her hands were cuffed and her head was down.

Charges were filed against the Visalia teacher who was caught on video appearing to forcibly chop off at least
student's hair while belting out the national anthem in her classroom.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4899]

Another West-Coast Screw-up.

On Friday, Tulare County District Attorney's Office filed a six-count complaint against science teacher Gieszinger, 52 of Exeter.
Gieszinger was charged with one count of false imprisonment, two counts of cruelty to a child, two counts of battery, and one
count of assault. Each count is a misdemeanor.

She was released on her own recognizance by Tulare County Judge Anthony Fultz during her arraignment on Friday. 
However, there are restrictions tied to her freedom.

Gieszinger can't go near University Preparatory High School and she can't be near firearms.  
"My husband has some guns so I don't know if he can get rid of them so fast," she told the judge.
"I haven't talked to him."  

Fultz advised her to stay with friends or family until the guns are removed from the home.
A criminal protective order was also put in place to protect the three victims listed in the complaint. 
Gieszinger can't be within 50 feet of the school or victims. Gieszinger’s legal woes began on Wednesday.

College of the Sequoias police responded to a University Preparatory High School classroom after reports of child
endangerment involving a teacher and a "pair of scissors," said Police Chief Kevin Mizner. 

Three videos were posted to social media showing a student sitting in a chair at the front of the classroom
as the 
teacher cuts off portions of the student's hair. She then tosses the chunks of hair behind her. 
As the student attempts to get up and walk back to his desk, Gieszinger says, "You're not done," and motions
to sit back down. 
She then chops his hair again. He again stands up and moves away from her.

Shortly after, in the video, the teacher calls out other students and then walks over to a female student.
The teacher appears to grab a piece of the student's hair and attempts to snip it. 

She was later arrested on suspicion of felony child endangerment. 
According to Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Gieszinger's credential was suspended in 2007 and 2016.
It's unclear why her credentials were suspended. The 2016 suspension lasted 14 days. The 2007 suspension
lasted seven.

The 2016 credential suspension was cited as an Education Code 44421 suspension. 
Education Code 44421 suspension reads: 

"The Commission on Teacher Credentialing shall privately admonish, publicly reprove, revoke
or suspend for immoral or unprofessional conduct, or for persistent defiance of, and refusal to
obey, the laws regulating the duties of persons serving in the public school system, or for any
cause that would have warranted the denial of an application for a credential or the renewal
thereof, or for evident unfitness for service."

If convicted on all six counts, Gieszinger faces up to three years and six months in jail...'

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  Tommy Robinson Is Being Funded -The Guardian Says So.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-08-2018, 10:28 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (6)

I'll post this, but considering how low-tech Robinson is and how the judicial system treated him,
I'll be very surprised if it's true.

Quote:Revealed: the hidden global network behind Tommy Robinson.

'Guardian investigation shows how cash, legal support and millions of tweets underpin anti-Islam activist
-but Facebook removes his ‘donate’ button

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4896]

Tommy Robinson says he has raised several hundred thousand pounds via online donations. 
The British far-right activist Tommy Robinson is receiving financial, political and moral support from a broad
array of non-British groups and individuals, including US thinktanks, rightwing Australians and Russian trolls,
a Guardian investigation has discovered.

Robinson, an anti-Islam campaigner who is leading a “Brexit betrayal” march in London on Sunday, has received
funding from a US tech billionaire and a thinktank based in Philadelphia. Two other US thinktanks, part-funded by
some of the biggest names in rightwing funding, have published a succession of articles in support of Robinson,
who has become a cause célèbre among the American far right since he was jailed in May for two months.

His imprisonment on contempt of court charges prompted a vigorous international Twitter campaign, with 2.2m
tweets being posted using the hashtag #freetommy between May and October.

An analysis conducted for the Guardian by the London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue found that more than
40% of the tweets came from the US, 30% from the UK and other significant volumes from Canada, the Netherlands
and nine other countries.

A separate study of about 600 Twitter accounts, believed to be directly tied to the Russian government or closely
aligned with its propaganda, found significant numbers had tweeted prolifically in Robinson’s defence.
On Facebook, Robinson has more than 1 million followers from at least a dozen countries outside the UK, including
the US, Australia, Sweden and Norway.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has been using Facebook donation tools designed for
charities to raise funds for his activism for several months. He says he has raised several hundred thousand pounds
via online donations, some of which were solicited via the Facebook donate button.

Robinson has said he plans to use the money to launch a European version of the rightwing conspiracy website
Infowars, and to sue the British government over his prison treatment.
But the tool is meant for charities alone.
When the Guardian alerted Facebook to this, the social media company switched off the function within hours.

The Guardian looked into Robinson’s global support after he was jailed for filming outside a rape trial involving
defendants of mainly Pakistani heritage at Leeds crown court. He was released on 1 August after the court of
appeal ordered that he should be retried. The attorney general is deciding whether to proceed with a retrial.

The investigation has established that:
*A Philadelphia-based thinktank, the Middle East Forum (MEF), acknowledges it has spent about $60,000 (£47,000)
on Robinson’s legal fees and demonstrations staged in London earlier this year.
A senior MEF executive has been closely involved in preparations for this weekend’s march, though the thinktank said
she was there in a personal capacity.

*A US tech billionaire, Robert Shillman, financed a fellowship that helped pay for Robinson to be employed in 2017 by
a rightwing Canadian media website, the Rebel Media, on a salary of about £5,000 a month.

*A small Australian rightwing group, Australian Liberty Alliance, says it has helped fund Robinson, but did not disclose
how much.

*A New York City-based thinktank, the Gatestone Institute, has published a succession of articles supporting Robinson’s

*The David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC), a California-based thinktank that describes itself as a “school for political
warfare”, has published a series of pieces defending Robinson, and has lobbied for him to address US politicians.

Horowitz, the co-founder of the DHFC, told the Guardian in an email: “Tommy Robinson is a courageous Englishman
who has risked his life to expose the rape epidemic of young girls conducted by Muslim gangs and covered up by your
shameful government.”

MEF, Gatestone and the DHFC are well funded by influential rightwing donors, according to tax returns scrutinised by the
Guardian. In 2014-16, the returns show they received a total of almost $5m from several millionaire donors.
MEF received $792,000 from a foundation led by Nina Rosenwald, the co-chair of American Securities Management,
once dubbed “the sugar mama of anti-Muslim hate”.

The DHFC received $1,638,290 from five wealthy benefactors, one of whom is believed to be among the biggest-ever
donors to the Republican party. Gatestone has received more than $2m in donations, including $250,000 from the Mercer
Family Foundation, which is funded by Donald Trump’s top donor, Robert Mercer, and run by the billionaire’s daughter

All three thinktanks have been repeatedly accused of stoking anti-Islam sentiment in the west and spreading false
information about Muslim refugees in Europe. But all three have consistently denied being anti-Islam.
“Radical Islam is the problem and moderate Islam is the solution,” the MEF president, Daniel Pipes, said in an email.
“MEF fights for the right to discuss Islam and related issues in free, robust, open and public debate.”

Pipes added that he believed Robinson had been prosecuted for his views and not his actions outside the courthouse.
He said: “In May 2018, in the course of five hours, he was arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to 13 months’ prison,
and jailed; that sounds more like a banana republic than the home of the Magna Carta.”

Rosenwald and the Gatestone Institute have strongly denied they are anti-Islam. In a 5,000-word article in May, the institute
said “far from being anti-Muslim” it was “pro-Muslim” and that it did not want to see “Muslims deprived of freedom of
speech, flogged or stoned to death for supposed adultery”.

A spokesman said: “Gatestone is a free speech platform and publishes hundreds of online articles a year expressing
a varied range of views, including articles by Muslims, and does not endorse the comment of all its contributors.”
Robinson, Shillman and the Mercers did not respond to detailed requests for comment.

The support from prominent and well-financed groups undermines Robinson’s self-styled image of a far-right populist
underdog whose anti-Islam agenda is being silenced by the British establishment. Robinson was recently appointed
an official adviser to Ukip, which is backing his pro-Brexit rally on Sunday.

Ukip’s embrace of him has caused a rupture in the party and prompted two former leaders, Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall,
and hundreds of members to leave. Announcing his resignation this week after 25 years with the party, Farage wrote in the
Daily Telegraph: “The very idea of Tommy Robinson being at the centre of the Brexit debate is too awful to contemplate.”

Robinson founded the English Defence League, a far-right Islamophobic group, in 2009. It has since fractured and declined.
He frequently complains of being smeared as a racist, insisting he does not care about skin colour and that his objection is
to Islamist political ideology rather than people.

However, he has been filmed saying things like: “Somalis are backward barbarians”; British Muslims are “enemy combatants
who want to kill you, maim you and destroy you”; and refugees are “raping their way through the country”.

The news of his imprisonment on 25 May generated a surge of pro-Robinson tweets.
An analysis of 2.2m #freetommy tweets between May and October showed 42% came from the US, according to research by
the Institute for Strategic Dialogue.

A second analysis, by the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) thinktank, discovered social media backing from a cluster
of 600 accounts it identified as being aligned with the Kremlin. Pro-Robinson tweets accounted for three of their top five most
-used hashtags on 27 May, and most pointed users to articles on the rightwing websites InfoWars, Breitbart and Voice of Europe,
according to the researchers.

“The clustered focus on the Tommy Robinson case in late May suggests that Russian-linked accounts saw his arrest as a clear
opportunity to amplify political divisions both in the UK and abroad,” said Bret Schafer, a social media analyst at the US-based

Fiyaz Mughal, the founder of Tell Mama, which records anti-Muslim hate crimes, described the US and Russian support for
Robinson as foreign interventionism. He said: “It should alarm anyone in this country who values the democratic principles
on which our country are founded.”...'
An Alleged Newspaper:

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  The EU Army That They Said Wasn't Real.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-08-2018, 09:47 PM - Forum: Europe - Replies (15)

A smart person would've made sure that EU flag wouldn't have been seen... unless they wanted
it to be seen. The European Union has an army.

Quote:Armoured vehicles bearing EU flag STORM Paris in sign European Army already created.

Armoured vehicles bearing the European Union flag have stormed into Paris as protesters
bring the city to a standstill.

'Riots have been raging across the city for the last few weeks as anger about the high cost of
living and increased fuel taxes threaten to topple Emmanuel Macron’s Government.

Shocking scenes today saw riot cops confronting the so-called Gilet Jaunes –after the high-vis
yellow vests they have worn.

But one particular video has caused a stir after it was posted on social media.
It shows heavily armoured vehicles driving into the city as small fires –lit by furious protesters
–rage around them.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4894]

But rather than bearing the French Tricolore flag, the vehicles bore the distinct starred EU flag,
which critics have said is a sign an EU Army is drawing closer to existence. Furious Twitter users
have also said it is a sign the bloc, which the UK voted to leave in 2016, is prepared to crush any
dissent in any of its member states.

One person commented: “The Euro flag disturbs me on vehicles”.
Another wrote: “With the European Union flag on!!!”
And one outraged person shared a picture of President Macron alongside a quote attributed to him:
“We need more Europe”.

Brits also jumped on the thread, claiming the vehicles and flag give an insight into a future in an
expanding European Union.

One UK user said: “Paris gives us the first glimpse of the future under EU rule. “The planned army
is being put in place to repress any citizens that dare to question the superstate agenda.
“Trust me, you saw it here first. On the streets of Paris 8/12/2018.”

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4895]
FURY: French people are furious about the rising costs of living and higher taxes.

“EU markings on the side! Wake up Europe! The EU are a clear threat to the survival of Europe and
European culture. If Macron and Merkel get their army they will use it against the people,” wrote another...'
The Daily Star:

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  Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments
Posted by: 727Sky - 12-08-2018, 10:00 AM - Forum: The Enlightened Ones or The Powers That Be - Replies (2)



Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades

DISTURBING details of secret mind-control experiments carried out by the CIA have been revealed in newly released documents - that officials have been trying to hide for decades. 

The new documents, released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal how the CIA experimented on both humans and animals using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices as part of the top secret - and illegal - mind control project MKUltra.

Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts.
One document details how the CIA planned to drug “criminals awaiting trial held in a prison hospital ward” in a bid to develop “improved techniques in drug interrogation”. 
Another document details the CIA’s interest in developing ways to cause amnesia in humans using experiments “no matter how weird, inconclusive or unusual”.
It goes on to detail how they were looking to find ways of developing hypnotic speaking techniques which would control the minds of “large audiences” and “heighten group susceptibility”.
Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads. 

The records also detail mind control experiments on dogs, cats and mice with a cocktail of drugs and by implanting electronic devices - most likely as a precursor to human experiments. 
They also researched electric fish who can zap each other with electricity in a bit to create a super soldier who could do the same thing.  
The records were obtained by researcher John Greenewald Jr, who published them last week on his website The Black Vault
John, 37, from Castaic, California, told Sun Online he has been fighting since 1999 to get the CIA to hand over the documents and says they “completely rewrite the history” of the controversial project.
See link for rest of the article and video

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  There's A Chap Down In Mexico Who Gets It.
Posted by: BIAD - 12-07-2018, 10:36 PM - Forum: America and its Territories - Replies (3)

Just when you start to lose faith in commonsense, a fresh breeze of logic cools your worries.

Quote:Senator proposes castration for rapists

'It is time to put an end to violence against women and children'

[Image: attachment.php?aid=4889]
Senator Armenta announces his castration proposal.

'A senator with the governing Morena party is preparing a proposal that would punish rapists with chemical

Alejandro Armenta Mier told a press conference that Mexico is in first place globally for cases of sexual abuse,
physical violence and homicide committed against minors last year, adding that a total of 4.5 million Mexicans
are rape victims.
In the state of Puebla alone, he continued, there are 800 recorded cases of femicides, 70% of which are also rape

“. . . the Morena parliamentary group is in favor of combating violence against women and children.
The purpose of this initiative is to castrate those who rape them,” said the senator from Puebla.
“. . . it is time to put a definitive stop” to this crime, Armenta said.
“I am a father, I have daughters, I have a wife; we have got to take drastic measures.”

The senator said he recognized the initiative might be controversial but he would seek a consensus with lawmakers
from other parties as well as human rights organizations to determine what route to take to come up with more severe
penalties in order to reduce the crimes in question...'
Mexico Daily News:

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  The Wait. [CHR2018]
Posted by: BIAD - 12-07-2018, 12:57 PM - Forum: Rogue's Writers Contests - Replies (2)

Carol singers at my door and 'It's A Wonderful Life' on the television.
Snow tapping the window and the room smelling of Christmas pine needles.

Somewhere out there, he's roaming the sky tonight and the children whisper prayers
of a visit. Naughty or nice, who decides?

Have a good one.

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