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  13 MKUltra children killed
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-09-2020, 01:12 PM - Forum: Mysterious Circumstances Surrounding Certain Deaths - Replies (7)

Two of the videos in the link have been taken down by youtube

Quote: The Royal Canadian AF Killed 13 MKUltra Children in 1958, According to Lone Survivor

[Image: alexander-64x64.jpg]Alexander LightMay 25, 2014

Air Force personnel massacred 13 children on May 17 1958 according to the lone survivor of a suspected genocide by Royal Canadian Air Force personnel.
The homicides were said to take place as the Canadian government closed their MKULTRA mind control program. Last week the witness, now in her mid-sixties, gave heart-wrenching details about child genocides during hearings at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.
She also discussed her eyewitness to murders of seven other children during her two year childhood stint at the base. She claimed to be a victim of a CIA-funded mind control program designed to develop “Super Spies.”
[Image: Canadian-MKULTRA.jpg]
The Brussels ICLCJ court was hearing this and other testimonies of eighteen witnesses to illegal activities of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult, some of whom appeared to be involved in the CIA program. Children in the mind control program at the Canadian base known as Lincoln Park in Calgary Alberta, were allegedly victimized by a former Nazi SS doctor.
According to the survivor, the Nazi mind control expert and three Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members were working undercover as Canadian military personnel.
These human experiments on children were run at the base between 1956 and 1958. On her website the witness gave tribute to children, like her, who were born into and raised in the CIA mind control program called MKULTRA.
Quote:Children ages 2 to 10 “were put to death,” she said, “due to the severity of injuries sustained during the course of human medical experiments.”
MKULTRA began with the creation of the CIA in 1954. The program was funded by US tax dollars for the purpose of developing “Super Spies” and assassins. The Nov. 13 2010 New York Times reported that after World War II Dr. Josef Mengele was among the Nazis given a safe haven in the US through the CIA-sponsored Project Paperclip. In both Canada and the US several survivors of the CIA mind control program identified Mengele as their torturer. He was known by them as a Dr. Green or Greenbaum.

Christine Nicola testified about Dr. Green in the 1995 Congressional Hearings on human radiation experiments. In this video the mind control survivor said that beginning at the tender age of four she was terrorized by CIA operatives under the direction of Dr. Green.

They were “training” her to be a spy and an assassin by subjecting the child to radiation, drugs, electroshock, sexual abuse and mind-control experiments. Dr. Green was able to split her young mind into multiple personalities.

Dr. Green evidently tortured another witness of the 1995 hearings. Claudia Mullen stated in this video that she discovered documents where the US government gave Dr. Green 50 million dollars to run the program with the CIA Science Division, CIA Office of Research Development.

Mullen said that from age seven and near Dr. Green’s office she was given electroshock, radiation, drugs, isolated in a tub of water, sexually abused, endured sleep deprivation, burns and all kinds of emotional and physical abuse. She claimed these atrocities were also performed on countless other children.

There were at least two Nazi experts on mind control called Dr. Green who were brought into the US under this CIA-funded Project Paperclip. Jenny Hill of Garden Grove California also claimed to be a victim of Dr. Green’s CIA mind control. According to Mullen, MKULTRA was headed by Dr. Green, while the CIA claimed they closed MKULTRA in 1964.
Yet, Hill’s torture-programming by Dr. Green began a year later in 1965. According to her biography, “Twenty Two Faces” Hill was abused by a satanic coven under direction of Dr. Green. In this video Hill discussed her witness of another six year-old child’s murder. The severe abuse caused a disintegration of her personality.

Mind Control Survivors Claudia Mullen and Christine deNicola, plus Therapist Valerie Wolf ended their testimony at the 1995 Congressional hearings by pleading for an investigation. They also indicated that the CIA experiments on children were still going on.

Mullen said,
Quote:“Please help us by preventing these heinous acts in the future.”
Despite the riveting testimonies, Congress voted not to release the information. No further investigation has been done. Because survivors and others believed countless children were still being tortured, they began petitioning Congress for another investigation of the CIA mind control program.
Please read their comments and sign the petition here – also, please share with everyone you know.
Despite the claim that MKULTRA was shut down in 1964, commenters in the petition indicated the CIA program was not only still active, but global in nature.
A woman from California said,
Quote:“I’m a survivor of tax-funded torture, enslavement, human trafficking and mind control that includes sexual abuse. Two members of my immediate family are also, including one who is still a minor.”
An Australian claimed,
Quote:“I’m a CIA mind control survivor who was abused in Australia and South East Asia.”
Another survivor from Nebraska wrote, 
Quote:“I have been a human subject to a military electronic experiment funded by our government since I was toddler.”
Because of numerous victims coming forward, the ICLCJ Court litig

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  Welcome to R-N 3 TDawg61
Posted by: guohua - 07-09-2020, 09:40 AM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (3)


Welcome to our little bit of Heaven.
Come on in and relax, you're home now and among friends.
You can join the Shoutbox and chat live, Need help just ask.

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  Letters from a Farmer 1767
Posted by: kdog - 07-09-2020, 04:08 AM - Forum: History of the Americas - Replies (6)

Very interesting read regarding the prelude to the Declaration of Independence. 

Quote:The start of John Dickinson’s career as the “Penman of the Revolution” began with a political pamphlet titled “The Late Regulations” which expressed Dickinson’s thoughts on the Revenue Act (Sugar Acts) of 1764 which raised taxes on sugar. Many Americans, including John, felt Parliament was threatening the rights of the colonies and the “Acts,” if carried out, would disturb the American economy.

Soon after, during the Stamp Act Crisis in 1765, Dickinson was a leading voice against the Parliamentary acts that imposed a tax on items by requiring the purchase of a stamp. During a gathering of the so-called Stamp Act Congress in New York City in October 1766, Dickinson was asked to write fifteen proposals. These proposals, now known as the “Declaration of Rights and Resolves,” condemned the legislation as unconstitutional. This document, which was sent to the King of England, was the first official document drawn up and agreed upon by a combination of American colonies. Shortly thereafter, the Stamp Act was repealed after only four months of unsuccessful operation.


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  Internalized Racial Oppression
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-09-2020, 01:36 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (26)

The City of Seattle held a training session for white employees called “Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness.”  A member on Twitter,  Christopher F. Rufo, did a public records request to find out exactly what it entailed.

First, diversity trainers informed white participants that "objectivity," "individualism," "intellectualization," and "comfort" are all vestiges of internalized racial oppression.

[Image: EcR1hjmU8AE_Lth?format=png&name=900x900]

What's next? The City of Seattle diversity trainers encourage white employees to "practice self-talk that affirms [their] complicity in racism" and work on "undoing your own whiteness."

[Image: EcR3DlsUEAE1zgH?format=png&name=large]
[Image: EcR3EGqUwAAChOK?format=png&name=large]

What happens after the thought exercises? It's time to DO THE WORK. The trainers ask white employees to "let go" of "comfort," "guaranteed physical safety," "control over the land," "social status," and "relationships with some other white people."

[Image: EcR4FHyUYAAcUqM?format=png&name=large]
Then they go through a flow chart that outlines how white people "cause harm to POC," "show up small and inauthentic," and are unable to access their "humanity."

[Image: EcR5JwiU8AEqUMM?format=jpg&name=large]

In case some people are wondering if they're "really white," they pass out a datasheet called "Assimilation into Whiteness." Are you of Arab, Jewish, Finnish, German, Italian, Armenian or Irish descent? You're definitely white. No getting out of this.

[Image: EcR6ZY2U8AIAsfq?format=png&name=large]

As @DrKarlynB  first reported, the invitation for this training was strictly segregated to "white City employees." The goal is to teach them how they have "complicity in the system of white supremacy" and must be held "accountable to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color."

[Image: EcR7hwpUEAA95Ge?format=jpg&name=large]

How do you know when you've successfully "interrupted your whiteness"? –When you "implicate yourself" in racism. –When "other white people may be angry." –When you have stopped your "white normative behavior."

[Image: EcR-GgDUcAAxRD3?format=jpg&name=large]
As @ConceptualJames and others have shown, the new cultural revolution is being fought via corporate HR, city diversity training, and public school curriculums. When you find something like this in your community, expose it, criticize it, mock it, and reject it. /End

All I can say is, thank goodness I'm retired and don't have to put up with this liberal bullshit!   :smalleyeroll:

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  Welcome Antar to RN3
Posted by: Ninurta - 07-09-2020, 12:59 AM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (9)

Greetings, Antar!

You may not recognize me, but I wrote with you in a collaborative writing thread - "The Space Opera" - over there at the old site. I was nenothtu in that incarnation. It's a pleasure to see you here, and to know that you've found our little slice of electronic heaven in the wilds of the internet!

Welcome aboard! Look around, kick the tires, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!


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  Lt Colonel Vindman is Retiring !
Posted by: xuenchen - 07-09-2020, 12:31 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (6)

Well look at this will ya !

Crazy donkeyturd Lt Colonel Vindman is retiring from the Army !

He played a major screw-up role in the House impeachment "evidence" that was all 2nd and 3rd hand bullshit !

Vindman had to admit he never really overheard what he was trying to get people to believe (I think) !

And when he got ashcanned from the White House, he was "escorted" out the door !  tinybiggrin

Dimes for Donuts he is taking a side deal to "resign" as opposed to a Court Marshall  tinylaughing

Now his lawyer is attempting to blame Trump OF COURSE  tinylaughing

Quote:Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, a key witness in the proceedings that led to President Donald Trump’s impeachment, will retire from the U.S. Army.

Former Ambassador David Pressman, Vindman’s attorney, told CNN Wednesday that he believes his client is a victim of political retaliation from the White House. (RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Alexander Vindman, The Ukraine-Born Army Officer At The Center Of The Impeachment Probe)

“The President of the United States attempted to force LTC Vindman to choose: Between adhering to the law or pleasing a President. Between honoring his oath or protecting his career. Between protecting his promotion or the promotion of his fellow soldiers,” Pressman told CNN. “These are choices that no one in the United States should confront, especially one who has dedicated his life to serving it.”

Key Impeachment Witness Alexander Vindman To Retire

[Image: y4mS07t1dP3hk3S5lJa5jL2Dus2phqHHP0kv5bvF...pmode=none]

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  The Origin of "Splook".
Posted by: Bally002 - 07-08-2020, 08:02 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (6)


“SPLOOK” (“OO” pronounced as in English “BOOT”)

The Splook’s planet or world is perhaps 95 percent covered in liquid and apart from a small land mass near the world’s equator there are several floating islands formed from growth of the small continent.

In an aspect for readers of this story this liquid world owns a mass of about 1.1 of Earth and exists in a habitable zone of a large red star. The orbit carries the planet around the star either at or about 10. 5 years. The world spins, 2 times earths rotation in our 24 hours on an axis of 28 degrees relating to the position of the mother star. The poles, although icy apexes, are not that noticeable normally due to warm currents generated from the rotation and the liquid iron core. The core itself is large and this may attribute to the warmth of the planet hence the tiny continent surrounds a large volcano exhausting various gases into an atmosphere containing comparable amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, helium among others.

The exhaust from this singular volcanic vent provides cloud and ash cover along a planetary east to west direction for several thousand kilometres in length and about three to four thousand across the northern and southern aspect. The cover is often broken due to the relative activity the Splook’s world. It occurs nine times annually with regards to the rotating moons of which Splook’s planet, has of course, three. The simple moons, all comprising of a basic iron composition, range in size from 10 percent, 28 percent and the largest being a massive 52 percent of planet Splook’s size. All follow the worlds rotation at varying distances on a similar plane and provide spectacular daily and nightly visions for the Splook and it’s descendants whether they are liquid living or land based.

Let us now talk about the “Splook”

Splook was initially a massive rogue tyrant. About 5000 billion times it’s final size. Captured by it’s current system some 400 billion years ago as it grazed the home star. The star, at the time, was busily rounding up gas planets of irregular sizes. Splook, was traveling at a speed at that time, which enabled, upon impact with with it’s mother star, to fracture. Smaller particles were taken by the star. Splook was caught. Reduced in size, it was flung by the big star, shooting around 180 degrees and breaking up eventually reduced to a singular smaller rocky object about the size of Neptune.

At speed the Splook traveled to the outer reaches of this prime solar system before finally succumbing to the gripping pull back towards the mother star. Again, this nature repeated itself over the billions of years. Surely, upon every rendezvous with that star Splook was eroded but not entirely without loss. Splook observed the planets and gas giants forming within the sphere of the new but aging solar system. Several times the Splook entered the environs of the various sized balls as they constructed their unique personalities. There were gases, ice, liquids and many other elements collected by the Splook on it’s patrol. There was even action, colliding with large moons, asteroids and chunks of drifting rock before burning away it’s wins when, again, it cut a scar across the star.

During Splook’s lengthy finite progress through it’s home solar system the massive rock was transformed into a pebble of it’s original size. Moon size perhaps. On the final run around the big star Splook endured pressures that took a massive percentage of it’s outer crust then burning the interior, reducing the once proud giant to nothing more than a large boulder.

The old Splook exited fast and furious from this encounter. Totally unrecognizable and out of shape. Tumbling. Across a different path in this solar system, Splook engaged with a small planet, colliding indirectly with that planet’s smaller moon of the three. Splook was spent. Shattering into tiny fragments as it skipped across the moons surface. Almost all fell to the low gravitational effect of the tiny moon but the largest, about the size of a small automobile engine escaped this small moons effect.

A final trajectory of the Splook away from the moon put the piece on a path towards the planet that controlled the three moons’ orbits. Splook pierced the planet’s atmosphere, igniting, suffering and dissolving. Lighter now, a singular stone remained and fell. If Splook could see, at first the stone would perceive a layer of cloud then darkness as it speared through the dusty layer before breaking through into a twilight. Grey, white capped seas rushed towards Splook. It appeared the stone would plummet directly into this ocean but the angle of entry saw the piece rapidly approach land, earth or that first continent. As the stone, now about the size of a golf ball, hit the water about 50 feet from the land a new sound unknown to the planet resonated. “SPLOOK”

The stone sank in water less than 3 feet deep. It impacted the silty bottom and was lightly covered by the undersea soil.

The planet’s tepid water commenced to react to the alien.

Splook remained submerged until eventually re emerging after millions of years. Not suffocating but partaking of the planet’s cycles during it’s incarceration. Like pimple ejecta the planet’s reaction caused Splook to change and adjust. The adaption was quick. Faster than the journeys through space. During one period, when the clouds and dust in the atmosphere disappeared Splook suffered from the increase in temperature. A pop and fizz occasioned within a nano second and this tiny altercation ensured the release of ancient enzymes gathered from the very fringes from the solar system and beyond.

Simply, life, albeit alien to the planet, emerged.

Now, where did this leave Splook? Well Splook took on a consciousness which expanded with each new entity that evolved on the land and in the massive ocean. Not altogether happy with the circumstances the Splook embarked on the task to create an intelligence that would enable it’s desire to return to the outer reaches of the solar system and eventually the stars. The Splook wanted to renew and share it’s experiences.

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  The Mount Rushmore Debacle
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-08-2020, 07:07 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (19)

Quote:Report: Don Lemon Says Only Way to “Fix” Mt. Rushmore is to Add Obama.

Oh Hell No!   smallfit

[Image: mount-rushmore-902483_960_720.jpg]

Quote:When Obama visited Mt. Rushmore it was “amazing and beautiful.”

However, when Trump held his 4th of July event there it’s was “dark, ugly and racist.”

If anyone is still having a problem seeing the bias in our news reporters, seek therapy.

Quote:The debate over Mt. Rushmore continues…and it wasn’t even a debate until President Trump splashed on the scene.

Prior to Trump’s political arrival, Mt. Rushmore was still considered “majestic” and “historical.”

If ANYONE deserves to be added to Mount Rushmore, it certainly is NOT Obummer. He tore our country apart with racial divide, wrecked our economy, and allowed Killary to sell our assets to China and other countries.

Trump, on the other hand, has built us back up. He's working on repairing all the damage Obummer and his administration did, so if anyone deserves to be up there on the mountain with the other "greats", it's him.

Who agrees with me?

Quote:Representative Kristi Noem, a South Dakota Republican, said President Donald Trump views his own face going up on Mount Rushmore as no laughing matter.

Noem, who is also running for governor of South Dakota, relayed a conversation she had with the president during her first visit to the Oval Office soon after he took office in January 2017. Speaking with Vermillion resident Mitchell Olson during the filming of a carpool karaoke show, Noem described her first brush with the concept of "Mount Trumpmore" being erected atop the 77-year-old Keystone, South Dakota, landmark.

"He said, 'Kristi, come on over here. Shake my hand,'" Noem said, according to an Argus Leader report. "I shook his hand, and I said, 'Mr. President, you should come to South Dakota sometime. We have Mount Rushmore.' And he goes, 'Do you know it's my dream to have my face on Mount Rushmore?'"

That would be awesome!

[Image: trump-rushmore.jpeg?quality=90&strip=all&w=915]

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  Whistleblower: New Epstein Tapes Show...
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 07-08-2020, 06:20 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (12)

Quote:Early Tuesday morning, a whistleblower who allegedly works in the federal circuit revealed a Supreme Court justice was seen in various “Epstein tapes” that were recently recovered by investigators:

If you have paid attention to the behavior of some of the Supreme Court Justice members lately, I think you can guess who the whistle-blower is naming.

Quote:“The shocking part is the canary is telling the feds a certain nation state has been blackmailing this gentleman since prior to his nomination to SCOTUS.

“What does this mean? This justice was hand picked at the highest levels specifically because he was being controlled via blackmail. A sheep in wolf’s clothing appearing to be which he is not.
“Cat is out of the bag… or I should say almost.”

Umm... let me think. minusculethinking 

Quote:The “canary” the whistleblower is referring to may very well be Jeffrey Epstein’s former madam, Ghislaine Maxwell.
The “nation state” that has been blackmailing the justice was later confirmed to be “one of the 5 eyes”:
Quote:“…It’s not Israel. It’s not even Russia/China. One of the 5 eyes.”

After being prodded by readers to disclose the exact country, the whistleblower stated the following:

Quote:“I don’t know which country, but UK was in bed with our deep state intelligence agencies trying to dig up dirt on Trump. I don’t think that is even questioned anymore. Outside of my area of specific knowledge though.”

Also, since it was mentioned that the justice is a male (e.g. “gentleman”), some have speculated how it might be the Chief Justice.

Could it be John Roberts?  tinybighuh

His name DOES appear in Epstein's "little black book" after-all. 

[Image: Jeffrey-Epstein-Little-Black-Book-John-Roberts.jpg]

[Image: Daily-Mail-Jeffrey-Epstein-Passenger-John-Roberts-2.jpg]

Quote:The whistleblower continued:

“Here is the best part. The SCOTUS justice on the tapes – it is being rumored in the federal court community – has sat down with the FBI to roll on a previous president AND wife in an effort to keep his position, or more likely, be allowed to gracefully retire before the next SCOTUS term.

Is he talking about Bill and Killary?  Oh, please, please, let it be them!   :smallimpatient:
Will this judge stick around after this has come to light?

Quote:“If I were going to predict the future we are going to see a resignation in about 2-3 weeks as the last of the SCOTUS cases for this term are just about done.”

We should know soon who it is.

Whistleblower: New Epstein Tapes Show Top Supreme Court Justice Being Blackmailed

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  So how are they going to kill Maxwell ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 07-08-2020, 11:03 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (16)

Just a thought that struck me when reading the linked article. If Epstein was was killed as many believe and if Maxwell according to a few articles does indeed know where the sex tapes of all the people who took part in the underage sex stuff, then she is a high priority for those who do not want her to testify or stay alive.

I doubt another failed cameras, guards sleeping, and a hanging would fly by even the dumbest of the world so how are they going to off her ? OK they send her to a terrible prison probably the worse of the worse in New York's Metropolitan Detention Center . I would have sent her away from the same city Epstein was imprisoned that is for sure. Maybe Texas or Oklahoma anyplace but N.Y. City. 

Quote:One inmate, Derrilyn Needham, has been incarcerated at MDC since last November along with 30 other women who slept in bunk beds. Needham said social distancing was difficult, and that for three days starting April 23, the women were on "lockdown on our bunk beds, not able to leave our bunks except to use the bathroom or shower.

She added that they hadn't been given gloves, hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes - and that despite symptoms of COVID-19, the assistant warden said she couldn't receive a test for the virus.

According to The Intercept, "The number of reported coronavirus symptoms far exceeds the number of tests MDC has performed." In May, the facility came under fire for allegedly destroying medical records "as part of a deliberate effort to obscure the number of incarcerated people infected with the coronavirus."
    You get the picture now ? If Maxwell gets sick, or they say she was sick, one special shot or drip bag could finish her off and one of the very special hired medical examiners list cause of death COVID-19.. Ta Da. !

To much speculation on my part ?? Maybe. But let us wait and see if... I for one hope she lives long enough to bring the whole bunch of Pedos to justice.  
Quote:According to The Intercept, "The number of reported coronavirus symptoms far exceeds the number of tests MDC has performed." In May, the facility came under fire for allegedly destroying medical records "as part of a deliberate effort to obscure the number of incarcerated people infected with the coronavirus."
Quote:The report, filed Thursday as part of a putative class-action lawsuit by people held in custody at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, casts doubt on assertions by the Bureau of Prisons, which runs the jail, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District, which serves as counsel for the bureau. The Bureau of Prisons and federal prosecutors have insisted in court that the situation at the jail is under control. But the medical examiner’s report — which contradicted prison assertions that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines were being followed — suggests that the six people in custody who have tested positive for the disease likely represent the tip of the iceberg. -The Intercept

After the pandemic began, the detention center was deemed "ill-equipped" to deal with the spread of COVID-19 by former chief medical officer for the city's jails, Homer Venters, who says he's "concerned about the ongoing health and safety of the population," and slammed administrators for failing to adequately deal with the pandemic.

That said, MDC has been on the receiving end of criticism over its conditions long before coronavirus was an issue.
Quote:Cheryl Pollak, the federal magistrate in Brooklyn, has repeatedly voiced concerns about the MDC after reviewing a report by the National Association of Women Judges, who visited the facility and found that 161 female inmates were housed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in two large rooms that lacked windows, fresh air or sunlight and weren’t allowed out to exercise. -Bloomberg
"Some of these conditions wouldn’t surprise me if we were dealing with a prison in Turkey or a Third World Country," Pollak said during a 2016 hearing. "It’s hard for me to believe it’s going on in a federal prison."

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