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Citizen gone Rogue.
As I am sitting here having my first coffee of the day, I am wondering…

What does it mean to be a Rogue?

It certainly isn’t being part of the X-Men team or being an IMF agent on the run, that much is for sure.

It certainly isn’t a nifty Star Wars saga either and even though all of those three stories are pretty cool, they hold no context in our present reality.

So what does it really mean to be a Rogue?

I believe that the very first trademark is that a Rogue has defined his or her own reality, independent of what others may think, believe or follow and even though a Rogue may join a group of other Rogues – thus Rogue-Nation – the very notion of being a Rogue is his or her own, respectfully shared with others.

When looking at it that way, I can only describe what a Rogue is for me, as each and every one of you also have a very personal description of what it means to be a Rogue, which I hope you’ll share.

I’ve titled this post “Citizen gone Rogue“as it represents what ‘I believe’ a Rogue represents, or at the very least explains why one has become Rogue; once again, described through what these eyes have seen and what these ears have heard.

For one, I believe that as a Rogue, I am a Citizen of the World. I was born on a planet that’s on the third row from our Sun. Why should it matter which part of the Earth I was born on? .I happen to be born in Canada but I could have been born in Russia, China, India or Somalia…any of which would have sent my life into an entirely other direction. Why is that? Labels.

So I believe that as a Rogue, I no longer need to believe in Labels. Labels are a control mechanism set in place by those in power to divide us, in any way they can.

It all started with the Color Label, identifying groups and delimiting territories and oh that worked so well. Living on different continents wasn’t enough already to divide us. Division is Power to those who implement it. Countries. Provinces and states. Counties. Municipalities. Agglomerations. Neighborhoods and Gangs. Then You. Yes, the little ‘individualized’ you – That’s the goal. Alone, you can’t do squat. Still, they have us believe that, as a ‘society’ It doesn’t really matter where we were born. We are labeled as to where you live. Don’t believe me? Think Ghetto, New York and tell me if Yellow is the first color that comes to mind. Ironic that a color does come to mind. The first think that should come to mind is American. But as I said, they’ve played the game well.

But if that wasn’t enough, they’ve thrown in more divisions.

Let’s talk about the Religious Label. That one’s a masterpiece. I don’t want to get into more divisions between us so I’ll just say that for most on this planet, the Label applies as to where we were born, sadly. It’s more of a geographical Label – again – than an actual choice. But as I said, that one’s a masterpiece.

If Color and Religion wasn’t enough already…and let’s not forget that the goal here is to compartmentalize you inside a little box that only says ‘ Me’ …then why not throw in a little Gender Label here and there. That’s the new trend.

Let’s have a look at the LGBT Label as it’s become a Label to hate on, much like the Religious one or the Color one.

Here’s a question for you; Do Labels make us love one another or hate one another?

Ask a Christian in a Muslim country. Label. Ask a Black person in the Bronx. Label. Ask a Homosexual that is about to be thrown off a roof top. Label. Ask a Palestinian or an Israeli. Label.

Why? Why should it be that way? Because those at the very top for whom we are a threat as a group but a joke as an individual entity have been planning this for centuries through p.o.l.i.t.i.c.s. The Ultimate Plan.

It does not matter if you live where being a Lesbian is accepted or not. You now feel the need to stand up and say ‘ I’m a Lesbian and I want to live like everyone else’. Haven’t we heard that before from other Labels? Does the name Rosa Parks mean anything to you?

We are presently having debates for gender washrooms. Yep. Where does a Trans go? He/She has the right to his or her own…right?

Here’s another question for you? If we have to ask for a ‘right’…doesn’t that mean that we have limited rights? To me, it does. So who holds all the rights?

But let’s stick to Labels. How about the Mental Illness Label? If you don’t think that this is a Label, I recommend spending a bit of time in a Psych Ward near you. Depression kills more people every year than any other sickness. Now remember, being dead does not necessarily mean being buried or cremated.

Unhappiness is at an all time high. And Big Pharma just loves it. Don’t get me wrong here, when needed, medication has its virtues. Personally, it did save my life. But why does unhappiness stick around, no matter what we try. Because, way inside, we know the world is not as it seems. Way inside, we know that we are no longer free.

The best slave is the one who does not think he’s a slave. They eradicated slavery? Oh the irony. No. They universalized it, under everyone’s nose. You are Free ! Free to buy land, a home, a brand new car, that boat you love, those travels you enjoy…free free free to work your ass off to pay them off. Until. You. Die. Think on that for a minute.


Playing politics?’s like playing chess but you always remain the pawn. Blue or Red? Left or Right? Democrat or Republican? Liberal or Conservative?

Which Label do you allow yourself to fit it? Freedom of choice. Two solutions. It’s a great system, win or lose, you ALWAYS lose. Haven’t you noticed that yet?


You’re allowed protesting if you wish to do so. Allowed as long as you don’t push it too far or you’ll get your face bashed in. Small groups preferably as big huge groups will get you arrested, pushed around, beaten or killed. If you can’t hate each other enough with all those divisions they’ve given you, they’ll help you with that. It’s part of the plan. 1986 Ring a bell?


The Millenials. Yeah, that’s the latest Label for our youth. Play video games, spend your days on facebook, play on line games, stay within the confinements of your ‘Me’ box. Turbulent in school? You’re a kid, you are no longer allowed being turbulent. Ritalin. Big Pharma wins again. Obey. “They Live” Ring a bell?


Morpheus from the movie “The Matrix” wasn’t that far off. They don’t want to turn you into batteries but they want to turn you into being complacent. Individually free and individually happy. Comfortable. Complacent. While you’re not. You've been thrown an illusion over your eyes and ears. Big time.

Anecdote. Once there was a dog sitting on a porch and every once in a while, the pooch would howl a little bit. A neighbor came by and asked its owner why the dog – which seemed to be sitting comfortably - why he’d let a howl out every now and then.

The owner replied that the dog was sitting on a nail that was sticking out. Wasn’t hurting it enough to move sideways but just enough to let a little howl out here and there..

What does it mean to be a Rogue? Loaded question. But I could answer as to what it could mean...And do tell...What could it mean to you?

To me...

As a Rogue, I no longer wish to believe in Division Labels. It’s hard but I try.

As a Rogue, I no longer wish to believe in Corrupt Politics. It’s hard but I try.

As a Rogue, I try to see the bigger picture, the real one. It’s hard but I try.

As a Rogue, I no longer wish to sit on a nail. It’s hard but I try.

As a Rogue, I no longer buy the individuality game. It’s hard but we try.

“One of the Few, the Proud, a Rogue.”

A Citizen gone Rogue.

~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~

That was awesome!   minusculeclap

No way I can measure up to putting my thoughts into words like you did, so I'll just say,

I agree.

I'm proud to be a Rogue!   minusculegoodjob
Excellent my friend!

Yep, labels are designed to keep us, the public, divided.
Unfortunately there are many sheeple out there that do not "get it".
They are oblivious to the 'game'.

Me personally, I despise labels/titles.

When it comes to religion, I claim non-denominational.
No way am I gonna be put into a category.

Politics- there I am an Independent.

The Dems & Rep labels really create divisiveness, big time.
Yet they both have to answer to the Puppet Masters, which the sheeple do not understand and deny that is how it works.

Being from the South  (spent younger days in N.J.), I know all too well how people generalize what they think of you according to where you are from.
Ignorant as hell IMO....they do not know me, but being from South, I automatically get put in an uneducated racist group/label.

Screw all that label shit I say!!!!

Hell yeah I'm a Rogue and proud of it.
I think for myself ---not someone elses thoughts of what they want me to think.

It's all an illusion anyway.
The trick is seeing thru the bullshit!

And there is a lot of bullshit floating out there, much of which is created by our politicians/government just to keep us all divided.

Whew, feel better.
On phone now, so may end up adding more later. Ha

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

As "Rogue" is also a label - in this case, I will abide the label.

A Rogue cannot be novice
A Rogue must be seasoned
A Rogue takes others at face value, and leaves room for reconsideration
A Rogue takes no story at face value, and forms no belief, thereabouts, until fully considered
A Rogue looks about and asks both Why & Why Not...Me?
A Rogue strives to make a difference
A Rogue strives even knowling they may fail
A Rogue is a survivor
A Rogue assesses each situation before acting, and when no time is available for assessment...creates the time
A Rogue does not condescend
A Rogue keeps account of words and deeds
A Rogue is a shadow passing through the landscape
A Rogue seeks no fame or glory

If any or all of the above is true - it would be a privilege to find citizenship in such a Rogue Nation.
Good points.

True. Being a Rogue would also be a label.

Some would probably think that this label falls into a rebellious category which - in a certain way - might not be far from the truth.

Personally, I feel it falls into the - I am no longer buying the crap you're feeding me - category. Because fundamentally, this is what it is. We are being lied to, we are being forced into thinking a certain way from very early on, we are being taught to fit into a certain mold, we are being used and abused; that being the correct words for what is happening in the higher spheres of Power when it comes to us civilians.

Imagine a world where unity was promoted instead of division. Imagine a world where love was promoted instead of hate.

The Hippies from the sixties weren't that far off the mark : )

JMO : )
~ Today is the youngest you'll ever be again ~
I think we have the front runner for a Constituion. Where can I put my Hancock?  
minusculeclap GiantThumbsUp
I have no words, but I hear a lot of bells.

Well said, Sol. smallawesome

I have been Rogue since a young one. Understanding chaos, I chose the path of peace and order.

Be blessed,
[Image: attachment.php?aid=8270]
You're either part of the solution or part of the problem. There is NO middle ground.
@"solarius" Awesome!
We're a Rogue because ,,,,, Well,,,,, All Our Real Friends Are! tinybiggrin
[Image: 17015128.gif][Image: 5177aa411d36b7f9fe7b5399442e1ac7.jpg][Image: a69d7cc4ce106fcfeb8706733aeaf4fd.gif]
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
For myself, being a Rogue and here on this great site, helps me get a better handle
on this weird situation called 'Life'!

I'm getting on a bit and the wonder of certain topics was always frowned upon by
many of my friends as I grew up. Everyone that reported a Ufo was a liar or an idiot
and the other many subjects were treated in the same manner.

So when technology made the internet come to life, I tip-toed into the cyber-world
and cautiously watched, with millions of others -I'd wager, from the side-lines as folk
arrived and told you their stories.

Some attempted to create groups and lead those with words of promise that they
had all the answers, others sniped at anyone who seemed to steal their limelight.

The want of money seemed to be the key-reason to most of the conversations and
as businesses realised it was a perfect market place to offer their wares, the internet
became a shabby spectre of what some had hoped it could have become.

On and on it went and I imagined a large shaggy biped standing at the edge of a
forest looking out from the dark and waiting for us to come to them for advice on being
a better species of this planet. Beside the ten-foot tall beast, a small humanoid waits
and rubs his long-fingered hands on the smooth silver suit that covers him.

Will it be time to allow these dubious earthlings into the bigger secret of what the universe
is all about...? Have we arrived at the moment when humans will know world peace for
the first time in a long time? The ashen-skinned alien looks nervously towards his bigger

Lights throb in the background as the pair wait for us to maturely discuss the phenomena
and arrive at a fair, rational point of reason.

The petty, self-obsessed arguments and foul language slid soundlessly along the spider's
web that continually grows across the globe and the negativity seemed just as endless.
For myself, it all became a sad joke... a troll's paradise that I just managed to refrain from
frolicking in. The days and nights passed without a place one could debate and discuss on
a reasonable, sensible level.

A branch moved slightly as the hairy giant stepped back into the shadows with sagging
shoulders. The little traveller of the galaxy shook his large head and followed the monstrous
silhouette, without a word to each other, they agreed we weren't ready yet.

But for a small instant, I thought I saw that huge creature falter in it's turn.... as if, as if he
saw something that may have worth. Something that could appreciate the mysterious and
the mundane with the same decency.

Maybe he even tried to mouth the words he glimpsed as he slipped away to find an evening
meal of young moths amongst the rotten logs and maybe the little spaceman caught sight of
the interest that made his cohort slow his massive pace.

'Rogue...' the alien whispered and turned towards his craft.'...Let's see if they can go the
distance' he adds and presses a button on his belt.

It's nice here.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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