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Quote:The author, Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR) is an independent nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media. SPR is run by independent academics and receives no external funding.

An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.

  1. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.

Facts About Covid-19

Published: March 14, 2020; UpdatedApril 7, 2020

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Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below)
"The only means to fight the plague is honesty." [b]Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)[/b]
  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South KoreaIceland and Germany as well as the cruise ship Diamond Princess, the overall lethality of Covid19 is in the per mille range and thus about ten times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because many people with mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and legionella contamination, as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to infections, mass panic and lockdown.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of "corona cases" are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 15% or increases only very slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a "global media terror" and "totalitarian measures". Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a "media epidemic".
See also: The Open Letter by Professor Bhakdi to German Chancellor Merkel.
Below you will find fully referenced updates on medical and political developments.
Scroll down to Read the April 12 Update
Quote:Makow-Don't Be So F**king Naive
April 11, 2020
[Image: naive.jpg]
The coronavirus pandemic is a media creation, fake news, the biggest psychological warfare stunt in history.  They're lying.
Their modus operandi is
to destroy you while saying
it's for your own good.  They are destroying society to
protect your health!

by Henry Makow PhD

There is a scene in the Jewish self-celebratory movie, "Chicago"  where a wife catches her husband in bed with two naked women. She draws her gun. 

"Don't shoot," he says. "I'm alone."

"Bullshit," she says.

"Believe what I tell you, not what you see," he replies.

She shoots him. 

In contrast, Americans, the most heavily armed civilian population in the history of the world are holstering their guns. 

This is the Cabalist MO. 

[Image: dr.e.jpg]Destroy while convincing you that it's for your own good. Destroy the economy. It's for your own good.

Convince women to squander their most fertile years pursuing career and free sex because it's "empowering." 

Convince western nations to destroy their racial and cultural heritage because, "Diversity is our Strength." 

Destroy gender identity and promote homosexual dysfunction to children in the name of tolerance.  "Love is Love." It's "progressive."

Cabalists create false reality to suit their perversion. That's why they own the mass media. It's their Black Magick.

 The scamdemic is part of a larger pattern. We are under occult assault. 


Nothing can justify the economic devastation caused by the media generated coronavirus panic. The real agenda is make everyone dependent on the government by throwing millions out of work and destroying small business. Then, force everyone to accept vaccines and a digital tattoo as the price of employment and free movement and assembly. Marginalize  independent thinkers. Of course, this is all done to "protect your health."

[Image: Chicago36.jpeg]Shoot the f**ker!

Obviously an insidious agenda is at play. Why would the Cabalist Governor of Michigan, Esther Whitmer, ban people from buying seeds and American flags.  What have they got to do with the virus? It is about undermining patriotism and personal independence. 

Why would healthy people be barred from attending church on Easter? Banned from sitting in their garden or walking alone on the beach. This has nothing to do with stopping a virus and everything to do with teaching that we have no rights. We are powerless. 

In a pandemic, you quarantine the sick, NOT the healthy.

[Image: Dees-forced-vacs.jpg]Due to their classic bullshit MO, everyone has docilely accepted the destruction of their livelihoods, economy and social fabric. Will they also passively accept toxic vaccines and digital tattoos? 

Do Americans already have a slave-like mentality?


Unless the Illuminati have a change of heart, it's only a matter of time before the silk glove comes off and the iron fist appears, when the veneer of civilization evaporates and people are incarcerated or killed for resisting occult tyranny. Communism. 

The Illuminati have overstepped this time. This will become apparent when the economic toll is measured and the coronavirus is exposed as the seasonal flu in drag. 

Have you forgotten? We get the flu every year. For most people, it's not fatal.

This is our opportunity to overthrow the central bankers and their puppets, our discredited political leaders and pundits.
Related 1- Read this site to see what a total fraud this pandemic is.
"50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms."
2. "Just because people are not informed, filled with fear and have been mind controlled their entire lives does not make them less than the informed."

3. Makow- 
9-11, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Las Vegas, Paris, Nice, Aurora Co., San Bernardino, Orlando. We let them think they could get away with anything.
-----------Coronavirus is another Drill Gone Live 
-----------Scamdemic Masks Communist Takeover 
---------- They Created Flu Hysteria to Destroy Freedom 

First Comment from SC-

If I have learnt anything in my 59 years of walking on this earth is that most people are not interested in learning what truth is.  They would sooner sit in front of a box that continuously spits out lies and misinformation and entertains them. I have spent my entire life as a white collar worker in the forest and mining industry in B.C.  I have sat in lunch rooms with men and and tried to reason with them that our Government is is  not some benevolent entity that represents our best interests and that the MSM is complicit in our demise. I have been mocked and ridiculed for my Christian faith and even had a tin foil hat  placed on my head. I wonder how many of us have noticed that the majority of the people (especially this generation that have been raised with a cell phone in their hands) have no interest in what the truth is as long as they have necessary conveniences. 

Now nothing is restrained from them, that they imagine to do. Imagine the good that they could have done with these devices?  Yeah it's a pipe dream I know.

I have absolutely no hope except in Christ that we have any chance of turning this juggernaut around until all of our rights and freedoms have been taken from us.  Maybe then people will wake up. Sadly it may very well be to late for some of us.

People should wake up to the truth that never in the history of our planet has a small group of incredibly evil parasites managed to manipulate and control peoples thoughts and actions without having to use brute force. Lies, just like in the garden of Eden.   And people wonder why this world is in such a state of disarray and confusion. A side from throwing out our televisions and ripping down our cell towers and returning  to the God of our for fathers I hold very little hope for humanity.

Thanks CS. They're not laughing at you now.

JG writes-

The American public's patience is slowly running out and they know it. I commend the Governor of Florida for reaffirming the citizens of Florida their right to worship. 

What should follow soon are the reaffirming of the state's right to work laws. The constitutional lawyers across the country are slowly coming out of their complicit silence on these matters and that's a good thing. 

The MSM will continue to give them little or no press to try to convince the public that they really don't exist but they won't be able to stop them. Ron Paul in a recent article has called for the dismissal of Dr. Fauchi. The CDC and the WHO both work in coordination with Big Pharma and their super investors for profit and for the power to institute social and political agendas.

 I don't know how much longer the public can go along with these dictatorial decrees that are slowly causing bankruptcies and food lines to explode. The initial shock phase of this operation is over and as everyday goes by more Americans are getting the real message here. I really don't know if Americans can live like this much longer. May 1st is a long, long time in the Corona world.
Not saying I agree with what is posted yet interesting   :minusculebeercheers  However there is this:
Quote:Facts about Covid-19
Published: March 14, 2020; UpdatedApril 21, 2020
Languages: CZ, DE, EN, FR, ES, HBS, HE, HU, IT, JP, KO, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR
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Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Regular updates below)

“The only means to fight the plague is honesty.” [b]Albert Camus, The Plague (1947)[/b]
  1. According to data from the best-studied countries such as South Korea, Iceland, Germany and Denmark, the overall lethality of Covid19 is between 0.1% and 0.4% and thus up to twenty times lower than initially assumed by the WHO.
  2. A study in Nature Medicine comes to a similar conclusion even for the Chinese city of Wuhan. The initially significantly higher values for Wuhan were obtained because many people with only mild or no symptoms were not recorded.
  3. 50% to 80% of test-positive individuals remain symptom-free. Even among the 70 to 79 year old persons about 60% remain symptom-free, many more show only mild symptoms.
  4. The median age of the deceased in most countries (including Italy) is over 80 years and only about 1% of the deceased had no serious previous illnesses. The age and risk profile of deaths thus essentially corresponds to normal mortality. Up to 60% of all Covid19-related deaths have occurred in particularly vulnerable nursing homes.
  5. Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia).
  6. Normal overall mortality in the US is about 8000 people per day, in Germany about 2600 people and in Italy about 1800 people per day. Influenza mortality in the US is up to 80,000, in Germany and Italy up to 25,000, and in Switzerland up to 1500 people per winter.
  7. Strongly increased death rates, as in northern Italy, can be influenced by additional risk factors such as very high air pollution and microbial contamination as well as a collapse in the care of the elderly and sick due to mass panic and lockdown measures.
  8. In countries such as Italy and Spain, and to some extent Great Britain and the US, a serious overload of hospitals, notably by the flu, is not unusual. In addition, up to 15% of doctors and nurses currently have to self-quarantine, even if they develop no symptoms.
  9. An important distinction concerns the question of whether people die with or indeed from coronaviruses. Autopsies show that in many cases the previous illnesses were an important or decisive factor, but the official figures usually do not reflect this.
  10. Thus in order to assess the danger of the disease, the key indicator is not the often mentioned number of test-positive persons and deceased, but the number of persons who actually and unexpectedly develop or die of pneumonia.
  11. The often shown exponential curves of “corona cases” are misleading, since the number of tests also increases exponentially. In most countries, the ratio of positive tests to total tests either remains constant between 5% to 25% or increases rather slowly.
  12. Countries without lockdowns and contact bans, such as Japan, South Korea and Sweden, have not experienced a more negative course of events than other countries. This might call into question the effectiveness of such far-reaching measures.
  13. According to leading lung specialists, invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is often counterproductive and causes additional damage to the lungs. The invasive ventilation of Covid19 patients is partly done out of fear of spreading the virus through aerosols.
  14. Contrary to original assumptions, however, the WHO determined at the end of March that there is no evidence of aerosol dispersal of the virus. A leading German virologist also found no aerosol and no smear infections in a pilot study.
  15. Many clinics in Europe and the US have been lacking patients and some have had to introduce short-time work. Numerous operations and therapies were cancelled by clinics, even emergency patients sometimes stay at home out of fear of the virus.
  16. Several media have been caught trying to dramatize the situation in clinics, sometimes even with manipulative pictures and videos. In general, many media outlets do not question even doubtful official statements and figures.
  17. The virus test kits used internationally are prone to errors. Several studies have shown that even normal corona viruses can give a false positive result. Moreover, the virus test currently in use has not been clinically validated due to time pressure.
  18. Numerous internationally renowned experts from the fields of virology, immunology and epidemiology consider the measures taken to be counterproductive and recommend a rapid natural immunisation of the general population while protecting risk groups.
  19. The number of people suffering from unemployment, psychological problems and domestic violence as a result of the measures taken has exploded in the US and worldwide. Several experts believe that the measures may claim more lives than the virus itself.
  20. NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned that the corona crisis is used for the massive and permanent expansion of global surveillance. The renowned virologist Pablo Goldschmidt spoke of a “global media terror” and “totalitarian measures”. Leading British virologist Professor John Oxford spoke of a “media epidemic”.
See also: The Open Letter by Professor Bhakdi to German Chancellor Merkel.

Below you will find regular, but not daily, updates on medical and political developments.
April 21, 2020
Medical updates
  • Stanford professor of medicine John Ioannidis explains in a new one-hour interview the results of several new studies on Covid19. According to Professor Ioannidis, the lethality of Covid19 is „in the range of seasonal flu“. For people under 65 years of age, the mortality risk even in the global „hotspots“ is comparable to the daily car ride to work, while for healthy people under 65 years of age, the mortality risk is „completely negligible“. Only in New York City was the mortality risk for persons under 65 years of age comparable to a long-distance truck driver.
  • Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, warns in a new article that the damage caused by the lockdown could be greater than that caused by the virus. The peak of the epidemic had already been reached in most countries before the lockdown, Professor Heneghan argues.
  • A new serological study in Los Angeles County found that 28 to 55 times more people had Covid19 than previously assumed (without showing significant symptoms), which reduces the danger of the disease accordingly.
  • In the city of Chelsea near Boston, about one third of 200 blood donors had antibodies against the Covid19 pathogen. Half of them reported having experienced a cold symptom in the last month. In a homeless shelter near Boston, just over a third of the people tested positive, but nobody showed any symptoms.
  • Scotland reports that half of the (stocked up) intensive care beds have remained empty. According to officials, the admission of new patients is „levelling off“.
  • The emergency room in Bergamo’s municipal hospital was completely empty at the beginning of this week for the first time in 45 days. In the meantime, more people with other diseases than „Covid19 patients“ are being treated again.
  • A report in the medical magazine Lancet comes to the conclusion that school closures to contain corona viruses have no or only a minimal effect.
  • A nine-year-old French child with corona infection had contact with 172 people, but none of them were infected. This confirms earlier results that corona infection (unlike influenza) is not or hardly ever transmitted by children.
  • The German emeritus microbiology professor Sucharit Bhakdi gave a new one-hour interview on Covid-19. Professor Bhakdi argues that most media have acted „completely irresponsibly“ during the Covid-19 epidemic.
Very long article see the rest at the link.
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“So It Was a Hoax?” – Fox News’ John Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing COVID-19 Mortality Rate with Technician, ‘Like the Flu’ (VIDEO)

By Cristina Laila
Published April 21, 2020 at 11:54am

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[Image: IMG_0785-600x336.jpg]
Fox News reporter John Roberts was caught on a hot mic in the White House briefing room discussing the Coronavirus mortality rate.

John Roberts walked into the press briefing room and told a technician to take off his mask because according to a recent California study, the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is only 0.1% to 0.3%.
“Everyone here’s been vaccinated anyway,” the technician said.
“USC and LA public county health came out with a study that found that there’s 7,000 cases in Southern California but they really believe that there are between 221,000 – to 441,000 people who are infected,” John Roberts said to the technician.
TRENDING: "So It Was a Hoax?" - Fox News' John Roberts Caught on Hot Mic Discussing COVID-19 Mortality Rate with Technician, 'Like the Flu' (VIDEO)
The technician was surprised to hear the truth about the low mortality rate: “So it was a hoax?”
“No, I don’t believe it was a hoax,” Roberts said.
Quote:Well, what do we have here?
— ✭ Wayne Dupree ? (@WayneDupreeShow) April 21, 2020

To John Roberts’ credit, he asked Dr. Birx about this California study during the press briefing and she dodged his questions.
In the first large-scale study of adults tested for COVID-19 antibodies in their blood, initial results show researchers found that 4.1% have the antibodies, an indication that they have already been exposed to the virus.
“That translates to roughly 221,000 to 442,000 adults who have recovered from an infection, once margin of error is taken into account, according to the researchers conducting the study,” the Los Angeles Times reported. “The estimated infection numbers are 28 to 55 times higher than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases L.A. County had reported at the time of the study in early April.”
The study, conducted by the University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, tested more than 860 people deemed representative of L.A. County, the researchers told The Times.
“It is believed to be as many as 442,000 people in LA County may have been infected, which suggests two things — it suggests that you have a lot more people out there who could be spreading the virus, but it also suggests that the case fatality rate is more in line with the 2017-2018 flu than what we’ve seen in other areas of the world,” Roberts said.
Birx continued to dodge questions about the fraudulent Bill Gates-funded IHME models she used to suggest virtually the entire US economy be shut down to ‘slow the spread of COVID-19.’
There is a lot of misinformation in the above texts. Sweden has not closed down and the death rate is far more than Norway and Finland, indeed there was one day last week Norway had 2 deaths and Sweden over a 100. The C virus is real and dangerous, but in my life time I have lived through, polio, small pox, TB, and Chernobyl all of them have killed more than the virus we have now..
Yes we need to get back to work, we need to get on with our lives. I believe the virus was man made and was released to study how a virus would spread and who spreads it, but a more powerful version was used by mistake. 
Lets stop the misinformation from both sides and get the world back to work
No lock down in Sweden, this is the end result. Finland and Norway have a limited lock-down and it seems to work. But now its time to get back to work or the economy will suffer

Quote:[Image: 45tfrt.jpg]© Free Times
Cold containers for coronal disease outside the infection clinic in Huddinge.

Containers begin to be filled with corpses
Published April 22, 2020 at 9:13 am
DOMESTIC. Stockholm's ordinary mortuary is now full, and the corpse during the corona pandemic has begun to be placed in refrigerated containers.
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One month ago , Free Times was able to report that Karolinska Hospital in Huddinge had purchased
refrigerated and freezer containers that can hold close to a thousand deceased corona patients.

Other hospitals in the Stockholm area have since done the same thing - and now the containers are
being put into service, reports SVT News Stockholm. A new mortuary in the Globe area is also being
The ordinary mortuaries are full now.

- We have discussed the alternative to using ice shelves and this is plan b. We do not want to end up in
a situation where we suddenly have full on our ordinary places and so we have nowhere to deal with the
deceased, says Joakim Jarnryd, responsible for handling the deceased in the Stockholm region, to SVT.

The authorities are appealing to relatives to pick up the corpse. According to the funeral law, you have
30 days to bury the body or carry out cremation.

- We understand that it is not so good to have a funeral in these times where you have to have social
distance. We pray very respectfully that you take care of the deceased and then you have a ceremony
later, says Joakim Jarnryd.

On Monday, with the help of new statistics from Statistics Sweden, Free Times could show that the death
toll in Stockholm was 144 percent during week 15. This means that 429 more people than normal died
that week than during a normal week.
Its about finding a balance,Stay at home, economy crashes, no jobs, lose your home, car and watch your family go hungry, health care will fail. Firms will fail and the Chinese will buy them so if you get a job your wages will be much smaller than now, this is what the left want, make people poor so they are easy to control.

Get back to work, save the economy, save your jobs, homes cars and family. Freedom is never free, and its the left who want to take it from you. Yes the virus will kill about 0.1% of people infected, but how many will die if every thing is lost by not getting back to work. History has shown the left never helps people but blames others as they take everything from the people
Eh now, what makes you think it's some kind of social-control psyche-op...?!

Quote:Coronavirus: Birmingham's Nightingale hospital 'has no patients'.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7530]

'Birmingham's Nightingale hospital is "not being used at all" 10 days after it was opened by the Duke of Cambridge.
Set up inside the National Exhibition Centre (NEC), the site is intended to take up to 500 coronavirus patients at a
time from 23 Midlands hospitals.

The chief executive of University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust said it was a "good thing" the hospital
had not received patients. It showed the NHS had "absorbed" the extra pressure Dr David Rosser said...'

Quote:Exeter’s NHS Nightingale hospital moved from Westpoint Arena to new location.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7531]

'The NHS Nightingale hospital which is being built in Exeter to help combat the coronavirus pandemic
will no longer be at Westpoint Arena, it has been announced.

It was decided that a site the size of Westpoint was not required due to the lower-than-expected transmission
rates of COVID-19 in the South West. Instead, NHS Nightingale Exeter will be based at the former Homebase
store in Sowton industrial estate...'

Quote:Staff slam empty London Nightingale hospital as a 'complete waste of money' as patients drop to
a 'ludicrously low' 26.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7532]

'The number of patients being treated at the NHS's new showcase Nightingale Hospital fell to just 26 last week
after managers failed to tackle a chronic nursing shortage. 

A source at the 3,600-bed flagship facility told The Mail on Sunday the 'ludicrously low' number of Covid19 victims
had shattered morale among medical staff and claimed the Nightingale was 'a complete waste of money and resources'. 

The 26 patients are being looked after on a single ward by up to 180 medical practitioners and welfare staff, many of
whom are being accommodated at hotels near the hospital in London's Docklands...'

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Some more Creative accounting from the USA

Quote:Drug Overdose, Head Trauma Deaths Added To Coronavirus Death Toll

By  Amanda
[Image: Coronavirus-9.jpg?auto=format&fit=crop&i...=546&w=970]zhangshuang via Getty Images
A 37-year-old California man who died of a drug overdose has been added to the novel coronavirus death toll.

Though the death of the unidentified man was caused by a drug overdose, he also tested positive for the novel coronavirus, which was coded as a “significant continuing condition,” according to Ventura County spokeswoman Ashley Bautista, VA Star reported Thursday.
“Ventura County’s coronavirus death toll increased to 16 on Thursday as county officials reported two additional deaths, including a 37-year-old man,” the report said.
“The man died as a result of a drug overdose while infected with COVID-19, a significant contributing condition, according to county spokeswoman Ashley Bautista. He is the youngest victim to die from the virus yet in the county,” VA Star added.
Last month, a 61-year-old Pennsylvania man who died from a head injury and tested positive for COVID-19 was added to the coronavirus death toll, too.
“Lehigh County Coroner Eric Minnich confirmed the patient died Friday night at St. Luke’s University Hospital in Fountain Hill,” Lehigh Valley Live reported. “He said the primary cause of the man’s death was a head injury from a fall at home, but that the virus was listed as a contributing factor to his death.”
Earlier this month, leading voice on the White House Coronavirus Task Force Dr. Deborah Birx explained that COVID-19 deaths in the United States have “very liberal” recording guidance, noting that anyone who tests positive for the virus and dies would be included in their numbers of coronavirus deaths.
“I think in this country, we are taking a very liberal approach to mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks,” she said, adding, “If someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that.”
“There are other countries, that if you have a pre-existing condition, and let’s say the virus called you to go to the ICU (intensive care unit) and then have a heart or kidney problem,” she added. “Some countries are recording that as a kidney issue, or a heart issue, and not a COVID-19 death.” In the U.S., Dr. Birx suggested, “we’re still recording it” as a COVID-19 death.
Pennsylvania has had to remove hundreds of coronavirus deaths from its official death count, following questions of accuracy and highlighted discrepancies by area coroners.
“The PA health department decided to include ‘probable’ coronavirus deaths, or an assumed COVID-19-related death without testing for the virus, to their death tolls, dating back days and even weeks ago. But the death toll spike raised questions from coroners who came forward to highlight a discrepancy in death totals, which were not adding up to the number of all-cause deaths,” The Daily Wire reported Saturday. “The scrutiny triggered multiple revisions and statements from the department, including the removal of 200 ‘probable’ COVID-19 deaths and a claim of computer ‘glitching.'”
It gives you strength to get through...

minusculethumbsup minusculethumbsup

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(04-28-2020, 04:36 PM)BIAD Wrote: It gives you strength to get through...

minusculethumbsup minusculethumbsup


That is The TRUTH!
They (Celebrities) are Not Suffering in any way.
Great Video!!!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
And now, a word from Pres. Trump...

Quote:[/url][Image: kUuht00m_bigger.jpg]

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
Despite reports to the contrary, Sweden is paying heavily for its decision not to lockdown. As of today, 2462 people have died there, a much higher number than the neighboring countries of Norway (207), Finland (206) or Denmark (443). The United States made the correct decision!

I don't necessarily agree with keeping people locked down now that warmer weather is here. Heck, I didn't agree with it when it was cold, being that it's death rate is no worse than the regular flu. We (public) didn't know that then, but we do now.
It's time to end the lock down.

I think it's time people get back to work and be responsible for their own health. If they support their immune systems properly and practice good hygiene, they won't have to worry about this virus. And if they do get it, it won't be that bad, maybe like having a cold.
Finland today, 5 dead, Sweden 87 dead.
(04-30-2020, 04:16 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Finland today, 5 dead, Sweden 87 dead.

That's nothing, what about this poor soul. She's got brown skin, you know.

Quote:Nadiya Hussain shares anxiety 'struggle' during lockdown.

'TV personality Nadiya Hussain has said her anxiety means there have been times during the coronavirus
lockdown when she has "struggled to get out of bed".

The winner of 2015's Great British Bake Off said there had been "days where I don't even want to get dressed".

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7552]
TV celebrity Nadiya Hussain is looking sad. Stop the fucking world.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 Live, the 35-year-old mother of three said she had "good days and bad days".
"There's loads of people who feel the same way whether they have mental health issues or not," she continued.
The British-Bangladeshi baker and writer has spoken openly and often about her lifelong struggle with anxiety.

Last year she made a documentary for the BBC in which she spoke about and sought treatment for her regular
panic attacks. Nadiya: Anxiety and Me will be shown again on BBC One on 6 May at 23:30 BST.

Speaking to presenter Nihal Arthanayake on Wednesday, Hussain said her family have been in isolation for
seven weeks because one of her children is asthmatic. She said it was important to be "kind to ourselves"
and not feel one has to be "productive all the time".

"I'm so used to constantly doing things, I'm scared I'm not productive enough or doing enough," she admitted.
"If I brush my teeth and put a fresh set of clothes on, that's okay - that can be a goal I've met."
Hussain paid tribute to her "wonderful" children - aged 13, 12 and 9 - for sensing her moods and acting accordingly.

"They will know when I'm having a bit of a bad day and they'll deliberately shove the cat in my face or bring the budgie
over." Speaking last month on The Andrew Marr Show, Stephen Fry said anxiety and stress were "almost as virulent"
as the coronavirus itself.

The author and broadcaster, who is president of mental health charity Mind, advised people to "take a deep breath
and allow time to take on a different dimension". Deirdre Kehoe from the YoungMinds charity is currently offering
advice and support to young people with anxiety through the BBC's Bitesize learning programme.

She advises limiting one's exposure to news, setting time limits on social media usage and finding distractions like
reading, baking and exercise...'

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Damn good video, people (sheeple) in California are getting tired of this Bull-Shit!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Herding Sheep ?
Quote:Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticized Google-owned hosting site YouTube for removing a viral video from two well-respected California doctors from its platform.
Last week, a video featuring doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi went viral on social media. The excerpt that received the most attention was a clip of the doctors questioning mass lockdowns based on both aggregate data and their own professional opinions.

The footage was promptly removed by YouTube and other Big Tech corporations on the grounds that it violated “Community Guidelines.”
Carlson talked about the censorship of the video during Tuesday night’s edition of his “Tucker Carlson Tonight” television program.
“Unfortunately for us, informed debate is exactly what the authorities don’t want,” Carlson said. “Last night, the doctor’s video, the one you saw, was pulled off of YouTube, the largest video hosting site in the world. It wasn’t an accident, YouTube admitted doing it. The company cited a violation of ‘Community Guidelines’ and they did not apologize.”

Carlson described the removal of the video as a “turning point in how we live in this country,” citing the fact that the video “was not pornographic, did not violate copyright or incite violence or commit libel, it didn’t break any law.”
“The only justification for taking it down was that the two physicians on screen had reached different conclusions than the people in charge. It was a form of dissent from orthodoxy. YouTube and its parent company Google have now officially banned dissent,” Carlson said.

The Fox News host went on to criticize Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg for banning posts promoting so-called “Reopen America” rallies because they fell into the category of “harmful misinformation.”
Facebook previously came under fire this month for being hesitant to remove a page that posted illegal and explicit child pornography, while simultaneously insta-zuccing memes and articles that went against the World Health Organization’s stance on the coronavirus pandemic.
Tucker Carlson’s full monologue can be seen below.
Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you’re wrong. Silence those who disagree and you will never realize you are wrong

No one rules if no one obeys... Obey Obey Obey

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire Way ahead of his time IMO
The left socialists are singing the praise of Sweden and how it has handles the CCP virus. But lets look at the report from the Finnish government about Finland,
so far 218 people dead from the virus
185 people in hospital, of which 49 in ICU
97600 people tested, 5051 postive.
Finland does not have a full lock down but is looking after its people and old.

Today 65 people dead, total died 2653
21520 people tested positive
People in ICU or have been in ICU 1515
Old people left to die without even been given oxygen no numbers given but a lot

Full lock down is not the way to go, nor is all open. Seems Finland has found a very good balance so far
Rules for thee, but not for me.

Quote:Obama seen on golf course days before Michelle told people to stay home.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=7558]

'Former President Barack Obama was photographed golfing over the weekend, which some are saying contradicts
former first lady Michelle Obama’s call two days later for residents of Washington, D.C., to stay inside.

“Remember, we urge you to stay home except if you need essential healthcare, essential food or supplies,
or to go to your essential job,” Mrs. Obama said in a Monday phone message.
“Thank you, and please stay home, D.C.”

Two days earlier, Barack Obama was spotted with friends on a Virginia golf course, which is “40 miles from his home,”
as Fox News host Tucker Carlson noted. “It didn’t seem to occur to her that those standards might also apply to her family,”
Carlson said. “And that’s why she didn’t mention essential trips to your country club.”
“The fact that the rules apply to them doesn’t seem to occur to anyone in power at the moment," he added.

Carlson linked the Obamas to a larger trend across the country of "our leaders making a mockery of the quarantines they
so enthusiastically enforce," mentioning Chicago’s mayor getting a haircut despite hair salons be shuttered.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has also been criticized for going to the gym and traveling 11 miles from his home every
day to walk at a park. The Trump campaign seized on the perceived hypocrisy of the Obama family on Twitter, encouraging
supporters to get involved with Trump’s reelection campaign.

“President Obama went golfing on Saturday, perhaps the same day that his wife Michelle Obama was recording this message
to Americans ordering them to stay home,” a verified Trump campaign account said on Twitter...'
Washington Examiner:

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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