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DNA Study Proves Bigfoot is Human Hybrid
I was watching a show on Open Minds, hosted by Regina Meredith on GAIA t.v. last night, with her guest, Jack Carey.  They were discussing the proof of two separate genome tests from DNA showing that Bigfoot is a human hybrid.
If you have a subscription to GAIA t.v., you can watch the episode HERE.

They discussed the alleged big foot captured on film by Adrian Erickson in South East Kentucky, called Matilda, shown in the video below:

A group of professional Bigfoot hunters, along with Adrin Erickson, captured DNA samples of Matilda by putting tranquilizers in meat and then hanging the meat in a tree.  When she ate it, she fell asleep, allowing the group of men to collect hair samples from her body.

Later, another DNA sample was taken from a barn after a farmer reported seeing a Bigfoot rubbing it's back along the boards, leaving it covered in hair,  and notified Erickson.

The samples were sent to a lab where Dr. Melbe Ketchum performed the DNA genome tests.

And later, within the same 24 hour period, a group of Navajos, approximately 80 miles away, contacted Erickson with more samples of Bigfoot DNA.
The creature was caught by surprise as they were out cutting wood one day. Startled, it began running from them, and when it looked over it's shoulder, it ran straight into a seven foot tall tree, leaving blood and hair on the bark for DNA retrieval.

Erickson notified Dr. Christopher Dyer, who came to the area and collected the samples and took them straight to the lab of Dr. Melba Ketchum so no contamination could take place,  and did another DNA genome test.

All tests came back showing the creature was a human hybrid. This news was made public in the main stream news, and was discussed in all the major news outlets... for one day... then it went silent.

Here is what was released in the press conference:

With all this evidence, why is Bigfoot still considered to be only a man in a gorilla suit?
Take the case of the Patterson Gimlin Film capturing the Bigfoot they named Patty, probably the most famous Bigfoot film on record:

Jack Carey pointed out on Open Minds that what most people fail to remember is that this film took place in 1967.  The best ape suits that Hollywood had at that time was what you would have seen in Planet of the Apes; very unrealistic.

With all this evidence, I am sure Bigfoot exists.
It is my conclusion that these creatures are more like us than some care to admit.
They just want to be left alone in their private forest dwellings to go about their day with their families without human interference.

From what I've read about people's experiences with Bigfoot, they don't attack humans unless they feel threatened.
Some have stood within three feet of the creatures with no harm coming from them. It's those who go in with guns and threaten them that get attacked.  Wouldn't you do the same if you were threatened by some outside presence?

Can we please just leave them in peace and cohabitate on the same planet?

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DNA Study Proves Bigfoot is Human Hybrid - by Mystic Wanderer - 03-31-2017, 07:31 PM

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