Discussion Forum (Categories)
To find the discussion categories, you can either click on the Rogue-Nation banner at top, or click on the "Discussion Forum" shown on left side of page
As well as small at bottom of page
There you will find various topics, ranging from politics, history, social unrest to the paranormal, conspiracies, tech, science, space and so much more!!
The sub-categories themselves can be closed up for those that you may not be interested in and therefore, not taking up as much room on page
Simply look for the small white rectangle icon on far right in the topic header
Say you really don't care for world news, you can close the sub-categories
This is what it looks like closed...
To open it again, simply hit the small white rectangle icon and all the sub-cats will reappear
You can also tell when new replies are made, by the icon to the left of forum changes to another color
Dark Theme:
Example of one new reply, the other has none
Light Theme:
You can also tell when new replies are made, by the icon to the left of forum changes to another color
Dark Theme:
Example of one new reply, the other has none
Light Theme: