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Smart Dust – The Future of Involuntary Treatment of the Public
Oh gee whiz!  As if they aren't bombarding us with enough junk already, here comes more...

[Image: smart-dust.jpg]

Quote:By Pedro Aquila
Smart dust is a name given to extremely small computing particles, RFID chips, or other very small technologies.
A popular article from Extreme Tech describes it in the headline: “Smart dust: A complete computer that’s smaller than a grain of sand.” An article from War is Boring is titled “Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’ New technologies allow for extremely small—and ubiquitous—military sensors.” A paper from University of California, San Diego describes smart dust:
Quote:“The term “smart dust” originally referred to miniature wireless semiconductor devices made using fabrication techniques derived from the microelectronics industry. These devices incorporate sensing, computing and communications in a centimetre-sized package.”

Of course they paint it all pretty for the public, but...

Quote:the history of entities involved in creating smart dust show a different perspective. The same entities who create destructive technology (drones, surveillance technology, technology for warfare) are involved with its creation: military industrial complex players, from the RAND Corporation to Hitachi, to DARPA and their collaborators in academia.

As with all technology, the people who wield it determine whether it’s used for the benefit of, or against the common people.
The earliest mentions of “smart dust” come from the RAND CorporationAccording to Wikipedia:
Quote:“The concepts for Smart Dust emerged from a workshop at RAND in 1992 and a series of DARPA ISAT studies in the mid-1990s due to the potential military applications of the technology.  The work was strongly influenced by work at UCLA and the University of Michigan during that period.”
The Rand Corporation has been involved in morally reprehensible warfare, think tank activity and strategy in particular, for several decades. They were involved in nuclear war strategy, disrespecting the lives of everyone on the planet in scenarios where nuclear bombs would be detonated to retaliate against Russia at the expense of all life on Earth.

Such apocalyptic scenarios are explored in many RAND publications, and in 2016, they examined possibilities of war with China. RAND has published several papers about spraying the skies, involuntarily treating whole populations with chemicals to geoengineer the weather. One is titled “Governing Geoengineering Research: A Political and Technical Vulnerability Analysis of Potential Near-Term Options.”

With the recent announcement that the US government is looking into geoengineering research, it looks like an overt, involuntary treatment of the American people with geoengineering material is coming soon. They act as if they aren’t already spraying us.

RAND is likely to be involved with complex science used for control over populations, as implied in a publication of theirs. It reads,
Quote:“Beyond the agricultural and industrial revolutions of the past, a global technology revolution is currently changing the world. This book discusses the broad, multidisciplinary, and synergistic trends in this revolution, including genomics, cloning, biomedical engineering, smart materials, agile manufacturing, nanofabricated computation devices, and integrated microsystems.”

A central, historical player in Japan’s military industrial complex, Hitachi developed some of the smallest smart dust particles ever disclosed to the public, a full 15 years ago with the announcement of the 0.4mm x 0.4mm external antenna µ-Chip. As far back as 2001, “smart dust” was this small. It is depicted in this popular meme still circulating on social media.

Sigh... there's much more to read here:  Source Article
Hmmmm, OK.  tinyhuh
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Reminds me of that time I popped (what I thought was) a pimple on my cheek and saw something bounce off of the mirror, and make a very faint metallic noise as it hit the ceramic sink and rolled down the drain. 

Robotic skin imperfections  tinycool tinywhat
(03-04-2017, 09:28 PM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: Reminds me of that time I popped (what I thought was) a pimple on my cheek and saw something bounce off of the mirror, and make a very faint metallic noise as it hit the ceramic sink and rolled down the drain. 

Robotic skin imperfections  tinycool tinywhat
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  tinywhat 
That's Scary, you don't remember them visiting you in the middle of the night and Probing You?  minusculespooked
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(03-04-2017, 09:33 PM)guohua Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 09:28 PM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: Reminds me of that time I popped (what I thought was) a pimple on my cheek and saw something bounce off of the mirror, and make a very faint metallic noise as it hit the ceramic sink and rolled down the drain. 

Robotic skin imperfections  tinycool tinywhat
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  tinywhat 
That's Scary, you don't remember them visiting you in the middle of the night and Probing You?  minusculespooked

No, unfortunately not (wait, that sounded wrong). Not that I'm into probing but I would very much like to have an actual encounter one of these days. And not ones with a craft (been there done that) because more and more I'm a believer in most sightings being terrestrial creations that we may find out about in popular mechanics 50 years from now...

Although I've heard crazy things about Recovered Memory Therapy, so who knows what that will lead to  tinyshocked
(03-04-2017, 09:37 PM)DuckforcoveR Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 09:33 PM)guohua Wrote:
(03-04-2017, 09:28 PM)DuckforcoveR Wrote: Reminds me of that time I popped (what I thought was) a pimple on my cheek and saw something bounce off of the mirror, and make a very faint metallic noise as it hit the ceramic sink and rolled down the drain. 

Robotic skin imperfections  tinycool tinywhat
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!  tinywhat 
That's Scary, you don't remember them visiting you in the middle of the night and Probing You?  minusculespooked

No, unfortunately not (wait, that sounded wrong). Not that I'm into probing but I would very much like to have an actual encounter one of these days. And not ones with a craft (been there done that) because more and more I'm a believer in most sightings being terrestrial creations that we may find out about in popular mechanics 50 years from now...

Although I've heard crazy things about Recovered Memory Therapy, so who knows what that will lead to  tinyshocked
OK, so,,,,,, you don't want or remember,,,,,,,,,
[Image: giphy.gif] You can't describe them, Like [Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: 9060154.gif] So that must have been a Metalic Zit or a piece of Lead from your Pencil.
We know what kind of Contact You Want To make,,,,,,,,[Image: alien_abduction_by_pcrdds-d31mqco.jpg] But Mystics like GPS devices are going to track you down and take away your Fun!

Sorry Mystic Wanderer,,,, I spoiled it.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(03-04-2017, 06:34 PM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Oh gee whiz!  As if they aren't bombarding us with enough junk already, here comes more...

[Image: smart-dust.jpg]

Quote:By Pedro Aquila
Smart dust is a name given to extremely small computing particles, RFID chips, or other very small technologies.
A popular article from Extreme Tech describes it in the headline: “Smart dust: A complete computer that’s smaller than a grain of sand.” An article from War is Boring is titled “Future Military Sensors Could Be Tiny Specks of ‘Smart Dust’ New technologies allow for extremely small—and ubiquitous—military sensors.” A paper from University of California, San Diego describes smart dust:
Quote:“The term “smart dust” originally referred to miniature wireless semiconductor devices made using fabrication techniques derived from the microelectronics industry. These devices incorporate sensing, computing and communications in a centimetre-sized package.”

Of course they paint it all pretty for the public, but...

Quote:the history of entities involved in creating smart dust show a different perspective. The same entities who create destructive technology (drones, surveillance technology, technology for warfare) are involved with its creation: military industrial complex players, from the RAND Corporation to Hitachi, to DARPA and their collaborators in academia.

As with all technology, the people who wield it determine whether it’s used for the benefit of, or against the common people.
The earliest mentions of “smart dust” come from the RAND CorporationAccording to Wikipedia:
Quote:“The concepts for Smart Dust emerged from a workshop at RAND in 1992 and a series of DARPA ISAT studies in the mid-1990s due to the potential military applications of the technology.  The work was strongly influenced by work at UCLA and the University of Michigan during that period.”
The Rand Corporation has been involved in morally reprehensible warfare, think tank activity and strategy in particular, for several decades. They were involved in nuclear war strategy, disrespecting the lives of everyone on the planet in scenarios where nuclear bombs would be detonated to retaliate against Russia at the expense of all life on Earth.

Such apocalyptic scenarios are explored in many RAND publications, and in 2016, they examined possibilities of war with China. RAND has published several papers about spraying the skies, involuntarily treating whole populations with chemicals to geoengineer the weather. One is titled “Governing Geoengineering Research: A Political and Technical Vulnerability Analysis of Potential Near-Term Options.”

With the recent announcement that the US government is looking into geoengineering research, it looks like an overt, involuntary treatment of the American people with geoengineering material is coming soon. They act as if they aren’t already spraying us.

RAND is likely to be involved with complex science used for control over populations, as implied in a publication of theirs. It reads,
Quote:“Beyond the agricultural and industrial revolutions of the past, a global technology revolution is currently changing the world. This book discusses the broad, multidisciplinary, and synergistic trends in this revolution, including genomics, cloning, biomedical engineering, smart materials, agile manufacturing, nanofabricated computation devices, and integrated microsystems.”

A central, historical player in Japan’s military industrial complex, Hitachi developed some of the smallest smart dust particles ever disclosed to the public, a full 15 years ago with the announcement of the 0.4mm x 0.4mm external antenna µ-Chip. As far back as 2001, “smart dust” was this small. It is depicted in this popular meme still circulating on social media.

Sigh... there's much more to read here:  Source Article
Another Extraisertial / Alien piece of Techknowledge that's going to be released to the Public, Like Microwave Oven and Fiber Optic.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Quote:Another Extraterrestrial / Alien piece of Technology that's going to be released to the Public, Like Microwave Oven and Fiber Optic.

Where did you read that? 
I downloaded the free book, but I haven't read it yet.  Was it in there?
(03-05-2017, 04:05 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote:
Quote:Another Extraterrestrial / Alien piece of Technology that's going to be released to the Public, Like Microwave Oven and Fiber Optic.

Where did you read that? 
I downloaded the free book, but I haven't read it yet.  Was it in there?

No, but our best advances as been from Alien Tech, I believe.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Explanation: Time for a bump of this thread ...

[Image: smart-dust.jpg]

[Image: smart-dust-image-credit-CatchUpdates.com_.jpg]


[Image: smart-dust-a-little-wonder-4-638.jpg?cb=1425892717]

[Image: untitled.bmp]

A.I. Threat, Nanobots, and How to Protect Yourself

Personal Disclosure: Along with 5G technology, I don't see the future as a fair fight anymore. This crap is inescapable!!! tinywhat
OL at beez - "Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!"

Do not engage in useless activity ... and ... from one thing, know many things!

Think Globally, Act Locally, Feel Internally ... Wash, Rinse, Dry and Repeat!

It's Just A Ride!
Thank you @"OmegaLogos".   minusculethumbsup 

Yes, from everything I've read about smart dust, it sounds very scary. 
There doesn't seem to be a way to avoid it, due to it's nano size.   tinycrying 

A person would have to wear a hazmat suit for the rest of their life.  The problem with that is, how would you ever shower?   tinyhuh
I need to read more about this, hope I can find the time
(06-05-2018, 11:48 AM)Wallfire Wrote: I need to read more about this, hope I can find the time

It's worth learning about all the sh*t these azzholes are doing to us.  There may not be a way to protect yourself fully, but I know there are some minerals and supplements a person can take to get rid of as many as possible.

The main thing is AWARENESS that it's happening, even though it gets labeled as a "conspiracy".

Let's see... How many "conspiracies" from days gone by have been proven to be FACT now?  If you look into that, you'll see MANY were actually facts.
They could pass that off for black pepper, injest it and they could track you.  It could be designed to somehow stick inside of a person's gut or even in their throat or mouth.
Oh my... we're f*cked!
This is from two years ago.

Quote:Smart Dust Is Coming: New Camera Is the Size of a Grain of Salt.

'Miniaturization is one of the most world-shaking trends of the last several decades.
Computer chips now have features measured in billionths of a meter. Sensors that once weighed kilograms
fit inside your smartphone. But it doesn’t end there.

Researchers are aiming to take sensors smaller—much smaller.

In a new University of Stuttgart paper published in Nature Photonics, scientists describe tiny 3D printed lenses
and show how they can take super sharp images. Each lens is 120 millionths of a meter in diameter -roughly the
size of a grain of table salt -and because they’re 3D printed in one piece, complexity is no barrier.
Any lens configuration that can be designed on a computer can be printed and used.

This allows for a variety of designs to be tested to achieve the finest quality images.
According to the paper, the new method not only demonstrates high-quality micro-lenses can be 3D printed,
but it also solves roadblocks to current manufacturing methods.

These include limitations on how small you can go, failure to combine multiple elements, surface design restrictions,
and alignment difficulties.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=3889]

The lenses -which included single, double, and triple optical elements -were printed on strands of optical fiber and
standard digital sensors like those used in cameras. The researchers believe future applications include less invasive
endoscopic medical imaging of the body -even injection into the brain -and nearly invisible camera sensors on miniature
drones or robots.

“This will lead to a plethora of novel devices with tremendous impact on biotechnology, medical engineering, and
safety/security monitoring,” they wrote.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the research, however, is that the lenses don’t require custom multi-million-dollar
lab equipment -rather, they were made on a commercially available Nanoscribe laser lithography 3D printer.
The printer sends ultra-fast laser pulses into a photosensitive resin, hardening it layer by layer into the finished product.

A few years ago, Nanoscribe showed off the printer’s ability by recording it in real time as it rapidly built a 3D model of
a spaceship the size of a human hair.

Where to next? The researchers suggest adding anti-reflective coatings to further improve images and additional layers
of material to make smoother surfaces. The use of other materials may allow for zoom lenses and lenses with an adjustable

The paper doesn’t talk cost or large-scale manufacturing methods -it may be too early to speculate -but the broader view
here is that 3D printing on the microscale is beginning to yield practical technologies, not just cool models of a spaceship
or the Empire State Building.

Other fascinating future uses may include the creation of new supermaterials by designing and printing microscale
architecture. In one case, for example, scientists used a 3D printer to print miniature structures with trusses reminiscent
of Greek or Roman columns. The material proved to be lighter than water and stronger than steel.

But perhaps most mind-bending of all is considering what happens when sensors, antennas, and even computing equipment
can be combined into information gathering devices on the microscale.
This is a concept known as “smart dust,” and it’s been kicked around in science fiction and research communities for awhile.

Simply put, smart dust is what will happen if miniaturization continues on its current trajectory -the point at which devices can
be scattered to the winds in the millions, billions, or even trillions to measure the world in breathtaking detail.
Big data and the Internet of Things gone wild.

It isn’t hard to imagine the amazing and terrifying implications.

Of course, micro-lenses are a simple component, and we aren’t likely to see true smart dust for awhile yet. But there are projects
pushing in that direction. And in an indication of where things sit, Gartner does include smart dust on its annual hype cycle list
of emerging technologies -albeit at its most speculative spot.

Whatever the future may hold, rest assured, this is only the beginning. It isn’t hard to imagine the amazing and terrifying
Singularity Hub:

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
(06-06-2018, 04:30 AM)rickymouse Wrote: They could pass that off for black pepper, injest it and they could track you.  It could be designed to somehow stick inside of a person's gut or even in their throat or mouth.

My Friend, First I'd Like To Say,,,, DAMN, Good To See You Again.  minusculeclap

Secondly, Yes Black Pepper is one way, but my husband said that there are Two Items that people use daly and both are absorbed into the blood.
One would be the many different forms of Sugar and the other would be Salt.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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