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  Explosive Underwater Volcanoes Were A Major Feature Of 'Snowball Earth'
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 02:13 AM - Forum: Fragile Earth - Replies (2)

Quote:Around 720-640 million years ago, much of the Earth's surface was covered in ice during a glaciation that lasted millions of years. Explosive underwater volcanoes were a major feature of this 'Snowball Earth', according to new research led by the University of Southampton.

Many aspects of this extreme glaciation remain uncertain, but it is widely thought that the breakup of the supercontinent Rodinia resulted in increased river discharge into the ocean. This changed ocean chemistry and reduced atmospheric CO2 levels, which increased global ice coverage and propelled Earth into severe icehouse conditions.

Because the land surface was then largely covered in ice, continental weathering effectively ceased. This locked the planet into a 'Snowball Earth' state until carbon dioxide released from ongoing volcanic activity warmed the atmosphere sufficiently to rapidly melt the ice cover. 

This model does not, however, explain one of the most puzzling features of this rapid deglaciation; namely the global formation of hundreds of metres thick deposits known as 'cap carbonates', in warm waters after Snowball Earth events.

[Image: Olx5QOB.png]
"Extensive underwater volcanism during ridge spreading led to rapid alteration of volcanic deposits and major changes in ocean chemistry"

For the global warming fanatics, please read this part again....

".....This locked the planet into a 'Snowball Earth' state until carbon dioxide released from ongoing volcanic activity warmed the atmosphere sufficiently to rapidly melt the ice cover. "

Just a little lesson in the natural evolution of Planet Earth

Quote:During the breakup of Rodinia, tens of thousands of kilometres of mid-ocean ridge were formed over tens of millions of years. The lava erupted explosively in shallow waters producing large volumes of a glassy pyroclastic rock called hyaloclastite. As these deposits piled up on the sea floor, rapid chemical changes released massive amounts of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus into the ocean.

Dr Gernon explained: "We calculated that, over the course of a Snowball glaciation, this chemical build-up is sufficient to explain the thick cap carbonates formed at the end of the Snowball event.

"This process also helps explain the unusually high oceanic phosphorus levels, thought to be the catalyst for the origin of animal life on Earth."


And see, just goes to show that Man is not to blame for every little change that has to with Mother Earth

Yes, governments like to play with their weather manipulation/geo-engineering toys
Which we have no idea what the long term effects of that will be

But basically,  Mother Nature will change and evolve on Her own, whether Man is here or not
As this article clearly shows

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  Report: 10% of college graduates think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 02:05 AM - Forum: General News and Events - No Replies

Yes you read that right
 Many College grads think Judge Judy is on the Supreme Court


[Image: ChXz5v6.png]

Quote:(CNN)Nearly 10% of college graduates surveyed in a poll believe Judith Sheindlin, aka "Judge Judy," serves on the Supreme Court.

Sheindlin is an American lawyer made popular as the judge on a court show by the name of "Judge Judy." The show features Sheindlin handling small disputes in a courtroom, but Sheindlin does not serve on the Supreme Court of the United States. 

The poll, conducted by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni in August 2015 but released in January 2016, concluded from the 1,000 surveyed that college graduates "are alarmingly ignorant of America's history and heritage."


Maybe someone can point out Judge Judy  for us....

[Image: HLwDiet.png]

They were also asked questions about who was the father of the Constitution

Quote:The survey also found 28.4% of college graduates correctly identify the father of the Constitution as James Madison.

 About 59% of college students surveyed believe the father of the Constitution was Thomas Jefferson, who was actually the principal writer for the Declaration of Independence.

Quote:It also found that almost 60% of college graduates couldn't correctly identify a requirement for ratifying a constitutional amendment and 40% of college graduates didn't know that Congress has the power to declare war.

Quote:Additionally, the poll revealed that less than 50% of college graduates surveyed know that presidential impeachments are tried before the U.S. Senate.

Now the Constitution or how Impeachment works, I can wave that aside....sorta

But how they mistake Judge Judy, a reality TV star,  for a Supreme Court Justice -- just blows my mind and makes me laugh!!

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  (VIDEO) Game of Thrones spoof: "Winter is Trumping"
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 02:01 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (3)

[Image: TqowcCJ.png]

Regardless of what anyone thinks of Trump, this is a funny clip to watch, courtesy of huw parkinson YT
This is a spoof off of the Game of Thrones series, to which Trump has been given a part in it (grins)

Quote:Armed with a Valyrian steel sword named Deal-Maker, Donald Trump embarks on a quest through Westeros to take care its border policies.

 Hope you all enjoy
I know I did. LOL

BTW, ran across the video on facebook and first saw it on Kanga Ruex' timeline
So if not for her, I would not have seen it

Thanks for the laugh Kanga!!
[Image: smiley-face-laughing.gif]


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  Ancient Sites and Artefacts II
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 05-22-2016, 02:01 AM - Forum: Ancient Sites and Artefacts - Replies (6)

The Ancient Egyptian Underground Library

Quote:It can be easily considered as one of the greatest discoveries of Ancient Egypt, yet only a few know about the existence of the incredible underground Labyrinth of Egypt, believed to hold countless answers to history itself. Located less than 100 kilometers from Cairo, the ancient underground temple consists of over 3000 rooms that are believed to be carved with intricate hieroglyphs and paintings. Herodotus described this incredible ancient site: It has twelve courts covered in, with gates facing one another, six upon the North side and six upon the South, joining on one to another, and the same wall surrounds them all outside; and there are in it two kinds of chambers, the one kind below the ground and the other above upon these, three thousand in number, of each kind fifteen hundred. The upper set of chambers we ourselves saw.

Egypt's Secret Underground Temple Of Energy

Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of the Sun

[Image: Teotihuacan-and-Mica.jpg]

Quote:The ancient metropolis of Teotihuacan was established around 100 BC and was considered as one of the most important ancient centers in the New World until its fall somewhere around the seventh or eighth centuries. According to archaeologists the advanced design of Teotihuacan suggests that ancient builders had knowledge, not only of architecture but of complex mathematical and astronomical sciences, and one of the things that are just incredibly amazing and different from all other ancient sites is the fact that from the air, Teotihuacan‘s city layout strangely resembles a computer circuit board with two large processor chips— the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid. Researchers have also found numerous and remarkable similarities to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. The Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt. The most impressive monuments and pyramids ever built in the New World are located in Teotihuacan. The name “Teotihuacan” is translated into “Birthplace of the Gods” or “Where Gods Were Born”, and no one knows built one of the most advanced ancient cities in Pre-Colombian America. The city was found in ruins by the Ancient Aztecs who gave it its present name.


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  Government Quietly Admits to Weather Modification Program
Posted by: Melina Hawk - 05-22-2016, 01:45 AM - Forum: The Great Climate Change Debate - Replies (4)

I found this juicy little tidbit on my news feeds. It looks like California is openly admitting to getting under the Chembow!

[Image: eASQcGX.png]

[Image: UDpyQPT.png]

Quote:Weather modification, geoengineering, chemtrails; these are all topics that if brought up in most circles today, would garner the speaker the telltale look that most Truthers have become all too familiar with. It is a look that has been ingrained into all who have opted to cast aside their critical thinking for their comforting daily lie. There is a herd mentality that has been established that causes even those on the fence or those interested in “outside the box” ideas, to fall in line while surrounded by the docile mass. So when the government recently released a “Notice of Intent” on page 11 of the Pasadena Star Classifieds, announcing their plan to carry out weather modification in Los Angeles County, it became clear that those blank stares should be turned inward, for some much needed self-reflection and re-evaluation.

So it looks as though the Weather Makers of the 20th Century knew a thing or two that modern science picked up on. What could possibly go wrong? It will be interesting to see the effects of the program out in the open, to be honest though. Who in the world, okay's something like that? They very quietly announced this to citizens in as a notice of intent in the classified section of the newspaper! 

Source Link

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  America’s Top Fears 2015
Posted by: Marlin Grace - 05-22-2016, 01:33 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)


Quote:"The Chapman University Survey of American Fears, Wave 2 (2015) provides an unprecedented look into the fears of average Americans. In April of 2015, a random sample of 1,541 adults from across the United States were asked their level of fear about eighty-eight different fears across a huge variety of topics ranging from crime, the government, disasters, personal anxieties, technology and many others."

Domains of Fear:

[Image: DomainsOfFear-740x572.jpg]

Fear Domain Types of Questions Included:

Quote:Crime Murder, rape, theft, burglary, fraud, identity theft
Daily Life Romantic rejection, ridicule, talking to strangers
Environment Global warming, overpopulation, pollution
Government Government corruption, Obamacare, drones, gun control, immigration issues
Judgment of others Appearance, weight, age, race
Man-Made Disasters Bio-warfare, terrorism, nuclear attacks
Natural Disasters Earthquakes, droughts, floods, hurricanes
Personal Anxieties Tight spaces, public speaking, clowns, vaccines
Personal Future Dying, illness, running out of money, unemployment
Technology Artificial intelligence, robots, cyber-terrorism
Top Fear Domains, 2015

Each fear question asks Americans to rate their level of fear on a scale ranging from 1 (not afraid) to 4 (very afraid). The average score for each domain of fear provides insight into what types of fear are of greatest concern to Americans in 2015.

On average, Americans expressed the highest levels of fear about man-made disasters, such as terrorist attacks, followed by fears about technology, including corporate and government tracing of personal data and fears about the government (such as government corruption and ObamaCare). The complete, ranked list of Domains of Fear follows:

Domain of Fear Average Fear Score (out of 4)

Quote:Man-Made Disasters 2.15
Technology 2.07
Government 2.06
Environment 1.97
Personal Future 1.95
Natural Disasters 1.95
Crime 1.72
Personal Anxieties 1.63
Daily Life 1.51
Judgment of Others 1.31

Top 10 Fears of 2015:

[Image: Top10Fears-740x572.jpg]

There is more to this survey and it's an interesting report, it just stunned me the top fear was government and corrupted officials, and not terrorism or mass shootings. THe way the government and media play these two things over and over endlessly when an event happens one would think everyone is quaking in their boots. On the other hand this pretty much explains the Donald Trump Craze. Even though he can't be trusted with his bragdoshish tone they must feel anything is better than the current lot of politicians. IT also says something about the competence of the current lot of running politicians and mainstream media, they are clueless as to why his popularity is so great. To think the spending power they have put forth in advisors, promoters, communication specialist, ad managers, advertising companies, etc. etc. along with the media and they are scratching their heads. People are pissed because the only difference between a republican and a democrat is the spelling.

Below is a list of the 10 fears for which the highest percentage of Americans reported being “Afraid,” or “Very Afraid.”

Quote:Fear Fear Domain Afraid or Very Afraid
Corruption of Government Officials Government 58.0%
Cyber-terrorism Technology 44.8%
Corporate Tracking of Personal Information Technology 44.6%
Terrorist Attacks Man-Made Disasters 44.4%
Government Tracking of Personal Information Technology 41.4%
Bio-Warfare Man-Made Disasters 40.9%
Identity Theft Crime 39.6%
Economic Collapse Man-Made Disasters 39.2%
Running of out Money in the Future Personal Future 37.4%
Credit Card Fraud Crime 36.9%

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  J&J must pay $72 million for cancer death linked to talcum powder
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 01:21 AM - Forum: Physical Health - Replies (2)

[Image: hK0idPM.png]

Quote:Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) was ordered by a Missouri state jury to pay $72 million of damages to the family of a woman whose death from ovarian cancer was linked to her use of the company's talc-based Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for several decades.

In a verdict announced late Monday night, jurors in the circuit court of St. Louis awarded the family of Jacqueline Fox $10 million of actual damages and $62 million of punitive damages, according to the family's lawyers and court records.

The verdict is the first by a U.S. jury to award damages over the claims, the lawyers said.

News Source

Oh boy, who knew that baby powder, which is widely used, can actually be harmful?
Think of the millions of people who use baby powder on a  daily basis

Quote:Johnson & Johnson faces claims that it, in an effort to boost sales, failed for decades to warn consumers that its talc-based products could cause cancer. About 1,000 cases have been filed in Missouri state court, and another 200 in New Jersey.

As usual, it's all about the money.
Bottom line, consumers are on their own to research about the safety of a product, due to the fact companies like to hide the possible dangers all for the almighty dollar

Quote:Fox, who lived in Birmingham, Alabama, claimed she used Baby Powder and Shower to Shower for feminine hygiene for more than 35 years before being diagnosed three years ago with ovarian cancer. She died in October at age 62.

Jurors found Johnson & Johnson liable for fraud, negligence and conspiracy, the family's lawyers said. Deliberations lasted four hours, following a three-week trial.

Jere Beasley, a lawyer for Fox's family, said Johnson & Johnson "knew as far back as the 1980s of the risk," and yet resorted to "lying to the public, lying to the regulatory agencies." He spoke on a conference call with journalists.

Now that is scary indeed
I feel for her family and the hell that they have been put through

There was another case against J&J back in 2013

Quote:In October 2013, a federal jury in Sioux Falls, South Dakota found that plaintiff Deane Berg's use of Johnson & Johnson's body powder products was a factor in her developing ovarian cancer. Nevertheless, it awarded no damages, court records show.

 As with any powerful company out for only themselves.........deny, deny, deny
Yeah well, let's see how all the other trials play out now that this family has won their day in court.

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  Study: Waste in Cancer Drugs Costs $3 Billion a Year
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 01:17 AM - Forum: Hot Button Issues - No Replies

[Image: 01cancer-web1-master675.jpg]

A nurse prepared a vial of Velcade at Maryland Oncology Hematology office in Rockville, Md., last week. Only 1.3 milligrams of the drug in the 3.5-milligram container was used to treat the patient. The rest was thrown away.

Pretty bad when our government cannot be relied on to regulate drug companies
The people continue to get screwed, all the while paying out the azz for some meds

In the U.S., the drug companies purposely put an expensive cancer drug in a vial that the dosage is enough for a 6' ft 6 - 250 pound football player, yet a little old lady that uses half the bottle, pays the same price even tho the bottle gets thrown out with the remaining unused med

Quote:WASHINGTON — The federal Medicare program and private health insurers waste nearly $3 billion every year buying cancer medicines that are thrown out because many drug makers distribute the drugs only in vials that hold too much for most patients, a group of cancer researchers has found.

The expensive drugs are usually injected by nurses working in doctors’ offices and hospitals who carefully measure the amount needed for a particular patient and then, because of safety concerns, discard the rest.

If drug makers distributed vials containing smaller quantities, nurses could pick the right volume for a patient and minimize waste. Instead, many drug makers exclusively sell one-size-fits-all vials, ensuring that many smaller patients pay thousands of dollars for medicine they are never given, according to researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, who published a study on Tuesday in BMJ, formerly known as the British Medical Journal.

Some of these medicines are distributed in smaller vial sizes in Europe, where governments play a more active role than the United States does in drug pricing and distribution.


Now how hard would it be for our government to step in and say "hey, how about sending some smaller vials our way while you are at it".
Probably because the lobbyists pay them to not care - to look the other way
Sad and pathetic

Quote:“Drug companies are quietly making billions forcing little old ladies to buy enough medicine to treat football players, and regulators have completely missed it,” said Dr. Peter B. Bach, director of the Center for Health Policy and Outcomes at Memorial Sloan Kettering and a co-author of the study. “If we’re ever going to start saving money in health care, this is an obvious place to cut.”

The researchers analyzed the waste generated by the top 20 selling cancer medicines and concluded that insurers paid drug makers $1.8 billion annually on discarded quantities and then spent about $1 billion on markups to doctors and hospitals.

There are some non-cancer drugs that are done the same way, wasted and thrown in the garbage, but they were not part of this study.

Quote:Some non-cancer drugs also generate considerable waste, including Remicade, an arthritis drug sold by Johnson & Johnson for which an estimated $500 million of the drug’s $4.3 billion in annual sales comes from quantities that are thrown away, researchers found. But such non-cancer drugs were not included in the study’s estimates of total waste.

What a rip off! 
But not surprising really

Quote:In one example, the study said that in the United States Takeda Pharmaceuticals sells Velcade, a drug for the treatment of multiple myeloma and lymphoma, only in 3.5-milligram vials that sell for $1,034 and hold enough medicine to treat a person who is 6 feet 6 inches tall and who weighs 250 pounds. If a patient is smaller, then a quantity of the precious powder is thrown away.

"Get The Money"

That is all these pharmaceutical companies care about and 'we the people' - American citizens- cannot even count on our government to oversee and regulate them, to protect people from paying too much

Corporate greed makes the world go 'round

Quote:Velcade is sold in Britain in both 1-milligram and 3.5-milligram vials.

Takeda is expected to earn $309 million this year on supplies of Velcade that are discarded, an amount that represents 30 percent of the drug’s overall sales in the United States, the cancer researchers estimated. If Takeda provided an additional vial size of 0.25 milligram, waste would be slashed by 84 percent, also reducing Velcade’s sales in the United States by $261 million annually, the researchers calculated.

“You have these incredibly expensive drugs, and you can only buy them in bulk,” said Dr. Leonard Saltz, who leads the pharmacy and therapeutics committee at Memorial Sloan Kettering and was a co-author of the study. “What’s really interesting is they’re selling these drugs in smaller vials in Europe, where regulators are clearly paying attention to this issue.”

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  How clever is this?
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 01:08 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

Will have to admit, they took something sooooo simple and made something so useful with it

Remember these guys?

[Image: ayJrpwK.png]

Well watch the video right here and see what can be done with them, besides clip papers together

Like a smart phone holder 

[Image: RStm4ik.png]

Or to help separate cords, all the while making it tidy

[Image: W1JGTGp.png]

Yep, pretty clever......and simple!

[Image: o3ggeuA.png]

[Image: KchtB1h.png]

[Image: h5DH5f4.png]


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  Banned chemical in hospital IVs, linked to ADHD in critically ill children
Posted by: senona - 05-22-2016, 01:03 AM - Forum: Physical Health - Replies (2)

[Image: u3QYci8.png]

I was just reading another article about phthalate, a chemical used in plastic to make it soft/flexible,  as well as other uses 
This is not good, not good at all for kids...and parents 

Quote:A chemical that has been banned from use in children’s toys but is still used in medical devices, such as plastic IV tubes and catheters, has been linked to the development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in critically ill children.

The devices contain a high level of plastic-softening chemicals called phthalates which circulate in the blood and can seep into the bloodstream, according to EU funded researchers.

Phthalates have long been banned in toys and other products, in both the US and EU, due to their potential toxic effects but there is no such prohibition for their use in medical devices.

Research carried out under Soren Verstraete, from Leuven, Belgium found a “clear match between previously hospitalized children’s long-term neurocognitive test results and their individual exposure to the phthalate DEHP during their stay in intensive care.” DEHP, is the most commonly used plastic softener in medical devices

Four hundred forty-nine children, ranging from newborns to age 16, who were treated in pediatric intensive care units and whose care involved between one and 12 medical tubes were tested. One hundred healthy children were also tested for comparison.

The researchers measured blood levels of DEHP metabolites, or byproducts, and found that levels were not detectable in the blood samples of healthy children but were “sky high” in children admitted with catheters.

These remained 18 times higher than levels in healthy children until they were discharged from the ICU.

The previously critically ill children underwent neurocognitive tests four years later and a strong association between high exposure to phthalates and development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was noted.

News Source

Verstraete called the use of medical tubing and catheters "potentially harmful" to children's brain development and function and said the development of alternative plastic softeners for use in indwelling medical devices should be considered as a matter of urgency.

Quote:The Food and Drug Administration previously recommended reducing exposure to phthalates in medical devices back in 2002.

Another chemical found to be harmful to the young kids.
This time used in the plastic for IV/catheters

This is scary stuff indeed for many parents

Will look for the article I read on the same chemical that is  used in food wrappings (plastic) at fast foods, where the chemical gets into the food itself and then into the person as they consume it

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