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  Homeland Security Records Reveal Officials Ordered Terrorist Watch List Scrubbed
Posted by: Marlin Grace - 05-23-2016, 12:36 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (5)

I guess we should file this under pissed off, and another administration effort to allow terror in the US. 

Quote:"(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it obtained 183 pages of documents from the Department of Homeland Security revealing that the Obama administration scrubbed the law enforcement agency’s “Terrorist Screening Database” in order to protect what it considered the civil rights of suspected Islamic terrorist groups.  The documents appear to confirm charges that Obama administration changes created a massive “hands off” list. Removed data from the terrorist watch list could have helped prevent the San Bernardino terrorist attack.

The new documents were produced in response to a Judicial Watch February 2015 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit filed on February 13, 2015, (Judicial Watch v U.S. Department of Homeland Security (No. 1:15-cv-00222)) for:

A copy of the [Department of Homeland Security] Office of Inspector General report regarding, concerning, or related to a “hands off list” purportedly maintained by [Department of Homeland Security], US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and/or US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) used to allow certain individuals to enter the United States, who had previously been denied entry to the United States or been made to undergo secondary screening by CBP based on suspicion of terrorism ties.
Any and all records of communication to or from [Department of Homeland Security] Inspector General Charles Edwards from May 31, 2014 regarding the aforementioned OIG report.

On May 6, 2014, Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) released internal Department of Homeland Security emails revealing an alleged terrorist “hands off” list allowing individuals with potential terrorist ties into the United States.  Allegations by former Customs and Border Patrol Officer Philip Haney spurred Senator Grassley’s and other congressional investigations."

And to realize these same people want to institute the highest levels of gun control to the American public. I used to say I don;t understand this administration but they have made it clear they will accept any muslim in our country terrorist or not. While the whole time expounding on the concept of saving lives through gun control. To maintain this is to maintain the fear instilled by this administration into the public at large to allow them the illegal surveillance and recording of citizens, and accept the controls they want to put on the public internet, THis would have to be the best example of a diabolical plan to destroy a country through everything from breaking constitutional rights, to exercising authority through force at every turn by arming law enforcement with military hardware.

Quote:"The new Homeland Security documents confirm the modification of nearly 1,000 terrorist suspect reports. The September 25, 2013, Department of Homeland Security Inspector General memorandum regarding Haney’s terror watch list entries, discloses that the Department of Homeland Security Privacy Office and Department of Homeland Security Office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties “determined that individuals could only be “‘watchlisted’ based on an association with a known or suspected terrorist already ‘watchlisted’… not based on their affiliation with [REDACTED] (or any other [REDACTED] organization.”    The redactions are under Exemption 7 (E), which the government asserts in this instance:

Protects all law enforcement information that “would disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigation or prosecution, or would disclose guidelines for law enforcement investigations or prosecution if such disclosure could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.” 5 U.S.C. § 552(b)(7)(E).  DHS-OIG is withholding from disclosure specific information pertaining to a terrorist watch list which could reasonably be expected to risk circumvention of the law.”

The Homeland Security Inspector General’s report, released only as a result of the Judicial Watch lawsuit, shows that a Homeland Security official reported that Haney was forced to “modify” nearly a thousand terror suspect entries:

“In order to be in compliance with CBP [Customs and Border Protection] policy, [Redacted] was ordered by [Redacted] supervisors to modify all 820 records and remove all references to terrorism.”

It's no wonder they can't verify background checks on known terrorist before refugee entry into the US, they have redacted, erased, or modified files that would identify any from our records. The only way any of this makes sense is they want terror in the US. 

Now for the Holy Shit aspect of this, JW feels San Bernardino could have been stopped as well as the Boston bombing! SOmeone needs to spend a hell of a long time in jail for this.

Quote:"Roth’s predecessor was Charles Edwards, who left office after a series of allegations that he had softened reports to avoid embarrassing the Obama administration.  According to an April 24, 2014, report from an oversight panel of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Operations Committee, Edwards “failed to uphold the independence of the OIG … and directed that reports be altered or delayed to accommodate senior Department of Homeland Security officials.”

“These new documents bolster allegations that the Obama administration may have removed information from a terrorist watch list that could have prevented the San Bernardino terrorist attack,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Philip Haney risked his career to blow the whistle on how the Obama administration created a ‘hands off” list of over 1,000 foreign nationals with potential terrorist ties.  And, once again, it was a Judicial Watch lawsuit – and not Congress or the media – that uncovered the key information about this national security scandal.”

Haney told Breitbart.com after the San Bernardino terrorist attack that entries regarding suspicious and terror-related activity were removed from an agency watch list as the result of political pressure after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing:

“They came into the National Targeting Center, either physically or through emails and correspondence, and said that we could not develop cases based on association with Tablighi Jamaat [a Muslim religious organization with which the San Bernardino terrorists were reportedly affiliated], and/or any Islamic group,” Haney revealed.


Haney said his superiors actually erased some of his files pertinent to the case, because they insisted the initiative had “gone in a different direction” and he was no longer authorized to add his data."

So all those Anti Bush Obama supporters are clueless for who they support. The biggest terrorist turns out to be Obama and his administration.


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  Mayan Zodiac Signs And Their Meanings
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 05-23-2016, 12:25 AM - Forum: Metaphysics and Related Topics - Replies (7)

What is your sign?  Do you agree with what it says?  

I received this in an email, and thought I'd share.  I've never seen a Mayan Zodiac Chart before, have you?

Mayan zodiac signs and their meanings:

[Image: Mayan_zodiac.png]


Quote:Ch’en: January 2nd to January 21st

Ch’en are people of the night. After the sun goes down, all of their energy bubbles up. Full moons make you extra wild, and facing westward during meditation is most beneficial to you.

Yax: January 22nd to February 10th

Yax people are ruled by the planet Venus and have a love for nature. You are gentle and caring by nature and tend to make a good diplomat or peace keeper. You try to create harmony wherever you go.

Sac: February 11th to March 2nd

Sac signs love the day time. They are the types to rise with the sun and be most productive during the morning hours. Your cardinal direction is north and the frog is your power animal. Like the frog, be sure to embrace quick changes.

Keh: March 3rd to March 22nd

Keh signs also love nature, but tend to be greater activists for the environment. They’re more fiery, red being a power color. Meditation in forests specifically helps breathe new, peaceful life into your spirit. The deer is your totem animal.

Mak: March 23rd to April 11th

Mak people are the greatest mysteries of all the Mayan signs. You can seem like an enigma to other, as if you’re hiding away a part of yourself. 3 is your power number, as the number 3 is a symbol for balance and divinity.

K’ank’in: April 12th to May 1st

K’ank’in people feel a love of the earth below their feet and the sun above their heads. They recognize the need for completion in everything. Your spirit animal is the dog, known for their loyalty and strength.

Muwan: May 2nd to May 21st

Muwan signs are drawn to the polar elements water and fire. Thunderstorms bring great strength and energy to you. Your totem animal is the owl, with the ability to see in darkness and detect the truth.

Pax: May 22nd to June 10th

Pax people are the ultimate born leaders. They draw strength from the people around them and tend to be straight forward. Their element is water vapor, a mixture of earth, water, and fire.

Kayab: June 11th to June 30th

Kayab people love the moon and all things spiritual. You’re likely drawn to understand the deeper meanings behind mundane things. You read between the lines and are incredibly wise.

Kumk’u: July 1st to July 20th

Kumk’u signs are the ultimate politicians. They can understand both sides of a debate and honor the wisdom of others. You are a survivor and are quick to embrace changes.

Wayeb: July 21st to July 25th

Wayeb people are an anomaly among the Mayan signs, as there is a very narrow window for them to be born. These people are born to bring balance to all the other signs. In some ways, Wayeb is the scapegoat, taking on all the poor luck and negativity of people. You’re more likely to have ESP.

Pop: July 26th to August 14th

Pop signs are also leaders, but they tend not to be the grandiose leaders that the Pax may have. They lead quietly in fields they are most comfortable.

Wo: August 15th to September 3rd

Wo shares similarities to Sac and Che’n signs. You gain wisdom from the night hours but also draw strength from the sun. You’re likely to seek out mysteries in this realm.

Sip: September 4th to September 23rd

Sip is known for grace and nobility. Deep, dank forests are where you gain your strength, as your totem animal is the stag. Sip is the sign most likely to grow from weathering a storm.

Sotz: September 24th to October 13th

Sotz people actually have two totem animals, the bat and the fish. Both are able to move seamlessly through their environments; the bat through the air and the fish at sea. Life is smooth for Sotz, but be careful not to become too comfortable with the ease of life.
Sec: October 14th to November 2nd

Sec people have a fascination with the sky and with the universe as a whole. You can examine problems and come up with multiple solutions. Your gift is knowing which of those solutions is right.

Xul: November 3rd to November 22nd

Xul people are more closely connected with the spirit world than any other. They are often associated with the dog totem, as dogs are believed to guide people into the next life. You are loyal, strong, and dedicated to your family.

Yaxk’in: November 23rd to December 12th

Yaxk’in are people born in close connection with the sun god Ah Kin. You provide protection to others from darkness and disease. You’re a natural born healer but can be indecisive.

Mol: December 13th to January 1st

The Mol are the people who are said to bring blessings and good rains. They often lead the life of spiritual leaders.

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  Spiritual Cleansing: 6 Ways to Clean Your Aura
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 05-23-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: Metaphysics and Related Topics - Replies (8)

[Image: erJLWDw.png]

Auras are like magnets, picking up vibrational energies everywhere you go.  It is important to cleanse your aura of any foreign or negative energy, especially if you are an empath, or intutive person.  It's really quite simple to clean your aura using these 6 cleansing techniques:

Method 1: Visualize Your Aura

Quote:Go sit in a quiet, distraction-free zone in your house. Stay seated comfortably in a position you can relax in for about 15 minutes doing some de-stressing breathing exercises. Be conscious of what you’re doing, and be aware of your inhale and exhale movements. You can even meditate for a bit. Once you find yourself beginning to totally relax, form a white light in your mind and have it surround you. Allow it to flow throughout you, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, and visualize it moving up and down your back near your spine. If you get distracted or thrown off, you can get yourself back on track by revisualizing the white light and controlling your breathing.

Method 2: Discard Your Negative Energy

Quote:We’ve all been around a poop. You know, a person who is completely negative, always has something bad to say about any given topic, and generally has a big frowny face on more than a smiley one. This person affects more than just themselves, though; she’s distributing negative energy to you whenever you’re around her. Thus, your aura will get dimmer. One way to protect yourself is to make sure you surround yourself with more positive people than negative ones. Cut out the ones that are negative, once you figure it out. Find positive people who think like you, who always have a smile to offer, and who have kind souls. These are the people that can help offset the negativity collecting in your aura.

Method 3: Cleanse Your Own Negative Thoughts 

Quote:Still have negative energy wafting around? You might have to look inwardlyand make sure you aren’t the poop in your life! Start paying attention to your thoughts. Are there a lot of negative ones? Take a look at them. Are they untrue, delusional, or paranoid? All the more reason to chuck them out. Focus on the bright side of things; it really does help! If you are having a really bad day, it’s okay to express your bad feelings, but don’t wallow in that place. Make your day a good one by treating yourself to your favorite tea. Play your favorite song of the moment. Find a friend to hang out with. If you notice that a negative thought is trying to creep in, confront it with a positive one. If you keep practicing this, you will be able to conquer the effects of negative thinking.

Method 4: Create a Protection Bubble

Quote:This is the most commonly practiced ways of protecting the aura. Practitioners praise it as a beautiful way to connect them to the Divine, and when it’s done in the mornings, it’s a defining positive note for the start of their days.

Here’s how you do it. Imagine white light coming down from the Divine, God, the Universe, whatever your higher power is. Connect this light to the crown of your head, and then let it spill out over you and down under your feet. You are now surrounded by a white light bubble. White is pure and thus, highly protective. It is also full of love from our Divine. Now that your bubble is around you, you are protected from any negative energy coming inside your bubble.

You can now change the color if you’d like to change the protection and power. You can also add mirrors to reflect away any negative energy if you are going somewhere you know will have negative energy or if it will have a large group of people.

Method 5: Get Energy Healings

Quote:Sometimes you need to get your energies realigned, and an energy healing will clear any blockages you might have. Healers can also check for negative entities or emotional cords that may need to be cut. Don’t underestimate the power of these energy checkups, and they can impact your energy tremendously! You might find your mood swings, imbalanced emotions, or connections you can’t seem to get rid of are all fixed once your energy is realigned, and thus help you be at your best to protect your energy.

Method 6: Smudge Your Aura Regularly

Quote:Smudging is a Native American practice using white sage to cleanse any negative energy. It’s similar to the house cleaning ritual we showed you in regards to Feng Shui. You can cleanse your house, people, and things. We recommend doing it after you’ve had a lot of people in your home, or after you’ve had a lot of energy drained.


Choose the method that works best for you; mix them up, or use them all, if you wish. 

Being an empath, I pick up on others' energy very easily, and I need to protect myself from the craziness that I sometimes encounter. 
I have found that using method #4 is easy and works for me, so I use it the most. 
However, sometimes I run into people who are soooooooo negative, I feel like I need a smudge stick like the one below.  :P

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  Could Obama be working in his own sense of good faith?
Posted by: Wrabbit2000 - 05-22-2016, 11:55 PM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (6)

I have been pondering and wondering something for awhile now.....could Obama actually believe in the good of his actions? 

What has made me wonder about this is the immediate and vicious turn Iran took against him, and they really have gone on to make him look like a perfect horse's ass over the whole thing...without even having the decency to wait a polite period of time. I don't think Obama or Kerry saw this coming, or necessarily foresaw Saudi declaring nuclear capability or a good number of other things which have transpired. 

Could it be that in Cuba and perhaps with North Korea, the almost comically bad unintended consequences of the actions really ARE from the best of intentions?? 

I wonder if this is possible by the Bubble effect, and the fact Obama seems to have a real thing for firing people who don't tell him what he likes to hear. So, after so many years, it is reasonable to assume that he's narrowed things down to almost all 'yes men' who support his own ideas in an echo chamber.

This is important, in my personal view, because almost any stupidity can be pushed right into bad outcomes, if someone fails to see it is stupidity or it isn't from some 'grand plan' of higher purpose, as many assume exists out there. 

What if these people really are as naive or outright ignorant as they appear to be, are as shallow as we fear they are...and the bumbling fool routines are NOT near as much acting as we'd like to believe they are? 

I wonder if that possibility isn't far more disturbing than any idea of Illuminati or over-riding power structure?

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  What difference does it make ? It should make a big difference !
Posted by: 727Sky - 05-22-2016, 11:46 PM - Forum: Where Right goes Wrong - Replies (1)

Quote:THIS IS A TRUE STORY ...and a dirty one!  Be sure to read it and then pass it on. 

You need to read this true account of what happened to our Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 who died.  If this doesn't make you mad........     

 Cynthia Lee Myers wanted to share the truth of what happened over in Libya, you will not find this in the media yet, but it aired on FNC please read....     


Here is my story.  A week out the Embassy in Tripoli began receiving multiple tips about an Al Qaeda cell in the area planning an attack on 9/11 in response to the killing of Bin Laden.  

 For the next several days, the State Dept. and WH were asked for a security force and were denied at least six times.  

 Ambassador Stevens and his team were given the all clear that the Consulate in Benghazi was safe and there was no need for a security force other than his 3 personal guards (One being my cousin) and a few Libyans who were not armed.  

 Then the attack and murders occurred.   Immediately the WH claimed it was a protest gone bad over a you tube video.  

 Obama made a quick speech in the Rose Garden on Sept.12 before catching a plane to Vegas to campaign.  He made a generic statement at the end of his speech after placing the blame on an overheated protest over the video.  He said " No act of terror will shake the resolve of America."   

Later that day and over the next 2 days, the liberal media began saying Ambassador Stevens and the other 3 men died of smoke inhalation.  

 This was not the case. 

Out of respect for my cousin, I'm not going to be specific about his murder.  However. Ambassador Stevens was brutally murdered.  His genitals were cut off, he was sodomized and beaten and cut and stabbed and burned.  He was dragged thru the streets and left for dead.    

This is eyewitness testimony of a local Dr. who found the Ambassador in a ditch and tried to save his life.  He had no idea who he was.  

 The other 3 men, including my cousin, met similar fates.  And deaths due to smoke inhalation is a 100% fabricated LIE.  

 The next week I drove my aunt and Uncle and 2 others to DC to receive his body.  We met with Hillary, Panetta, and Susan Rice.  ALL of whom apologized and said it was a protest gone bad over a video and exited the area.  

 Next, Obama entered with the same story and didn't apologize and wasn't sympathetic.  My aunt cried to this man and all he did was hand her flowers and walk away.  

  I tried to get his attention, but didn't.  I got upset and yelled liar to him, he kept walking.  

  Then a secret service agent grabbed my arm and led me to a room where I was held till the proceedings were over.  

America, I saw firsthand how cold this man is.  What kind of liar he is.  Most of you haven't a clue about this tyrant and yet you support him.  And act like every word he says is Gospel.     

 These murders and the fast and furious cover-ups make Watergate look like a kid who told his BFF's secret to the class. 



The stunning part of this story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force.     

Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction.     

The news has been full of the attacks on our embassies throughout the Muslim world, and in particular, the deaths of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others in Benghazi, Libya..    

 However, there's a little known story of incredible bravery, heroics, and courage that should be the top story.  

So what actually happened at the U.S. Embassy in Libya?  

We are learning more about this every day.  Ambassador Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith, along with administrative staff, were working out of temporary quarters due to the fact that in the spring of 2011 during the so-called Arab Spring, the United States cut ties with then president Moammar Gadhafi.     

Our embassy was looted and ransacked, causing it to be unusable.  It is still in a state of disrepair.     

Security for embassies and their personnel is to be provided by the host nation.  

Since Libya has gone through a civil war of sorts in the past 18 months, the current government is very unstable, and therefore, unreliable. 

A well-organized attack by radical Muslims was planned specifically targeting the temporary U.S. Embassy building.  

The Libyan security force that was in place to protect our people deserted their post, or joined the attacking force.  Either way, our people were in a real fix.     

 And it should be noted that Ambassador Stevens had mentioned on more than one occasion to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, that he was quite concerned for his personal safety and the welfare of his people.     

It is thought that Ambassador Stevens was on a hit list.  A short distance from the American compound, two Americans were sleeping.  They were in Libya as independent contractors working an assignment totally unrelated to our embassy.  They also happened to be former Navy Seals.     

When they heard the noise coming from the attack on our embassy, as you would expect from highly trained warriors, they ran to the fight.  Apparently, they had no weapons, but seeing the Libyan guards dropping their guns in their haste in fleeing the scene, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty snatched up several of these discarded weapons and prepared to defend the American compound. 

Not knowing exactly what was taking place, the two Seals set up a defensive perimeter.  Unfortunately Ambassador Stevens was already gravely injured, and Foreign Service officer, Sean Smith, was dead.  

However, due to their quick action and suppressive fire, twenty administrative personnel in the embassy were able to escape  to safety.  (But all have been silenced and kept away from congress and all investigations on Benghazi!)     

Eventually, these two courageous men were overwhelmed by the sheer numbers brought against them, an enemy force numbering between 100 to 200 attackers which came in two waves.  

 But the stunning part of the story is that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty killed 60 of the attacking force.  Once the compound was overrun, the attackers were incensed to discover that just two men had inflicted so much death and destruction. 

 As it became apparent to these selfless heroes, they were definitely going to lose their lives unless some reinforcements showed up in a hurry.  As we know now, that was not to be.  I'm fairly certain they knew they were going to die in this gunfight, but not before they took a whole lot of bad guys with them! 


Consider these tenets of the Navy SEAL Code:     

1) Loyalty to Country, Team and Teammate,     

2) Serve with Honor and Integrity On and Off the Battlefield,     

3) Ready to Lead, Ready to Follow, Never Quit,     

4) Take responsibility for your actions and the actions of your teammates,     

5) Excel as Warriors through Discipline and Innovation,     

6) Train for War, Fight to Win, Defeat our Nation's Enemies, and...     

7) Earn your Trident every day. 


Thank you, Tyrone and Glen.  To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code.  You served all of us well.  You were courageous in the face of certain death.  And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others.  


Dr. Charles R. Roots Senior Pastor     

Former Staff Sergeant, USMC Captain,     

U. S. Navy Chaplain Corps (Ret.)  

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  Denmark ethics council calls for tax on red meat to fight 'ethical problem' of climat
Posted by: 727Sky - 05-22-2016, 10:57 PM - Forum: Where Right goes Wrong - Replies (1)

Here is an interesting proposal for all the vegetarians and those who hate meat... Where all this will end no one knows but you got to give them credit.... if there is an untapped tax revenue; some government will figure out how to take it.

If the USA tried something like this I would bet Texas would say, "Up yours and the horse you road in on.. We are out of here "!

Quote:Denmark is considering proposals to introduce a tax on red meat, after a government think tank came to the conclusion that “climate change is an ethical problem”.

The Danish Council of Ethics recommended an initial tax on beef, with a view to extending the regulation to all red meats in future. It said that in the long term, the tax should apply to all foods at varying levels depending on climate impact.

The council voted in favour of the measures by an overwhelming majority, and the proposal will now be put forward for consideration by the government.


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  Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes What Hillary Clinton Really Represents
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 05-22-2016, 10:47 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

Thinking of voting for Hillary?   Maybe you should watch this first. 

Published on Apr 17, 2016

Quote:Digging deep into Hillary's connections to Wall Street, Abby Martin reveals how the Clinton's multi-million-dollar political machine operates.

This episode chronicles the Clinton's rise to power in the 90s on a right-wing agenda, the Clinton Foundation's revolving door with Gulf state monarchies, corporations and the world's biggest financial institutions, and the establishment of the hyper-aggressive "Hillary Doctrine" while Secretary of State. Learn the essential facts about the great danger she poses, and why she's the US Empire's choice for its next CEO.

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  Lawmaker asking why Navy SEALs don't have enough rifles
Posted by: Wrabbit2000 - 05-22-2016, 10:38 PM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (3)

This is sad. Beyond Sad.... Pathetic.

I still see and hear many of my fellow Americans touting America as the best Military in the world, or the most capable. This.......used to be true. This....could still BE true, and we haven't lost the structure, numbers (generally speaking) or ability to train a fine edge to our people. We have just lost the collective desire to try or maintain it.

Quote:Navy SEAL teams don't have enough combat rifles to go around, even as these highly trained forces are relied on more than ever to carry out counterterrorism operations and other secretive missions, according to SEALs who have confided in Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif.

After SEALs return from a deployment, their rifles are given to other commandos who are shipping out, said Hunter, a former Marine who served three combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. This weapons carousel undercuts the "train like you fight" ethos of the U.S. special operations forces, they said.

Yeah, this is a great idea.... The rifles aren't lifetime items to start with, and they DO take heavy wear and tear. The Mattel toys they call M-16's are particularly susceptible to hard wear and tear, compared to...say...the venerable M-14.

Quote:Sharing rifles may seem inconsequential. It's not. The weapons, which are outfitted with telescopic targeting sights and laser pointers, are fine-tuned to individual specifications and become intensely personal pieces of gear.

"They want their rifles," Hunter said. "It's their lifeline. So let them keep their guns until they're assigned desk jobs at the Pentagon."

Sounds like a reasonable request to me, anyway....

Quote:One of the SEALs who contacted Hunter blamed a slow, penny-pinching bureaucracy that rarely seeks input from the service members who use the gear, according to a brief excerpt of his comments that the congressman's office provided to The Associated Press.

Delays of as long as three to four years paralyze the acquisition system, the SEAL said. Once an item has finally been approved for purchase, new and better gear may be available, triggering the same lengthy screening process to see if it's worth getting instead.


I hope no one is under illusions of being able to meet an enemy in battle and fight a MAJOR war or a serious engagement where the other side has the ability and will to actually win for a change. We'd have a run for our money, I believe. At best.

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  Obama's New Navy
Posted by: 727Sky - 05-22-2016, 10:24 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (4)

Quote:Date: April 5, 2016 at 9:50:33 AM 
Subject: FW: Obama's New Navy


cid:X.MA1.1460775294@aol.comAdmiral Michelle Howard, USN is not in command of the US Navy, and is probably not of the Muslim faith. However, she was recently promoted to Vice Chief of Naval Operations, second in command to the Chief of Naval Operations. The selection process leading to her promotion to 4 star rank and her current position, is rather unique in a peace time US Navy. Obama may be planning to eventually promote her to Chief of Naval Operations. 

Admiral Howard had command of only one non-capital ship, the USS Rushmore (LSD-47), when she was promoted to Flag rank, which was unique. She eventually received orders as the Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, thru January 2009. It then appears that Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus may have mentored her thru one senior billet after another, by-passing other highly qualified combat trained more senior Flag Officers. During the process, she received orders to the proper Command and Staff Colleges, in order to prepare her for each new command assignment, Mabus’ careful guidance led her to her current billet.  

In the last 7 years, Obama has modified the selection process for Flag and General Officer, by ensuring the potential selectee’s compliance with his very destructive and destabilizing 'Social Experiment On Diversity', as a condition for whether an officer will be considered for promotion to Admiral or General.

Over the last 7 years, Obama has relieved over 250 highly qualified and combat trained Flag, General, and Senior Officers; some should have been relieved for cause, but many were doing a superb job when they were summarily relieved.


Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62
Capt, USN(Ret)

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC
2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108

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  Sanders delegates brace for Philadelphia convention fight
Posted by: guohua - 05-22-2016, 02:43 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - No Replies

Guys,,, You've Lost! They Owe Hillary One, They all have Favors She's Promised Them.

Quote:DENVER (AP) — Gabriel McArthur is heading to the Democratic National Convention in July to serve as a delegate for Bernie Sanders. Screaming and shouting are a distinct possibility from the Sanders camp at the event, he says.
McArthur and other Sanders supporters are approaching the gathering with the enthusiasm that has powered the effort from the start — holding garage sales, delivering pizza and raising money online to pay for their travel to Philadelphia.
But their nerves are raw now over the Democratic Party's perceived slights against the insurgent candidate and they are clinging to a bygone hope that Sanders can wrest the nomination from Hillary Clinton despite her overpowering lead in delegates.

As these super-fans chant "Bernie or bust," Democratic officials are growing increasingly worried about dissent, especially after a recent state convention in Nevada turned raucous. Some of the Sanders backers who are going to the convention as delegates for him — and there are more than 1,400 — give party officials little reason for comfort.

"I don't think we're going to see a lot of violence, but we are going to see some screaming and shouting if the DNC doesn't humanize itself," McArthur, a 24-year-old administrative assistant in suburban Denver, said of the Democratic National Committee. "A little civil disobedience is OK. It's part of being an American."
Sanders delegates, in more than a half-dozen interviews, say that while violence is not their goal for Philadelphia, party unity isn't their priority, either. They don't believe he has been treated fairly by the party establishment.
"Anything can happen," said Jesica Marie Butler, 25, a Sanders delegate from Hawarden, Iowa, who volunteers for the campaign and is raising money on gofundme.com for her trip to Philadelphia. "This is a movement. This is a political revolution. It's getting people involved in the process. We're going to stick to it."
Clinton only needs 90 more delegates to lock up the presidential nomination, a number she's likely to reach June 7, the final major day of primary voting. She now leads Sanders by nearly 300 delegates won in primaries and caucuses, an advantage that grows when including superdelegates, or party officials who can back any candidate. Most of them, by far, say they will support Clinton.
Still, Sanders has shown no interest in letting up, despite concerns of many Clinton supporters that he is undermining her as Republicans coalesce around Donald Trump. Many Sanders delegates don't want him to give up, either.
What Seems To be Happening!
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The Truth,,,,,,,
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Sad isn't it?

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