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  Mystic reveals that rare ‘blue moon’ this weekend could be an omen ‘something really
Posted by: guohua - 05-22-2016, 02:22 PM - Forum: JFK, the Moon and the Truth out There - Replies (1)

So,,, Has anyone had an Experience  that was Once In A Blue Moon yet the weekend? 
I don't really believe this, but there are people who do.
Tara Cards are used a lot in many cultures and people do plan there lives accordingly.
This woman who claims to be a Psychic or Mystic, is worried the blue moon signals something terrible is going to happen.
[Image: moon-main_2877913a.jpg]

Quote:But now a blue moon is actually about to happen - and paranormal psychics have shared their concerns that it could signal something terrible is going to happen on earth.
A blue moon is a second full moon in a calendar month - and it last happened in July.

But the one due to appear on Saturday is considered even more rare as it is the fourth full moon in one season - even though there would usually be only three.
This event happens every three years - with Native Americans naming it the "full flower moon".

One tarot card reader, Bonnie, expressed her fears about the blue moon on her Youtube channel and predicted "something bad" was going to happen.
In her video, she attributes the negative energy she claims she feels to "planetary alignments" and the "full moon"
[Image: moon2_2877927a.jpg]
Is there something to fear or watch out for? I don't know, But to each their own way of seeing things and living.

Quote:She alleges: "There are energies now that are bothering me, I am becoming more sensitive.
"There is something there that is not really great for everyone. Something is wrong, something is not right. I feel something is bad."
Although the moon won't actually turn blue, people in the UK will be able to see the full moon at around 10:14pm on Saturday, May 21.
Psychics behind the Nemesis Maturity channel have warned that full moons are historically associated with abnormal behaviour.
The channel said in a video: "Since ancient times, full moons have been associated with odd or insane behaviour, including sleepwalking, illegal activity, fits of violence and, of course, transforming into werewolves.
"In 18th-century England, people on trial for murder could campaign for a lighter sentence on grounds of lunacy if the crime occurred under a full moon, meanwhile, psychiatric patients at London’s Bethlehem Hospital were shackled and flogged as a preventive measure during certain lunar phases."
"Even today, despite studies discrediting the hypothesis, some people think full moons make everyone a little loony."
Do YOU, get Loony during a Full Moon? I don't!  :itwasntme:

Quote:And it's not the first time mystics have gone loony over the moon.
Last September, the incredible 'Blood Moon' fuelled gloomy predictions over the future of civilisation - with conspiracy theorists prophecising that the world would end between September 22 and 28.
As you've probably realised, the world didn't end after all - so fingers crossed the psychics have got it wrong this time, too.
If you know something,,,,, Don't keep it a Secret  Shhhh Tell Us! 

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  It's Just The Way We Are When We Come Down.
Posted by: BIAD - 05-22-2016, 12:48 PM - Forum: Short Stories - Replies (7)

As the MASH ambulance slowly turned around to begin it's reversing towards the four-foot high
wooden bay, Colonel Bevan eyed the two sweating scientists frantically failing to assist the puzzled
driver in guiding the red dust-covered vehicle into position.

"They should stick to their test tubes" the middle-aged man in the dark-blue uniform muttered to
himself from the window of his office, the base had been open two years and this new arrival wasn't
what the place was built for.

Kirtland -as it now had been decided to call it, was for flight training and as far as Colonel George
Bevan was concerned, the newly installed 19th Bombardment Group was his priority. There was still
a war to win regardless of what these scientists were messing around with.

"We've taken back Guadalcanal..." the other man in the room said softly. "...And they're saying the
Brits have Tobruk" Captain James Ramey added. The silhouette at the small wooden-framed window
never moved at the information and the younger man in the fawn-coloured apparel wondered if he
should also inform his superior of what the Professor Levinson and Dr. Coleman had requested.

The ambulance grinded it's gears as it pulled away from the hanger bay and the large metal container
it had brought to airfield near Albuquerque, New Mexico, was dragged towards the open doors by
three maintenance men. Bevan smiled to himself as he noticed the white-coated boffins didn't take
part in the physical action.

"Did they say where they got it from?" the statue at the office window asked in a low growl and Ramey
resisted the urge to check the file in his hand. Colonel Bevan had been given the documents two weeks
ago and with a quick glance, Captain Ramey saw them still on the side of the desk.
Where he'd left them.

"Professor Levenison reported that they found it in the desert just south of Soccorro, a couple of days
after the cosmic ray burst..." Capt. Ramey announced. "...The equipment they used is all burnt out"
The hanger doors were closed now and just as a theatre's stage curtain indicates that a play is over,
Colonel Bevan turned away from his entertainment.

"I don't want it here, but 'upstairs' demands we pander to these eggheads..." Bevan hissed and reached
for his service cap. "...Let's take a look at this creature that Levinson and his cronies hold so much store
in, heh?"

The subject held both male and female attributes and after two meticulous examinations, Dr. Todd Coleman
was initially certain the naked humanoid laying quietly on the operating table had no organs of vision or hearing.
As a couple of assistants busied themselves getting the creature to stand, the Doctor scribbled his findings
into the leather binder marked 'Classified'

Female breasts and male reproductive genitalia. Normal human features except for eyes and ear lobes.
Face partially covered with long fringe and regular teeth formation and lips. Digits on feet and hands similar
to humans.

Standing six feet tall and a hundred and sixty-eight pounds, the being was a tanned caucasian with a mop
of jet-black hair that reached the subject's waist. The hue was reminiscent of the Native American race and
from the way the assistants were seemingly becoming entangled with the long tresses, the Doctor amused
himself that it had the appearance of having a life of it's own.
Scratch that, the hair now reached the subject's ankles.

"May I speak?" a pleasant voice came from over Coleman's shoulder as he wrote his findings and quickly
whirling around, he found that the two attendants were bound and gagged within the black fibres that flicked
and implied finger movements in the nagative towards the wide-eyed captives.

""I mean, I don't wish to alarm anyone with my behavior, but I just think we should we have some type of civil
introduction" the smiling creature suggested. "Don't you agree?" he chirped.

Dr. Coleman nodded slowly and tapped the alarm button next to his file, the loud klaxon sang that Boy In A
Dress was in the building... without a dress, of course.

(To be Continued)

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  Beyonce Video protests/counter protests bring call of Race War?
Posted by: Wrabbit2000 - 05-22-2016, 07:35 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (2)

This is getting entirely out of hand. I mean, totally and absolutely out of hand. 

Quote:A very small number of demonstrators took to the streets in front of NFL offices in New York City on Tuesday to protest Beyonce’s performance at Super Bowl 50 of her racially charged anthem “Formation,” which they deemed offensive.

Uh Oh.... In this day and age, they should have known...Free Speech isn't always free of intimidation and outright effort to suppress it.

Quote:In response Black Lives Matters protesters appeared with a counter-protest. Among them was Kalief Metellus, who told TheBlaze, he believed a “race war” may be on the horizon.

..and they succeeded, apparently.

Quote:“KKK” shouted one protester at Ariel Kohane, the sole anti-Beyonce protester, who is an observant Jew.


That last line sums it up. That was the largest single reason I broke from any connection or support of the Occupy people in this state. All bumper sticker slogans and frankly, hate or anger...with precious little critical thinking or depth of thought beyond it.

Race war? Oh.. please... this is a joke, right? I hope they don't actually believe their own nonsense for what is or isn't possible to do. Charles Manson thought a Race War could happen as well, and that era probably held a higher likelihood than ever before or since in America. He was absurdly mistaken, and so are these loons. 

What they may be quite capable of doing is leading frustrated, confused, severely under-educated young people into rioting on a large scale and getting a lot of people (MOST of them being their OWN, if history is anything to go by on riots) killed. However, even among the most noble of intentions? There are facts to face here...and groups like #BlackLivesMatter become too filled with agenda and hate, in my opinion, to see them or function above reactionary moves that eventually become self defeating. 

...mmm....how to put this...carefully for Politically Correct reasons..? 

Black Americans are 13.2% of the population. White folk are 77.4% of the overall American population and the largest minority (with their own, very legitimate reasons to bitch up a storm) are Hispanic/Latino at 17.4%. (* White without Hispanic or Latino mixing is listed as 62%) Source: US Census Bureau - QuickFacts of the United States

Now it is fair to say, it doesn't take a large % of a population to make war or rebellion. However, it absolutely DOES take a sympathetic or, at worst, neutral population in %'s many times over the number actually causing the rebellion.

If the black folks who have come to be so singularly focused on race chose to turn their attention to how broadly society and lower economic levels of it are suffering together? The energy generated could be directed to achieve actual and meaningful change. Numbers matter, in all political things...and if war is diplomacy by other means, then I'd suggest rebellion is politics taken to the same terminal level. 

Focusing on race as a singular topic, by any race (my own absolutely included) is a 100% sure loser. 

It becomes apparent in real sharp ways, IMHO, when a protest is overwhelmed and intimidated right off the street like that. 

* Oh..and for those who missed the almost laughable ignorance shown in the KKK remark, hurled at the lone protester toward the end? The Klu Klux Klan absolutely holds Jews as a special kind of low, and intolerable element in their vision of a ...warped society. Blindly calling someone KKK because they are white is as ignorant as saying any black protester, anywhere, is a New Black Panther Party militant. Its just silly, ignorant and totally absurd. 

United our People May Stand Strong .... Divided, Our People Will Stand Alone .... The Only "Our" in this context is American. Every color of it.

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  Black Lives Matter Organizer Posts Guide To Riotwear…In Arabic
Posted by: Wrabbit2000 - 05-22-2016, 07:26 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (3)

Gotta leave it to the #blacklivesmatter group. Protest in any way they choose, to the extent of force they feel justified for, in the causes they deem worthy....is supposed to be their right!

Quote:If they can’t serve justice in this, the people have every right to go out and express their rage in a manner that is equal to what we have suffered,” said Ashley Yates, a co-founder of Millennial Activists United, who was arrested last week while protesting in Ferguson.

Yeah! you show em! Screw Democracy! Screw the Republic! Screw the rule of law all together! If the system screws ya, go screw it over worse! That'll teach the establishment a thing or two!! In fact, you'll even get a close view of how hurt the system is .....from inside a jail or prison cell. No doubt about it! Front row seats from start to finish! (smirk)

Quote:Yates learned organizing when she was the political chair of the Legion of Black Collegians at the University of Missouri Columbia; the group who was behind last year’s campus uprising there. Yates was not with the group at the time of that protest, however.

Wow... I certainly respect her vast experience and real gritty first hand knowledge to work from. Damn.... I know so little by comparison. I was only living in an Occupy protest camp and standing the lines with police a few feet away. Hell...her wealth of wisdom is certainly superior. 

Why..look at these nuggets of absolute brilliance!

Quote:Sweatshirt or leather jacket with a hood. This helps shield your face from teargas.
(Ahh yes... this is wonderfully effective, and those police are wearing bulky, hot, sticky and restricting gas masks because they're fools for over preparedness...lol) 

Quote:Spray paint so that if the authorities attack us, we can spray paint the visors of their helmets and the windshields of their armored trucks, blocking their vision and hindering their movement.
(Yes Indeedy! Keep the good ideas rolling!! It is always fun to watch what cops do when they're blinded and hence...become TRULY scared for their own lives and safety. At least..it can be fun to watch ..from a safe distance..and unrelated to who they then take that fear out on..) 

Quote:Protective glasses. (Can be bought at any metalworking or paint shop.)
(This is probably the best idea of the bunch, honestly!)

Quote:The lid of the pot. You can use this shield when the state security beats you or shoots rubber bullets.
(Block rubber bullets by HOLDING the lid of a pot? bahahahah... hhahaha.... hahahahaha.... hahahahahahahahahaha.... )

Quote:Scarf to protect your mouth and lungs from teargas.
(See point one, and realize...a scarf is even less filtering than a sweatshirt...but I hope it works out for ya to try!)

Quote:Thick rubber gloves in order to protect your hands from the heat of teargas containers.
(hahahahahahahah..... bahahahaha.... hahahahahahahahahahahah....)

Quote:Shoes that make it easy to run and move quickly.
(Like the gloves suggestion? An excellent..if rather self evident one. I mean, indeed...protesters in high heels were a major problem for us to talk to on the Occupy STL safety committee. Why, a few a day, at least! /smirk 

Source (Comments added by me)

Sorry if I have some challenges for keeping composure here. This is one of the first things I've heard from this group or its organizing members, outside of yelling, screaming, insulting, mildly threatening or otherwise bombastic bull puckey, where they attempted to convey a serious or useful message.

Now....If this is in Arabic to help Jihadis and 'those feeling oppressed'? By goodness, why stop there?! Translate this text to Dari, Farsi and the other languages or dialects of the region, where they may benefit! Yes..this IS how I want to see a Jihadi on my street, thinking he's got a good position to be an ass hat from. (grin) 

If real people with good, legitimate beefs and a true intent of PEACEFUL protest care to go? Please..for the love of your own personal safety, common sense and good intentions ...don't figure sweatshirts are going to do more than give you time to exit the teargassed area, at a dead run, MAYBE......(and I kinda doubt you'll even clear the area before that becomes pretty much worthless, and actually making it worse to try using). 

Ahh..the wonder of youth and people who have just read, heard 2nd hand or imagined what they are so hot to teach others to do.... It is a wonder these people are able to function at all. They won't function for long, if the police and general authority are not actively held back as they've been, and told to just go restore order. 

I think President Trump is likely to give that typer of order, too. Not just to this group..and not in any targeted way for race or anything else. There are some white groups of different political stripes or agendas that probably need some real careful, REAL law enforcement attention too, if he gets elected and decides that order is worth restoring..

Time will tell ..but goodness..don't bring a scarf to a tear gas party and figure you've done solid preparation! 


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  The Problems in Profit
Posted by: Amaterasu Solar - 05-22-2016, 07:14 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (4)

There are two basic types of profit - the one We all think of in the material sense (money, mainly), and the profit We receive when We make One We love better for how We choose to behave. The second is a powerful motivator to pursue the first. How many go to work to support Their families? How many expend Their energy, accounting for it and getting tokens in return, so as to afford as good a situation as They can for the Ones They love? How many doing that, inputting Their energy into the accounting system, receiving Their tokens, really would rather do something else while They are there adding energy?

I'll wager quite a few.

Given this, the first problem I will bring up is that material profit creates slaves. When One has to account to another to survive, when One has to go plug One's energy into something doing something One does not want to do, One is not free, and when One is not free, One is a slave or a prisoner. The money system - ANY money system - creates slaves. Wage slaves, debt slaves, and crime slaves.

The second problem with material profit, therefore, is that it creates crime. Especially in a scarcity environment. Crime slaves are all the Ones who get bribed ("paid") to do the work for the "kingpins" or whatever title One wishes to give the Ones who call the shots. This applies to "governments" (controlminds) "above board" as well as the underground "crime lords," for They call the shots, either way. At the top.

The third problem that material profit creates, mostly as money again, is that of promoting the psychopathic in the population of Humanity to great power over Others. I think We have vast evidence at this point in time to prove that. I mean just the budget of the corporation, THE UNITED STATES, that masquerades as "Our" controlmind, that is given (however true, it has plenty of evidence of being fairly close on this point) has over half going to ways to kill and control Others while very small fractions go to helping People. If THAT's not psychopathic, I don't know what is.

And that's just one problem that the foundational problem of psychopaths in control creates.

But why would a money system, accounting for most of the Humans on this planet's energy, do this? Because any boss has, in essence, a life-and-death power over any He employs. (Sure, We might say that One can always "get another job," but with most, and especially these days, that may not be the case.) And when some have power over Others, it draws psychopaths. A psychopath likes nothing better than to feel power over Others. For this reason They pursue money in ANY way They can. Where Most would stop short - killing anOther is usually out of the question - a psychopath, seeing an opportunity to gain through unEthical means, will not hesitate. They will be the Ones overall promoted.

What are some other problems created by psychopaths in control? When Some have wealth enough to eradicate poverty twenty times over and They do nothing to help (psychopaths don't care), then poverty is clearly one problem We have because the caring Individuals are not promoted to the top.

Planned obsolescence is also a psychopathic thing - making products with deliberate flaws so that the products break down and new products sold, all for profit. This, in turn, creates the bulk of the waste We create on this planet. If all products were designed to the highest standards rather than the lowest tolerances, waste would be radically reduced. To the psychopath, the profit is all that matters. Never mind the destruction to the planet. Of course, psychopaths will blame "Humanity" for "trashing the planet." That plays right in with convincing Us there are too many of Us for the planet to support so that We consent to things that take care of "overpopulation."

Psychopaths make plans to control the rest of Us. "Overpopulation" is merely Their way of saying, "There's too many People here to CONTROL." With money as a tool, They buy things - and everything They can. They scheme to take things from People - the HSBC MERS mortgage fraud is the tip of an iceberg. They seek to control even the food (Monsanto), water ("laws" making it illegal to collect the water that falls from Our sky), and They are working on air (the whole "climate change" scam).

The "climate change" concept also plays into Their painting a picture of "overpopulation," as well as control - when They can tell You how much You can have, You are not free.

This planet belongs to Humanity - the psychopaths stole it through "trusts" and deceit - but They promote the concept that Each of Us must "earn" a place on it. They glorify the Ones who have lots of material thing (the Ones They have allowed this for, in the industries They own) and look down on the poor, as if it is the poor who have created the mess They have found Themselves in. They concocted a "trust," a very long time ago now, proclaiming Each of Us "incompetent" or "dead." And then monetized a legal fiction for Each of Us, putting it on a market They don't make any effort to let Us know about. Then They tell Us We are that corporation and that We are subject to the rules placed upon that corporation.

They put on plays for Us between the corporations They create (ALL controlminds ("governments") on the planet now are corporations, beholden to profit and not People) to suck wealth from Us. This ties in with the "war" budget, where They funnel wealth to these industries, where They propagandize to gain support for war. They own the media and have characters in Their plays, all scripted, which They tell Us are real. We then consent to, and participate in, Their wars. "If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war."

They create products to poison Us and sicken Us for profit (Roundup, vaccines, "geoengineering," sodium fluoride and other toxins in Our water, etc.), create "legislation" that protects Them (vaccine court versus suing the manufacturer for the damage the product caused, etc.), and, given They want to control every One on this planet, and own RFID chips, is it too far a stretch to think They might chip Us through the vaccines They own?

Profit in the material gives rise to poverty, oppression, wage/debt slavery, intrusion, and profiteering (war profiteering, prison profiteering, pharma profiteering, medical profiteering, chemical profiteering, food, water, air profiteering). It creates artificial scarcity. If We all had access to the food that makes it to market, about 25% would be uneaten, but because We distribute by profit, 30-40% spoils before sale, making it appear that We have a food scarcity. And that does not include new tech such as vertical farming... People starve in the midst of abundance.

Clearly, profit as motive, when it is a material profit, leads to most of the problems We are seeing here on this planet.

But what of the profit from the heart? That feeling We get when We help the Ones We care about? The ongoing profit We receive watching the help We gave blossom for Those We gave Our energy to? This is the true profit. Of course, in a world where the focus is on the material gains and not the heart gains, the true profit is downplayed, or never mentioned. It's more important to have money than to be appreciated for who You are. Such heart profit leads to problem resolution, as opposed to problem creation.

And all this leads Me to the point: We can remove material profit as motive - remove shoddy products, products that sicken so as to sell pharmaceuticals to "treat" the illnesses, most of the breaking of the three Laws of Ethics (making it "legal" to do so in many cases). We can create a world where profit is strictly though the heart. Where the only motive to do things is for the love, the appreciation, the thanks, the fame, the lauds, the caring, the betterment.

Ethics will emerge as prime, unlike the legal system that props up and supports the twin towers to psychopaths in power (accounting for Human energy and top-down controlmind), which right at the bottom thwarts Ethics - how Many have been wronged that have had to accept that fact because They could not afford an attorney? How many "laws" (statutes, bills, acts, codes, regulations, mandates, etc.) give advantage to Some rather than serve Ethics? How many times have Ethics been thwarted in some legal technicality? How many times have they been thwarted because the "law" is creating a problem where none existed before "the law" moved in?

So how can We remove material profit? All profit is founded in energy scarcity. Before robotics, Human energy to get things done no One would choose to do without the promise of profit was scarce - and accounting for Human energy arose to motivate Us, thus creating wage slavery. Today, We have robots to do any work We would not choose to do. Today We have access to the energy in the aether - though hidden and suppressed, I personally know of one way to extract that energy: electrogravitics. It is because of My awareness that We CAN access all the energy We need that I am so driven to bring it out and free Humanity from material profit.

I know electrogravitics was pulled into black (or maybe gray) projects back in the late 1950's. Before it went black, My dad, who worked with T. Townsend Brown doing experiments in electrogravitics, would share the results of experiments, telling Us of the gravity control and energy from the aether They were getting, painting a picture of the future I would grow up in: cars would fly, cities would float, and We would have all the energy We could use. I was thrilled, as a young child, to know of the bright future I would see.

One night, Dad came home to tell Us We couldn't talk about electrogravitics anymore, We couldn't even say the word, "electrogravitics," because "They want it secret for now." And so, We never spoke of it again.

We have free energy, but the psychopaths in control know that the addition of free energy means a removal of the need to account for Human energy - the removal of money systems and their inherent control of Others that so draws the psychopaths (whether "fiat" systems or "backed;" given that the bulk of the planet's gold has been scooped up by the key players in this staged play They put on, can We expect much difference when money is "backed by gold?").

One problem in shifting to much better ways of doing things is the depth of the indoctrination the Humans not in control have gone through. Many believe that the way THEIR country is set up (or was set up initially) is the be-all and end-all of systems We could operate under. In truth, there are better ways by far than any top-down "government." Any time One is given the power to make choices for anOther outside the three Laws of Ethics, One again draws psychopaths, thus building the second tower to psychopaths in power. Combine the power of money with the power such top-down systems offer, add a legal system to support them, and We see exactly what We see: the bulk of the wealth on this planet flowing to very few, with Ethics thwarted at every turn.

With the web, We can govern Ourselves by solving problems Ethically as they arise, locally with planetary reach for solutions. Ethical consensus amongst Those who care, as opposed to applying a "law" that may be highly inappropriate in any given situation, creating a problem where there was none. If I had the money (ironic, that), I would build servers around the planet that had no central "backbone," that mirrored one another. I would hold a contest for the best open-source site that allows for problems to be reported, both emergency and non, and for Those who care to respond, or offer suggestions.

I would build electrogravitic generators and "power boxes" to plug appliances into - and give them away. I would create vehicles, allowing Those who care to respond to emergencies from anywhere.

If I had the money, I would free Humanity.

Sadly, I am nowhere NEAR rich enough to create what would best be created. All I can do is hope that Those with enough money will take the ball and run with it. All I can do is define the system that offers true Human freedom, that puts Ethics at the top for true justice, rather than material profit and all the problems that it entails. All I can do is point to how We ALL can pursue happiness as richly as We might choose. All I can do is hope that Others will share this awareness widely, for We WILL create better here when enough of Us know We CAN.

We each have both the obligation and the right to treat Others and be treated Ethically. We each are responsible for the behavior We choose. We each are owners of the abundance of this planet, which could afford Us ALL everything We each might desire and I point to a way to take it back from the psychopaths in control. I offer a way We can say "NO" to Their next world war - which Their numerology is pointing to being this year (2016) (They are obsessed with such things whether We give credence or not).

The question I ask all You pointing to the evidence that We have psychopaths in control is:

How much do You really want to solve for this problem?

Frankly, I want to very much.

But I cannot do it alone. I am living on the edge of poverty and most months do not have food all the way through. But this is not about Me - it's about You (I would use the second Person singular here, "Thou," but so few grasp the distinction and most will think that it's merely "archaic"). You whose eyes read this. And all Humans of heart, whether They can read this or not. We have a planetary and radical problem of psychopaths in power, and a radical solution is in order. One that tackles the root of the problem and not the myriad branching effects.

Two towers were brought down by the psychopaths in power. I say We bring down Theirs. Let's start discussing and sharing awareness of something better than what the psychopaths are creating. Let's introduce Ethical anarchy in a solutocracy.

Art Thou on board?

NOTE: The three Laws of Ethics:

1. Do not without fully informed consent willfully hurt or kill anOther;
2. Do not without fully informed consent willfully take or damage anOther's property; and,
3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent)

"We Each are temples of Awareness."


How to Withdraw Consent

Money = Power = Energy

Ethical Anarchy vs. Psychopaths in Control

The Abundance Paradigm Foundational Writings

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  The Russians are crowding our coasts with their nuclear submarines!
Posted by: Wrabbit2000 - 05-22-2016, 07:10 AM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (2)

Okay, I think this Senator is a little too new-age for my taste, but he does see the problem.

Quote:Russian President Vladimir Putin is deploying nuclear-armed submarines "dangerously close" to the United States and European allies, a Senate Democrat said following a trip to the Arctic Circle.

"No one is suggesting that Putin is contemplating a nuclear launch against a NATO country, but it's not clear how tethered to reality Putin is," Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy told reporters Monday. "And it should make us nervous that many of his submarines are starting to get dangerously close to the U.S. and our allies."

Ummm... Doh! (puts on slow, patient voice for the particularly dim witted in the bunch) No..... Putin isn't contemplating the order of a first strike against Western cities and major continental targets from nuclear submarines, and I'll tell ya? Hyperbole is something I am coming to have absolutely *NO* tolerance for anymore. It is just such a short leap from that into outright making crap up because it sounds good. 

Putin is doing what the United States Navy has spent 70+ years doing, but America seems to have forgotten the whole concept of (beyond condemning it as evil and somehow..uniquely American or something). Comrade President Putin is projecting power, where no current power exists to challenge on a daily basis. He's not doing it to nuke anyone, but to apply the subtle pressure that he COULD, if only pushed in the wrong extreme way. Rather like American Presidents have done for decades, and it baffles me where the Government went in 8 short years? Did EVERYONE over the age of about 40 just retire or check institutional experience at the door or what?? Really?! Putin is rearming, re-gearing and projecting outward....with some determination ..and we're RE-LEARNING lessons we've already RE-LEARNED at least a couple times since World War II?

Oh.. we're in deep crap.

Quote:Pentagon officials currently plan to scale back production of modern attack submarines in order to preserve funding for the Ohio-class submarines that carry nuclear weapons. "You're going have to look at this program with a national lens because if you drop this into the middle of a Navy shipbuilding budget it will just gut Navy shipbuilding for decades to come," Navy Secretary Ray Mabus told a House panel last week.

Then just what in the name of intelligence in our nation *IS* taking *THAT* much budget?! Attack submarines are not made of GOLD or anything...

US Navy Orders 10 Virginia-class Submarines at a Record Cost of $17.6 Billion

...and if some of the things I've heard about those boats are even half way accurate for some capabilities? They're a bargain to have a small fleet at twice the price per copy. 

After all.... what is a few billion between friends?

Obama Asks for $3.7 Billion to Aid Border

Well, hells bells! If he hadn't literally created the immigration horror show, at least TWO of those submarines would be no hardship, eh? I don't recall hearing him being refused his money for that, either, so immigrants breaking our basic laws by merely arriving in the way they CHOOSE to......are infinitely more important than having a Navy worthy of a world power? I see... What else is more important?

Obama’s big ask: $4 billion for computer science in schools

Well, hot damn on a donut. Who can argue throwing billions more at schools from far atop Capital Hill and the lofty heights of Washington D.C.? Then again.....if we left school initiative to the states to determine what they deem best, without things like unfunded mandates out the ass, keeping whatever funding DOES exist so tied up chasing other federal demands that they can't move? Well... Lets see... 17 Billion...vs. 4 Billion....

Wow..! We could not only move a little piece of schooling back to the local level where schools actually exist, but pay for damn near TWENTY FIVE PERCENT of the "record breaking" and apparently back breaking requirement to supply for a competent national defense in the face of a determined adversary (not enemy .. not yet, anyway..and they call these things COLD at this stage for a reason), 

I wonder.. could there be anything less worthy? Hmm.... Maybe it really is a hard hard choice to make here? Could it be? Shall we consider it possible? 

Obama to pledge $3 billion in climate aid for developing countries

Obama: $3B for U.N. Climate Fund ‘A Smart Investment for Us to Make’

Obama budget to include $1 billion for Central America

Obama will ask for $4 billion for self-driving car research

Obama Administration Unveils $5.5 Billion Plan To Create Summer & Youth Jobs

No... We shall not consider it possible in my estimation. In fact, the next person I hear say the United States Government cannot afford to build however many submarines the United States Navy requires during a period other world powers are expanding and patrolling OUR coasts with their own nuclear submarines, I'll read the riot act to!!

It isn't a question of...CAN WE....but do we value avoiding what a bad decision and outcome looks like enough to spend the money in deterrent defense? After all....Submarines don't start wars....unless the war we're talking about is "THAT" war, and we'll pray to every God the people in our land worship that we have endless fleets of submarines no one told us about .... if THAT war comes.

Otherwise? Well...from the original story:

Quote:Murphy wants the Navy to build those Ohio-class submarines without cutting production of other modern attack submarines. "We've got to find a way to do both," he said. "If you look at the pace of Russian and Chinese building programs, we can't afford to drop Virginia-class production back to one for more than a year."


How about...we do NO CUTTING of major, LONG TERM war fighting platforms (these things get built ONCE and they stand their purpose for decades to come. It's WORTH IT) and build what the military says we require to have a credible defense ...not for negotiation or pressure ...or as OTHER world powers are doing. Build what the military says we need to have a defense against a DETERMINED ATTACK. 

We may just see that very thing, and perhaps, far earlier than we can now react ...but there is no good reason to keep screwing around while Russia and China sharpen the proverbial knives, almost openly now.

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  The Good News on Global Warming: We've Delayed the Next Ice Age
Posted by: guohua - 05-22-2016, 06:57 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (6)

Again, YES! That's right Folks, The Loony Far Left Has Declared, We've Been Saved From An Ice Age Because Of Our Own Carelessness. 

By Our Attempt To Destroy The Earth,,,, yes, We've actually Saved All Of Humanity!

[Image: 1200x-1.jpg]

Quote:Next deep freeze may be 100,000 years away, scientists say
Earth narrowly missed onset of ice age before industrializing

Bull Shit!

Quote:Global warming caused by fossil fuel emissions is blamed by scientists for intensifying storms, raising sea levels and prolonging droughts. Now there’s growing evidence of a positive effect: we may have delayed the next ice age by 100,000 years or more.

Everyone with Half A Brain Knows the Sun and, El Nino's Control the rain fall and weather patterns.
Sun Spots have a lot to do with the Strength of an El Nino.
Not Ale Gore or Obama!

Quote:The conditions necessary for the onset of a new ice age were narrowly missed at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research near Berlin wrote Wednesday in the journal Nature. Since then, rising emissions of heat-trapping CO2 from burning oil, coal and gas have made the spread of the world’s ice sheets even less likely, they said.
“This study further confirms what we’ve suspected for some time, that the carbon dioxide humans have added to the atmosphere will alter the climate of the planet for tens to hundreds of thousands of years, and has canceled the next ice age,” said Andrew Watson, a professor of Earth sciences at the University of Exeter in southwest England who wasn’t involved in the research. "Humans now effectively control the climate of the planet."
The scientists found that even without further output of heat-trapping gases, the next ice age probably wouldn’t set in for another 50,000 years. That would make the current so-called inter-glacial period “unusually long,” according to the lead author, Andrey Ganopolski.
“However, our study also shows that relatively moderate additional anthropogenic CO2-emissions from burning oil, coal and gas are already sufficient to postpone the next ice age for another 50,000 years,” which would mean the next one probably won’t start for 100,000 years, he said.
“The bottom line is that we are basically skipping a whole glacial cycle, which is unprecedented.”
Levels of CO2 have risen to about 400 parts per million now from 280 parts per million before the Industrial Revolution. The authors of the latest study signaled that if the concentration had been 240 parts per million at the time, the onset of a new ice age may have been triggered, and that farming practices before industrialization may have saved us from crossing that threshold.
“Whether this narrow escape from glacial inception was natural remains debatable,” the researchers wrote. “It has been proposed that pre-industrial land-use at least partly contributed” to the CO2 level registered in the 1800s.

BullShit Link

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  FDA to Start Testing for Glyphosate in Food
Posted by: Marlin Grace - 05-22-2016, 06:50 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (1)


[Image: pipette-test-tube.jpg?quality=75&strip=color&w=550]

Quote:"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the nation’s chief food safety regulator, plans to start testing certain foods for residues of the world’s most widely used weed killer after the World Health Organization’s cancer experts last year declared the chemical a probable human carcinogen.

The FDA’s move comes amid growing public concern about the safety of the herbicide known as glyphosate, and comes after the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) rebuked the agency for failing to do such assessments and for not disclosing that short-coming to the public.

Private companies, academics, and consumer groups have recently launched their own testing and claim to have detected glyphosate residues in breast milk, honey, cereal, wheat flour, soy sauce, infant formula, and other substances.

Civil Eats: Are Bee-Killing Pesticides Impacting Our Health?

FDA officials dubbed the issue “sensitive” and declined to provide details of the plans, but FDA spokeswoman Lauren Sucher said the agency was moving forward to test for glyphosate for the first time in the agency’s history.

“The agency is now considering assignments for Fiscal Year 2016 to measure glyphosate in soybeans, corn, milk, and eggs, among other potential foods,” she told Civil Eats. Soybeans and corn are common ingredients in an array of food products and genetically engineered (or GMO) varieties are commonly sprayed with glyphosate."

Guess there is nothing like being a day late and a dollar short. What is striking is the FDA has never done any testing on Glyphosate at all. The only way that happens and everyone watching this topic knows the government positions given to ex Monsanto executives in Ag, FDA, and EPA. Why do we have a FDA if they don't test for these things? Of course I am a tin hatter for conspiracy and typically blown off for asking such questions of people but we will see who has the last laugh.

There is more detail is this much longer article if you're interested in reading about this topic. Some of us have been following it from the beginning somehow the FDA seems to be guilted into this research after WHO declared it as a known carcinogen following the state of California. Particularly scary is the Glyphosate residue found in mother milk.

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  Wi-Fi Could Be Killing Our Trees
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 05-22-2016, 06:27 AM - Forum: Man Made Disasters - Replies (11)

Wi-Fi has been linked with increased stress, brain fog, insomnia, cancer, lower sperm count, Alzheimer’s Disease, behavioral issues and developmental delays.

But that's not all!!  

Studies performed in the Netherlands have found electromagnetic pollution can also harm trees.

Quote:When officials in the Dutch city of Alphen aan den Rijn noticed malformations in local trees, they began to question the cause. After viral and bacterial infections were ruled out, researchers turned their attention to studying the effects of radio magnetic radiation on plant life.

According to a study by Wageningen University in the Netherlands, Wi-Fi signals could very well be responsible for the diseased trees, which exhibited bark tears, bleeding and leaves prematurely dying.

The team set out to test their hypothesis by exposing 20 ash trees to varying types of radiation over a period of three months. Trees with closest proximity to Wi-Fi networks suffered from telltale indicators of radiation sickness, including a “lead-like shine” on their leaves, which is caused by the deterioration of outer-cell layers — leading to premature death of the foliage.

The Los Angeles Times reports, “About 70% of all trees in the Netherlands’ urban areas show the same symptoms, compared with only 10% five years ago, the study found.”

The findings aren’t surprising, considering the explosion of Wi-Fi availability and use over the last few years.

The researchers stressed that these tree abnormalities aren’t isolated to the Netherlands — it’s an issue throughout the Western world. And trees in rural or non-urban locations don’t appear to suffer from the same unhealthy fate as their city-dwelling brethren.

The Dutch Antennae Agency was motivated to issue the following statement after the study was covered by media outlets and they received an enormous backlash:

Quote:“The researcher from Wageningen University indicates that these are initial results and that has not been confirmed in a repeat survey. He warns strongly that there is still no far-reaching conclusions from its results. Based on the information now available, it cannot be concluded that the Wi-Fi radio signals leads to damage to trees or other plants.”

Quote:It should be noted the Dutch Antenna Agency “… is a department of Radio communications Agency Netherlands. This is a specialized agency of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. It has three main tasks: obtain, allocate and protect frequency space.” Source

Nevertheless, the findings of the study should not be brushed aside, especially since other researches have also found Wi-Fi signals harm plant life.

[Image: lIyrwmd.png]

Read more and find more source links HERE.

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  Common medicines including cold and flu tablets, heartburn drugs and sleeping pills '
Posted by: guohua - 05-22-2016, 05:44 AM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (14)

OH,,, How I Believe this to be TRUE!
But then, I'm a Herbalist and Acupuncturist and I practice and tech Traditional Chinese medicine.
I also use Cupping and Gua Sha treatments.

I do believe that the Chemicals used in todays medicines have adverse effects on your entire Body and Most Of all your Brain.

Quote:Common over-the-counter medicines should be avoided by older people as they have been linked to memory loss and problems in thinking, scientists have discovered.
Treatments for colds and flu, hay fever, allergy and heartburn tablets containing anti-cholinergic drugs had the effect for one month after treatment, a study found.
Effects associated with taking the drugs included having slower brain processing times and smaller brains overall.
Well known treatments including the heartburn medicine Zantac, Night Nurse Liquid containing Promethazine and the sleeping tablet Nytol, containing diphenhydramine, are included among drugs that may result in the effects, the research said.
The drugs block the chemical acetylcholine, which is involved in the transmission of electrical impulses between nerve cells.
The treatments are prescribed for a wide range of conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, overactive bladder, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, nausea and vomiting, sleeping problems, high blood pressure, depression and psychosis.
But the authors warn: ‘Use of AC [anti-cholinergic] medication among older adults should likely be discouraged if alternative therapies are available.’
Previous studies have linked the drugs with cognitive impairment, increased risk of dementia and falls.

Quote:However, the new study by Indiana University School of Medicine, is the first to explore their impact on brain metabolism and 
atrophy through brain scans.
Dr Shannon Risacher, the university’s assistant professor of radiology and imaging sciences, said: ‘These findings provide us with a much better understanding of how this class of drugs may act upon the brain in ways that might raise the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia,’
‘Given all the research evidence, physicians might want to consider alternatives to anticholinergic medications if available when working with their older patients.
‘The impact of these drugs have been know about for over a decade, with a 2013 study finding drugs with a strong anticholinergic effect cause cognitive problems when taken continuously for as few as 60 days. Drugs with a weaker effect could cause impairment within 90 days.

Read the rest of this article here: Link

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