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  Russian war propaganda video
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-17-2016, 01:51 PM - Forum: Military Matters and Misteps - No Replies

following video is a Russian war propaganda video but some of the technology dreamed of is quite interesting IMO. (DREAMED OF IS THE KEY PHRASE for I doubt they have working models as of yet ?) Fixed emplacements or even ships at sea will be in an environment that ...well.. I am just glad I won't be there..

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  Police Officer refused service at Walmart by Cashier
Posted by: senona - 08-17-2016, 06:48 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (4)

This kind of racist attitude needs to be put to rest and kicked to the curb.
Especially when you are at work.

Quote:ST. CLOUD, Fla. - An investigation is being conducted at a Walmart in Osceola County to try and determine whya St. Cloud police officer was denied service for showing up in uniform.

Channel 9 reporter Field Sutton contacted Walmart’s corporate offices and the police department after many in the community wondered if the incident was just a rumor.

Eyewitness News confirmed the officer walked into the Walmart on 13th Street, grabbed what he needed and then headed for the checkout.

The officer told a friend the cashier pointed to her skin color and told them she wouldn’t ring up his items.

The officer told that friend a second employee laughed at the way the officer was treated.

The uproar began brewing a week ago, when a man posted in a community Facebook group saying he wanted to know if the story he heard about the officer was a rumor.

The responses to the man’s post poured in, with some saying they had seen it happen.

Later, a friend of the officer joined the thread to say it was true.
Walmart and police confirmed the incident to Channel 9.

Sutton contacted Walmart’s corporate office to comment on the incident, but was told, “This is an unfortunate situation, but we cannot comment on an active HR investigation.”

Police: St. Cloud officer refused service at Walmart while in uniform

Now then, the saying of "We have the right to refuse service" applies to the store owner/manager NOT a regular employee, a cashier at that.

I don't care if you are black, white, pink or purple...if one of my employees treated any kind of law enforcement officer, military, border agent etc etc in that manner, their azz would be fired in a heart beat, no questions asked.

That is just being ignorant and disrespectful to someone who puts their life on the line everyday.
Not to mention a very racist gesture.

No word yet as far as I can tell as to whether the cashier and her friend who laughed along with her, got fired or not.
I sure hope they are gone.

No use for people like that in a Walmart of all stores.

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  Is this a Chupacabara
Posted by: guohua - 08-17-2016, 12:51 AM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (5)

You be the Judge. I'll attach the article and in the article is a video and I'll attach a youtube video.
Nether my husband or I could think what this might be, it's head looks to small for a human and yes the arms and legs or to long, but this could be a Hoax.
Just a man in a costume.
We thought that it should be brought to everyone's attention who may not have seen the article.

Quote:Is this the mythical chupacabra? Mysterious ‘man-like creature’ is filmed roaming through Portuguese desert
You decide!
Quote:The myth of the chupacabara first began in Puerto Rico, after farmers found their goats drained of blood. 
However, new footage claims to have caught moving images of the beast on camera as it wanders through the Portuguese desert. 
In the short clip, the mysterious creature is seen to pace slowly through the wasteland on two legs, while stooping its head.
[Image: 374A5AE600000578-0-image-a-83_1471362773015.jpg]
Quote:The footage was first posted online over a month ago and has already racked up an impressive 200,000 views.
However, the internet is now torn as to what the animal might be.
Some users have said it could be a chupacabra - a legendary Central and South American goat sucker and Big Foot's hispanic cousin.

While others have argued that it could be Big Foot himself.  

However, other more cynical netizens believe that the conveniently filmed footage may be completely fake. 
One user, said: 'Extremely poor camera quality. I don't believe it..'
While another added: 'Funny how you can never get a clear picture of these so-called alien sightings. Hard for anyone to believe them when it happens all the time.' 
EXACTLY!! That's what we think. There's never a clear picture.

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  FBI plans to release summary of Clinton interview to Congress
Posted by: senona - 08-16-2016, 08:35 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

[Image: c48d352b75674c4a83072b924d45184f.png]

Oh boy, not that anything will come of this, but assume Hillary will claim Right Wing nuts or the Russians are behind this.

Quote:The FBI is planning to release to interested congressmen a record of its interview with Hillary Clinton and potentially other documents related to the criminal investigation into her use of a private email while she was secretary of state, officials familiar with the decision said.

The release is the latest sign of how the FBI has tried to offer an unusual level of transparency into its handling of the case, which has now been closed after the Justice Department declined to press charges. Typically, when a probe has been finished, documents associated with the investigation are not released to anyone.

Hillary Clinton’s so-called “302” — the bureau’s report of its interview with the former secretary of state — is expected be among the materials turned over to legislators in at least some part, along with possibly the same reports from the bureau’s interviews with her aides and others.


"Comey said that while he believed Clinton was “extremely careless” and classified information did improperly traverse her personal server, investigators did not find evidence that she intended to do wrong, and her case did not present some of the aggravating factors that typically convince prosecutors to bring criminal charges."

I still have issues with the 'she did not intend to do wrong'.
Um the minute she had the damn server set up in her basement, that alone should have been considered "intent".

Of course, if on your own server instead of the State Dept, you would be free of any FOIA that was requested one would assume.

And the bullshit she spewed of having only one device was proven incorrect when an interview she did a couple of months previous showed her on camera talking about having 4 devices -- an IPhone, Blackberry, IPad and IPad mini.
Pretty nice collection of devices I must say for having only one. smh.

Now how can they claim that was not intent?
Guess the only intent they had on her was the intent to lie.

Regardless, we all know nothing will come of this.
The Clinton's are untouchable and can do as they please.

Have to give them credit where credit is due tho.
They are one helluva shrewd couple that are masters at the DC games.
They know just how close to the line they can walk without getting caught and going over the edge.

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  So how can mind control work
Posted by: 727Sky - 08-16-2016, 06:51 AM - Forum: Off Topic - Replies (3)

Interesting video:

Quote: Video Synopsis:
In the world today is a massive technological based conspiracy using Directed Energy Weapons and Black Project Artificial Intelligence. Black Project AI Controls Directed Energy Weapons. Remote Neural Monitoring turns the human brain into a 5 sense surveillance device. Electronic Telepathy can impersonate any existent or fictional being. And Electromagnetic Mind Control can completely hijack a mind...

This video aims to give watchers a birds eye view of what is going on after a crash course on directed energy weapons and black project technology capabilities, while developing awareness based defenses of this technological warfare. The Electronic Control Grid is the second full length film produced by Omnisense. Covert Transhumanism was the first.

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  Aetna pulling back from Obamacare in blow to health law
Posted by: Daitengu - 08-16-2016, 06:17 AM - Forum: General Health Topics - Replies (1)

Looks like another fail for the obumma regime .... Aetna is pulling out of obummacare coverage after incurring heavy losses .....  along with companies that remaining in obummacare going to be raising rates by 11% ..... B.O.H.I.C.A boys and girls your about to get shafted again by obumma ...... 

Aetna leaving obummascam

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  Elephant with Rare 'Saber-Tooth' Tusks Found
Posted by: senona - 08-16-2016, 04:12 AM - Forum: Animal House - Replies (1)

[Image: f332bf9eb27641b8a34bacf04e5ed59c.png]

The elephant's tusks point down instead of up.

Quote:A rare pygmy elephant with tusks growing downwards instead of up to give it a look like a sabre-toothed tiger has been found in Malaysia, a wildlife official told AFP on Friday.

The unusual looking animal was found by a team of wildlife experts at a palm oil planation in the Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo island on Thursday.

"It is very rare," said Sabah Wildlife Department's assistant director Sen Nathan.

"We're not exactly sure why the tusks are like that but it could be a congenital defect or maybe because of inbreeding."

A similar elephant was caught on camera a few years ago and in 2015 in Sabah, Nathan said.

The wildlife department plans to send the animal to an elephant sanctuary in Sabah on Saturday until a suitable area in the wild is found where it could be released with a tracking device attached.

"The tusks resemble the prehistoric sabre-tooth tiger, but of course, they are not related," said Andrew Sebastian, co-founder of the Ecotourism and Conservation Society Malaysia.


How odd indeed.

Glad they are sending him to an elephant sanctuary, although I wonder how bad it will effect his interactions with other elephants being as his tusks are turned the wrong way.
Hopefully it will not be problematic at all.

[Image: 516052b8ea2f4f6b836c30f804eaf89f.png]

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  Come On, We knew this would Happen!
Posted by: guohua - 08-16-2016, 02:43 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (5)

Quote:Sailor Invokes the Hillary Defense
Yes that's right and you can't Blame Him, WTF, Our Justice Department has proving they show Favoritism.
Quote:Hillary Clinton’s extremely reckless handling of classified information while secretary of state is causing more headaches for the United States justice system. Not only did Clinton lie about the contents of the emails and endanger national security, but the decision by FBI Director James Comey to not prosecute her sets a dangerous precedent that is now being used to make arguments about sentencing other individuals accused of similar crimes.
Seriously, she's no different than her husband, Both are Habitual Liars!
Quote:In a plea filed last Friday that came to light Monday, Petty Officer First Class Kristian Saucier cited Clinton’s corrupt handling of confidential emails to argue he shouldn’t be given jail time. Earlier in the spring of 2016, Saucier pleaded guilty to taking six photographs of classified submarine equipment aboard the U.S.S. Alexandria in 2009. He maintained the photographs were to show his children his work environment when they were old enough to appreciate it.

Through his attorney, Saucier pleaded guilty to a charge under Title 18 of the US Coder 793(e) for having unauthorized possession of classified information.

In Clinton's case she was authorized to have the classified material — unlike Mr. Saucier — but through her recklessness permitted "the material to be removed from its proper place of custody."

His pleading reads "Democratic Presidential Candidate and former Secretary of State Hilary [sic] Clinton … has come under scrutiny for engaging in acts similar to Mr. Saucier." He noted that FBI Director James Comey said 110 emails in 52 email chains in Clinton's account contained information deemed classified at the time, including eight chains with "top secret" information and 36 with "secret" information.

"In our case, Mr. Saucier possessed six (6) photographs classified as 'confidential/restricted,' far less than Clinton's 110 emails ... It will be unjust and unfair for Mr. Saucier to receive any sentence other than probation for a crime those more powerful than him will likely avoid."

Yes, he'll go to prison and Hillary won't,,,,, EVER!

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  Acetaminophen use in pregnancy linked to kids' behavioral problems
Posted by: senona - 08-16-2016, 02:11 AM - Forum: Physical Health - No Replies

[Image: 8a1435ebbabb400fb5dea7dfd01df1d1.png]

New research appears to show that taking acetaminophen during pregnancy is linked to behavior problems in the child who is born.

Quote:Acetaminophen, long the mainstay of a pregnant woman’s pain-relief arsenal, has been linked to behavioral problems in children born to mothers who used it during pregnancy.

Research published Monday by the journal JAMA Pediatrics found that a woman’s use of acetaminophen at 18 and 32 weeks of pregnancy was associated with greater odds that when the resulting child was 7 years old, his or her mother would report a range of problematic behaviors.

Compared to women who reported no acetaminophen use at 18 weeks of pregnancy, those who took the medication at that point of gestation were 42% more likely to report hyperactivity and 31% more likely to report conduct problems in the children they bore.

Women who took acetaminophen at 32 weeks of pregnancy were 29% more likely than women who did not to report emotional difficulties in their child at age 7.

Children born to mothers who took acetaminophen late in their pregnancy were 46% more likely to experience a wide range of behavioral difficulties than were children born to moms who took no acetaminophen at that point.

Finding a link between acetaminophen use during pregnancy and an outcome affecting the child is no proof that acetaminophen is the cause of the outcome. But the authors contend that the study results do heighten concerns that fetal exposure to acetaminophen can give rise to neurodevelopmental problems.


Quote:Several epidemiological studies have linked acetaminophen use during pregnancy to ADHD-like behaviors in the child. Research performed on mice has suggested that the medication alters brain development by disrupting hormonal function in the developing fetus. And several other mechanisms of injury have been suggested.

Women who are pregnant really have to be cautious any more of what they take medicine wise.

It's bad enough that the people who take something may worry about possible side effects, but only to themselves. Yet with an unborn baby, that might develop ADHD-like behavior as they get older, it is definitely an important issue to consider on whether to skip taking it for the duration of the pregnancy.

Hope this message gets out there to those soon-to-be Mothers, in case they do not know about this latest study on Acetaminophen.
Not sure if doctors would agree with this study, therefore they may say to just ignore it, nothing to worry about.

So just use your best judgement when it comes to taking this stuff.
Maybe find a more natural and safer alternative until the baby is born.

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  Proof our Public Education System Has Failed us!
Posted by: guohua - 08-16-2016, 12:11 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (1)

Quote: Millennials, upset with both Hillary and Trump, are endorse Karl Marx as a third party candidate in the 2016 Election. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story. 

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