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  US establishing Marine 'base' in Norway: report
Posted by: 1984hasarrived - 10-11-2016, 05:10 AM - Forum: War, Peace and Inbetween - Replies (2)

This is unlikely to hit the MSM - so thought I would point it out for people.

No doubt things like this go on all the time, and often only those in the nearby vicinity are aware of them. Also, this is not really news as such, just information, but interesting, imho.

Reminds me of when the Americans had nuclear bases at Greenham Common and other sites in UK - people were not happy about that and protested for many years.

I love how the language in this article is soooo boring that you forget it as soon as you have read it, also it says practically nothing, what does "this kind of thing" even mean??

It means "I have no idea what they will do, so I will just make random noises with my mouth".

This is so vague as to be meaningless.

Also "discussing the possibility" - double doubt there. They are just talking about it, and maybe it won't happen, they are not sure about it yet - then why get this far with the research on it? A specific number of troops stated (a maximum number is dictated by the physical size of the base of course) and "could soon be in place" - looks like the decision is already made.

Read between the lines, and all the answers are there.


"the plans to put US troops at the military base have been underway for some time. " Surely this implies that they are going to do it ? this article is so full of contradictory language. It is not discussions, but plans, hence that implies forward action, and implementation.

Either this is just badly written or the true meaning is hidden amid the meaningless words, which are meant to imply this "might" happen, so don't worry people.

Quote:UPDATED: The Defence Ministry said on Monday that the US and Norwegian militaries are discussing the possibility of deploying US troops in Norway.

The ministry Oslo said that the deployment of US troops would be part of a rotating arrangement in Norway that would fulfil a "long-standing US wish."

"Assessments have taken place within the military to look at the options for additional training, storage and this kind of thing," a ministry spokesman, Ann Kristin Salbuvik, told AFP. "It may be something that is carried out on a rotational basis... (but) there is no question of permanent deployment."

Salbuvik stressed that ideas were still at an early stage and were being conducted by the two militaries and had not been broached at a political level.

Norwegian newspaper Adresseavisen reported on Monday that 300 combat US Marines could soon be in place at the Værnes military base near Trondheim, about 1,000 kilometres from the Russian-Norwegian frontier. Several defence sources told the newspaper that the plans to put US troops at the military base have been underway for some time.

“The work is underway but the initiative has not yet been debated politically in the Ministry of Defence, so we do not have any more detailed answers a (sic) this time. Any concrete proposals will naturally be handled by the government and parliament in the usual way,” Defence Minister Ine Eriksen Søreide told Adresseavisen in a written statement.

Norway and Russia share a 200-km border in the Arctic Circle and John Kristen Skorgen, a senior national security and defence researcher at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, said that the Pentagon's plans are likely to be construed as a new base for US troops and will lead to strong reactions.

“This is happening in a situation in which relations between Russia and Nato are difficult. There is every reason to be careful,” he said.


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  The Age of Vertical Farming
Posted by: senona - 10-11-2016, 02:52 AM - Forum: Survival and Sustainability - Replies (4)

[Image: cdc25db883054d989fc1a6007b01b743.png]

  • Vertical farming is turning out to be nearly 10 times more efficient than traditional agriculture.
  • The development is being described as an agricultural evolution as opposed to a revolution.

Farming Evolution

Quote:The world population is currently ballooning, and the problem is only expected to get worse as the decades go by. With the world population expected to be 11 billion by 2100, how are we going to feed more of these hungry mouths?

Part of the answer will definitely be changing the way we grow our food. And a new trend is expected to assist on that front—vertical farming.

Vertical farming doesn’t promise to radically change the way we farm, only make it more efficient, productive, and take up less space. An example is Urban Crops, a new startup that grows plants using a mixture of indoor farming techniques and hydroponics. Their facility is in Waregem, in eastern Belgium. Here, plants grow under a purple light delivered by LED lamps. The light is a mixture of blue and red lamps that seems to create the optimal conditions for growth.


[Image: dd8585519f864939899522e0019cc90a.png]

Quote:Those plants are fed with a hydroponic system that delivers water laced with special minerals and nutrients.

The whole system can turn a 50 square meter space (540 square feet) into 500 square meters of usable farm space. Their 30 square meter (323 square feet) facility is able to produce 220 lettuce plants every day, using only 5% of the water needed in traditional farming.

What an interesting way to farm, even better that it does not take up a lot of land space, albeit odd looking going UP.

Quote:The biggest facility right now is a 14,164 square meter (3.5 acre) facility in Newark, New Jersey, run by Aerofarms. This facility can produce up to 2 million pounds of fresh, leafy greens a year, and is equivalent to 139,931 square meters (13,000 acres) of actual farmland.

Wow, 3.5 acres with stacked farming, compared to what would be equivalent to 13,000 acres the normal way of farming.

Looks like even Target is going to partner up with one of these vertical farmers...

Quote:Meanwhile, Target has revealed a partnership with MIT to bring vertical farming techniques to stores. The partnership wants in-store vertical farms, that will make supermarket-bought produce fresher and, possibly, healthier.

Pretty cool!
Especially if the produce if fresher and healthier.

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  Another Clinton story
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-11-2016, 12:25 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (3)


Old saying of "Don't trust anyone who doesn't love dogs" is good enough for me. 
Or a good judge of a person is how they treat their support staff.
 Helps to separate people with class from the white trash. 

Eric Bonner, a military K9 handler, a posted the following on his Facebook page. His comments have gone viral. His military working dog, “Suli,” sniffs for bombs.  

[b]"I’m not voting for Clinton. It has nothing to do with her views. It really doesn’t even matter about all the laws she broke. It’s because she actually talked
 to me once! Almost a sentence.

[b]Being a K9 handler in the military, I got to do a few details involving distinguished visitors... mostly Generals, DOD officials and Secretaries of Defense. I was lucky enough to pull two awesome details... Presidents George W. Bush and Obama.

[b]GWB looked at me and smiled, then he said, “Man, who would piss you off?” Then he high-fived me and continued on. I was climbing down from a catwalk I had stood on for 4 hours with nothing but dust and a radio to keep me company. The radio died early on. It was pretty sweet.

[b]Barack Obama, as he was walking out to his plane in Turkey, said to me, “What the hell kind of dog is that?” in reference to Suli.

[b]One of my last details was for Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. She was in Turkey for whatever reason. I helped with bomb sweeps of her DV Quarters and staff vehicles. Her only words to me were, “Get that f---ing dog away from me!” Then she turned to her security detail and berated them up and down about why that dog was in her quarters. For the next 20 minutes while I sat there waiting to be released, she laid into them, slamming the door in their faces when she was done. The security detail lead guy walked over to apologize and released me. I apologized to him for getting him in trouble. His reply was, “Happens every day, brother!”

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  List of Hillary Tax Hikes
Posted by: guohua - 10-10-2016, 03:37 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (5)

May Your God Help You If Hillary Is Elected POTUS.
Seriously, she Tax Crazy! That Whole Death Tax is a Crime unto itself. Why should the Government get 65% (under Hillary) of your saved income for your Surviving Family Just Because You Died?
Hillary has had her Lawyers Shield Her From That, shows she care nothing for you and yours.

Quote:Trillion dollar tax hike – Hillary’s tax hike proposals will raise taxes on the American people by over $1,000,000,000,000 over the next ten years, based on her campaign’s own numbers.

Payroll Tax Hike – Hillary said she would not veto a payroll tax increase on all Americans should such a bill reach her desk. She said she would set her middle class tax pledge aside. This took place Jan. 12 in Iowa, and it’s on video:
Moderator: “Democrats have introduced a plan that Senator Sanders supports that you’ve come out against because it is funded by a payroll tax. If that were to reach your desk as President, would you veto it in order to make good on your tax pledge?”
            Hillary Clinton: “No. No.”

Soda Tax Hike 
– Hillary endorsed a steep new soda pop tax in Philadelphia. This will cost soda purchasers an extra $2.16 per 12-pack. Bernie Sanders called out Hillary’s violation of her middle class tax pledge:
"Frankly, I am very surprised that Secretary Clinton would support this regressive tax after pledging not to raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. This proposal clearly violates her pledge," he said.
Sanders also said: “The mechanism here is fairly regressive. And that is, it will be increasing taxes on low-income and working people.”

25% National Gun Tax – Hillary endorsed a new national 25% retail sales tax on guns. “I am all for that,” she told the Senate in 1993. On June 5, 2016 she was asked about her gun tax endorsement by George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s This Week. She acknowledged her gun tax endorsement and did not disavow it, saying she wanted the gun tax money to pay for Hillarycare. If you have any doubts about her strong desire to impose a new gun tax, watch her face in the video.
Doubling of federal excise tax on guns -- Hillary also endorsed a doubling of the existing federal excise tax on guns.

65% Death Tax – Hillary is now pushing a 65% Death Tax. And her own finances are arranged to shield herself from death taxes.
Capital Gains Tax Hike – Hillary has proposed the most complex and Byzantine capital gains tax regime in American history, with ten different rates. She raises the top capital gains tax rate from 23.8% to 43.4%.

No Corporate Income Tax Rate Relief for Anyone – Hillary offers no income tax rate reduction for any business. The USA has the highest corporate income tax in the world, which kills jobs and makes us less competitive. Even Bill Clinton understands the need to cut the corporate rate.

No Personal Income Tax Rate Relief for Anyone 
– Hillary offers no income tax rate reduction for any American.

Carbon Tax – Hillary’s campaign has opened the door to a carbon tax if she wins the White House. Democrat Senate Leader Chuck Schumer is also fantasizing about a carbon tax under Hillary, and a carbon tax is part of the official 2016 Democrat party platform.
To learn more about Hillary’s tax hike plan, visit ATR’s dedicated website, www.HighTaxHillary.com
Buy your guns and Ammo NOW! We Did.
Even without a specific tax hike, Democrat policies squeezes the middle class. Consider the outrageous cost of Obamacare, stifling "green" policy, pouring money into the hands of unions rather than schools, ridiculous and overpriced projects that serve very few people (such as the CA bullet train), and unfettered immigration that burdens schools, communities, and health care. Nearly 8 years under President Obama has created a greater divide between rich and poor, with the middle class failing to reach pre-recession incomes. Democrats know how to allure ignorant voters with promises of prosperity but they ALWAYS fail to deliver.

Face The Facts, The NBC tapes were released so people would, once again, vote emotionally rather than logically. If you think Hillary is going to reduce taxes on the middle class, you are flat out mistaken. She can't do it because the Fed won't give her a free pass like they gave Obama. Some of her biggest donors including Goldman Sachs can't wait to start the carbon tax and trading carbon offsets. But if you want complicated and high taxes, poor expensive health care, and expensive utilities, vote for her. I feel sorry that you once again voted based on the media bias rather than what was good for you and and the country. Like when you voted for Obama, you'll get exactly what you deserve.

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  Returned Home
Posted by: Marlin Grace - 10-09-2016, 10:35 PM - Forum: The Rogue's Bar, Grill and Grotto - Replies (7)

To everyone at RG.

Thanks very much for your well wishes, and I'am finally home. I would have gotten back to everyone sooner but all I had in the hospital was my IPAD and it was a pain to type anything. I almost didn't survive this trip, but I made it through the 4 1/2 months and now have physical rehab to do for a few months before returning back anything resembling normal. I lost 65 lbs during my stay from being bed ridden for so long and recovery has been slow. I am still on the right side of the grass.

I want to give a special thanks to Mrs. G and her husband for they effort they did in contacting me. I have missed intelligent conversation with bright people. It will take me sometime to get up to speed on layout and function of the site your patience will be appreciated. 

Really, I can't thank you enough. The members of RN rock the house! I look forward to joining the conversation. 

Kindest of Regards,

Rick (aka. Marlin Grace)

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  [HAL2016] My Friend Rahti
Posted by: DuckforcoveR - 10-09-2016, 07:06 PM - Forum: Rogue's Writers Contests - Replies (6)

So here we are again. Same night, same place, and same faces. Only 5 years removed from losing the one who changed our lives forever. 

Alex, he was he tough one. He always had your back no matter what hole you found yourself in. Em, she was wild one. Not afraid of anything and would never NEED to have your back, she usually solved the problem before it even bubbled over. Jake, well he was Em’s better half. Some thought he was the bastard son of the devil himself but those of us close to him knew that the devil didn’t stand a chance against him.

And me, DFC. My namesake came from this night but I’m not coward. Ducking at the right time saved the lives of 3 people…. but at the cost of one other. I won’t pretend this easy or noble, but we were in over our heads and I felt the only way out of this alive was let him do what he does best: protect us.

As the moon rose from the treetops and the alcohol fell from the can, our laughs and spoken memories filled the foggy trees of this land. 120 acres of nothing but forest, a quaint cabin on the dying river was our refuge from a life we wished would mimic these nights more and more. But as the evening wore on there was an unease among us all, for we knew in our hearts that one of us will fall. It was in cards, there was nothing we could do. We just enjoyed the night as much as we could and let fate crawl its’ way through.

“Rahti” was good soul. He never left our side and was cautiously eyeing the tree line as we laughed the night away. But in his eyes there was something eating at him. A cancer so profound we knew the week before that he had given up inside. He didn’t give up who he was, he was happier than ever to see his family each day, completely beside himself when we had to leave again, and a tough son of a bitch when he had to be.
But on this night, he was betrayed. He was betrayed by those who loved him best it seemed. The truth of the matter is Rahti would have it no other way. Survivors guilt only exists because those who have fallen never get to comfort them with the truth.

So when the creature’s eyes first pierced the night, first it was Em whispering “guys, guys!”. When Jake made eye contact he let out a gasp, and when Alex and I focused on the trees we were frozen.

It was tall, fit, and I dare say looked like a reptile. Standing on 2 legs it spread out those god-awful wings. As it barreled towards our fire we were frozen with fear until we hear that fateful sound. It was Rahti saying “I got this, RUN”. Rahti charged towards the trees but I was not far behind. I couldn’t leave my best friend to do this by himself.

But as he charged ahead I was grabbed from behind and brought to the ground. My friends were screaming RUN and they dragged me back to the cabin. Screaming out for Rahti was all I could do. When the door was shut behind me the house was quiet with fear. Em and Jake were shaking in the corner and Alex was loading up the elephant. A 45-70 that could bring down a bulldozer. But just as he got it loaded the door let out a “BANG”. I could hear the crying from Rahti, faint as it was, so I rushed to the door to let him in.

Bloodied and in a pain we carried him to the table but there was no doubt in my mind that this was the last we would see him. So while we all gathered around to try and say goodbye while making some kind of sense of what just happened, the doorway was filled with a terrifying sight. The creature that did this was walking like a trap ready to be sprung, through the narrow hall into the kitchen. Like a slow motion movie, he made the move.

I looked at Rahti, he closed his eyes. And when the creature pounced I dropped to the floor. While the creature grabbed Rahti and ran towards the door those wings came out again but we were helpless to stop it. BANG! BANG! The gun rang out in the cramped cabin. But it was too late.
The Highway 13 Reptile Man has struck again. In the middle of a no-name county in Wisconsin another victim was claimed. He saved our lives and deserves to be named. The creature wanted blood, nothing more nothing less. Rahti wanted to protect us, and gave the last bit of life he had left.

So here we are again. Same night, same place, and same faces. Only 5 years removed from losing the one who changed our lives forever.
As the beer gets cracked open and we remember our friend…..but what’s that noise???!!!

RIP Rahti – The legend says the creature is a sucker for deer. But here is confirmed victim #2

[Image: 2udw0o5.jpg]


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  [HAL2016] CRAZY
Posted by: gordi - 10-09-2016, 05:58 PM - Forum: Rogue's Writers Contests - Replies (7)


“I’m NOT CRAZY!! This really happened!!”

Were it not for the strangely vulnerable and serious look on Gordi’s face, everyone around the camp fire would have blown off his statement as yet another one of the big fella’s pranks.
But, this was different somehow, he was... trembling, his eyes glassing over – pleading for re-assurance.

“OK, I’ll bite” Came a voice from the other side of the fire, “How could this have REALLY happened? – Spill!”

So Gordi took one long, slow, hard look at the peering faces, flickering in the shadowy orange glow of the fire-light, and gradually sat back down to begin his explanation of the events that had unfolded.

“It all started right after we arrived, there was a.... feeling that something wasn’t quite right, you know?
A heavy silence hung over the place, and it’s usually so full of birdsong and frogs croaking. I remember stopping and twisting my head around, looking... listening for a clue as to what was going on.

“Calm before the storm?” I remember thinking to myself.

We parked just over there, down by the stream – but you know what?? I can’t even remember hearing the water running over the rocks, it was sooooo quiet!
We quickly set up camp and I went off to get some fire wood, but nearly crapped myself when I snapped a twig under my own foot! It was THAT quiet.

We had only brought the most basic food rations as we were going to forage for nuts, berries and mushrooms which are all great at this time of year, so some of the guys went out to see what they could find.
When they came back, we handed out the berries and stuff and I made a big pot of soup from the mushrooms while someone else cracked open the beers.
It was shortly after eating our soup that things got a bit... weirder.

We had gathered around the campfire – just like we’re doing now, and for some reason, everything seemed to be happening in ultra slow-motion?
People took forever to speak a word or two, the flames of the fire seemed to slowly dip and sway rather than flicker. It was like slipping into another dimension or something.
It got slower and slower until everything eventually ground to a complete stop.

There was no movement or sound, we felt paralysed, unable to breathe, it was terrifying!

It was then that we found ourselves bathed in a blindingly bright light!
It was coming from directly above us, but seemed to penetrate everything... I could see the bones of the person sitting across from me, the blood in their veins, it was like watching a living X-Ray picture – it was horrible.
It felt a bit like Sleep Paralysis, I was completely unable to move, but could feel, see and sense everything that was going on around me, and it felt disgusting, dark and very, very Evil.

The next thing I remember is a feeling of weightlessness, of floating up into the air. Everyone else disappeared from my view, the now stationary flames of the fire, the smoke, the treetops... all disappeared as I rose above them.
Finally, my body seemed to relax from its rigour and my eyes closed.

I think I must have fallen asleep, because I can’t remember what happened next, but when I awakened, it was to the sounds of screaming!
I gritted my teeth and slowly opened my eyes and there, scattered all around me was a tangled mass of blood, guts and gore. The stench was unbearable, like a putrid sewer. There were limbs, bones, hair, Oh My God! There was even stuff I recognised as coming from one of my friends... the Rogue Nation T-Shirt they had won in the story contest was floating blood-soaked among the gore!!

There was a sudden movement to my left and I looked up just in time to see a long curved blade swinging towards my head! I ducked and rolled off of the platform I had been lying on, and landed on my hands & knees in the remains of my friends from the camp fire...
Something hit me HARD on the back of my head, and then I blacked out.
The next thing I remember is being back here with you guys around the fire...

But, there are... less of us now? How many came up here? Can you remember??"

“The Big Guy’s finally lost the plot! Maybe the Whisky’s finally killed off his last remaining braincells!!! Hahaha!!!”

Gordi Sprang to his Feet in anger;

“I’m NOT CRAZY!! This really happened!!”

Were it not for the strangely vulnerable and serious look on Gordi’s face, everyone around the camp fire would have blown off his statement as yet another one of the big fella’s pranks.
But, this was different somehow, he was... trembling, his eyes glassing over – pleading for re-assurance.

“OK, I’ll bite” Came a voice from the other side of the fire, “How could this have REALLY happened? – Spill!”...

So Gordi took one long, slow, hard look at the peering faces, flickering in the shadowy orange glow of the fire-light, and gradually sat back down to begin his explanation of the events that had unfolded....


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  The 'Creepy Campfire Stories' Contest is Open !!
Posted by: Sol - 10-09-2016, 10:38 AM - Forum: Rogue's Writers Contests - Replies (18)

Hello Everyone !!

Rogue-Nation's new Writers Contest is now Open !!!

The Theme :

[Image: d55Ffss.png]

The Rules :

  • The Contest is open to everyone; members, staff and admins.

    Only one entry per participant; so make it count !

    Entries may not be longer than two (2) posts long.

    Pictures are allowed as long as they contribute to the story.

    No videos allowed. See the guidelines as to why; hint...it's close to midnight and we're in the woods for God sakes...

The Guidelines :

You, the writer, are the narrator. We, the readers, are all sitting with you around a campfire. It's close to midnight and the darkness of the night has really set in...and aside from the campfire giving all of us a shadowy glimpse of each other, it's pitch black out there. Our chatter is interrupted at times by those creepy sounds coming from the woods...

So you have to write your story as if you are talking to us, telling us a creepy story that'll make our blood freeze...

Your story may be about ghosts, ghouls, vampires, zombies, aliens, tragedies, a paranormal experience gone wrong or any other crazy creepy stuff your imagination can muster...

  • Your story MUST be an original. NOT a story you've written before, copied and pasted, thinking that it applies here. Points will be awarded for Originality.

    Your story MUST be creepy. That's the whole purpose of this contest. It should give us goosebumps if we were to read it around a real campfire; in the woods, close to midnight. Keep it clean however; it may be graphic but keep it within reason. Points will be awarded for Creepiness.

    You MUST start with the suffix [HAL2016] before your title.

    You MUST write 'The End' at the end of your story (be it one or two posts when you're done) so that we know your story has ended its course.

    The Contest will last three (3) weeks and will end Tuesday, November 1st, 2016.

The Judges :

OmegaLogos has volunteered to monitor and moderate the event; we joyfully agreed. Curse words are allowed within your story as long as they have a good reason to be. As mentioned, your entry will be judged on Originality and Creepiness AND a Voting Poll will also be up to gather points. One vote = One point.

There will be a panel of three (3) judges.


For the very first time since we've had writers contests, there will only be ONE winner. The story with the most points (awarded for Originality and Creepiness; which will be given from a scale of 1 to 10... ( 1 for absolutely disastrous to 10 for Absolutely awesome ) / and the Voting Poll) will merit its rightful author one of our very own Rogue-Nation gears !!!

If two (2) or three (3) stories end up in a tie, the contest will be prolonged and those participants in a tie will have to submit a second story for judging. If a tie occurs once again...ALL of those in a tie will win.

The Prize :

As mentioned, Rogue-Nation gears. Meaning a Rogue-Nation T-Shirt for him or her, or a Rogue-Nation Tank-Top for her, or a Rogue-Nation Coffee Mug...which will be sent right to your door !!!!

Our good friend and Moderator DuckforcoveR has been able to obtain our very own coffee mugs and pictures will follow.

Now how COOL is that ?!?!?!?

Oh man...THIS gives me the creeps... <--- that's the type of story we are wishing for...


Sol for the Admins.

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  Beijing has already begun contemplating ‘decapitation’ strikes against the dictatorsh
Posted by: guohua - 10-09-2016, 05:53 AM - Forum: Asian Affairs - Replies (10)

Yes it's True.
The Leadership in China is Very Tired Of This Little Chubby Kid.
I could see them toppling his Government and installing their own Controller Much like Hong Kong.

Quote:According to a report by the Korea Times, Professor Zhe Sun told a security forum in Washington that Chinese leaders are debating the best way to deal with an increasingly unhinged North Korean regime that has escalated its march towards fielding a nuclear intercontinental ballistic missile capable of striking the mainland United States.

"Some Chinese scholars and policy makers began to talk about supporting ‘surgical strikes’ and decapitation’ by the US and South Korea as one policy option," said the esteemed professor. "More radical proposals indicate that China should change the leader, send troops across borders and station in DPRK, force DPRK into giving up nuclear and beginning opening up and reforming."

The statements that China may be considering regime change in North Korea are unprecedented with Beijing long serving as the vital lifeline to Pyongyang dating back to the Korean War in the 1950s and with accusations even being leveled against China that they are aiding Kim Jong-Un’s march towards fielding a destructive nuclear weapon by side stepping sanctions.

North Korea has become a growing concern for the international community after demonstrating an ability to perfect the miniaturization process necessary to load a nuclear warhead into an intercontinental ballistic missile, a matter of technical sophistication that many defense analysts had previously believed that Pyongyang was years from achieving and which raises the danger of the regime exponentially.
In addition to miniaturization, North Korea has more aggressively pursued nuclear and ballistic missile testing in 2016 showing capabilities of potentially being able to strike the United States West Coast in a matter of months or years based on recent missile tests and having tested only their fourth and fifth nuclear bombs – the most powerful ones they have fielded yet – in less than a month’s time.
Could China Take Out The Current God Child In N. Korea? Yes. 
The people or a better word would be, Peasants in N. Korea would be in Shocked for about two months, until they noticed they have Food, Medicine and  Doctors and Electricity and limited Internet and find that there really are others out there that are not out to Eat Them!

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  Making America Great Again
Posted by: guohua - 10-09-2016, 02:46 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (3)

Making America Great Again Has Started!

Quote:VIDEO: Supporters mob Trump Tower — Donald wades into crowd on sidewalk.

If Democrats and the mainstream think Donald Trump’s supporters are going to abandon him, they’re sorely mistaken.

Trump fans rallied outside of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan on Saturday afternoon.
Trump’s social media director Dan Scavino tweeted video of Trump greeting a large group of raucous supporters out on the sidewalk.

An enthusiastic Trump waved to the crowd and yelled back a supporter, “I’m with you!”

More videos shows the rowdy scene:

According to Scavino, even NYPD officers let Trump know he has their support.
“NYPD just passed Trump Tower and had a message for all of the TRUMP supporters gathered outside of Trump Tower via speaker: ‘GO TRUMP!'” Scavino wrote.
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