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  Illinois: People offered bribes to vote Democratic
Posted by: senona - 10-07-2016, 04:04 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (4)

[Image: a66d275e84524905a08f7fdffd89a9d7.png]

With this being Illinois-- Chicago no less -- no one should be surprised, but people people are being offered bribes for Dem. votes.
Investigators are targeting illegal absentee applications in which it appears people in Chicago were offered 'gifts' in exchange for voting for Hillary and other local Democrats.

Aah, the Chicago way.
Stealing the election via corruption, as usual.

Quote:The Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s office says it is investigating possible voting fraud after the clerk’s office reported three complaints from people who said they were offered bribes for votes.

In a news release issued late Tuesday afternoon, Jamie Boyd, the state’s attorney, also said “several” vote-by-mail applications seem to have come from people living outside of Kankakee County.

“This unprecedented action was taken in response to reports of individuals from Chicago offering gifts to potential voters in exchange for a vote for Kate Cloonen, Hillary Clinton and others,” Boyd said in the news release. “Our office takes seriously the obligation to protect the rights of citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice, and to do so without undue influence from special interest groups.

The investigation will also focus on the authenticity of vote by mail requests. Several applications have been filed with the election authority that appear to be fraudulently executed.”

Late last week, Kankakee County Clerk Bruce Clark said potential voters were being brought to the clerk’s office to vote early.

“Whoever it is should not be doing this,” he said. “People should be allowed to come in here and vote without being harassed.”
The incumbent in the state rep’s race, Democrat Kate Cloonen, is in a highly-contested race against local attorney Lindsay Parkhurst, a Republican.

“These reports of voter fraud in Kankakee are incredibly disturbing,” Pankhurst said. “Fair and honest elections are the bedrock of our democracy. It is truly deplorable when people try to corrupt our system in this manner.”

Voter Fraud Happening in Illinois! Stealing the Election

So if Hillary is doing so great at the polls, despite the low turnouts at her rallies unlike Trump who draws thousands of people, why must they resort to such 'deplorable' actions???

Now Hillary, actions like this -- bribing people to get votes-- is where the word 'deplorable' is appropriate.
Not to describe actual voters. sigh.

Boy the Dems sure love giving out 'free' stuff to get elected, don't they?
Pathetic  ....not to mention desperate.

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  Egyptian TV......watch this!
Posted by: guohua - 10-07-2016, 03:48 AM - Forum: America's Ex-President Obama - Replies (6)

If you don't have much respect for Egyptian television news reporting,
think again.
They solved much of the world's problems in a few minutes.
Watch this, and try not to laugh or cry too hard.
It is poignant, riveting, true, and insightful.
Factually Funny Actually!

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  Welcome New Rogue allusion
Posted by: guohua - 10-07-2016, 01:49 AM - Forum: The Welcome Mat - Replies (13)

Hi, I hope you're enjoying our site. Please let us know if there's something you might like to see.
[Image: welcome1.gif?1459235137]

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  Bigfoot... for Real?
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-07-2016, 01:23 AM - Forum: Cryptozoology - Replies (3)

Here are two captures of a Big Foot... allegedly. 
The first one could be real, but I'm not sure the arms are long enough. minusculethinking   What do you think?

Bigfoot Caught On Video In Maine, Very Interesting Footage

Bigfoot Sighting on Michigan Live Eagle Cam!

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Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-06-2016, 11:47 PM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (4)

Sorry for the all caps in the title, but this demands our immediate attention!
I just saw this post on Face Book. I haven't checked it out because... I don't know what to look for, but if any of you can help me out, please do.
This looks like the makings of a disaster, just like Fukushima, if the hurricane hits this area... and it looks like it's on a head-on collision course at this point!   tinywhat
This is looking more and more like it's being guided by the Powers That Be. 
Is this what will allow Obummer to declare Martial Law and stay in power, since they couldn't get the uprising they hoped for with BLM?

Below is a post by Cori Gunnells

Quote:Attention -
Friend, and DHS nuclear expert posted this message minutes ago - Cori
"Ft. Pierce - I'm here with Nuclear plant safety team (St. Lucie Nuclear Power Plant // Florida) in the direct track. Cat 4. We are making this (highly NSA CLASSIFIED) report in case we can not contain the inflow valves at this nuclear station today. No national or local news about us here trying to secure this nuclear plant is allowed. We will have our NSA phones and devices cut off from public contact shortly. This is as serious as Fukushima. Hours till direct impact. Waves over 30ft in Gulf stream. Landfall right here. We know from NASA satellite." ~ M.A.
(Letters in red highlighted by me)

[Image: 14479526_1838761653010186_30530983645339...e=586AB2EF]

Here is the predicted path of Matthew:

[Image: at201614.gif]

Image Source

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  An Angel of death ?
Posted by: 727Sky - 10-06-2016, 11:54 AM - Forum: The Paranormal World - Replies (4)

The bird before us had been shot down while trying to resupply troops trapped on a steep ridge line. The Col. Had briefed us on the location and approach to the troops to be resupplied. We were in the cockpit while we were being briefed and our UH-1H was being loaded. After the Col. disconnected his head set and departed with his maps all of a sudden there was cold cold freezing mass of air that passed through the cockpit. It was so cold that as I looked to Bob my co-pilot he was looking at me and we both went Burrrrr and actually had our bodies shake ! The outside air temperature was at least 98 F and the UH-1h darn sure did not have air conditioning.

I took this super cold air mass as a possible warning and reconsidered our planned route to the drop off resupply point. We departed the PZ in our heavily laden bird and proceeded up to the ridge line. The Col. had recommended an East to West approach for the Snakes had supposedly gotten all the bad guys who had shot the prior supply bird down.. I figured B.S. due to the triple canopy jungle so I elected to fly over the ridge line on the opposite side of Where the first bird had been shot down. As we were in route one of our cover birds (Cobra) started taking fire from the same location as before.

As he was returning fire with everything he had we continued on and told the ground troops to pop smoke when we were about three minutes out of their supposed location. Sure enough, shortly there after, purple smoke started filtering up through the jungle and as we called "purple smoke" the ground troops said that the smoke was theirs. We got to the spot and my crew chief and door gunner kicked out several boxes of ammo, more smoke grenades, and medical supplies. As the supplies were kicked out I broke hard left and went the speed of heat down the severe slope of the ridge line and we were unscathed, undead, and unshot ...

I do not normally believe in such things but that day and to this very day Bob and I have thought, " Death or an angel passed through our cockpit to warn us that the route we were about to fly was not in our best interest."

South East Asia on a hot day with no thunderstorms in the area for a cold outflow of air...?.... Dunno... It was weird is all I can say....

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  Clinton Foundation Files 3 Years Of Missing Tax Forms
Posted by: senona - 10-06-2016, 10:11 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - No Replies

[Image: 7cf23bb8acd040a5828db57e0bccfafe.png]

The Clinton Foundation has refiled three years of tax forms after it emerged that the charity failed to disclose all of its donors.


Quote:Both the Foundation’s Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and Clinton Healthcare Access Initiative (CHAI) re-filed financial statements on Tuesday.

Foundation officials told CNN that the charity may not have filed “certain supplementary financial information” for three years.

The large charity has 10 offshoots, the largest of which is CHAI, which files its own financial statements in New York.

The news comes a day after New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman ordered the Trump Foundation to cease soliciting donations as it had failed to register as a charity, which followed revelations that Donald Trump may have avoided paying taxes for up to 18 years.

While Clinton was quick to blast her rival on his tax returns, Republicans are likely to jump on her foundation’s own apparent tax omissions.

"It has come to our attention that the copies of the Clinton Foundation's consolidated audit reports filed with the Charities Bureau from 2012-2014 may not have included certain supplementary financial information related to affiliates of the Foundation,"said foundation officials.

Missing from the filings are details of foreign donors to these affiliate arms of the foundation.

Clinton has been criticized for failing to disclose details of foreign donors in the past, in violation of the memorandum of understanding she signed upon entering the State Department as secretary of state. In it, she agreed that the foundation would disclose any new foreign donors with the White House, but failed to do so in many cases.

[Image: b20b6a7678ef4ddea961e8cb19a4b837.png]

Hillary has "failed" to do many things when it comes to being transparent.
Pretty much par for the course with the Clinton's tho.

Quote:The CHAI also admitted it had failed to uphold the memorandum throughout Clinton’s entire term as secretary of state. New foreign governments which donated during this time included Rwanda and Papua New Guinea.

The foundation claims it is “not yet certain” if this information is required, but is exercising caution in refilling. It says they hadn’t received instruction to do so.

The New York attorney general’s office acknowledged some of the statements were missing on Tuesday, claiming this was due to a merger between the foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, a global conference hosted by Bill Clinton since 2005.

"The Clinton Foundation was required to file these statements for CGI in 2012, prior to CGI's merger with the Clinton Foundation in 2013," a spokesman told CNN. "Today, the Clinton Foundation filed supplementary Statements of Financial Position and Activities for CHAI for 2012-14 and the requisite supplementary Statements for CGI for 2012."

[Image: 53306db37f32492f8180267744e7cce0.png]

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman -- Hillary supporter and donor -- wouldn't that be considered conflict of interest or summtin' where the Trump charity is concerned?
Schneiderman sounds like he is in bed with the Clinton's....

Quote:Schneiderman, a Clinton supporter and donor, has been accused of bias in his crackdown on Trump’s charity when compared to his lenience with the Clintons’ charities.

Schneiderman also sits on Clinton’s New York leadership council, the role of which includes “amplifying the campaign’s national voice” and “aiding the campaign.”

The Clinton Foundation has been dogged with accusations of pay for play with wealthy governments and companies throughout the presidential elections.

[Image: 9723382bd43d452fbe950fc34bd1506e.png]

Quote:Last November, the foundation’s CHAI re-submitted its 2012 and 2013 tax returns following reports that it had omitted millions in foreign contributions.

The foundation first said it would not fix the returns but there was a later change of mind following media pressure.

In April 2015 it refiled a number of tax returns after Reuters discovered  errors in its reporting of donations from foreign governments.
The foundation claimed it had received zero in government funds for three years, but later claimed this had been done in error.


The Clinton's are about as crooked as they come.
Do we really want them in the White House again????
Their motto is to deny, deny, deny....or deflect by passing the blame elsewhere other than at their own feet.

Wonder if the MSM will report this or just focus only on Trump's taxes, even tho Hillary used the same tax loop-hole.
Silly question, I know.   minusculerolleyes

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  Scientists Discover World’s 'Most Expansive Coral Reef Systems Ever Recorded'
Posted by: senona - 10-06-2016, 07:30 AM - Forum: Fragile Earth - No Replies

[Image: 66fd3f41a2f943f591e62397ec495ffe.png]

Discoveries show these low light reefs may serve as refuge for some species.

Quote:October 4, 2016 NOAA-supported scientists working in the Hawaiian Archipelago are calling some of the deep coral reefs found in the region’s so-called oceanic “twilight zone” the most extensive on record, with several large areas of 100 percent coral cover. They also found that the deep coral reefs studied have twice as many species that are unique to Hawaii than their shallow-water counterparts.

This extensive study of the Hawaiian deep coral reefs, known as mesophotic coral ecosystems, led to some incredible finds published recently in the scientific journal PeerJ.offsite link.

These mesophotic coral ecosystems, the deepest of the light-dependent coral reef communities found between 100 and 500 feet below the ocean’s surface, lie well beyond the limits of conventional scuba diving and are among the most poorly explored marine habitats on Earth. Scientists used a combination of submersibles, remotely operated vehicles, and technical diving to study these difficult-to-reach environments.

Of the fish species documented on mesophotic reefs, 43 percent were unique to the Hawaiian Islands, which is more than double the 17 percent of unique species found on shallow Hawaiian reefs.

At the northern end of the archipelago, in the recently expanded Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, nearly all of the species are unique to the region, the highest level recorded from any marine ecosystem on Earth. These findings could offer further insight into the monument’s management.

In Maui’s ʻAu‘au Channel, scientists discovered the largest uninterrupted mesophotic coral ecosystem ever recorded, extending more than three square miles at approximately 160 to 300 feet deep and including areas of 100 percent coral cover.


[Image: c25368df7b1c4f07963537a4dbe3f013.png]
Mesophotic coral ecosystems, such as this one found at 230 feet in Maui's 'Au'au Channel, are populated with many of the same fish species found on shallow reefs. (NOAA and Hawaii Undersea Research Laboratory)

What gorgeous waters! Beautiful.
Finally, some good news about Mother Nature.
Great find indeed.

“There is still so much of our ocean that is unexplored,” said W. Russell Callender, assistant NOAA administrator for the National Ocean Service.

“Working with academic partners and using innovative technology will enhance our scientific understanding of these important habitats and increase the resiliency of these valuable ecosystems.”

Yes, there is so much unexplored in our oceans.
But with today's technology, hopefully more will be discovered in time.

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  Bizarre Spider sparks fears of alien invasion online
Posted by: Daitengu - 10-06-2016, 03:29 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (14)

Someone ring up major tom .... the giant spiders from mars are here ..... evidently earth being invaded by alien spiders .....  spiders from mars

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  Matthew Is the Most Powerful Atlantic Hurricane in a Generation.
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 10-05-2016, 07:26 PM - Forum: Forces of Nature - Replies (7)

Matthew is the most powerful hurricane to threaten the east coast of the US in a generation!  It is now a cat 5! 

[Image: hurricane-matthew-100416.jpg]

Quote:Hurricanes are getting increasingly destructive
Through the fog of presidential politics that has enveloped the media, news of this storm is beginning to reach people and disrupt lives and plans. I for one was at the airport, ready to board a flight to Florida to participate in a climate conference, when I received the news that the conference was likely going to be canceled, and that I should not travel. This is how fast this storm developed.
Matthew turned from a tropical storm into a Category 5 hurricane in just 36 hours, mainly fueled by warmer than average waters. According to Climate Signals, as of October 3, Matthew was the longest-lived Category 4-5 hurricane and had generated the most Accumulated Cyclone Energy (or ACE, a measurement that expresses the activity and destructive potential of individual tropical cyclones and entire tropical cyclone seasons) in the eastern Caribbean of any Atlantic hurricane on record.

I highlighted the sentence above in RED to ask... is this the work of HAARP? Did TPTB "make" this monster in hopes we would focus on something else during this political season, while they do more underhanded work out of the public eye? 
Did they hope it would take the focus off the data dumps that are supposed to be leaked any day now regarding Hillary?

Was this another attempt to get rid of poor areas like Haiti?

Quote:Impacts of disasters fall disproportionately on the world’s poor and vulnerable communities

This is particularly true of disasters with climate connections.
Matthew may end up dumping as much as 40 inches of rain in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, whipping the country with sustained winds of 145 mph (the average annual rainfall in Port-au-Prince is 33.68 inches). Already reports are coming in of the devastation it is bringing to those nations.
Cuba is also in high alert, and a 10 to 15-foot storm surge is expected in the Bahamas, where the average elevation appears to be less than 15 feet.

The impacts from Matthew will be felt by wealthy and poor communities alike, but the latter usually are not well prepared and lack the resources to rebound and get back on their feet in a timely or comprehensive manner. And this is not true only of foreign nations: many communities along the US coast find themselves in the same situation.

All I can say is, keep your eyes peeled to what's happening behind the scenes while coverage of this storm takes over the MSM... I bet something big will be over-looked during this time.

May the God Source be with all those in the path of this monster!

Speaking of monsters, did you all see the image that was captured of this thing yesterday that went viral?  No, that's not photo shoppe!  This was posted by my local weather station.

[Image: 14479580_1837184876502367_65581746117985...e=58AB5CF3]

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread...

The chart below show that hurricanes in the North Atlantic region have been intensifying over the past 40 years.

[Image: gw-impacts-graph-hurricane-categories-3-...r-time.jpg] 

Below shows the expected path Matthew will take over the next few days:

[Image: nhc-forecast-matthew-track_100516_0500ET.gif]

You can stay up to date and read more about this storm from the Source Page.

And here comes another one!  May I introduce Tropical Cyclone Nicole!  And she is headed on a Northeast path!
Go to the page to see an image and read about this one: Source Link

So, what happens when/if these two storms collide?
What major damage can still be expected around Washington DC and NY?

Anyone else here think this has been planned out by someone in a "higher power"?  No, I'm not talking about GOD! 
Although, on second thought, He could be so disgusted with the US He figured it was time to get rid of the scum trying to control the masses.   minusculeflamethrower I'm all in for that!   minusculecheers

I guess we will have to brace ourselves and see what is in store over the next week, or so.

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