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  Creating an article within this board...
Posted by: Sol - 11-13-2016, 01:57 PM - Forum: A Rogue's Opinion Piece... - Replies (1)

Hello everyone,

As you've noticed, this new board called "A Rogue's Opinion Piece" has just become active.

It's reason for existing is for you to have a place where you can write serious articles that will be aimed at surfing out of this forum, and beyond.

The Mainstream Media have their surface walls plastered with the agendas they are obviously trying to push.

"A Rogue's Opinion Piece" operates in much the same way.

Articles here will get promoted on here but out there also, within the social medias and via some MSM's articles' comment sections, with appropriate links that should add traffic towards us.

The rules are short and sweet.

1 - As it represents us, the article must remain clean and preferably exempt of vulgarity.

2 - As it represents us, you must sign your article with an author name, i.e. as I did: Marc Gerard for Rogue-Nation. It is also recommended that you create a facebook persona for your author's name. Links will be redirected to your profile.

3 - No pictures or videos in the article. You may add those in subsequent replies however.

4 - Try to keep your grammar in check. We recommend everyone should add corrections in replies before it heads out there. Don't forget, the article will represent US and not solely the person who wrote it.

5 - Keep it short and to the point that you are trying to get across.

Questions, comments, suggestions are more than welcome : )

Isn't time we share our way of seeing things to everyone out there?

As a member and participant here, I know that you have opinions to share, I've read them for the last few years, way before RN was even born.

Looking forward to it : )


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  Ex-US Ambassador to Moscow says banned from entering Russia
Posted by: Daitengu - 11-13-2016, 10:57 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (1)

Awww .... what a pity .... hehe ..... an ex-us ambassador found out he banned from russia when he had tried to get visa to go to moscow to help facilitate killarys transition .....  russia denied him entry to the country .....
Good show russia ...... see am not only one saying yankee go home ....
Ex-US Ambassador banned from Russia

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  Anti-Trump protesters passed bar full of marines
Posted by: Daitengu - 11-13-2016, 10:25 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - No Replies

Hope the whiny little libprog scum appreciates how lucky they are after being saved from a royal ass kicking by marines that were celebrating the corps birthday ..... police kept things under control ..... pity wouldve been good seeing marines do what they do best - kicking commie asses ...... 

marines vs protesters

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  Teacher Caught On Audio Telling Students Their Parents Would Be Deported
Posted by: Jude - 11-13-2016, 01:42 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - Replies (10)

This is what we knew was going on and now there's actual proof:

Quote:A substitute physical education teacher at Bret Harte Preparatory Middle School at 9301 S. Hoover Street in South Los Angeles was recorded telling students that their parents would be deported – one day after Trump was elected.

“If you were born here, then your parents gotta go and they gonna leave you behind. You’ll be in foster care,” according to the recording made by one of the 6th-grade students.

They said he was a long-term substitute teacher at Bret Harte. At one point on the recording, a child asked the teacher a question.

Student: “How are they going to find me?”
Teacher: “I got your phone numbers, your address, your mama’s address, your daddy’s address. It’s all in the system, sweetie. And when they come and there’s an illegal, they gotta go!”


Glad he was fired but the damage is done.


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  HAARP Waves Shown in Satellite Images
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-12-2016, 11:24 PM - Forum: Science and Space...the Other Final Frontiers - Replies (7)

[Image: NASA-Satellite-Imagery-Reveals-Shocking-...ncy-2-.jpg]

I came across this article showing some amazing images that I thought I'd share with those of you interested in HAARP.

The picture above clearly shows the location of the HAARP facility and the clouds affected as the energy is released into the atmosphere.

Quote:As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.

The photo images shown below were captured from NASA satellite sources and they are truly alarming. These images provide shocking and undeniable proof of the ongoing global climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management assault on our planet and its life support systems.
Highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals (that are systematically sprayed into our atmosphere from jet aircraft as part of the geoengineering/SRM programs) are manipulated with extremely powerful radio frequency signals. These signals are transmitted from countless locations around the globe from various types of transmission platforms (ionosphere heater installations like HAARP, SBX radar, NEXRAD, etc.).

The impact of the microwave transmissions on cloud formations is profound and highly visible (square cloud formations are created under some scenarios).

[Image: GeoengineeringWatch.org-102-300x300.png]

Quote:Related HAARP: Secret Weapon Used For Weather Modification, Electromagnetic Warfare

Related Scalar Waves and Tesla Shields (with Diagrams by Tomas Bearden, Phd, MS) | Nikola Tesla -- Father Of "Star Wars"?

In the series of NASA satellite images below, many variances of radio frequency cloud impacts can be observed. The degree to which the ongoing climate engineering/climate/intervention/weather warfare is disrupting Earth's atmosphere and life support systems is already beyond catastrophic and happening all over the globe.

[Image: GeoengineeringWatch.org-105-450x388.png]

Notice the circular motion as the clouds rise up? Does HAARP create a vortex like CERN? tinysurprised

[Image: GeoengineeringWatch.org-112-450x381.png]

I've seen clouds like this in the sky; have you?

There are 13 more photos on the source page (link at bottom of post). You can see them there; amazing imagery!

Some of the text below discusses Hurricane Matthew and shows how hurricanes can be impacted using HAARP.

Quote:Hurricane suppression/manipulation is one aspect/agenda of the climate engineers. 85% of the hurricanes that impact the US originate from Africa. Low pressure systems migrate toward the west, off of Africa's coast. A great deal of climate engineering/intervention takes place in this region, thus a number of the satellite images shown in this post were captured there. In the attempt to mask the climate intervention activity, the cyclone suppression occurring off the coast of Africa is officially blamed on "dust". Of course there is no acknowledgement of the ongoing climate engineering atrocities. The quote below is an excerpt from a FOX news article.

Quote:[i]Right now, much of the Gulf of Mexico and parts of the Caribbean have slightly warmer than normal ocean temperatures which would normally aid in tropical development. But there is so much dust and dry air in the atmosphere that storms are getting choked off before they even get started.[/i]
[Image: GeoengineeringWatch.org-120-450x199.png]
Though some may feel that cyclone suppression is beneficial, such interference with Earth's natural rhythms and systems has a long list of catastrophic downstream effects. Available data indicates that in other scenarios the climate engineers are actually augmenting and steering cyclones to serve their own agenda.

 "Hurricane Matthew" may be an example of weather warfare on an unimaginable scale.

 Is hurricane Matthew being heavily manipulated and steered by the climate engineers? The evidence continues to stack up.
Below is a satellite photo clearly showing atmospheric "waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew. 

 has labeled these as "gravity waves", but is that what these visible "waves" actually are?

The satellite photos already shown in this post inarguably reveal heavy atmospheric manipulation from extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions and atmospheric aerosols. These transmissions leave a signature pattern on high level cloud formations that are saturated with electrically conductive heavy metal nanoparticles which are dispersed from jet aircraft as part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity.

[Image: 78k-450x387.png]
Does the photo above really show "gravity waves" surrounding hurricane Matthew? Or does it show the signiture pattern of extremely powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions interacting with aircraft dispersed atmospheric aerosols? Both of these elements are a core part of climate and storm manipulation and steering. Photo: SpaceWeather.com

The global power structure long ago made the choice to subject our planet (and the entire web of life that it supports, including the human race) to an unimaginably massive and destructive climate intervention/weather warfare assault. This decision was made without the knowledge or consent of global populations. If we stand by and allow the decimation from the climate engineering insanity to continue, very soon Earth's life support systems will be beyond any recovery. This is not speculation, but a mathematical certainty. 

Help us with the most critical battle to expose and halt the climate intervention/weather warfare assault, all of us are needed in this fight.

Source Link

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  TRUMP to Reopen 9/11 Investigation
Posted by: Mystic Wanderer - 11-12-2016, 09:47 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (4)

WOW!  He better wear that bullet proof vest and an iron helmet throughout his administration if he does this!  tinysurprised

Don't get me wrong, this needs to be done, but I fear for his life in pursuing this. tinycrying

[Image: remembering-9-11-attacks.jpg]

Quote:Now that Donald Trump has been elected, he is making some interesting plans for his first 100 days in office. Out of all of the things he plans to do initially, this one may be the most shocking: Donald Trump is going to reopen the investigation on 9/11.

Mr. Trump has stated that 9/11 has not been properly investigated and it is his goal to figure out exactly what happened. “First of all, the original 9/11 investigation is a total mess and has to be reopened, ” Trump said.

With the election of Donald Trump, the establishment has been completely blindsided, and it’s fair to say that things are only going to get worse for them during his first term. The fact that Donald Trump is not a part of the establishment means that, for the first time, 9/11 will be investigated by someone who truly has a lot to lose.

Mr. Trump has also taken shots at George W. Bush, a former U.S. President, and he has stated that even former presidents will not be safe from the investigation. It’s important to note that while Donald Trump is currently attacking many people who were in charge of the former 9/11 investigation, he also has many allies. Bob Graham, a former Senator, has been clamoring for a new, transparent investigation.

In particular, Mr. Graham has been campaigning for the release of the Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee 9/11 Inquiry’s report, which came out in 2002.

But, can he get the records, because they are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA.

Quote:Former Senator Bob Graham has been demanding a new, transparent investigation “For years I have been campaigning for the release of the 2002 Joint Congressional Intelligence Committee 9/11 Inquiry’s report, to no avail” explains the former Governor of Florida.

“These missing pages point to the direct involvement of the government of Saudi Arabia. Why are these being kept secret? Who has to gain from these games of secrecy?” he asks.
“I have read these documents myself and if the American public knew what was in these documents, there would be a revolution tomorrow in the streets of America” he acknowledged during a radio interview.
“Americans deserve to know the truth” he concluded, visibly angered by the whole affair.

Since 2002, the release of a number of 9/11 Commission Report documents is hindered because they are congressional records, hence they are exempt from the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

More than half the country is waking up to the coverup concerning the official version of what happened.
Can Trump dismantle one of the biggest of lies and cover ups in our country?  I hope so!

Read more:  Source Link

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  I learned a new word today!
Posted by: Jude - 11-12-2016, 08:01 PM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - No Replies

Seen this used on another board in reference to the cry-ins, coloring books, warm cocoa, safe spaces, free hugs etc.

It's a great word that we can now revive! Goes all the way back to 1570.



Simple Definition of cosset

  • : to give (someone) a lot of care and attention or too much care and attention

cocker, coddle, baby, dandle, indulge, mollycoddle, nurse, pamper, spoil, wet-nurse

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  Trump's 757 and the Pilots
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-12-2016, 05:59 PM - Forum: Aviation Developments - Replies (4)

I started flying when I was 14 and once school was finished I spent 8.5 years as a Military Pilot and 8.5 years as a Corporate pilot before I hired on with the airlines (thank god) where I flew another 25 years before retiring! Watching this video brought back some old memories..

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  Isn't it time we all snapped out of it...
Posted by: Sol - 11-12-2016, 02:20 PM - Forum: A Rogue's Opinion Piece... - Replies (15)

This is an editorial mostly aimed at our Millennials that will be holding the reigns of our future.


To our youngsters out there, those who are in school, college and universities,

when will you realize that we've all been played?

For the last thirty years or so, we, the older versions of you, have been noticing changes in our world, changes in our cultures, changes in our institutions. We've been noticing changes in our youth behaviors, when it comes to internal policies. The recent win of President-Elect Donald Trump only emphasizes the fact that those changing behavioral patterns we had been noticing has become a hard cold reality. Reality being a key word here. But how much of it is true?

As we sit down and reflect on those last few days of elections, we realize that something is obviously wrong and that we've all been played.

Everyone was expecting a Clinton win. Why is that? The answer is quite simple, really. We had been conditioned to such a result.

For the last year and a half, the medias at large where holding a biased stance on possible results, from the very beginning. From Democratic Candidates being eliminated one by one, in order to favor Hillary Clinton, to a biased stance of a Clinton Sanders debate. The Nominee had been chosen in advance and the Medias at large played their roles in promoting it.

The thing is; it isn't their role. Journalism is to report in a non-biased ethical way, to be neutral in reporting the news. Even as we speak now, the major News platforms out there are still at it, decrying, denouncing and asking what could have gone wrong. Without the slightest clue that THEY went wrong.

Riots and protests are sparse and few and yet, they promote them like it's a civil war taking place. Don't fall for it. It isn't nearly as bad as they promote it.

Pollsters are also wondering about what went wrong, wearing horse blinders over the fact that they choose the districts and the people where they take their polls. If they had taken polls in an ethical way, they wouldn't have promoted a Clinton win. They would have seen that it was a very tight race.

The truth is that we have been taken for a ride, all of us. In such a way that even Donald Trump himself wasn't sure anymore that he had a chance, even though he ended up winning by a landslide. That in itself, should tell us a little something.

We had been conditioned to a unilateral Clinton win. The results should be shattering the trust we have in our Media corporations. They took every single one of us for the blinded individualistic brainwashed slaves they thought we were, and you Americans showed them otherwise.

This article is not to promote Donald Trump in any way, he's showed what he can do, against all odds. No, this is to promote awareness to the proliferation of propaganda, bought and paid for by those same power hungry individuals that are working so hard at changing our youth behavioral patterns.

Some of you Millennials are depicted as being devastated by the Trump win. Again, a few dozens, or thousands, of you not being able to cope does not mean that all of you, millions, are in the same boat. Another attempt by the Medias (those same Medias that prepared you to a Clinton win) to show you as weak and afraid. Don't fall for it.

Isn't it time we all snapped out of it?

Isn't it time we stop buying what the Medias are selling us? Remember, the role of a Media corporation is to report news in a non biased ethical way. To not do so is the same as having a State governed Media like we see in North Korea and Russia. There are NO differences.

I have hope for our young people out there. You can't be as cowardly and dumb as the Medias try so hard to portray you.

And if you are, isn't it time you snapped out of it?

I think it's time we all did.

Marc Gerard for Rogue-Nation.

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  Richard Dolan and the Trump election with disclosure
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-12-2016, 04:10 AM - Forum: Election 2016 ! - No Replies


Quote:The Disclosure Movement and Donald Trump

November 10, 2016
Richard Dolan

[Image: 910def_31ebf26355254e4188ea681873fa64f9~mv2.jpg]

I was as surprised as anyone by the victory of Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. Like many other independent analysts, including most recently Julian Assange, I had been certain that the establishment would not allow a Trump presidency to happen.
For sure, the power elite closed ranks and did everything possible to ensure a victory for Clinton. This included not only the Democratic party (which previously played dirty pool against Bernie Sanders), but the entire mainstream media machine, the financial community, the EU, and even the Republican party itself. If nothing else, I had concluded that the media alone had done a sufficient job of demonizing Trump – multiple negative headlines daily for more than a year – to make him unelectable to the American people.
For more than a year, we have been told that Trump is a racist, sexist, xenophobe, liar, cheat, and narcissist. The attack bears all the marks of a coordinated effort among the major news outlets: CNN, NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, USA Today, and the rest. It reminded me very much of the concerted media attack against Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff which culminated earlier in 2016 in her impeachment and removal from power. In the case of Rousseff, we see what has been alternately described as a soft coup or a Wall Street coup, rather along the lines of the “color revolutions” of a few years earlier (which are now largely understood as CIA-NGO orchestrated). In both cases, pretexts were created and hammered home by an insistent media that whipped up public opinion. In Brazil, it worked. It seemed like it would work in the U.S.
It is important to understand why Trump was demonized. To be sure, his character makes it easy. There is no shortage of narcissistic, sexist, or otherwise offensive statements in his repertoire from which to draw. But I have never and will never believe this is why he was demonized. Ultimately, Trump is a disruptor, and his disruption falls squarely against the two key pillars of the American ruling elite’s ideology: neoliberalism and neoconservatism.
Unlike traditional liberalism and conservatism, neoliberalism and neoconservatism are not opposites. Neoliberalism is just another name for transnational globalization, while neoconservatism is nothing other than the U.S.-dominated global empire project. They work together, two inhuman, anti-human processes that ensure a tiny minority of people control and own all the water, minerals, drugs, GM foods, and everything else worth owning in this world. Hillary Clinton, as the ultimate representative of such an agenda, received unwavering support from all segments of that establishment, certainly from the media. Trump, on the other hand, was vilified.
This is because, at least in his rhetoric, Trump showed that he is not a reliable globalist or empire-builder. Say what you want about him, but more than once he spoke to hard-core Republican gatherings against the 2003 war in Iraq and the unconscionable destruction in 2011 of the most prosperous and successful nation in Africa: Libya. What George W. Bush did to Iraq, Obama and Clinton (and Cameron and Sarkozy) did to Libya, leaving it in a smoking heaping ruin from which it may never recover in our lifetime. As an aside, I remain astonished at my self-described “progressive” friends who consistently overlook the obliteration of Libya, all based on lies and greed. The wreck of that nation will forever be a black stain on the careers of Obama and Clinton, and on the legacy of the United States as a whole.
For Trump to speak out about these wars, as incompletely as he did, nevertheless took political courage and he was right to do so. He spoke out forthrightly against the perfidious TPP and TTIP, agreements which go far beyond “free trade” and truly hand over national and local rights to transnational corporations, seemingly for all time. Trump also never signed on to the obscene anti-Russian hysteria promoted by Clinton and the entire rest of the national security establishment, whether they be Democrats or truly insane members of the Republican party like John McCain or Lindsey Graham. And, despite his obvious lack of deep understanding of the problems concerning Syria and the rest of the Middle East, he has at least shown a willingness to work with the legitimate (and secular) government of Bashar al-Assad in fighting the jidahists that have overrun that country. It is true that rhetoric is one thing and action quite another, but Trump’s rhetoric alone placed him in a position diametrically opposed to everything the past several war-making presidencies have stood for.
It is interesting now to see riots developing across the U.S. in response to the Trump victory. Predictably, they seem to be led by young people who, as is always the case with the U.S.-CIA-NGO model of color revolution, are the most easily manipulated. A year of CNN demonization has convinced them that Trump is the next Hitler, and they are acting accordingly.
While Trump has said a number of things that do not sit well with me and other civil libertarians, I repeat what I have said elsewhere. If you are concerned about fascism coming to America, don’t look for a fist pounding demagogue. Look instead at a government that can read every email you have ever written, GPS you at any time, know your internet habits better than you do, surveil you literally wherever you go in any major city, and use your information against you if they decide, however loosely, that you are an enemy of the state. That is fascism, and the U.S. has been living that bipartisan nightmare for 15 years. Thank you George W. Bush. Thank you Barack Obama.
Trump might make that situation worse, or he might not. But without a doubt his rhetoric has spoken directly to those who feel left behind by globalization, to a middle class that has been effectively disemboweled over the last generation, in which economic hope has all but evaporated. Trump has played to that part of the electorate, and only time will tell whether or not he is sincere, or can deliver.
An interesting sidelight to the recent presidential campaign has been the discussion around Hillary Clinton and her campaign manager John Podesta, and their relationship to the UFO phenomenon, specifically the matter of “disclosure.” That is, whether or not President Hillary Clinton would disclose the reality of the UFO phenomenon to the public if she were elected. To those people not following this, such talk might seem crazy nonsense. But it is true that Podesta has long discussed his interest in the subject and even generated a New Year’s tweet about wanting #disclosure. More recently, we learned via Wikileaks that rock star Tom DeLonge had been communicating with Podesta, introducing him to several prominent generals and members of the aerospace community regarding the UFO reality and even possession of ET technology. The leaks do not give a strong indication of Podesta’s attitude, except that he seemed at least moderately interested. Regarding Hillary herself, we all remember her appearance on the Jimmy Kimmel show when she briefly talked about the subject, even correcting Kimmel on nomenclature (UAP, not UFO), before continuing lamely about maybe going to Area 51 to see what it’s all about.
All this sparked a great deal of discussion among some people following all this. My friends and colleagues Steve Bassett and Grant Cameron in particular were of the opinion that Hillary (or even Obama himself) might disclose the truth about UFOs soon. For my part, I never held this opinion and never hesitated to say so. I have never seen a motivation for such a politically experienced operator as Podesta to want true disclosure. As my co-author and I concluded in our study A.D. After Disclosure, this subject is too radical for any politician to handle. At least not without some crisis that might force their hand. But to disclose because it’s “the right thing to do,” or some such? Not a chance. Not Podesta, and certainly not Hillary Clinton. I never believed they would ever disclose – unless, I suppose, as an extremely partial and selective disclosure designed in some way to further the political ends of supporting their neoliberal-neoconservative vision. And if that were the case, count me out. I’d rather live with the aliens.
But all this talk about Hillary and Disclosure is now moot. It’s never going to happen. What then, about The Donald?
I am not aware of any major statement Donald Trump has made about the UFO subject. I don’t know whether or not he takes it seriously. But we need to realize that 2016 is not 1996. Talking about UFOs is not the kiss of death it once was. Times are changing and for all I know Trump just might bring it up. Because Trump is so much more disruptive to the established order than Hillary Clinton could ever be, I might just think he would be more likely to entertain the ultimate disruption of UFO disclosure. At the very least, he would seem more likely to surprise us than she would.
For my part, I don’t expect UFO disclosure coming from the U.S. government any time soon. While I personally believe in the value of speaking the truth on this matter – and in my judgment there is no question that the phenomenon is real, serious, and a matter of national security around the world – I don’t see sufficient motivation coming from Washington for some time. There is still too much for the power elite to lose.
I remember eight years ago several opportunistic individuals were stating their conviction (or alleged inside knowledge) that Barack Obama was going to disclose the UFO reality. I never for a moment believed that, and I don’t for a moment believe the Clinton faction, or most likely the Trump faction, would ever willingly get aboard the Disclosure Train.
Having said all that, we live in revolutionary times, technologically, socially, economically, and now politically. Our world is in flux and in such a situation, things can happen unexpectedly. The Trump victory means that the neolib-neocon establishment is on the back foot for the moment. Don’t expect that to last too long, unless a miracle occurs and the Trump administration actually moves against them. I’m not counting on it, but then again some people like to buy lottery tickets. Odds seem about the same to me.
The reality is that the U.S. is a global empire that is resisting with all its might the inevitable development of a multipolar world. That brings great danger, and a lot of crazy people inside Washington who think they can stave off the inevitable. Those people had the ear of Bush, Obama, and Clinton. They were and remain very dangerous. They are still in the U.S. government and will be there to greet President Trump. The question of UFO disclosure is merely one of many treacherous issues that the coming four years will see play out. Personally, I am more concerned about a false flag designed to throw us into another major regional war, complete with all the fascist trappings it will bring.
Richard Dolan
Brisbane, Australia
10 November 2016

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