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Posted by: NightskyeB4Dawn - 11-07-2022, 01:42 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (5)

As a child I was voracious reader. I would get so drawn into a book that I could smell, taste, and feel what I was reading. I would actually see people I had never met, thinking I had met them before, only to realize later that they looked like someone I had read about.

As I got older, and I got into audio books, I realized that I could smell and taste what I was hearing.

Lets jump forward to now. I am old. I have a few odd heath problems, and my congenital vision problems are slowly increasing. So at first I did not think it odd that I was noticing sudden strong odors, with no real origin. Most recognizable, some pleasant, rarely unpleasant. After this went on for a while, it began to increase, was more noticeable and started to become worrisome.

Well nothing to worry about. It was diagnosed as Synesthesia.

My brain generates smells out of nowhere, just because I see something or I hear it spoken of. It comes and goes. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it, but I have learned to identify the source fairly quickly. See an ad for brownies, and the aroma of brownies will surround me. I don't have to see them. I could be in another room and here the word brownies, and I smell them.

Laughing. Just sitting here writing about brownies and the smell is so strong, it is amazing to me that no one else can smell them. As quirky as this may sound, it is not that rare. Wondering if any of my fellow rogues, have this quirk.

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  Happy 75th or not
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-06-2022, 09:28 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - No Replies

Happy 75th to the longest-running TV program in the United States:

[Image: Fybk7pb.jpg]

Co-founder and moderator of @MeetThePress at the start in 1947 was Martha Rountree, pioneer for women in American journalism:

[Image: 8JH47sX.jpg]

Co-founder and longtime Meet The Press moderator was (at left) Lawrence Spivak:

[Image: S4yfF1t.jpg]
1951 was also BIG year for bio-warfare on Americans, but that is another story.

[Image: IUSOkqu.jpg]


[Image: SK4BpVq.jpg]

[Image: xBYMgT3.jpg]

It's all summed up here - https://twitter.com/MeetThePress/status/...3430851584

As the banner of the day says, I sometimes look at things differently. tinycool

And today...

[Image: Felneaw.jpg]

Imagine how excited the architects of CIA Project Bluebird would be if you showed them Twitter. As we all know the media and the CIA have a long cozy history together and social media is just the evolution of those programs. The Bluebird killed the Mockingbirds by allowing them to show their hideous, hate-filled souls to the entire world. The inversion process.

New name for Elon Musk's Twitter: Texas Institute (of) Technology (&) Science

The underlying theme of Bluebird is information control by means of controlling the future physical and mental actions of individuals from any distance. Fast, effective and highly specific long range mind control. They were confident 70 years ago that one day they’d be successful. What if you took everything you learned from 70 years of mind control research and fed it to an AI super-duper computer and then you feed it the data from a collective super intelligence like Twitter? It could potentially be controlling people without anyone even realizing it.

[Image: Y4Vcfvz.jpg]

[Image: 5zFTEhW.gif]

[Image: yNeJo5o.jpg]

“The fact that we feel religiously inclined during the waking life depends first of all upon the fact that this feeling of anxiety and this longing for the Divine which we experience in the night have their after-effects during the day...While all other planetary and fixed star forces actually draw the human being out of his physical body during sleep, it is the lunar forces which again and again return him, when he wakes, to his physical body.”
– Rudolf Steiner (November 5, 1922)

[Image: ryhdPo6.jpg]
Been here several times & sadly several naive souls have been lost here.

I leave this image to ponder, like some of my posts.

[Image: tjDy2kt.jpg]

P.S. Happy Finnish Swedish Heritage Day

[Image: V31p126.jpg]


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  Earth's past enviornment
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-06-2022, 01:03 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (12)

Due to Earth's atmosphere and temperature we have all heard there were some big Mega Fauna in the past. The Average temperature way back when was around 73 degrees where as today the average world temp is around 57. The oxygen content was 31% compared to 21% today plus the atmosphere was about double the pressure of today allowing for big bugs and creatures that could not fly in today's current atmospheric pressure.

This is the 4th time I have tried to post this as the share takes you to a different video... Maybe this time it will work !
Yep Success !

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  If I won the Powerball
Posted by: ChiefD - 11-06-2022, 02:29 AM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (12)

Well, if I won the Powerball, Mega Millions, Publishers Clearinghouse, anything with huge honking piles of money, I thought I’d make a fantasy post about the compound/club/exclusive haven I’d create for those of us at Rogue Nation to hang out at. Since I have a vivid imagination, I thought it would be fun to talk about this, knowing it’s just bullshit and pure fantasy and imagination on my part. 

Of course, I’d need input from all of you. I think our exclusive haven should be on a really super nice beach somewhere. It wouldn’t have to be in the United States. It could be in Bali, Costa Rica, Tahiti, somewhere tropical where it’s warm all year. 

It could be a series of nice buildings like a five star hotel with every luxury imaginable. There would be a full time concierge team 365 days a year. In the center of the complex would be an indoor/outdoor restaurant. There would be a luxury spa, an outdoor theme park, and treehouses for those who like to have a birds eye view of everything. 

It would have a nice airstrip to land big planes that could be leased. I would buy one Gulfstream IV  to take anyone to the retreat from anywhere in the world. It would only be open to those in Rogue Nation and their families. 

Oh, and of course it would have to have the best golf course in the whole world! With a clubhouse to rival anything in the world. And there would have to be a yacht so we can go on cruises out in the ocean and gallivant all over the place. 

Sound like fun? I mean, it’s a total fantasy, but sometimes it’s fun to use your imagination.

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Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-05-2022, 12:13 AM - Forum: Physical Health - Replies (14)

Came across an essay I thought worth sharing, titled "WE DON’T HAVE AMNESIA – SO YOU WON’T HAVE YOUR AMNESTY!"

Quote:by Ray Jason

[Image: AI70JXf.jpg]

This is my response to the recent article in THE ATLANTIC magazine entitled “Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty.” I have a superior idea. Let’s arrest, try and prosecute those who committed Crimes against Decency, Common Sense and Humanity.

The essay is written by Emily Oster, who most definitely was not an innocent bystander during the WuFlu Paranoia Op. In fact, she might easily qualify for the Obnoxious Karen Hall of Fame. In her Twitter comments she sounds like a kindergarten teacher scolding us for breaking our crayons. Here are some examples:

I think governors should consider a short term lock-down over Thanksgiving week”
“If you’re pregnant and un-vaccinated, get vaccinated.”
“Maybe vaccine requirements for things you want to do – domestic air/train travel, work, sports events. Yes.”
But she would prefer that these tweets disappear down the Memory Hole. That’s because her motivation in writing this essay is not to make a heart-felt confession that could lead to societal healing. Her actual desire is to … cover her ass!


And since THE ATLANTIC magazine is a mouthpiece for our ruling elites, who I prefer to call our Malignant Overlords, my guess is that Ms. Oster’s article was also a trial balloon to see how easy it might be for them to escape the Jaws of Justice.
Their hope is that we, the regular folk, have somehow forgotten the evil lies and commandments that they rained down upon us for over two years. But we do not have amnesia – and there will be no amnesty. Because forgiveness without justice is appeasement! And that just leads to further crimes by the predatory class.


We have not forgotten what you did to us because of a virus with about a 99% survival rate. We clearly remember the bogus PCR tests and the stupid masks that might stop an olive – but would never stop a microscopic virus particle.

We know that you violated hundreds of years of contagious disease protocols, when you locked down the healthy instead of quarantining the sick. And when you would not allow us to go outdoors and receive the healing power of vitamin D in the sunlight.

We recall vividly the crimes you committed against our children. How could we forget that you isolated them from their playmates, and made them fear each other as contagious disease carriers. We look at the clear decline in cognitive ability that they have suffered, and we know that you caused this.

Nor have we forgotten how you treated our elderly, even as you maliciously called us the Granny Killers. Our images of them having to die alone and terrified, because of a disease no worse than the flu, have not been erased.

Surely, we will never forget the scorn you heaped upon us for questioning whether the disease was as virulent as you insisted. And we know – yes we know

that there were thousands of courageous doctors and virologists and common sense skeptics that took to the internet watch-towers and tried to shout out warnings. But you shamed and silenced their messages. In many cases you ruined their lives to make an example of them.

And we will never forget how you tore apart our communities. How so many mom-and-pop stores were ordered closed and could never re-open. And this while the big box chain stores reaped record profits because they were allowed to stay open.

Plus we recall what you did to the family unit. Suicide rates sky-rocketed as did domestic violence, alcoholism, drug abuse and overdoses. You shredded the cornerstone of any society.

It did not escape our realization that the areas that locked down their people the most, also had the highest fatality rates. And we certainly noticed that even as you screamed that the hospitals were over-flowing, the internet was overflowing with nurses dancing in Tik Tok videos.


There were many of us who recognized early on that all of the horrors of this “Pandemic” were not due to bad planning, they were due to precise planning.
The entire emergency was a scam designed to steer us into a Worldwide Bio-Medical Tyranny. Look at who the dominant players in the fraud were:

At the top is the U.N. through the World Health Organization. Tedros, its leader, is noteworthy for at least two ironic reasons. He is not a doctor. And his home country of Ethiopia is hardly a gleaming beacon of hygiene and health.

Just below them is the World Economic Forum, that envisions a future where you will “Own nothing and be happy.” Their leader is Klaus Schwab, who could easily be cast as the megalomaniac villain in any B movie. His true desire is to turn you into an Android Serf.

Then there is the American medical bureaucracy, which includes the CDC, the NIH and the FDA. Anthony Fauci is the high potentate of this Octopus of Ill Health. As the Mesmerizer-in-chief, this grand deceiver should fear the Jaws of Justice more than anyone.

Surely, we cannot exclude Bill Gates and his foundation that spreads lies and disease to almost every continent. His “philanthropy” is banned from several countries because of the grim results of his “helpfulness.”


I have saved our memories of the Covid “vaccines” for the end of this essay. That’s because we won’t just remember the Clot Shot, but will actually be suffering the consequences of it through either disease or death for many years.

We will not forget your lies claiming that you “could not get Covid” if you were vaccinated. And your false statements that you cannot “transmit it” if vaxxed up, have not faded away as you wish they would.

And don’t expect us to ever forget how many people suffered under vaccine mandates. We could not travel. We could not go to restaurants or gyms. And we lost our jobs and the means to support our families.

Nor will we ever forget the side effects. The online videos of people’s bodies shaking uncontrollably and constantly. The needle sites on the shoulder that became magnetized. The ugly facial distortions caused by Bell’s Palsey.

And above all, we will not forget the death. The young athletes in peak health falling down dead on playing fields. The many victims who died while still in the vaccine administration centers. The cancers tearing through bodies far faster than ever before. The huge rise in all-cause mortality.
We will not forget what you did to us. And we will not forgive what you did to us

In conclusion, Emily, here is my suggestion to you.
Stand in front of your college classes and sincerely apologize to them for the part you played in supporting this atrocity. Then do your best to see to it that the real masterminds of this evil have their day in court and after that … their dose of justice.

To read more of Ray Jason’s essays, please visit The Sea Gypsy Philosopher.

Posted on The Burning Platform

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  If I ever get my rating privileges back
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-04-2022, 11:33 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (5)

If I ever get my rating privileges back it will take a month of Sundays to go back and give positive ratings to everyone who has commented in my threads. As it stands now the page locks up when I try to give someone a +1 rating. minusculechairshot

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  Friday's Shoutbox
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-04-2022, 08:07 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (17)

Friday's Daily Dose minusculeguzzlingbeer 

[Image: Mjh8xOX.jpg]
The Covert Clowns | Propaganda Times

[Image: 5xLLZC0.jpg]
Daily Dose

[Image: est4zCO.jpg]
Yahoo! news

Quote:In a letter published Nov. 3 to the New England Journal of Medicine, authors of the Qatar study detailed how they sought to investigate the “phenomenon” by examining tens of thousands of people in the country who had been reinfected with an omicron subvariant.

The study found that when looking at participants who had received three vaccine doses and had also been previously infected with an omicron subvariant, they experienced more reinfections than participants who had only gotten two doses.
Yahoo archived copy

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[Image: IAXuft8.gif]

Quote:Military Leaders Praise Musk as Treasury Officials Eye Twitter Deal

Outgoing Chief of Space Operations Gen. Jay Raymond thanked the SpaceX CEO “for being here.”

“What he symbolizes, in reality, is the combination of the civil and military cooperation and teamwork that makes the United States the most powerful country in space. So, Elon, thank you for making yourself present here today,” Gen. Mark Milley said during the Wednesday ceremony at Joint Base Andrews outside Washington, D.C.


An Australian university has unearthed millions of Tweets by fake ‘bot’ accounts pushing disinformation on the Ukraine war.

A team of researchers at the University of Adelaide have found that as many as 80 percent of tweets about the 2022 Russia-Ukraine invasion in its early weeks were part of a covert propaganda campaign originating from automated fake ‘bot’ accounts.

An anti-Russia propaganda campaign originating from a ‘bot army’ of fake automated Twitter accounts flooded the internet at the start of the war. The research shows of the more than 5-million tweets studied, 90.2 percent of all tweets (both bot and non-bot) came from accounts that were pro-Ukraine, with fewer than 7 percent of the accounts being classed as pro-Russian.

The university researchers also found these automated tweets had been purposely used to drive up fear amongst people targeted by them, boosting a high level of statistically measurable ‘angst’ in the online discourse.

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  Happy Friday - Freyja's Day!
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-04-2022, 05:52 PM - Forum: Daily Chit Chat - Replies (4)

Freya / Freyja - Powerful Goddess of Norse Mythology (8 min)

[Image: VzC3dsT.jpg]

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  Photos Show China’s Massive Military Buildup in South China Sea
Posted by: 727Sky - 11-04-2022, 02:30 PM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (2)

I did not know there were this many converted islands

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  The Real Significance of North Korea’s Recent Military Activities
Posted by: EndtheMadnessNow - 11-04-2022, 01:03 AM - Forum: General News and Events - Replies (3)

Think tank article from 38 North.

Quote:As expected, much of the media commentary on North Korea’s new nuclear law and a barrage of missile launches and artillery firing in recent weeks, including its latest firing across the inter-Korean maritime border, has ultimately boiled down to one single question: What does Kim Jong Un want?[1] While there is a long list of possible domestic and external factors driving North Korea’s ongoing moves, these activities need to be viewed in tandem with what appears to be Pyongyang’s shifting foreign policy. Only then can we understand the North’s current calculus and the broader policy implications.

By now, North Korea’s gravitation toward China and Russia and Kim Jong Un’s “no negotiation” speech has been chronicled extensively. The real significance of these developments goes beyond North Korea simply joining the anti-West bloc led by China and Russia in what some have termed “Cold War 2.0”: It signals a fundamental shift away from the North’s 30+ year policy of nonalignment with China or Russia and efforts to normalize relations with the United States. North Korea’s view of the global political order and how the United States fits into its foreign policy will have implications for the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and the region, including the prospects for nuclear talks.

Tracking the Signs

No country’s actions occur in a vacuum, and the same goes for North Korea. For that reason, rather than reacting to or parsing Pyongyang’s actions piecemeal, it is important to examine the context of these actions—the backdrop against which its perceptions are formed and decisions are made and implemented.

Signs of Pyongyang’s pivot to China have been building up steadily and consistently in recent years, as evidenced by the North’s official support for the thorny issues of Hong Kong and Taiwan as early as August 2019 and June 2020, respectively.[2]

The February 4 China-Russia joint statement, where the two countries laid down their vision of a new global order and promised “no limits” in friendship, appears to have been an inflection point for the North Korean leadership that would change its worldview and fundamentally transform its foreign policy of more than 30 years.

In this document, Kim Jong Un likely saw an increasingly fragmented world where US power and leadership are waning on the world stage. His thinking was reflected in his speech to the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) in September, where he declared, “the change from a unipolar world advocated by the US into a multipolar world is being accelerated significantly.”[3] This appears to have emboldened North Korea to fundamentally recalibrate its policy of nonalignment with either China or Russia and the use of the US as a buffer against these two giant neighbors.

Within a month of adopting this joint statement, North Korea moved rapidly to align itself with Russia, issuing a Foreign Ministry statement blaming the US for the Ukrainian situation.[4] The following month, Kim Jong Un’s inspections of the National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) and the Sohae Satellite Launching Station were followed by the North’s first successful intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch since November 2017, marking an official end to its own moratorium on long-range ballistic missile and nuclear weapon testing.[5]

Over the summer, North Korea’s moves to strengthen relations with China and Russia reached new heights. The North Korean defense minister pledged “strategic and tactic[al] coordinated operations’“ with the Chinese army, while Kim Jong Un praised a new level of “strategic and tactical cooperation” with Russia, both highly unusual terms to be used in reference to those respective countries.[6] The North’s alignment with Russia became more pronounced, as seen by its diplomatic recognition of the two breakaway Ukrainian provinces and support for Russia’s annexation.[7] The North Korean party daily’s publication of the Russian ambassador to the DPRK’s interview with the Russian government newspaper was another significant nod to the bilateral ties.[8] Pyongyang’s bolder strides toward China and Russia since the summer possibly reflect the new directives given at a Party plenum in June, where Choe Son Hui was named foreign minister, most likely to implement North Korea’s new foreign policy.


The true import of this policy shift extends beyond just North Korea’s pivot to China and Russia—it signals a more fundamental transformation in Pyongyang’s position on relations with Washington.

First, it seems to spell the end of a strategic decision made 30 years ago by Kim Il Sung to normalize relations with Washington as a buffer against Beijing and Moscow.

If the earlier signals were not clear enough, Kim Jong Un drove the nail home in his 8,500-word speech to the SPA in early September, released in tandem with the North’s new nuclear law. In this authoritative speech, Kim made a rare direct reference to denuclearization, proclaiming that “there will never be… denuclearization first, nor will there be any negotiations to this end.” As if to underscore his point, he added: “We have drawn the line of no retreat regarding our nuclear weapons so that there will be no longer any bargaining over them.”

This was a hardened line compared to Kim Jong Un’s speech at a party plenum in December 2019, when he said, “if the US persists in its policy hostile towards the DPRK, there will never be the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” without any references to negotiations, bargaining, or a “line of no retreat.”[9] In his latest speech, Kim did offer one condition on which he might change his nuclear policy—“should the political and military environment on the Korean peninsula [change].” However, that condition seems extremely difficult, if not impossible, to meet, assuming that Kim means something along the lines of the five conditions for the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula the DPRK government announced in 2016, including the withdrawal of US forces from the Korean Peninsula.

This appears to suggest North Korea is walking back the line about the United States that was first established by Kim Il Sung (resulting in the 1994 Agreed Framework)—eventually normalizing bilateral diplomatic ties with the United States by working toward denuclearization. This line continued into Kim Jong Il’s and Kim Jong Un’s time, as exemplified by the Six-Party Talks in the 2000s and the 2018 Singapore Joint Statement.

Second, it seems to reflect a change in the long-held belief in Pyongyang that creating a “favorable external environment”—typically a reference to improved ties with the US—is integral to economic reform.

This is perhaps well encapsulated by these somber words in Kim’s speech to the SPA: “Our generation will not pursue an immediately visible improved environment for the economic life at the cost of giving up the nuclear weapons.” In the same speech, Kim continued to endorse reform initiatives, calling for “improving the management of business and enterprises in a way that they can maximize profits.” The implication is that North Korea would attempt to continue with reforms and ameliorate the economy, but not by improving relations with the US.

This marks a major departure from the past. Historically—for example, in the early 2000s and 2018, both milestone years in North Korea’s economic policy—there has been a strong correlation between North Korea’s reform drive and its diplomatic outreach, particularly toward Washington.[10] It is possible that North Korea’s survival despite prolonged self-isolation, which some had surmised could bring an end to the regime, coupled with potential economic benefits from alignment with China and Russia, has emboldened Pyongyang into seeking a different path.

Going Forward

It is uncertain how long the North’s current foreign policy will last, but the magnitude of the change suggests it will remain in place at least for the near term. That said, this policy is not conducive to diplomacy or easing tensions. For example, North Korea’s “strategic and tactic[al] coordinated operations’’ and “strategic and tactical cooperation” with China and Russia, respectively, could have security implications for the Korean Peninsula and the region if they are translated into action, particularly as the war in Ukraine is prolonged and cross-Strait tensions rise.

North Korea’s foreign policy now seems dominated by the school of thought that engagement with the US is futile and that the country’s national interests are best guaranteed through alignment with China and Russia. Against that backdrop, it is important to make sustained efforts to persuade Pyongyang that normalizing relations with Washington would be advantageous to its regime security in the long run, and create some space for those in the North Korean system who favor diplomacy with the US (assuming they still exist), so that the current policy does not become a fixture.

How exactly to do this? That is a debate for another day.
The Real Significance of North Korea’s Recent Military Activities (November 2, 2022) 38 North is a project of The Henry L. Stimson Center.

Flashback to May 22/22:
Biden offers brief message for North Korea’s Kim: "Hello. Period"
The Hill 

[Image: ymbgTB8.jpg]

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