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  Iraq Twin Suicide Bomb.
Posted by: BIAD - 01-21-2021, 10:31 AM - Forum: Breaking News - Replies (6)

Here we go...
(The BBC titled the explosion as 'rare'!)

Quote:Iraq attack: Rare suicide bombing in central Baghdad kills six

'At least six people have been killed and 20 others injured in a suicide bombing at a crowded
commercial area in Iraq's capital, Baghdad, officials say.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8974]

Local media said the attacker detonated an explosive belt at a clothing market in Tayaran Square.
There were also reports of a second explosion nearby.
It was the first such attack in the city for more than a year and a half.

No group has claimed it was behind the blast. But the Islamic State (IS) group has carried out many
similar attacks...'
Archived Version:

AP News:

Quote:The Associated Press
BREAKING: Twin suicide bombings have hit Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, killing at least six people and
wounding over 25 others.

Quote:Officials: Suicide bombs rock central Baghdad, 6 dead

'Twin suicide bombings hit Iraq’s capital Thursday killing at least six people and wounding at least 25 others,
police and state TV said. Three police officials said two explosions hit a commercial center in central Baghdad.
Iraqi state television reported they were suicide bombings. Many of the wounded were in serious condition and
there was property damage.
The police officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.

The bombings are the first in years to target Baghdad’s bustling commercial area. They come amid heightened
political tensions as Iraq looks to have early elections in October. The perpetrators were not immediately known.
Iraq has seen attacks perpetrated by both the Islamic State group and militia groups in recent months.

Militias have routinely targeted the American presence with rocket and mortar attacks, especially the U.S. Embassy
in the heavily fortified Green Zone. The pace of the attacks has decreased since an informal truce was declared by
Iran-backed armed groups in October.

The Islamic State group has perpetrated similar attacks in the past but has rarely been able to target the capital
since being dislodged by Iraqi forces and the U.S.-led coalition in 2017 battles...'
AP News:

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  High Level Cop Exposes Illegal Quota — Cops Told to Make Arrests Even if There’s No C
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-21-2021, 07:42 AM - Forum: Social Unrest and Justice - Replies (1)

Most of us have heard of such corrupt things done by police departments. At least this time there is a lawsuit involved. It is not just big cities that do this but small cities as well; that is how they fund their police departments. Speed limits going from 70 MPH to 30MPH is a 1/4 of a mile works great at catching people who do not slow down fast enough.

Quote:[Image: QUOTA-1050x525-1.jpg]By Matt Agorist

Chicago, IL — Most people reading this article know what it is like to have the blue and red lights pop up in your rear view mirror. The last thing going through your mind at this point is the feeling of ‘being protected.’ This feeling comes from the fact that the overwhelming majority of the time a driver sees police lights in their mirror is because they have been targeted for revenue collection—often the result of a quota system—and they are about to be given a ticket, or worse.
Police, we are told, are here to keep us safe and protect us from the bad guys. However, public safety all too often takes a back seat to revenue collection. Time and time again, the Free Thought Project has exposed quota schemes in which officers were punished for not writing enough tickets or making enough arrests.
The most recent ticket writing and arrest scheme to be exposed comes out of Chicago, Illinois. The Chicago police department is one of the most notoriously corrupt departments in the country which is why it should come as no surprise the cop who exposed the illegal quota system was retaliated against.

Chicago Police lieutenant Franklin Paz, Jr., 48, has since filed a lawsuit against the department after he was demoted and reassigned to an entry-level position for exposing the department’s illegal arrest quota. Paz was in charge of a “platoon” of cops in a special unit called the Community Safety Team. As the lawsuit illustrates, however, the team was not at all concerned with safety, nor did they care about community.
The quota system, according to the lawsuit, was run by Deputy Chief Michael Barz who urged Paz and other lieutenants to increase the number of arrests, traffic stops, and tickets — regardless of actual criminal activity. In other words, cops were told to act like mafia goons and constantly shake down and harass citizens within the community.
“The use of numbers and statistics, particularly traffic stops, became the primary basis that Barz used to evaluate the work that the officers under his command were doing,” the lawsuit said.
The lawsuit also said Barz “expected” officers assigned to the new team to “generate specific amounts of police activity per shift they worked.” According to CBS 2, there are more than 1,000 officers assigned to the CST, which means tens of thousands of citizens were harassed by them on a daily basis.
The CST, according to Paz was made up of former SWAT team members, gang unit officers, gun and saturation teams. These cops with tactical training in kicking in doors and holding people at gunpoint were then unleashed on the community and forced to stop entirely innocent people to keep their numbers up.
Barz “demanded certain numbers relating to police activity, regardless of the criminal or traffic activity justifying police intervention,” according to the lawsuit.
“In other words,” the lawsuit said, “regardless of the criminal activity occurring that day, his officers were required to make the same number of stops.”
As CBS 2 points out, because police quotas are illegal in Illinois, Paz believed Barz was pressuring officers to “engage in illegal activity” that could lead to the profiling of residents. State statute says a police agency cannot require an officer issue a specific number of citations within a certain period of time.


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  Ordering a Pizza in 2021
Posted by: Ninurta - 01-20-2021, 10:44 PM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (3)

Quote:Ordering a Pizza in 2021

CALLER: Is this Pizza Hut?

GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza.

CALLER: I must have dialed a wrong number, sorry.

GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Pizza Hut last month.

CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza.

GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir?

CALLER: My usual? You know me?

GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust.

CALLER: Super! That’s what I’ll have.

GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust?

CALLER: What? I don’t want a vegetarian pizza!

GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir.

CALLER: How the hell do you know that?

GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years.

CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetarian pizza!  I already take medication for my cholesterol.

GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly.  According to our database, you purchased only a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once at CVS Pharmacy, 4 months ago.

CALLER: I bought more from another Pharmacy.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your credit card statement.

CALLER: I paid in cash.

GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.

CALLER: I have other sources of cash.

GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your latest tax returns, unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law!


GOOGLE: I'm sorry sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you.

CALLER: Enough already!  I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others.  I'm going to an island without the internet, TV, where there is no phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me.

GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago...

Welcome to the future!!!

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  Meet the new old guy
Posted by: 727Sky - 01-20-2021, 02:49 PM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (21)

Quote:Here is the story;Joe Biden and his first wife, Neilia, had three children: Hunter, Beau and Naomi.
In 1972, Neilia and Naomi, died in a car accident.   Joe eventually married a woman named Jill (his current wife). 

He already knew her because she had been Hunter's babysitter at the time of the car accident.
(Yeah, THAT seems normal- marry the babysitter). They had a daughter named Ashley. Ashley lives 'a quiet life' and
is frequently in and out of rehab for various substance abuse issues.

Now sadly, the sanest, most normal one of the 3 surviving kids, Beau, dies in 2015 from a brain tumor.
He had been married to Haillie and they had 2 children, a boy and a girl named Natalie, who was 11 yrs old when her dad died.

Enter Hunter Biden, in 2015, to "comfort" his brother's widow. Mind you, Hunter is married at the time, to Kathleen Biden, since
1993. He starts screwing around with his dead brother's wife in 2015...his wife Kathleen finds out about it and they separate.

Hunter moves in with his dead brother's wife, Haillie,and her two kids and they have a grand old time.
He ultimately gets divorced from Kathleen in 2017. Meanwhile, he starts screwing around with a stripper, while still shacking up
with his dead brother's wife, before his divorce is finalized, and gets the stripper pregnant.
Haillie kicks his butt to the curb supposedly for this indiscretion in 2018.

He denies the stripper's baby is his, although a paternity test proves otherwise.
Eventually he marries a woman named Melissa in 2019 after knowing her for 6 days...  Does the tale end there?
Why no, no it doesn't.That just sets the stage...Enter the laptop from hell...loaded with emails, text messages, photos,
child pornography, videos, and other sordid digital images of drug use and rampant weirdness....Hunter Biden dropped the
laptop off in Delaware, his home state, to get it repaired.

It seems he dropped it in some water while in a meth-induced state of mind. He then neglected to pay the $85.00 repair fee
and the laptop became the repair shop owner's property for non-payment. When the owner saw what was on it, he was so
disturbed that he contacted the FBI. No response.

The DOJ? No response. Eventually, it landed in Rudy Giuliani's possession and he turned it over to the Delaware State Police
AFTER making 4 copies of the hard drive. Turns out, there's quite a lot of child pornography on there...much of it involving
children on Hunter's many trips to China.

The Chinese Communist Party uses this as a blackmail tactic... They supply the young girls, they film you, unknowingly, and
then they can keep you "in line", while paying you the big $$$ to do their bidding, like lucrative deals with your VP father.

Millions of dollars were paid to Hunter Biden for favors with the US Govt while Joe Biden was VP under Obama.
For 8 years Hunter made the contacts and split the money with his father, referred to as the "Big Guy" in all emails detailing
how their ill-gotten gains would be split up amongst all the criminals involved.

Joe Biden sold out his country and used his meth head son to do it. ...But, IT GETS WORSE. Today, on the laptop, emails were
released between Beau Biden's widow, Haillie, and Joe Biden in 2017 and more in 2018 when she and Hunter were still living

They were casually talking about the continual "sexually inappropriate behavior" she had witnessed from Hunter toward her 14
year-old daughter, Natalie, HIS NIECE!She told Joe that she felt she had put her children in a dangerous situation by getting
involved with Hunter Biden.

Joe knew his son was screwing around with his niece and he advised his daughter-in-law to go to therapy.....No one went to the
police and the abuse escalated. THAT is the main reason she broke off her relationship with Hunter. Among the pictures of Hunter
having sex with young Asian children, there were hundreds of provocative pictures of a 14 year old girl, mainly topless, and hundreds
more of Hunter Biden, in sexual poses with her, HIS NIECE.

She was 14 yrs old and HE WAS 48!! THE END.....but, is it? Nope. Rudy says there is more to come, primarily involving Joe Biden
getting rich off laundering foreign money through our country, using his son as intermediary. Biden is as dirty and crooked as they come.
Hillary looks clean compared to him. Now it makes sense why Obama REFUSED to endorse him as the DNC candidate until he was
the last man standing!  

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  Friendly Visitor
Posted by: Bally002 - 01-20-2021, 09:15 AM - Forum: Animal House - Replies (17)

'True Love' found this critter above our bed in the curtain.  Known as a 'huntsman' but not the largest I've found.  Certainly big for inside the house.

[Image: Spider.jpg]

Hard to sleep at night knowing one of these might crab across your face at night.

Kind regards,


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  Heaviest element yet known discovered
Posted by: Ninurta - 01-20-2021, 08:11 AM - Forum: Humor, Jokes & Pranks - Replies (3)

Quote:Oxford University researchers have discovered the densest element yet known to science.

The new element, Governmentium (symbol=Gv), has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.

These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called pillocks.

Since Governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.

A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction that would normally take less than a second, to take from 4 days to 4 years to complete.

Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2 to 6 years.

It does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.

This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration.

This hypothetical quantity is referred to as a critical morass.

When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium (symbol=Ad), an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium, since it has half as many pillocks but twice as many morons.


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  A friend of patriots
Posted by: PLOTUS - 01-19-2021, 04:07 PM - Forum: Where Right goes Wrong - Replies (2)

Patience my friends, this a two part LINK, so just make the effort please. 

It will be worth the effort.
Seems an inconvenient truth these days but accurate.
      https://www.instagram.com/p/CKHJ_iUAVGY/   Many many many, A great deal of Fu_ _ s were given on this day. Rated *X* .....

Not the opinion or policy of RN3.     Mine alone

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  Joe Biden's Inauguration.
Posted by: BIAD - 01-19-2021, 02:47 PM - Forum: 2020 Presidential Race - Replies (22)

The dying mundane media were remit on reporting the amount of flight tickets purchased to get to
Mr Biden's inauguration, but we'll assume they just forgot. Also, resisting the optics that the same
media displayed on the poor turnover of audiences during Mr Biden's election rallies, we're to presume
that thousands will turn up and take a seat.

But don't expect standing room.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8965]

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  [Germany] The Covoid Camps.
Posted by: BIAD - 01-19-2021, 09:52 AM - Forum: Europe - Replies (6)

Is the wolf once again, loose in Europe?

Quote:Germany to repurpose refugee camps to detain people who repeatedly flout Covid
rules by going out when they should be quarantining

*Germans who don't quarantine to be held in detention centres under Covid rules
*State of Saxony has confirmed plans to hold rule-breakers in a refugee camp
*Baden-Württemberg will use two hospital rooms under watch of German police
*Schleswig-Holstein will use an area within a juvenile detention centre 

'Germans who refuse to quarantine after being exposed to Covid will be held in detention
centres under new rules prepared by regional authorities.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=8964]
Herr Merkel and the results of control.

The eastern state of Saxony has confirmed plans to hold quarantine-flouters in a fenced-off section
of a refugee camp set to be build next week. The regional state claimed that the facility will only be
used for people who have repeatedly flouted lockdown rules around self-isolation.

Baden-Württemberg in south-west Germany will use two hospital rooms to detain repeat offenders,
who will be guarded by police.

In Brandenburg, authorities will detain a section of a refugees centre, while Schleswig-Holstein will use
an area within a juvenile detention centre. Legal experts told Die Welt that state governments have powers
to detain people for breaching quarantine rules under the Disease Protection Act, passed by the German
Bundestag last March and renewed in November.

The plan has been widely criticised, with AfD MP Joana Cotar accused the Saxony government of 'reading
too much Orwell'. German authorities have come under fire for their management of the pandemic, with
proposals to impose national vaccine mandates in a bid to control the virus branded 'social dynamite'
by opposition figures.  

It comes as Chancellor Angela Merkel considers imposing a 'mega-lockdown'  and suspending public
transport after sparking a public backlash in the UK by calling 'mutant' Covid the 'British virus'.

Mass-selling newspaper Bild reported Ms Merkel wants to effectively shut down the country almost totally,
amid a general fear of the fast=spreading variant of coronavirus first detected in southern England.  

Countries in Europe are bracing themselves for the impact of the new variant of Covid-19, which has caused
daily cases to drastically increase in the UK, driving up the number of hospitalisations, and ultimately deaths.  

In neighbouring France, the government is expected to announce new restrictions on Thursday, also amid
fears of the UK variant, but unlike some of its neighbours a full lockdown appears off the agenda for now.

Jean-François Delfraissy, head of the scientific council advising the government on the epidemic, told France
Info radio on Wednesday that the UK variant accounted for an estimated 1 percent of new Covid-19 infections. 

This, he said, was not enough to justify closing schools in the country, saying 'We think English data on the
variant are not definitive enough to lead us to recommend the closing of schools in France.'

While the new variant is yet to become widespread in Germany, experts are concerned that their current
coronavirus measures are not strict enough, especially given the new strain is seemingly more contagious
than that of the first wave. 

The head of Germany's country's disease control agency claimed that Germany has too many loopholes in
its coronavirus lockdown rules, and said he believed that people were travelling more than in the first lockdown.
Lothar Wieler, president of the Institute, said data indicated people in Germany are travelling more than during
the first phase of the pandemic in spring, contributing to the virus' spread. 

German authorities have imposed restrictions on social contacts, largely closed schools and limited travel for
those in areas with high infection rates, but the rules aren't uniformly enforced across the country's 16 states.
'To me, these measures we're now taking aren't a complete lockdown,' said Wieler. 'There are still too many
exceptions and they aren't being strictly implemented.' 

Officials are considering tougher restrictions to curb the continued rise in infections.
The 7-day rolling average of daily new cases has risen over the past two weeks from 23.36 per 100,000 people
on Dec. 30 to 26.03 per 100,000 people on January 13.

While Germany's total deaths per capita since the pandemic began remain far lower than many of its European
neighbours, its daily per capita mortality since mid-December has often exceeded that of the United States.
Germany's daily death toll currently equates to about 15 deaths per million people, versus a 13 U.S. deaths per
one million. 

France on Wednesday recorded around 23,000 new cases of Covid-19, around half the number detected in Britain
on the same day but still far above the 5,000 figure the government had been aiming for by mid-December.
Among the measures floated to try to avert a much-feared third wave of infections amid an uptick in cases linked
to the British variant include expanding a 6:00 pm curfew in place in parts of the east to a national level.

Most of France is still subject to an 8:00 pm curfew imposed in mid-December when a second national lockdown
was lifted. Bringing it forward by two hours would stall the 'apero effect', said the leader of President Emmanuel
Macron's Republic on the Move party, Stanislas Guerini, referring to the French tradition of meeting up for a
pre-dinner aperitif.

France is warily eyeing the spread across its territory of a new variant of the virus discovered in Britain, which is
believed to be highly contagious...'
Archived Source:

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  Going Galt
Posted by: Ninurta - 01-18-2021, 05:33 AM - Forum: Political News and more - Replies (19)

The term "going Galt" comes from Ayn Rand's novel, "Atlas Shrugged". You may have heard the phrase "Who is John Galt?"... This is a recent communication I had:

Quote:What Do We Do Now? 

January 6th, 2021. We’re all well aware of the events that took place in Washington DC, but I think historians will remember it as the day America, as we know it, ended. 

A dark, new era has arrived. One where Capitalism is replaced with Socialism and Democracy gives way to Totalitarianism. Free and Fair elections are done. The Democrats have successful pulled off the Art of the Steal, and will continue to perfect it in every election. The Left now owns the government, media, tech, schools and healthcare, and there is no plan to give that power up, ever!

But what does the Left own exactly?

In order for the Left to take over the U.S., they needed to destroy a strong economy, wreck businesses and burn cities. What does that leave them with? A bitterly divided country with mountains of debt and an economy on life support. 

What Should We Do Now?

We must, “Go Galt”. 

Going Galt is a phrase taken from Atlas Shrugged. In that novel, the main character finds that the brilliant individuals of the world are simply vanishing. She eventually discovers that these titans of industry are leaving society and have formed a new community entirely separate from the world the socialists have taken over. Rather than let the socialists vampires leach off their intellect and ability, they voluntarily withdraw their talent from society in order to expedite the collapse. 

What if the new Socialist America could no longer extract your wealth, intellect and talent? What if Big Tech could no longer mine your personal data for ad revenue? What if Amazon no longer had you as a customer? What if you could systematically starve the beast?

Let’s Do It!

I’d like to introduce two ways we can “Go Galt”. Marketplace and Meetups

Marketplace: Online marketplaces are nothing new. We’ve got Facebook, Etsy, Ebay, Amazon, etc., but all these marketplaces benefit Zuck and Bezzo types. Not only that, but they can censor speech and restrict sales (redacted).

What if we created a simple marketplace (redacted) that let you buy and sell with others who refuse to support Socialist America? 

Would you use that? (redacted)

Meetups: Let’s say that once a month likeminded individuals from your area got together in person at a park or restaurant. The goal was to meet, find people you really connect with and form tribes. These large groups could share knowledge, train or simply barter goods and services, but the tribes would be closer knit groups that might come together in an SHTF event to try and ride out tough times. 


Going Galt

The system is collapsing, whether you participate or not. If you continue to contribute your talents and intellect, the system will feed off you like a vampire until they have killed you. Or, your could make a choice to walk away. Leave the cities and suburbs. Form tribes and communities that don’t use the dollar. Build a self-sustained system that values the country our founders envisioned and not this new Socialist America we now find ourselves in. 

Will you Go Galt?

The redactions are due to efforts already underway and being organized as we speak. No sense in telling the bastards where to look to find them.


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